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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EET

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temporarily occupied by the russians, so the 62-year-old mother believes that she will live to see the days when her son is reburied in the white church, because that way she will be calmer, she remembers bohdan and his friend yaroslav, says that they spent their childhood together and has a lot of good memories , the boys continued to communicate even when they became adults, but because of the service, meetings became less frequent, a person who was always ready to lend... his shoulder, if needed, at any time, day or night, that is, regardless of the day, he was ready come to the rescue in some companies, he even had a nickname like golden, he is due to his hair color, eh, he is reddish here, he is like a little sun, radiating kindness, conveying his mood to people, support, something... a long time ago a
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basketball tournament was held in bila tserkva in memory of the fallen defenseman, which will become a good tradition from now on. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. what, thank you colleagues for this extremely important plot, well, we will inform about all the most important things. so, putin after he was re-elected to his wolf position, he declared that he would continue the war and planned to create a so -called. zone on the territory of ukraine. so, according to the russian dictator, the high turnout at the elections is supposedly high, that is, it is not known how many they drew there, but in any case, it is connected with the dramatic events that the country is going through. and now, i quote, now, the russian dictator. we are forced, in the literal sense of the word, to defend the interests of our citizens with weapons in our hands, - said putin, and accordingly. promised to solve the task
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special operations, that's how they call their aggression against us, to strengthen the defense capability and the armed forces, and added that all russian law enforcement agencies, whether law enforcement agencies, will have tax notices to identify anyone who is fighting against russia with weapons, and finally, regarding the war, putin lied that he would be in favor of peace talks, but attention is important only if it is not because the opposition... is running out of ammunition, well, let's hope that our allies read everything correctly and speed up, speed up with the supply of artillery ammunition at least , we hope so, by the way, stoltenberg , while in i think it was georgia, so he was at a press conference with the prime minister of georgia irakli kobakhidze, and he stated that now nato, nato allies they give ukraine 99% of aid, but this situation...
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looks a little strange, 99% of aid, well, after all, maybe we don't know something, we will hope for it, so that nato allies really help us 99%, i wish actually seeing the result of this work directly on the way we see weapons and the actual support of our army, but now we will talk not only about this, we will now also talk about those who are already in the status of a veteran, what life should be like for veterans in ukraine, and what the state is currently doing for that veterans feel as comfortable as possible. serhii poznyak, head of the association of veteran entrepreneurs, is on our air, and anatoly ostapenko, people 's deputy of ukraine, head of the subcommittee on social protection of veterans' rights of the verkhovna rada of ukraine's committee on social affairs policy and protection of veterans' rights. gentlemen, welcome to our airwaves. glory to ukraine. congratulations, congratulations to the heroes, glory. well, the first question is for mr. serhiy pozniak. as to the head
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of the association of veteran entrepreneurs. mr. serhiy, what do you think should be improved, both at the executive level and at the legislative level, in order to make life easier for our veterans who would like to do business, so there should be some preferences, but those preferences, of course, we will talk about it now with the people's deputy, as well must be controlled in a certain way, but the most such pain points in order to... in terms of what is done and what is not done? well, the most painful place is for an entrepreneur who went to the front to have the opportunity to return, to receive support in order to become an entrepreneur again, because when a person goes to fight, he leaves his business, and when he returns, he in such a bad condition, yes what.
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need to be raised, which need to be restored, and both society, the state, and legislators must contribute to veteran former a soldier, as a rule , he is now wounded, had the opportunity and the incentives, most importantly, the incentives to return to his life's work again, because he has to, to be honest, do it from a clean slate, a man who goes to the front, she ah, when she comes back, she has everything, and career , and business, and very often that personal relationships everything, everything often... collapses, yes, and besides , he immediately becomes ор1, yes, and him, well any other war, aa he goes again first of all to fight, so he must have priority preferences, priority incentives and priority support, and for this
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it is necessary to at least determine what the status of a veteran company is, and if we have a bill that has already been sent in principle to the previous reading, that allows it to become a veteran company company to any citizen who did not even take part in hostilities, because this bill is created in such a way that a person who joins a veteran in this business also has the opportunity to be in a company and own a company that has status veteran entrepreneurship, i consider this a corruption risk, and this bill will simply turn veterans into pounds, and will not develop their businesses, it will be the same as with veteran land, unless, of course , safeguards for this are not built into
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the bill itself, so far there are none , so far the proposals of the veteran community have not been heard, but i hope that... it will be corrected, this bill will not pass, so it will be sent to the fore, well, then we ask mr. anatoly ostapenko to comment, yes, well, we have heard key history, well, one of the important points is not to allow the transformation of our veterans into pounds, yes, well, it is about the fact that they can act as one or another front persons, yes, on which they will record this or that business and in such way, someone else will profit from this business, well somehow, mr. anatoly, yes , i, i congratulate everyone who watches ukrainian television, which of course reflects all the events that are clear and understandable today, i
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support mr. serhiy and thank you for the work he is doing, and one of the directions in this law does not provide for it, it is a veteran's council. business, i believe that precisely, if we are talking about veteran business, and veteran entrepreneurship, this board must be mandatory, because veterans must regulate this issue, in relation to other areas, then i believe that dear business, which was initiated before the start of full-scale aggression or will be initiated after full-scale aggression, or now those veterans who are returning home and socializing. and start-up business, it has the right to be a veteran, so it should be prescribed in the law clearly at once all the criteria that a veteran's business must meet, then in this draft law we must immediately indicate this to the families of our fallen defenders and veterans, give them the right as well, but clearly
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understand how we provide, because in our state we have very now a large number of families of our fallen defenders on... unfortunately, but we must clearly explain how they can do business and who can do business in this direction, it is children, wife, parents, we understand that this is a large number, so we must state clearly in the law that this will be the case one person from the family of the deceased, so that we do not have any double interpretations of this legislation, well, what else can be said about this? of course, the law on the veteran enterprise has, that is clear, but it must be clearly written, we have no right now to introduce, as they say, framework laws. this was not the first time that this issue was considered by the committee,
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before that i suggested that this law be returned to the authors for processing in order for him to communicate with the veteran community, and introduce a law that will already be clearly pro... written all the priorities that are given to veteran businesses in this draft law, unfortunately, we do not see what priorities, now the ministry of veterans with its veterans fund provides our... veterans with the opportunity to start their own business and provides funds, the ministry of economy also provides grants for to establish a business, but this is not a veteran business, yes, the establishment of a private structure and its further operation, this is called state support, and if money is simply provided and we know several examples that our veterans was given this money to start a business, he bought equipment. he still doesn’t know what to do with him, is it a veteran’s business or not a veteran’s business, that is, they didn’t explain it to the person
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, they didn’t support him to run this business, well, and in most veterans, i can say how he joined to us at the committee one of the representatives, as he said, of the public organization of the veterans, give me the right to start a car without customs clearance, this is his understanding of the veterans business, unfortunately, it is a complicated extraordinary history. mr. serhiy, now you have heard the representative of the specialized committee, and we understand that the discussion should be professional, yes, mr. serhiy, in your opinion, how, i don’t know, should we create some additional tools in order to stimulate our veterans to go in business, that is, i don't want to draw parallels, you know, with the so-called investment nannies, well, it causes rather, you know, skepticism, similar things, well, but... still there should be people who could accompany veterans who really they want to engage in
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agricultural business or some other medium or small production of something or some provision of transport services? that's right, well , look, mr. anatoliy says correctly, you and i have mentioned a lot about investments, yes, because all these draft laws, why do they sound so negative. plan, because they are really framework, general, but now i am so deep in the topic of reducing this exclusion, eliminating pressure on business, reforms of the bep, and i see that the reason for all these are framework imprecise laws that make it possible to interpret theirs is like a bridle, so is this one the law on veteran entrepreneurship , it does not contain, well... but there should be specifics, incentives for the development
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of veteran entrepreneurship should be specified directly in the law, programs should be prescribed directly in the law, financial, financial incentives should be specified directly in the law, and these programs must be implemented, well, let's say, in our association, we, as well, finance veterans. businesses and we train veteran businesses and attract funds and invest there, but with us everything starts, as it were, with training, that is, a person does not go into business without taking a two-week course on starting a business, where he at least understands what entrepreneurship is, and he understands whether it is his or not his, he will pull, he will not pull, that many people think that entrepreneurship - it is easy and entrepreneurship is simply taken. as mr. anatolyu says, he brought the car from
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abroad without customs clearance and sold it, yes, no, there are many processes that need to be studied, so i believe that at the state level, first of all, an enterprise training course should be conducted, and all of this begins with schools, then mentoring support, and , of course, financing already as if in the third place, because it is really time. often funds go to people who think they can run a business, they don't have to know how to run a business, and these funds are spent, and businesses don't take off, because of this, you know, of course it's an attempt, but from many, most of them get disappointed, and they will never do business again, so guaranteeing a business should start with training and necessarily... end by accompanying projects and understanding how they end, or rather, how they go and
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how they develop, yes, how this funding ends, and how, if we could say, these funds are appropriately used, and what are the results. thank you, mr. serhii, and finally, i have a question for mr. anatoly, whether there is an understanding in the committee as to how long this draft law can be extended in time for review, in fact, whether it is possible now. to predict how quickly it will be possible to correct all those provisions that are controversial now and in the near future, when this can the bill be considered in the parliament? and i, as a people's deputy... and all, i think, veterans are waiting for the law on veteran entrepreneurship, but all this is decided at the conciliation council, between everyone and the groups and factions that are in the parliament, so i cannot clearly tell you when it will be introduced, well, as the chairman of the specialized subcommittee, i think that if
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the bill is voted on in the first reading, then my duties include justifying these... bills concerning veterans, so i will to try to finalize it as correctly as possible before the second reading, if it will be considered in the first, in the near future, and of course there are a lot of related laws that need to be adopted, because if you take this law, which does not prescribe these tax and other mechanisms, then yes we understand that changes in the tax code are made without directly in the tax code. it is necessary to do only there, with another law we cannot regulate and determine certain incentives for business, even for veterans, and of course in the budget code we must provide for those or other priorities for providing veterans with this or that assistance, yes, thank you,
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thank you, gentlemen, bozniak and anatoly ostapenko, chairman of the association of veteran entrepreneurs and people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the subcommittee. on issues of social protection of the rights of veterans of the verkhovna rada's specialized committee was in touch with us, now we will go on a short break, after it we will return to our studio, so the espresso information day smoothly turns into the espresso information evening, stay with us, there are many interesting things ahead , be with us, laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during such a small load ... urinary retention can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost oro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety. melamach b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to
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a full rest and recovery forces of melam. b-6 full sleep and recovery from bhfz. on march 21-22 in kyiv, well-known european and american politicians and experts, representatives of the eu and nato. about the situation at the front, urgent aid to ukraine, about the future and what should be done for joint victory. the arseniy yatsenyuk open ukraine foundation holds the annual kyiv security forum. kyiv. tells the world, we will win, we will win together. bosnia and herzegovina, ukraine namego. victory will allow us to play in the match for qualifying for euro-2024, so our national team needs yours support. cheer on september 21 at 21:45, together with me. april 6, fest republic,
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united by football, stronger together. i congratulate you. this is freedom. live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. conclusions. you make your own verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in the new the two-hour format has even more analytics, even more important topics, and even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and
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be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. an electronic military document, the so-called electronic one, will be created in ukraine in the near future military card, they are working on its development and implementation. this is reported by the ministry of defense of ukraine. they said that the creation of an electronic they work together with their partners on the military document, this is an extract from the register that will testify to the citizen's registration status, the document will contain information about the place where
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the citizen is registered, whether he is suitable for military service, as well as other important information. earlier, mykhailo fedorov stated that the ministry of digital transformation is working on a new format of electronic military ticket, but he will not be in action either. we go further, inform about all the most important things. we go further and join ours. teru sandru krotevych is the sister of the defender of mariupol, the chief of the azov brigade, the crimean bohdan krotevych, who was released after russian captivity. ms. sandro, we welcome you to our airwaves. glory to ukraine. hero, glory, good evening. so, on march 18, 22 , the siege of azovstal began, fortunately, part of those who guarded, yes, who stood in this position to the last, managed to be exchanged, but unfortunately... a lot of soldiers, in particular from azov , have not returned and have been in captivity for almost two years, we would like to ask you about the situation, how many azov soldiers there are who
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need to be returned, and actually, if we are talking about some extreme exchanges, were there any fighters among them azov? well, look, in the month of may it will be exactly one year that there has been no exchange of azovs at all , this is firstly, secondly, ah, now there are constant large-scale protests and reminders for all ukrainians that there are a lot of precisely in mariupol, boys and girls were still standing captives, here are the exchanges, exchanges , there are exchanges, but there are none from mariupol, which has been established , in short, yes, in short, well... according to the commander of the 12th brigade of the national guard of ukraine azov, lieutenant colonel denys prokopenko, redisa, not a single fighter from azov returned during the last exchange, and
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in general, according to the information of the commander, about 900 fighters are now in enemy captivity, we would like to ask you about the activity of international, so-called humanitarian organizations of the same international red cross and crescent, how much they are active now and... what about the fighters who have been in captivity for a long time, but you know, nothing has changed, they haven't worked and aren't working, they don't have any information, where anyone is, they don't even trying to get there, they are basically not interested in them, neither military, nor civilians, they will normally receive money from donors and that's it, they don't do anything. it is only interesting to check russian prisoners, in ukraine, ukraine has been so soft in this regard for a long time, it allows
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and behaves in accordance with international law, in accordance with of the geneva convention, which does not do to russia, but to the red cross and all other organizations under the un, for example, they are, in principle, indifferent, that is why nothing has changed during all this time, since the beginning of the war, dear sadro, we would like you to ask immediately about the conditions in which our fighters are , that is, of course, it is not necessary to specify in one or another specific directions, but if we generalize, that is, they are in the general area , are they in a camp for prisoners of war and so on, but you know, i i was not there, i was more lucky than to others, those who return tell of very dire conditions. and i think that more than one soldier and a woman who returned from poland talked about the conditions in which they are, not to mention the returning
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volunteers who. they also talk about the conditions they are in, how they are fed, what beds they have, if you can call them beds, that's why, i think, you yourself understand the conditions they are in, unlike russian prisoners, who sleep in warm beds, each has its own, and they are fed according to the schedule and so on, our military, prisoners of war and civilians in captivity do not have such conditions. ms. sandro , i would also like to ask you about the fact that, as i understand it, the relatives of prisoners of war have, at least once in a while, the opportunity to communicate with the headquarters that deals with the exchange of prisoners of war, and what is the current explanation for not including, in particular, azov fighters in these lists for exchange, do the russians categorically refuse to exchange them, do you know the reason
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and does someone explain this reason. act, but you know, they explain the only thing, that the russians don't seem to want to give them up, but my personal opinion is that this is just our side, and it does very little to include them in the lists of military personnel, more precisely for the exchange of prisoners of war, and it cannot be that almost a year has passed and not a single azov was returned, when they wanted, then they returned, now i see that they do not want to. otherwise, let's put it this way, i don't have a conclusion, anyone who wants to can, if they don't want to do it, they don't particularly stress, this is my personal opinion, and i would like to clarify right away the question, these protest actions that are taking place now, are they aimed more at drawing the attention of the ukrainian authorities to this problem, or are they aimed at the fact that, in principle, the attention of the society to this
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issue... somehow it was revived in ukrainian society this is a question because , in fact, in the information space and among ukrainians, there are already fewer mentions of the fact that there are prisoners, and people are less interested in this topic, unfortunately, are these actions aimed at our international audience, at international allies? you know, this it is aimed, of course, at our people, who live very well, many of them do not remember that we have... and rest and feel very well, and secondly, it is, of course, aimed at our government , so that it works a little better in this regard, and turn to international partners, they can do it, they know who to turn to, they know who has influence on russia, how to get the prisoners of war, how to make sure that these azovians did not fall, but they
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do not do this, and of course that attracts attracting attention to internationals, we have a lot of media in ukraine now, foreign ones, and in this way they are trying to attract attention, in principle, as it has always been, the only thing is that there are no such actions now, as they were before, again, because people... who are not in pain, they don't do it, let's say, literally for a few seconds, to your actions that you organize, are there foreign journalists present at them? but usually, when there are journalists at all, they are present, if they are not, then of course they are not present, but the invitation is given, of course, the only thing is that they, in principle, themselves know about what
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is happening, which is very important. to pass, for example, through khrychatyk or the maidan and not see thank you, thank you, unfortunately we have to let you go, sandra krotevich, sister of the defender of mariupol, the chief of staff of the azo brigade of crimean bohdan krotevich, who was released after russian capture, was on our airwaves, we remind you, that on march 18, exactly two years ago, the siege of azovstal began, and we actually talked about the fate of many prisoners of war. well, for today we already are we finish, we pass the baton to our colleagues, who will continue to inform you about all the most important things, antin and i... we say goodbye to you until tomorrow.


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