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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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winter, two hours of airtime , two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many , as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, now the second hour of the great ter begins, a lot of interesting, important information is waiting for you. the world during the war with yuriy fizer, the world about ukraine with yuriy fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka, there will also be cultural news today and the weather from natalka didenko, well, it's supposed to be warmer tomorrow. well, now the most important news: at the front , the rotation of units and units has begun, with the front line talking about servicemen who perform combat missions for a long time. this was reported by the head commander. the commander of the armed
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forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, according to him, the replacement of soldiers will allow to stabilize the situation and have a positive effect on the moral and psychological state of our defenders. they are asking not to take part in the kremlin production the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine called on the international community not to send observers to the so-called elections of putin in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. accordingly, the statement was published on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs. forcibly involving ukrainians in participating in a fake demonstration of will is illegal, the ministry also called on the residents themselves temporarily occupied territories, not to participate in this action. the mi-8 helicopter crashed in arefi, tired and fell in the magadan region. as a result of the accident, one person died, and several others were seriously injured, the russian media reported. in total , there were two on the gvyntokryla. three workers from one of
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the local mines and three crew members. according to preliminary information, the wreckage occurred due to engine failure, the details of the incident are being established. a 17-story building is burning like matches in the russian city of tver. this was reported to the local media. and according to preliminary information, no one was allegedly injured, because construction work was just being completed in the apartments. i will establish the causes of the fire at the moment. the arrest was continued, roman hrenkevych was kept in custody for another month. this was announced today in the pechersk district court of the city of kyiv. notifies the public. at the same time , the amount of the pledge was reduced to uah 469 million. hrenkevych's defense has already announced that it will file an appeal. let me remind you that roman was detained as one of the five suspects in the case of supplying clothes for the ukrainian army. his father from lviv was also detained.
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nesmen ihor hrenkevich. volunteer day is celebrated in ukraine today. congratulations and eternal memory to those volunteers who laid down their heads and gave their lives in born for ukraine. so, on the day of the volunteer in lviv, they performed patriotic poetry, the poetry of yury dadak with the call sign, with the call sign ruf. he is known as a poet, public figure, scientist, founder of the clothing brand gver and the literary and educational project duh. nation, from the first days of the full-scale invasion, yuriy ruv volunteered for front as part of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo halytsky fought in luhansk region, died from enemy mortar fire, on april 1, 22, he was buried at the lychakiv cemetery in lviv. yura didn't have time to do much, even he did a lot, but he didn't have time to do much, and yuren from... the county, first of all, that
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ukraine speaks ukrainian, that's probably the main thing, ukrainian-speaking people should be in power, our youth must speak ukrainian perfectly, this is probably the most basic thing, i heard you, i didn’t send you, you chose your own war, but... you did not lose your spirit, eternal memory, once again and thanks to the volunteers who went to defend ukraine, and are still defending it, it was not successful, the american company spacex reported the loss of the senior sapraheva spacecraft during third test flight, the incident occurred at the spaceport in texas, starship is the largest and most powerful system ever created for space launches. elon musk... positions it as an option for
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flights to the moon and mars. the previous two tests were only partially successful, after all musk's company failed to fully complete the testing program. the fight for ukraine for yury davydenko began with the maidan, then there was participation in an anti-terrorist operation, and finally the great war. he started his military career at the age of 52 and volunteered to defend the country. our journalists will tell more about the defender. yurii davydenko joined the euromaidan participants after beating the students. the man says that at the time he had a daughter of the same... age, so he wanted to protect the future of young people, this is me and ruslana at night, we took a picture with her there, she was walking there, she was on stage, she always supported the stage, supported people. when
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russia invaded ukraine in the 14th year, dobrovolets, a master furniture maker, went to the front. at the age of 52, he was a machine gunner in the landing force, served in the infantry. there was such a thing that they were shooting at us from four sides, their left side was just in front, and they were firing at us in a circle from four sides, well, then the shooting range prevailed, then there were few mines there, there were no aggressors flying there, that was it not enough, and this war is probably not that kind yet there was a saturated war, because there were not so many weapons, there were not so many shells. as now, and there were no such and such bombs. on the 17th, the service was interrupted by an illness. doctors diagnosed a tumor in the brain. even after the operation, yuriy returned to his brothers, on the eve of the full-scale invasion, he joined
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the ukrainian volunteer army. this is ihor gavenko, callsign kas, this is us in the izyum direction, photographed on the bridge , which was... the wound is laughing, fate spared him, when the drone was being planted, he spun out, there is a cloud , he went into the cloud, we don’t see him, where is he, he gave us everything, our coordinates, everything, he already saw everything, and the tank is after us, well, we were saved by the fact that there was concrete and... a fence in front of us, and we sat down like that, well, we are discussing the situation here, he was flying right at us, he was flying at us, he didn't make it, apparently the earth was spinning, now the husband's health has deteriorated , he was diagnosed with a relapse of the disease, and yuriy is ready to overcome
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difficulties, he also encourages his brothers, they say in a military hospital. this is a prime example of how important it is that such facilities exist, yes, because people who get some kind of injury or some kind of trauma. our patient himself is such an example , they need support for a long time, patriotism, an example of endurance, strength of spirit, a person has a lot of resources for happiness, and to survive the events that are happening to him now, on his own. music helps to keep his spirits up, shares the defender, he believes that he will recover soon and will continue to serve his native country. and i can use weapons hold, i can't run, i can't storm there, although i like to storm. i stormed better , sat down, defended myself, i prefer this, i really hope that maybe they will pass a law that 60 plus can leave voluntarily, well, they can leave voluntarily, let’s not be in the assault units such units,
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units such that on on the second line, and if necessary, on the first, if they climb there already, then this is the same thing with... kropytskyi for the espresso tv channel. a wonderful story, a wonderful warrior, give him strength and health to go through it all. oh, and thank you, of course, for his service in ukraine. and now my colleague yuriy fizar will talk about events outside ukraine. he is already in touch with us. yuri, good evening. please, you have the word. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today. there is a lot of information, it is all interesting, so that with... everything, the world about ukraine will start in a moment, but i will start with this, today it was dragged out a lot, i have been monitoring all day, and only
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in the evening it became known that the president of france emmanuel macron will address a message to the people of his country, and the main topic will be precisely the support of paris, kyiv's armed forces. ukraine's appeal will take place at 21 kyiv time, so it is possible that you will already have some information about this in serhiy rudenko's verdict. it is also interesting that information from the lemon publication appeared today as well in the evening. that in conversations with his advisers, president macron thought about sending french troops to odesa for some reason, whether he will talk about it today is unknown, but probably everything will be very, very interesting for us, so all the information will be in the world tomorrow during the war, in the world about ukraine, i'm sorry, let's move on: letting putin win would be the most serious historical mistake, sir , we cannot allow the authoritarians... to get their way with the help of force, it would be dangerous for all of us. this
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was stated by nato secretary general jens stoltenberg today in brussels, during a briefing on the results of 2023. according to him, two years ago , putin started a war in ukraine, trying to close the door to nato, but - says the head of the euro-atlantic alliance, he did not succeed, to this military-political community finland and the swedes joined in, and it was ukraine's turn. only to ukraine, jen stoltenberg added. first you need to help win. next, let's listen to him in direct speech. unprecedented support from nato member countries helped ukraine to survive as a sovereign and independent state. but ukraine needs even more support. they need it immediately. ukrainians never run out of courage. they are running out of ammunition. together, we are able to provide them with everything that is needed, we need to demonstrate the political will for this, all members of the alliance must
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act quickly and decisively. every day of delay has real consequences on the battlefield in ukraine. so, this is a critical moment. thank you for this help. well, although the european union is not currently at war, it is now in great danger. the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, said this in an interview with the spanish radio station rne. with . he added that official brussels, in general, and each member state of the european union, in particular, should make maximum efforts to help ukraine stop the russian war on its territory. next is a quote from the chief european diplomat. we do not have a surplus of military funds. we don't have a surplus because since 2008, after the euro crisis, europe has been going through a silent process of silent disarmament. and now mr. borel adds: "we need to catch up on everything lost." and
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very interestingly, with his speech, with his interview , i liked another statement about last week's statement by pope francis. the head of european diplomacy, in particular , believes that his proposal to start peace talks is intended to be papal a proposal to establish peace in ukraine. pope francis is iron - this is a quote from mr. borel, iron. to the garden, to which no one called him, and that's right. kaya kalas refused to guarantee that at some point the estonian troops may or may not be on the territory of ukraine, the country's prime minister said this on wednesday, that is, the day before, answering the questions of riga kogu deputies of the parliament of ukraine within the government hour. at the same time , she emphasized that estonian soldiers are already abroad in the framework of various. of peacekeeping missions, and although ms. kalas added that the decision on a possible dispatch to
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ukraine will still be made by parliamentarians, and if they believe that this can provoke russia, then, well, let kaya kalas say it directly. our military aid to ukraine can also be considered by russia as an intervention, because we really want ukraine to win, we really want... russia to lose and return to its borders, and we are doing everything for the victory of kyiv. estonia has clearly chosen the side that supports ukraine, because russia is a straight line for us threat. and we feel this support. we understand that in the future a new iron curtain may appear between the baltic states and russia and belarus. this is what the prime minister of latvia said. during a speech at the atlantic council. according to the head of the latvian government, it is primarily about ensuring economic and energy
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independence from erefia, and at the same time she also acknowledged the fact that it will be extremely difficult to do this, but added that they are preparing. the decision on recognition or non-recognition of the so-called elections on the territory of russia has yet to be made while the federations will adopt each member country. of the european union, so the official representative of the european commission, peter stanom, answered the question during the briefing about whether the european union is going to recognize the so-called presidential elections. according to him, this is the prerogative of the eu member states, but at the same time, mr. stanos affirmatively added that official brussels does not and will not recognize the results of voting in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine under any circumstances. russia should participate in a peaceful search conference ways to end the russian war in ukraine,
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which it itself started. at least such a clause exists in the swiss peace. initiative, the minister of foreign affairs of the swiss confederation , ignatius cassis, said about it in an interview with the rsf tv channel, followed by his brief direct speech. the idea is that this peace conference will open a process, a path, and russia will definitely have to join this path. i already said in davos in january that there will be no peace without the russians, my position has not changed. well, in my opinion, a strange position. because without russians in ukraine just had peace, and now there should be peace with them, well, this is somewhat strange, and masha zakharova, the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, said that even if they are invited to this conference, they will not come. by invading ukraine on february 24, 2022, russia unleashed
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a war on the doorstep of the european union and a geopolitical crisis that is perhaps the most dramatic in recent memory. 20 years, we are obliged to express respect and support to the ukrainian people who have been subjected to aggression, a rather unexpected statement, considering that made it on march 12 during a speech in the lower house of the french parliament, the leader of the far-right national union party, marine le pen. previously, she stayed away from such things, calling more for negotiations, but there is one but, in these words of ms. le pen, this war will inevitably end with negotiations. and you know it, the goal of france and its allies should be that when the time comes, ukraine will be in the most favorable situation to restore its territorial integrity. well, such an unexpected statement from marine le pen, but as far as i'm concerned, she's just preparing, no , thank you first of all to mrs. marine le pen, but she
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's preparing for the elections, for the elections, first of all, for the european parliament, when she 's going to take her deputies, well, in the 27th year as well french presidential elections. western countries have not threatened, do not threaten, and will not threaten russia in any way. instead, such a threat is precisely from the side of russia for ukraine, poland and all states located to the west of them. the minister of defense of great britain grand shab said this in an interview tv channel gb news during a visit to poland. this is how he commented on putin's statement the day before yesterday that the russian. the nuclear forces are ready at any moment to respond to any encroachment from the west, the minister added, quote: this is irresponsible, especially when it comes to nuclear weapons. misunderstanding or translation error: donald trump did not confirm prime minister viktor
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orbán's statement after a meeting with him that the 45th owner of the white house would stop giving booze. money of ukraine when he wins the elections. in in an interview with the newsmax tv channel, the 45th president of the usa once again stated that the countries of the european union should give ukraine more money. according to donald trump, europe is in much greater danger, but pays approximately $100 billion less, and therefore , he emphasized, this is a continuation of the america first program, not an anti-ukrainian program. well , in conclusion, he did not just watch as a spectator at the tank competition on the training ground, he personally played with one of the iron machines, the leader of north korea, kimchanin checked preparedness of tank corps for a possible war, and at the same time tested the performance of the new north korean tank.
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marshal kim was satisfied with the sighting, at least so, it was later reported on the air of the central telegraph agency of the dprk babi. kimchanin even said that the north korean army received the most powerful tank in the world. well, of course, could it be otherwise, now only one thing is confusing, that this tank did not appear at some point on the front in ukraine. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine column, all for today, because tomorrow there will be more and more in our future broadcast, so do not switch. thanks to yuri fizer, it is interesting to look at this most powerful tank in the world, when on it. a ukrainian thigh or an american javelin flew in, well, but rolling like that and shooting like in tank badminton is cool, but until you are not russian tanks, too, by the way
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, t-90s drove with such audacity to ukraine, but they did not start burning, and igor eisenberg with us, professor of new york university, mr. igor, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, i congratulate everyone who sees and hears and today there is something to talk about, well there is always something to talk about, but today, in particular. the speaker of the house of representatives of the congress of the united states of america mike johnson promised to unblock aid to ukraine, but with significant changes, what is it about and why did he suddenly decide not to wait for the moment when they decide to remove him and vote without him? well, the thing is, signatures are being collected on a petition to unblock this bill that passed the senate. the collection of signatures officially began on tuesday, because it is necessary it happened that 30 days had passed since the bill got to the house of representatives and was not considered, and just on tuesday was
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the 30th day, the collection of signatures began, and here i looked half an hour before our inclusion with you, there were 177 of them , and 218 are needed , the fact is that if 218 signatures are collected... then for the speaker it will be such a terrible political defeat, because it will mean that he is simply not capable of managing the chamber, unable to manage the processes in it, and if there is 218, it will mean that some, at least, how many republicans signed the petition, so far there are no republican signatures, but if it happens, then to johnson, it will certainly be a very narrow defeat, i think he is afraid, and he is also important. follows how many signatures there are, who signs, who promises to sign, that's why, that's why it's not surprising that he is afraid of such a situation, but these, i'm goto,
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and what changes, what he's talking about, because i'm ready to unlock, but with significant changes, is that 10 billion should be given instead of 60 or given to the manufacturers of weapons in the usa, let's say, the help for ukraine is otherwise macro-financial or for some kind of social payments. whether to give, for example , since august, there is already a part of the republicans who allegedly supports aid to ukraine, they say, well, let's give it, that means we will give military aid, but we will not give economic, financial aid, someone there says, let's arrange it as loans, someone he says, give us loans that russia will practically have to pay, because we will use frozen russian money. well, i don't know exactly what johnson will propose, what changes will suggest, the fact is that bills are not passed in congress, it's just johnson
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, he, he, he can't help but understand how they are passed, he got to congress not yesterday, well, i'm not a member of congress, but i'm fine i understand that in a divided congress, in which one party has a tiny majority in one chamber, it is tiny in the other chamber. the majority of the other party, any bills can be adopted only through negotiations between the leadership of the faction, by agreeing on the position, agreeing on the texts of the bill, agreeing on what is there, because if, if johnson is going to propose something as propagandistic as he wants, it's simply impossible to pass, because it's unlikely even in the house of representatives to get a majority of votes, and in the senate you... more so, because what will not be approved by the senate , it is impossible to pass it simply as a law, the bill that was passed by the senate, it is just bipartisan, and it
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was proposed by the white house, that is, it was not a secret what was in it, and the white house coordinated it with the senate, that is, there are many republicans, senators voted for this one the bill is more than 20, that is, it is not that, something like that... johnson wants to do it behind the scenes , so we have to watch, but i am very interested in how many signatures will appear there, because the closer they are to 218, the more there will be more pressure on johnson, because if there are 218, it will be a very bad political defeat for him. i have one more question for you: in the new poll , joseph biden was ahead of donald trump, these are the people who will obviously... well, not obviously, in principle, well, from the democratic republican party, be the only candidates, and actually they will decide the fate of the presidency for the next four years there, and what does this mean
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and... what are the percentages there and what kind of survey is it, maybe you can tell us more, because we read surveys in the usa, we are there, well, how do we know here there is a rating group , there is a kmis, there is a deminitiative, we know what kind of sociologists we have in ukraine, we understand there, there is a center of intelligence, but in the usa we do not know who polled there, what is there, please, well yes, there are several such sociological campaigns in america, which are similar to ukrainian campaigns, they conduct surveys, but you understand the fact is that polls in a country with a population of 300... 40 million with a number of voters somewhere around 240-250 million, they are 8 months before the elections, they are not so important, i would say that it is not worth turning on them very much attention now , we will have to pay attention to the polls, starting from the end, maybe from may, from june, precisely to the polls in the swind states, where
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the fate of the elections will be decided, i would... now pay attention to other things, to other things , for example, primemarries continue, although the candidates are known, but they will still be to continue in the primary, let's say, it's very interesting how many people will still vote in the gop primaries after gailey, so that means those gop voters are not willing to support trump, on the other hand, how many people in the democratic primaries will vote, so to speak , against everyone, there is such a thing, no, i haven't decided who to support. yes , it is written on the ballots, and it is possible that these people simply may not come to the elections in november and thus not vote for biden, that is more important, much more interesting numbers, you know, where there were, at the exit polls, in the states where there are open primaries, that is, where independent voters could participate in the primaries, and there they were curiously
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asked, who did you vote for? but trump has support, for example in states like south carolina, virginia, new hampshire, trump had very little support among independent voters where they participated in the primary at the level of 30 to 39%, that's very little, yes only half to 59% of those who voted for niki hellien, that's where they were open primers. said that they will not vote for trump, that is, trump thus loses those voters who vote for somehow gelin primaries, these are much more interesting numbers, because these are polls that are conducted among people who just voted, that is, people, people actually thought , who they vote for and why, and when polls are conducted somewhere in the thousands of people, maybe even a representative sample of the entire country, i
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think that this is it... well, in some polls , trump is about 1% ahead, in others, biden on 1% of the time, we understand that there are many things that will affect this, first of all the situation, well, not first of all, the situation in the states themselves, economic, otherwise, and of course the situation in ukraine is important for biden, but here it is important for us to get help, so that it is possible to hit the enemy more effectively and more massively and painfully, thank you very much for your comments, thank you for joining igor eisenberg, professor of new york university, and about... i can from mike, well, what about mike johnson's decision there and about these ratings of biden and trump. now short-lived a very short pause, then money with oleksandr morchivka, stay with us, it will be more interesting later. we continue the money, during the war oleksandr morchivka is next to me , oleksandr, please, congratulations. greetings to the audience, thank you vasyl for his words, in the next few minutes you will learn about the decision of the national bank and we will talk with an expert about attacks on russian refineries, how it affects the market and the
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course of the war, wait. there will be more, i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i will start with the unexpected decision of the financial regulator market, so prices are no longer galloping, and the hryvnia maintains its strength against the dollar, this prompted the national bank to lower the discount rate to 14.5% per annum earlier than predicted, yes... the nbu says that this indicator was also affected by shifts in the part of receiving international aid. at the end of march, at the beginning of april , they hope that the country will receive financing in the total amount of 10 billion dollars. this will support, in general , the financial system of ukraine. gold and foreign exchange reserves will be replenished, the hryvnia will strengthen against the dollar, and so on hold back the price. therefore, here is 14.5 from.


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