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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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the main events of the coming week. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiva, saturday political club. greetings viewers of the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval, for your attention the results. news release and i will start with the situation at the front. the enemy continues to storm the positions of our military in the donetsk and zaporizhzhia regions, in particular in the settlements of terna, berdychi, tonenke, ivanovske, verbove and robotyne. at the same time , the russian occupiers are concentrating on the avdiyiv and marin directions and are already trying to break through several divisions in a row the defense of the armed forces of ukraine, - said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi after a trip to... the front. the invaders
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throw assault units with heavy equipment and infantry into battle every day. enemy aviation continues to intensively bomb the front-line settlements with guided aerial bombs from a distance of 40-50 km. this week, ukraine systematically and successfully attacked several oil refineries in russia hundreds of kilometers from the border with drones of its own production. thanks to such... blows since the beginning of march the aggressor country forcibly banned the export of gasoline, the less fuel it will have, the more difficult it will be to wage war against our country. more about the affected enterprises and how such measures will affect the economy of the enemy, natalya starepravo will tell. columns of smoke, explosions, sirens. this is the new russian stupidity. is the war returning to where it came from? this week, ukrainian long-distance drivers.
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did not have time to visit more than 10 regions of the aggressor country, in just two days on march 12-13, 12% were disabled in russia, according to the american publication bloomberg oil refining facilities. on march 12 , the lukoil refinery in nizhny novgorod oblast, kstovo, failed. one of the main processing plants caught fire. the enterprise produced aviation and diesel fuel, which the occupiers use for the war against ukraine. on march 13, our drones caused significant damage to the ryazan refinery. there, it was possible to hit two installations at once. losses of the enterprise's capacity reached 70%. in russia, it is the third largest producer of bloody barrels. also on wednesday, a petroleum products plant in novoshakhtynsk, rostovska was on fire region unknown drones allegedly fell there, due to which the russians stopped a number of technological facilities of the enterprise. all these are legitimate military goals, because the factory. provide
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the invaders with fuel, the consequence of their stoppage will be some disruptions to the plans of the muscovites and additional time for our forces, ukrainian intelligence confirmed. a number of events take place at the military facilities of the aggressor state. despite the fact that it is about an oil plant in novoshakhtinsk, but it is a military facility that is used for the supply and support of the occupation group in ukraine. we do not comment on more detailed information, everyone can. to observe, in particular in the online mode, what is happening there, the work of the enterprise is currently stopped, and this means that there will be problems and disruptions of certain plans of the enemy, and additional opportunities and time for our defenders. on the night of march 15, three drones successfully attacked an oil plant in the kaluzh region. the russian media reported damage to the petrochemical plant's equipment. ukrainian on the morning of march 16 drones attacked two more oil refineries in... the russian federation - in the samara region. around
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six in the morning, the drone hit the oil refinery in syzran. the area of ​​the fire there reached 5 m2. later, drones also hit the kuibyshiv oil refinery. such anti-terrorist measures will significantly affect the budget of ukraine killers. at the end of february, against the background of regular drone attacks and fires at refineries, the kremlin regime banned the export of gasoline from march 1 to august 31 of this year, because russian fuel prices reached their highest level in six months in february. if it turns out that if the primary oil refining facilities are damaged, the production of not only gasoline, but also diesel fuel will decrease. day 752 of the kremlin's three-day blitzkrieg against ukraine. the russians are advancing on belgorod. on the morning of march 12 , units of the legion of freedom of russia, the russian volunteer corps and the siberian battalion entered the territory of belgorod and kursk. regions of the russian federation. before that, the fighters
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appealed to local residents to evacuate immediately, as they were preparing strikes on military targets in this territory, in answer in russian. shelling of ukraine, where civilians die. later, volunteers of the legion of freedom of russia reported on battles with the russian army in the village of tetkinok. before that, the fighters appealed to local residents to evacuate immediately, as they are preparing strikes on military targets in this territory, in response to russian shelling of ukraine, where civilians are being killed. later , volunteers of the legion of freedom of russia reported on battles with the russian army in the village of tyotkina. kursk region, as well as the capture under the control of the vineyard in belgorod oblast. on saturday, the russian volunteer corps released a video of a captured putin army soldier and said it had captured a group of soldiers on the russian border. the special operation
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of anti-putin russian forces on the territory of the belgorod and kursk regions continues. russian volunteers called on the population of the russian federation to ignore the elections and join their struggle. against the czech regime. you lost your legitimacy a long time ago, and under the current circumstances, even the appearance of election has disappeared process it is obvious to everyone that russia needs immediate and fundamental changes. in russia , the need for a deep transformation of relations between the government and the people, a frank conversation about new and fair social rules has long been overdue. if you are ready to discuss the future of our country without dictatorship and authoritarianism, we are on your side. are ready for such a conversation, if you still have courage and responsibility, contact us in a way that is convenient for you, sometimes putin's elections this year last as long as three days, and from march 1 it was already possible to vote for the border moreover,
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russia also holds the so-called presidential elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. formally , four candidates participate in the race, but the central election commission. did not register any opposition or anti-war candidate. the 71-year-old putin, who has ruled russia for 24 years, will apparently be re-elected as president for another six years. we would like to remind you how the promises and statements of the russian usurper have changed over the past 23 years. any prime minister after two terms in power - goes crazy - says the english proverb. putin has been in power for 23 years and is going for a new, fifth presidential term, which will end in 2030. if the russian dictator makes it to this date, he will surpass stalin in terms of the length of his stay in power. how do you feel about
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the idea of ​​increasing the presidential powers and being able to be elected three or more times? i feel negative about it. for more than two decades, on december 31, 1999, the first president of russia, boris yeltsin, announced his resignation and called the newly appointed prime minister his an heir the unknown ex-head of the fsb quickly gained popularity by unleashing the second chechen war. we will pursue terrorists everywhere, at the airport, at the airport, so you will forgive me. if we catch them in the summer, we will soak them in the toilet, eventually. this loud phrase, which russians liked so much, was voiced by putin after another bombardment of grozny by russian aircraft. even then, some people in the west were wary, but most of the statements of the new political leader did not
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give cause for concern. at the elections in 2000, putin talked about the partnership with the usa and the eu, the need to fight terrorism, to develop. the construction of a democratic country is far from complete, but much has already been done, and we must protect the achievements. at the beginning of the 2000s, putin , at least publicly, did not yet challenge the west and voiced much more modest tasks for russia, for example, in 15 years , to catch up with... portugal, at that time one of the poorest countries in the eu, in terms of gdp per capita. it was not possible to do this, but the sharp growth world oil prices enriched putin's elite and made putin himself dizzy.
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anti-western motifs began to sound more and more often in his speeches. the orange revolution in ukraine, the arab spring in the middle east, putin saw the hand of the usa everywhere. in february 2007 . he delivered the infamous munich speech, which kicked off a new confrontation between russia and the west. putin already went to the 2012 elections with an anti-western agenda. what i see now and what i talked about in munich is not an alliance. sometimes it seems to me that america does not need them allies, they need vassals. the point of no return was 2014. first, the occupation of crimea, then the war in donbas unleashed by russia. he lost touch with reality. german chancellor angela merkel told us president barack obama about it. after a conversation with putin in early march 2014. since then, anti-western and anti-ukrainian paranoia
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in the kremlin has only intensified. putin began to be openly delusional about the threat of biological weapons that the west is allegedly developing against the russians. and you know that biological material gathers all over the country, and among different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical points of the russian federation. so the question is, why is this done? the situation was complicated by the covid pandemic. putin's circle of communication narrowed even more. he delved into reading historical works and himself began to scribble pseudo-historical articles about ukraine, and eventually started a great war. for more than 20 years, putin has been selling russians the idea of ​​stability in the elections. now it has been replaced by the idea of ​​a special mission of russia, which together with'. as an ally, china opposes the insidious of the event russia is turning into
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north korea before our eyes. the economy was on military rails. political opponents are killed. dissenters in prison. they can be arrested for liking on social networks. the current goal of the dictator is to destroy ukraine. putin is a sick man who hunts and doesn't even understand what he's doing or control his army that shoots. by civilians, by diplomats, by leaders of other states. putin's global goal is to change the world order. on the eve of the so-called elections, he repeatedly declared his readiness to use nuclear weapons. to putin 71 years, his fifth, and in fact already sixth term in power, is the beginning of his end. the question is how many more lives he will manage to take with him. 10 years of occupation, illegal persecution and torture, this is
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what russia rewarded crimeans with its invasion of the peninsula. how the occupation began and how crimea lives today, see further in our material. 10 years ago... on march 16, 2014, the russian occupiers held a so-called referendum in crimea under the muzzles of machine guns. the operation to seize the peninsula began on february 20. on this very day the armed forces of the russian federation for the first time violated the procedure for crossing the state border of ukraine through the kerch strait. since the same 2014, russia began to spread the narrative that the peninsula was taken allegedly peacefully with the consent of the crimeans. however, the participants of the protest actions are a living refutation of this myth.
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very different people went out on the street, they were not even politically connected with politics in any way, well, until the 14th year. they were, i don't know, kindergarten teachers , they were some teachers, they were journalists, they were just people, who did not work, pensioners, i also saw many people, that is, they were simply people who did not agree with the fact that russia is taking over their home. these votes were not shown. to the general public there by some kind of television, because at that time the radio-television transmitters in crimea had already been captured, and only russian was spoken there, russian tv channels, accordingly, they broadcast only pro-russian rallies. voting during the so-called referendum took place with numerous violations, this was recognized by the whole world, except russia, of course. the main scheme for falsification was a simplified procedure of entering people into additional lists, right at... polling stations, so the number of people who supposedly voted was abnormally large. in addition, in the ballots
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printed on ordinary white sheets of a4 format, there was no clause that would allow voting for crimea to remain part of ukraine. at the same time, to say that crimea was taken, as it were, with the consent of all crimeans, and apparently not by military means, but by peaceful means , is simply untrue, at least untrue. at most, it's just propaganda they are trying to deceive ukraine and the whole world. while the whole of ukraine was reeling from the shooting of unarmed protesters on the maidan in kyiv by berkut fighters. the russian occupiers acted very quickly, they understood that in order for the truth not to spread beyond the borders of the peninsula, it was necessary to silence all mass media. russia has landed machine gunners and machine gunners near the crimean television and radio broadcasting centers. the last time we had a broadcast just on the birthday of taras hryhorovych
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shevchenko, on my shift on march 9, i announced program at 10:20 a.m. on his birthday. somewhere she lost, well, maybe 5 minutes , maybe 6 minutes, if not less, and i heard that something else was playing on the air, not our program at all, when i went to the air, i heard that radio news of russia was already playing there. individual crimean zmi tried to work for some time to talk about what was really happening, but it was risky to do so, because apart from threats, you could get in and play. i worked underground in crimea for two years, from the 14th to 2016, before at the time when the shugan program was installed on my computer, with the help of the provider, on april 19, 2016, at 6:00 a.m., i was attacked with a search, with
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the aim of finding all these materials in the computer that i. .. ukrainian mass media . the policy of the kremlin has not undergone any special changes since that time. today, as in 2014, repression and persecution continue in crimea. according to the crimean human rights group, during the 10 years of occupation, at least 1,400 crimeans suffered from russian repression. at least 200 citizens are behind bars, do not receive. medical aid in most cases become victims of torture. during all 10 years of occupation , russia has created such an island in crimea, where laws really do not apply, where only some criminal principles of the russian government apply. for 10 years
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, only lawlessness has been committed against the civilian population of the peninsula in crimea. international organizations have long recognized the occupation of crimea as illegal, today the entire world community knows that crimea is ukraine, and sooner or later it will return home. tatiana golonova, oscar janson, espresso tv channel. 700 children in borodyanka can finally return to their lyceum. in total , 200 schools and kindergartens, damaged or destroyed by the russian invaders. the government of lithuania helped rebuild one such educational institution in borodyanka. however, how the work went on, how much the repair cost, and prospects for further cooperation with the republic of lithuania, will be discussed later in the story. the russian mir tried to denationalize lyceum number one in borodyanka. on their own, the occupiers left
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a fire and inscriptions on the remains of the walls. it seemed almost unreal to rebuild an educational institution that had been destroyed by... but local educators did not give up hope and asked for help from friendly countries. then the ambassador of the republic of lithuania, valdyma sarapines, came and said: madam director, we will rebuild your school, we will definitely rebuild it, and they came after a week or two somewhere, they came to our school and said that we are preparing everything, we are definitely your school we will rebuild, we are currently preparing documentation, we are preparing a project, we are preparing a tender, and the reconstruction will begin in the new year, in january. sweat was boiling all year long, the lyceum was rebuilt according to all modern norms and standards, the facade was insulated, windows were replaced, internal work was carried out, and a new shelter, unique for the country, was built next to the school. everything was difficult, you know, the building was damaged, there were certain legal procedures,
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land ownership, beneficiaries, financing, public procurement, tenders and so on, but we are together. and worked step by step, deciding what to do with the bomb shelter, building, reconstruction, building permits, etc. restoration the lyceum cost almost 8 million euros. the works were financed by the fund for the development of cooperation and humanitarian aid of lithuania, and almost 2 million euros for internal equipment, furniture and external infrastructure was contributed by the representative office of taiwan in lithuania. lyceum in borodyanka has been completely modernized today. there appeared an atrium, interactive panels, smart boards and other modern equipment. here we were told the whole story, of course, i... i think the school even improved, not just rose from the ruins, but also became better than it was before. i also think it is very important to restore qualitatively, when we
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rebuild ukraine, take over schools, hospitals or other facilities, it is important to make them better, especially in terms of sustainability and similar functions. the reconstruction of the school was implemented by the central project management agency, babolsha, at the initiative of the lithuanian government. in order to scale the reconstruction of educational institutions throughout the country, they are currently working on another project: an international architectural competition has already been announced as part of the school of the future for ukraine. the winning project will be used for construction of educational institutions throughout ukraine. it will be an adaptive project that can be logically adapted to different locations, to different needs, to different numbers of students. and this project in general. provided to each community free of charge for their use, and this actually goes back to the issue of design and estimate documentation, which is extremely expensive, so here is this project
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of the future school, the architectural project, it will make life much easier for many communities. lithuanian-ukrainian lyceum number one is ready to welcome seven hundred students, there are still more complete the improvement and put the school into operation. friends from lithuania emphasize that such a new school is far from the last gift of ukraine. it sounds like a cliché, but really we are investing in the future, we are investing in children who i am sure will create a better world, a world without war, because i understand all the circumstances now, i know about all these atrocities of war, so we have to help rebuild as soon as possible, now , and not later, not when the war ends, but now, the republic of lithuania has already allocated more than 14 million euros for the construction of a temporary settlement, reconstruction of educational institutions and other projects in ukraine. kateryna galko, dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. this is how
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with kysyalev, and that's about it. in principle, in them it was such a nice conversation, with which it became clear to the russians that, firstly, during the 24 years that putin has already been in office, today, well, for example, russia has an absolutely dramatic situation with regard to the birth rate, because it has fallen, well , that is everything was developing so well that the birth rate in russia dropped completely, and now they call it a national catastrophe, well, you can say putin's such an achievement . available, but, in addition to the fact that they devoted half of the conversation there to some economic issues, which, judging by everything, are very relevant primarily for russians, also it was used for several such things, well, the main thing is to wave a nuclear baton, and this was the most commented on abroad, this was the most heard in the world, because the next one there, kiselyov, what a radioactive
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ash, decided to... ask about what, well well, yes, we are ready for a nuclear war, that 's what putin said, we are ready for a nuclear war, but we haven't started it yet, but we're just about to start it, and at the same time he said that we didn't intend to nuke, it turns out , ukraine, but always ready to use nuclear weapons, it sounded something like this: difficult moments last year at the front in connection with kharkiv or kherson did not occur to you . the thought of toxic nuclear weapons , why, why did we have to use means of mass destruction, there was never such a need, that is, such a thought did not occur to you, no, why, but weapons exist in order to use them? we have our principles, what they are talking about, we are ready to use weapons, including any
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weapons, such... as you said, if it is about the existence of the russian state, about harming our sovereignty and independence, we already have everything written down in our strategy, we did not change it, well, it was as if he was trying to tell that he was not completely crazy, but somehow it turned out that he was not, after all, crazy, and that the russians already there was no doubt about it, his... propagandists on all tv channels began to correct him, correct putin somewhere and say: no, no, we still want a nuclear war, because the russians can’t want nuclear war. i will tell you what putin talked about, and what is important, putin, in fact, in response to this quote from sejournay, who said that there are no red lines in paris anymore, from the red lines, and
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if you add here... from the german military about the strike on the crimean bridge, and if you add here, then different types sigh, baltics, let's therefore increase military pressure on russia, enter the territory of ukraine, if you add taurus from here, that's it and everything, and kutin said very clearly, very simply. you are wrong if you think that there will never be a time when russia will still use nuclear weapons , you are mistaken, this is what putin said today, well , actually there is nothing new in this, because periodically they have such an autumn and spring escalation, when they wave this very nuclear rod, i would just like to remind
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the russians , what... what, well, it's, you know, such a two-way process, if you fail to launch any nuclear weapon, tactical, strategic, that's the nuclear doctrine of the united states, for example, don't make a big difference between tactical, strategic nuclear weapons, it maybe automatically just like that on rockets there, somewhere on the radars , the system will automatically react and just empty nuclear charges on russia, and there will be some kind of picture, which also just in case now... started to go around like this after this interview of putin on social networks, i ask that it be shown this nice graphic, here it is, you see what happens if not, if russia, well, suddenly wants to use nuclear weapons so carelessly, then in response, it is precisely on all these cities that are there, show me more, no, no need to interrupt, because there, it is more important than ever to see the whole picture


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