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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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represents united by football, stronger together. greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm anna yavomelnyk and this is news. one person is injured. this morning, the russians attacked an orthodox church in the kharkiv region. according to information from the state emergency service, the village of novoosynove is located in the zone of damage of the occupiers' artillery. one of the shells hit the boiler room, which was next to the church. a fire broke out. the rescuers did everything to prevent the fire from spreading to the church. as a result of the shelling, the village council building and...
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a private home. four people were injured due to enemy attacks in the kherson region. among them are three law enforcement officers. the occupiers hit ivanivka with a tank, the regional police said. a 43-year-old resident of the village of lviv was also injured. the russian invaders dropped the ammunition from the drone, he had a mine-explosive injury and gunshot wounds. in kherson itself, muscovites damaged port infrastructure, car service businesses and residential buildings. ukrainian border guards neutralized a good catch in the zaporozhye direction 10 enemy kamikaze drones, one more landed without detonation, the state border service reported. in total , today the russians attacked ukraine with 22 drones. the air force destroyed 17. an accident with casualties in the kyiv region. two cars collided on the highway from...
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kitok, zhornivka, in the fastiv district. one of the drivers was pulled over, brought to the hospital, the regional police were informed, the law enforcement officers are once again called to follow the traffic rules. tried to track down the pppo near avdiivka. the security service of ukraine detained an fsb agent in russia, a resident of dobropylla in donetsk region was wanted for fraud and theft. in order to avoid punishment, she fled to zhytomyr oblast one summer, where she was remotely recruited by an fsb staff member. on his instructions, the traitor communicated with former fellow villagers and tried to learn about the placement and operation of ukrainian air defense. she is currently in custody, facing life imprisonment. a man's body was found in the tisza river in transcarpathia. the border guards were informed about the dead person. romanian colleagues.
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the drowner, a 33-year-old resident of kharkiv, is informed by the state border service. since the start of the full-scale russian invasion, this is the 22nd death of men trying to cross the river. despite the lowering of the water level. crossing the tisza is extremely dangerous, law enforcement officers remind. an important visit to the capital. senator of the united states of america. these are graham in kyiv. america's unwavering support is crucial for ukraine's success in the war with russia, wrote the page of the us embassy in ukraine. republican senator graham, a longtime supporter of ukraine, he often makes statements in the congress. he already visited kyiv last year. the european union condemned the elections in russia. this is stated in the joint statement of the member countries. voting. was free and
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fair without the participation of the real opposition and was held in the occupied territories of ukraine - said the supreme representative of the european union and foreign policy josep borel. he also condemned and noted the opening of polling stations in towns and villages captured by putin. this is another violation of international law by russia. we saw the russian elections. the statement of the 20. seven eu member states will be published after the council of foreign ministers, but i want to predict that it was not a free and fair election, no delegation from the osce, a very limited environment, this is diplomatically what i can say, but more moreover, these elections were based on repression and intimidation in the occupied ukrainian territories, violating the sovereignty of ukraine. additional 5 billion hryvnias. allocated by the government of ukraine for the security and
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defense forces, they plan to buy drones with this money, said prime minister denys shmehal. funds will be taken from the reserve fund of the state budget, currently in concluded agreements with manufacturers of drones in the amount of almost uah 30 billion. and our collection continues. the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade urgently needs mavics and fpv drones. these soldiers defend the country in the zaporozhye direction. so that they don't risk their lives and go on an assault through the minnie fields, drones are needed and we have to help. our goal is uah 500,000. join this gathering any time. what amount is important, you see all the details on the screen. 700 children in bordia can finally return to their lyceum. in total , 200 schools and kindergartens damaged or destroyed by the russian occupiers have already been restored in kyiv region.
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the lithuanian government helped rebuild one of these institutions in borodyanka. how did the work progress, since the repair was completed and what are the prospects for further cooperation with the republic of lithuania? let's see. the russian mir tried to denationalize lyceum number one in borodyanka. the occupiers left behind a fire and inscriptions on the remains of the walls. rebuild the destroyed educational institution, it seemed almost unreal. however, local educators did not give up hope and asked for help from friendly countries. then the ambassador of the republic of lithuania, valdimara sarapines, came and said: madam director, we will rebuild your school, we will definitely rebuild it. and they arrived. but after a week or two somewhere, they came to our school and said that we are preparing everything, we will definitely rebuild your school, we are now preparing documentation, we are preparing a project, we are preparing a tender, and as of the new year, in january, the reconstruction will begin , work boiled over the whole year, the lyceum was being rebuilt according to all modern norms and standards,
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the facade was insulated, windows were replaced, internal work was carried out, and a new, unique for the country complex shelter was built next to the school? it was difficult , you see, the building was damaged, there were certain legal procedures, land ownership , beneficiaries, financing, public procurement, tenders and so on, but we worked together as a team step by step, deciding what to do with the bomb shelter, building, reconstruction, construction permits, etc. the restoration of the lyceum cost almost 8 million. the works were financed by the development fund. labor and humanitarian aid of lithuania, and almost 2 million euros for internal equipment, furniture and external infrastructure was contributed by the representative office of taiwan in lithuania. lyceum in borodyanka has been completely modernized, now there is an atrium with interactive panels, smart
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boards and other modern equipment. here we were told the whole story. of course, i think the school even improved, not just improved. from the ruins, but also became better than it was before. i also believe that it is very important to restore quality when we we will rebuild ukraine, we will take over schools, hospitals and other facilities. it's important to make them better, especially when it comes to stability and similar features. the reconstruction of the school was implemented by the central project management agency at the initiative of the lithuanian government. moreover, in order to scale up the reconstruction of educational institutions across the country, they are currently working on another project. an international architectural competition has already been announced as part of the school of the future for ukraine. the winning project will be used for the construction of educational institutions throughout the country ukraine. it will be an adaptive project that
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can be logically adapted to different locations, to different needs, to different numbers of students. and in general, this project will be provided to each community free of charge for their use. and this actually, returning to the issue of design and estimate documentation, which is extremely expensive, so here is this project of the future school, an architectural project, it will greatly simplify the life of many communities. lithuanian-ukrainian lyceum number one is ready to welcome seven hundred students. it's left complete the improvement and put the school into operation. friends from lithuania emphasize that such a new school is far from the last gift to ukraine. it sounds like a cliché. but in fact we are investing in the future, we are investing in children who, i am sure, will create a better world, a world without war, because i understand all the circumstances now, i know about all these atrocities of war, so we must help with the reconstruction as soon as possible, now, not later, not when
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the war is over, but now. the republic of lithuania has already allocated more than 14 million euros for the construction of a temporary settlement. construction of educational institutions and other projects in ukraine. kateryna galko, dmytro nekiforov, espresso tv channel. the news team is back on espress air at 3 p.m. and now marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii are waiting to meet you. thank you to ania melnyk, thank you to the news editor, well, we are picking up the baton, informing you, dear tv viewers, about all the most important events of this day and age, there are quite a lot of events, some of them tragic, some of them
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alarming, but with our best experts, we , i think, let's figure it out , and we will put on the corresponding navlas in the espresso studio live . i have a separate artillery brigade, they need to buy cars, we plan to buy about three cars, we all understand that cars are such a waste at the front, and actually there are never enough of these cars, so our guys in order to be mobile we need cars at the front, our goal is uah 480,000, we also need to buy a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes, so if you have the opportunity, please join our collection. every hryvnia of yours is important, remember that there are no small contributions, well, but we will move on to
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the discussion of the news that is today, what today is yes, listen, for now we will wait for vladyslav seleznyov to turn on in order to discuss all important issues with him , which concerns the russian-ukrainian war, and we will actually analyze with him the events that are happening now, because the situation is quite difficult, we understand that the front is very, very difficult now, and we see it that way. that the russians have intensified their shelling in sumy oblast as well, and this also indicates something, so we will look into this together with mr. vladyslav seleznyov, whether we have mr. vladyslav in contact, please let me know, unfortunately not in the meantime , statistics about odesa have arrived, so there are 40 people in hospitals, nine of them are in a serious condition, so this is when we talk about missile attack on odessa. i remember the dead like this, and at least twenty people
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died, like during the russian shelling, of medium- and low-rise buildings in odessa, and putin meanwhile, well, he appointed himself to the position, there is nothing strange here, yes, well, he plans to continue the war against ukraine . yes , putin said that the allegedly high turnout in the elections is connected with the dramatic events that their country is going through, quoting the russian dictator now, we are forced, in the literal sense of the word, with weapons in our hands to protect the interests of our citizens, well yes so to speak he didn't say anything new, propaganda , propaganda and propaganda, well, let's introduce a guest, vladyslav seleznyo, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2014 to 2017, is already in touch with us, sir vladyslav, we welcome you to our airwaves, glory to ukraine, friends, i congratulate you, gerysla, sorry for... force majeure, but i'm glad to see you for once. one by one, mr. vladyslav, let's talk about the situation
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at the front. recently, a lot of attention has been focused on sumy region, we understand that the enemy is now there, too, he intensified his bombardment, in particular, how would you assess the situation in sumy oblast, in particular, yes? do you think that there are really all the prerequisites to believe that the enemy can start certain actions in this direction. i don't think the enemy currently has enough resources to implement. an attack plan on the territory of chernihiv or sumy regions or, for example, in the direction of our kyiv region, because the total number of enemy forces currently located in the territory of kurm, bryansk and bilhorod regions, i.e. of those areas bordering ukraine is equal to somewhere around the 26-27 mark, this area is not enough to conduct large-scale operational-level offensive operations there, well, for example, now the enemy in the kupinsky-limansk direction has a vist group somewhere at the level of 100-110 00 , of course, it is... much more, but we can see that even such a number of people does not allow the enemy to have any
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territorial gains there, therefore, of course, it is unlikely that in the near future there can be a real threat to the residents of sumy oblast , a what they may need is because of the enemy's artillery and mortar attacks, the use of the enemy, including the guided aerial bombs you mentioned, that is, in fact, our border areas are at risk and it is not for nothing that the representatives of the military-civilian administration there are insisting. that civilian personnel, civilian residents leave their homes and move to a safer region of our country, because it is really important, to protect themselves from the influence of enemy cabals, moreover, we remember that recently they increasingly frequent. to use cabs with a warhead of up to 15 tons, well, of course, it is extremely difficult, such cabs can escape from a depth of five, or even 8 m. it is extremely difficult to protect ourselves, and therefore we must all be certified in order to ensure preservation of life and health, well , first of all, we must listen to the warning signals, well, and secondly, if there is such
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an urgent need and need, we must leave, leave for a safe region, because it is first of all life and the health of each of us. mr. colonel, well, on the one hand has calmed down, on the other hand, we understand that the enemy may continue to attack the regional and district centers of our north, but speaking of the situation at the front, the avdiiv direction, we understand that heavy, difficult battles continued , including berdychi, semenivka, and orlivka, and thinka, would like to ask you to describe the situation in the avdiiv direction, as well as how powerful the enemy's forces are now. and wark actually has a lot of resources there, plus he keeps throwing additional resources to fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield, because in fact the line of defense, bordychi , orlivka, and neika is held due to the courage of the vyvyaz and the heroism of our soldiers, in fact, we did not have time to create a powerful sprawling network of engineering fortifications there, and therefore, under such conditions, we cannot even hope that we will be able
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to repel all enemy attacks for a long time worth, there is no element. which testifies to the fact that the situation on this part of the front is stabilized, and therefore there is something to work on not only for our defenders, but also for our engineering and technical units, which are supposed to create the second and third lines defensive structures. such a task at one time was defined by the president of ukraine, and this task actually implements two important missions, it a - protects the lives and health of our soldiers, and b - the maximum slow advance of the enemy army, where we have powerful engineering fortifications, towards the enemy very illusory chances of advancing forward, where we... have no structures, or they are made in a hurry, actually under the artillery and aviation fire of the enemy army, there, of course, we can count on relatively small results, and this should be taken into account, colonel, mr. colonel, if we talk about the avdiiv direction, is there any reason to believe that this will be the main direction of the russian offensive in the current
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phase, or novomykhaivka marenka, i think. that there are several directions where the enemy can concentrate their maximum efforts in order to change the situation on the battlefield, and in addition to the avdiyivka and marenka you mentioned, well, respectively , the south of novomykhaivka, of course, why did the enemy intensify their efforts there so that to cut off the holodar salient of the ukrainian defense forces, the enemy can also intensify its combat operations both in the kupinsky and limansk directions, so in fact there is not a single calm section of the front now, taking into account the fact that the enemy has even a tactical level, but that is not less advancement... in our robot market, we must understand that the enemy is maneuvering his forces and means and he is looking for weak points in the ukrainian defense in order to strike there with his greatest resources in order to fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield. putin dreams of taking control of all the newly joined regions of ukraine, and it is not only about luhansk region and donetsk region, it is also about the south of zaporizhzhia region,
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the south of kherson region, i think that putin's appetites will grow in the future. because it is not for nothing that his army is constantly storming our positions in the zinkivka area, he must take control of at least part of the kharkiv region, well, at least its parts along the left bank of the askila river, respectively the kupynsk settlement. mr. vladyslav, allow me i would also like your comment on the information that the largest nato base in europe will be built in romania, it should be the largest base, even larger in scale than romstein in germany, and actually i would like to ... understand what you think why are our allies planning such a grandiose project now, and it is so close to us, so we understand that germany is a little further from us, romania is right on the side, do you think that there are now prerequisites to believe that the alliance is planning to significantly strengthen the eastern flank of nato, taking into account the fact that putin was re-elected, his goals are known, he plans to continue the war, and he even
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hinted that if the russian federation collides with nato, then the third world war will actually be... i think that the world is transforming, the world is transforming to those conditions and circumstances in which he is, and they are absolutely objective and related to the activities of the kremlin leader, respectively the russian federation, because it is obvious that the world we knew not even before february 22, but until february 2014 year will never be the same as it was this means that the transformation is taking place and they are aimed at... to maximally strengthen the combat and defense potential of the north atlantic alliance, that is why new bases will be built, that is why the forces and means of the countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance will be transferred, that is why now... some of the largest-scale exercises are taking place on the territory of the eastern part of the european continent, because this is important, because within the framework of these exercises , the redeployment of certain resources of the eastern flank of the nato countries is taking place, this is very
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it is important because they all have to be ready, it is not for nothing that local politicians and local experts claim that the world is just a few years away from a full-scale world-level war, a confrontation between nato countries and. the army of the russian federation, and de facto, the only fuse that has not yet pulled the trigger is the skilful actions of the ukrainian army, which deters enemy aggression on various areas of the front, and here , of course, the position, in particular, of french president emmanuel macron hearts, why, because this one the french leader absolutely clearly understands that as long as the ukrainian army is able and has the resources to deter russian aggression, that means the world is relatively safe and has time to acquire... appropriate combat capabilities and capabilities, as soon as the ukrainian resistance is broken, the world will plunge into the outbreak of the third world war in full scale. by the way, i also wanted
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to ask you about ammunition: there was information from the wall street journal, which wrote that the czech republic, which is currently implementing this ammunition initiative initiated that it finds some of these ammunitions with russia's allies, but tries to hide this fact and tries to make it impossible to ... say that this or that country gave ukraine these or other ammunitions as a result, what do you think , these are the countries that could be the third countries in which the czech republic buys ammunition, what kind of countries could these be? well, it's about, again, we don't know the details, it's about countries that are generally considered allies of the russian federation. about which countries can to be satisfied maybe it's india, maybe it's... the countries that are part of the prix union, we don't know much about it, and in fact, it's not worth knowing, because what a pig knows,
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so not to offend to the unnecessary danger of such, well, less, at least media friends of putin and his entourage, at least we will get those ammunition better, because they are really important, than we will spread information about such an agreement, because... in fact, resources are a determining factor, which allows us to have a polygamous mother, well, maybe parity. mr. colonel, look, i would like to ask you about our mutual acquaintance, until recently the spokesman of the air force yuriy ignat, colonel, yes, he was dismissed. in general, what do you think could have happened in this story? because colonel ignat, well, extremely skillfully , honestly and thoroughly reported the position of the air force, well, and for... in general, he informed about current affairs, demonstrating a high level of qualification, we understand how difficult it is at such a pace, in which the colonel worked ignat, well, work, but, as
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they say, it was postponed, and do i understand the level of workload that fell to the fate of yuri ignat, i guess so, the events of 14th and the following years, i experienced there in the status of there... speaker headquarters of the anti-terrorist operation, then the speaker of the general staff , so the level of workload and the level of responsibility, i kind of understand a little, i remember a little what led to such and such a rotation, i don't know about it, i think it 's worth asking the same bohdan sennyk , the head of the current press service of the general headquarters, because i don't have access to this level of information, it's a shame, it's actually a shame that one of the most effective speakers was brought to a... position, because now it's martial law, so for sure he won't be replaced in the reserve, but what we're losing , we are losing our best spokesmen
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during, including the information war with a powerful enemy, this is definitely a very difficult element, against the background of certain personnel decisions regarding the appointment, for example, to the position of the head of the window journalism department, a person who has nothing to do with journalistic business, and was engaged in somewhat different issues... including political issues under the banner of a certain anatoliy sheriya, in general, the question of personnel activities of my native ministry of defense and the general staff raises the least. thank you well, extremely delicately, but clearly, they outlined the contour. mr. colonel, we would also like to ask you about the operational situation on the left bank, we are talking about the bridgehead in the kherson region, in particular the krynok district, the area of ​​the cossack camps. now there, if there is open information, of course, and literally before the broadcast with you, i had a communication with my colleagues, from whom i requested information, of course,
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within the framework of openness. information about the real events that are happening on the left side of the march, because pay attention, lately the official spokespeople have not even hinted about the situation that is happening in the ukraine region, and in general on the left bank of the dnieper. well, i guess i'll get some feedback a little later, so i'll be happy to share that information with you on the next broadcasts, in the open , although i insist again, so that i have only open information, so as not to say too much, because too many words are a risk for our soldiers, and i think that, first of all , an information message should protect the life and health of our soldiers. in any case , the ukrainian resistance on the left bank of the dnieper continues, but we must understand, we have talked about this with you many times, so that our resistance grows and gifts increase in area with the necessary resources, in order to transport those resources from the right to the left bank , necessary logistics until we are able to do so to organize, and therefore we have the corresponding problems and problems, which we will
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see further. again, the new commander-in-chief, the new chief of the general staff, i think they will work out various options, in what way we can fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield, but the fact that, most likely, the 24th year will be the year of strategic defense, under during which we will hold back the new enemy, but on the one hand and on the other hand accumulate resources for further actions, it is obvious to me, thank you mr. vladyslav, vladyslav seleznyo, military expert , colonel of the armed forces of ukraine and spokesperson of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. from the 14th to the 17th , he was on our airwaves, meanwhile, zelensky reported that he had conducted a bet, listened to reports about the front and the construction of fortifications. the battalion received detailed reports from the front, says zelenskyi, sirskyi's report on the main directions of active actions, reports on the costs and receipt of ammunition, intelligence data, it was also about the state of execution of concluded contracts and contracting for future procurement periods and production of projectile weapons equipment.
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they also listened on the pond. the issue of fortifications, he says that the construction of defensive lines is continuing , and actually zelenskyi added that work on the issue is ongoing, because shmyhal and the head of the special transport service of the ministry of defense, bohdan bondar, were also heard. these are the cases. well, now we will go on a short break, we will continue to inform you about all the most important things, so stay with espresso, we will be back in a matter of minutes. tired from heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry . it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order. free delivery is available. check with
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