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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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there are less than half, as i understand it, they could not leave the new cohona, a fifth part, a fifth part only, 65 thousand, a fifth part, it will affect the fact that it is almost impossible to earn money somewhere and so on and so on , the people of smalitsa are drowning there just to have something to eat and to cook for, but most of all they will say that there is almost no medical aid, because almost all, as i understand it, the doctors have left, there is no medical aid for two reasons, - firstly, doctors left absolutely more... secondly, completely from the new one huts, all the technical equipment, we were there, well, the district center was clearly arranged , the prime minister came to open our new equipment and new reception points, but it was all taken away, because in order to get such qualified medical assistance, the huts more or less have to go to henichesk or even in a simferope. mr. volodymyr, thank you, nava kakhovka hold on, thank you for the fact that...
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people show their position, but we also urge you not to show your position to the occupiers, because it is life-threatening, volodymyr kovalenko, the mayor of novaya kakhovka was in touch with us, and now we will move to the capital, which today was under a missile attack by muscovites. mykhailo shymanovo, the spokesman of the kyiv city military administration was in touch with us, mr. mykhailo, we congratulate you, and congratulations, 30, three dozen missiles were shot down over kyiv, how many missiles were there in total. what kind of missiles, where they flew, well, the exact number will still be reported by the air force, that is , they collect this information, collect information about the debris that fell, about for example, in advance i can say that after a pause of 44 days, the enemy struck another blow at the capital, cruise missiles kh101 x555 and 55 from the sides of strategic... tu-95ms bombers were used in advance, and
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ballistic missiles also flew at the capital, an air alarm in it took us about 3 hours, cruise missiles, after complex maneuvers in neighboring regions, entered the capital from different directions, ah, according to the information of the head of the kyiv city military administration, colonel-general serhiy popko, according to preliminary data due to the fall of the impact, then the fall of the missiles happened. links fell in several districts , in the podilsky district , a transformer substation fell, there was a fire, it was already extinguished, the fire was approximately 200 km away, and there was also a fire in the roof of a non-residential two-story building, the fire was also extinguished, in the shevchenkivskyi district a multi-story residential building was damaged by the blast wave, the windows were broken, it was recorded. it also caught fire in the apartment and
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led to the evacuation of its residents building, cars were on fire, they have already been extinguished , there were three of them, and the fall of youths was also recorded on the territory of a residential building between a kindergarten and residential buildings, thank god without negative consequences. in the sviatoshyn district, damage to a nine-story residential building was recorded, there the logs fell on the fourth floor and... the windows were broken by the blast wave, cars caught fire were also recorded in this area, they were already extinguished, all emergency services immediately responded to the signal, that is, as soon as received a signal that something caught fire or someone was injured, they immediately went to the scene of the accident, at the moment we know about ten victims, there is no information about the dead, thank god, we are trying to update all the information. in the telegram channel
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promptly, and actually i want to once again call on all guests of the capital and residents of kyiv not to ignore air warning signals, because the example of odesa and mykolaiv shows us that the enemy can launch repeated missile strikes already during the liquidation of the consequences. mykhailo, we were informed that since we are in ukraine exhausts in the absence of help. could stockpiles of missiles for air defense, maybe the russians were testing the reliability of our anti-missile shield this time, as in principle, how large-scale was this attack, if we say so in general, and how successful was this strike against kiev? well, if we take into account the number of missiles, and there are about three dozen of them, then accordingly we can call this attack large-scale, in particular, we can see that...
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is trying to use complex attacks, that is, i mean that there were bloody attacks missiles, and her sparrow used ballistics, but let's hope for... that we actually believe in the forces and means of air defense, that is, taking into account the consequences that we now have at this moment, our guys from the force of air defense means did a great job, thank you to them and thank you for telling us about the latest information on the consequences of the shelling of the russian russian attack, mykhailo shimanov, spokesman for the kyiv city military administration. was in touch with us, fortunately there are no casualties as a result of this attack, but unfortunately there are destruction due to the hitting of missiles,
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today i read how such a roll call is already taking place among my acquaintances in kyiv about who is there, how loud and so. in fact, it was quite loud, the writer tetyana vlasova wrote about going down to the subway and said that there were a lot of small, sleepy children in the subway, and at that moment she thought that childhood should not be like this, really childhood should not be like that, it should be carefree, but unfortunately, muscovites are taking away our children, they are taking away their childhood, the opportunity to see their parents, taking away from parents the opportunity to raise their children, because they go to defend this country, taking away the opportunity for families to be together, but nevertheless, i think that it makes us stronger, i think that it is for us inoculation so that
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we never again think that some brothers live in russia, maybe there are some other people who, what two years. for the third year of a full-scale invasion, they could not convince me of this, i don't know what other arguments they need, but they could, maybe sooner or later too someday it will come bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, is now in touch with us. mr. bohdan, we congratulate you. good morning. what is this morning in kharkiv, because we know that the day before kharkiv also experienced an attack and, unfortunately, there is a victim of this attack. yes, night. passed more or less calmly , well, of course, the alarm sounded several times , yesterday there was such an unusual attack, in my opinion, it was the previous x-59 cruise missile, and i even heard it, it flew over our area, and it was very strange to hear that's the sound
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of an aircraft engine, i.e. people thought that it's a fighter jet or something else flying there, but in fact it's... a rocket was flying, we heard it, and in a few seconds there was an explosion in the holodogorsk region, and what can i say, we got into the premises, the production premises, this is the former there there was a fairly powerful factory, now, as often happens, the premises are divided there and various enterprises are engaged in commercial activities, including the one you saw there, the printing house worked on one of the floors, there are other... small enterprises, engaged in repairs, production, there and sewing and the like, there were production sites, well, the russians probably launched a rocket, based on the fact that there was once a factory there, so the tracks
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were there, they are there, and we will launch a rocket there, well, these are my thoughts, but in fact , that we have five dead, we have one seriously injured, another five of moderate severity, well, now you see footage of liquidation, fire, rescuers, well done, our volunteers came, they also organized themselves there, they helped something , with food, there with coffee, they helped to sort out some things, that is, everything was there worked out, not the first time, so the kharkiv state emergency service, thank them very much for such promptness, clear, prompt and clear work. you know, yesterday after this attack , i saw a comment from a girl who came under these production premises, because apparently her mother worked there, and i don't know if this
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girl's mother survived, i would really like to, although, although it is doubtful, considering that what this girl said, she said that her mother called her and said that ... she was hit by stoves, that she was on fire, and she asked her sorry for everything, it was goodbye, probably, i don't know, maybe, maybe some kind of miracle. it happened and she survived, i would really like it, although it is very scary to receive such a call, i understand that such calls are also received by relatives, for example, military personnel who go on some mission, or who wait out a russian attack, and also say goodbye to life and say goodbye to their relatives, and it would seem to me that we have already seen and heard a lot of this, but it somehow still
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disarms you, still somehow knocks you out the ground from under the feet, so these calls are very difficult, and it is even more difficult when the phone does not answer at all, when people call, it is silent, it is already clear that there or when i disassemble the rubble where... they take out the bodies and there these phones are ringing, it happened more than once and we all remember the shots when the rockets hit the funeral of our military man and almost 60 people died and 59 were collecting the bodies and the camera records the ringing of the phones of the dead people who are in the pockets of their clothes , it is very difficult, well, what else can be said add, translate a little topic. from this, we are all here, you know, a little like this, we cannot
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say that we will directly raise the mood, but we are observing the situation in our border region, in our, let's say this, not in ours, but in the belgorod people's republic, in belgorod, and all these analogies, which they are now , shall we say, receive, we have been for two years , i get this pleasure in quotation marks, they are now not a misunderstanding of how it happened and... why it is so, they do not understand, we have another one here a cruise missile has arrived, there is either a s-300, a they still can't understand why, why there are some vampires flying, some air defenses working there, missiles falling there, evacuation, by the way, they try not to use that word there, transporting people, transporting children to other places there regions , what kind of novoyas is this, it is also difficult to understand why all this is being done, so that... there is no panic, well, i don't know, they have been fighting there for two weeks already, to occupy several
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settlements, there is no panic in them at all , and the word evacuation cannot be said, so that's it situation, i wouldn't say that it gives us great pleasure, but still , some kind of moral compensation is felt, and god grant that everything will work out for the boys and that belgorod region will be freed from this , let's say, from this regime, by the way, last year... we also had ether and you asked me a question about my attitude to the buffer zone, then only this issue was raised, and to the russians, they told something, something about some buffer zones, and we then said, that there are regions there, and there kursk, bilhorod, rostov, on the danube, that is, these are all areas, they should be a buffer zone, you said then, well, you, i have such grandiose plans, but in fact we are moving towards this now and we are not going anywhere. to create a buffer zone on our territory, we are suffering so much, sumy region is suffering very seriously now,
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there are shellings, relatives live there, who leave there, such shellings, let’s say to everyone else, what happened on the front line, what happened in kharkiv region , they are now simply destroying the same kusarivka, other communities there, and they do not forget about us, our communities to shoot with cabs, that is, the situation is quite dynamic, dynamic, difficult, but... if for the russians this is news, for us in two years, we are already, it is no longer news, it is already routine, work is war, yes , i came across a video, such a video is edited from some photos from belgorod in tiktok, and what’s interesting, if we can turn it on simply with sound, a few, a few notes literally, there is an interesting caption about what, my god, when is this everything will end already. i don't know who they are asking, these russians who posted this video, let's not ask
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gentlemen, but putin. but you hear, that is, they edited this video to a melody that probably every ukrainian already knows, it's a picardy trope, specifically a picardy trot. in theirs, in their sound, and they can't even put their grief in their grief on their music, no, they have to steal something from the ukrainians and... paste their suffering there, is this some kind of music of their own, kalinka-malinka , well, let it be under the little finger and, but you understand that even this melody itself, it is most likely older than the entire russian empire, well , you know, i heard this melody for the first time and it stuck in my memory, if i'm honest, the 14th
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year, when we buried the dead on the maidan, them, the three dead, and they were brought to... shevchenko, i heard for the first time when this melody was playing, and nasyts, our church of the ukrainian orthodox church was singing, these boys were singing, marinchak, father marinchak was singing, i remember, and this music stuck in my memory, when now these monsters are somehow related to the shootings on the maidan, because the russian special services are there. worked and now they are to this music , so they are making videos there in belgrad, well, more cynical and let's say, brazen such, let's say, brazen behavior, well , i guess we shouldn't expect from the russians, but i don't know what to expect from them, somehow rational they don't have much, they don't have much wisdom, the lord will write
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, when it's all over, you went to the elections, it's clear that there were many... there were falsifications and many things were made up, but there were those who really voted with a sincere heart for putin and not only those in russia russians, and those who have been living for a long time, for example , in the european union, but they are for putin, because he is good, but they could, could they make a choice, and well, this is not a question for god, as they say, when god, this will end, well , kirill, why is god so far away, they are god, i understand, not everyone believes much there, they believe in kirill and putin, well, ask. they will probably have this too , they will certainly not hear an answer, because these creatures always lie, well, in principle, they chose that, those leaders who came from them, that they represent them, their side of the soul, and we will not change anything about it, we once again made sure that we are not at war with putin,
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but with the russian people, who support in one way or another different... versts of society support this the war, they rejoice at the shelling of kharkiv in these shots from two years ago, when they poured everyone there on the 24th and watched how they danced to the balalaika, yes, that kharkiv is being shelled, rockets are flying for belgorod, yes, these shots, now that they are sorry, they are looking for god , they are immediately sent pictures like them in the comments rejoiced at the shelling of kharkov, it was not the year of the war there, it was the first day of the war. they were happy, what are you happy about, that you were shelled from kharkov, belgorod, or did we do something to you there, let’s say there was a capasty or something else, well, that didn’t happen, no, but in fact, the nation, let’s say, is permeated with racism, fascism , completely here already, some radical such methods, let’s say the destruction of its state
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will help, let’s say, to cleanse this territory of this infection, yes, mr. bohdan, i agree with you, bohdan kachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, was with us on connection calm down, the main thing of this day, let it be like that, we will now, friends, go on a short break, and i also want to say that as of yesterday, we almost-almost collected enough for one car, and we are collecting, let me remind you, for three, uah 299,886 we already have three cars that will cost uah 900,000, we will send these cars to the front line for our troops. a powerful land cruiser for the air reconnaissance group of the main directorate of intelligence, a pickup truck for the 43rd separate artillery brigade and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. by yesterday, you and i collected 72 and you know, this is how our rage and this, this sleepless night of ours can be converted into help for our
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military, because they are the ones who restrain this enemy and do everything possible so that he... got out of our land and didn't go any further, so you can contribute with your hryvnias, we will go on a break in the meantime, then watch for the appearance on our airwaves, in the corner, this will be a qr code, stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saw, then those saw strong unpack the tv just for you, you are with her you can easily cut trees and bushes, it... it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, phones... just now and order free delivery is available. check with consultants. cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood. you can do all this in one movement with the strong saw.
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lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions - the largest talk format in ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. everything on... the most important thing every thursday at 9:15 p.m. in the project, velikiy lviv speaks, on the air of the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many. as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. dear friends, we are coming back
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and continuing our roll call: you and i have already collected 300,000 uah for one car and now we have started collecting for the next one, and 3,946 uah have already been collected for it. please join us with your donations, in general we want to collect three cars, for this we need. 9000 hryvnias nataliya humenyuk, head of the united of the coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine. the colonel is already in touch with us. mrs. natalya, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine, congratulations to you too. glory to heroes. mrs. natalya, tell me what the situation is now in the south of ukraine, what is there to hear the box? the situation remains quite tense, because the enemy does not stop aggression, does not stop terror, tries to increase the pressure. after their farcical elections, to prove that they are capable of fighting, that they are powerful and are trying to put pressure not only on the front line, but also on remote
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regions, in particular trying to collect information as powerfully as possible, compensating for the lack of air on the a50th, and this is confirmed by such regular activity of enemy drones, scouts in the waters of the black sea. the day before last there was a shooting, and last day again at the end of daylight the enemy tried to enter odesa from the black sea area, gathering as much information as possible. two superkams were destroyed by anti-aircraft defense forces. this indicated precisely the preparation for the massive rocket attack that the enemy used at night. we foresaw it, warned, of course this time, the center... the focus of the enemy's efforts was the capital, but threats to other regions were not excluded, because the rockets were difficult to maneuver, all of this was monitored by
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monitoring stations. could make sure that the enemy was looking for effective tactics in order to inflict maximum damage. this tactic will continue to be used, because we can see it in the manner of artillery shelling, when the weather interferes and there is no rumored aerial attack, the enemy uses carpet methods of shelling, which he did last day in the kherson region, this in fact, the entire strip of populated areas along the water cut was under artillery shelling, unfortunately, there are casualties, the enemy also continues to terrorize nikopol region, systematic daily shelling and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, in the circle of the bridgehead in the krynok area, we recorded three assaults, fixed, repulsed, the enemy returned to their original positions with nothing , with nothing, almost in the literal sense, because for...
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the loss of the enemy over the past combat day in our zone of responsibility is more than 130 occupiers, moreover, zaporizhzhia and kherson regions, if we talk about zaporizhzhia, the situation around the work, can you tell what is happening there now, if you look at the maps that are published, it looks more and more like avdiivka, well, there is no need to panic, you need to understand , that the territory is very open, wide... spaces, and it is difficult to work on them in a combat sense, but we manage to repel enemy assaults, there were seven in the past day, there are corresponding changes in the front line, and they must be taken completely calmly, because there commander's understanding decisions, when it makes sense to retreat a little in order to strike a more powerful blow, there is no need to panic, if the situation will
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radically change ... we will report about it, now the front line is quite mobile and in fact every day it changes in some areas along a few meters in one direction or another, so we monitor the situation, take an active part in it and repulse the enemy's assaults, so it's not easy, so the destruction of, for example, one and a half dozen artillery systems is not a very powerful loss for the enemy, but it is a relief in some directions, directions for civilians, in addition... we remember that in this direction in zaporizhzhia, the enemy still continues to use aviation, and with the support of guided air bombs continues these assaults, and this is a rather powerful direction of support for assault units, therefore we continue combat work, we are looking for ways to reduce the activity of enemy aviation, including. thank you, ms. natalya, for the conversation, nataliya
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humenyuk, head of the united coordination office. of the center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, the colonel was with us, dear friends, we will continue our marathon, then we have a huge list of guests and topics, we want to tell you that we are collecting money, to remind you that we are collecting cars for the military, i see now that more than 6 people are watching us on one of our youtube channels 00 people , simple arithmetic, if 6,000 people donate 50 hryvnias each, it will already be... 300,000, this is the price of one car, let me remind you that we are collecting up to three cars for the military, who will then go to the front line, more details will follow announcement on our air, we will continue to talk, we will tell you in more detail which one exactly we collect cars and for whom, it is important, but the most important thing is that it is all for our defenders, to whom we must be grateful for what they do, because if you are not in the armed forces, then you are for the armed forces.
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dear friends. well, now it is almost 8 o'clock in the morning, which means that we will watch the news, what happened there in ukraine, what are the consequences of the enemy attack, annoyeva melnyk, i will tell you in more detail, annoyeva, i welcome you . greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is working, and we will tell you about the most important things, including what is happening at the front, and of course, we will start this issue from the situation in kyiv, our correspondent dmytro didora is working there in the morning, in a few moments we will know about... the most important thing, stay with us, there are ten victims in kyiv as a result of the morning russian missile attack, two of them were hospitalized, among them an 11-year-old girl, and the other doctors provided assistance on the spot. in
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the morning, russia launched on the capital.


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