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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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we live in the hope that the armed forces will liberate the left bank, it will be easier for us in our communities, at least such heavy shelling will stop, and we will continue to live , donate to the armed forces, continue to support from the armed forces, but it is insanely difficult, but in principle, life has shown that we should still return, rebuild our lives at home, thank you, mrs. evgenia, thank you. what has happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour, annayeva, congratulations, you have the floor, congratulations, colleagues, in this issue the news editor will tell about the most important, in particular about the situation and the hottest points on the front, what is the purpose of xijin pin's meeting with emmanuel macron, be yourself.
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i will start with the events in the kherson region. three men died in the village of lviv. in the kherson region, it is about local residents aged 45, 55 and 67, the head of the region , oleksandr prokudin, said. the men decided to disassemble the fpv drone that they found in the yard. however... during the analysis , the ammunition embedded in it detonated. all three were seriously injured and died on the way to the hospital. three more families with children succeeded return from temporarily occupied territories. the families traveled from zaporizhzhia and donetsk regions, reported ombudsman dmytro lubinets. one of the families with a three-year-old child lived in energodar. these are employees of the captured zaporizhzhia as. they refused to cooperate with the russians. searches, physical
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violence, detention and interrogations. also , two women with eight-year-old and nine-year-old sons managed to leave donetsk region. and then about what is happening at the front. more than 60 combat clashes took place during the day. by according to the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, the fiercest positional battles continue in donetsk region in the krasnohorivka, novomykhaivka, and vodyanny regions. there , the russians tried to break through the defense of our troops 25 times. near klishchiivka, near klishchiivka and turniv, the enemy unsuccessfully stormed more than a dozen times. ukrainian defenders repelled nine enemy attacks in the avdiyivskyi direction, and the same number in the orihivskyi area in the zaporizhzhya region. the muscovites also tried three times to break through the defense of the bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper. ukrainian aviation during the day struck nine areas of concentration of personnel of the occupiers. and in order to expel the muscovites
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from ukraine, it is necessary to help the armed forces. our assembly of the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade is in progress . maviks and fividrons are urgently needed. these soldiers are defending the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and do not go on an assault on minefields, drones are needed, and we must help. our goal is uah 500,000. together with you, we have already collected more than 320 thousand. join in, be it. what amount important, you see all the details on the screen. a state of emergency was introduced in the amur region of russia. this happened due to the collapse of the mine. 13 miners may be under the rubble at a depth of 125 m. there is no connection with them - said the local governor. it is also known that there was a water breach in the mine. russians complain about... a drone attack in
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voronezh, local media write that a drone was shot down over the city late in the evening, the debris of which fell on the road, they claim that there are no casualties, the energomarsh plant was damaged in belgorod. local government says that the russian anti-aircraft missile allegedly managed to shoot down eight air targets. one of the employees of the plant recorded a video from the workshop, where the damaged roof is visible, as well as smoke on the territory of the enterprise itself. we strive to help, but we have problems ourselves. american senator, republican lynzi graham commented on the provision of aid to ukraine, it will probably be an interest-free loan, according to him, this idea appeals to donald trump, and it should be supported by both republicans and democrats. linzi graham hopes that such a project will be able to pass the house of representatives in the coming days, not weeks. i told the president that i am ready
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to help ukraine, but we must do it in the form of a loan, without interest , with the possibility of revision if necessary for everyone. our allies, it will be a new way of doing business, i think it will get more public support in america, when i go home and talk about israel, people understand, when i talk about ukraine, they understand too, but they are also interested in our nation, our ability to help ourselves as well as our allies, so i think the idea donald trump's plan to turn the bailout into an interest-free, forgivable loan makes a lot of sense. and already today , a new meeting of ukraine's allies will take place in the ramshtein format. the contact group on military aid will meet in germany at the air base. this is the 20th meeting of partners. it will be headed by pentagon chief lloyd austin. this will be his first international trip
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after hospitalization. the day before, he said that the coalition will focus on ukraine's immediate needs, on the battlefield and long-term security. in general, on... defense ministers and senior military officials from about 50 countries were invited . the spresso pivdni tv channel will broadcast the opening speech. and after the end of the meeting in the ramshtein format, also watch the press conference based on the results of the agreements. eu countries support the idea of ​​using revenues from frozen russian assets for the benefit of ukraine. this was stated by the head of diplomacy of the european union, josep borel, following the results of the meeting. the eu council, according to him , now faces the task of confiscating excess profits and giving them to defense the ukrainian army, although there is still no final consensus on this issue. i would like to note that recently western countries are increasingly discussing the idea of ​​confiscating irf assets. this
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is happening against the background of the fact that the us congress cannot allocate money to help our country. russia is not from in ukraine, the president of the european council, charles michel, analyzed the european readiness to resist russian aggression, helping kyiv in his column in a belgian newspaper, he noted that moscow poses a serious military threat to europe and global security. if ukraine does not receive sufficient aid, the eu countries will be the next to invade. in putin's plans. michel called on the european community to switch to a war economy mode. chinese president xi jinping will meet french president emmanuel macron in paris at the beginning of may. this will be the first trip of a chinese leader to
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europe since the pandemic. the political publication assures that beijing will try to convince europe to allow russia to sit down at the table of future peace negotiations. in switzerland, otherwise china will probably boycott such meetings. a center for veterans and their families is being prepared in poltava without fuss and unnecessary paperwork. in particular, they will provide consultations on the preparation of documents and direct them immediately to the appropriate structure to a specific specialist. and this means that defenders will not waste time on bureaucracy. more details. according to anna morosova, this premises with an area of ​​120 m2 will in a few months turn into a center where assistance will be provided to military personnel, veterans, as well as families of fallen defenders. to such people the state guarantees benefits and not everyone knows about them. preparing all the documents, all the certificates,
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all the extracts, all the orders and so on and so forth, it is actually quite a tedious job. it must be verified there, that is, it is actually, it is quite bureaucratic. here, social workers will tell you how to apply for benefits or social benefits, what documents are needed for this and where to go with all this, a person came with his request, voiced it, he was given an answer to this person in a short time, what documents are needed and where exactly to apply for to solve her problems. artem lifridov adds that after the war at the front, the military least want to start a paper war, so the task of the center is to simplify all procedures. currently, there is a recruitment drive to work in the center, in particular, they are looking for social workers, a psychologist, a rehabilitation specialist, an accountant and management staff. in the future , they want to monetize the space in order to collect and transfer funds for the needs of the armed forces. we are planning to install a coffee machine there, it is for our, as it were, audience and for the entire
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city council in principle. all funds that will be there implemented, they will go to the armed forces as needed. also, there will be representation from different brigades, because the requests are actually. a lot, we are building communication with them, soon they will start repairing and furnishing rooms here, for this we have attracted donor funds from the representative office of the council of europe in ukraine 780 00 hryvnias. the first tire is 2,000 uah allocated for repairs, today the work is suspended, because the policy of this project is to report after using 100 uah, so the accountant reports, they come, check and then next tranche the arrangement will continue for a few more months, and in september the center for combatants is planned to be opened to all who need it. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. that's how things are for the moment, i'll see you at 10 o'clock, you
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can always read more on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels on social networks, lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are still working, stay with espresso! dear friends! we continue our marathon, les vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work in this studio today for you until 12 o'clock , please join our marathon, and also join our assembly, we are currently collecting for our military, collecting, in particular for the air reconnaissance group, the main intelligence office, collecting for a powerful land cruiser, also collecting for 43- of a separate artillery brigade on a pickup truck, and in addition, we collect them on a refrigerator for the removal and... delivery of the fallen heroes, you now see on your screens cars that are damaged, and in fact,
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that is exactly why our military needs new ones iron horses, we need your help, for all these cars, we need uah 900,000, you and i already have uah 188,789, the collection is moving little by little, yesterday we collected 37 sh. for today we are gradually moving closer to the end of the broadcast , we will sum up and tell you how much we managed to collect, in the meantime, you will contribute while we are talking with our guests, i am already introducing oleksandr skoryk , a deputy of the kharkiv regional council. mr. alexander, good morning, good morning. how the night passed in kharkiv, kharkiv oblast, tell me, please, but you know, today is calm, i would say, passed. last night we had only two alarms, at 11 p.m. we had,
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there was activity of launchers, there were, there were, explosions were heard in the region, but we still have no information as to how striking or critical they were for us, and so the night passed peacefully , because only two alarms, by the way, last week in kharkiv oblast there was an absolute record for... the number of alarms by time, that is 81 alarms in a week, more than one hour by time, thus three days, 12, three days, we stayed for 13 minutes during the week in anxiety, that you may understand that three days out of seven we are in anxiety. in fact, there was also information about this
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man who was caught in the tisza, who died trying to cross it, 33 years old, it seems that he turned out to be a kharkiv resident, 33 years old, so what do they say about it in kharkiv? unfortunately, we are constantly monitoring such information, it, it is very, well, you know, i think that we need to not waste our lives and try to escape to another country somewhere, after all, we need to to defend our country, which we have, you know, it's like your family, like your mother, you don't have another mother, you don't have another family, and you have to protect your own, so i don't know who it is, who, who exactly this... person is, but i sympathize with the relatives and friends, because this is a terrible story when a person
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simply died trying to escape from mobilization, it is a tragedy for the family, a tragedy for the person and for the whole society, i believe that it is still necessary, it is necessary to somehow prove to our society that we have no right to behave like this, we are in a critical situation. country in terms of what the enemy wants to destroy it, and we are needed, we must defend it all together, all against each other, each as far as possible, you know, sir. oleksandr, we have been talking for the second year about how the country, even the third one, about how the country can preserve its unity, it is clear that ukraine is terribly, so, so colorful a country, and even during these 30 years of independence it was difficult for us to find some
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common denominator, and it is clear that there may be people who say, why should i go... somewhere there, somewhere there to defend the country in the east, and i live far away, the russians have not yet reached me here, well, that is, they make such statements, but here we have a case where a person from kharkiv, realizing that there are a lot of kharkiv residents who are currently defending the country, and we do not belittle their feat, and we are grateful to them for that, but speaking of this case, of this man, a man from kharkiv, trying... to cross the river to escape from ukraine, when from kharkiv, you say that we lived less without worries for this week, than in worries when putin, when asked about his plans on the territories of ukraine, says about the fact that he wants to create a so-called sanitary zone, a security zone, and actually it is about the possibility of capturing the kharkiv region,
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that is, it is not about any other regions, it is about the kharkiv region, where this person is from... well, actually, while putin is in his dreams, dreams of a buffer zone, the rdc and the siberian corps are already creating a buffer zone for kharkiv, and every day we receive positive information about the capture of new settlements, and indeed today the c300 is already working from the belgorod region as assigned, because it is supposed to be. this is air defense, because our military launches a large number of drones, and we constantly see the activity of the launchers, uh, and it is no different from when they hit the territory of kharkiv region, and today there is constant activity let alone the launchers and they are ppo, air defense, their
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s-300s, instead of, as before, they just pounded without orders for two years... around kharkiv without simply without without discrimination all over the city, today they are already engaged in their own task , which they should to carry out air defense, and we only have to do it once again when the launchers are active, we have an air alert, by the way, we have an air alert now in kharkiv in the kharkiv region, be careful, but... how can you be careful if out of seven days you have three days, air anxiety, out of seven days, three days, air anxiety, you can’t just live half your life in a shelter, it’s simply impossible, and i’ll tell you that well, i personally already turn it off, i turned it off in myself there are all alarm messages, and we
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them, we only hear it when the siren is outside the window, and that is simply impossible. to be in constant stress, in constant tension, from the fact that something is flying somewhere, now it will fly, now it will happen, there will be explosions, and a person simply cannot psychologically endure it, because it is impossible to endure it psychologically for a long time, people live there , there are many, many people , who did not leave kharkiv anywhere even at the beginning of 2022, and today there are reports that a person has died. running away from mobilization, well , there's nothing to comment on, well, we have to to defend ourselves, to defend not only kharkiv, we must defend all of ukraine, and regarding the fact that ukraine is very diverse, i will tell you an example, in the 14th year, when the people of kharkiv also believed that the war was somewhere over there, when it started on the territory of donbass , and this
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, well, it’s true, i want to say about this that we were also in such... the situation as some, some parts of ukraine are now, which also believe that the war is somewhere there, it is now somewhere there, only the war is somewhere over there, this is kharkiv, now today we have intense hostilities, the border, and the border of sumy oblast, and the village of velyka piserivka is being destroyed there, on the border with kharkiv region, just in the graivoron region, terrible things are just happening there, dozens of guided air bombs are constantly arriving. artillery is constantly arriving and so on, and today kharkiv residents must, and not only kharkiv residents, all of ukraine must understand what is happening today. today the very peak is critical in terms of military conflict, war, and we must, on the contrary , unite and defend our city,
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our state, our country, only unite, otherwise we will not survive , let's be honest, let's honestly answer each other the simple question that for us today is a victory, today for us the victory is no longer the victory that we talked about during the marathon one year ago, march to the borders 91 -th year there were also some captures of some territories, restoration of some territories. today we must survive, let us all survive, let us think critically, not just listen to some mythology, but today we the country must survive, because today is at stake stands statehood and integrity of ukraine as a state. today we will have a conversation with yevgenia, a deputy from the majority. kravchuk from the servants of the people, and we will talk about what is happening with the parliament, what is happening with the law on mobilization, nevertheless , the mobilization continues every day, it continues
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as it continues, now there are also footage of how from public transport in broad daylight, just men in kharkiv, and passers-by come up and say something, what are you doing there, and they say, now let's exclude the police, they are starting to say that we will take you away now, and in a word , this is what the mobilization in kharkiv looks like today, is it something, what is wrong with the process, is everything fine, or should it be so , we just remember how we read a couple of years ago about how men are grabbed on the street in the occupied dpr and lpr, and it seemed to us that this was some kind of savagery, some kind of medievalism, some such, well, now it happens and in lviv, and in kharkiv, and in kyiv, this is how we mobilize, this is how we fight, unfortunately, this is an unnatural way mobilization, and the news that
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comes every day not only from kharkiv region, but from almost all regions, well, they are simply terrible, today the verkhovna rada is not working in our country for some reason, somehow the chairman of the verkhovna rada canceled the meeting of the verkhovna rada, well, you understand , during the war. when this law on mobilization is critically needed, where it has several thousand amendments, it needs to be discussed, it is a very socially significant law that needs to be dealt with immediately, we cancel the meeting of the verkhovna rada, and the verkhovna rada is not working, well, i don’t understand not at all the logic of the state of our country, nor the verkhovna rada, nor the president's office, well, we have to today is a critical moment in our country, we have to. dealing with this draft law, only dealing with it, unnatural methods, unnatural methods of mobilization, they lead to the fact that the stratification of the population goes further, further according to
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the principle that more and more people appear who are ready, unfortunately, plates across the tisza river and not swim, unfortunately, the number of people who are ready to plate, swim across that river, swim across that river, it increases, uh, and... instead of changing the mechanism, making it socially, socially balanced and correct, we close the session of the verkhovna rada, and do not deal with this bill, and do not deal with this bill, and in general, how the verkhovna rada may not work during the war, why is it not working, you must ask the deputy, deputies of all factions, including the majority of the people's servants, why the verkhovna rada does not... work during the war, is it not sabotage, is it not the anti-state police, position, deputies and managers, it’s impossible, it’s impossible
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, we have a lot of problems, we have to have legislative activity constantly, we have urgent, urgent issues that need to be resolved, this cannot be, it’s plain and simple, what, what, what will the people who elected you deputies say about it. that they will say that we elected those deputies who cannot even gather and discuss the law that is needed for today and is needed for the state, this is simply some kind of absurdity and i do not know, with such a position, what we will achieve, what there will be a state, a state in which the verkhovna rada does not work, it cannot exist, it is the main legislative body of the country, there is no longer, we no longer have a body that can... make laws, so you ask, we are very interested, everyone , the whole society is very interested, this is a key question, and please say, well, there, you work, i work,
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ugh. well, we can afford to just work there, for example, once a week, or twice a week, well, what is this, what is this, what is this approach to work, to work in general, we still pay you wages , please work, you were elected by the people, we pay you wages, you are hired managers, then work for us, we have something different, that's all, well, for me even deputies are not like that, the hired manager is rather a representative of the electorate, well, but do the electorate want... their representatives not to do their work, this is already a very important question, and i will also ask, probably about maryana bezugla, it's just that when she comments on his comments, is it the faction's position, is it the position in the president's office, is it mrs. bezulova's personal position, there is something to talk about, i hope the conversation will be constructive, thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr, the deputy of the kharkiv regional council
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was with us, let's go for a short break now. yes, then we will return and continue our marathon, we will have andriy our father, the commander of the crew of unmanned aerial vehicles, kara nebesna of the fourth brigade of the operational assignment of the frontiers of the national guard of ukraine. stay with us. march 21-22 in kyiv, well-known european and american politicians and experts, representatives of the eu and nato. about the situation... at the front, urgent help to ukraine, about the future and what should be done for joint victory? the arseniy yatsenyuk open ukraine foundation hosts the annual kyiv security forum. kyiv tells the world that we will win, we will win together. there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3 max, 10% in psylansky, ban and oskad pharmacies. bosnia and herzegovina-ukraine on
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megodog. winning will allow you to play the match. for entry to euro-2024, so our teams need your support, cheer on september 21 at 9:45 p.m. with me. hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two
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hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, the project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. see this week in the collaborators program. how a doctor from mariuppol treated wounded ukrainian soldiers. during hostilities, many ophthalmologists left mariupol. but which of the teachers in kherson worked for the russian fsb for years. each of us
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approached this to the best of our abilities and capabilities. on tuesday, march 19 , at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict from serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone. turn on the survey and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, dear friends, we are returning to vtr and... now it will be in
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