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tv   [untitled]    March 20, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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the son of the uprising. in the south of the country, bilotserkivets met a full-scale russian invasion, and, according to his mother, on february 23, they talked on the phone, and on the 24th, he only wrote: we are going, but he did not specify where. at approximately 3:30 p.m., they were fired upon by enemy artillery, targeting the car in which 27-year-old rudkivskyi was. relatives did not know about this and hoped that he was not responding due to lack of communication. and it quieted down a little, and this brother who hid, began to respond, began to shout, well, to hear if someone was wounded or something, and said, i he heard bohdan scream, he says , i ran up to him, took him, he says, pull him by the hands, and bohdan was 95 meters tall, i dragged him, he says, i dragged him, well, he says, after two minutes, bohdan let go. the body of bilotserkivets was found by volunteers and buried under oleshka together with the priest. these territories are now temporarily occupied
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by the russians, so the 62-year-old mother believes that she will live to see the days when her son is reburied in the white church, because that way she will feel calmer. many good memories the boys continued to communicate even when they became adults, but because of the service, meetings became less frequent, a person who was always ready ... to lend his shoulder, if needed, at any time, day or night, that is, regardless of the day, he was ready to come to help, in some companies he even had a nickname like golden, it is because of his hair color that he is reddish here, he radiated kindness like a little sun, he conveyed his mood to people, i will support him. recently
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, a basketball tournament was held in bila tserkva in memory of the fallen defender, which will become a good tradition from now on. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. eternal honor and memory to the fallen hero bohdan. of course, you know, here i am, he is buried in the temporarily occupied oleshki, and here is the question. someone may think, well, it is okay not to recapture these already occupied territories, we understand that this will also have to be paid for with the lives of soldiers, and this is ukraine, but now there is an enemy there, and here you can think and say a lot, but you look at your mother , still young a woman who lost her son, and you understand that for her these ashes are not just some territory, there lies her son, who took the blow of the enemy in the kherson region when...
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the forces were not only unequal, they were generally unequal, enemy aviation, enemy artillery , the columns that entered, the heroic ukrainian soldiers who retook the antoniv bridge, then allowed our troops to cross the bridge, cross to the right bank, actually saving the huge ukrainian columns that were also there at that time , there were also battles, that is, the enemy did not go through all this so easily, but just overwhelming enemy aviation and and and and strength and means. you know, i read the reports of the soldiers who were in the kherson region at that time, they said that when the enemy was advancing there, well, there were steppes, sands, i say, it seemed that they were pushing you , such sand dunes were pushing you as far as they there were many, and here he was there and he died from an enemy attack, therefore the eternal memory of honor, and we understand how many such heroes still lie somewhere in the temporarily occupied territories, the memory of their soul and feat, and we believe that this ... mom - mother with a capital letter, such
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general image of mothers who lost their sons, daughters, and she will find peace, mind, conditional peace, of course, but the peace of her soul, coming to the grave of her son, respect and thanks to all these people who donate, and now we will add sergey to the conversation zgurets , director of the defense express agency, leader of the military summaries of the day column, serhii, i congratulate you , please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our... today we will talk about the 20th ramstein, about its results, new aid packages for ukraine and how we use and repair foreign tanks, which mistakes we have to correct together, we will talk about that in a moment. from now on, in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your
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opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. so, in the german city of ramstein, today the 20th meeting of the contact group on defense assistance to ukraine was held with direct participation ministers of defense and military leaders, from a total of 50 countries, the ukrainian delegation was headed by minister of defense rustem merov, the meeting took place in such harsh realities for ukraine , when... we know, is waiting for the unblocking of significant military and military-technical assistance from the united states, and it is good that, against the background of this, there are many positive decisions from
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european countries in support of us. at the beginning, there was an introductory speech by the minister of defense lloyd austin's usa, he said that the united states will not give ukraine. that the coalition will not allow ukraine to lose and the free world will not allow ukraine to lose, although it seems to me that it is time to use the formula for ukraine to win in speeches. but here already a lot depends on us, if there are weapons. what we know for now. at the remstein meeting, it was primarily about anti-aircraft defense, artillery, and ammunition. austin also said that it was also about drones, about the training of the military and... the process of organizing interaction defense industry. here, let me remind you that parallel processes are underway in europe, because this monday the eu foreign ministers decided to allocate an additional 5 billion euros for the european peace fund.
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these funds are needed in order to purchase weapons, and they could, so to speak, be purchased outside the european borders. alliance, however, if we go back to the ramstein meeting again, defense minister lloyd austin, announcing certain packages, said about, first of all, he mentioned that the united states had previously allocated 300 million dollars there, and also named other countries that announced military aid, among them he mentioned the czech republic, germany, france, denmark, sweden, which promised to provide important and necessary packages. of your help, if we take the details , first of all, according to austin, the czech republic promised to provide 6,000 art shells, but we know that in general the czech republic found 1.5 million ammunition of various calibers, and is now contracting them in
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various countries for delivery to our state , using funds from the same peace fund i mentioned earlier. germany: head of the german defense ministry. your pistorius announced an aid package to ukraine worth up to 500 million euros. the aid package is quite complicated because it will include 10,000 munitions at once, which will be delivered there from germany. 100 units of armored vehicles and 100 units of automotive equipment, we do not know the types yet, and another 100,155 millimeter shells will be purchased. from its own manufacturers, and germany additionally contracted 180,000 art projectiles within the framework of this czech initiative, so in any case the package is both short-term and long-term from germany, well powerful and great. yes, we are not
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talking about taurus, because before that pistoriyu said that ukraine first of all needs a sufficient amount of artillery ammunition, artillery itself, and so on. air defense means, and this is a basic priority for ukraine to be able to carry out effective defensive offensive actions. another large package was announced by belgium, actually for belgium this is the largest package in the chain of aid to ukraine, it is about 412 million euros, of which more than 373 million euros, again, for the supply of ukrainian goods to ukraine. of ammunition and these ammunition will be from the reserves of the ministry of defense of belgium, and the funds will also be partially directed to purchases in other countries for delivery to ukraine. also, belgium plans to transfer
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to ukraine three minesweepers, these are actually ships that will be transferred to ukraine together with the netherlands, belgium is now... training our personnel on its territory, and belgium will also provide maintenance for these ships, and also announced in be on the transfer of 280 ivecolinks light combat armored vehicles, this in fact, the machines are of a rather high class and quite a significant number, if we recall the use of such a machine, then it is used by a significant number of the army, has combat experience of use in various hot spots, but such experience inte'. active use in hostilities, as is currently going on in ukraine, the manufacturers, the italian
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company iveco, have not had any, and i think that this will be just right, well, the first such combat experience of using this rather effective light machine, and now, if we have an expert on communication, so far we are just waiting for attachment to our connection of a person with whom we can talk about the means'. equipment is used by the ukrainian army, using those samples that will be new samples transferred to us to ukraine, and here , first of all, i will still mention that this time at ramstein there was less talk about armored vehicles, because as we can see, the main emphasis is really placed primarily on e munitions, on which the stability of our defense line depends, and in particular i would like to remind you that in addition to the fact that allocation was announced. 5 billion euros for this fund peace for ukraine, it is also known that last
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week the european countries adopted another decision to speed up the production of ammunition and eliminate the bottlenecks that exist with the production of ammunition in european countries . to have such a certain fund of 500 million euros, from which the funds will be directed primarily to the expansion of production in three directions, namely the production of shell casings, the expansion of tnt production and the expansion of gunpowder, these are all the things that are currently slowing down the pace manufacture of munitions in european countries, and now mykola salamakha is joining us, he is a lieutenant colonel in... the stock, a project manager at the domestic defense-industrial company energy 2000,
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an expert in the field of small arms, mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, well, at least the first question is still not about armored vehicles, but rather about armored vehicles, because there is this good news about the supply of a large batch of cars and iveco from an italian manufacturer, it's easy. such an armored car, i would like to hear from you the place in the order of battle for such a car and your general estimates of obtaining such a number of cars? armored vehicles, these are not infantry fighting vehicles , these are not armored personnel carriers, but for the protection of personnel from small-caliber small arms, this is... 45 or 5.56, at distances of more than half a kilometer, this is
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from caliber 7, 62 mm, that is, as well as from artillery, from debris, artillery shells, that is quite necessary equipment, and it will be used, first of all, in qualities of various special... vehicles, these are command posts, these are mobile means of communication, these are base vehicles for various anti-tank guided missile systems, for air defense units, this is basically where we now use pickup trucks, this is a vehicle of increased cross-country ability, there is a very good suspension, there is... a very reliable engine, and to be honest, it
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will seriously increase the survivability of those units that will use this technique, so we really hope that this machine will help us on the battlefield, well right now to your native topic, to the tanks, but now the battlefield has changed radically with mining and the use of feed drones, now we see, well, the active destruction of tanks by the same drones, now we can... even see a video there, does it mean is that this war is already becoming such a real dead end for tanks and the need for tanks will decrease, because they are quickly lost, well... the very tactics of using units are changing, what is your forecast for tanks? well , there is nothing to replace an artillery installation that conducts hostilities directly or in in battle formations of the infantry that is defending, or advancing, or at the closest distance, well
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, up to half a kilometer, up to a kilometer at most. meters from the first soldier who is directly on the line of contact with the enemy, the most protected artillery system of this type is a tank, another thing is that the use of new types of weapons entails the use of new methods of countering these new types weapons, this is radioelectric... struggle, this is various nets against fpv drones, which will be physically, means to prevent the direct interaction of ammunition that uses fpv with the armor of a tank or other armored combat vehicle, and this is the use in units
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of those means of combat that will be countermeasures. that is, to shoot and now there are already examples when the same pump-action rifles or even 12-gauge hunting weapons are being used, equipped to fight fpv drones, this is the period when the drones own the battlefield very seriously, it is the closest sometimes everything will go smoothly, that's why that will know... and ways to fight, and means of fighting fpv drones, and the further, the more difficult it will be to terrorize everything that is currently on the battlefield with fpv drones. well , we hope that your forecast is correct, and now one of the problems facing ukraine, or our military, is
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the maintenance of western-made tanks. yesterday i talked about the problems with spare parts for... for leopards 2.6 there were reports that our partners are looking for drawings to make tracks for old western-made equipment, that is what are your friends saying, many of whom are involved in the repair of western appliances, are there any urgent suggestions from below or any decisions that need to be made at the top to ease the aggravation of the repair of western appliances. so, there are several stages that we are forced to go through: the first is receiving repair documentation from our western partners, and if the western partners understood the whole situation that they themselves will face with the production of spare parts,
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in large quantities, and for and to leopards the second and up to... the leopards of the first and up to the challengers, they would certainly have acted more actively at the stage of preparation for the transfer of their armored vehicles to the armed forces of ukraine, but unfortunately, this was not done in a timely manner, and now, when the question arises, what it is necessary to organize repairs, the ones that can be organized in ukraine, firstly, there is a lack of technical... documentation and secondly, there is a lack of experience, but state structures act very slowly, private structures are ready to take on any work, but private structures do not have one side of experience, although they learn much faster than state structures, and on the other hand there is no technical
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documentation, you have to literally invent ways and methods. for many units of military equipment, and i am talking not only about tanks, but also about the same btr13 in different variations, about the same humvees, where the number goes to thousands of units and more, that is, we have to do very serious work to be carried out by the private sector, which now cooperates with'. by the forces of ukraine and the power structures and state structures, and unfortunately, we lag behind, but sometimes that's all. will be to level up, but the western partners have now clearly understood that the normative stocks of spare parts and repair kits that
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they had are completely inadequate for modern warfare, and they are now beginning to understand that they will need to deploy the production of spare parts, assemblies and units, not only for the armed forces of ukraine, but also for their own... needs, and you can’t ask about simulators, because relatively speaking, if there were less, the tank would break down less, the bmp would break down less, so that people would use certain models more effectively , we need them to prepare, usually we prepared them on simulators, now the situation has changed somewhat , it is impossible to conduct training in training centers, because there is a threat of a missile strike, and to drag simulators behind military units, probably the teams are not very interested in how to get out of this situation, what. .. the practice of your enterprise, which is quite well-known in terms of providing the armed forces with training equipment of various levels, is poisonous. so, the problem of simulators is primarily a problem
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of insufficient number of enterprises that produce simulators for various purposes, fully functional in the first place, that's why, because the simulators are of different levels, there are those simulators that can, that provide knowledge about some type of weapon. weapons, but on which you can't practice skills, these are simulators, well , semi-functional, there are simulators, those that are now associated with virtual reality, this is where there are virtual reality glasses, or virtual reality glasses, and programs that. .. came mainly from different games, but there is no consideration of such phenomena as weapon recoil, no consideration of such phenomena as ballistics, there is no consideration of such phenomena as
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the movement of a soldier on the battlefield, that is, such simulators are clearly tied to one point and calibration directly to this point, took two steps to the side, the entire simulator stopped functioning, and full of... functional simulators, those , which are directly dealt with by the company that works , where i work, but in ukraine , you can count such companies on the fingers of one hand, unfortunately, er, there are not enough of these simulators, primarily in the training centers that we have developed for the last two years, several tens, but there are literally less. 10 simulators, which are provided in order to carry out the basic training of professionals, specialists of various directions, these are first of all
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mechanics, drivers of various combat vehicles, tanks, and secondly, these are complex simulators for crews, combat vehicles, infantry, tanks, armored personnel carriers, well, there is a very large, wide range of use of te simulators... and manpads, here in ukraine we have a slightly better picture, because there are several manufacturers, which to one degree or another still make up more or less adequate competition, and there is an attitude that has already changed on the part of the command of the armed forces to the fact that simulators are needed, and perhaps this influenced the increase in the order, which is actually an increase. it could be very serious if the ministry of defense had the money for it, why? because simulators are still a rather expensive thing,
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full-function simulators, and secondly, the very process of manufacturing a simulator, starting from the fact that we have to purchase a lot of components abroad, is quite serious time from six months and sometimes more , unfortunately, in the armed forces of ukraine, as in the state in general, we do not have planning for more than one fiscal year, this is on the one hand, and on the other hand, no one can clearly state how many, what type of simulators will be needed next year and plan some actions, why, because if they tell me that it is necessary to make a simulator for the leopard 2 a4 tank, then i need at least a year for this to develop all the technical documentation, after that to make it and after that to test how
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at least half'. year, that is, the cycle of making a simulator from scratch is approximately two years, and then there will be a period of treatment for children's diseases. mr. mykola, thank you very much for the inclusion , for what you and your company are doing for the armed forces, supplying a number of simulators that really help our armed forces and our military to master different types of weapons, from anti-tank missile systems to missiles of various types to. .. to ukrainian and foreign tanks, all this really helps our military to use it effectively real samples of weapons are already on the battlefield. let me remind you that my interlocutor was mykola salamakha, a retired lieutenant colonel and project manager at the national defense and industrial company energy 2000. these were the main emphasis in the military and military results
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of that day. and then more international and economic news. next, vasyl zemitor will be on the air, stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zurts, thanks to his guest. these were the military results of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, next, the second hour of the great terra, a lot of interesting and important. in the world expects information from you about ukraine , ramstein, what was agreed upon, what was not agreed upon, why putin decided to go to china, where will the leader of china go next, is there talk of any conditional, perhaps negotiations, yuriy fizar, money will talk about it during the war with oleksandr morchivka, there are also important and relevant topics for our pockets, zriyanovino culture news and weather from natalka didenko, well, now about the most important news, i will tell you in detail. ukraine
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hopes. that there will be enough ammunition until april, the prime minister made such a statement denis shmehal of ukraine during his working visit to luxembourg. he noted that due to the lack of artillery shells, the situation on the front line is becoming more difficult. shmyhal hopes that thanks to the czech initiative, to which luxembourg has joined, it will be possible to stabilize the situation on the front line. we also count on... the supply of long and medium-range missiles to reduce russian logistics in the occupied territories is also very important for us, as well as artillery shells, but from our side we are not standing still, we are moving forward with production ukrainian drones with ukrainian artillery and ukrainian military equipment in all these areas. a tractor blew up on a mine in kharkiv oblast, it happened in a field near the village of fedorivka, bervinivka community. the tractor driver
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on... was driving an unknown explosive object, which detonated, the tractor was completely destroyed, and the driver was injured. he is currently in the hospital, the state emergency service reported that sappers are working on the spot. they dropped explosives from a drone just on a car with people, the russians attacked civilians at the entrance to the village of osokorivka in the kherson region, the regional military administration informed. medics provided assistance to the man and woman. and in bilopilla in sumy oblast, the russians hit a critical infrastructure facility. the city has problems with water supply, its head, yuriy zarko, said in a public comment. residential buildings were also damaged, there is currently no information about the dead or injured. for 3 thousand dollars to moldova, friends from an online game agreed on an illegal departure from ukraine.
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the leader of this scheme. should have crossed his client by boat through kuchurgansky leman, he failed, according to the information of the state border service, the organizer will bear criminal liability, and the customer will have the administrative right of violation. well, the construction of defensive structures continues in the zaporizhzhia region, barrier pyramids are produced around the clock in the region . special technology, the servo hardens quickly, and the structure has maximum strength, the pyramids are able to withstand both critical temperatures and any aggression from the outside, said the head of the zaporizhzhia region , ivan fedorov. all work is controlled by the ministry of defense and the military. ukrainian children were deported to moscow. the security service of ukraine, together with the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine , informed about the suspicion of two associates
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of putin. these state dumas of yani.


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