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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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and the military, the local residents themselves ignored the process of manifesting their will, the press service of the legitimate mariupol city council informs about this. meanwhile, the center for countering disinformation at the national security service of ukraine reports that the russian authorities put pressure on residents of the occupied territories of the zaporizhzhia region and forced them to participate in the illegal presidential elections of the russian federation by organizing the so-called at-home voting. representatives of the election commissions carried out an apartment-by-apartment tour of the residents of the occupied cities of the zaporizhzhia region, accompanied. them with automatic machines servicemen, so they say in the center for countering disinformation. ivan fedorov, the head of zaporizhzhya va, wrote in his telegram that the filming of the next series of the tv series "elections" was finished in the occupied territories and, they say, drew a high turnout, but it is not known from what number of voters. earlier, the heads of foreign affairs committees of 20 countries rejected the legitimacy of the illegal elections held in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. the joint statement was signed by 23 heads of committees from 2 countries, the politicians emphasized that
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holding illegal elections in the ukrainian territories occupied by russia is a gross violation of international law. maria zolkina, a political analyst at the democratic initiatives foundation, joins our broadcast. i welcome you to our broadcast, thank you for joining, and immediately, maria, i have a question for you about the illegal elections in the occupied ukrainian territories, this is an excuse for the world, for the western world, for the democratic world, not to recognize legitimacy. good morning, yes, there are formal signs for this, since this is already the second election in a row to the russian federation, federal ones, on which there is no external democratic monitoring, including from the osce delegates, and since russia is a member of the osce, it actually does not fulfill its obligations as a member of the organization, plus to top it all, today in russia it is absolutely obvious signs, even without external. not allowing
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the opposition, both controlled and what is considered, at least in the west, to be considered an independent opposition in russia, not allowing it to participate in elections, political persecution, lack of media freedom, so there are all formal signs, that is, in addition to the fact that russia is conducting unequivocally illegal elections in the occupied territories of ukraine, there are all signs that this process does not meet the standards of democratic elections, and, for example, there is a very fresh analogy. when there were collective decisions, including by the european union, about not recognizing the president of belarus as legitimate, like the president of belarus, alexander lukashenko, after those fake elections in the 20th year, that is , the formal difference, for example, between minsk and moscow now in terms of what was this one process, there is no, but there is a difference in the strategic, political attitude towards russia, and if recognizing lukashenka as illegitimate was... invested in
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the logic of sanctions, lack of diplomacy in relation to belarus, then the western world is not ready for this with russia, and therefore no sharp statements and not recognizing putin as legitimate will not be. maria, why is the west not ready for this, because they still want to have these diplomatic ties , the moment of influence, the moment that there may be some calls, meetings because of it? well, meetings and calls are unlikely, but for... of the west, the unresolved issue is how they imagine their future relations with the russian federation in general, of course, because of the russian-ukrainian war, and that is why we see that certain decisions regarding ukraine are being slowed down, such as at the vilnius nato summit, when even an invitation to ukraine was not opened, not formally included in the documents, because de facto i understand that sooner or later this issue may be part of the negotiations with the russian federation, there is no readiness to support in...
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those actions of ukraine, which, for example, would destabilize, or potentially destabilize the situation in russia and lead to the fall of this regime, because unpredictable, uncontrollable processes in russia itself, and now russia is still considered sufficiently predictable, because it is at least under an authoritarian regime, and it is possible to partially , at least to predict how events will develop there, and unpredictability is not... the worst of all possible scenarios for our western partners, and sooner or later they imagine the possibility of returning to the negotiating table, maybe not with putin personally, but if putin is not recognized, then, accordingly, the entire vertical of power will be considered illegitimate, and in this case it will never be possible to sit down at the negotiating table with them, this is the moment of uncertainty regarding relations with russia in the near future and in the distant future, he determines the unwillingness
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to recognize putin as illegitimate. maria, will putin's policy change after his re-election, or will he receive, so to speak, a mandate for tougher domestic and foreign policy? of course will get however, it is traditional for authoritarian regimes, they bet on such pseudo-elections precisely on the turnout. that is why we saw a catastrophic growth, an abnormal growth, of people's alleged interest in voting, including in the occupied territories. we saw the application of tough administrative and military resources specifically in the ukrainian occupied territories, but also in other territories. russia is the same, because russia distorts and manipulates, even with the tools that are considered at the same event democratic, for example, electronic voting, in russia electronic voting became a mechanism for hiding the real,
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real turnout that would have been in the case of democratic free elections, and if there was no opposition in these elections, then it is obvious that and... the results of the voting would look like otherwise, the turnout at the polling stations would have been different, so we should expect that putin won in the eyes of this very top of the government and in his own eyes, received a mandate and really received carte blanche for the future, for a further tougher line, both internally and outside countries amnesty stated that russia seeks to suppress ukrainian identity in the occupied territories, using the experience of crimea exactly 10 years after the annexation. of ukrainian crimea, and what awaits the citizens of ukraine in the occupied territories in the near future? well, the so-called early voting and voting mainly in residential areas or by going round the apartments is just evidence, firstly, the updating of the lists
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of those who actually live in the occupied territories, this is the updating of the lists of those who have not yet received russian passports, because let me remind you that russians are allowed within the framework of this apartment-by-apartment tour. to vote even for those who have not yet received a russian passport, and in this way they determined the real number of people with ukrainian passports, well, plus a mobilization resource, because until recently, for example, in the occupied luhansk region, until the end of the 23rd year, in fact there has been no full-fledged general mobilization of the population in the occupied territories since the 22nd year, in this way they tried to calm the local population, to filter out, as they consider everyone not... reliable, but now it has already started, and in this way they also update the lists for their military. thank you for joining, maria zolkina, political analyst of the democratic initiatives foundation, was a guest of freedom of the morning. we also talked about the results of the elections in russia and the situation in the occupied territories.
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thanks to maria for the inclusion. the tape is based on the novel by kuzma scriabin. i won and berlin was released in ukrainian cinemas. the premiere of the film was delayed for two years due to the beginning of a full-scale invasion, kuzma scriabin himself at the start of his musical career ivan blindar, the actor of the ivano-frankivsk drama theater, played his first leading role in a full-length film. this is the debut in big cinema for the actress maria stopnyk, who played the role of the main character's girlfriend barbara, who became his wife. according to the plot of the film and the story of the same name, the novice musician kuzma leaves three days before the planned concert with his. the other bard to berlin on the old victory. the musician wants to exchange it for a 60th mercedes from a well-known collector. kuzma has to return home in a fancy car and more and make it to their band's concert, but of course things don't go according to plan. me, pebyeda and berlin were filmed with the support of the ministry
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of culture and information policy of ukraine and the state agency of ukraine for film affairs. the budget of the film was almost 1 million 300 thousand dollars. and pabeda's car, which is also the heroine of this film. the creators want to sell at an auction in order to later give the money to the armed forces of ukraine. our broadcast is joined by olga ryashina, the director, i will beat berlin with oil, i welcome you to our broadcast, thank you for joining. yes, good morning. i wanted to point out right away that he is blinder. ah, blinder. thank you thank you. tell me, the actors talked about preparing for the roles, that it was very responsible. these are their first roles in a big movie. and why did they choose newcomers? well, i wouldn't say. that they are newbies, they have filming experience, just in small roles , in fact, sometimes it is even easier to work with those who have little filming experience, or even sometimes theater experience, because it is easier
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to adjust, and especially those who have not acted in television projects much , with them a lot easier to work and build. lines and work out the characters, because cinema is very different from television precisely because we shoot literally 3 minutes of the finale. of material per day, that is, it is very meticulous and precise work on each frame, on each emotion, uh, when, for example, on television, when they shoot series, it can be 20 minutes of air time per day, that is, you understand, this is a very different level of working out acting roles, and many relatives of andriy kuzmenko, the influence on the film, the script, the main actors say that they were very worried about the response of their wives. kuzmenka svitlana, did you perhaps have any recommendations,
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and did you also change the script of andriy's story, or did you follow his story completely? no, of course we had to change the story because it's literature and as we know, even great books like there, i don't know, harry potter or - dune itself, they change the script in preparation for the film, and so . we talked a lot with svetlana, and she took part in at each stage, at each step , we refined the script together, that is, when it was almost ready, i turned to svetlana again to see if it was similar to andriy, or if it was similar, similar mannerisms, similar stories , and we also talked with her about the actors, and then already when ivan was approved, uh, we met in threes and talked a lot and she
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told a lot about andrii and as ivan says, it is the same for me i totally agree it was very valuable a lot of valuable information after all, you understand that everyone remembers their andrii kuzmenko, that is , he will be different for each person, and it was important for me, as for the director, to choose one, right? one figure, which, on which we will base, yes, to which we will return, and it was important for me that it was a testimony, or a vision of andriy from the closest person, that is, from his wife. many of andriy kuzmenko's personal belongings were used in the filming, with which his wife svitlana helped. can you tell about some special details that the audience should pay attention to. yes, we talked a lot about the fact that in the very first scene we have... andrew's tape recorder on the roof, which, that was exactly the tape recorder they were listening to, the music on
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the roof, also the shirt that our main character is wearing , it is completely reproduced from photos, a shirt of andrii himself, and several posters were given to us by svitlana yaka, which were hanging in andrii's studio, but which we have never told about, so this is an exclusive for you, there is even a photo of the young man himself... andrew it seems to him that if i i remember correctly, about 20 years. and, it was also one of his first, one might say, musical photos, which hung in his studio, and which svitlana also gave us for filming. thank you for such details. and finally, you want to sell the car, the victory that was filmed in the movie, at the auction. what is the history of this car, what makes it special? well, first of all, it was a long way from
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finding it, because we wanted it to be original, that is, for both the external and internal state of the victory to correspond exactly to the victory, because now you can find a lot victories, but they will already have some changes, or a gearbox, or a steering wheel, or a torpedo, or the appearance somehow from... reproduced differently, so at first we searched for a very long time for the original victory, then the artistic production artists reproduced description from the book, i.e. they made rust there and we changed the color, and kuzma doesn't say what color the victory was, but we chose yellow, yellow because when i think of andrii kuzmenko. for me, he is associated with the color yellow, that is, this energy, positivity, warmth, that's why we made
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victory yellow, we will wait for the auction and its results, olya, thank you very much for connecting, telling such interesting details, i will remind you that i am victory and berlin can be seen in ukrainian cinemas, and olga ryachyna, the director of this tape, was a guest of freedom morning, thank you, i remind you, dear viewers, that freedom... morning is with you every weekday from 9:00 on espresso tv and also on the radio svoboda channel on youtube, you must subscribe like it is very important to spread this. content in the spaces of ukrainian youtube, so please support us with such simple but important actions, my name is kateryna nykrecha, i and the whole team freedom of mornings, we wish you a peaceful day and see you tomorrow,
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dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk , we work in this studio for you, this is a marathon on... join our broadcast, join the discussion of the topics that we will raise today in the chat under our youtube broadcast, and also join our gathering, we are holding it , we spend for our military, and we have three positions for which we want to collect money, so we are collecting for a powerful land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main intelligence department. collect on a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and, in addition, collect on a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes, because you know that cars at the front are something that breaks down very quickly, not because it it breaks down, although it also breaks down, because these are already old cars, which the military call korchi, but also because the russians are constantly
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shelling and converting our cars the military is what you see on your screens now, but we can do... so that our military has its fast four wheels that will save them from the enemy and that will help them carry out their operations much faster. you see a qr code on your screens and you also see a card number, if you don't know how to use that qr code, i dictate and you write it down. 53 75 41 12 16 666, 04 85. we need to collect as much as 9,000 hryvnias, you and i already collected 16:00 this morning, it's going a little slowly, i understand that it's monday, monday is a hard day, and mondays during a full-scale invasion are even harder, but i believe that you and i will close that assembly very quickly, because in principle , the assembly has been going very, very
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well lately, for which we are incredibly grateful to you , and our defenders are most grateful to you. in the same way, when we collect money, we can thank them for the work they do, hellish, terrible work, where they sacrifice their lives, where they sacrifice their health, so we must at least thank them with a hryvnia for that, well, in the meantime, we continue our marathon and rostislav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine appears on your screens, mr. rostislav, we congratulate you, i congratulate you. mr. rostyslav, first of all , the word "parliamentary crisis" is being heard more and more often, can it be used to describe what is currently happening in the parliament? well, i would call it a crisis of the parliamentary majority, because it becomes simply obvious even for the office of the president and for the leadership of the verkhovna rada, the fact that the mano of the majority is not just
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exists as one political force capable of generating 226 votes are necessary for making decisions, but they are not enough to make decisions in alliance with the fragments of the opz, with various groups, representatives of various factions, in order to satisfy the wishes of the president's office, a very simple way out of this could be found , to return to the logic that was already in place in the ukrainian parliament in march 22, when we assumed that all decisions were made by a pro-ukrainian consensus. forces, and therefore the servant of the people, european solidarity, voice, motherland, groups, discussed the issue until they found a working version, and then very quickly all decisions were made in the parliament, this would be the same coalition of national unity, maybe we should add a government of national unity to it , and it is civilized, and the most important thing is an effective
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way out of this crisis, but we see that the president's office does not need it, we do not see any... steps in this direction, i do not know if there will be a meeting of the verkhovna rada this week, it is supposed to be announced, but literally, i i think that in the coming hours it will become clear whether they will still dare to hold a meeting, or whether they will continue to hesitate, thus driving the crisis further and deeper. this week , your colleague in the deputy hall maryana bezuglai has a big holiday, she was very happy. when they sent the resignation letter, now also about the dismissal from the position of the head of the public relations service of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine , they sent yuriy and... nat, and we know that mr. yuriy allowed himself to make comments about maryana bezuglai, specifically called her your stupidity, today maryano is terribly
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comforted, she writes that he was a clown, i can say that i, as the host of the telethon , am extremely sorry that such people as yuriy ignat, such people as dmytro lykhovi, will no longer participate in... in this, how to say it correctly, in this communication between the army and the people, whose mediators are we, journalists. what can you say about this? it seems that in our country this ruthlessness is winning not only in the parliament, not only in the office of the president, but also in the army? well, unfortunately, i just have to continue this logic that the office of the president at every... turn is a wrong turn, you are absolutely right about the communication issues, i don't even want to mention this person that you show on the screen, but she is only voices that logic and those
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messages prescribed by the office of the president, which actually prescribes to talk about the fact that you are the military visible to everyone, to talk about the fact that the community, ukrainian society does not perceive all the problems due to the fact that the military did not do something, and like... attempts, they only deepen the distrust that , as we see in sociological surveys, deepens between the authorities and the society itself, in times of full-scale war, this is a very big risk, and any steps that are aimed at deepening this division are very irresponsible steps , and therefore the release of effective communicators, people who were able to explain in simple words what is happening at the front, to instill hope, and not to lie, not to tell, not to soften the eyes, not to tell what is not there, but in a balanced, constructive and professional manner by providing information, they actually helped
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society adequately perceive what is happening at the front, if instead of these people there is an attempt to somehow spread such an ideology of the so-called single marathon, when everything is fine. it is clear, but it is not clear why it somehow does not correspond to reality, then it will only worsen, as it seems to me, the situation with the attitude of society, and the government thus drives itself into a dark corner, and acts very irresponsibly in relation to the entire course of the war. you know, just in case close this topic, the topic of maryana bezovla, i just when... the resignation of valery zaluzhnyi was approaching, maryana bezula just for several months so planned and consistently posted
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something that should discredit the former commander-in-chief, now i scrolled through her page again, just to see what mood she has, and she constantly writes about the fact that now the deputies are to blame for the fact that we do not have normal mobilization. that they say they do not consider the draft law on mobilization badly, in fact, if it really is, again, it voices only theses that are heard in zelenskyi's office, what does it lead to anyway? well, that's it, unfortunately, it's a matter of what it is, you know, at first in such a semi-criminal environment, and then in the journalistic and political-technological environment, there is such a concept of a torpedo, that is, it is a person who is constantly used for. attacks in order to throw off the balance and in order to then make some force or personnel decisions, it
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seems that she performs the role of such a so-called torpedo, and unfortunately, instead of fulfilling her duties in the committee on issues of defense and security, it voices those messages of non-news, which even all of the sonadniks are ashamed to voice. in the president's office, so the question of her removal from this position has long been raised, but the way with which the leadership of the parliament defends her, how it shows in every way that they cannot put to a vote, even the question of removing maryana bezuglai from her position in the committee or in general from membership in the security committee, shows how much it is needed by the bank and how much it fulfills the relevant task. and the task is again , today we have a referendum, the word irresponsible sounds, but unfortunately, i am forced to repeat this word again, because during the war, when we need actual unity around
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the armed forces, when we need all... the efforts of the state and including all the deputies so that the necessary decisions are made in a timely and high-quality manner, this talk about the fact that the military is to blame for everything, the deputies are to blame for everything, it doesn’t matter who but zelenskyi , not yermakiv, not other office representatives, well very short-sighted, and it will still have negative effects consequences, i wanted to ask you one more thing, your colleague volodymyr yatrovych wrote a post literally 24 minutes ago that today, 24 minutes ago, the meeting of the committee, which considered the unprecedented situation of a letter with threats addressed to deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine regarding bill on banning the russian orthodox church from the american law firm, which notes that it represents the interests of the so-called uoc mp. and as it turned out, this american office finances it under a sanctioned former
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people's deputy vaughn, well, the people's elected representatives actually decided at this committee to turn to the security service of ukraine to inform them about the situation of their american colleagues, but what is in this bill on the banning of the russian orthodox church that novinsky is threatening through some american office, this bill again and uoc calls again. in unity with the mp to tell the people the truth, but if the current legislation was simply limited to the fact that tell the people the truth and let them decide, then this bill prohibits the existence in ukraine of the russian church and all its proper structural divisions, and the uoc mp both canonically and organizationally, unfortunately, is a proper structural
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division of the russian orthodox church. this is evidenced by expert conclusions that were made both in the 19th year and in the 23rd year, that is, the objectivity of this fact has been established by experts, and after the adoption of this law they will have to either break with moscow, that is, not put up a smoke screen, really break with moscow and then conduct a dialogue with the orthodox church of ukraine, which has tomos, which is canonical on... ukrainian territory, about coexistence, interaction, unification, god willing, but this will definitely be a question where the state can only help not to interfere, or remain loyal to kirill, putin and all this russian-oriented adjustment, but it is proposed to make the second option illegal, that's why they 're raging, that's what they're saying, that's why they've already made threats, but it seems to me that in this way they're only worsening the situation of the uoc-mp. again
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emphasize its unity with the russian world, and no i know what kind of american lawyer he is there, but as far as i understand the logic of what is happening in the united states, they are actually undermining the same picture that they paint, or the poor, unfortunate moscow priests, they are allegedly being oppressed by someone there, well, nothing is oppressing them , if it came to threats by a people's deputy of ukraine, that's why i think that this step will only speed up the adoption of the law that will finally put an end to the existence of the russian church. with magnitsky's list, that is, this is a russian oppositionist there, who was literally tortured into russian cynicism he has been known for a long time in the world, just like 88% paint putin, and with a certain allusion to neo-nazi eyes, all covens and gatherings, so you know this, it is not the first time they try to use some symbolism that is understandable for western societies, but it will not help them.
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the people's deputy of ukraine was in touch with us, dear friends, and now anna yevamelnyk will appear on your screens, which means that we will be watching the latest news about what happened there in ukraine and the world. anna, here's your word. congratulations, colleagues, in this issue the news team will tell about the most current events, in particular about losses in the enemy's army, but i will start with the situation in dnipropetrovsk region, stay with us. late in the evening, in the kryvorizka district of the dnipropetrovsk region, air defense forces shot down two enemy shaheds in kryvyi rih, fragments of drones fell on the fifth floor, a fire broke out there, the fire spread to the roof of the building, there were no casualties, he reported.


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