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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:29pm EET

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the situation in the kherson region, muscovites dropped explosives on people there. they dropped explosives from a drone just on a car with people. the russians attacked civilians at the entrance to the village of osokorivka in the kherson region, the regional military administration informed. to a man and a woman. medics provide assistance. in bilopilla, kherson region , the russians hit a critical infrastructure facility. there were problems with water supply in the city, the head yuriy zarko said. in a public comment. residential buildings were also damaged. information about...
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there are no dead or injured. 130 missiles of various types. russia has launched more than 320 missiles and almost 900 guided aerial bombs over ukraine since the beginning of march this year. sad statistics were reported by president volodymyr zelenskyi. according to him, every day and every night , putin is waging a terrorist war against ukrainians, against ordinary cities and villages of ukraine. but we have proven that we can effectively shoot down any missiles, including russian military aircraft. this saves thousands of lives and enables the ukrainian economy to function - noted the head of state. the construction of defense structures in zaporizhzhya region is ongoing. barrier pyramids are produced around the clock in the region. these are analogs of dragon's teeth. special technology is used for production. the raw material hardens quickly, and the structure has maximum strength. the pyramids are capable of
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withstanding both critical temperatures and any aggression from the outside, said ivan fedorov, the head of the zaporizhzhia region. all works are controlled by the ministry of defense and the military. in the southern direction, the number of enemy artillery fire has decreased, he said spokesman of the national guard, ruslan mozychuk. according to him, in recent weeks , the national guardsmen have inflicted serious losses on the enemy in equipment and personnel, destroyed 84 vehicles of the occupiers, so the russians are trying in every way to restore reserves. and our gathering of the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade continues , urgently needed mavics and fpv drones. these soldiers are defending the country in the zaporozhye direction, so that they do not risk their lives and go on an assault through minefields, drones are needed, and we must help. our goal is uah 500,000. join, anyone. zoom
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important, you see all the details on the screen. ukrainian children were deported to moscow. the security service of ukraine, together with the prosecutor general's office, notified two associates of putin, the deputy of the state duma of the russian federation, yana lantratova and her accomplice inna barlamova, of suspicion. during the occupation of kherson, they forcibly took two minors from a local orphanage to russia. a newborn girl and a two-year-old boy. the girl was deprived of parental care, the boy was temporarily in the institution due to difficult life circumstances circumstances in the family. the children had no physical disabilities and did not require medical intervention. currently , ukrainian babies have been issued a russian-style birth certificate. russia's actions regarding the forced deportation of ukrainian children, their granting of russian citizenship and their transfer to russian education. families
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grossly violate the norms of international humanitarian law. the fact of deportation and forced placement of children, the russians and the occupation authorities give as a voluntary gesture, as a reason for rescue, evacuation, rehabilitation and other reasons, which the russian federation justifies the deportation of ukrainian children. russia's obvious goal is hidden. in fact , children are forcibly transferred to another human group and racialized. grenades nearby. school in zaporizhzhia near the school, an officer of the educational security service discovered a suspicious package, it contained 10 grenades , the man called the law enforcement officers and forbade the students and teachers to enter the territory , some of the ammunition was soviet -made, the other was foreign, the ministry of internal affairs informs, some grenades experts sent for research to zaporizhzhia expert forensic center. some of these munitions were
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classified as particularly dangerous munitions. these munitions were categorized, taken outside... the city limits, and their destruction was carried out with the maximum preservation of physical evidence, which will be sent for further research, detonation, a new package of military aid worth 500 million euros will be provided to ukraine by germany, the minister said defense of the fsr pistorius at a press conference as part of the ramshtein meeting. he said that it would be 10,000 artillery shells, 100 armored ones. vehicles for infantry, as well as 100 units of other transport. in addition, we continue to supply spare parts for already delivered systems, because it is often overlooked that even the best systems are the best weapons , if replacement parts and
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repairs are not provided. we also supply medical equipment in large quantities. finland will allocate 30 million euros to... the czech initiative for the purchase of artillery ammunition for ukraine, reported in the ukrainian ministry of defense sweden, norway, germany, the netherlands, canada, france and some other countries also allocated money for this initiative. according to the financial times, prague wants to raise $1.5 billion to pay for the ammunition. armenia is interested in deepening ties with nato, he said. the prime minister of the country nikol pashinyan during a meeting with the secretary general of the alliance jens stoltenberg. together they discussed the importance of stability in the south caucasus. stoltenberg noted that armenia is a long-standing partner of nato, including in some countries peacekeeping missions and operations. a fatal
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accident in spain at night near seville, a truck drove into a police checkpoint as a result of an accident. six people died, including two law enforcement officers. according to the police, the driver made an unexpected maneuver. most likely, the cause of the accident was fatigue, sleep or a mistake. the driver himself and another person who was in the cab next to him remained unharmed. no fuss and extra papers. a center for veterans and their families is being prepared in poltava. consultation will be provided. regarding the preparation of documents and they will immediately be sent to the appropriate structure to a specific specialist, which means that defenders will not waste time on bureaucracy, details will be told by anna morozova. in a few months, this 120 m2 space
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will turn into a center where assistance will be provided to military personnel, veterans, and families of fallen defenders. the state guarantees benefits to such people, and not everyone knows about them. prepare all documents. all extracts, all orders and so on and so on, it's actually quite troublesome work, it has to be verified there, well, that is, in fact, it's like the bureaucratic hell that you are going through is quite bureaucratic, here social workers will tell you how to apply for benefits or social benefits, what documents are needed for this and where to go with all this, a person came with his request , voiced it, it was given to him, it was given to this person in a short time the answer, what documents are needed and where exactly to go in order to... resolve her issue. artem lifridov adds that after the war at the front, the military least want to start a paper war, so the task of the center is to simplify all procedures. recruitment for jobs in the center, in particular, they are looking for social workers, a psychologist, a rehabilitator,
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an accountant and management staff. in the future , they want to monetize the space in order to collect and transfer funds for the needs of the armed forces. we plan to put a coffee machine there, it's just for ours. audience and for the entire city council in principle, all the funds that will be realized there, they will go to the zsu for needs. there will also be representation from different teams, because there are actually a lot of requests, we are building communication with them. repairs and improvements will begin here soon rooms for this purpose, they attracted donor funds from the representative office of the council of europe in ukraine, uah 780,000. the first installment is uah 200 allocated for repairs. work is suspended, because it is the policy of this project to report after using 100 hryvnias there, so the accountant reports, they come, check and then the next tranche. the arrangement will continue for a few more months, and in september the center for combatants is planned to be opened to all who
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need it. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for the tv channel espresso. and an air alert has been declared throughout the territory of ukraine, inclusive. with crimea still occupied due to the takeoff of an enemy mig, so i urge everyone to take an example from the espresso team, which is already heading to our shelter. and then my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskyi will continue the broadcast in a few minutes, and i'll see you at 5 p.m. take care!
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voltaren forte 20% in pharmacies psyllium, bam and oshchad. rift is a leading manufacturer of window sills and window materials. riv, for more than 20 years, we have been creating quality at an affordable price. there are 15% discounts on noshpa tablets in pharmacies, plantain for you and savings. there are discounts on aquaspray oxy, 20% in psyllium pharmacies, you and savings. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and program. developments: want to understand how our today will affect our
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tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. france's unchanged position on supporting ukraine was confirmed, but some far-right deputies abstained, or, as in the case of the far-left, voted against it. the non-binding vote took place after the debate. about the government's strategy regarding ukraine, including the bilateral security agreement signed by presidents macron and zelensky last month. let's talk about it with franz-24 correspondent clovis casale, who was present at the vote. the case is moving to the french senate, but the fact is that this agreement does not commit to anything, so what is its meaning? this is exactly what the opposition is asking. what's the point of voting for a deal you've already negotiated with the president. let me remind you that the bilateral agreement means that france will provide ukraine with at least 3 billion euros in military aid
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assistance only in 2024. there is also a political aspect. france has declared that it will support ukraine's aspirations to join the european union. however, we are talking about a process that will take many years, during which many things can happen. opposition parties expressed their concern. to the french minister yesterday at the national assembly , saying that we are at a turning point. they emphasize the importance of supporting this agreement for all french political parties declare their support for ukraine, but each of them has different strategies, for example the french leftists insist on immediate peace negotiations and the need to conclude a peace agreement between ukraine and russia. this is different from president zelenskyi's point of view, as they are facing military challenges and the counteroffensive is not producing
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the desired results. let's listen to one of the deputies from unconquered france. yes , we support the provision of weapons, especially defensive weapons, but this should not be a pretext for a new escalation, for striking russia on its territory, because then it would de facto lead to war, so now is the time, i mean. the far-left party unconquered france voted against, and another party , the far-right national association, abstained. whether on the left or the right, supporters of marine le pen say that this is
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a political move by emmanuel macron, because the european elections are only three months away. and this is also one of the interpretations of this vote, to force these parties to openly express their views. le pen is accused of being close, even fascinated by vladimir putin and russia. i suggest focusing on the leader of the french far-right marines. visited the kremlin back in 2017 and has often expressed her respect for vladimir putin's leadership, as he is a strong leader who seeks to protect the interests of his nation and culture, and that is what is important to marine le pen here in france. of course, because of this, she is also accused of being too close to putin, because her national unity party
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had to borrow millions from russian banks. they now say that they have already returned the money, and that they had to act this way because no french bank agreed provide them with the loans they need. i looked into our france 24 archives and found a focus report i did in 2014. we filmed it at the university of lyon, where the party congress is held every year. a big event for the national association. and that year. they invited guests from abroad, in particular the deputy head of the russian duma, his name was andrii isaev, he is a member of the ruling party in russia, a very conservative figure. he is also a member of the veterans affairs commission. i suggest watching a fragment from this report, which explains why he ended up there. let me remind you, this is 2014. russia has just
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invaded crimea and war has started between ukraine and russia. here is ours. plot. the french national front wanted its eurosceptic allies to attend the party's convention, but another politician drew attention. ladies and gentlemen, dear friends. andrii isaev, deputy chairman of the state duma, the lower house of the russian parliament. he is a close ally of vladimir putin. he specially came to lyon for the national front congress before returning. home, he delivered a very clear message to brussels and washington. we see how the will of the european people is being betrayed by unknown civil servants in brussels, these are the workers of the european union who are essentially puppets of the united states of america. it is very important to remind our viewers that this is not modern material, this was in 2014, but even then russia was criticizing
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europe and had allies here in france, although the french far-right today... is trying to distance itself from vladimir putin. immediately after this moment and in lionni, i interviewed andriy isayev and asked him: why are you here? listen. vladimir putin believes that the national front is a powerful party in france. he is categorically against sanctions that create barriers between russia and europe. the national front agrees with him on this. putin also appreciates the party's position on ukraine. he believes that the national the front has the right to defend the traditional values ​​on which european civilization was founded. in 2014 and for many years after that, marine le pen always maintained that... annexation crimea was not annexed as such. in her opinion, crimea is an ordinary russian-speaking region. thus, it was very close to the position of vladimir putin. since the full-scale invasion
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two years ago, when russian troops from all sides tried to seize kyiv, marine le pen began to condemn what russia was doing. however , it was very difficult for her to completely break these ties and distance herself again. now she opposes sending french troops to ukraine and denies the effectiveness of sanctions. saying they don't work so she, together with the french far-right and far-left here in france, believes that there can be no question of any further eu sanctions against russia, so according to the air force data, the mig-31k was recorded flying from the savasleyka airfield in nizhnegorodsk. region, but in any case, dear viewers, we will not ignore the air alarms, and we will inform you, so go to some safe, well, plus or minus place, and stay
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with espresso, we are going further, we will inform you about all the most important things, so we add to our teru ivan karychevskyi, military expert defense express. mr. ivan, we are glad to see you, glory to ukraine. good day, happy mutual, glory to the heroes. let's talk about the drones that have been making a lot of noise in the area right now. of the russian federation, which are now flying to important oil refineries on the territory of the occupying country, and in fact, there is information, in particular on defense ua, that this drone is called a ferocious, and here we would like, first of all, to clarify whether this information is not some classified, yes, don't we help the enemy, when we name what kind of drones they are, and won't it help them later, as a result, to detect these drones better, well, from the other side, too. would also like to understand, if this is already some kind of public information, then what kind of drones are they, what are they, and you know, how would i tell you, we are different here, it is possible to say with
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the release of data that this is a kamikaze drone, which you know , looks like a ferocious, has characteristics like a ferocious and flies like a ferocious, well, we know, we are two months late, let's call it that, well, because if we can just retrospectively look at some, well, you know. according to russian propaganda sources, the use of kamikat drones in february on the territory of the russian federation, the detection of their wreckage and the like, it was recorded somewhere in january 2024, and there is even an assumption that, well, as an assumption, let’s say , these drones were recorded by the enemy during use where there was this metallurgical plant in lipetsk, which is strategically important there, that is, you know, in this case we simply noticed that the russians were there. laid out in open access, what, well, let's say this , looks like the wreckage of the very same drone and it became clear what kind of combat unit is used there, but you know, well, once
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it went wrong and based on such a logical reduction, well, from the fact that we know, we can only know not everything now about iranian shaheds and how the iranian shahed differs, let's say, from the one assembled in russia, but from iranian components or from purely russian components, well, this is, unfortunately, detection and defeat for us. does not simplify, therefore, accordingly in no, in this case it’s just to show a photo taken by the russians, which is of interest to all of us, what does our miracle weapon consist of, and it turns out that it is quite simple and at the same time massive, with a very good combat part , he doesn't mind if somewhere there would be disclosure of data about how, for example, our planners there can bypass the positions of russian air defense, what kind of technologists are they? it's no wonder the designers of our drones managed to make it so that they could fly through, let's call it, a conditional lane radio-electronic warfare with a width of about 60 km, which the russians built on their border,
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and other specific details, well, then it would be possible to qualify it, but you know, just record that wow, it turns out that our drone uses such a very cunning and wise combat part, well, it's just you know, an element of professional duty no more, yes. mr. ivan, thank you, well look, we would like to move on to the essential problem, which is called guided air bombs, but a couple of hours ago i quoted the head of the sumy regional military administration artyukh, so there are no risks of a border breach in the sumy region, but the intensity of shelling with the help of cabs has increased, the most powerful means of destruction used by the enemy are cabs. over the last week , 111 cabs were recorded. this is only in the sumy region. mr. ivan, is there any additional tactics that we could use against russian aircraft?
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unfortunately, here, as ... vorch himself says against breaking the reception, that is, we just need additional long-range eyes, here we can even recall our publication about the fact that well, in theory there is something even more powerful than the patriot and, let's say, less powerful than the taad, which should be discussed with the american partners, there is such a missile sm6, it is called an anti-aircraft missile in the americans, it is usually located in their mint , but the americans created a land launcher for it and it turns out that if you put it on land. the tsm6 can shoot down everything that is needed, at a distance of up to 370 km, which is true, of course, the situation in our country is not such that we are promised something so powerful, they write, linzi graham was coming, who still calls himself a friend of ukraine there, but does not want to allocate money, says that you simply need to mobilize more, for what to mobilize, for what weapons, but nevertheless, well, we simply have no other option than to knock out, squeeze, to do anything, including from those
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, from people who... call themselves friends of ukraine, additional means of air defense, because that's exactly why scaling success with the russian refinery is unlikely to succeed on russian airfields, well, it's simple there are people who write that it is necessary to simply direct these same drones to russian airfields where there are planes with cabs, well, the problem is that, well, if you give more than 50 airfields, we will not stock up on drones and we will not stock up in such a way as to overcome the anti-aircraft defense there, well, because there are there is such a certain logic that the russians protect their... front-line airfields, from where these take-offs take place, planes with cabs, are clearly orders of magnitude better than an oil refinery in a faraway part of the russian federation, by the way, mr. ivan, i would like to ask a question because because the guardian writes about the fact that russia plans to protect oil and gas facilities with the help of armor complexes, and it is important for us, ordinary ukrainians, to understand how many of these armors they have that they can use to protect oil refineries is laughable. where
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will it be possible to rebase them, because now they don't draw them additionally on a flat place, so they will need to be taken from where to cover these objects? well, i 'm laughing for some reason, well, let's put it this way, i'm not a motorist, but someone knows that you can't smoke at a gas station, in this case do not act, when you know, we even have a reason to laugh, how is it going according to the belgorod air defense plan to fire at belgorod, and considering that... since the armor already demonstrates the efficiency stated below, than the stated one, yes, then there is there is a very high risk that all these rockets or projectiles from these installations will hit the elements of this oil and gas infrastructure, which in itself is explosive, so you know, and if you also take into account the fact that there are approximately 100 of these tanks , you know, if there was a language was about the fact that they will remove more, for example, they will make an additional sacrifice by removing an additional number of mi-24 helicopters
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or. mi-28s, which are, in theory, adaptable for hunting small-sized air targets, well , you could even get confused, let's say, over this, because it would strengthen russian capabilities, and yes, you know, putting an explosive thing next to another of an explosive object, and this thing is usually very well defined during the shelling of belgorod itself, well , what else remains here is extremely clear and powerful, mr. ivan, let's also ask you... to sum up perhaps those signals that we received today on ramstein, yes? well, on the one hand, we understand that the united states can, so to speak, put a financial pig's lung on us, and on the other hand , we see a certain revival on the part of our european allies, so today ramstein worked, signaling something.


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