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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EET

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so the first question is whether the speaker of the congress johnson, he will be able to rally the congress around the fact that ukraine receives money from the united states of america, as far as can be believed, we understand that what is in mr. johnson's head, well, no one knows, but some the feeling, because it really changes every week, one week, i, at least, oh, it is unlikely that they will give it, the second week, oh, rather, maybe they will give it, the third week, they will not give it again, and so on. what are your thoughts on this please? don't hear, don't hear, hello, but you see, it's our fault again, it's not mr. oleg, it’s our fault, it’s hardware , the experts are sitting there, but he doesn’t have a sound, and he ’ll tell me that they’re innocent, you see what a complicated relationship we have here, yes, really, it’s quite an interesting topic, as far as you can really expect
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financial, military, military-financial, and any kind of assistance, because there is a lack of money, lack of weapons, lack of ammunition for ukraine, and besides, oleg and i, i hope we will also discuss macron, whom we talked about with mr. melnyk, and about the elections in russia, which we haven't talked about yet, we will to speak after mr. oleg, because really , well, that's right, i said with... you know, i'm sorry that i said elections in russia, there are no elections there, but i some measures that should simulate these elections in russia, and they are engaged in imitation there quite actively, there is really something to talk about, because i had some kind of idea, this morning and during the day i was just watching how many people would still come at 12 o'clock, we know that almost the last thing i said their leader, their... position
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, mr. navalny, that you should come at 12 o'clock according to moscow time, or local time, and accordingly, if it is supposed to show a gathering of people, so demonstrative, it should show, as if what is in ukraine, in ukraine, in russia there is resistance to the existing situation, that is, to the existing president, and they say, you see, we will come now, we don't have anyone to vote for, because all... those who were unconscious were removed from the elections, and we will come and show, well, we didn't come and didn't show, that's what i can say in my observation , came to foreign polling stations in the baltic countries came in central-european, western-european, central-eastern-european, in australia they came, in japan they came in the former republics. of the soviet union
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, for example, such as kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan , armenia, oh, anna, let's say hello and hear each other, no, we must say it out loud, i hear you, i hear you, now, now hear, and i, hear you, therefore, they will give, whether the americans will give us money or not, while the political crisis continues, so i would not be particularly... optimistic at the moment, but the window of opportunity will be around the middle of april, and then we will really see johnson's efforts, how sincere he really is in his intentions, because the question of whether he will be able to collect depends on whether he wants to collect these votes, because really the problem is not in the votes, but in what needs to be put on vote , and as soon as it is put to a vote, it will appear that there are democrats and there are about half of the republican party who are ready to support the bill, so it is not a matter of getting votes, as such, but of johnson
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putting it, this law can mr. ole excuse me, but it is possible to bypass, well, there is a law, according to american law, you can bypass johnson’s position, collect some votes, vote without his will, or despite his will, and then everything will be fine, and now the votes are being collected, how likely are these votes can get together, that's why i say that the window of opportunity is in mid-april. because at that very moment all the formal procedures will have already been completed so that these votes, they will be enough, in the event that it is possible to collect them, and so far everything looks like the chance not bad, in order to put it to a unanimous vote, and then the question is: either johnson moves the bill that exists and has already been voted by the senate, or he proposes some alternative, gathers votes for it, or the bill is put out of the vote, which most likely will be republicans are an alternative to senatsky. but much,
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shall we say, more advanced than johnson is currently saying, or the one that exists in the rhetoric of the trumpian wing. therefore april is actually a window of opportunity for us, but again, nothing guaranteed, and the dynamics of the political crisis in the united states, it has its own patterns, it can escalate due to trump's electoral logic, and accordingly , something can break. for now, it is important for us to hope that the window will be there and work on it, but nevertheless to diversify and provide ourselves with alternatives in order not to be critically dependent on american aid. macron. and once again confirmed that the possibility of introducing military aid directly to the french should not be discounted to ukraine, as far as you can believe it , we just spoke with mr. oleksiy melnyk, he
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said that yes, but when he just blurted it out, everyone said: no, no, no, this cannot happen, and now it is already being discussed , it is already on the tables of various officials, but i would like to discuss... not a possibility, an impossibility, in what capacity, what, what it can be, because here from closing the ukrainian-belarusian border, putting some number of frenchmen there, or in order to close the transnistrian border and secure odessa, or what it is, or it is some kind of police, police force, border force, what it could be, in principle, let's say so, first of all... this introduction of french visas on the territory of ukraine is one of the last arguments on the table, which, and macron clearly and affirmatively states that we simply should not rule out any options , even as decisive as military aid directly to ukraine, but that does not mean that he is ready to send now or plans
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to send them in the near future. second, if you ask me, but we assume that the conditions have been created, what are these conditions and where it can take place territorially, well, the most logical'. well, the first is, of course, the capital. in the event that there are threats to the capital, in this case, france may dare to take such a step. the second point is if russia manages, for example, to destabilize moldova and risks are created for communication with the odesa region, in particular with bessarabia. accordingly, the french military may cross the romanian border, as russia has already declared and launched ipso, since bessarabia may be a region which is separated from the mainland of ukraine due to, for example, a blocked palanka. and such an option may also be on the table, that is why the moscow propagandists cried out with the wolf that for some reason these french troops should appear from romania, that is , such options are possible, but it is not to help ukraine in its development, when ukraine wins, but it's more to thwart some
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russian plans if they manage to implement a broader scenario and ukraine starts to lose ground, either on the battlefield itself, or potentially starts to lose due to destabilization, for example in... moldova nearby, or there activations in belarus, in other nato countries, provocations, etc. currently , france is focusing its attention more on building a geopolitical security structure more widely around russia, this is moldova, this is armenia, this is kazakhstan, and even india itself, cooperation is going on and intensifying. next to that, this is a coalition of long-range, long- range weapons, and macron, judging by this, during his visit to kyiv, still wants to get something good, lessons that are far from summer. and next to that, it's an artillery story. france now very is actively working in the arab countries to buy back the french-made artillery, the same caesars, older models that were exported there, and these are hundreds of units there, well, by a dozen or tens of units, i think
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they can definitely go it is the arab countries and , accordingly, macron can come not alone, but with a certain echelon of weapons behind him. mr. valer, this is a legal question. i am like that, when i started to think, after macron's words, and here the troops appear, even one officer, one soldier, what is it that the fifth paragraph of the nato agreement tells us? it is not on nato territory, this french soldier steps foot there and is killed, god forbid, it is on the territory of some country that is not a nato member, so does this entail any... efforts of nato contingents regarding the defense of ukraine, i do not have such an impression, i have the impression that this is precisely what macron is counting on, if macron, yes, i will send my troops, but it will not be such a categorical escalation, what do you say? of course,
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this will not be a move by nato, because this decision is not will be accepted and not implemented by the joint contingent and nato command. this will be a unilateral step by france itself as a sovereign state. on the use of its armed forces, and of course it will not be an attack on nato, in the event that their troops are exposed there to the influence of russian fire, but at the same time there is another point, why ... precisely france, why macron responded, in particular after meetings with scholz, that they have strategically different cultures, and france has such a capacity and opportunity if it is necessary to send troops, and in particular it is possible due to the fact that france is a nuclear power, the only nuclear power of the european union, and in the event that, for example, russia says that , as in germany, ideas in russia were heard, that if germany gives ukraine bulls, ukraine will hit kerch with bulls bridge then they are shelling some bridges on the territory of germany, for example, well, such are russian fantasies, then in the case of france,
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a slightly different situation is at work here: france is a nuclear power, and if russia then attacks france, it will also be an attack on nato, but ok here some may say, well, france was the first to enter the war, but it will be an attack on a nuclear state, and these are completely different escalation risks for russia itself, so france has much more hands free than most western countries, so it can ... to show off is only literally still britain, which has already demonstrated a greater level of determination than many and the united states, but oh, they remained until the last in the escalation paradigm, one more question, i hope mr. oleg hears me, at least i do now i see, i dial, or not, i hear, look, it's logical enough , we don't like it, i don't like it, but it's... logically, when erdogan says, peace plans without russia's participation will not produce any
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results, that is, this idea of ​​getting together, as i understand it, i can't understand everything, but the idea of ​​meeting without russia, solving some issues, and then offering it to russia, russia has no way out, it has to, or will be forced to agree, i don't know what you will say? you know technology, but earlier i tied a letter to a pigeon and sent it to oleg, oleg read it, wrote a reply and sent it to me, but now it's so fast, but unreliable , please, i will record voice or video messages next time for answers, and about erdagan, you know, if you have a factory that produces candles, then of course you say: why are those bulbs needed and at all conduct this electricity and try to burn down the factory that produces them because you want
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to sell candles. turkey plays the role of active neutrality, mutual inclusion with russia and ukraine. for this, they need to be an effective mediator. agent impossible when one of the parties is not needed. accordingly, erdogan is very interested in saying: only with russia. well, okay, you will meet there in geneva for the first summit, but... secondly, be sure to invite russia and let us host it, well, putin will not fly, they can arrest him there, but we will, okay, we will not arrest on the warrant of the international criminal court. erdogan is selling himself, this is his interest, it is simply necessary to understand that for him this is his geopolitical asset, he is on will insist on this, but no one tells us that we should now do charity work for turkey at the expense of our national interest. the last question, is it somehow , is it likely? i am not convinced that anyone from... wants to deal directly with mr. putin, that is, if he remains in
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power, then the level of meetings should be reduced there to the level of the minister of foreign affairs there, i don't know, prime minister - the minister who does not decide anything there, but i simply have a hard time imagining a large, crowded, multinational conference, to which an international criminal suddenly appears, even if we imagine that we will do it somewhere on some island. he will not be there, listen, if putin is in a situation where he is ready to come and accept the rules of a just peace that are in the peace formula, it means that things are so bad for putin that there is no point in meeting him at all, so that he will no longer control russia as such, and this will be an attempt to grab onto solomenko in a situation where he is no longer just a lame duck, a shot duck that is already imitating his life, or if everything is more or less normal for putin, he has some prospects and sees that he still has an opportunity to hang on. or achieve something , then he simply will not go to such a summit, so everything is quite simple, today it is
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nothing more than a diplomatic game, and behind which everyone perfectly understands that there are just principles of palites and a certain protocol, everyone realizes their interests from process, this is a kind of samurai way, which has a path, but no goal. thank you very much, oleg sahakyan, co-founder of the national platform stability and cohesion, was in touch with us, now we are waiting for the end. on a researcher of regionalism in the russian federation, that is, let's talk about the regions , it's obvious what we're going to talk about, we 're going to talk with you about the fact that... in russia , elections are taking place for the third day, i would even say that these elections are coming to an end, i would have just talked about this until, before mr. oleg sahakyan got involved, that i was watching all morning, all day today, well, until i came to work, and somehow i did not see any such waves, at least such waves
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small ones, so that somewhere people will gather to show that they do not... agree with the position of the kremlin and mr. putin, there is just a lot of activity abroad, yes, but the fate is not decided abroad, but russian citizens, and they decide their own fate, like me understood, absolutely do not want. moreover, there was quite an interesting moment when a correspondent or just a passing person was included, because nobody wants to be a correspondent, because you can go to prison, and he. so sad, he says, he is so, so cheerfully met, they say, well you tell us what is going on in the precincts, there it is 12 o'clock against putin, noon against putin, and he says, no, it is completely calm here, no people have come there, no one is doing anything, and to say that there is some opposition,
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we cannot, but we ask oleg magaletskyi, a researcher of regionalism. in the russian federation, the co-organizer of the forum of the free peoples of postrossia, good health, mr. oleg, i am the one, thank you for finding time for us, look, what i observed was that these free peoples gathered outside the borders of russia russia, they all emigrated and then went to the embassies of different host countries, and there were indeed many people there, and to say that in russia... there were many people, at least, i did not see how much activity this formula of mr. navalny's last request, that everyone come at 12 o'clock on the 17th, and if there are long queues, then we will show through these queues that not everyone is for putin, in fact, a suitable initiative, it is
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characteristic of the so-called good russians, that is, in fact, they are the same moscow empires, which simply stand for... for another tsar, more similar, probably to nicholas ii than to stalin, only putin does not suit them, everything else suits them, therefore all national liberation movements in their appeals to the representatives of sakha, buryats, karelians, tatars, bashkortostans and so on, it does not matter , who are still on the territory of the russian federation or in exile, called only to ignore his corresponding farce, i.e. those who are standing in line are precisely those who stand for a united and indivisible russia, and not representatives of one... nation, who see themselves independent ok, mr. oleg, and then what is the potential of national liberation movements? i understand that such a potential exists in some places in the north caucasus. yes, for some reason i think that it will start with chechnya, it will start with chechnya, because all the blood relatives of this, that is, their so
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-called president, are there. and where else, well, saha yakutia is so huge, well, it's hard for me. reveals, and there i told once in this program that i counted, counted, and 8-10 subjects of the federation out of 80, there is mainly a local population, well, that is, these are national minorities, and not russians, russian citizens, ethnically, then what is the potential of all this? there are two glasses of components about national republics, where the relevant people, they are not a minority, they are enslaved nations, yes, that is, to say that tatars are a minority in tatarstan, even if there are 30 or 40% of them there, it will be wrong, because it will essentially be a colonial vocabulary, there are regions, in particular sakha is one of them, and such regions are in the north caucasus, ingoshetia, chechnya, this is
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a region that is barely known, where the majority of people write in the so-called russian, and there of course the potential of secession. is naturally quite high, but on the other hand, in addition to the national factor, there is a regional factor, that is , a socio-economic factor, dissatisfaction with moscow, and the understanding that if you are separated from moscow not only by a few thousand kilometers, but in fact it is completely different the state of life and the potential of the economy, then you do not want to be in the same state with it, this was very clearly visible in 2020, when the last such mass protests took place, in fact in russia, they... were in khabarovsk and they were, in particular, under the banner of secession, yes, that is, the so-called far east and its transformation, but essentially the restoration of even the statehood that they had 100 years ago, in siberia, in the urals. the territories of khabarovsk, which are inhabited by so -called russians, who in fact are also not quite an ethnic group and a nation, also actually have quite a high, albeit dormant,
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potential for independence. when you say sleeping, well, look, i imagine what is desirable for many ukrainians, a desirable situation, this is when such, well, how to say, movements, micro-movements, macro-movements, and then a choice arises either... we start to fight here for our autonomy, at least real, not so pretend, or we fight against moscow, and that , well, moscow has a national guard, an army, there are tanks and so on and the like, that is, it is necessary to bring people to such a state that they will choose to fight here in their homes. and and and if something were to be done here, and whether, whether they would choose to fight in their house, or would they choose some other fight, well, that is
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the question, and they have to fight at the same time, they have to at least there are 10-15 so-called subjects of the federation, so that they rise up, so that the national guard does not know where to run, where to fly , etc. died on february 16 of this year in siberia, somewhere in the north, so what plans could there be hypothetically, i am not asking about realistic plans, you are definitely masters, that is , it is really important that rebel movements, yes , movements for freedom take place on the territory of called the russian federation, because to fight with people in cities, in particular in large cities, to fight on a huge territory. yes, where hundreds of kilometers separate settlements, as in siberia or sakha, it is very difficult, even with the colossal scale of the rosguard and other penal bodies there, it is physically
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difficult, especially if these processes, as you mentioned, will be as synchronized as possible , in fact, leadership is a huge problem, because navalny and other so-called leaders of the moscow opposition, who are pushing for a united russia, they do not want real change, never mind autonomy there independence or even regime change. i just need to change putin, or maybe not even change, but simply say that we want to change him by taking a place, so as to who and how can lead these movements, i think history can tell us, but of course, that nothing does not repeat itself in the same mode, it is not a fact that if something happened years ago, it will happen now, but in 1916, neither latvian, nor estonian, nor ukrainian independence seemed something clear, in fact only a few... people in ukraine, such as mikhnovsky said that on the territory of the russian empire, which was not the former austro-hungarian empire, that ukraine should be independent, and all those who in a year and a half will fight for ukrainian independence,
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yes, the same bolbatchan, skarapatsky, greeks, almaz, they were in the russian army, in the imperial army, yes, that is, they were not supporters of independence in the 16th year, even in 1917, our ukrainian central council was drowned to the last for some kind of autonomy, not independence, even when the bolsheviks were already making an uprising, ago... the historical context and temporal changes of a certain paradigm can play a very significant role, and these leaders, in particular sahi, the boryats , unfortunately, yes, if it was unpleasant for us, they are now our enemies and opponents, but due to other circumstances, they can to become allies at some point, if they identify themselves not as part of this meat army of the occupier, but as something potentially different, whether they will be able to identify themselves in this way and even more so when this will happen, in many ways this is a task for us, that is, we we have to work in that these people who are now a part our enemy, with his assembly machine , so that they turn, if not into allies, then at least into our potential fellow travelers
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, yes, who will also fight against muscovy, but when you said, we have, it means that just ukraine, well , let's say this, no, implicitly, non-publicly can start some actions, some movement. in order to ignite some national liberation movements somewhere, is it theoretically possible, you can imagine, i, where is it possible, how is it possible, because the distances are colossal ukrainians, podon, along the kuban, along the terik, they if not ukrainians at all, there are such ukrainians who... would rather kill ukrainians than, although they speak quite often in the ukrainian language, at least when the last secretary general was soviet. of the union
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of the communist party had a mother, i listened to her on tv back then a long, long time ago in the 80s, well, a purely ukrainian language, well, it’s not ideal, it’s not poltava-galician, but it’s quite ukrainian, and now it’s the opposite they are such cossacks, cossacks, let's defend mother russia, that's all , where to find our fellow travelers, as you said, in fact we don't need... to convince 50-70% or even 25, we are talking about a passionate minority that is capable of organizing, and since the reality is that in russia the majority of the population, as in many other countries, simply in russia it has been brought to the point of maximum madness, is absolutely a quagmire and a political one, who does not care about all the socio-political changes, that is, they will not fight or rebel against any flag, well, what in particular was clearly shown by the situation since the arrival of last year, that is,
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the matter stands in... looking for allies among people who actually have a certain subjectivity or potential subjectivity. what is important here is that ukraine is not alone in this process. in fact, for 300 years, this muscovite empire inhabited all, literally all of its neighbors on its own perimeter. most likely, ukrainians need to be such a bridge that will unite the informal coalition of national liberation movements inside this moscow empire with potential regional allies from outside. that is, if we are talking about the northwest of the so-called russian here, finland and norway look like natural allies, because the territory of karelia, the territory of the murmansk region, is the territory of their security, moreover, it is in many respects their historical lands and their economic potential. if we talk about the territory of the pacific coast, then such states as japan, the republic of korea can also be allies for the buryats, sakhas and other secessionist movements, in particular vladivostok, the same far eastern republic that existed 100 years ago, and it had certain contacts from
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wake up states with japan , that is, again there is no historically unique precedent here, two very important countries that can actually help ukraine to jointly destroy this empire are kazakhstan and mongolia, these countries that are in the central part, they can actually help from one side cut this empire, with another they are good models as countries, well, mongolia for boryat for sahai, a continental country, even landlocked can be quite successful. kazakhstan - this is a country that is a model, in many respects... for the bashkir national movement, the tatar national movement, they have a certain language, cultural, economic commonality there, so these two countries are also extremely important, yes mr. oleg, now the main question is: you personally can find one, three, five arguments so that, for example, someone like mykola veresen believed in the possibility of the disintegration of the russian federation, i know, it is so...
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such a story, when i would like it, although i also have there is a warning that 140 million people will start walking bandits around the globe, but on the other hand, i still don't see such , you know, serious reasons when i, when i say, yes, here there is really definitely a possibility of at least the beginning of this process, it is obvious that it will not take place in more than one year, but i am interested listen to... arguments, if, mr. oleg, you have arguments in favor of the fact that such a thing is possible? of course, when you see the signs, it means that it will be months, if not years, because as with the soviet union, namely yugoslavia, 5 years before their collapse, few people even conveyed such a scenario. regarding those trends, there are several groups that are taking place that will contribute to this process. the first is economic, economic inequality and social
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inequality, it is a cross... colossal, these disparities only increase every year, with regimes, in particular, with full-scale war, and they will increase even more, which will contribute, the other factor is the factor national-religious, because again , no, this is a huge territory and it is not a homogeneous process, and it is not unique in all regions, but there are certain painful points, yes, in particular, it is taishkeria, which is occupied moscow, which moscow even recognized as independent under the khasovit agreements, is essentially independent. on the countries run by kadyrov's collaborator regime, and the situation of disputes and not, let's say, frozen conflicts, which are between kadyrov and the fsb, they can also flare up or can start a chain reaction. the third block of questions is actually related to the war against ukraine. war is always turbulence, war always creates conditionally new leaders there, creates.


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