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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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there is discomfort due to the arrival of ukrainian drones, and for gasoline, if the situation were more serious, they would have a relative maneuver from the point of view of replacing the lack of diesel fuel there at the expense of supplies there, let's say from those oil refineries that are more deeply located there and in the asian part there in russia, let's say the same omsk oil refinery, but... they don't have such maneuverability with gasoline, because of the damage there, let's say, and the technical problems at the nizhny novgorod oil refinery, they sharply reduced the volume of gasoline production, and accordingly, this was the reason why a ban on the export of gasoline was immediately introduced in russia, because here we also see the situation with the price increase, it is so devastating, as they write that there is a price jump for gasoline in russia, but an increase.
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it is already observed, and this is a sign of serious problems, and in principle we can see from the reactions of the russian professional circles, which are closer to the oil sector, that they express serious concern, realizing that if this is the case, the strikes will not stop there, and accordingly, if under a threat... not only other refineries, but also the threat remains for these oil pipeline facilities, which have already been attacked, by the way, by the way, by the way, the fact that these strikes will continue is also promised by president zelensky, a small synchronicity president of ukraine. let's listen: in these weeks, many have already seen that the russian war system has vulnerabilities and that we... we can reach these
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vulnerabilities with our weapons. i thank the armed forces of ukraine, the security service of ukraine, the central intelligence agency for the new ukrainian remoteness. of course, i thank our defense-industrial complex, everyone who works on the radio of ukrainian strength, because this is truly ukrainian remote poverty. what our own drones can do. ukraine will now always have its own strike force in the sky. mr. mikhail, how quickly can the russians adjust or change according to the situation that arises in them at one refinery or another, as much as they can do it during a war? well, if we are talking about damage, due to damage, and of course, in each specific case, you have to look at how serious it is damage, well... if we, for example,
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take the example of the topsy refinery, which was affected, the main technology was affected on the 25th, it seems january, then it is still not working, that is, yes, they will restore it somewhere, maybe more it will take a month and so on, there are other refineries where the damage was less serious, after a while, the technology was launched there after a couple of weeks, but they do not officially report, now, for example, i draw attention to the fact that the refinery... this the technological installation worked, but there were no official reports, of course, they did not they will talk because they are wary of the next strikes, but they will definitely be and they should be, because in principle , systematicity and consistency are important here, well , actually, if we take a look at their strategy of actions in relation to our fuel supply facilities, well, it is the same was, they continued the same...
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practically on the third day after the beginning of the invasion, literally on february 27, 22, there was already the first strike on the vasylkiv oil depot, and then they methodically rehearsed strikes on all regional large oil depots, and we see these the strikes continue, and they also hit the kremenchug oil refinery, the shebelinsky gas refinery, which did not work in principle, odesa, and so on. therefore, in principle, they are now getting a boomerang of what they did with regard to our fuel capacities, the oil refiner, therefore, in principle, if we were here now, taking into account, well, a larger arm, a longer arm, a greater reach, it is about a radius of 1000 km now, that's how we witnessed strikes on objects in samara, we can so to speak, we have a place to roam or? is called, and we are talking not only about
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oil refineries, we should also take into account fuel depots, it is simply called oil depots, and we remember. we know that oryol, kurshchyna, belgorod , voronishchyna, bryanshchyna, these oil depots, which are located either near the state border with ukraine or near the front line, they must be destroyed, because one way or another they are used as intermediate fuel storage bases , which in the future goes to the needs of a group of russian troops conducting combat operations in ukraine, so here if we see a comprehensive approach from the side. defense of ukraine, it is necessary to destroy the entire fuel infrastructure in order to achieve a situation in which there will be a fuel famine, let's say, the formula for success in the battlefield is
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to create a shortage of ammunition, a shortage of fuel and cut off communication lines, so in principle, if now the strategy is directed. in order to inflict the maximum possible damage on the enemy, acting in its strategic depth, that is why they are so nervous, mr. mykhailo, one more question about russian gas, because herman galushchenko, minister energy of ukraine said that ukraine is not going to extend the gas transit contract with russian gazprom, let's listen to what he said, only mo. i can only confirm, confirm that we do not plan to enter into any additional agreements or extend the validity of the agreement, there is an eu initiative to repower eu-27, that is, to completely get rid of russian gas by the 27th year, this is not only pipeline gas, we are also talking about lng gas in
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europe, and i will tell you that the amount of investment in europe today that goes into achieving these goals, and there are countries which in one and a half years from critical... dependence on russian gas, i always talk about germany, as an example, italy, well , italy is not so much, but germany, it was the largest consumer of russian gas, today it has been reduced to zero in one and a half years, i.e. everyone understands that russian energy resources have no place on the european market, but do russian energy resources, mr. mykhailo, have a place in ukraine, because herman galushchenko is talking about europe, in our country, i understand that... that there is no russian gas, we we don't use it, despite the fact that this gas goes through the pipe, no , practically now we use domestically produced gas, and it covers our needs, well , unfortunately, it is not, so to speak, a reason
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to be proud in terms of the fact that our gas consumption, it has decreased not as a result of, let's say, energy saving and so on, as a result of the fact that... the industrial infrastructure that consumed gas, and we came to what we once dreamed of, to provide ourselves with our own gas, but this is a consequence of the war, in fact, therefore, however under these circumstances, it is what frees us from addiction and from the east, that is, from russian supplies, and from the west, that is, we also do not take gas in reverse order from... the countries of the european union, but make do with what we extract, and that is enough for us. as for, let's say, the future, we have already seen that , not only from the point of view of our interests, there is no need to extend or conclude a new
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gas agreement with gazprom, not under any conditions, not even those that were in the contract of 19 year, not purely european... and all the more so as we see that the position of the european commission, which has been voiced several times recently by the profile european commissioner kadri simpson, is very favorable for us, that is, there is no need for the european union to continue receiving russian gas, if there are fans of russian gas and putin, such as orban and fico, then these are their problems, and the european union, the european commission. directly pointed out that the opportunities to diversify gas supply in the presence of those interconnectors of underground gas clamps that are in europe are more than enough for these fans of russian gas and putin could satisfy their needs without using, so to speak, russian gas
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in general, so i see that it may even be earlier than the 27th year that europe will abandon the leading gas supplies from russia, another pro... problem is the supply of liquefied natural gas gas, where for now there is an increase in its import from russia, from the yamal fields, but at the same time , the european union is really... looking more and more skeptical to stop these purchases and use more liquefied gas from other sources, there are problems here there is no special one either, so i think that in this regard, of course, we would like it to be faster, but the process of de-russification of the european gas market, which began in 2022, is ongoing, and what will this mean for russia, refusal? ukraine, rebuke the use of the gts, because well, it is from the time of the soviet union, actually the pipe
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entered ukraine somewhere in the sumy region and exited in uzhgorod, in the uzhhorod ring road, there was this big gas pipeline. well, this is one of them. yes yes. so, what does the actual absence of this pipe mean for russia, i.e will russia start selling more to china, or will russia somewhere reorient itself there to other states, that is, to what extent they are. will lose, they are already losing, they now look pitiful against the background of the achievements, so to speak, that they have now received, that is, if we do not go into details, then in fact russia has now pushed itself to the level of soviet gas supplies to europe somewhere in the middle 80s, when the great gas expansion actually began, and to transfer everything to china ... that's simple, there is no such faucet that it was switched from
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the european direction to the asian direction and the gas went there , for this we still need to build a bunch of gas pipelines, which are roughly the same scale, it is the same as both northern streams, the power of siberia, it is talked about there, but china is in no hurry, by the way , because china is implementing an ambitious program to abandon fossil fuels and does not really want to commit to... a gas alternative, so to speak, there is a rapid rethinking of approaches, but what will happen to russia, that is, of course, their production volume has decreased, they and the volume of exports, respectively, as i already mentioned, they will now try to use the domestic market as usual, the elections have passed, the so-called elections, now you can raise prices for the consumer inside russia, now you can talk about it, and here they will be more in favor of... now try to develop and expand, more precisely, they already had a fairly developed gas-chemical production, that is
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, to maximally use gas for the production of mineral fertilizers, for the production of various types of plastics and exports, and this is another added value, to export more mineral fertilizers, various plastic products or intermediate raw materials for the chemical industry in order to, so to speak, solve this problem, and it is very important, to impose sanctions in this sector on them, so that they do not receive new monetary flows into the war budget, well, they did not receive new production facilities and opportunities. thank you, mr. mykhailo, for the conversation, this was mykhailo gonchar, president of the strategy 21 center for global studies. friends, we are conducting a survey during this broadcast, we are asking you about such as whether the world will recognize the legitimacy of putin after pseudo. elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. yes no. in youtube, everything is quite simple. if you are in front of the tv,
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pick up your smartphone and vote. if you believe that the legitimacy will still be recognized. 0800-211-381, no. 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, it is important for us to know your opinion. mykola malomush, ex-head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine, general of the army of ukraine, will be in touch with us next. mr. general, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. general, yesterday , after the pseudo-elections were held in russia, putin said that russia will have to think about who it can talk to about peace in ukraine, and also reacted to the hostilities in the border areas of the russian federation and said about the possible sanitary zone between russia and ukraine, let's hear what putin said. it is possible that, bearing in mind the tragic events taking place today, we will be forced at
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some point, when we consider it is expedient to create a certain sanitary zone in today's territories subordinated to the kyiv regime, to create a security zone, which will be quite difficult to overcome, using the means of defeat that the enemy uses, primarily of foreign production. mr. general, is it possible... to have the latest intensive shelling of sumy oblast as an attempt to rehearse the creation of this sanitary zone between ukraine and russia. well, first of all, it must be said that putin will lose. on the battlefield, her reserves are running out, and he is trying to formulate a new model of a peace agreement that envisages some sanitary zones, but on the territory of ukraine, that is where we made substantial concessions and plans for the territorial integrity of ukraine, where you conquered, and on the other hand, part of the territories where they did not
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occupy today, but we left, there were no e defense structures, no powerful firepower, and of course, the ability to oppose the enemy in the event of a new aggression , that is, the position is clear here, after all, there is no such potential for offensive operations, he is thinking today of striking with missiles in order to create such a visible, what is here there will always be a zone of influence on the territory of ukraine, and conversely to say that we will stop, for example, the strikes and you will stop, but we will create a sanitary zone on your territory, this is putin's rhetoric today, but what is it supported by? new aggression at the front and in the front-line regions of sumy, kharkiv, zaporizhzhia, kherson and other regions. therefore, in this situation, we can see putin's entire strategy, he is trying today to pull up his last reserves in order to demonstrate some successes at the front, but
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, accordingly, to conduct negotiations in parallel in first of all, with the countries that appear , as he said, well... with whom in the process of negotiations, this is, for example, china, it can be india, this is turkey, erdogan repeatedly says that it is necessary to stop hostilities, but it is clear , at the same time, the occupied territories immediately remain for putin to create some peace zones, but it is putin who is already formulating that these will be exactly sanitary zones, that is, he is trying through third countries and some allies of the european union, such as hungary and slovakia, to put pressure in order to and... just such big countries such as china, turkey, india, brazil, and also possibly some, the powers that will be in europe, globalize the issues of this peace in putin's way, and on the other hand, then he will formulate where these zones can be, which will be, respectively, the territories under control, from our side, we
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must retreat and withdraw troops there, i.e. impose the occupation of part of the territories and conditions. not only in terms of sanitary zones, there are far away, cold plans, it must go through some stages, er, as he says, demilitarization, refusal to join nato and the like and the like, i.e. many such positions that putin wants to promote as a winner, and then in quotation marks, as a beast peacemaker, this is putin's main strategy today, this is what he announced for the russians, because war for russia is a huge problem and losses, undermined not only. potential, if every day we carry out powerful strikes, about a thousand people, only killed, how many seriously wounded, this is a huge loss in a month . operations, which he would like, but it is felt in the hinterland, as he says in russia, where he feels that either
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the beaten already come, they are brought, or the paralyzed come, who tell what it is like here, then there are no so-to-speak. .. nationalists, on the contrary , they are waging the wrong war, and this is a powerful internal propaganda now, it is still invisible, but many do not want to fight, the mobilizations also and something like 70 percent do not want war anymore, not supporting ukraine, but no one wants to die here , therefore, in this situation, putin is trying to impose his formula of peace, as if based on the position of the humanitarian ones, he says, but acting in a russian way. society, mr. generals , you, you, you said that in the hinterlands of russia, people already understand what a war with ukraine is, but at the same time, over the past few days, we have seen a special operation, or a military operation of the russian volunteer corps of the legion of freedom russia and the battalion siberia, when the fighters of these formations entered the
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territory and entered the territory of russia federation, in particular belgorod region. and kursk region, and here are the statistics from the russian freedom legion that during the week of the limited military operation in the border areas of the belgorod and kursk regions of russia , the enemy suffered irreversible losses of 613 people, sanitary losses of 829 people, 27 captured, seven tanks destroyed, 20 bmp , five armored personnel carriers, six howitzers and other equipment. how do you assess the possibilities... of the deployment or return of the war to the territory of the russian federation, and how, what possibilities are there, in particular, citizens here. of course, the russian federation participates in this, can the defense forces of ukraine, defending themselves, conduct such operations on
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the territory of russia? well, today the general concept is that the ukrainian defense forces are not fighting on the territory of russia, this, as i understand it, is also a strategic alliance with partners, and so that it is not qualified that we are conducting offensive operations on the territory of russia, and not , on the contrary, we are liberating our territories. but russians, other citizens, for example, by nationality, these are russian citizens, including chechens, who must, i also i think it is more effective to act, i think they are rightfully there, they can fight against putin's regime, we can strengthen them by all means, there can be other contingents, it is their right to invite, as a party that is fighting against putin's regime, so i think that the strengthening of these operations will have a good perspective, for now... it has military and political significance, the election period, imagine when every russian, every village, all the way to st. petersburg and moscow, the fsb is controlled , the ministry of internal affairs,
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the roshvardiya, various structures of the security forces format, here exactly three united fronts enter, respectively, the russian corps and the siberian battalion, and conduct operations directed against the fsb, border guards, against the russian guard, troops. and the ministry of internal affairs, and they seem to be entering the regions, this was primarily a military-political format and a blow to putin's prestige during the election period, so especially the regime that he established during the election period did not work out, they showed concretely, they entered, no teeth dragon, minefields, there are no, the right approach, i think that ours should also be used where we operate at the front, when you really need to look for weak points and accordingly strike at the enemy, the second is to create concrete losses on the field. there , which forces today, first of all, putin to justify himself, to say that there are no prospects here, but he will use some military means, as at the front, and this
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recognition of power is real. the third component, the russians who are there, live there, they do not offer any resistance, on the contrary, according to our data, some sympathize, but it is very important that about 10% according to all the researched and even closed russian is radically organized against the regime , and this is the potential for people to rise up in the future for a war with putin, now they are not yet rising all over russia, but if the fronts are successful, they will join there as well, but at the same time, i emphasize, when they join and enter successfully, more strategically, when our counterattacks are powerful and we start active, i will first emphasize strategically offensive operations, then the success of these formations and already... russian radical structures that are ready to rise up, knowing that putin's regime is weak , nothing will be done with them, so it will begin, but without real success on the front, while there will be, unfortunately, local operations, successful, yes, they
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will be completed in a week, two or three, but that's all - after all, putin will mobilize resources both internally and from the front and will direct them to the localization of the offensives of these three formations, which are today on the territory of russia, this is a great success, but it does not yet have strategic importance, mr. general, as the russian picture shows? putin's central election commission has the support of more than 80% of russian citizens, in your opinion, this number allows putin to do what, i.e. to announce a large additional mobilization, to launch larger combat operations, to throw everything into the crucible of war, referring to these numbers, that is, what will happen after ... of the election commission, that he is the president of russia again and this,
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as they say, historical figure in the election race will be recorded? well, clearly, clearly, this number was determined, we roughly said 86, 87%, well, it coincided literally with an accuracy of 5, therefore, what was drawn there indicates that putin is trying to legitimize all his actions, and aggressive strategy, and so to speak, new offensive operations, and new mobilization, and repression in the russian federation, he will speak about the fact that he received a new credit of trust from such a huge number of people, but for aggression, i will say frankly, there is absolutely no such thing, because all the commissions that worked, yes, indeed, maybe even putin's opponents were not many in comparison. with those that we say are internally hidden, but really people against the war and against dying at the front, so that he doesn't think that he got some
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credit for the war, it's... definitely not, it's a completely different situation, elections for elections, even if some support putin, war is war, therefore, using just this percentage for a new aggression, especially a global one, in order to once again throw people on meat assaults, will not work like that, because along with the elections, all russians already feel that there is a real threat, and the threat to their families in particular , because every family will die at the front. we still remember the old periods, when the afghans were initially victorious there, and when the victims went, and this was orders of magnitude lower than today in russia, and the union was much larger, every family there already began to worry about what would happen to theirs, so to speak soldiers, and now it is happening en masse, to raise the mobilization now by half a million, it is, accordingly , a constant confrontation and no ratings in the elections will help him, mr. general,
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just yesterday in... transnistria, an unknown drone attacked a helicopter that was standing on the territory of an unrecognized republic. how can the events taking place next to us in this unrecognized republic affect the deployment of hostilities in the south of ukraine by the russian federation, and can this contingent located there somehow affect the situation in the south, in the southwest, let's say so. in ukraine today, only russia plans provocative situations there, accuses ukraine of some kind of aggression, these are their methods today. several times they have already flagged firefights, various flights on drones, it did not work, so they decided more powerful provocation. according to our intelligence and the data of the information and security service of moldova, that is the united sbu, such as our intelligence, they clearly determined that the helicopter was old, it was broken down there, they
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attacked it. because there are pictures before and after, it is not necessary in order to launch some aggressive operation into the country by name , that is, a full provocative format, but the contingents that are in transnistria are not capable of anything there and are not capable of conducting any operation they will not be against ukraine, russia will not help them, there are no bridges of military aid there they will not be organized, and now the internal situation, the military, even the russians and transnistrians there, who are supporters, will worsen. they do not want to fight, they have long adapted to the existing conditions there , they have organized business with europe, 40% of ukrainians and children study there and part of them live in ukraine, and no one wants to wage a large-scale war there, they will die for sure, so there will be provocations carry out, because there are representatives of the fsb there, there is their agency, there are some among the military who are ready to prepare such operations, but something large-scale, i think there
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there are definitely no prospects. and not only that the military is working somewhere there, but that the transnistrians themselves do not want this, they live, they want a peaceful life, and to use the benefits that they have today and even those shadowy mafia channels that they actively use today for their enrichment. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was mykola malomush, general of the ukrainian army, former head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, during this we are conducting a poll on the air, we are asking you whether the world recognizes the legitimacy of putin after the pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. let's see the interim results of our poll on tv. 29% yes, 71% - no. 15 minutes after the bbc news, we'll be back in the studio, stay with espresso, it's going to be interesting.
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vladimir putin was re-elected as the president of russia for a new fifth term. in moscow , putin's victory is called brilliant, and the west says it was a pseudo-election. however, what they can to be... the next six years for ukraine and the rest of the world with a re-elected putin, this is about the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast, in the studio of london jafer umerov. already in his fifth term as president of russia. for the first time, vladimir putin won the elections way back in 2000, and before that, little known at that time, even to russians, he served as president for several months after the resignation of boris yeltsin. and


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