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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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russia, especially by the will of the citizens of the russian federation, who, seeing the terror carried out by the leadership of russia, i hope that they will still be able to suffocate from this terror in the near future. as the ministry of defense has heard, nothing is happening on the border, it has long been on the territory of russia. thank you, mr. andrii. andrii demchenko, spokesman of the state border service of ukraine. it's news time. iryna koval, with the news editor, prepared for... the star of the freshest, most important for the moment information and is ready to share it with us. thank you oksana, i will tell you about the most important thing in a moment, just wait. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and to your attention
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is a news release on the spresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. one person was killed and another was injured due to the shelling of the ocheretyn community in donetsk region, the head of the region, vadym filashkin, informed. he noted that the russians fired heavy artillery at the village of novoselivka persha in the morning. the victim was a 51-year-old local resident. more one man was taken to the hospital with injuries. the rescuer who died today in the odesa hospital after an enemy attack is 39-year-old driver firefighter vitaly alimov. as reported in the state emergency service , the man was seriously injured as a result of a repeated missile strike. he became the 21st victim of the bloodiest russian attack since the start of the full-scale russian invasion. more than fifty victims remain in the hospital, many of them seriously. the occupiers launched two rocket
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attacks on odesa the day before, the city was shelled iskanders today, a day of mourning was announced in the region. another anniversary of terror. exactly two years ago, russian invaders destroyed the drama theater in mariupol, dropping a 500-kilogram aerial bomb on it. hundreds of civilians, including women and children, were hiding there at that moment. the russians knew about it. they were not stopped by the inscription near the building in capital letters. children. the exact number of victims who died under the rubble is still unknown, as the occupiers are trying to hide the traces of their brutal crime. probable figures range from 300 to 600 dead. since then, the drama theater has become a symbol of the russian-ukrainian war, the cruelty and ruthlessness of russians. fell and did not break. in vinnytsia, explosives engineers destroyed the warhead of an enemy missile. about the russian x 101,
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the regional state emergency service said. it was noted there that an explosive object was discovered earlier in the forest massif of the zhmeren region. two russian plants caught fire due to a drone attack: syzransky and kuibyshiv oil refineries in the samara region. the video is published by propaganda media. it is reported that around six in the morning the drone hit the first. enterprise, the area of ​​the fire is about 5 m2. after that , the drones also attacked the kuibyshev plant. in total, eight oil refineries have already come under drone attacks in russia. and there is concern in belgorod oblast in russia. there, shopping centers, as well as schools and colleges, will not be open for the next few days. we are talking about belgorod itself and several border regions - the local governor said. he explained that
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he was forced to take such measures because of the difficult operational situation, the city is attacked by drones every day, shopping centers will be closed on sunday and monday, educational institutions of the region will be closed on monday and tuesday. in addition, local authorities urge parents not to bring their children to kindergartens. the second day of the so-called show of will in russia: explosions. at the polling station in russian belgorod, local media reports. the city authorities have not yet commented on the situation. at the same time , the ministry of defense of the enemy says that their air defenses shot down three drones over the region. meanwhile , a woman set fire to one in the volgograd region from the polling stations, and in kaliningrad, a russian woman filled the ballots with zelenka. almost 60 countries of
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the united nations strongly condemned putin's pseudo-elections in the occupied territories of ukraine. the text of the joint statement. extended the permanent representation of ukraine at the un. all signatories stressed that such a fake vote would not have any legal force under international law, as it was a blatant disregard for the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. states have also repeatedly urged no to recognize any change in russia, the status of crimea, as well as the donetsk, kherson, luhansk and zaporizhzhia regions. taurus for ukraine. germany's ruling coalition supported a resolution in the european parliament regarding the transfer of these long-range missiles to ukraine. deputies adopted a resolution on the need for unwavering support of ukraine from the eu. in particular, the country needs the latest
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air defense systems, storm shadow systems, modern combat aircraft, various types of artillery, as well as taurus cruise missiles. however, the last word about the last. still has to be behind german chancellor olaf scholz. the memorial plaque of his beatitude lubomyr husar was solemnly opened in lviv. on the wall of the church, without silversmiths and miracle workers kosma and damian of the ukrainian greek catholic church. it was in this shrine that the cardinal was baptized and anointed. the consecration of the commemorative tablet was conducted by the head of the ugc his beatitude svyatoslav shevchuk. benefactors collected funds for the production of the monument. let me remind you that his beatitude sviatoslav earlier announced the beginning of the beatification process of patriarch lubomir husar. it recognizing him as blessed and holy. cardinal huzar remains a moral authority for believers of various denominations and
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religions. president volodymyr zelenskyy personally congratulated the ukrainian deflympic team, which for the first time in history led the team standings. in total, our athletes won a record 19 awards at the 20th winter games in turkey. among them, 10 gold, five silver and four bronze. the head of state thanked all members of the national team and their coaches for giving the entire country a sense of victory, and also presented them state awards. it is difficult to understand how important it is today. and how important it is to have victories for ukraine, because that one victory, for which we are fighting, and our boys and girls are heroic, who give their lives at the front, that great victory that will definitely happen, it consists of such
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important days , from such victories that you four won. attempts were made to illegally import russian auto parts into ukraine, the state border service of ukraine reported. at the border with poland, customs officers stopped three trucks for inspection. drivers assured that they were transporting chinese spare parts and metal products, however, after an additional inspection, the border guards found 900 pieces of automobile spare parts marked with refia. the goods were confiscated. the cost will be assessed additionally. an accident at a railway crossing in boryspil, kyiv region, where a fuel tank derailed, the patrol police of the city reported. in order to overcome the consequences of the emergency situation , railway traffic was temporarily blocked, now it has already been restored. and i want
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to remind you about our collection. please help with the purchase of mavics and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion. 102nd separate brigade. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporizhzhia direction, so that they do not risk their lives and go on an assault on minefields, they need drones, and we can help. our goal is uah 500,000. with your help, we have already collected more than 235,000. remember, each of your donations is important, so join the collection. you can now see all the details on the screen. that was the news for this time, you can read more on our website website espresso tv, a brief overview of the main social networks and watch us on youtube. wait for the next news release at 5 p.m., our team is preparing it for you.
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in france, the deputies of the national assembly on tuesday evening confirmed the unchanged position of france regarding the support of ukraine, but some... far-right deputies abstained, or as in the case of the far-left, voted against. the non-binding vote followed a debate on the government's strategy for ukraine, including a bilateral the security agreement signed by presidents macron and zelensky last month. let's talk about it with franz-24 correspondent clovis casale, who was present at the vote. the case is moving to the french senate, but the fact is that this agreement is not binding. so what is its meaning? this is exactly what the opposition is asking.
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what is the point of voting for an agreement that you have already agreed with president zelenskyi. let me remind you that the bilateral agreement means that france will provide ukraine with at least 3 billion euros in military aid only in 2024. exist also a political aspect. france has declared that it will support ukraine's aspirations to join the european union. however, we are talking. about a process that will take many years, during which many things can happen. opposition parties expressed their concerns to the french prime minister yesterday at the national assembly, saying we are at a turning point. they emphasized the importance of supporting this agreement for the full support of ukraine. all french political parties claim to support ukraine, but each of them... has different strategies, for example, the french left insists on immediate peace talks and
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the need for a peace agreement between ukraine and russia. this is different from president zelenskyi's point of view, as they are facing military challenges and the counteroffensive is not producing the desired results. let's listen to one of the deputies from unconquered france, natalia ozil, who represents the extreme left movement. we had the opportunity to interview her yesterday in the national assembly. yes, we support the provision of weapons, esp defensive, but this should not be a reason for a new escalation, for striking russia on its territory, because then it would de facto lead to war. so now is the time, i mean, even volodymyr zelenskyi said it's time for negotiations, so let's do it, let's negotiate. the far-left party unconquered france voted against and another party
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abstained. this is an ultra-right national association. whether on the left or on the right, supporters of marine le pen say that this is a political move by emmanuel macron, because before european elections are only three months away. according to polls, the national union led by marine le pen has every chance of winning, far ahead of the president's ruling party. and this is also one of the interpretations of this vote, to force these parties to openly express their views. le pen is accused of being close, even fascinated by vladimir putin and russia. i suggest focusing on the leader of the french far-right, marine le pen. she visited the kremlin back in 2017 and often expressed respect for vladimir's leadership putin, because he is... a leader who seeks to protect the interests of his nation and culture, and that is what is important to marine le pen here in
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france. of course, because of this, she is also accused of being too close to putin, because her party of national unity was forced to borrow millions from russian banks. now they say that they have already returned this money, and that they had to act like this because no french bank has. we filmed it at the university of lyon, where the party congress is held every year, a big event for national unification, and that year they invited guests from abroad, in particular the deputy head of the russian duma, he was there, his name is andrii isaev. he is also a member
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of the veterans affairs commission. i suggest watching a fragment from this report, which explains why he ended up there. let me remind you, this is 2014. russia has just invaded crimea and war has started between ukraine and russia. here is our plot. the french national front wanted its... eurosceptic allies were present at the party congress, but another politician drew attention. ladies and gentlemen, dear comrades, andrii isayev, deputy head of the state duma. chambers of the russian parliament, he is a close ally of vladimir putin. he specially came to lyon for the national front congress before returning home. he spoke with a very clear message aimed at brussels and washington. we see how the will of the european people is being betrayed by unknown civil servants in brussels. these are the employees of the european union who are essentially puppets of the united states
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of america. it is very important to remind our viewers that this is not modern material. to andrii isayev and asked him: why are you here? listen. vladimir putin believes that the national front is a powerful party in france. he is categorically against sanctions. which create barriers between russia and europe. the national front agrees with him on this. putin also appreciates the party's position on ukraine. he believes that the national front has the right to defend the traditional values ​​on which european civilization was founded. in 2014 and for many years after that , marine le pen always maintained that the annexation of crimea was not annexation as such. according to her
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, crimea is ordinary russian-speaking region. thus, she was very... close to the position of vladimir putin. since the full-scale invasion two years ago, when russian forces tried to seize kyiv from all sides, marine le pen began to condemn what russia was doing, but it was very difficult for her to completely sever those ties and distance herself again. she now opposes sending french troops to ukraine and denies the effectiveness of sanctions, saying they don't work. so she, along with the french far-right and the ultra-leftists here in france believe that there can be no question of... any further eu sanctions against russia. tired of heavy and bulky saws?
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, and savings. maria gurska meets every week with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government on the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with sisters. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in... in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand
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how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are coming back, now we will continue to talk with our experts about everything that is happening in ukraine and beyond its borders. and i will remind you that while we are talking, you have the opportunity to support our defenders in those needs, in arise, now we are collecting for three cars, a land cruiser, a jeep, a pickup and a refrigerator, 900 00 hryvnias together, here are the details, you know what to do with them, you
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have already donated 121,500 hryvnias, we need to collect up to 9000, let's be active and financially responsible in front of our common cause, and we, as promised, add, no, i must tell first, i cannot carry this story inside me, i will not sleep afterwards, because it is in russia. there is an opportunity to examine the case files on the court website, and here is the community of insiders, investigative journalists, climbed into the court, in of russia and found a very interesting story, now we will remind you of one photo, this is alexey milchakov, why is he interesting, because he openly said in an interview to one vyinkor that he is a nazi, that he is a nazi, that he hates. because he said that crime should be punished, this biological organism, he is very famous, because it was he who said to destroy
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ukrainian prisoners, this is the so-called rusych, their unit, so this nazi is suing the ministry of defense of russia, this is what the court card says , it turns out that here almost the same anecdote, you know that oleksiy milchakov was expelled from the gestapo for an unusual gesture. somewhere the same joke is happening, because the ministry of defense of russia, as always , is engaged in lies and propaganda, and they published a whole brochure about ukrainian nazis, and in particular, in this brochure, his photos are written that yan milchakov is a member of the anarchist group posukh, and she is from of the belarus group and enters the right-wing sector, you can imagine, that is, he is suing the ministry of defense for the fact that he was counted among the right-wingers as a russian natsik, it seems that new chapters in the theater
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of the absurd will be written in russian precisely during this war, because when asked if they themselves understood what they mean and what they want, and now andriy smolii joins our conversation, a lawyer, political expert, public activist, mr. andriy, glory to ukraine, welcome to our airwaves, glory to the heroes, have a good day. how do you like the story, you're a lawyer, how do you like the story with that natsik who is suing his ministry of defense? jurisprudence and the russian federation are incompatible things the only thing i can say is, that's why, as they say, comments are superfluous here, and in general i will say one thing: racism is equal to nazism, racism is modern nazism, and in essence it is no different from what was in the 30s and 40s years of the last century, everything is the same, although in principle racism existed and not only now, racism existed in the same 30-40s, it was just
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called a little differently, but in principle nothing has changed in russia, for many tens and hundreds of years, and how would they otherwise be hitler's allies and if the soviet the people, as a red army soldier would not take notes from a newspaper about the speeches of gibbels, everything dragged everything. historically, what does jurisprudence say about this something , about this misunderstanding, which they call elections, especially in our territories, yes, especially in our ukrainian, therefore temporarily occupied territories, the whole world looks and says that this, more than 50 countries already condemned these elections in quotation marks, putin's pseudo-elections in the occupied territories of ukraine, how will the world react next, but they admit that you are not... they know the new old president, the self-proclaimed president, well, how will the world react, the world will react in the same way as it did to the occupation of our territories, as well as
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to'. of these territories, i.e. donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhya, kherson regions before the constitution of the so-called russian federation, and regarding the elections, well, we have to understand that all the previous elections hardly had a legitimate process in russia, yes, but these elections have a special illegitimate process, and why, because we understand that this is the first election during the great war that started. russia against ukraine, yes, this is essentially an analogue, probably of what happened in crimea, let's not forget that similar elections in quotation marks have already been held in crimea more than once, that is, these are the same illegitimate elections, of course, that the world will not to recognize the elections in the temporarily occupied territories, that's for sure, there will be statements , there will be, there will be concerns,
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of course, it's definitely necessary here too, as well as... no matter how funny it sounds there, it will still happen, but for russia itself it's nothing will not mean that you are the same for the world, it will be one thing for yourself it will be different for russia. today, russia is a parallel reality, and everything that happens there happens conditionally in the parallel reality of our world. our world is now divided, relatively speaking, into the reality of civilized states, and the reality of absolute dictatorships, such as russia and a number of others. of the state, look, mr. andrii, what is the situation here, because some double standards emerge, when the elections for the re-appointment of lukashenka were falsified, then lukashenka officially told the world that he was self-appointed, that is, not the vice-president, and it was clearly articulated by any countries, well, except for north korea, probably abkhazia and transnistria, in this case we have already experienced it, but you mentioned the illegitimate one. in
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crimea today is the anniversary, we remember the elections to the state duma and the deputies who were elected from the occupied territories had big problems in civilized countries, they were not allowed to enter, not to leave, and so on. in this case, it is about adolf yurikovich or vasilievich, i don't remember, putin. that is, the world will be told by the so-called or self-proclaimed president, or he will be to use, for example, in the civilized world , the term president of russian. federation of putin, i think that, actually, most of the states will continue to call putin the president of russia, that's all. that is, unfortunately, we do not see the same reaction here as was the case with lukashenka. why? well, that's another question. i think that we should still promote this thesis that this is the so -called election, that this is the so-called
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president, yes. or a self-proclaimed president, i think individual states, maybe our closest partners there , who understand us the most, the baltic countries, maybe the czech republic, poland, again, maybe they will call putin that, but we should not count on what the whole civilized world will say the president or the self-proclaimed president, why, because, again, we... we see that the election process in russia is still taking place, we see that, after all, a large number of racist society is still for putin, that is, they, we must understand that they are not will recognize the elections in the occupied territories, but they will most likely recognize the elections within the borders of so-called russia itself, again, because there is probably sociology, and there is probably a vision of the civilized world, that putin still has
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a lot of support and.. by the way , i do not doubt this, i do not doubt that the majority of racists, who are no different from putin, who are just as guilty of the war against ukraine as putin, who in fact are the personification of stalinism, putinism, brezhnevism and and and and and other conditional forms fascism, yes, this is essentially a form of expression of the russians themselves, so this is a key question, why putin will continue to be considered. look, the last time, the last time we heard about so-called collective responsibility, was when the germans were collectively responsible for their hitler, and went through denazification and certain procedures. in one way or another, we have good russian in ukraine, in europe, everywhere they say, it 's not us. accordingly, they want such an option that when this war ends,...


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