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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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did they do something for russia, or was it like a mosquito bite? in fact, there are quite a lot of different international organizations that we can classify in the sports lotto category, there is the red cross, the international telecommunication union, the united nations, and others, such virtual organizations that can simply pretend that they do not see anything, in my humble opinion, only economy is more effective. sanctions, and it seems strange to me that in the second year of the war, in the third, sorry, active phase, the war has been going on since 2014, the state of ukraine, in the person of some officials, have not matured enough to formulate the position of the state of ukraine regarding precisely the inclusion of various types of telecommunications enterprises and persons related to these companies, both managers and owners, to the list
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of sanctions of the nsdc and then to go with this list and demand from the europeans, the europeans, the british, the canadians, the americans, so that these companies are also included in the sanctions lists of these countries, in order to completely cut off all economic ties, because here we are talking to you now, the russians are doing radio interference for the european hot satellite , which is owned by the yutelsat company, the yutelsat company is a company registered in france, one of the largest european and, in principle, global operators, but at the same time, the russians are preventing ukrainian channels from rebroadcasting from this satellite , the french are taking a satellite to a miskanaver, which, after it is launched into space and it enters geostationary orbit, will help. us
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to spread russian propaganda in position 36°, there will be ntv-plus, tricolor, in this campaign has two subsidiaries in russia, two subsidiary companies with directors, with russian passports, and for some reason in ukraine it is not time to include all these men, women or men in the sanctions lists, both ukrainian and european, so that even in... european companies, which are quite, quite fond of russian rubles, did not have any motivation at all that any russian business became toxic, i will give an example very briefly, because we do not have much time, if possible on the european satellite hotburd were international versions of russian tv channels, in 2022, no matter how hard they tried to drive them out of there, they were driven out only by being included in what i believe to be the sixth sanctions list, which was adopted in december 2020, everything else was a pea
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on the wall, they listened, shook their heads, nothing was done, this is an effective scheme that the ukrainian authorities should pay attention to and work in this direction. thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr glushchenko, an expert in digital technologies, they write, i wish , the viewers write, well, there is a good signal in italy, in in poland, it's great, but in ukraine, kyiv region, the village of olshenytsia writes tetiana fetisheva, this morning there was no signal of espresso direct and the 24th, the person also does not indicate where shefsim is from. writes interruptions in channels direct espresso the fifth apostrophe and also there were still problems somewhere, but people say that one +1 and marathon was not affected, well, of course they are in t2, we t2 turned off together with the fifth and direct in my opinion in april 2022, well , lviv region is doing well, thank you for your comments, in fact, give this to maintain, well, in poland, they watch the tv channel plus, they watch us, i don’t understand, but we maintain this contact so that you understand that i… read you and react,
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and you will also react, that’s how it will be for us it is more productive to work with you, so that there is such an effect of presence, as they say, iryna fedoriv, ​​a journalist, and mrs. iryna, i congratulate you, good day, i am glad to see and hear, viktor medvedchuk is alive, and he, not only is he alive, he is here submits even such legal activity, he wants to renew his legal practice activities in ukraine and asks him to renew his... these certificates, well, that he had the right to practice law, this is quite a person, as they say, insolent, or not, does he know that he has his own people here, who will now start, as they say, probing the soil, please, well, the worst story is not that he sued, i am more than convinced that most likely he will lose this court, and the worst story is that if we speak about the bar, where he wants to renew his... in essence, his associates
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have been leading the bar for more than 10 years, because the law on the bar was adopted in the 12th year, when yanukovych was the president, let me remind you, it is a state law. andriy partnovy used to do all this with us, he was very happy, they got control over the bar, and there are their people, they are everywhere, and those of our soldiers who went to the front, lawyers, they are deprived of their lawyer’s license, and such, let’s say , odious lawyers who are part of the kremlin network for the distribution of telegram channels, we did. research, in particular kravets, such a lawyer, they are not deprived of their legal rights certificates, and even today i saw him on the air of breakfast 1+1, well, i had such a slight shock, well, what do you think, well , if it wasn’t here, you already mentioned the surname
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portnov there and so on, and if it wasn’t was there any interest here, would medvedchuk do it, and again, and if this interest exists, what interest could he have, well, everyone understands what he has? because it's not that there isn't any capital here, electoral capital, here it's just a child such a devil, he was a devil even during the time of kuchma, that is, he never had any capital in ukraine at all, it was always such a person, minus, why rush here at all and demand something else? well, but you have to understand that in the same courts there are also those who have russian passports, and we at espresso also talked about it, if we get on ours, can you imagine? uh, what kind of distrust will there be in the judicial system, if suddenly his lawyer's license is renewed, that is, these are attempts to attack the judicial system, the trust in our court, well, let them do their thing, they are trying to discredit our branches of government, the trust in these
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branches of government , it essentially undermines statehood, but the responsibility for this is all that the bar has not been changed in our country, that we cannot press on all this, we have a specialized committee in the parliament and... the european commission gave recommendations in the report to change the law on the bar, but we are waiting and we do not change, here is a question for mr. maslov, who heads the specialized committee, why is the bill not changed on, well, why is there not a bill on amendments to the law on advocacy, and we continue to let this circle of medvedchuk dominate the bar, let me remind you that lawyers, they give personnel and in the prosecutor's office, and in the judicial system, well, we had two such well-known schools there, well, even three in kharkiv. kyivska, each of them had their own people, well, medvedchuk was here, he really begot many, well, many people owe him the fact that they are generally in the bar and in judicial positions there, kivalov separately there is that, but well, we'll see. how will the situation develop, we are talking about it, there is hope that this will not happen,
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and this child will not return to ukraine, a state traitor, iryna fedoriv, ​​a journalist, was in touch with us, i am very in short, literally, well, they write that ours disappears in sums. the signal in lviv is written for a few days, the signal disappears in the vinnytsia region , there are interruptions on the direct line for several days, well , we will monitor, we will monitor, thank you again for your comments, it is important to read, because it is important for understanding how we should work, how we should react , we want you to see us in good quality and without interruptions, and to see our colleague serhii zgurets, because he talks about important things, about the situation at the front and around the front. serhiy zgurets, director defense agencies, leading columns, military summaries of the day. sergey, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today is ours. we will talk about the dynamics of combat operations and how to counter the enemy's attempts to attack our air defense helicopters and hymers. about this in a conversation with our expert in a moment. hello, this is svoboda
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ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. you every day, this is the shipping district of kherson, the inclusion is live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. first, about the front line, where the enemy has been conducting an offensive in several directions since october of last year. according to... the general staff, there were 79 combat clashes last day, and this is such a fairly high rate. the occupiers are trying to advance on several areas of the front, with a concentration primarily west of avydiyivka and maryanka, donetsk region, and over the past month there have been 60 reports of russian attacks in these directions.
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at the same time, british intelligence today , march 14, in the captain obvious format, assessed the further intentions of the enemy. they claim british intelligence that the overall situation is very likely to be difficult for ukrainian forces in the coming weeks as russia continues to rebuild and launch attacks. on priority directions, these directions, according to british intelligence, again, avdiivskyi and maryanskyi, this partially coincides with the statements of our military leadership, in particular, according to the results of the stay of the commander-in-chief oleksandr syrskyi in several areas of the front, this is what syrskyi says based on the results of the visited series brigade well, the enemy continues to conduct offensive actions, concentrating the main efforts in the districts. thorne, berdichi, tenenka, ivanivskoe, verbove and robotine, and at the same time , probably due to the high level of losses,
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the activity of the enemy in other areas has noticeably decreased. at the same time, according to sirskyi, there is a threat of enemy units advancing into the depth of our battle formations, it is probably all about the avdiivka direction, where silskyi was together with umirov, and more precisely, it is about all the positions from avdiivka to the left. of defense, there are berdy, or orlivka, tonenko and nevelske, there are actually no significant changes on the map there, but there is a rather difficult line of defense, because here the enemy has certain advantages in logistics, in heights, including the location of the same kochsokhim, which is there hangs partly over this line of defense, and the advantage of manpower, equipment, aviation, artillery, what our military leadership plans to do in view of these threats, the syrian said that gradually... the situation is becoming more complicated where there are two brigades and approved a decision to strengthen these directions
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with reserves, brigades, reserves with ammunition , means of reb, and to further ensure the stability of our defense on this part of the front, and syrsky was already today in the zaporizhzhia direction and there it was discussed , firstly, for the first time, it was said about the possibility the rotation of units despite the difficult situation, he said that... the rotation will stabilize the situation and have a positive effect on the morale and psychological state of ukrainian fighters, so this indicates that there are reserves that allow such a rotation to be carried out, this the statement is extremely important, in my opinion, and he also mentioned the situation in the zaporizhzhia region, where the enemy is trying to put pressure on our defenses in the areas of the zaporozhye region, but without much change. but at the same time , we understand that even now the russian federation is trying to respond to... new challenges, which may not yet be too challenging in the military sense, but cause
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such a powerful resonance for russia itself, especially during the next reassignment of putin for the position of president, are currently ongoing hostilities in the border zone of the russian federation, these are precisely the areas where units of the russian freedom legion, the russian volunteer corps and the siberian battalion are currently fighting against the putin regime. actually, now there are three areas, these are the settlements of spodaryushchyna , these are belgorod oblast, kozinka, belgorod oblast and tyotkina, kursk oblast. talk about the fact that the fighting is really going on, is being destroyed and is being used armored vehicles from both sides, there were also reports of the destruction of two bc warehouses in... the russian motherland, so this process is actually taking place and we will wait to see
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how these russian volunteers will act , first of all on russian territory, and now we are joined by valentin badrak, director of the army, conversion and disarmament research center, military analyst and writer, mr. valentin, greetings, glad to see and hear, greetings, mr. serhiy, as always, very happy to join the conversation, to the air, i i would like you to assess the situation on the front line a little like this, because there the president spoke a few days ago about stabilization, general syrsky says that the enemy is trying to advance in certain directions, british intelligence predicts the strengthening of the enemy's actions there, what do you see, what are your near- term estimates for the front line? well, here i have to agree with the supreme commander that there are indeed signs of stabilization, and mainly i... that this statement is dedicated to that, which was real from the very beginning and
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there is a very strong danger that the enemy can turn a tactical success in the direction of kyiv into an operational-tactical one and actually start to advance to the operational depth, this did not happen, and actually speaking, well, i see. positive efforts primarily of air defense, i.e. the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine carried out their huge, huge and important mission to destroy. even we all talked about such a plane crash, yes, when a dozen su-34x were destroyed, and accordingly destroyed, accordingly, the bombardment with guided bombs decreased, although it is certainly not possible to say that this is, so to speak, for a long period, someone
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is insured against this, further, today, it seems... commander-in-chief tsirskyi announced the beginning of the rotation, this is also a question that directly, here we i think it's worth discussing this against the background of the avdiivka events , because soon it will be almost a month, soon it will be a month, yes, we left abdiivka on february 17, today is march 14, and actually speaking, we talked about the cabins, about the second moment, this... lack of reserves in and in ukraine and in russia, that's exactly it one of the reasons why the enemy groups did not succeed was because they did not have reserves, but unfortunately, we did not have reserves either, and there was no opportunity to transfer them in time, we remember that at the last moment already
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the third assault force went there was overturned, but actually it was too late, because they couldn't, well, let's not repeat the issue that we already discussed, avdiyev, but here it is important that the rotation appears, and this means that the reserves from appear next, a very important point is related to ammunition. one of the reasons why the enemy's own groups developed success in the avdiiv direction was just a huge... shortage of ammunition, now the situation is normalizing a little, as i understand it, 170 00 ammunition from the eu, which were promised, which were produced, they are actually in condition possession, yes, about the transfer of possession, well, even further, we will expect 800 thousand from the so-called czech initiative, as well as
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ammunition, which will be able to help us, well, and finally. finally, one of the key points, this mistake was repeated under avdiivka, on it's a pity, and or a disadvantage, that the disadvantage of bakhmut, when there was no defense line behind bakhmut, now there are already reports that a huge defense line is being built, that the government has already connected there , including civilian companies, and this, in principle, provides. er, it is possible to talk about stabilization, although of course, all these points and the issue of ammunition and the issue of ammunition production and the issue of a special crazy defense and the preparation of reserves, there is a delay of almost a year and a half, because we expected that these decisions would be made somewhere at the level, at the level of the deep autumn of the 22nd year,
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when it became clear that the enemy began to put pressure on... on bahmud and the situation became especially acute on january 7, 23rd year, but there were no corresponding decisions, this, by the way, provided the basis , here i want to be sure to mention mick ryan, a very well-known powerful analyst of the australian general, who wrote an article back in february about the fact that russia is ahead of ukraine and the west in terms of strategic adaptation to war, and right here ... he made such disappointing conclusion, but i want it to note, he said that this is the weakness and incompetence of the state administration of ukraine, with this conclusion i have to agree with this conclusion of the general, but now, now the question is moving into what plane, quite dangerous in my opinion, is starting, and somewhere
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we are already almost two weeks we have been watching such positional hunting, yes we ... know that we lost hymars for the first time in a year and a half, and well , many are now saying that yesterday, yesterday's information and video about the loss of two, two mi-17 helicopters is apparently a fake, maybe , because the experts there see different things, we are a contagion, it is this video that we will ask to show, because i think that everyone has seen it, yes, that is, but this video ... shows certain trends, which, as i understand, you are now trying to convey to our viewers, yes, but, but i want to say that even in the picture now, when there was a change of picture, then... first we saw how the blades were spinning, yes, when the helicopters just landed, already in the second picture, when they were completely frozen, yes, that is,
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a static picture, experts say that it is maybe it is just such a resolution, so to speak, although i will not argue here, maybe it has been done, yes, here they are now , right here statically, yes, well, experts say what is here? the main thing for us, and which is very similar to hymers, the main thing is that the enemy has increased not only the intelligence capabilities, for example, this is what is connected with the helicopters, it is recorded that such a drone supercam, which, by the way, is a large a bird, has a 3.5-meter wingspan, well, in... the length of the wings, if you take it in full, then this is a very machine that can be seen very well, it works at an altitude of up to 5 km, and in principle
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it is about the fact that the main thing, the main point, is that it is 46 km from the collision zone, according to analysts, and above all , propaganda russian channels, and if it is such a distance. and we remember that the distance to hymars was about 40 km, and similarly hymars went into position and delayed a little, the same here, but here they say that they were practically waiting for helicopters, some were supposed to get on e before refueling, but the main thing for here's the thing, that the time from the moment when the ukrainian equipment is detected until the moment of opening... fire to engage , it means that the enemy has greatly improved with intelligence, and with the use of means
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of engagement, and that, in fact, well, it calls for a very vigilant, vigilant surveillance, a very active counter-drone, a more active , than it was before, and not only in the collision zone, but at such great distances. because the same supercam can fly into it with a flight length of 240 km, this means that it can fly somewhere 100 km away, actually speaking, into ukrainian territory, we must constantly be vigilant and in fact, in fact, to react instantly to all these things, and besides , echelon defense is important, something that the ukrainian air defense has already demonstrated, but... now it needs to be translated into such a system operation, when enemy drones will be shot down and
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there will be countermeasures by all possible means to prevent a complete, well, quick defeat and calculation, quick calculation of coordinates, because the same hymers, i will remind you once again, he stayed in position and... gave the enemy the opportunity to calculate the coordinates and then already to strike, that's it such very important things, and of course this is not happening only in one direction, so to speak, the ukrainian defense forces are demonstrating powerful capabilities, and in fact this positional hunting has begun, in my opinion, i would consider that it is necessary to make a reference point in the moment when it was destroyed on the territory. of russia, actually the a50-u aircraft, the long- range radar detection and control aircraft, this is the moment when it began, well, if
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we do not talk about the systematic destruction of russian ships of the black sea fleet, which has already of such, well, continuous systemic character, and definitely allows us to say that the black sea fleet will one day cease to exist. because it is stuck here in the closed black sea. mr. malantin, i would like to ask you about another component that can affect the situation on the front line. we are talking about the next election of putin, and not so much about this fact, but about whether the enemy will have a mobilization after these elections, because some say that it is enough for the enemy to carry out such a mobilization in the range of 30 thousand per month, she is invisible to the russian federation. side to carry out a more powerful mobilization and thus proceed to certain offensive actions. what are your predictions for this component due to its opponent, what do you think, how it will
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happen. i am primarily dealing with such things as the fact that even some million-dollar mobilization will not allow the enemy to prepare units very quickly, it takes a certain amount of time and requires a significant number of training centers, and they are there, even taking into account the fact that at the end of the 22nd year they attracted began to create... such centers on the basis of various educational institutions and added there, well , to two dozen such special centers, they used belarusian centers, but they still have a big problem with training, training of personnel, and well, i want to remind you that that we know together that during the so-called ogarki hearings in october... at the end
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of october 23, they themselves determined that they needed up to 12 months to prepare and fully coordinate the units, they do not have such time, and accordingly to avdiev events, when they did not have enough reserve for the development of success, i conclude that they will not have such a ready-made personnel, maybe they will... they will speed up their training in some way, but all the same, these are limited opportunities, and if you take into account just add to this that according to the conclusions of western intelligence, russia has already deconserved about, well, from 25 to 40% of armored mobilization reserves, and this is old equipment,
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well, but... conditionally, if it is restored, conditionally reliable, then this means that and with the equipment, they will still be significant problems moreover, the question of the use of armored vehicles and personnel, well, the last case is last week, when after a long period of time, when the equipment for assaults was not used, it was carried out. such an assault with the participation of 18 units of various armored vehicles: tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, and 16-18 were destroyed by the defense forces of ukraine, this means that yes, make a summary and we will say goodbye in view of this one. yes, this means that the enemy still has significant difficulties, but
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i want to draw attention. that strategic adaptation they are doing better, it means that we need to work much harder at all levels, not only in terms of the line of defense, the line of contact, but in all areas, starting from the international areas where we have to get weapons and ammunition, and ending, of course, with our own production weapons and ammunition. mr. val, thank you very much for the inclusion, for your time, and to remind our audience that this was valentyn badrak, director of the center for army, conversion and disarmament studies. these were the main military results of this day, then more news on vasyl zima's broadcast, so stay tuned to espresso. thanks to serhii zgurets, thanks to his guest, these were the military results of the day. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time. hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening! good evening, we are from ukraine! well, now the second hour of the great ter begins, a lot of interesting and important information awaits you, the world during the war with yuri fizer, the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka, there will also be cultural news today and the weather from natalka didenko, well, it's supposed to be warmer tomorrow. well , now the most important news: at the front , the rotation of units and units from the front line has begun, it is about servicemen who perform combat tasks for a long time. it was reported chief'


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