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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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dear friends, russia takes away our traditions, chews them up, and also takes away our lives, i would like to remind you that at 9 o'clock we will all honor the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression with a moment of silence. we will honor the memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine with a moment of silence. who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings to everyone, this is the freedom of the morning, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting the information day together with you, and in this broadcast we are talking about such. topic. russian drg tried to break through the border three times of ukraine in sumy oblast. evacuation from the border continues in the region, and after the breakthrough to russia, fighters from the red army of the freedom legion and the siberian battalion increased there. we will talk about the situation in the region and about the raid of russian volunteers. putin is expected to win the russian elections. the czech republic stated that they were not conducted in a transparent and democratic manner, and the country does not recognize illegal elections in the occupied ukrainian territories. what is the reaction in other western
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countries and how will this affect putin's legitimacy. i am victory and berlin. on big screens an adventure comedy based on the book of the same name by andrii kuzmenko appeared. who played kuzma scriabin and what is special about this film? important news, announcements and exclusive comments. all this is on our morning broadcast. get involved. in the comments, let's discuss the topics that sound on our air. in the sumy region, which borders russia. shelling intensified, the local authorities reported. the troops of the russian federation used high-explosive and guided aerial bombs, as well as artillery and mortars. as a result of the shelling, one person was killed one local resident was injured, the sumy regional military administration reported the day before. russian forces bombed the center of the village of velyka piserivka in the region - the head of the community lyudmila biryukova wrote to herself on facebook. this village borders the russian settlements of kozinka and graivoron, where fighting has been going on for the last week.
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of the russian army with russian volunteers. in velika pyserivka, an airstrike damaged a non-residential building, a shop, a branch of the cultural center, a library, a hospital department, a kindergarten, 15 private houses and one house and gas pipeline. lyudmila biryukova, head of the velykppisariv community, calls on local residents to evacuate. in the last week , 256 people have already left there, 206 of them are children, according to the local kordon media. residents in the border areas of the sumy region. are urged to leave for safer areas. journalists also showed the evacuation from the village of rezhivka. this village borders the russian village of tyotkino. this is the kursk region of russia. yes, take chagul brooches, the most important thing, they will give you everything there, you will leave yourself. let me help you. let me i will help you i will not pass here. throw away those bags. so.
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alyona yatsyna, a correspondent of radio liberty, is currently located in the sumy oblast in the velykoppyserivska community. greetings, alyona, please tell me where you are now, what is the situation in the region? greetings, we are now located directly in the velikopyserivska community, but literally 5 minutes ago an air alert began, an enemy plane took off and we know that it is currently flying to pysarivka, so we are in a conditionally safe city, we must... understand that in there is no village
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equipped shelters that would protect against enemy cabs, except from artillery, so , actually, the situation here is a little better than in... yesterday, the russians completely bombed the russian military, they bombed the center of the village from the air , destroying all the infrastructure facilities that were there , at night artillery worked in the community and directly on velyka pyserivka itself was fired from hail. now at 10 a.m. the evacuation of the civilian population is supposed to take place, the evacuation has been going on for a week, and now there are still people who want to leave, actually. the police, the local authorities, are just engaged in evacuation, now people are being taken to a safe place by e-e, actually for evacuation. alyona, are people ready to leave and are the children left behind, or have they already been evacuated? as far
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as we know and as far as they report to us, there are no more children left in the village, but there are villages near the border, near the border itself in the five-kilometer border strip, from where. it is not known how many people remain there, it is not known whether anyone has left completely, because there is no communication with them, there is no transport connection, because in a week they dropped several hundred guided aerial bombs on the community, destroying all the bridges over the rivers in the community and it is impossible to reach the villages, that is , it is likely that there are definitely people still there and probably that there are children from the large school, they said that as of yesterday, all the children had been taken out, but now we will see... the evacuation and see if there are still any of the children leaving. alyona, what is known in connection with what, the russian attacks, have they increased over the last week? from the territory of the sumy region, in particular from the velikopyserivska and bilopolska communities,
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paramilitary formations entered the territory of the russian federation, such as the legion of freedom, the rdk, the siberian battalion, and all that you actually heard about their work on the territory of russia is that... part of it happened through the crossing of the state border of ukraine, specifically in the sumy region, that's why shelling has actually become more frequent, we all associate them with exactly this on two sections of the sumy oblast border, precisely in these communities and villages located directly along the border itself, it is impossible to get there now, there is an evacuation there is happening partially and as much as possible, transport does not get there, shelling is not... searched for. alyona, i thank you for your work, for the information. keep yourselves. alyona yatsina , a correspondent of radio liberty, told about the situation in sumy oblast, and i also urge our viewers, if you are from sumy oblast, and you have a connection, then tell me, write in the comments what your situation is, what you know about situation
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in the region. alyona, thank you. in the comments under this video, really write where you are from, if you are from sumy oblast, or if you own any information about the current situation there. maybe your relatives are there or you know them, then write, share this information, it is very important, i would like to remind you that the correspondent of radio liberty, alyona yatsina, who just joined, she says that the increase in russian attacks on the border of sumy oblast is associated with the the territory of russia, including, from that border, russian volunteers, rdk, freedom of russia and the siberian battalion, we will also talk about this during the broadcast and whether these russian attacks exactly. with this event of russian volunteers on the territory of russia, also on this broadcast, we will talk about the situation in russia itself, directly about the results of the presidential elections in the country, in which vladimir putin is expected to win according to the previous results. so, further on
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our broadcast we will talk with the head of the public relations service of the 117th separate territorial defense brigade. dmytro lantushenko joined our broadcast. dmitry, i congratulate you, thank you for joining. congratulations. in your opinion, is the quantity related increased number of russian shelling, russian attacks in sumy oblast due to the raid of russian volunteers on the territory of russia? well, i will say without exaggeration that for the past week, sumyshchyna is going through probably the most difficult times since april 22, when the rashists left the region, the number has increased many times. strikes, the number of airstrikes, the number of shellings, especially this applies to the border areas of those communities that are the epicenter of the activity of these battalions today, so of course we understand that there is active fighting there, and
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sumyshchyna, it is the direction that is actively involved in the liberation of russia today, ukrainian border guards told: about the attempt of several groups of russian drgs to break through the border of ukraine in sumyshchyna, do you know anything about this and about such activity of russian drgs in particular? this happens all the time in... in sumy oblast, there are several directions where the drg constantly tries to visit somewhere every week, but the defense forces already know enough about this, and there is very good communication between the border guards, between the territorial defense, units of the armed forces of ukraine, therefore, in the absolute majority of all these cases, they seep through, there are losses among the military of russia. there are even prisoners, so the defense forces are absolutely ready for such a development and
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are retaliating properly. in the region, the evacuation of border residents of sumy oblast is ongoing, do people agree to leave, what is the situation? our correspondent said that there is no communication everywhere and it is not known how many people are left there, what is the possibility of getting to these people to help them leave? well, i am i believe that there is the hottest such spot in the region today. this is the velikopiseriv community , the previous correspondent and i were there in person and on friday last week , there is really fighting going on, there is not a single minute that we cannot hear explosions, these are exits, this is coming, this, and people are constantly under such, under such pressure, under fire, there are even a few, we understand that the scribe community is a union of several forces, and today, unfortunately,... the leadership of the community does not have access to some of the forces that were actually cut off
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by the rashists, who dropped fabs, cabs on the bridges that connect the villages directly with the community, according to our information, with those settlements, which are very, well, let's say, very difficult at the moment, logistical cooperation between the center there are up to 100 people in communities and villages, last week even those people under... with actually in their hands what they could carry, they carried out on foot, crossed the territory, reached a large register, and then they were picked up there by police officers, authorities of local self-government and transported transported to piserivka, such and such actual resettlement of people, resettlement of people, it happens constantly every day, a lot of people who do not stay, do not live now in the pisirivka community, but sumyshchyna and... different corners of our state, apply even those who have gone abroad ask for help, who
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know for sure that the scribes can live, or their neighbors, or their relatives, there are parents and so on, and only then all the information is transferred to the police authorities, authorities of local self-government, and this happens every day, i will emphasize once again, under shelling, in fact yesterday, according to our information, 20 cabs and fabs flew specifically to a large clerical community, these are huge losses and we are talking about the fact that not only separate houses, whole streets are being destroyed, there is a street where the plane actually arrived, eight houses were completely destroyed, from the center of the community we can speak like that, i saw the center of the peaceful community of psikrivsk, i saw what was happening a few days ago, the center, the center of the community in fact there is none, the administrative building has been destroyed, the post office, the communications office have been destroyed, but unfortunately, unfortunately, people continue to live there... there are people who categorically refuse to move,
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the representatives of the village council are talking to them now, representatives of the police, volunteers come to them , well, something like this happens, you know, a certain association, everyone understands that it is necessary to save people, because often, and this is the case, we observe such a situation in other regions, yes, when there is a part of the people, who cannot leave, but also at the same time, the information that there is a part of people and thunder is important. with whom there is no connection and it is not clear how to help them , but tell me, but taking into account the battles that are going on directly on the territory of the russian federation, are russian volunteers going there, or are russian civilians from the territory of russia, they are trying to cross the border, maybe in search of a more peaceful place, or there were no such cases, there is only one checkpoint on the territory of sumy oblast, it is a cover, where people are actually allowed in, they come in constantly every day. to the territory of ukraine, here it is necessary, well, separately, perhaps, we should take the statistics and
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understand how many of the border territories where the pisarivsk community ends and russia begins, but according to my information, the number of people who crossed the border last week really increased, i think that among they are precisely those people who are already in the villages of the russian federation, where hostilities are currently taking place, thank you very much, thank you dmitry for this information. monitor the situation in sumy oblast, dmytro lantushenko, head of the public relations service of the 117th separate brigade of territorial defense was a guest of svoboda ranok. meanwhile. on the other side of the border, in the territory of the belgorod region of russia , the military operation of russian volunteer organizations continues, which, according to ukrainian reports, are fighting as part of the international legion of the armed forces of the russian federation, but on the territory of the russian federation, they say, they operate autonomously. the day before, members of the siberian battalion showed how, together with the fighters of the legion of freedom of russia, they unfurled the flags of these two formations in the village of kozinka, belgorod region. and earlier
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in the day, the legion announced that together with volunteers from the chechen republic took control of the village of horkovsky, which... is in the territory bordering the kharkiv region. i would like to note that the russian ministry of defense announced the day before that in the belgorod direction, all attempts to penetrate the drg in the area of ​​the village of kozinka were prevented. they also announced that a ukrainian mi-8 helicopter had been shot down near the village of lukashivka, sumy region. and they did not say anything about the situation in the village of golkovskyi. russian volunteers will have no peace - putin warned them about it - say the russians security guard identify them by name, the words of the russian president are quoted by the russian state agency tas. he said this the day before at a press conference immediately after the end of voting in russia and stated that the total number of volunteers is 25 people. he says that in the last attacks they lost 800 people and added that they say there is no death penalty in russia, but traitors will be treated like armed men.
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he noted that earlier the representatives of the russian volunteer corps of leyon svoboda russia and the siberian battalion appealed to... with call to get in touch with them for discussion, i quote: "the future of the russian federation without dictatorship and authoritarianism." ilya ponomerov, a russian politician, deputy of the state duma of the russian federation from 2007 to 2016, joins our broadcast . welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning. tell me, has the goal of the rdk, freedom of russia and the siberian battalion changed as of this morning, and what are the results of their rate? well, did putin respond to... their call to get in touch and talk about the future of russia? well, no, of course, the goal has not changed, and of course, putin did not answer, that is, he did answer, but not directly to the legion, rdk and others, he simply said that they were all being successfully destroyed there and so on, well, you
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have already told about all this, but the operation is ongoing, rdk and the siberian battalion, they... work in bilhorod oblast, and the legion of freedom of russia, there mainly in kursk oblast, eh, they are advancing, they are all on the territory of russia, there are certain settlements that are completely under control, but unfortunately, we are not we can go very far from cardboard, but in certain areas it is already the distance there is 30-40 km, from the border , here the question is simply that we need some kind of support there, we cannot use western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, this is a ban on international agreements of ukraine, and of course this will seriously limit
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our opportunities, our power what do you think can be connected with another statement by vladimir putin about... a zone on the territory of ukraine? well, this is not the first time he says this, and by the way, here he mirrors the position of ukraine, that is, kyrylo budanov has already said many times that the goal of ukraine is to create, with the help of russian volunteer formations, the same sanitary border on the territory of russia, but putin is talking about... a sanitary border on the territory of ukraine, well, of course , he simply will not succeed, they have already tried to do something in these territories and were knocked out, so nothing will work here either, and the most interesting thing is that he said the day before yesterday that he perceives this operation as an attempt
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to cause an exchange of territory in the future. between russia and ukraine, that is, they say, the occupied territory of russia on the occupied territory of ukraine, and this is very interesting, because it is simply a recognition of the power of the russian volunteer formations that he believes that we can capture the territory, which can then be exchanged for the territories of zaporozhye and kherson regions. according to the results of the presidential elections in russia, putin is gaining a record number of votes, and what do you think russia should do. position, so that russia begins to change its views on the political situation, and can the russian opposition ever unite, or is there no hope for that, and what can such an old russia do? the opposition, i believe that just kill yourself from the wall, well, i simply believe that this is complete bankruptcy, and what happened yesterday, all those queues around the world and
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inside russia, and here, well, we see the result on the scoreboard, that is, there was exceptional help to mr. putin, for which, by the way, he already thanked, said that for the first time the opposition did something good, called people to come. at the polling stations, even the candidate who was like that was more liked, i don't know why, because they are all the same, but he was more liked by a certain russian oppositionist, mr. mr. davankov, he did not even get the second or third place in this race, well, i believe that the only way of the real opposition is an armed protest, and now it is possible to ... safely say that the only opposition is a voluntary formation, and yesterday, at noon in kyiv,
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a huge event took place, when everyone gathered, the real part of the russian political opposition came to kyiv, and a voluntary formation, and they made a joint statement of general support for the armed struggle at the front. today is exactly 10 years and... like russia annexed crimea, maybe someone has already forgotten, but you were the only deputy of the state duma of the russian federation who voted against it, despite the fact that at that time you considered the peninsula to be russian land and were sure that the majority of crimeans wanted to join russia. the only thing is that you did not agree with the way in which russia annexed crimea. also, 10 years ago, you will now explain , i think, what i saw from the publication, that the russian, belarusian, ukrainian peoples and other former countries of the ussr should be together. now the situation has changed, you are a citizen of ukraine, studied. the ukrainian language, have your beliefs changed over these 10 years and what do you think the fate of crimea will be, do you believe in the return of crimea under the control of kyiv? no, of course, crimea will return to
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ukraine, and before the large-scale invasion, i thought that this path could be long enough, now i believe that it has accelerated significantly, and now it already is. there can be no problems there from the point of view of the approach to the fate of crimea and other occupied territories, well, as for my attitude, i have always been against annexation, that is why i voted for it, i said that you can talk about any historical issues there, and someone can believe that crimea can be a part of russia according to justice, but russia signed. in 1994, and it must be carried out without fail. ilya, after such, well, convincing for some convincing victory of putin, will his
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policy become tougher both inside the country and abroad? well, look, i think that nothing has changed, we all understand that it was not a real election, that it was just an imitation of the election process, that is, i... of course, the role of these russian volunteers here formations, because these are the only military units that can now fight on the territory of russia and
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can eventually liberate moscow, that this role will be the main one, that is, the fate of russia depends on the course of the russian-ukrainian war. thank you, mr. ilya, for joining, ilya ponomarov, russian politician, deputy of the state duma of the russian federation in 2007 and was a guest of svoboda rano for 16 years. russian president vladimir putin said that during his new presidential term he will solve the tasks of the war against ukraine and strengthen the armed forces of the russian federation, he said this during speech at his election headquarters, russian state media, riya novosti and tas report. rfe/rl's project , present with reference to the central committee of russia, writes that according to the results of processing more than 99% of the protocols, he is in the lead in the russian presidential election with 87. votes, the turnout that will be announced in the tsik exceeded the indicators of at least the previous two elections. nastoyasche vremya writes that in various regions of russia, voters tampered with ballots, in particular, filled ballot boxes with zelenka.
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they burned them, threw molotov cocktails and set fire to booths. putin ran for the fifth term. he has been in power since 2000 . independent observers and experts have once again assessed the elections in russia as unfree and non-competitive. the austrian newspaper depress called them the most manipulated elections in 30 years. unfair and not democratic. this is how the western world characterized the conditions under which putin was re-elected in russia. this time, and the holding of elections in the occupied territories of ukraine was strongly condemned by the world, noting that their results are never recognized, or rejected, considering this, or considering considering this circumstance in the legitimacy of vladimir putin, we will learn from the correspondent of radio liberty in brussels, zoryan stepanenko, who is already in touch with us live, she is monitoring the international reaction. zoryan, tell me if there is any reason to believe that putin will repeat the fate of alexander lukashenko, who is, in particular, not...
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the president, good morning, katya, the russian opposition called on the european union on various platforms in brussels to do this after the death of their leader oleksii navalny, however, in the statement of top diplomat josep borel about russian elections, which are currently being prepared on behalf of the 27 eu member states, with the draft, which is about to become a publicized draft, radio svoboda has learned, it is not about not recognizing vladimir putin as the president, as was the case, as you mentioned. lukashenko after the mass suppression of protests in belarus 2020. repressions in russia and their significant intensification are mentioned, another sign of which was the death of navalny, violations of civil and political rights, in particular , the prevention of participation of candidates opposing russia's war in ukraine, in the eu's statement, or rather its draft, states that the russians were deprived of a real choice , the demonstration of which, moreover, was not monitored by osce observers. russia refused them
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this. they strongly condemn the organization of the so-called elections in the occupied territories of ukraine, in the crimea, in the donbass, zaporizhzhia, and kherson regions, their eu results, as warned here, are not recognized long before the demonstration of will , and the prospects that this will change indicate that there are no elections in these territories are called worthless and promise consequences for the political leadership of russia and persons involved in their organization, repeatedly calling on the russian federation to withdraw its troops from the territory of ukraine. he declared its general publicized by the foreign policy departments of individual eu countries, in particular the foreign ministry of germany, for example, noted that the result, the quote of pseudo-elections, will not surprise anyone, that putin's rule is authoritarian, and the manifestation of will in the occupied territories of ukraine is another violation of international law. the czech foreign ministry called the russian presidential elections in ukraine an illegitimate farce, that there are no legal grounds to hold them there in russia.
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the ministry of foreign affairs of britain also reminded. and in unison with the european continent , the united states also spoke out, luhansk, donetsk, zaporizhzhia, kherson and crimea are ukraine, the state department reminded and promised to make those guilty of undermining its sovereignty answer. about the illegitimacy of vladimir putin despite the elections in the occupied territories, the lack of real competition for the academic president of the russian federation and the amendment to the constitution, which a few years ago provided him with the opportunity to actually go for another term. the western world is at its official level. as we know from ours interlocutors in eu diplomatic circles, the eastern part of the continent does not like it. now , the ministers of foreign affairs of the member states will gather for their regular meeting in brussels, and journalists will definitely be interested in this fact, and we will keep an eye on it. katya thank you zoryan. zoryana stepanenko, a correspondent of radio liberty in brussels, was in touch with us. but in the occupied mariupol in donetsk region, in
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the illegal elections organized by russia... construction workers and soldiers imported from the russian federation voted, but the local residents themselves ignored the process of formation, the pre-service of the legitimate mariupol city council informs about it. in the meantime, the center for combating disinformation at the nsdc of ukraine reports that the russian authorities put pressure on residents of the occupied territories of the zaporizhia region and forced them to participate in the illegal presidential elections of the russian federation by organizing the so-called at-home voting. representatives of the election commissions conducted apartment-by-apartment tours of the occupied residents. from the zaporizhzhia region, accompanied by servicemen armed with assault rifles, so say the center for countering disinformation. head ivan fedorov of zaporizhzhya wrote in his telegram that the filming of the next series of the tv series "elections" was finished in the occupied territories, and they said that they drew a high turnout, however, it is not known from what number of voters. earlier, the heads of foreign affairs committees of 20 countries rejected the legitimacy of the illegal elections held in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. a joint statement
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was signed. there are 23 heads of committees out of 20


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