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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EET

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"i'm sorry, if the world did not recognize lukashenko as president because the elections in russia and belarus were undemocratic, the situation in russia is even worse. putin, all his potential opponents are either dead, killed, or in prison, the opposition there is suppressed , there is no state duma, there were clowns like slutskov on the ballots, and putin was elected this time not just in the occupied territories, in crimea, in donetsk region." in luhansk region, he was elected on the basis of ukrainians, in mariupol, in the occupied parts, kherson, zaporizhzhia regions, donetsk, luhansk regions, before that it breaks my heart, and when i read the statements of our partners, the european side, the european union, the united states of america has already made a statement regarding the illegitimacy of the elections in the occupied territories, it is correct, but it is not a sufficient reaction. ms. irina, you
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mentioned putin's illegitimacy and the fact that most of the leaders of western countries are already saying that we will call him putin, and not president. us republican senator lynsey graham initiates a bill to recognize russia a state sponsor of terrorism, well, what should make secondary sanctions more significant, as he said, and he also spoke about illegals'. putin yesterday he was in kyiv and after yesterday's meeting with president zelensky , he literally said the following. let's listen. in particular, as far as putin's elections are concerned, they are illegitimate. he is not a legitimate president. he leads a terrorist state. therefore, my response to his election when i return to washington... will be to introduce
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a bill declaring russia a state sponsor of terrorism under american laws, because it is so. i will appeal to the biden administration to recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism under us law. obviously, as well as the first question regarding the recognition of russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, it is also related to the non-recognition of putin's legitimacy. if it is adopted in washington, then obviously the majority of countries, first of all, will obey those decisions that relate to the law that russia is a state sponsor of terrorism, and that is the non-recognition of the legitimacy of putin as president by americans, what would this mean for other countries and for other leaders? and one can only welcome such a statement. republican mr. graham,
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who actually visited kyiv yesterday, met with the president's office, president zelenskyi, and deputies. what is interesting is that both representatives of the government and the opposition were present at these meetings with parliamentarians . this is, you know, a good lesson for the ukrainian authorities that our foreign, foreign partners, they still see the diversity of ukraine and communicate with... representatives of all political forces. this statement we congratulate graham, but i want to remind you that , unfortunately, graham, like other representatives of the republican party, did not support aid to ukraine when these votes were held last fall in the congress and in the senate. actually, this is a big problem, because we welcome the initiation of such a law regarding the fact that russia should be recognized. over the state sponsor
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of terrorism, but this debate will last for several months, and the ukrainian military needs help today, the situation at the front is very serious, and this is precisely what ivanna klympushtyn sadze, the representative of our political force, who i participated in the meeting with mr. graham, i spoke very frankly with him, and it seems to me that today it is very important that our american partners, representatives of the republic. the parties voted those laws that are ready for decision, secondly, you are absolutely right, and in the statement it was mr. graham it was said that there is a problem with sanctions, we have seen in two years that russia has learned to circumvent them, to receive dual- use goods through third countries, which are used in the military industry, we will be grateful to the united states, which will take part its entire toolkit in order to block this circumvention of sanctions. but today
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there is a correct signal from the european union, which finally noticed that during these two years, russia and belarus continue to trade grain very actively with the european union. union and promised that quotas will be introduced from next month in order to stop such exports in russia too, and this is abnormal when in the third year of such a terrible war, in the 11th year of the war as a whole, russia continues to remain expensive a partner of the civilized world, it must be stopped precisely because of economic sanctions, so that russia does not have money for war. mrs. irina, why do you think... in the west, the leaders of western countries do not have a single opinion on what to do with putin and putin's russia? and first of all, russia is indeed a nuclear country, putin, even after his pseudo-voting,
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re-election for a sixth term there, began to threaten the use of nuclear weapons there again, and it is obvious that the world is reacting to this, but it is very strange that... reports still did not realize that with russia, with putin's russia, it is necessary to speak only in the language of strength. who could have believed there three years ago that putin would bomb kiev and other peaceful cities of ukraine, but this is a reality today, and it is obvious that if it is not stopped now, now, and for this we urge our american partners not to wait for the easter holidays there, everything - still vote for this aid to the armed forces of ukraine. putin will go further, he is absolutely real. there will be an attack by russia on the nato countries, the baltic states, or poland, and it seems to me that this fear is not enough the end of realizing how much of a threat russia is, and you know, this fear that russia will break up, and what will happen there, continues
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to force the leaders of western countries to play appeasement of the aggressor, and the last thing, i would not only talk about putin, in fact, these so- called the elections in russia, it was for putin essentially... a bescide in support of the war in ukraine, despite the fact that we understand that there were attributed numbers that the dead, the living and the unborn voted there, and nevertheless, well many russians, actually the majority of russians, like putin, he is really theirs the president, they believe that russia is putin, and therefore, in fact, this so-called election became a plebiscite of support for the war in ukraine for putin, and all russians ... who came to the polls, they are complicit, and they cannot realize this our western partners, they are really looking for some good russians, some liberals who do not exist there in nature. our task is to convey to our partners that russia must be punished, that
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they are complicit, and this must be stopped only by tough sanctions. well, that is, when russians voted, those who voted for putin, they voted. for the war, correct, i understand? absolutely, we are well aware that the russians want a war, they want it, they support it, they rejoice in the destruction of peaceful ukrainian cities and towns, they know everything that is happening here, when they will lie there, which we did not know, this is not true, and they support aggression, they profess chauvinistic imperial policy, they continue to treat all other nationalities with superiority. peoples, countries, nations, and this supremacy, this imperialism, this chauvinist absolute xenophobic russia, it must be stopped. over the past few weeks, we have seen how the position of the leaders of western
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europe is changing. at first, emmanuel macron started talking about what to think about, what to do next, and french troops might be needed. send to ukraine, at first with half-hints, then someone there in the press leaked this information about what he said about it, then he said that we will not attack anyone, but if we need help, we will help. at the same time, we see that germany, despite the fact that they do not provide ukraine with long-range taurus missiles, but they say that it is impossible to freeze the conflict with the russian federation now, the minister of foreign affairs of germany, anna lena. burbok unequivocally rejected calls to freeze russia's aggressive war against ukraine in view of the latest un report on russian war crimes in the occupied territories. let's listen. if you
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read this report, i think you will never talk about the possible again freezing the conflict because the report clearly explains what a freeze means. for all people who suffer every day and especially every night from russian rule and russian violence. today there was information that one of the... summits, the nearest summits of the eu leaders, which is to be held on march 20-21, will be devoted to the actual transfer of the european economy to war rails, that it is necessary to produce more weapons, to help ukraine , according to your observations, how is the rhetoric and main actions of the leaders of european countries changing, and whether they realize that this year will be a decisive year for ukraine and for the future of europe. i think that , after all, the spirit of the american elections has a very serious
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effect on the position of our european partners, including macron, who is obviously fighting for such european leadership today, but in the countries of the european union there is an awareness that in the event of, for example, a victory trump, the united states' position on supporting ukraine may change. we can see, even there, when the breath of the election campaign already has an effect on voting in the congress and slows down the provision of military aid to ukraine, which is so necessary for us today, and this awareness itself forces european leaders to revise their view of what the position of european countries should be, this war continues in the center of europe, russia does not take a single step, not a single not a hint, not a single gesture, that
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it is ready to stop in these aggressive intentions, and europe must also realize that ukraine's resources are very limited, and human resources, economic resources, and military resources, and time, unfortunately, is on russia's side. i do not get tired of repeating in communication with our european partners when such an opportunity arises. unfortunately, in our country there is absolutely no such thing as the chairman of the verkhovna rada and the president’s office, when it is blocked, well , the inter-parliamentary activity of deputies is so important today, but we emphasize that time is playing against russia, russia has unlimited human resources there, they are not counted among with their losses, unfortunately, they are rebuilding their economy there, and if ukraine does not stand up, if we run out of resources, next... nato countries, european union countries. this realization may be starting to come to the europeans, and
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they are starting to change their position on helping ukraine, but at the same time it is really happening very slowly, we see that , for example, german chancellor schulz is not ready to provide muzzle-loading weapons that could , for example, today to change the situation on... the front, although my observations regarding the change, yes, the nature of the war, indicate that we really need more drones are needed today, and drones in general, the modernization of these drones, the electronic warfare system, it will determine the nature of the war in the coming months, so it is important here to actually make serious decisions about the modernization of our... and we , as a parliament, we we can get from the government, even an answer to the question,
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how many drones were actually delivered to parts, what kind of drones are these, and whether the funds that were allocated from the budget for the purchase of drones really went for these purposes, and the situation with this is very serious ms. irina, you already mentioned what happened in the parliament a week ago, or not a week, five days ago, on thursday. a meeting was held, one decision was adopted there, before that the parliament did not work for three weeks, well, it means in session mode, yaroslav zheleznyak says that there is a parliamentary crisis in the verkhovna rada, do you agree with this statement? well, we definitely have a management crisis, and we see that, in principle, the chairman of the verkhovna rada and the presidium, according to the constitution, they have a very clear written powers, this is the organization of the work of the parliament. unfortunately, we have today. the speaker, who is not able to organize the work of the parliament, because his job is plenary
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sessions, it is to organize a question hour for the government, it is to ensure the announcement of parliamentary requests, it is simply to form together with the conciliation the agenda that will be relevant for the challenges of the present time, well, we see an absolute problem with this, you know, i'm ashamed that the majority of those who... meet once every three weeks are not able to to sit in the hall for more than two hours, they have, i’m sorry, like diarrhea, after two hours there is no more, it’s not that 226, but 170 votes, i don’t know, maybe... some pills are given to the deputies so that they stay in the hall, you understand, did not run away in two hours, this is all very inadequate, and i do not think that this is a parliamentary crisis, but a managerial crisis and a crisis of the faction of the servant of the people, and here is how to get out of this situation, there is only one way out, and sooner or later
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they will come to him, without this, nothing will happen, this is a reformatting of the majority, if we do not have a single vote, there are not 226 votes, it is necessary... to honestly admit, reform the majority , it is true that then the government will have to be reformatted, but this is the salvation of the country, and the last thing, you know, if the chairman of the verkhovna rada sees undemocratic factions as his allies, well, he sees undemocratic factions as his allies, and in the pzh, because they always put their shoulder under the stupidest vote, then this is also a diagnosis, thank you ms. iryna, it was iryna herashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, friends, we are working... live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for for those who are watching us live on youtube and facebook now, please take part in our vote, today we ask you if the united states of america recognizes russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, yes no, it's quite simple, if you watch us on tv, take pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think
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the united states should recognize russia as a state sponsor of terrorism (0800-211-381): no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. to us it is important to know your opinion. next, we will be in touch with valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. mr. valery, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. yes, thank you for the invitation. good evening. mr. valery, let's start our conversation with the statement of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. of ukraine oleksandr syrsky, who stated that his priority task in this position is the development of the use of unmanned systems. technologies and manufacturability are the key to our superiority over the enemy, - wrote on on your facebook page, mr. syrskyi. unmanned systems occupy a prominent place here, so the development of the use of unmanned systems is my priority. in
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the armed forces of ukraine , my deputy hero of ukraine, colonel vadym sukha, is responsible for this direction. together with him, we are working on accelerating the implementation of innovative technological solutions and ensuring the institutional stability and adaptability of certain military management bodies of the defense forces. mr. valery, the current war is exactly different from all previous ones, yes using drones, as well as systems that allow you to hit the object at a long distance. critical infrastructure and military infrastructure facilities, including 1000 km away from us. how do you look at this big direction that was announced by syrsky, and the direction that everyone has been talking about for a long time, that people should be sitting in almost every apartment there and soldering these drones in order to
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gain an advantage over russia , or after all it should be and... there should be some big ones production capacity that will allow us to gain an advantage over the russians in the sky , well, your question is multifaceted, so i will try this way, i understand that the ethereal is not finished, in order to realize these advantages, yes, technological advantages are needed first of all develop your own defense, defense industrial complex, right? we need to release what we are going to impress with, so far we only have, but the russians have already shown the use of unmanned aerial vehicles such as the lyuty with a long range, then they wrote that the range is 100 km and the warhead is 50 kg, this so far the first means that we are able to really
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inflict serious damage on enemy objects deep in their rear, everything, more. we don't have anything serious, all the badgers, there are all stolen, these are tools only for inflicting, so to speak, some needle blows, tangible, unpleasant for the enemy, but so non-lethal, they work well for, say, ob objects of the oil and gas industry, but also objects of oil refining, but unfortunately, the enemy, for example, factories. they are not able to destroy, besides, well, now let's go down the most, we are at the very top, yes the most complex systems, and nothing more, yes, i will say that nothing more. in addition, we do not have crimean drones yet, even in order to hit the temporarily occupied territory in crimea, we have very limited capabilities in terms of
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cruise missiles, we simply do not have enough of them, to put it mildly, as well as carriers to simultaneously launch such a serious launch of missiles at, for example, a dozen objects in order to overload the enemy's anti-aircraft defense, now descending to drones, to quadra'. copters, i.e. fpv drones, right? ok , we made a million of these drones, half if not 3/4 of them ran into an enemy trench reb and just fell like leaves in the fall, probably still need to work on more complex drones that can't be made in the kitchen, yeah, that's it after all, it is necessary to do something like this somewhere, to collect the components of those zrons, but... diligently fix them only in, so to speak, well, at least in enterprises of the workshop type, where there is equipment, where there are specialists who
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are able to adjust them, flash them as needed , in order for them to be useful, because the feedback from the army people, they say yes, it is better to give us two cool drones there, and not 10 that will fall from the smallest trench, that is, we must also approach this... carefully, and most importantly, we have to get you in the enemy's superiority in means of radio-electronic warfare and means of overcoming it, this is the most important object: we overcome the enemy's reb or suppress it, then we will have an open gate for striking without unnecessary losses of our means of destruction. denys shmygalal, prime minister of ukraine, while in luxembourg, he said that... we are waiting for long-range weapons, and he mentioned the production of ukrainian drones, let's listen to what mr. shmyhal said. we also
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count on the supply of long- and medium-range missiles to reduce russian logistics in the occupied territories, this is also very important for us, as well as artillery shells. but from our side, we are not standing still, we are moving forward with the production of ukrainian drones with... ukrainian artillery and ukrainian military equipment in all these spheres mr. valery, to what extent are the technological, technical and scientific capabilities that ukraine currently possesses allow it to partly create new technologies and apply them on the battlefield? well, not so much yet, we see that neptune... no, well, cruise missiles, neptune in the version for work on land, yes over land, well, so far we have not heard about them, about
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thunder, our ballistic missiles, analogues of russian iskanders, well, but with a shorter range, nothing has been heard yet either, and here too, well, of course, in general, our enterprises are loaded with the production of what we can produce, and there is simply not enough strength for... new developments, because these are high-tech developments that require very serious capital investments, as well as serious research, technical, scientific research, but all this could be deployed in the near abroad, yes , and i think that it would make little sense to take the actual designers to the nearest countries, and organize large-scale production of them there, and carry out the assembly. to carry out assembly and debugging in ukraine, then we would have free hands, for example, we could you install
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ready-made missile guidance and re-guidance systems on our neptunes on the terminal segment, for example, from scalp rocket with a shadow cheat, that would be too late, or if we manage to develop our own similar systems, then simply make them abroad, it will be easier , to conclude some kind of contract... with companies that generally produce such things, yes, it would significantly speed up and simplify our work, but you see what our pace is, we are even lousy, sorry, we could not copy shahed in a year and a half, only but now there is information that we have people working on drones, well, let's see how many and to what extent they are, so, well, they are impressive, they really fly to the objects, so so far we have had success in this regard. can be expressed with the word modest, but so modest. and how did it happen, mr. valery, that ukraine has always been a missile state, well, before,
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at least, and... pivden mash made missiles and, in general, there were very powerful design bureaus in ukraine. during what period did it not happen? that during the 30-year with a hook, yes ot. we were so peace-loving that we gave the missiles to the russians, and strategic bombers, and nuclear weapons to the russians, yes, he was in charge. our ministry of defense, there are also other russian ministries, citizens of russia, yes , well, how we cared, so we have, and in recent years, instead of intensifying production, yes, we did whatever we wanted, we built corvettes, which then drowned with their own hands so that the enemy would not drown them, but near the piers, or they are resting there somewhere in turkey on in stapely or in britain, which were handed over to us
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, well somehow... we had to think about the urgent, and not about what, so whoever has a longer hand, he chooses, so to speak, what to order from the ministry of defense, maybe it was necessary to focus on the modern armed forces, on the experience of at least the 14th and 15th years, when the russians shot down our artillery and mortars with the help of drones, raised a drone that corrected the artillery fire, we had nothing, we 19'. year , the first barykhtars appeared, but i will repeat myself once more, as we cared, so we have, well, the main question is whether this year ukraine will have f-16 aircraft, american republican senator lynsey graham, during a visit to kyiv, expressed hope that ukraine will receive weapons this year, well, in particular, f-16 fighters 16, let's hear what he said. here's what... i
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hope will happen in 2024. america has delivered the weapons that you desperately need in ukraine in a way that will be sustainable, that you will begin to not only hold territory, but also put pressure on the russians within this year. that you will get takams to destroy that damn bridge that connects crimea with russia. i want 2024 to be a year of qualitative superiority of the ukrainian military. mr. valery, this is what graham says about the fact that he wants ukraine to qualitatively surpass the russian army in terms of quality, well, in particular, in missiles and airplanes. how many f-16 planes are needed so that we at least have parity with the russians? many, really many planes are needed, yes, but the main thing is not the number of planes. the main thing is their
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weapons and radio-electronic equipment that will be installed on these planes, that is, so, let's say, weapons systems, well , navigational, navigational, let's say, systems , not navigational, even, weapons systems that these planes receive, that is, what radars will be there, what will be the on-board defense complexes, missiles need to be seen, which means that if it is effective and of the latest models, against which the russians are not capable of fighting, then fifty planes will be enough for us, if all, if, for example, the first batch of planes turns out to be outdated weapons and all these systems, then no matter how many planes we get, we nothing in we do not conquer the air, we will be able to knock down a little more, there is 10% more. kill
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cruise missiles, and that will be all our achievements, that is, formally, they can give us f-16s, but they will not be so incomplete, yes, that is, not completely packed to fight the russians, because the western leaders will be afraid that we can strike by these planes over the border of russia or over critical objects on the territory of russia, could this be the case? no, it 's not about that, so we... we're talking about air-air weapons for airmen battles, there are no restrictions on these weapons from any rear western leaders, and there are restrictions on shock weapons, air, ground and ground - ground that carries explosives, for example, we can fly to moscow with western scouts without any problems, but if it carries on board explosives, that's it, and we're talking about...


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