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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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i believe that the strike on novorossiysk can be , if not a replacement for the strike on the kerch bridge, then a continuation of the strike on the kerch bridge, i.e. novorossiysk is asking itself, and on novorossiysk russia will also receive counter-sanctions from other countries, because part of the oil that is transferred through novorossiysk port, this oil is not russian or even kazakh, although it is produced in kazakhstan. and this is oil to international consortia, including american ones, and if russia does not ensure transshipment and transition of oil, then it will have serious, we have some problems with the connection, now we will restore the connection with volodymyr tsybulk, and in the meantime, donald tusk says that the sanctions against russia should not be fictitious. half of europe proclaims loud
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pro-ukrainian slogans and continues to trade with russia and belarus, the prime minister of poland said that the frozen assets may be enough to ensure ukraine's success in the war, that is, such an unexpected statement came from the mouth of donald tusk, because donald tusk in principle, now his government is being blamed in the fact that the state of poland at all, that they also trade with there. and belarus, mr. volodymyr, you are in touch, it is, well, in the context of these sanctions, sanctions policy and what tusk says, that in words everyone says that russia should be strangled with sanctions, in fact everyone bargains and trades with russia and belarus, well, there is actually inertia, because the russian market is very capacious, but the fact is that the purchasing power of russians is falling and... and russian policy of the russian
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state is reduced to minimization, i.e. to economy of currency resources, that is why this trade looks a little strange, because in fact, well, if export-import transactions take place, then most likely through some surrogate schemes, since there are no settlement mechanisms, the banking system is essentially blocked in russia. therefore, it is strange how , for example, the same polish companies pay for belarusian or russian products that they receive for themselves, and how they receive funds from russia for the delivery of certain groups of goods to russia, but this policy is such an ostrich policy, when talking about that russia should suffer from sanctions and this policy of double standards.
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including, by the way, from the european union, because on march 12, the eu decided to extend for half a year the sanctions against russia in response to the full-scale aggression against ukraine, but removed the sanctions from three people, it turned out that they are the founder of yandex, arkady volosh, former vice - the president of the system corporation, the owner of mts serhiy mdoyans and a citizen of slovakia, the president of the night wovka motorcycle club, josef. hambelek, eh, why, why europeans after all, ch why they are constantly trying to flirt with putin, it seems that everyone has already understood, everyone understands how it can all end, especially if there is no sanction, russia will acquire more and more finances, in which it will reinvest in its army. well, what 's going on, let's explain, he was born in kazakhstan, but now he's a citizen. israel,
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he sold russian assets even before the introduction of sanctions, which is why not only volozh, several billionaires have recently come out of sanctions, and we will explain this, because in principle the logic the european union is that they want to encourage, in this way, russian big business in actions against putin, or at least the withdrawal of assets from russia and, well, not financing. war , that's the logic, that's why it's all encouraged, in relation to these infamous motorcycle clubs, it was actually a scheme with the participation of the russian intelligence services, and it's strange when this slovak citizen was removed from sanctions, it's very strange, because in fact this motorcycle club . he was a mechanism for the promotion
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of such, well, soft russian power on the european union, this, well, this is in the light, by the way, of the events in slovakia, it is quite logical, because... obviously this is a signal from a part of the slovak political community, which suddenly ran under fico's banners. let me remind you that, for example, yesterday in slovakia there was a large rally of around 10,000 people, where disdain for fizo was expressed and support for ukraine was expressed. mr. volodymyr, at the very end of our program, i would like to ask you for a drink. to ask about your opinion regarding what hristo grozev said that there are fsb agents among ukrainian politicians and public activists, he is quite in some close will publish these data in the future, this is all happening against the background of the arrival of the security service
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of ukraine to the representatives of the so-called union of orthodox journalists, and who worked openly for moscow, what do you think, this is the network, about which... including khristogroziv, how big was it and is it still in ukraine? well, we see, we saw , for example, a huge list of journalists who worked on the channels of medvedchuk, i myself went there and gnawed there alone against 10, so to speak, medvedchuk residents, i saw them all on the channels murayev, in the end, and it is surprising that some of those people suddenly became... even officers of the main intelligence agency, who sat idly on medvedchuk's channels and promoted russian narratives, that's what the problem is, so in principle i tend to trust the actions of the service security, because despite everything,
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despite some scandals and at one time, we recall, before taking office, general malyuk declared about some kind of poroshenko boot farm, now eh... i think that the security service is quite neutral towards politicians, but it is very clearly working against, well , the russian power that has humiliated, well, we see a very clear consistent position regarding the ocu, oh, roc, uoc, mp, this is a very, very principled position, and well, we are watching further. actions around the kyiv-pechersk lavra , where traces of the uocp still remain, and this very, well, environment of orthodox journalists, it was a completely pro-russian network that was financed from russia, we see it and hear what they were saying all this
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time, i.e. did not serve the interests of russia all the time, by the way, regarding the actions of the security services. just in time, when a draft law was introduced, and now it is supposedly approved by the committee on the liquidation of the pcmp, even against the background of these events, literally yesterday, the funeral of a fallen soldier was held in bukovina, and there again the representatives of the pcmp did not allow her grave to be buried body of a soldier to the church, that is. this is common sense bullying, it must stop. well, one more very short question: opzzh is officially banned in ukraine, but deputies from opzzh remain both in the verkhovna rada and in local councils, because more than 400 of them were elected in 2020,
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they moved there to different factions or groups . what is the way to settle the issue of the exit of these people from power? in fact, in many district regional councils, i.e. in the kyiv regional council, in the fastova city council, these factions are suspended, that is , the deputies from these factions cannot vote, cannot take part in decision-making, but the strange behavior of the banking branch in relation to opzzh is therefore that banning the party, but leaving the faction within the walls of the parliament, is a mockery of common sense. in fact, this list should be is automatically zeroed and it is necessary to forget about them, by the way, i want to remind you that 3/4 of the opzh deputies, especially those on the list, they scuttled with the beginning of russian aggression, simply fled from ukraine, then
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after a few months they retroactively wrote statements about deputies, we have to go off the air, god forbid that they all snort, or at least half of them sit down. his anti-state activities, it was volodymyr tsibulko. friends, during this broadcast, we conducted polls and are conducting polls, because in the second part of the program, too it will be whether russian ipsos are capable of destabilization. yes, 74% no, these are the results of a television poll, in the second part of our program, which will start in 15 minutes, we will continue this poll, we will have political experts oleksiy holobutsky, ihor reiterovych and volodymyr fesenko, stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unbox strongg saw. just for you, with it you can easily trim trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work,
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and oskad pharmacies. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. candidates for the constitutional court. who conducted the interview? when was the constitution of ukraine adopted? i can answer questions. but why did the judge's drunken driving become the fruit of the poisonous tree? i was refused a medical examination. on thursday, march 14, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news. and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished
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guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! greetings, friends, the second part of the program is on the air, verdict, my name is serhiy rudenko, today i'm in the program. ready for a serious conversation, putin rushes to the table. negotiations with the leaders of the west, for which the kremlin dictator is begging for security guarantees, in anticipation of a new
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wave of mobilization, the elaboration of the draft law in the parliament is being delayed, to what extent it is realistic to replace 330,000 soldiers at the front. information special operation perun. intelligence warns of the activation of enemy agents, are russian ipsos able to destabilize ukraine? we work live, as well as on our own platforms on youtube and facebook, at the same time on youtube and on tv we conduct polls. today, we, friends, are asking you about whether russian information and psychology are capable. special operations to destabilize the situation in ukraine, today the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine reported that russian propagandists are preparing a special operation called perun to destabilize the political situation in ukraine and countries from the west, and this special operation is in an active phase, that is why we are asking you, are russian dogs capable
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destabilize the situation in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. if you think that the russians are capable of shaking up the situation in ukraine through ipso 0800-211-381, no (0800-2011-382). all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's guests, oleksiy holobutsky, political scientist, political technologist, deputy director of the situation modeling agency. mr. oleksiu, i congratulate you, thank you, that you are with us today congratulations. play igor. political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. congratulations. and volodymyr fesenko, political scientist, chairman of the board of the penta applied political research center. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. well, since we are asking our viewers and tv viewers about
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the russian epso, can the russian epso shake things up and destabilize the situation in ukraine, is it in context? statement of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, i will also ask you whether russia can now create the conditions to shake up and destabilize the situation in ukraine, mr. oleksiy, please, and we will still be proud of this topic, yes, i suggest, so what i want to expand, so to speak, to answer, then i will pass it on to my colleagues, mr. igor, well, i think that globally they are unlikely to be able to do it precisely, well... they can have certain influences, unfortunately, we are left with remains there are anonymous, for example, telegram channels , which are read by a large part of the citizens of ukraine, and they can throw some theses through these resources, but somehow they will not be able to have any influence at all, for example, on the political situation there, by the way, from another very a banal reason in our public policy,
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well, in this, you know, general understanding of this word today, there is no such thing, so there will be attempts, they... will try to do it, but i think that the way they want it, they it definitely won't work, especially with what we have those bodies that are engaged in countering this disinformation also have a certain understanding, and in principle, well , society is also sufficiently prepared, not all, but the vast majority of citizens, they have learned, well, at least during two years of a large-scale war, to filter some frank russian ipso, well and not to listen to what they will throw here through various channels of influence. thank you, mr. volodymyr, i agree with my colleague, to play on certain topics, to use them in one's interests, to weaken unity a little or, let's say, to provoke conflicts, hot conflicts discussions on separate topics, yes, it is possible, they, and by the way, they are now using exactly such tactics, they are taking topics that are already being discussed in ukraine, by the way, not only here, but in poland they are using the topic
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of the conflict on border, conflict of economic interests between ukraine. and poland in agrarian issues, and they continue to incite, destabilize , scandalize, well, give, let's say , aggressiveness in this conflict, but they are trying to act in a similar way in ukraine, but in a fundamental, essential dimension, i think that they will not be able to do it, well, a simple example, since there was a lot of talk last year and now about maidan 3, the so-called maidan... it is impossible to artificially organize, especially from the outside, yes, but to play up conflicts on certain issues, yes, unfortunately, the russians can. thank you, mr. volodymyr, we will talk about this a little later, about this special operation, which the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine told about today, and i suggest that we start our
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conversation with putin's statements that russia should receive guarantees from the west and that he not against negotiations regarding the future of ukraine, although it is probably correct to call it regarding the future of putin himself and guarantees regarding putin himself, because we are not talking about guarantees there, which should be provided to the russian federation, which has completely destroyed the entire international legal framework and, in general, all agreements went to shkerebert. mr. oleksiy, who and how do you want to use? putin in order to receive these guarantees, and in general, does it even make sense to talk about the fact that after what putin has done to ukraine, that someone will guarantee him something, or sit at the table negotiations are not trade. well, you have to understand that i do not know, putin himself probably does not believe that any guarantees are possible in the modern world, in
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principle, yes, what guarantees can the west give, the only guarantee of his safety and staying in office until the end is that russia has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, well, at least so, yes, so they say, all other international agreements that exist. they are completely destroyed, they are gone, we can talk, this, by the way, also applies to us, ah, all this talk about security guarantees that we conclude, which are not sound even in the documents themselves, as a security guarantee, they are the same, well, we have to understand that all this will be checked empirically, that is, theoretically, it all looks very, well, relatively beautiful, yes, but... we can understand this only when, for example, russia collides with some nato country or some other country, then we will understand that guarantees to us
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have been completely destroyed since the 14th year and thus destroyed in general between the issues of international security, so i think this is neglecting the problem, and putin wants to join in a certain process that can last for years, so what... it is enough to first completely cement his country and for it to be his personal guarantee that he will leave the kremlin only with his feet forward, so to speak, so that's why in the direction of the mausoleum , probably, well yes, you understand, today he, today he spoke about nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons, and i re-listened, re-read several times, i could not understand about the intervention of the words of the words, yes, that is, he will consider... the presence of foreign troops, well, specifically he was talking about american troops in ukraine , as an intervention, moreover, the intervention is not in ukraine, but an intervention against russia,
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you understand that he is expanding the zone, well, in principle, he demanded all this from the end of the 21st year, so to get a zone of influence in the form of ordinary ukraine , there is no doubt about it, but eastern europe is also desirable, that is, to return to such a confrontation. which was in the soviet union from the west, this is his dream, he is trying to do everything for this, so to speak, and his hope is that the isolationist positions that receive popularity in the united states, in europe , yes, they will finally win there within this year and next year, yes, and then it's just that they will enter into an influence-sharing agreement among themselves, and on that, well, in principle, and then... these systems , they will be cemented , there will be a west, there will be russia with its sphere of influence, there will also be china, so to speak, with its own problems, and putin, well, i think that for
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20-30 years, he, so to speak, he believes that he guarantees his security, well, but you correctly mentioned these demands of putin, rather, about putin's blackmail in december 21st, when he demanded to return there to almost spheres of influence as of... 1997, when there was still no expansion of nato to the east, but even though this blackmail was not, in principle, was not accepted by any side, in which he did not send these diplomatic dispatches, i mean washington and the countries of the north atlantic alliance, well, nato, and on the contrary, the situation worsened for putin, no one accepts that someone, well, you see, i... i i understand, he just got worse in some sense the suspension came to nato, sweden came to understand that these demands of putin were
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completely sucked out of the finger from the very beginning, regarding the fact that a missile from kharkiv reaches moscow in a certain time, and so missiles from nato countries arrived, there are countries closer, so to speak, that's how they fly faster from finland, now from sweden, well, it's clear that it's all simple. so to speak, he, let 's understand it this way, i understand it this way, at least , that his plan, when he seizes it, will one way or another completely destroy ukrainian statehood in various ways, and then it the question will, so to speak, stand already , you understand, we are now talking about a situation that is constantly in dynamics, if you don't remember, if you remember, yes, thank god, i did not take part in this, but let's remember the year back conversations, yes, our experts. politicians and so on, at the end of the year we were supposed to drink coffee in the crimea and two years ago we were talking about a parade in moscow and so on, well,
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the situation is a little different, and so is he. analyzes and sees, and all these problems with the supply of weapons from europe and america, with money and so on, he believes that it is playing against him, i am not saying that it is playing against him, but it seems to me that he believes that it is playing against him, and in the end his task is to destroy the statehood of ukraine in one way or another, and when it reaches the borders with poland, in different ways, i am not saying that it will directly be the russian army, yes, maybe it will be a puppet state under the name you are ukraine, but under the complete control of russia, perhaps this plan of his still remains, and then, then, then it will be possible to talk about whether nato is even ready to face this a problem, somehow to solve it. thank you, mr. oleksiy, mr. igor, to whom and to whom is this proposal to form security guarantees for russia on washington? well,
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first of all, it's the united states, of course. because putin believes that it is the united states, they have subjectivity, and accordingly certain negotiations can be conducted with them. in his understanding, to this day, the european union, and even more so ukraine, are not such subjects, although he is ready to talk with individual european countries, with individual by the european leaders there, he is ready to speak, but he believes that they are still in such a, you know, somewhat subordinate position in relation to washington, so the main addressee was, of course, the united states. america , and it seems to me that he tried in this interview, it is quite strange, and in general , questions arise here, why he so suddenly decided to talk once again with his propagandist, why was he doing it, well, there are many different reasons, interesting enough, but it was not even you know as much in the direction of the current american government, as it seemed to me, he simply lays down opportunities for some further communication with the american elites in
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general, so look, here i am... i have such proposals, we are ready to consider these proposals. then, for some reason, he went into some very long reminiscences about carrots, yes, they are offering some carrots to russia, but they want to have some reinforced concrete guarantees, by the way, he did not name these guarantees, this also leaves some room for maneuver, because well, in his understanding, such a guarantee, for example, it may not be ukraine's entry into nato, or ukraine's eternal neutral status, they raise these issues from time to time, maybe he wants to return to them to some extent... but in general it seemed that he the conversation was necessary, well, if more on the eve of the elections, plus as a certain means of mobilizing the electorate somewhere, hence the mention of nuclear weapons, hence the mention that we are ready to sit down at the transition table, in principle, but we want some of our demands there were provided, were guaranteed, and we were promised that no one would violate them there, but by the way, with nuclear
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weapons... it was very interesting, because it seemed that he even made some excuses and said that we were never there we are going to use it and we are not going to use it and we are not going to, well, if they do not attack our sovereign territory there and so on, he said that it is in our drafts, but it seems that it is possible for him in recently closed by some diplomatic channels received another one a message either from delhi or there from beijing, and possibly from two capitals at once. in the sense that he would stop, if this rhetoric that they have been pumping for the last couple of weeks, before that somewhere, among their propagandists, among their propagandists about the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons there again and so on, a message arrived , that this rhetoric should be stopped, because it is unacceptable, in the 23rd year, india and china publicly made a statement that what to think, forget about the use of tactical nuclear weapons there, any nuclear weapons at all, it will be
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a disaster and so on, it seems here. for all that they conveyed some kind of greeting more over there, you know, in such a veiled version, well, putin specifically made it clear through an interview that if he received this hint, he took it into account and gave it back a little. thank you, mr. igor, mr. volodymyr, putin has an arrest warrant from the international criminal court, that is, his current status is such that he is a suspect, he is a criminal, and for the whole world he was and remains. a criminal, and it is clear that in this situation, putin probably does not imagine that no one will hold any negotiations with him , will not agree on anything, or that a certain time will come when the world will talk about something with putin or will already talk with the new leader of russia, but without putin? well, i would n't take wishful thinking now, but it's too early to say that no one will lead at all.


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