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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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where they participated in the primaries at the level of 30 to 39%, this is very little, as well as from half to 59% of those who voted for nicky gelin, but where the primaries were open , they rarely said that they did not will vote for trump, that is, trump thus loses those voters who vote in the primaries, these are much more interesting numbers, because it'. which are conducted among people who have just voted, that is, people, people have really thought about who they are voting for and why, and when polls are conducted somewhere there are thousands of people, maybe even a representative sample for the whole country, i think that it is, well, in some polls, trump is about 1% ahead, in others, biden is 1% ahead. first of all, there is the situation in the states themselves, the economy. different and of course
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the situation in ukraine is important for biden, but here it is important for us to get help so that we can beat the enemy more efficiently and more massively and more painfully. thank you very much for your comments, thank you for joining ihor eisenberg, professor at new york university for help from mike, well, what about mike johnson's decision there and about these ratings of biden and trump. now a short pause, very short, then money with oleksandr morchivka. stay with us, it will be more interesting. damn stairs, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i know that there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so until i tried gerovital, gerovital plus, a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens body, herovital+ - good health, active life. new herovital energy, even more iron for good deeds. herovital energy, once a day. there are discounts on zip-elor of 10%
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a 20% discount. there are 20% discounts on combi gribhop in the pharmacies of pryssynyk, bam and ochad. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, we are stronger together, we continue money during the war oleksandr morchivka, next to me, oleksandr, please welcome, welcome the audience, thank vasyl for his words, in the next few minutes you will learn about the decision of the national bank and we will talk with an expert about attacks on russian refineries, how it affects the market and on the course of the war, wait, there will be more. i'm
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oleksandr morshevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i'll start with an unexpected decision of the regulator of the financial market. therefore, prices are no longer galloping, but the hryvnia is holding. strength against the dollar. this prompted the national bank to lower the discount rate to 14.5% per annum earlier than expected. the nbu also says that this indicator was influenced by changes in receiving international aid. at the end of march, at the beginning of april, they hope that the country will receive funding for the total amount in 10 billion dollars. this will support the financial system of ukraine in general. gold currency will be replenished. reserves , the hryvnia will strengthen against the dollar and, accordingly , prices will be restrained, so here is 14.5% per annum, the accounting rate, a kind of improvement indicator. ukrainians will be able to use the action in the states of the european union as
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a digital wallet. this will provide an opportunity to open a bank account, use an electronic signature and receive electronic medical prescriptions. this was reported by the minister. of digital transformation mykhailo fedorov. now a pilot project is ongoing, the application is being tested in terms of cross-border work, and the european commission should publish requirements for electronic wallets that will be tied to the ukrainian application by the end of spring. and the european investment bank is trying to expand support for the defense industry on the continent. this will help the european union to strengthen its security, because for... the threat from the russian federation is growing, writes the bloomberg agency. negotiations are underway to start investing money in companies that produce defense equipment. this month, blok announced that it would allocate primary 1.5 billion euros to stimulate the defense sector. however, the head of eu industry, thierry bretton, called on european countries
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to invest as much as 100 billion euros. well , ukrainians have been watching the attack for several days in a row.' drones to russian oil refineries, our journalists have collected the most interesting, let's take a look, then we will add an expert to the discussion. columns of smoke, explosions and sirens are the new russian everyday life. in just a few days, long-range drones managed to visit nine regions of the country of the aggressor. impressed string oil refineries in muscovy were first brought out of harm's way. a fire broke out at one of the plants of the refinery in the city of kstovo in the nizhnygorod region. it produces aviation and diesel fuel. this resource is used by the occupiers for the war against ukraine. the work of at least half of the production had to be stopped.
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aircraft caused significant damage to the ryazan oil refinery. there, it was possible to hit two installations at once. power losses reached 70%. it is the third largest. in russia, the plant by volume processing bloody barrels. the factory was also on fire of petroleum products in novoshachtynsk, rostov region. unknown drones allegedly fell there. because of this , a number of technological facilities of the enterprise had to be stopped. this is another military facility that provided the invaders with fuel. as a result of the shutdown , there will be some disruptions in the plans of muscovites from additional time for our defense forces, ukrainian intelligence confirmed. for... in two days, the work of 12% of the oil refining capacities of the aggressor country was analyzed, these data were published by the bloomberg agency. we will talk about this in detail with oleg penzen, executive director of the economic discussion club. mr. oleg, good evening.
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i am glad to see you. each other mr. olezh, well, they are already writing that retail fuel prices have started to rise in russia, oil prices are rising on the world market, and analysts say that these attacks... also affect the price of russian bloody barrels, in particular in the world . comment on the situation, does it really undermine the market of the aggressor country? no, of course. look, there are 30 oil refineries in the russian federation. really today , three factories are out of order and have stopped their production. well, actually, that 12%, if you count by the volume of oil processing. daily volume. of oil processing at russian refineries decreased from 5.4 to 5.1 million barrels per day, so it seems that the decrease is small, but if you take into account that almost 90% of the volume of oil processing into
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gasoline went to the domestic market, then it is absolutely logical that that the russians have currently banned for six months. export of russian gasoline abroad in order to ensure the domestic market, therefore that the actual explosions led to the fact that , well, these... at gas stations went up sharply and a shortage began to be felt, but there is a small nuance that must be clearly understood: the greatest damage to the russian oil refining industry was still caused by the sanctions restrictions, which were introduced when the embargo on russian oil products was introduced in europe, in great britain, well, for example, look, in the 21st year , the total volume of average daily oil processing... at russian refineries was 9.4 million barrels, but now i called the number, it was 5.6,
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5.5, 5.4, now three, now 5.1, well, that is, count, these sanctions restrictions have reduced the amount of processing of russian oil at oil refineries by almost a third, and you must understand that, of course, it is much more expensive than gasoline , than oil on sale. and certainly, the total amount of income received by the russian federation from the sale of petroleum products was higher by one ton than the sale of crude oil, so that in this situation sanctions restrictions played a very serious role, but also the work of the main development department of ukraine as we can see in real numbers, it also affects the total volume of production. mr. olezh, and here i came across interesting information that even the restoration of these damaged oil refineries can take a long time, because they were built, well
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, mostly and maybe partly using western technologies, and this requires certain spare parts, which are imposed, well of course, economic restrictions, and finding these parts or technologies already through third countries will take time and additional resources, is it really so, well , look, well, not just like that, they introduced a ban on... the export of oil and oil products for 6 months, i.e. they roughly expect that in 6 months they will try to restore the volume of production that was before the beginning of these special attentions of the ukrainian main intelligence agency, although it must be understood that with on the other hand, no one prevents our boys from continuing to pay special attention at the moment. by a russian oil refinery, so it is quite possible that this embargo will continue for more than six months.
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in your opinion, why these attacks took place, well, at oil refineries, which are the closest to ukrainian territory, is it possible that it is really necessary to move the geography of drone strikes in this area? well, look , it all depends on how far it can be... used, used ukrainian drones, and whether they can fly to the central part of the russian federation, so far we are really talking about those enterprises that were located at a certain distance from the combat zone actions, where it is absolutely possible to use drones from the territory controlled by ukraine, so in this case situation, i think that ukraine's acquisition of construction opportunities. in a more distant area of ​​influence, it will lead to the fact that other
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plants will also be in great danger, and i will briefly ask, well, maybe you know more about this topic, the fourth or fifth top manager of lokoil unexpectedly left, as they say to another world, but he ended his life by suicide, this last one after the llokoil plant caught fire, and this is some kremlin plant, or why, what can happen there, because it's such a strange story that something happens immediately. times minus one top manager, minus one top manager, look, i have information that he was simply at that time at that company and , in fact, this situation that took place affected him too, well, that is, it is in different publications, it is not suicide is simply the loss of a person due to the fact that he was in the impact zone of the arrival of this particular drone. this is approximately the same as what happens with those martyrs who fly
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to ukrainian cities and people die there, but in this situation i think that this is a military object and it is an absolutely legal target for of, say, ukrainian drones, in contrast to the horror that the russians do by firing at non -military objects, not objects that provide activity. an absolutely legitimate goal, and these goals will only increase, i am sure, thank you, oleg penzyn, executive director of the economic discussion group. club was in touch, i will finish the column about money during the war, but the big broadcast continues, vasyl zima continues it, watch us! well, let's continue, thank you oleksandr morchavka, and now i will invite serhii to the conversation
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rudenko, because at 20 the verdict program starts, and what will be discussed today, we will be interested. serhiy, good evening, please speak to you. good evening vasyl , today we will talk about a special liberation operation in russia, the war continues there for the third day, combat operations in the territory of the belgorod and kursk regions, ukrainian drones attack oil refineries, well, for us the main question is how far the rebels can go against the putin regime, how they can go far into the depths of russia, that's all usually happens the day before. to putin's election, preliminary voting has already begun, including in some areas temporarily occupied by the russian federation, on march 17 there will be elections, putin's next election, and what does the result of these elections mean, more precisely, the recognition of this
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result or non-recognition of this this result by the world community, because... putin will be elected on the territory of ukraine, which is legally ukraine, and the world recognizes that this is the territory of ukraine, but putin decided several million citizens to add from the occupied territories, donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia, kherson regions and the autonomous republic of crimea, will the world dare not to recognize putin's legitimacy? we will talk about all this for hours with ours. today, our guests will be ihor lapin, major of the armed forces of ukraine, special agent, people's deputy of ukraine, mykola knyazhytsky and political expert maksym rozumny, and with mykola knyazhytsky and maksym rozumny we will talk about the parliamentary crisis, why the verkhovna rada of ukraine lacks votes for effective voting, today
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the next meeting of the verkhovna rada was held for the first time in the last three weeks. the only effective thing was a vote on one issue and that was it , the session of the verkhovna rada of ukraine was closed, does this mean that there is no parliamentary majority in the verkhovna rada of ukraine , there are no votes, which means that there is no monopoly power on which all power in ukraine actually rests, that is, the monomajority, the verkhovna rada and the government appointed by this monomajority. we talk about it all with our guests, we start in two. minutes, well, while vasyl's big broadcast of winter continues, vasyl , you have the word, thank you very much serhiy, serhiy rudenko will start at 20, so wait, and now cultural news: from today you can see a large-scale video installation of what was destroyed 60 years ago in a ukrainian house stained glass, it is about the work of mother shevchenko,
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created by the outstanding ukrainian artist and martyr alla horska and her colleagues, but this is only a part. the boreviter project, which is dedicated to the six thousandth anniversary. the curators collected more than 100 of her works and also showed them sketches of already destroyed ones. lina chechenina will show what it looks like. let's see in general, this exhibition is positioned by the organizers as the most complete exhibition in aligorsk. well, unfortunately, many of her works and those of her colleagues have been destroyed, but we can see them. immediately on the first floor, you see, from the second floor you can see the first one, these are two large mosaics in mariupol, which were created over the course of two months, by a team, one is called boreviter, the other is a tree of life, they were created by order of the ukraine restaurant, and here you see, in what form they are now, how much i understand, we don't know now , and maybe they are even more destroyed, and there you can see
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a sketch of this mosaic, usually a sketch is made first, or even... several sketches and then work on the mosaic itself is already underway, also here we see such also a rethinking, i don’t know what to call it, probably a video projection is the right name, also of the famous stained glass window that ala gorska made with her colleagues, and this stained glass window was destroyed, it was in the red building of kyiv university, and then you decided that it ideologically wrong, and it was destroyed, we only have it. in the form of photographs there, or like this, now, by the way, you can also see one of the reproductions of the burewiter mosaic, here behind, in general, they often do in ukrainian homes. here are such installations that are very long, here just the space allows it to be done, and here we see this bird that flies, and this is actually how you can
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look at this work, well, i will remind you, friends, that allagorska is one of the most famous of these women of the sixties, the most active and i will say that her father, in general, her family were not so ukrainian-centric, father... was in general in charge, was the director of the film factory in yalta, and she came to ukrainianism herself, switched to the ukrainian language herself and began to be interested in everything herself, and well, it is believed that she was killed because of, in particular, her investigation of the shootings in the book factory, which she did together with her colleagues, and with les tanyuk, and with vasyl semenenko and... here, by the way, there are several screens on which we can hear , which the same tanyuk mentions about her, here, and it is interesting enough to linger and
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listen, finally i’ll show you, well, this is probably my favorite painting of alegorskaya, it’s her self-portrait with her son, it’s quite a famous painting, which is usually in the national art museum, you can see it there, here it is in a new space, and here it is depicted her parents... well, the exhibition will continue, i will remind you that these are not the kind of exhibitions you should go through, realizing that you will spend at least an hour or two here, but believe me, it is worth it. i really like the work of allegorsky in general, the life story of this outstanding craftswoman, person, good friend and associates of vasyl stus. and six thousand people in general, and it is very unfortunate that she was killed, well , apparently by kgb agents, when they began to dig up the story about the bullpen. and now, therefore, be sure to go, who will be in kyiv,
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who is in kyiv, go to this exhibition, to the ukrainian house, to the european square, now i have announced the news to you, it concerns hydrometeorology, the water level has also risen by 29 cm in the dnipro river, within kyiv for the last day, the level of danger of hydrological phenomena. the first is yellow, the kyiv city military administration reports. because of an increase in water discharges from the kyiv reservoir due to the passage of the spring vodopill, the largest river in ukraine rose by 45 cm in 5 days. also, water, water is returning to the kakhov reservoir, the situation there is also changing, but natalka didenko will tell us more about the weather for tomorrow, literally in a moment i will say goodbye to you, we will donate to the zsu, we will stay with espresso and spend this evening, and spend this evening. interesting, but i can also tell you something for a minute, i have such an opportunity, i will tell you about kakhovsky reservoir, i just started
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talking so i have to say goodbye, okay, see you tomorrow, have an espresso, we are looking at the weather from mitalka didenko, synoptic greetings to all, dear ukrainians, eh, we will talk about... the weather that is expected in the coming days , on friday, march 15, the middle of the first month of spring, we are still gradually getting warmer, but more on that later, on the weather for tomorrow, and for now we will talk about such a phenomenon, which often occurs especially in early spring and not only in the early morning, but in the spring this is a spring allergy, and this spring allergy is also called by such a wise word as pollinator... nose, well, pollinator means pollen in general, that is, it is clear that the most common allergy is from the pollen of plants, trees, bushes that bloom, well, in general, according to statistics
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, from 20 to 40% of the population worldwide suffers from allergies, in ukraine every sixth one. there are three types of allergies: respiratory, food and contact, well, the main causes are pollen, as i already said, from flowering plants, mold and... animal fur, we are familiar with this, but fortunately we don't have allergies, in science, spring allergy , as i already said, is called pollinosis, and the biggest danger for allergy sufferers is pollen or pollen, birch, oak, alder, hazel and acacia, well, those people who suffer from birch pollen, here they are during the year in general, that is, it is constantly recommended to refrain from use. eating raw carrots, red apples, peaches and apricots is wrong, but what can you do, what are the causes of allergies? this is
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improper nutrition, weak immunity and low stress resistance of the body, in whom she is tall, of course we envy those people, especially now. well, the risk group primarily includes residents of large cities, where there is particular smog, gas pollution, and by the way, even now i have heard such a topic being raised as additional allergies, exacerbation of allergies from smoke, that is, as a consequence of military actions, from which one suffers. all of ukraine now , unfortunately, hay fever can manifest itself in very different ways, and it is often confused with colds, because it is both a runny nose, and lesions of the skin, the skin, and attacks of bronchial asthma, and spring allergies, pollinosis, as we have already discussed with you, is accompanied by a runny nose in combination with conjunctivitis, when the eyes are red, itchy, watery, well, you have to take care of yourself, especially in early spring... in addition to
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the pleasantness, waiting for warmth and the arrival of warmth, of course we can also watch out for such not-so-pleasant things as hay fever, spring allergies, take care. we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now for your attention is a forecast diagram and it is clear that tomorrow there will be a slight activation of the solar, sorry, magnetic fields, but not quite so powerful or strong, that is, there will be no magnetic storms, but nevertheless, this activation indicates that you need to take a closer look at yourself, at your well-being. well, let's move on to the actual weather forecast, because i already scared you with allergies and magnetic storms. tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine, from which we traditionally start, the weather will be excellent, i will not be afraid of this word, because there will be sunny clearings, and the highest air temperature in ukraine during the day will reach 9-12° heat, on
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transcarpathia even up to +14. in the north of ukraine , the weather will be fresher, at night even somewhere close to zero, small pluses, during the day it is quite restrained + 5 + 8 °, which in the end is also not bad, cloudy, but without significant precipitation. in the east of ukraine, there is a possibility of light precipitation in places, the maximum air temperature during the day is +3-+5°. in the central part of ukraine, tomorrow only in vinnytsia without precipitation, finally the territory. there is a possibility of light rain in places and even wet snow in places, the maximum air temperature is +2-+5°. in the southern part of ukraine will be a little warmer, but still, so to speak, the palm of primacy goes to the west, in the south tomorrow +7 +9, in the crimea up to 10-12° above zero, and in some areas it will rain in the southern part of ukraine. no precipitation is expected in kyiv tomorrow,
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air temperature. at night it will be +1 +3°, during the day +6 +8. it will warm up in most regions of ukraine on saturday and sunday, only on sunday after the warm weather in the west it will become colder, and the rains will already pass there, so here is the best time from the nearest perspective, the best day for walking, for work , for anything outdoors in general is saturday, and it will warm up a bit, and no rain is forecast, and... i thank you all very much for your continued attention to the weather forecast on the espresso channel, as always we will definitely meet and study the updated synoptic situation together. good evening from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is a verdict program,
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my name is. serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next hour, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. special liberation operation. fighting continues in the border regions of russia for the third day. how far can the rebels go against the putin regime? putin's pseudo-elections. voting simulation is already underway in the occupied territories of ukraine. will this election be the last for the russian dictator? parliamentary crisis. the verkhovna rada of ukraine lacks votes for effective voting. how to restore the legal capacity of the legislative body? we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests, the people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin and political


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