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tv   [untitled]    March 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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so we pass the floor to our colleague iryna koval, who has already prepared more widely with the news editor, so all the most relevant news, so we pass it to you iroslov and actually ask you to tell us what this issue will be about. thank you marta, well, i will tell you about the situation in odesa and kherson, and also about the evacuation from kherson region and donetsk region, so please wait, more details about everything will be on the air. in ukraine, at 3 p.m., a news release on espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval is for your attention. greetings to all viewers. number the death toll due to the russian attack in odesa has increased to 14. among them is a paramedic and a rescuer. the latter arrived at the scene after the first explosion. 46
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victims are known, of which seven are employees of the state emergency service. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration oleg kiper. 10 private houses, a service station , a gas pipeline and two fire and rescue vehicles were damaged. a day of mourning will be announced tomorrow in odesa and the region. a 25-year-old woman turned to doctors for help. the woman came under early morning shelling in the center of kherson, the head of the city's military administration, roman mrochko, said. during the enemy attack, the wounded woman was on the street. the woman was diagnosed with a mine-explosive injury and contusion. in the place of power line damage, several streets are without light. in kharkiv oblast, preparations are being made for forced evacuation from the kupyan community. this was reported by the head of the city military administration. according to besedin,
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the evacuation will begin from the right bank of the river oskil, i.e. from kupyansk and pristina starostyn district, there are currently more than 200 children. understanding that with an increase in temperature, with an increase in temperature, children will go outside more, because if we say, they were more at home there and were somewhat protected there from the same ones there. to the sounds of explosions, the white angels evacuated the couple from the marinsk community in donetsk region. an enemy shell flew into the house of an elderly couple, so the residents asked the law enforcement officers to take them to a safe place. the route is constant is fired upon by the russians. to distract
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the excited couple, law enforcement officers sang a ukrainian song. and he still didn't let me in, i slept in the house. ukraine has returned the bodies of hundreds of servicemen, this was reported in the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war. first, the armed forces will ensure the transportation of the fallen soldiers for forensic examination, and after their identification, the bodies will be handed over to the families for burial. thrown like cannon fodder, the russian conscript company from the fishing industry mobilization exhausts its possibilities, therefore the aggressor country sends mercenaries from other states to war in ukraine. today , citizens of nepal, cuba and some african countries are in ukrainian captivity. captivity. a lucky ticket for them, because
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most die in the first days of the war. ukraine reminds all occupiers that the only chance to save their lives is to turn to the i want to live project, which deals with issues of prisoners of war. russia intensified its efforts to campaign, mobilize and throw to the front, ah, citizens, countries, with a very low income, that is, they are citizens of countries who cannot earn money at home. today we have more than 33,000 calls to our resources, namely to hotline phones, as well as whatsapp, telegram, and telegram chatbot, this is for two years of the project’s practical existence, the number of those who surrendered is more than 270 people, actually those we can voice and talk about, but... russia is systematically torturing
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ukrainian prisoners of war, the un commission of inquiry said. in particular , it is about threats of rape and... the use of electric shocks on the genitals. russians use torture everywhere in cells, corridors, shower rooms and outside. the head of the commission, eric mesa, said that the relevant un report was submitted to the human rights council in geneva. there, at the current session , they must decide whether to extend the commission's mandate for another year. the victim's stories reveal unrelenting brutality. treatment that caused them great pain and suffering during their long imprisonment, with a blatant disregard for human dignity. this abuse resulted in long-term physical and mental trauma. agree on the issue of support for ukraine: french president emmanuel macron arrived in
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berlin for a meeting with chancellor olaf scholz. the leaders of france and germany will try to work out a common position before tomorrow's meeting with the president of poland donald. tusk the disagreement between berlin and paris arose after macron's statements about sending troops of western allies to ukraine. according to diplomats, the european dispute arose against the background of the weakening of support for ukraine by the united states. color voting. the russians continue to fill the ballot boxes with zelenka during pseudo-elections of the president of the russian federation. thus they try to spoil. ballots on which voters have already voted. local media reported similar cases in moscow, karachayevo, cherkessia and rostov region. germany launched a mission to provide
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humanitarian aid to the residents of the gaza strip. the air force of the federal republic of germany dropped packages with food on parachutes. aircraft of the bundessphere, based in... france, were involved in the operation, and assistance to the population on the territory of the gaza strip is also provided by sea. let me remind you that the israeli military campaign against the hamas militants has been going on for about five months, because of which the local residents are facing a humanitarian crisis and hunger. the head of the kyiv metro, viktor braginskyi , has written a resignation letter. this was reported by the kyiv city state administration. braginskyi headed the capital's metro during. the manager's declarations revealed apartments, plots of land outside kyiv , and cars registered to the official's mother and his common-law wife.
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the police checked whether bullying exists in schools in prykarpattia. the reason for this was an incident in one of the schools in ivano-frankivsk. student's mother. reported to the relevant authorities that her son was being bullied by classmates. the minister of education and science of ukraine, oksen lisovyi, reacted to the situation. he said, silencing bullying is unacceptable. after that, an inspection of carpathian schools revealed more than a dozen similar facts. the city also launched an anonymous chatbot where you can report bullying or humiliation in educational institutions. bullying has certain signs that you can. actions or inaction of certain persons, such as bullying: the first is systematicity or repetition during a certain period of time, the second is the presence of observers, the buller and the victim, and the third is an action or inaction that caused psychological trauma to the child or other or physical injuries,
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eight facts of bullying were recorded in the territory of the region, this is article 173 4 of the code of ukraine on administrative offenses, a group psychological diagnosis and... anonymous questionnaire of children was carried out. based on the results of group diagnostics and anonymous, anonymous questionnaires of children, the presence of bullying was determined in the sixth grade. after that, we submit all our findings and protocols to law enforcement agencies. and i want to remind you about our collection. we ask you to help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separately. brigades these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, they need drones. and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. and with your help, we have already collected over uah 200,000. remember
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every donation you make matters, so get involved . you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. we will see you at 16:00, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube. and then my colleagues continue the ether. marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskyi. thanks to our tireless news editor. thanks to our wonderful colleague iryna koval, brilliant issue. well , we will inform you about everything else. there are a lot of events today. tragic news came from odessa. as a result of the russian shelling, 14 people died, 4-six. were injured, a paramedic and a worker of the state emergency service were killed, there are also injured among medics and
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rescuers, but at the same time the attacks on the oil depots of the russian federation continue, this is also an extremely important topic for discussion, because it has a strategic effect. volodymyr omelchenko, director of energy programs of the razumkov center, is in touch with us now. glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr. glory to heroes. well, as the classics said, we have a certain story hidden up our sleeve. so, and marto. what will we watch now? yes, we suggest you watch now, colleagues, the plot of our colleagues, which they actually made about the ukrainian drones that attacked the petrochemical enterprise "perviy zavod" in the kaluga region of the russian federation, which is engaged in oil processing, at night. this is not the first processing plant to be attacked recently. long-range drones managed to visit various regions of russia. our colleagues will remind you where there were other flights, and actually, after a little... the plot , we will briefly discuss all these important topics.
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columns of smoke, explosions and sirens are the new russian everyday life. in just a few days , long-range drones managed to visit nine regions of the aggressor's country. a number of oil refineries in muscovy were struck by the oil refinery in the nizhnygorod region, and a fire broke out at one of the company's installations in the city of kstovo. it produces aviation and diesel. this resource is not used by the occupiers for the war against ukraine, the work of at least half of the production had to be stopped. aircraft caused significant damage to the ryazan oil refinery. there managed to hit two installations at once. power losses reached 70%. this is the third largest plant in russia in terms of the volume of processing of bloody barrels. the petroleum products plant in novoshakhtensk rosto also caught fire. which region, unknown drones allegedly fell there, because of which a number of technological facilities of the enterprise had to be stopped. this is
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another military facility that provided the invaders with fuel. the result of the shutdown will be some disruptions in the plans of the muscovites from additional time for our defense forces, ukrainian intelligence confirmed. in general, in two days, 12% of the oil refining capacities of the aggressor country were put into operation, according to the bloomberg agency. well, thank you colleagues, the plot is informative, clear and understandable, volodymyr omelchenko, director of energy programs of the razumkov center, is in touch with us. so, mr. volodymyr, first of all, we would like to ask you how effective it is for the enemy to strike their oil refineries and other facilities, that is, how much of their fuel can we destroy in this way? well, for today it is impossible to say about this, because... there are many impressions, it is necessary to analyze each installation
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separately, so look at what equipment and how much is damaged, well, for example, the bloomberg agency, it believes that in russia, about 12% of all the capacities of oil refineries are damaged, and this is definitely a lot, it is already reflected in the... market of oil products in russia, since the exchange prices, they have risen significantly in the last week, and the government was even forced to ban the export of gasoline to e for in order to maintain stability in the domestic market, that is why we are already seeing the serious results of these successful drone strikes on... oil refineries, well, in addition , it should be noted that in the last month
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more than 10 powerful oil refineries of the russian federation have been damaged to one degree or another, moreover , a significant number of distillation columns were damaged, and a distillation column is the main equipment at any oil refinery, because without it... without it , the production of this installation is impossible no gasoline, neither diesel, nor aviation fuel, which means fuel for other types of petroleum products. oil products, and the reactivation column is about the height of a 12-story building, it is practically impossible to defend it, and therefore i believe that the ukrainian armed forces absolutely chose the right object, and in my opinion, that these drone strikes, they will only continue
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with increasing and increasing force, and... practically in russia there is no possibility not to shoot down these drones, because there is not enough air defense, not to protect the rectification columns, therefore, if it continues like this, and even doubles, and this is possible, the number of drone strikes, then in principle we will see already in the summer, well, very serious losses for the russian economy, and if the russian leadership had any sense, then it would be clear by now that it is necessary to end this war, to withdraw troops from all occupied territories, including crimea, in order to maintain stability within the state itself, as the pope said, it is necessary
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to throw out the white flag to the russians, and therefore what other way out. they don't have it anymore, the ukrainian armed forces found such a very sensitive place, and today i don't see any protection. yes, mr. volodymyr , you trolled our enemies very well, but by the way, you know, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that the vice president of lukoil suddenly died in russia, lukoil is one of the largest giants of the oil refining industry in russia, and that it is interesting that this is not the first death of a top lukoil official in recent... period. you know, well, i don't want to think that these are planned such, let's say actions, so against them, but on the other hand, well, everything is possible, well, everything is possible, because, well, death is so mysterious, for example, about the one i 'm talking about now, the last one died, it's on 54- that year, the vice president of lukoil, vitaly
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robertus, died, and for example, on september 22 in moscow for... the chairman of the board of directors of lukoil , ravil maganov, well, in a word, on the list , as you think, or it could be that, well certain persons were fined, let's say so, and someone decided to discipline them for not guarding well, let's say so, well, it could be there are many versions of this death, but the most likely is that they did not share with the security forces, did not squeeze some money somewhere. and probably they lost, probably their fear, and someone, someone thought a russian among the russian security forces that, that they do not need such people, and as you know, russian business, today it is not business in the classical sense, and basically everyone, all businesses, they
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belong to the leadership of the kremlin. and this is only nominal, they are considered shareholders there or owners of some property there in russia, in fact there is only the kremlin family to all owns, and apparently someone in the locality did not understand this, and therefore, that is why everyone in russia was reminded who is the master in the house. yes, top managers of various russian enterprises died under mysterious circumstances. you know, this tradition, this tradition is not new, but still the key story is the destruction of their refineries, and the story of the lack of continued transit, mr. volodymyr, we would like to ask you, yes , ukraine does not intend to continue the transit of russian gas to europe, received such information, pluses, minuses, well minuses, in particular
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it is also about our budget, minuses for the aggressor state, and... and how it can generally affect the energy or gas stability of certain central european states, in particular hungary itself. indeed, today russian gas is delivered to austria through the ukrainian transit pipeline, where austria depends most of all on russian gas through the ukrainian pipeline, it is somewhere between 60-80%. hungary less. depends why, because it currently receives most of its natural gas through the turkish stream, which is connected to the balkan stream through serbia and beyond. this pipe goes to hungary, and partly there is also a serious dependency in italy and especially in
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slovakia, and therefore the termination of transit, it should not only reduce the income of the russian budget and russian companies, but also reduce the political influence in the countries of central europe. which is very, very important , in my opinion, ukraine will also lose some money from this, it is about 700 million euros per year, but again, these are revenues, and real money, if we exclude expenses, then it will lose somewhere around 300 million euros per year, but but russia will lose from the termination of transit. 5-6 billion euros, so it will lose not only the influence through energy weapons on the countries of central europe, so it seems to me that
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here it is necessary, weighing all the pros and cons, to give priority to national interests and not to revenues and not to continue the transit with russia not directly through negotiations with gazprom and through. a direct contract through gazprom, not indirectly through moving the point of purchase of natural gas sales to the russian-ukrainian border and re-signing contracts with european companies. thank you, understood. volodymyr menchenko, the director of energy programs of the razumkov center, was in touch with us about everything important in energy and not only there. yes, now we will go on a short break and after it we will connect. viktor boberenko, boberenko boberenko viktor boberenko, expert of the analysis and policy bureau of the city of sumy, let's talk about the situation in sumy oblast, pause and we'll be back, wait. there are discounts on
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of boberenko, that viktor has a connection, but we still understand that there were problems in sumy, shosta, bilopilli and trostyanka, they temporarily stopped work, when we talk about television and radio broadcasting, what is the situation was, what is the situation now? well, to me, and now some of my colleagues say that the problems sometimes come from somewhere wi-fi, somewhere yesterday , the tv didn't show t2 or whatever it's called, but i'm just saying that i have a tv. who excluded us, so they took the espresso tv channel from t2, in some strange and incomprehensible way, you know, they took it and threw it away, well, that’s the lyrics, let’s go back to the sorrows, but at least i was in one of the front-line communities the other day, i spent the night in the hotel, and i saw it there , well, it’s probably through cable, and i saw espresso, i saw you in the show’s hallway, yes, well, i don’t know this kitchen, how does it come out, that somewhere there is, somewhere not, well, i probably because cable networks
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somehow someone submits. and there is none in t2, yes, well , let's go back to the shelling situation, and what happened there yesterday, yesterday, we spoke with the head of the sumy military administration, but he said that they are working hard on the ground, what about today? they, i have a feeling that we should understand that they are training, for them the sumy region is a training ground, because for the last two months they have been dropping cabs every day, and maybe even several cabs are flying through these communities there in pisarivsk, krasnopilsk. cabs fly to bilopolsk, sumysk, it is clear that they are on the approach, somehow they do not fly to the border, well, or to the conventional front line, and i have the feeling that they are just training, their pilots, maybe they train young lieutenants like this before sending them to the military , or maybe they are training some new ones, well, they are bombs that are processing something there, yes, technically, i am not an engineer, so don't ask.


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