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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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this bill could reach the session hall by the end of march, if there is a direct desire for it, to consider it in the session hall, then this is not an obstacle, that is , the committee is not inhibiting this issue, i want to emphasize, the issue is that it seems , in the same way that representatives of the authorities do not want to comment on this draft law, seeing in it image risks for their own ratings, i do not rule out that this is precisely what is connected with this, you know... a little slow situation with preparing it for the second reading on unlike the first, then the turbo mode was turned on and without any discussion, they just pressed the buttons and immediately voted. now it is clear that many norms need to be reworked and rethought and in the form in which they were adopted in the first reading, they are not possible until the second reading, so this period takes time, but here everything depends on the political will of the authorities. of course, thank you very much for joining our broadcast, commenting on everything that is happening on...
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around the bill on mobilization, we were contacted by iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine and member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. well, during the raids of russian volunteers on the territory of russia, with which we started our program, moscow responded by intensifying shelling of border ukrainian regions, in particular sumy and kharkiv. what is happening now in the regions bordering russia, as the correspondent of the present found out . sachalko, in the kharkiv region , defense structures are being actively built. kharkiv oblast is actually the border between ukraine and russia, it is one of those places where the border guards have been very busy for several months are actively building a well-equipped defense line. in fact, this is an ideal, it is like an example of what a line of defense should look like, and it is not just a trench and a dugout, it is a whole underground city and kilometers of underground tunnels. come on, serog, come in. this is the second line of defense. and
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it is impossible to dig at zero itself, but it is the second line that should become a defensive line that will stop the massive offensive of the russian army. this embankment will withstand a direct hit from a 122 mm mortar and or 152 mm, barrel artillery, and is an element of camouflage personnel, entered from one end, and exited from the other side after a few hundred meters, from above from the air the enemy will not see what is happening under the winter, it is all you. a steel border dug by the hands of the brigade. a unit of border guards managed to fight near bakhmut, they know why and how to dig. well, masking is good. therefore, when we were in the bakhmant region, we dug in as much as we could. ugh. that is, it would not have been like this, if there had been such and such buildings, of course it would have been much easier. the whole the line of tunnels, it is divided into several sectors, there are also firing positions, places for personnel to live, there is also such an unusual remnant for... front-line
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territories and trenches in the front-line territories, for example, sockets are found along the entire length of the tunnel, and in the underground kitchen has gas stoves and boilers, borscht, borscht, borscht, pea soup, tons of water are brought in , electricity is provided by generators, and underground near the border with russia, the military has placed unusual equipment, have you ever seen a toilet like this on front line, i'm seeing this for the first time, it's an ordinary underground bathhouse. showers , steam rooms, repair machines in order to fix things, where does the water come from, the water is brought in, the water is supplied in barrels, yes, then from the boiler, the boiler is heated to a certain temperature and then, please, a shower, first of all we build fortifications buildings in order to make it safe for our soldiers, it is also safe for local residents, we do not... we do not
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disperse our personnel in populated areas, so as not to expose the local population to danger. such fortifications intended for rest, for living, and for fighting. the military says that the russian army is also digging in, in addition, it is concreting its fortifications, they say that even engineering construction companies are involved, since the military engineering units cannot cope with such a scale, they say that of course they are concreting there, well , they are deep in the rear they are being concreted somewhere, they wouldn't be near us... the military is digging the ukrainian defense line in several stages, first with an excavator, very quickly, in order to remain invisible to the enemy. well, i am now i plan lightly, then they will put a film and cover it again so that it does not flow, look back, we are digging everything. when the pit is ready, the shovel goes into action. for a day, how much.
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to hide and shoot, then cover with wood , build an embankment and equip it, all this takes time, there was time on this part of the front, and now the military is confident that here they will be able to stop the likely attack of the enemy, the only question is whether there was enough time everywhere, whether the ukrainian military has time prepare such well-fortified, well-prepared lines of defense along the entire front line, of course no one talks about it, this is closed secret information, but everyone... agrees that additional lines of defense are now being built along the entire front line, somewhere more successfully, somewhere not so successfully, so that of course, if the situation is hot and the bullets are whistling overhead, then you don't dig it much and you don't prepare much, and it's not that easy, for example, this
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line of defense with underground tunnels and all that you saw, soldiers have been digging for the fourth month. peresvlichka serhii dekun and andriy ustinkin for radio liberty. armenia continues its geopolitical turn towards europe, towards the west. the european parliament adopted a resolution proposing to consider the possibility of granting armenia the status of a candidate for eu membership. 504 deputies voted for the initiative, and four voted against it. the european parliament called on european companies and investors to strengthen economic ties and trade relations with armenia, as well as to help strengthen the armed forces of armenia. meanwhile, pashinyan this week announced the end of the russian duty on august 1
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troops at the largest airport airport in armenia, yerevan zvartnots airport. the border troops in armenia sent a letter. to the russian border troops in armenia, in which they were thanked for their service at zvartnods airport, security support and assistance with control and services since armenia gained independence. but since our country is developing its own institutions, including with the support of russian partners, our border service already has enough experience and skills to carry out control without the russian side. also, nikol pashinyan once again questioned this. treaty on collective security, which is dominated by russia. previously, he actually froze armenia's participation in the csto, and now he said that he would like to hear from moscow what is the area of ​​responsibility of the csto in armenia. irevan has previously complained that moscow did not provide
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assistance during two wars with azerbaijan over nagorno-karabakh in recent years. pashinyan's statements drew criticism from moscow. counterproductive and ultimatum, and sometimes offensive rhetoric, which today prevails in the statements of the leadership of armenia to the csto, and this is imposed, yes, imposed on the armenian society, the efforts of a part of the armenian elites to discuss the topic of the effectiveness of the csto outside the framework of this organization, about where armenia is moving and how to do it, cause misunderstandings russia can react, we will talk further, contact us. oleksandr bozhko, ex-ambassador of ukraine to the republic of armenia. good evening. good evening. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. thank you for joining. can we now state that such a geopolitical turn is really taking place in armenia towards europe and that it may not be reversed. yes, we see
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all the signs of such a reversal, a change in the political course. and what should be emphasized is that this is not... only the decision of the current government headed by nikol pashinyan, and this is a fairly broad support of other political structures, for example, a conference was held today, it was even a press conference, with the participation of the leaders of the republic for the republic party , the european party, these were tigrang. zvalyan, armen-babajanyan, aram sargsyan, who unequivocally expressed support for the government and authorities in armenia in its european course and expressed sincere thanks to the european parliament,
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to all those who voted for this resolution. the resolution is extremely important to support today's armenia, which has had enough. in a difficult political situation, one might say, because all the time on television there are clear threats from the side. relative to russia in armenia, and we also hear certain signals from the side of azerbaijan regarding the revision of the border line, regarding the belonging of certain populated areas points located on the territory of armenia. so in this regard, this resolution is moral support. and real support, since it says that the european union
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can provide financial support, economic, moreover, visa support, since it is about the liberalization of the visa regime, mr. oleksandr, and in this context, can we hope that the european union is ready to provide some kind of security support, because we know what often awaits countries that turn away so radically. from moscow, yes, yes, that too, stated in this resolution, moreover, we see real steps, we see quite interesting such exchanges of delegations, military with france, and there are results, when certain types of french, modern weapons are transferred for... the defense capability of armenia, and this is extremely important, i would like to emphasize that at a time when
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there are threats, certain threats from azerbaijan, and what should we expect from russia, if iran is indeed granted the status of a candidate for the eu, what steps and actions would you expect? you know, at today's press conference, which i already mentioned, as well it was discussed, it was said, correspondents asked. leaders of these parties, and what will happen if russia behaves as it did with regard to ukraine, to which the answer was, one way or another , russia already behaved at that extremely important time for armenia, when there was a threat of aggression from azerbaijan, when the forty-day the so-called azerbaijani-armenian... war, russia did not support, an ally in
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armenia, and according to the csto, did not support armenia in this confrontation, as a result, armenia significantly worsened its geopolitical the situation, significantly, i am not talking about the fact that thousands of people died, so in this regard they... the leaders of these parties stated that in general, what other threats could there be to us, when we have already felt these threats on our own skin, so to speak, but they are ready, ready for all kinds of provocations, again it was said that we know russia's approaches to its neighbors, to its so-called allies, we have seen all this, so we are really looking at ... , what can we expect from this change
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in political course, not only the support of europe, of course, but also certain threats, real threats, restrictions on economic ties, by the way, with russia, since armenia is somewhere in armenia's exports of 35%, it is connected with russia, so that very economies are really connected. mr. oleksandr, unfortunately, we don't have much time, i want to have time to ask, do you think, will irmenia still leave the csto? i think so, in fact, now armenia has frozen its status in the csto, and yesterday there was a press conference of the prime minister, where he spoke about it, that we are really going to, we are considering the possibility exit from this structure. thank you thank you. very much, we will actually follow how this situation unfolds, oleksandr bozhko, extraordinary
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plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the republic of armenia in 96-2001 and 2005-2010, was in touch with us. this is the end of the sobodal, thank you for watching, in the end i want to urge you to like this broadcast and subscribe to radio liberty's pages on social networks, so you don't miss the main news. this program was conducted by sashko. shevchenko, bye, there are discounts on combi cars. triphop 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and saving there are discounts on valeriana bolgarska - 10% in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. rif is a leading manufacturer of window sills and window materials. reef we have been creating quality at an affordable price for more than 20 years. there are discounts on
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espresso updates and thank you for your trust. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, acute. presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world mr. norman dreams of, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! congratulations, we want to share with you very important and at the same time positive news. the magnolia children's tracing service managed
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to establish the likely location of six-year-old mysh melnyk, and more. we tracked down the boy's mother, who confirmed that fortunately, everything is fine with him. this is an incredible search story, in which we were greatly helped by caring people. in particular, on our hotline 1163, we received many reports about the mouse from witnesses, and in this search we applied the latest methods of forensic analysis, this is the search for information in open sources, and this ultimately helped to obtain extremely important data about the missing boy. so, i want to tell you how this difficult process of finding six-year-old mysh melnyk took place step by step. notification of the disappearance of the mouse received at the beginning of 2022. there was a lot of information about him and the circumstances of his disappearance, which greatly complicated the search. we only knew that before the start of the full-scale invasion , the boy lived in the village of grechyshkino, luhansk
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region. we immediately spread information about the resident on all available media resources, we did. many video programs about the search for the boy told you about his story and asked you to tell us everything you know about him or his possible whereabouts. however , for more than a year, there was not a single one about mishka information and when it would seem that there were almost no chances left, the chatbot. a witness wrote to the children's search service in telegram, who reported that he saw our video about the search for the boy and knows where he is. that's the message. we got. mishko is in kindergarten, in the village of grechyshkino, his grandmother brings him there. we have photos. we asked the witness for details, and he confirmed that myshko melnyk allegedly lives in the occupied village of hrychishkino and goes to kindergarten. we were also sent a photo and even a video with the boy. kindergarten in the village of hrychyshkino. it
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is located right at the school. he is alone there, his name is teremok. congratulations: this is the photo we had for two years of searching. if we compare it with the ones sent to us by the witness, the boy is indeed very similar in both photos. also in the search, as i said, we were helped by specialists from the osinflow community, who search for information in open sources. they managed to find a page in the russian social network classmates, the probable mother. melnyk's mouse, here she is, and here she is with the little one with a mouse, and this is a photo of a boy at a slightly older age. by the way, his mother posted the last photo of mishka on her page. in february 2023, so, judging by the message of the witness, the photo and video he provided, as well as the social network of the boy's mother, everything indicated
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that fortunately, myshko melnyk is all right and he is probably in the village of grechyshkina, luhansk region under occupation . of course, we wrote to mishko's mother on a social network, but she, unfortunately, did not answer for a long time. and imagine what our joy was when in a few months we did received from her. and the answer, she wrote a short but such an important message that her son is fine. yes, my son is fine. we are currently waiting for a photo or video confirmation from mysh melnyk's mother that the boy is really with her, but already now i can say with great certainty that everything is fine with the child. the mouse is with his mother, and that, of course, is the most important thing. search history of mishka melnyk in kot. proves that it is possible to find a child even in the most difficult situations, the information you provided, even the smallest details, really help a lot and sometimes become decisive in the search, so i would like
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to thank everyone for their help and concern. i also ask you to go to the website of the children's tracing service and look into the faces of these boys and girls who are still missing . if you recognize someone, call our hotline immediately. calls to 11630 from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. congratulations, the program of the ukrainian voice of america service, chas taimy, is on the air, with me and host oleksiy kovalenko. congressmen can prepare their own relief bill ukraine. according to reports in
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the american media , the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, told republican senators about this. the document may differ significantly from the $95 billion project already approved by the senate. thus, in the draft law of the house of representatives, aid to ukraine can be provided in the form of a loan or a lend-lease. advisor to the white house. of national security communications, john kirby, said during a briefing thursday that the white house will continue to urge speaker johnson to bring the senate-passed bill to consideration of the house of representatives. our congress correspondent kateryna lisynova watched the development of events. congratulations katya. congratulations oleksya. and katya, what exactly is known about the specific details of speaker johnson's proposal. is it about the idea of ​​a bill, or is it already a document that republicans in the house of representatives have started working on? according to the american media, this is already a document that is being worked on in the house of representatives, what exactly is said in this document, again according to the information of the american media, mike johnson
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offers to provide assistance to ukraine in the form of a loan or in the form of a lend-lease. also , they plan to add to this draft law ripa akt, this is a draft law that provides for the transfer of confiscated russian assets to ukraine. in general, according to the american media, this plan belongs to mike johnson. after receiving many questions and pressure from republican senators during a closed-door meeting, including pressure from senate republican leader mitch mcconnell. i will note what mitch mcconnell himself did today a powerful enough statement in the senate, he in particular addressed the house of representatives and called for a senate bill on aid to ukraine to be voted on. at least mitch mcconnell did not mention the alternative version of speaker mike johnson during his speech today. i suggest you listen to what he said today. vladimir putin does not play for a draw. he does not seek to sit down at the
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negotiating table. he will not stop at ukraine. he told us that himself. he showed us this many times. equipping ukraine for success on the battlefield is the best way to help to our friends to resolve this war from a position of strength. supporting ukraine is exhausting the army. forces of our common adversary, and also strengthens america's interests. at the same time, these are direct investments in our own military and defense-industrial capacities. it's time for the house to take up the senate-passed supplemental relief bill and finish the job it started. katya, are there any time frames, what is known about when this draft law could theoretically be? put up for voting. in general, this it should be expected no earlier than the government's budget will be approved. and as you know, the deadline for this is march 22, but after that
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the congress will go on break again until now. april in general, the pentagon today commented on the speaker's statement about an alternative option for aid to ukraine, and there they stated that it will be difficult for ukraine to pay off the defense aid provided to the debt and that the best option would be to agree to the senate bill in the house of representatives. this was stated directly by the deputy spokesperson of the pentagon, sabrina singh, today commenting on this question to our colleague ostap yarysh. i suggest you listen to what she said. i know that there are negotiations going on in congress, i won't jump ahead of that, right now we need additional funding, for a country like ukraine that is going through a war, i think it will be very difficult to repay these loans and that is something that needs to be worked out not not only with the department of defense, but also with the state department and the white house. hatya, it is known that
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signatures for petitions are also collected in the house of representatives. to bypass the speaker and introduce bills, where funding of assistance to ukraine is provided for consideration by the house of representatives. can johnson's initiative somehow affect this process? first, let me remind you that there are currently two such petitions regarding the senate bill, which has already passed the senate and is now in the house of representatives, as well as regarding the new bill that was created in the house of representatives, directly one of its main authors, the authors are a republican brian fies-patrick, but both of these petitions for both. these draft laws have not yet received the necessary, required 218 signatures, both republicans and democrats. overall, based on comments from democrats and republicans i've spoken with, it looks like this latest statement by the speaker about his alternative option to put aid to ukraine up for a vote will ultimately affect the collection of these signatures, because the republicans, directly, with whom i've spoken
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say they don't want to go...bypassing the speaker and if he has some alternative option of his own then they won't be signing any petitions so in a sense this statement may affect the collection of these petitions, but other lawmakers say the petitions are generally also a form of pressure on the speaker to eventually bring aid to ukraine to a vote, at least in the form of a senate bill. katya, thank you very much, our voa congress correspondent, kateryna lisynova, was in direct contact with us. additional voting in the illegal presidential elections of russia in the temporarily occupied ukrainian territories ended on thursday. last weekend , field mobile brigades toured the yards of donetsk, previously in melitopol and crimea. ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine called on residents of the occupied territories not to participate in this illegal vote. the united states does not recognize the results of russia's sham elections in the occupied territories and condemns
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russia's attempts to undermine the sovereign. territorial integrity and political independence of ukraine through these fictitious elections. this was stated at a briefing on thursday, the spokesman of the us state department, matthew miller. the united states condemns russia's attempts to undermine the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of ukraine by fictitious elections held in the occupied ukrainian territories. connections. the states do not recognize and will never recognize the legitimacy or results of the sham elections held in sovereign ukraine within the framework of the russian presidential elections. undeniably: luhansk, donetsk, zaporizhzhia, kherson and crimea are ukraine. the results of these actions in the style of potemkin villages will be dictated by moscow and cannot reflect the free will of ukrainian citizens who are forced to vote. this spectacle only further demonstrates russia's blatant disregard their obligations under international law.
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the united states will continue. use all available tools to bring to justice persons responsible for actions that undermine the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of free countries, in particular those persons who are observers of the kremlin's fictitious elections in the occupied territories of ukraine. voice of america spoke with immigrants from temporarily occupied regions in ukraine, where these illegal elections were held. they told how it really was this vote is taking place and what independent electoral experts also think about it, says nataliya leonova. in small groups of three people with a glass urn in their hands, they walk around the houses of donetsk and offer to vote in the presidential elections of russia. so-called early voting is taking place in donbas and other ukrainian territories occupied by russia. there are some mobile groups going to take them.


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