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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EET

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here in ryazan, where a big fire broke out, at the same time, the russian authorities also announced that today a drone fell on the territory of the novoshakhtinsk refinery, as a result of which this refinery stopped working and actually, well, completely stopped, and... well, no, it was not possible to intercept it and this friendly drone successfully flew to where it wanted, so what is it, and besides, judging by everything, this is, you know, the largest attack by drones on russian territory, well, for quite a long time. well, today we have a guest, ivan
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kyrychevskyi, a military expert from defense express. greetings, ivan. good day. let's talk about it and, and even somewhat more broadly. well, let's start with the fact that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi said that he worked in two brigades where the situation is gradually getting more complicated, there is a threat of enemy units advancing deep into our battle formations. in general, promptly. the installation of the eastern front remains difficult, the enemy continues to conduct offensive actions, concentrating the main efforts in terne, ivanivskyi, berdyche, tonenky, verobove and revotyne districts. the ukrainian forces managed to somewhat stabilize the situation in the avdiyiv direction, and syrskyi also pointed out that during two weeks of fierce fighting, the enemy suffered extremely high losses, because of this, the advance and ... trampling actions, all the settlements that
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the enemy tried to capture these days, slowed down a bit , remained under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, well , that’s exactly what it is, and it was already noted in our review that the enemy’s actions seemed to have slowed down, although it cannot be said that precisely these striking attempts to inflict airstrikes, how would you describe this situation? is it a decrease in the activity of the occupying forces, really, or is it some kind of regrouping, or what in general, what is happening in general, how would you describe this situation, which has now developed on the front? well, it’s definitely not necessary to say that their activity has dropped there, well, because if the general staff spoke in the morning about 91 assaults that were carried out in the past day, well, it is obvious that the russians continue to attack quite intensively, the question here is simply that the russians they just intended to attack but fortunately for our military...
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at this stage, due to the fact that some magical unknown projectiles arrived there, it was possible to stop it all, because now the czech republic simply officially declares that these czech projectiles, the first, they have to pass somewhere in june, well, that is, it is obvious, well, either this is just an information masking, or a large batch of ammunition for our troops, which allowed us to restrain the russians there, was not received , and it was received from some other alternative alternative sources, what is now russia. .. cannot conduct certain regrouping in order to try after some time to renew the scale of offensive actions in order to try to push somewhere, should not be ruled out, because, well, today there were several unpleasant and specific episodes for us in the sense that there is not only language about the deaths of servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine , but also simply about the fact that the russians have probably improved the work of their reconnaissance strike circuit, well, that is, when they can detect something faster,
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give the command to... damage faster and open fire faster, that's why it's so unpleasant here the story turns out, but despite the fact that there are some objective factors that we have, for example, a lag in material and technical resources, well, it is obvious that there are some organizational points in the management of the troops that have to be resolved and, let's say, the measure of solving these problems somehow still manages to hold back the russians, well , to be fair, the charges, well, no army was able to pass ... to solve this problem in an appropriate style, in general, a whole set of such complex factors turns out to be a whole set of such complex factors, about which if, on the one hand, they are now playing on us by allowing us to restrain the russians, and on the other hand, well, this situation will not be able to last for long, and here the question is whether after all, we will manage to sway it in our favor, or will the russians hold the initiative there, well
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, from our review and in general from what is being said on the front, it is clear that the most... actually such a danger, the greatest striking force of the russians remains , this is the use of guided aerial bombs , as we can see from the review, in fact their use has increased, even despite the fact that several planes were destroyed, well, more than that, well , maybe it also resembles some kind of preparation, maybe a change in some tactics of the russians, that is, they saw , that it is effective enough and now not from below. there are some number of assaults simply because they are trying to destroy more of our fortifications with air bombs before that, maybe so, one can assume so, but in any case the question arises of countering this and using guided aerial bombs and in general well somehow
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protection, i.e. here what opportunities we can have here, because in fact now this issue is the most important in general. well, by and large, this is the key in general now at the front. well, let's still make a certain correction, because let's say this, if russian military theorists admit out loud to themselves that they are forced to resort to all these technical tricks, because they traditionally lack the training of personnel, then this is unlikely does it happen there instead of them that is, instead of infantry assaults, this is a transition to a larger-scale use of guided aerial bombs, this is precisely their addition, that is, relatively speaking, if the infantry once they... understand that their infantry assaults do not work, but they cannot abandon this tactic, then here then there is the issue of aviation, especially since there is , let's say, such a significant conceptual problem, why , for example, at one time we were prophesied in the west that kyiv would be there in three days and all of ukraine there in three weeks, well, because syrian
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russians tried this whole concept like this to demonstrate flying artillery with guided aerial bombs, let's say, let's say , on the example of syria , they succeeded in such a demonstration, only there there was no anti-aircraft defense... there was no defense, they used old soviet guided aerial bombs with a launch range of only a few kilometers, well, that is, syrian ones working out the first two years of a full-scale war did not help them, but to the extent that they made such a winged aerial bomb that could fly for several tens of kilometers, it turns out that this is the concept of flying artillery, which the russians created for themselves back in 2016, but in 2024 it began to be implemented in them as much as possible, as a means of countermeasures, well here... we will have to start by saying the standard phrase in such cases: it is a pity that we lost time, because well, for the sake of justice, i and my other colleagues, when they raised problems there in the summer that simply asking for air defense equipment will not help us, we need to buy them urgently, and it turns out that time is wasted, because the queue for modern air defense systems
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is scheduled a few years ahead and we don't have it occupied , well, that’s why the only question left here is that we need long-range missiles, well, at least the same tauruses, maybe already... not for such, you know, a political goal, to demolish the russians’ crimean bridge, especially since justice the taurus fences are not suitable for such confinement, but you know, you can only ask for more long-range missiles, it is possible for everyone to hit the airfields of the russian aviation at least in the temporarily occupied crimea, well, because there are so many anti-aircraft missile complexes that we have a reliable plus- minus to block at least the line the front so that the russians could not drop aerial bombs there, we do not have, moreover, even what concerns the f-16 there are expectations... regarding the fact that the planes will come, they will begin to help win superiority in the air, well, okay, yes , there are air-to-air aim 120c8 missiles that the pentagon ordered there, they should arrive to us somewhere in 2025, well, but the pentagon ordered naski somewhere there and we see how the progress of
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american military aid is now moving, well, that is, no way, what do we need prevents you from searching for it yourself resources and place an order for these missiles, which are also in short supply in the world, so that... our f-16s can stably have the ability to conduct air combat at high ranges, including to prevent the russians from dropping the cabs, at least in the future, this is a question open, but as far as we can understand , well, for some reason, the poles have enough organizational capacity to order a very large number of missiles up to 16 credits for 2 billion dollars, we don't yet, that's why i'm afraid that we're just here for now , well, some measures to counter the cabals are necessary was supposed to be done yesterday, but if we don’t start doing it... at least we have time to make a face, well, that is , to order air defense systems and anti-aircraft missiles, air to f-16, then i’m afraid we will never solve this problem with hubs, in the end, let’s let's ask the question, even so, here we have official, even official resources allowed themselves as much as they want to scaliz about the fact that what is the primitive design of this
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umpk module, and where is our similar one, well, you know, it would be a good answer to the russians the answer is to send only gifts, therefore let's count, well, conditionally, the russians are dropping... somewhere there are 100, well, plus or minus 100 guided aerial bombs per day, that's somewhere, well, 500 kg, well, roughly speaking, it's a couple of thousand shells, but one thing turns out when a couple of thousand shells precisely fired from a cannon, they are lost somewhere... on 1,300 km of the front, and now we say that a couple of thousand shells are only equivalent to aerial bombs, they create significant problems, but it turns out that we have good french aerial bombs, hummer, but which there are 50 pieces per month, in russians 100 pieces per month a day, but there is still a problem, we have to put it like this, if the russians made this primitive module in the ipc, which is preventing us, why are there different technological clusters there, but they should have done something similar yesterday, well, that is, what ... which can be attached to an old soviet aerial bomb and send it cast iron on the head of the russian occupiers, from the rubric this game can be played in
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two. well, yes, this is a fair remark, moreover, well, there should not be such a situation when the loss of every patriot or nasamsa there turns into some kind of direct broadcast for us these entire sections of the front, because well, these installations are in the world, let's say on... armed, probably, there are countries that are not under threat of attack right now, and probably diplomatic efforts should be aimed at ensuring that at least to buy it from them, now in this perspective, what is available now, and the finances in fact, well, we rely on drones, we rely on a lot, well, let’s rely on patriot systems, there are sams systems , and something else, by the way, which would be, well, the most effective, if you ask the question, what would it be... to buy exactly to buy for that it would be, let's say,
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effective protection against and against planes and bombs. well, the same patriots are the problem, well, we just know how to get lost, you know how it somehow turns out that even naval drones have turned into pr projects, that's where we get lost, but here we have to to put the question like this, the poles bought, well, they managed to order before the full-scale invasion, how many four batteries are there, now they... want to order at least a couple of dozen, but they order on credit, in principle, poland, so that arm yourself more or less decently, well , on that basis, in order to, you know, improve, improve the defense against russia, they take out very large loans, we never dreamed, but for some reason the poles take out loans, negotiate with the americans about credit purchases, they, well, they for some reason they are not afraid of what is interfering with us , well, the question is open, but today, by the way , such an article appeared that the pentagon seems to be able to transfer to ukraine missiles for attacks from a longer range of 290 km, at the moment, as if in
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the nearest package, there are these long-range attack missiles with a range of up to 160 km, actually, which ones 290 km rockets could solve the problem, and what can be done with it now, apparently. let's assume that even this story, that the pentagon can finally give us these classic attacks at 300 km, that this is an attempt to warm up so that, well, congress or other structures where funding for these missiles could be allocated. speaking of which, what could be spent on these atakamts, which are 290 km away, to be precise, there the combat unit is a unitary 227 kg blaster, well, obviously, at least for strikes on airfields in the temporarily occupied crimea, precisely in order to... at least somehow declassify the russian aviation there, well, because we can put it this way, or to raise
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such a question in the voice, somehow it turns out strange that about the arrivals of the stormshades, well from there, russian resources are constantly declared, but it is not yet visible that they will bring any large-scale destruction, perhaps in our case a combination of ballistic and cruise missiles is needed, and then it would give its result, and so it turns out that, well, somehow possible just... due to the fact that the efforts are not coordinated, yes , somewhere they covered the command post, they covered an important node of the russian air defense in the crimea, they also covered something important from the control to control the aviation, but at the same time, the same russian planes with the same cabs over time occupied crimea continues to fly, accordingly something more powerful is needed, and accordingly we should have attacks in this direction, and maybe just, by the way, if we are talking about diplomatic efforts, well, you know, there is little on our part, probably we should not enough... not at all just ask for some missiles there, but also detail that we do not need missiles for aggressive measures, then for some reason scholz constantly
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thinks that the taurus will definitely fly to moscow, although he does not really have the range for this, for example , that the taurus itakamsa is needed for to destroy the russian aviation at the front-line airfields , and accordingly save the lives of our soldiers, especially since the russians appear at as many as nine airbases, painted fake eyes, and planes, whatever theories there are, well, try to analyze the satellite, what is it.. so, they are are they just preparing for the fact that something might fly through their airfields, well , unlike our western allies, who hesitate to give something so that it could fly through russian airfields or not? well, probably, yes, it is necessary, we really need to talk more about this and talk about the fact that this, well, at this stage of the war is, well, simply a necessary condition for ukraine to be able to resist aggression, well, look , sirsky spoke of two brigades and spoke of more threatening directions for the enemy's advance
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subdivisions, what the directions can be, that is , what it can be about. which of your, well, from your point of view, which directions are currently the busiest? i think that in fact there, let's call them that, they are all equally threatened, but i think that we are still in such a sensitive case, the period of the war, when, you know, you should not put any emphasis on the fact that the russians can break through there or can only advance there in a certain direction, the language there is robotin, the language is avdiiv, conditionally bakhmutsky or the former mariinsky, they are trying to advance everywhere, it is simply better here already... to look at what we manage to do in order not to give a breakthrough, you know, in such cases it just comes to my mind, let's say, a little so dry, but a very telling example from history, when poland was still resisting in germany during the second world war, there was just a dry boring episode, when polish, let's say, wedged cavalrymen gave a good fight, destroyed several german tanks, but for some reason the polish journalists thought that they were polish
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hussars, pooping directly with sabers on the holo on german tanks, everyone lay down there. from the polish hussars, and after that the country, which more or less effectively resisted the aggressor, even in conditions when it had an advantage there in terms of technical resources, began to crumble, accordingly, in this case we also have to be somewhat careful that under we didn't suddenly start pouring out careless assessments, it's just that, unfortunately, there is such a sad reality in the framework of which the russian army tries to advance wherever it has the strength and means, the only question is how our defenders manage to make the russians of their the tasks were not up to... well, they were not achieved , and the last question, just a minute , well, in these, if we say, starting from your last words, so that the russians do not succeed, now this campaign of russian volunteers across the border, which he can solve task? and you know, why should even some
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strategic tasks be solved there, it's just a very nice picture: russians are killing russians on their territory. what else do we need? well, i understand that there are such maximalist expectations that there must be from the blowing of the wind putin's regime will fall, but let's focus on what is. russians kill russians, and that's great. well, yes, there must be a civil war in russia, that is absolutely certain, it is one, i believe, of such important tasks in any case. well, in the second half of the program, we will talk about this in more detail. now i say goodbye to ivan kyryachevsky and thank him for joining us. now. we will have a break, after the break we will talk with a representative of the russian freedom legion about this particular raid, so stay tuned with us and wait for this moment. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political
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analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political. during the season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, a shot of svoboda live frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions, so let's get back to our conversation, but i will also remind you about our collection for the 12th separate special purpose law on the buggy and automobile and trench rap, be sure to watch, join, this is a very important collection, because rap is very necessary at the front now, and actually taking out the wounded and bringing in ammunition is also very important, and oleksiy baranovskyi, a volunteer of the legion , has already joined us freedom of russia. i congratulate you, mr. oleksii. yes, have a good day. well,
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actually, the fighters of the legion of freedom of russia, the rdk and the siberian battalion entered the territory of russia in belgorodsk. and kursk oblast, and the last thing we heard was that they were going fighting for the aunt and as if you already control it, please explain to us this situation, where you are, whether you still managed to take control of this village, well , actually, what is happening now in your place, well , it has been happening for almost a day and a half clashes between russian volunteers and the russian army on... however, less attention is paid to the belhor region, although offensive operations by russian volunteers are also taking place there. so to speak, it is
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a gray area, it moves from the border of russia, in rather large pieces. border, however chotkino received the most publicity, although the situation is not under control, because of putin's vice , and what forces are actually opposing you, i.e. who are you currently fighting with, what kind of forces are they , how far are they able to hold their borders,
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these are ours raids on the territory of russia, they serve in order to bind the reserves of putin's army, so that they should send significant forces to the border, to the bilhora region, transfer.
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that there are people who have taken up arms and are ready to fight the putin regime, just like that possible way to take revenge for the murder of navalny, for all the repressions by cream, we also appeal to...
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by our actions we draw the attention of the international community to the fact that there is such a force, russian volunteers who are ready to fight, well , in general, i personally believe that when it comes to opposing an authoritarian government and some kind of repressive, aggressive regime, of course armed struggle is much more effective than coming and standing at the polling station, that's for sure, and that's how it is, and tell me, well, now russian they have propaganda there, they said yesterday that there were several dozen people there, they killed everyone, in short there... a lot of equipment was destroyed, well, i obviously understand that you cannot now talk about your real losses there, but still , how they compare
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with these russian conversations. and, well, they also tell such stories that as if they were at your aunt's house for an appeal from local residents to you, some representatives of putin's regime will be punished there , as if they brought the head of the local united russia, something else, something else, as far as this is true, or are these just some already legendary stories?
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do you already see them or are they just hiding for now? well, directly in the zone directly in the zone of this liberation operation, they are really hiding and doing the right thing, but at the same time, there are a lot of appeals to us through special communications through the chatbot in telegram. the number of followers has increased, the number of requests from those who want to join our struggle has increased, and this indicates that in fact people are waiting for liberation and are ready to join it, and this is inspiring, and there is another nuance, well, actually yesterday you already announced a little bit of your actions, you said that you should prepare for the defeat
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of certain ones... all over there in the territory of the belgorod kursk oblast, what could you announce now, maybe your plans are coming soon. volunteer units, the rdk legion and others, regarding the fact that we appeal directly to the residents of bilhorod, kursk, regarding the fact that i will not leave.
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certain so during the initial actions saw that they see perfectly when they fly out of theirs there is a residential bridge there, er, there are planes, and bombs, and others, and missiles that are shelling kharkiv, for example, or other ukrainian territories there, and they should understand that, in principle, when the territory of ukraine is shelled from these territories, then...


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