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tv   [untitled]    March 17, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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the pit of this process has several groups: the first is economic, economic inequality and social inequality, it is colossal, these disparities only increase every year, with regimes, in particular, with a full-scale war, and they will increase even more, which will contribute to another factor - this is a national-religious factor, because again , it is not a huge territory and it is not a homogeneous process and it is not unique in all regions, but there are certain points that are painfully so, in particular these points. which is occupied by moscow, which moscow even recognized as independent according to the khasovit agreements, this is essentially the deyure of an independent country governed by the kadyrov regime , and the situation of disputes and not, let's say, frozen conflicts that exist between the kadyrovs and the fsb, they can also flare up or can start a chain reaction. the third block of issues is actually related to the war against ukraine. war is always turbulence, war always creates conditionally new leaders. a certain section of the population who
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knows and knows how to use weapons, who does not have one respect for political leadership, this is again 100 years ago it was very clearly visible how soldiers, sailors, who were tired of the war or despaired of no, could significantly change the situation on the political map, the fourth factor, here it is important to understand that russia is not in a vacuum, but russia is part of a geopolitically big chessboard there, and what it has been doing in recent years, what it has been saying publicly about... the destruction of berlin, washington, paris, london there, about what is not there states of lithuania or the baltic republics or beyond, it forces of our partners, when they have never worked, let alone for the dismantling of russia or for some assistance to national liberation movements, to think that this is possibly not the worst scenario, so the more medvedev, putin, choigu, others will speak, the more likely it will actually start work on support and subjectivization of those potentially successful national liberation movements in different regions. the so-called russian federation,
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yes, but the west will be against it, we understand, at least i definitely understand that it is not in the interests of the west, that is what i said, the broadcast of 140 million hungry bandits, now they are sitting there, and now and then they rush to the baltics, to ukraine, through belarus to poland and further, further, further, and this is just such, it will be such a world civil war, well we all citizens of the globe, you can't do anything here, we all live. under the same sun, and it's just hard for me to imagine that all of these people need to be fed, restrained so that they don't take over each, every region with a nuclear missile and so on and so forth, it's me, i just have a hard time imagining how millions to stop them, for example on the same border with ukraine, and these are not all my arguments, but these will definitely be the arguments of brussels, washington, paris, berlin and td , etc. we communicate with them, and they make similar arguments about... these problems that you
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mentioned, these are the problems that will occur if russia is not dismantled, because they will go to the baltics if they remain united, they threaten the world nuclear weapons, they spread nuclear weapons to belarus, helped iran, kender and so on, they turn into a vassal of china, the people's republic of china, thereby strengthening the main opponent of the free world, therefore, the dismantling of russia reduces the number of global threats and risks, and does not increase them, if they arise on the perimeter, even if not all, but conditionally there may be 41 states, for example. if of these 41 states, at least a third can be adequate, yes, or more or less adequate, this is a reduction of threats, moreover, naturally there in the baltic region, in the region neighboring ukraine, poland, finland, there is a much higher potential, that an independent karelia will not threaten finland, unlike a single one in the face of russia, and in the face of muscovy , an independent cuba is unlikely to threaten ukraine, even if it does, its military, economic, and demographic potential will not allow it to turn these threats into... reality, so
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it is the same with regard to nuclear weapons this is a trick of narratives that moscow propaganda uses to show that you better talk to us, yes we are crazy, we want the third world war, we finance, corrupt your politicians, lose your elections, but if not us, then it will be even worse, but come on guys, how can it be worse, in fact, the delocalization of this process will be better, sorry oleg magaletskyi, researcher of regionalism in the russian federation, co-organizer of the forum. in the free nations of post-russia convinced me that it is worth, well, how to say, to make significant efforts so that russia breaks up into many, many different countries. well, the enemy has many times more mobilization resources, so we, ukrainians, should bet on the latest technologies, in particular robotic platforms. about this in an interview with espresso channel said the senior lieutenant, commander. the honor
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of the first separate mechanized battalion of vovka da vinci oleksandr yapchenko about know-how on the front line and mobilization see further, but first. watch the ad like this. before the full-scale russian invasion, oleksandr yapchanka was a doctor, an adviser to the minister of health. in february 2022, he stood up for the defense of ukraine. he joined honor company, which is part of the first separate mechanized battalion of vovka da vinci. on the battlefield, he was a medic, air reconnaissance and a hut oleksandr was recently appointed commander of the honor company. now the soldier is undergoing rehabilitation after the third injury and is looking for new people, resources and technologies. i'll start with technology. not a secret.
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the enemy has a greater mobilization resource in times, at least four to one, minimum. if we don't, we will inflict losses on them at least twice as much, at least eight to one, better still, then we have a high chance of being defeated in this war, and what is defeat for us, it's a bum, a slob, a beard all over territories occupied by russia federation, that is, the option of losing , well, i don’t even consider that, the option of a draw , unfortunately, cannot be either, because they will not stop trying to destroy us as a country, so the only option left is to defeat russia in the form in which it is now , that is, to achieve its disintegration, by the way, there is such
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a document written by ukrainian intellectuals, called the manifesto of sustainable peace, it is written in detail there, in order for us to achieve this result, we need to cause them... more significant losses than they inflict on us at times, in other words, though b, as i said, one to eight, better one, of course to 15, well, why not dream about it, how can we achieve it? well, it's certainly a technological advantage, and we've already demonstrated it many times at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. the prize for the enemy was the use of maviks, simple wedding drones, which in many ways changed the course of this war. our next successful development is fpv drones, these water drones are a great
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example of what we can do. after all, if we talk about how it happens directly on on the battlefield, for example, when we... fought near bakhmut, the road of life chesivyar-chromova, or the road of life on bakhmut, we inflicted losses on the enemy in a ratio of about 1:13, others, as we managed, we had a technological advantage in the means of observation of the enemy, that is, we saw everything that was happening on the battlefield, and of course it was ... the coherence of our actions, that is, it is possible. unfortunately, when we were already conducting combat operations near kupinsky, we no longer had this advantage, the advantage in the sky, in means of observation. was parity, and to be completely honest, they
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already had more maviks, and they didn't just adjust the artillery with them, they already actively made resets with them. in the end, the ukrainians began to make the first resets again. what it is? means, if you look at it from a philosophical point of view: a free mind, i.e. the mind of a free person, i.e. the mind of a person in a free democratic country can come up with something new, but a totalitarian country simply takes and apes it, scales it further, so if we want to defeat the enemy , and we want, we are simply doomed to run half-body ahead in techno now the next component is a resource: war is expensive, technological war is very expensive, but it saves first of all
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the most valuable resource - human, it saves human life, and here the question is not only that in war it is the most valuable resource , the question is that we are fighting for democracy. a state in which the highest value is the life of a citizen. and, of course, we must make every effort to preserve the lives of our fellow citizens as much as possible. who took up arms, how can those economically participate in this citizens who are in the rear. here are the people who call themselves the economic front, i would just like to ask them to really be a front. what does it mean? when you are at the front, you get up and go to bed with one single thought: how to defeat the enemy, that is, how to accomplish the task that is set before you. so the economic front, if it is really a front, should wake up and go to bed with this thought in mind.
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what does this mean in practice? if there are people who actually call themselves that, then please be kind, just unite with people like you, who also consider themselves an economic front, and this is extremely important, take a specific brigade or at least a battalion and provide it with everything necessary. in addition to what the state provides, you also have to provide this battalion, an ideal brigade, with what the state cannot fully provide, for example, the same innovations, because the state picks up grassroots initiatives, and this is very cool, but these initiatives have to come from somewhere " it is not enough for inventors to appear here, there must be people here who will... finance these inventions, there must be people here who will buy the necessary spare parts for one or another,
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for example, our innovative ground robotic complexes, after all, this is how we started, i appeal to the economic front, fight, fight side by side with us, economically, but really fight , because if they knock us out, then you will have to fight on the ground.' front, and if you refuse to fight, then the aggressor state will come after you , after we are defeated, because if there is no one to fight, then, unfortunately, it will end very, very unpleasantly for us. and now let's move on to the third part, it's people, it's probably the most important thing in war, it's motivated people. and unfortunately, there is no other option in our situation
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than to mobilize, and the citizens must understand that in a situation where either we win or we are defeated, the option of losing is for them the same mobilization, only mobilization to the enemy army , and in the first case... when you get into the army of your own country, in particular, when you get into welfare, then you get where you are equal, you get where you are valued, where your life is the highest value in the unit, if we are defeated, then you will end up in a very bad army, where they will not have you as a person. and where they will gladly throw you into the same local assaults, i saw these assaults, i repelled these assaults,
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we do not have any bureaucratic complications in the recruiting center, well, that is, you came, we talked to you, well, first you called, you were invited here , or offered to fill out a questionnaire, then you came here and were told all the, uh, options, where you can go, and so on you, well, then there's a certain procedure , of course, but you can just go and try, you can hang out with boys for a while, it doesn't guarantee, well, with boys, with girls, it doesn't guarantee, well, it doesn't obligate you , such to sign a contract, just what is the difference between forced mobilization and between, after all, recruiting and... between the fact that you go on a contract, after all, when you go on a contract, it is your conscious decision, and you go exactly wherever you
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decide to go, and more importantly, you can go there with your friends, for example, if you live somewhere nearby , you know each other, or you, or you have just been friends for a long time, then you are guaranteed that you will not just get into the same battalion, or not just into the same company, then you will get into the same department, you will nearby just the whole war. of course, it is a value for us when people come together. a citizen of the republic is obliged to do so. is obliged to defend his republic in case it is threatened with danger, but the citizen of the republic has the right to choose the unit in which he will do it. we are not we take it when we understand that , after all, it is better for a person to choose some other opportunity, to help the state
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, i said about those opportunities in my previous speech. er, but we don't have a very strict selection, so don't worry, it's not a story that right here you're going to be er, sorry, show off your fighting skills, no, no way, come on, well, it's like the minimum does not oblige you to do anything, well, at least get to know the military, we have people in the recruiting center who, oh, took out such fights, but there is a gentleman sitting right there now who i've been in such stories, but... uh, he got out of those stories with dignity, and he then stayed in the army, but now it's this person who communicates with those who are ready to take up arms. as for boys -girls, well, there are still more boys, but there are also girls , moreover, there are cases when girls ask
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about such, well, combat positions, there , for example, an infantryman, well... we still offer girls, we offer such positions, which , after all, pose less threats to life and health, well, this is despite the fact that our the medics heroically pull out the wounded, but it's not an assault job, so we offer the girls, well, a little different.' understand, there is a lot of bureaucracy in the army, and that's normal, well, it's an army, it's an institution, an institution that has rules of procedure, so someone has to do this bureaucracy, well, because only a person with a machine gun does not win a war, even a person, if the work of the infantry, artillery, aerial reconnaissance, and the attack uavs are well coordinated, if it all
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works perfectly, but who has to provide them with everything necessary for this? it bureaucracy, that's why we need people who know how to do bureaucracy, i, for example , can't, it's a horror for me, respectively, well, there are people who do it perfectly, there are people who do great administration, so we invite everyone who wants to, first of all that's all, it's a wish, and believe me, you will find yourself in the battalion, dmytro kotsyubailo, devinci, he was the battalion commander, he died in the time of yaari, the time of... but it was actually the line of confrontation, that is, he was not just somewhere near of his battalion, he was in the battalion itself at the time when there was well it's just hell, and on the one hand, our losses under bahnutim, as i already said, are an order of magnitude
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lower than those of the enemy, including because there is such a tradition of the commander. when you are a commander, you don't send people somewhere, you take them with you. the fact is that democracy, if it wants these values, dignity, justice, freedom , to remain in this state, there must be a state, it's just that if russia occupies us, then i'm sorry, there will be no question of dignity or about justice, not exactly about freedom. i think everyone is aware of this, as if somewhere ask someone, do you understand that if boron is occupied by russia, then there will be no talk of dignity, justice and freedom, i think, well, okay, the vast, vast majority of ukrainians understand this, and when the same citizen who understands this, who understands that
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he is threatened by the state, which will take away all these three basic values ​​from him. hiding behind the value of freedom, evading the fulfillment of one's duty, it is dishonorable, it is a dishonorable act. the law on mobilization is the regulation of the same instrument of coercion, which should be without a doubt. well sorry, if he's not there, we'll just lose the war, the citizens have to understand that, the politicians have to understand that, well, i don't have an answer. well, why hasn't it been done yet, maybe they have some explanations, okay, but well, our main... one goal is to win the war, well, understand, we have no one to learn from, they learn from us, that is, we are the first army that declared that we will have a whole range of troops,
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unmanned systems, this is very cool, we just need to implement it now, but understand, the robots must still be managed by people on positions in that extreme dugout, there should be a person sitting there, we can’t put a robot there yet, that person should be... securely hidden in the dugout, preferably with two overlaps, well, okay, the details are not yours, but this person has to be in the most protected place, and the robots will still be managed by people , but for now, well, well, in the near future, let’s do it, well, we won’t take people out of the war, well, no, that’s another matter, you’ll just understand if we don’t have it now sufficient quantity. here are people ready to take up arms, those people who made this decision two years ago, well, they will simply end sooner or later, and then
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the state will still be forced to come for those people who refused, or the state will simply cease to exist, in fact, all of our current uav operators, or drone operators, are yesterday's infantrymen, after all, i... was a uav operator for about a year, i flew, adjusted art even when we were in the sso, also as part of the dorinch battalion, that is, well, this is my first and only battalion in my nikutizy, i definitely do not plan to do that, here cool people and you can it's just that i was a medic from the base, it's just that when i got into the davich battalion, it was literally the right month of the 22nd year, i saw that i didn't have ulf in the medical service. what to do, everything works like clockwork there , that is, this is another advantage of this battalion, that there is a cool medical service here, well, they are, well, when i am wounded, i am already running, if we take
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the idea of ​​dignity, then in the world of things this dignity is materialized by an act, the example with dmytro kotsyubail, i am telling it after closing it, because... the 22nd year of the battle against god near bogorodychny ee the russians went on the attack with a tank column , they got in the teeth, the tanks left and ran away , and well, such good lies on the field, it is clear there between the brigades, who will take the tanks , well, imagine it in the chats you talked about, who where is myahan davinchik saying to us, come and take myahan . er, we are going to the place where devinci actually lived and where he was, we get there
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, shirley the beaver is sitting next to me, he has an open window , devinche comes to us, and shirley says this is you, says meehan, another laughs, says boys, i am yours the commander, in general, we were familiar with him well, i'm out. you hugged , said hello, talked back and forth, his reaction was, he laughed, he said, guys, i’m actually the commander, you can imagine that, well, in some savov army, you didn’t recognize the combatant, it’s a flight, son, this is roughly the story, well, that is, it is equal to equal, shirley is a soldier, i am a soldier, we are two aerial scouts, he did not recognize a combatant, so what, haha, class, and this is a man who... says: i will fight for my country to be free from dictatorship, and he goes to the right sector, they are very harsh
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are hacked on the maidan, and then we are attacked by the russian dictatorship, which wants, of course, to turn ukraine into a dictatorship, and he goes to fight, that is, the idea of ​​freedom, it is embodied. in life with actions, you speak well of freedom, this does not make your words a reality, but when you believe in freedom, you do things, the idea is justice, well, we can do that, the idea of ​​the commander, which i am already talking about, that is, the idea of ​​leadership, i already told you that a leader does not send, he leads, here is another idea that da vinci brought to life. why ideas live on is simply because he died, and what he does, we are doing now.
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united by football, stronger together. good health once again, my name is mykola veresen, we are with you for another half hour, even on the 31st we will be together for a minute. let's start with the next one, we have the next one just right. after this film , which we saw and commercials, vadym chernysh, head of the sens security research center, from 16 to 19 he worked as the minister of ukraine for temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons. now we will see him and talk about something. good health, mr. vadim, thank you for finding time for us. i have several questions, i would even say, groups of questions.
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well... about the so-called elections today, well somehow, even i do not open my mouth to talk to you about what is happening in the occupied territories, i think everyone knows that this is a total falsification, there is no resistance, by the way, i did not see any resistance, although is resistance possible there, when they come to you with a machine gun and so on, but i am terribly interested in the people, the attitude of the people here. we know that there is information in avdiivka that these zhduns waited, finally they, many of them very satisfied, went to vote and so on. in principle, there are some recipes for activities with those by people who do not love ukraine. i just read today, i don't remember where, they have already been convicted, they are in prison, they surrendered ukrainian positions, because of them
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ukrainians were killed and they are asked, well, you don't regret it? no, no, i would, if i could now.


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