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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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through a security audit, the community determined which places in the region carry the greatest risks and threats. we decided to specify in the project that a safe space on kharkivsya street is the most important thing, because there are even fatal accidents on this street, and it is very important for the police to understand how and which vehicles move along this street. both drivers and pedestrians understand when there is video surveillance, and they obey. traffic rules, vehicle speed and rules for pedestrians as well, they don't run across the road wherever they want, but follows the rules. a security audit is the first step to improving life, as demonstrated by the zhytomyr city territorial community. as part of the project , cluttered areas near the local park were cleared, which could be a place of attack on women or children. also, the local cultural and sports... center was able to install
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ecoflo and solar-powered lanterns, so that children could exercise normally even during blackouts. we were all involved in security issues even before becoming a deputy, but now we have received very clear such instructions, already collected information, and it seems to me that it is extremely important to track global grants, which are related to ecology, which are related to security, because this is the work of more than one generation. and european countries, and we have a lot to learn. in addition, we also monitored the safety measures of all 29 municipal and targeted programs in our community. and in order to find out, in general, what our situation is with the inclusion of security measures in the programs that are funded, to find out what the gaps are and... maybe they are somewhere, well, work on
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avoiding them. lviv oblast also actively resolves security issues. in the bibra territorial community, after security audits , the condition of areas near educational institutions and hospitals improved. a protective structure was arranged for the students of the local support lyceum, inclusive restrooms were installed in public institutions, ramps were made and escalators were purchased. in this way, the community tries to take care of people. with inclusive needs, we have access to all medical institutions, this is really a norm, a requirement of the national health service, provision inclusiveness, now we have moved on to educational institutions, and precisely for this lyceum we have purchased a staircase from the local budget. the ukrainian public health foundation started implementing security audits in our country even before the full-scale war, but the russian invasion made its adjustments. a security audit is such
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a tool, which first of all allows the community, and later the funds they have, to direct the coverage of priority issues related to security, that is, in fact , the community, and we have such requests from communities, they want to conduct audits in order to understand whether this road, whether it is lighting, or this or that traffic junction, what needs to be done, but within the framework of this project, which is currently being presented, as well... there is a donor, the british embassy , there are other donors who are ready to provide support to ukrainian women's organizations in addition to community funds. the security audit of the territories is an important component of state policy, because during the russian-ukrainian war, the security issue is in the first place. active participation of communities in the audit contributes to the prevention of violence and guarantees the right to protection for every ukrainian. tatiana well
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, what tragic news from odesa, as a result of shelling of odesa, 14 people died, 46 people were injured. felsher and an employee of the state emergency service were killed during enemy fire. there are also wounded among medics and rescue workers. this was reported by oleg kiper, the head of the odesa military administration. quoting kiper. unfortunately, as a result of the russian missile attack , felsher and a dsn employee were killed. who after the first explosion came to provide help on the spot, among the medics and rescuers are also seriously injured, the total number of injured is being clarified, everyone is being provided with the necessary medical assistance, but for now, according to official data, according to a certain calculation, 14 people have died, 46 people have been injured, well, meanwhile , the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , oleksandr syrskyi, visited the units of the defense forces on avdiivskyi in the... direction,
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he informed about this in his official telegram. syrsky says that he worked in the avdiiv direction, where the enemy concentrated the main efforts and already several continuously tries to break through the defense of our troops in the smu'. throwing assault units into pain every day on equipment and on foot , we will talk more about the avdiiv direction and the operational situation from this direction with dmytro kukharchuk, the commander of the second assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. dmytro, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations to the heroes of glory. as far as we understand, the enemy has now concentrated his main forces, especially in the avdiiv direction. we would like to ask you...
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the zavdiivka operation and everything that happened after the zavdiivka operation is directly the main advance in this direction, that is, the actual direction of the enemy's attack today, what is happening, what is happening is that the... the army is advancing today, the army is combat-ready, the army consists of several divisions, the enemy is trying to create an advantage in forces and means in a ratio of 1:10, but meanwhile today i cannot say that we have completely stabilized the situation, but i can say that we have slowed down the pace of the enemy's offensive , we are holding the borders, we are destroying the enemy, the enemy bears very large losses here, meanwhile the situation is stable. i can’t say yet today, mr. dmytro, i would like to ask you about artillery ammunition, what is the enemy’s situation, what is the enemy’s advantage in armaments and, in fact, how do they use artillery shells, including whether
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you are currently observing for the fact that the enemy does not care, he is not saving his ammunition now, after all, they also now feel a certain shortage, not that it is a shortage, but not so great without... see how i already noted, the enemy creates, tries to create, and would create, yes, if we did not destroy a large number of their forces, an advantage in the ratio of 1:10, this applies both directly to the enemy's forces and to the enemy's means. the enemy's means include both artillery and artillery shells. in addition, we have no analogues of guided aerial bombs, which are here on this. direction is constantly used by the enemy, and if we talk about the ratio, yes, then 10 times more, well , i think that somewhere approximately it will be like that, and if we are talking about cabs, how close the enemy aircraft tries to fly, and
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whether they still keep a certain distance, or whether they are not afraid and fly very close to the lines where our defense forces are actually located, look, here the question is not the distances where the enemy flies, here... the question is the distances where the cap flies, that is , for the control of an aerial bomb to be released from an enemy aircraft, the enemy aircraft does not need to fly to the leading edge in order to release a cow nalea bomb, in this way the enemy tries to disassemble as a position on the front edge, as well as what is behind the front edge up to 30-40 km, it is serious , yes it is, i can say frankly that there are certain serious... consequences of such airstrikes, meanwhile, well, we have all the motivation even more, that is why enemy air bombs will not stop us, and we are doing our job, doing it clearly and will continue to do it. mr. commander, where is the most tense situation, it is orlivka,
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tonka, or nevelsk to the south, or maybe even further south, in the mariinsky direction, if... we are talking, for example, about the mariinsky direction, or the enemy synchronizes its offensive activities with avdiivskyi? the enemy is basically synchronizing its offensive capabilities along the entire line of battle, this applies not only to the donetsk direction, it applies to the entire lwz, but it must be understood that even though the enemy has a much greater advantage in forces, thanks to work on mistakes, thanks to because in the processes of mobilization, unlike us, the enemy has done some work on mistakes. and yes there, taking into account their average losses for the month of february of 980 servicemen per day, and the mobilization 1,080 servicemen per day, the enemy is in a plus even due to such serious losses, but even this plus does not give him
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the opportunity to simultaneously advance along the entire line of battle, so it is clear that the enemy concentrates most of his efforts precisely in the donetsk direction, that is , which is directly related to... the niavdeiv direction and krasnohorivsk, here it is worth noting that the enemy began to use wagnerian tactics, but at the level of the russian army, that is, meat. assaults, which are constantly replaced by assaults on armored vehicles, well so if yes they are trying to create constant pressure, on the one hand they are suffering enormous losses because of this, and i think you remember that it was the wagner pmc that was destroyed, thanks to the fact that, yes, they are all the time made meaty assaults, but in the end they just ended, with the russian army it is much more difficult, because the russian army is much larger than wagner was. on the one hand, they suffer colossal losses, on the other hand, they have tactical and operational success, the question is
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therefore, how many of them will be enough, and the question is how stable we will be, i can say for those brigades that are in this direction that they are steadfastly holding the defense, the third assault brigade and other brigades are steadfastly holding the defense, how will it continue, yes , well, this is not a question for me, it is better to ask this question to the higher ups, mr. commander, so finally... i would like to clarify with you what the situation is with the enemy's support and what these units are, which they direct to local assaults, are these newly created units or already run-in? mostly this newly created units, that is, they have such a tactic that they prepare newly created units, the units undergo one and a half months of training, during this period they undergo quite a good training precisely in... the fire press, this i confirm from the interrogation of the half-breeds, and in principle, half-breeds from of different units, if they claim
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the same thing, they don’t go through tactics, they don’t go through medicine, they directly deal with fire, and their fire is at a fairly good level, in addition, the enemy absolutely does not understand their own losses, that is, what is happening, yes, only those who come directly closer to the lbz, step over their own corpses and start something understand what is happening. enemy tanks and armored vehicles tried to drive into the same horlivka, three tanks, for example, were destroyed in the morning, and two bmps just saw it, turned around and left. i'm not saying that they always work like this, because they also accumulate personnel, try to develop success and in some areas it is difficult for them, but it turns out to develop success. but meanwhile they do not understand their own losses, and that's why they confidently move forward,
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only when they are rebuffed, they begin to understand that something must be wrong, as they were told from above, they would like to ask you, mr. dmytro, i don't know if this question is really for you, but maybe there is an understanding of what operational tactical plans the enemy is currently setting before themselves, whether they have any specific population center to... whom they are trying to reach, whether it is possible that they have some sort of reference point, so do you know anything about which they now have, as they say, on the note of the location to which they are trying come on, look, well, everything i'm going to say now will be purely my own analysis, because if i knew the enemy's plans in full, i think we would have won this war by now, but my analysis says that in their plans is to conquer for... all of ukraine, that is, not without pushing back from populated areas, yes
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, they behave in a barbaric way, they showed it from the first days of the full-scale invasion, they did not abandon their plans, and this local success that they have on certain directions, they try it to develop it, they are trying to scale it up and in this way to move deeper into the territory of ukraine, so our task is primarily to provide... interception, hold the lines and , if possible, counterattack, even here we sometimes succeed in counterattacking, despite the superiority of the enemy in forces and means espresso tv channel, mr. commander, has helped more than one volunteer structure, in general, our colleague iryna koval also organizes various meetings, if we talk about the needs of our soldiers, what should be paid attention to first of all, what are your needs, there are a lot of needs, we had a large number destroyed even after avdiivka. rebs, means of communication, anti-drone means, therefore
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directly night drones, so it is worth concentrating on this. thank you, mr. commander. dmytro kukharchuk, commander of the second assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, about the situation in the avdiiv region, the enemy's plans and the needs of our fighters. well, we go further, inform about the most important, tragic statistics from odessa, which i already... but for those who have just joined our marathon, as a result of enemy shelling of odesa , at least 14 people died, 4-6 people were wounded, a paramedic and... an emergency worker were also killed, there are wounded among medics and rescuers, this is information from the head of the odesa military administration oleg kiper. well, we remind you that we are currently collecting funds for a division of the main intelligence agency, this is the air intelligence group of the main intelligence agency, we need to raise funds for three cars, we understand that the cars on
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the front is essentially a consumable, they are constantly needed, and the referee is actually also needed. for the removal of fallen heroes, our goal is uah 900,000. so far, we have collected almost uah 62 at our monobank. thank you to everyone who joins this collection and we will be grateful to everyone who joins, if you have the opportunity to throw a few hryvnias into our collection, then please do it, we will be very grateful to you. well, now we are adding leonid yemtsi, a deputy of the kyiv city council, to the ether. mr. leonid, congratulations. good. glory to ukraine, mr. leonid. glory to heroes. well, you wanted to ask about the situation with the head of the kyiv metro right away. yes, the bigos-info investigation. and viktor braginskyi, as it turned out, he did a good job in his position. well, at least
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his declaration and investigation are journalistic, they, so to speak, testify to the fact that, so to speak, he very... actively implemented his individual business, to put it mildly, would you like to comment on this situation? there is only one thing, i'm sorry, i'll push a little here, because it's not here the possibility to park in korka stands on the cross, so according to braginsky , well, we saw the first part of bigus' investigations, obviously our journalists do the work that should be done by law enforcement agencies, but it's good that... they are there and at least someone does this work actually does, secondly, this is only the first part, as i understand it, the most interesting thing will be in the second part, but at the moment he has already been suspended, mr. broginskyi from his position, and this means that he is deprived of the opportunity to influence the documents there, and others
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evidence that the investigation should remove in the process. investigation, well, we are waiting for the second part on monday and we are waiting for the results of the work of law enforcement agencies, because neither i nor you, no one has the right, according to the law, except for law enforcement agencies, to conduct an investigation, and only their high-quality work in terms of the formation of evidence will allow us to prosecute the guilty person, if they do not cope with this work, then ... all this investigation or suspicion will remain only a part of the internet, well, mr. leonid, you said that he was suspended, and now there is information from the press service of the kmda that he did write an application for dismissal, that is, it is already a matter of dismissal, not suspension, but let's add a little context, because many people may not
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understand what exactly it is about, regarding viktor braginskyi, who, if i'm not mistaken, has been running the kyiv metro for about 10 years, what journalists actually found in him, if i'm not mistaken, it's about apartments, plots, and so on down the list, well, look, it's about not what in he was found, we are talking about the fact that this was not found in his declaration, and there in this investigation the lawyer announced that he and his wife, from whom they have been divorced for more than 10 years and... well, i will also note for justice, that they divorced even before, several years before the declaration became mandatory and the responsibility for unreliable declaration appeared before the creation of the civil code, so to talk about the fictitious marriage, well, it was very far-sighted on their part in the 12th
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year, it is necessary to make a decision that is effective divorce, so to be honest here... the cause-and-effect relationship is so-so, but if they still have a common life now, then the wife and her property should have been in his declaration, and from their lawyer, what we saw in this investigation, it was just announced that they were living together, but let the law enforcement agencies determine whether it was really so, because if he did not declare the house, cars and other property of his wife, then this is... criminal responsibility, because it clearly exceeds the barrier after which the administrative one responsibility for non-declaration becomes criminal, and again... then the question arises as to where the funds for the purchase of all this property came from, and this is again a task for law enforcement agencies, because a person can be as
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suspicious as you like and looks like a corrupt person, but yes , in the most interesting place, there was a connection, yes , mr. leonid, you stopped at the fact that a person can be like a corrupt person, in fact be... can be an honest philanthropist, yes, well, but, when we talk about sham marriages there, you know, very often now we have such a widespread story, there are people with disabilities who are married to dodge, and so on and so forth, here is a fictitious divorce, as can be assumed, i emphasize, this is an assumption, because this is a fact that has not yet been proven by law enforcement doctors, relatively speaking , yes, well, a fictitious divorce, joint life, joint residence and joint family, well... there is money, as far as i understand, they got a lot, so to speak, but the key story, how it will be carried out now, i don’t know, there is appropriate revision
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or analysis of what is called kyiv metro, we understand that the kyiv metro is almost like the ukrainian railway, that is, it is a rich enterprise, millions, millions of these or other contracts, a lot of people and so on and so forth, well, strategists. important institution , how will the kyiv city state administration now carry out certain actions, what is currently happening in communication with the central government, because we understand the appetites of the central government, we know that there is, so to speak, a certain antipathy between certain of our kyiv towers, well and accordingly, what will happen to all of them now, well look, after all, the metro, even the metropolitan one to the railways. far-fetched, both in terms of volumes and actually in terms of the work that must be done in order for it
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to function normally, but really you are absolutely right, this is a strategic enterprise, strategic for the city, and it is strategic as well as an infrastructure tool, yes and as a security component, because the subway itself is the most protected shelter in the capital, well, besides. under the president's office, and from where they also say, there is an exit to the subway, i don't know, i didn't check, but the metro is working, the metro is not left without a leader, he has already been appointed acting as the head of the kyiv metro , so you can't worry about the metro as it is, but are there any problems with the metro, well, obviously? we have several subway stations that are not working, and a temporary control commission of the kyiv city council has been created to deal with this issue, and therefore, as
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kyivans, we are as interested as anyone in making our subway work, because it is a very important element of our infrastructure, actually the task that we set before broginsky at that time, which is to renovate those metro stations that are not working as soon as possible, and there is still the task of building new metro stations, however, again, to be clear, this burdened by the decisions taken by the central government in terms of financing certain tasks, i can finally park, that's why we need it here, yes mr. leonid, i'm back. yes, yes, yes , yes, yes, that's why we need interaction with the central government, because
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the legislation must be changed, part of the regulatory documents, well, if it's easier than the orders of the government, because we have to have the resources, well , we mean the city, in order to finance the needs that the subway has, because the subway itself is a loss -making enterprise, it does not make more money , than it spends, the commission itself is just now figuring out whether this situation can be corrected in principle, whether it is a mistake of the metro management, or whether it is a story related to restrictions at the level of a monopolist, mr. leonid, allow me, we would also like to talk about the repair of the tunnel between metro stations demiivska-libyan. which had to be closed, precisely in order to carry out urgent repair work there, and actually, we would like to understand at what stage now,
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first of all, the investigation, because we understand that... that there should be a certain investigation of the causes, why did this happen, and secondly, is there, as they say, light at the end of the tunnel in terms of work? look, if the investigation means investigative actions, then they are ongoing, and i have no right to announce to you at what stage they are, since this is a secret, well, actually the criminal code forbids this information to be disclosed, but the investigation is ongoing and... well , today it depends only on the law enforcement agencies how high-quality this investigation will be and whether the evidence base will be formed in order to bring the guilty parties to justice. our commission does not have the powers of law enforcement agencies, but we are working to understand the situation and report, first of all, to our voters about what was the cause, whether it was the unprofessionalism of the management of the metro, or the lack of
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funds, well... it is clear that professionalism metro workers is in question, because such problems that we have with the stations, they should not, in principle , have reached the stage in which they are now, that is, preventive work should have been carried out at such a level that the stations did not need to be closed, the fact that they are being repaired now shows that obviously not everything was done the way it should have been done, and they should be held responsible for that as well. persons whose direction this is in the sphere of their authority, therefore the commission had to hold a meeting today, i am not in a member of this commission, but we are waiting for the results of their work in order to report to you, including what, what we, what we managed to find out, thank you very much, mr. leonid, well , it is clear, leonid yemets, deputy
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of the kyiv city council advice about the situation with viktor braginsky, until recently the head of the kyiv utility company metropolitan, yes, the head of the kyiv metro, and biguzinfo journalists conducted their research, and it turned out that there are certain discrepancies between braginsky's declared wealth and the wealth of what is called the fortune of his ex-wife, well, the journalists had a question about the proximity, so to speak, of the newly bought... apartment with braginsky's ex-wife, well, braginsky himself gave an explanation that because of the children, well, but, as they say, the investigation will show, well, but the situation is really extremely noisy, well, let's hope for the prompt work of our law enforcement agencies, yes, because it is impossible, it is impossible, so to speak, to be so careless in certain things, well , meanwhile, we know that in russia already
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pseudo-elections began. yes , putin's re-election, and by the way, very good news has arrived, our specialists gur of the main directorate of intelligence essentially intervened in the online voting system in russia and there were failures there. the online voting system for the so-called elections in russia is not working now, this is reported by rbc itself with reference to sources in the special services, the sources note them: on the day of voting in the pseudo -elections of the president of the russian federation, serious problems in the operation of electronic voting systems are recorded, website most ru it doesn't work again, well, that's it information, well, while we have studied, finally , last year, the name of the new british prime minister rishi sunak, the successor of the recent prime minister johnson, is not there, but there are private discussions about the possible replacement of the country's prime minister rishi sunak before the parliamentary elections , this is what the bloomberg agency is writing about, but let 's not take the bread away from our colleagues right now, it's worth it, so
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we pass the word to our colleague iryna koval, the news editor has already prepared more extensively, so all the most current news, so we pass the word to you iro and actually ask to tell what this issue will be about. thank you marta, well, i will tell you about the situation in odesa and kherson, and also about the evacuation from kherson region from donetsk region, so please wait, more details about everything will be on the air. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine. for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the number of people killed due to the russian attack in odesa has increased to 14. among them is a paramedic and a rescuer. the latter arrived at the scene after the first explosion. now.


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