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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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here he is trying to achieve at least some positive consequences for himself, but, to be honest, lately he is not succeeding at all, he is experiencing losses. mr. chief of the press service, well, accordingly, we would like to ask you about the situation with artillery ammunition and , in general, with the artillery component on the front line in bakhmut and the vicinity of bakhmut. perhaps, if it is not a secret, perhaps at least some... one fresh projectile arrived from the president of the czech republic, well, but you have my word, well, after the heavy fighting in the ardeiv direction ended, the russian the troops strengthened the artillery component precisely in our direction, that is, there were a little more artillery barrels directly, they threw some in our direction, they have enough shells for today, they are trying to... constantly, both
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during the day and at night, as for us shells, of course, we need more, more and again more, and this is not such a bad word, it is really just a necessary front-line necessity for today and yesterday and tomorrow, no matter what, while the hostilities continue, regarding those shells that you you say, which have already begun to arrive to us in the first batch from our partners, western europe, then yes, we have something, something. mr. olezh, as for drones, we understand that now, while we are waiting for the supply of more ammunition from our allies and partners, to what extent are drones currently helping our military in carrying out certain actions on the front, and actually, what about the enemy has this, how far can we talk about parity in the matter of drones now? the drone
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is really such a good weapon for today innovative weapons that we began to use in the 22nd year, they really help in combat, they help precisely on the first line, where direct assault enemy actions are carried out, that is, they cause damage both to the personnel who are trying to assault and directly to armored combat vehicles, if... in terms of numbers, the enemy continues to be outnumbered directly by drones, he uses them on the first line - these are drones for skits, canication drones, already such a second line is a little further, he continues to use, directly, these are already lancets, which have more joy and work with uav reconnaissance, however, be that as it may, but we are learning to fight them, even setists... lancets, which are
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quite a significant threat to our equipment , for our fortifications, which are already behind the first line of battle, that is, it can no longer be said that he has a very significant number of hits in terms of percentage. mr. head of the press service, well, information has appeared that the enemy is quite active, well, within the limits of the available of mechanized resources, but uses the same b. p-3 as mobile artillery units, and accordingly, what is the situation in bakhmutskyi, how actively do they use armored vehicles actually, well, for the purpose of shelling, and how successful are these tactics in general, that with the armored vehicles of the enemy you have, well armored vehicles are combat armored vehicles, lightly armored, today we observe that they carry out
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directly under... units, they also really carry out one of their main functions - this is the direct support of their infantry offensive operations, what you say there, that they sometimes mock armored combat vehicles and put all kinds of other means of defeat on them, including are used... or even from the navy, from combat boats, it really exists, it is present, it is found on the front line, but it cannot be said that it is very massive, if you take it by the number, then they are not staffed on a regular basis, their subdivisions directly by combat vehicles, but they still have enough of them to launch offensive actions, but it should still be noted that because they have... not
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as many as they would like, even with the need to equip the unit, and they constantly lose. today we can observe an increase in the number of destroyed. automobile wheeled equipment, which has to be used immediately closer to the line of combat reporting, i.e. they try to compensate for the wheels with wheeled equipment and gaps with combat vehicles armored vehicles, which is why we can see records for the number of such vehicles destroyed today. mr. oleg, look , i would also like to ask you about...needs, we understand that there are always many of them, but we would also like to understand what the current needs are in terms of personnel, because we currently have parallel tracks, this is a draft law on the strengthening of mobilization, is being considered in the committee, accordingly it is being prepared for the second reading,
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mobilization is continuing in our country, although it is imperfect, but it is continuing, and actually we would like to understand what the current cadres are are needed at the front, in particular in your unit. of course, i will not say anything about another unit, i will say about our artillery brigade, today we are practically manned, and this is true, after all, heavy artillery, it does not suffer such significant losses than those units that are directly on the first line of the coastal collision, we still have it, if there was no improvement, we work from a distance, but nevertheless we suffer very inflict very significant losses. privorgu, so to say that we have such very urgent needs, i can't, and the ones that we have, in their own way, in principle , these full-time positions are filled, they are compensated, so we are doing well in this direction, and by the way, can i clarify a question, because now in
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scandals started again with tsk employees, and it is important for me to understand how the servicemen feel about it now, when they, if they have the opportunity, of course... to see the news, yes, sit on the internet, and when they see and observe situations where they are caught men on the street, what is the attitude in general military to these processes, because civilians now perceive the tsk as practically enemies, some, i am not talking about all, but there is a part of people who react very negatively, aggressively, and how the military reacts to it, in this case i do not i will not comment on this matter, but i will say that no matter what, protecting... one's home, even if it is too many kilometers from the first line of contact with the enemy, is still the duty of a real man. yes, mr. chief, the press service still wanted would like to clarify the situation with the fortifications
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, with our fortifications, i don’t know, the second, third, fourth line, maybe some supporting strategic fortifications are being built now, well, of course, we will not divulge any secrets, and what... for example, the enemy, as far as we understand, the enemy, in addition to certain offensive activities, also conducts entrenchment, so-called, well, yes, and what i have the opportunity to observe when i move between my positions are present, if we speak for our enemy, then he continues this tactic, the tactic, when he captures some positions, he is here... already occupied, they even have such, er, special units, such small units as swimmers , who are engaged in this very thing, if there are units that conduct combat operations, that continue to try to advance, then these, as soon as their, their
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comrade managed to advance a little somewhere, they really dig in right there, try to arrange their positions, he really digs deep enough... which deep into the ground, makes such peculiar burrows, makes such fortified engineering structures as much as he can, but of course we try not to let him do that and we do not try not to give him the opportunity to linger too long in some positions, nevertheless, no matter what there was, although today more and the enemy is conducting assault actions , but we continue to conduct an active defense, if we take the same one from bardanik that we mentioned today, then in this, there is a decent angle, we also knock out our thief from time to time from his position, we seize his positions and immediately
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begin to settle there. and if , for example, speaking, finally, i would just like to clarify, at the beginning of our conversation you mentioned these settlements, but the activity of the enemy in klishchiivka, andriivka and... in dyumivka, er, it is plus or minus at a stable level , is there a feeling that the enemy is gaining momentum there? you can say plus or minus, as you said, however, er... somewhere about a week ago, in this direction , closer to andrivka, he strengthened his group with three motorized riflemen by units of territorial intelligence, that is, this direction is also important for him and he tries to constantly carry out his assault actions so as not to give us peace here, and still in the hope that he will be able to achieve something and... in this direction, but how in general, this russian so-called tro is showing itself
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, well, if you participated in battles with them, that is , what they are, the level of equipment and so on, well, they are the same, you can say, partially mobilized, that is, today i would not said that they were burning with the desire to perish already on our land, before that, maybe they had such ideas that they would come here for... money and return alive and unharmed, but today this myth has already been shattered, they, if it wasn't there, would still continue to storm us, there are several such reasons, one of the reasons is that they are less afraid of us ukrainian defenders than their own, who are behind, we know of such cases when there were attempts to even surrender as prisoners by representatives of russia. army, infantrymen, and they were destroyed by their own, yes so to speak, comrades in arms
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who were in the same unit with them , especially if they try to push back, then those who, behind the blocking units behind them, do it with a greater desire and a greater desire, they are more or less equipped it’s okay, after all, if it wasn’t there, they have what the shooter needs, it’s available, it’s another matter how far they are provided with other necessary means, it’s like medical, there’s food, drinking water and so on, but they have cartridges and machine guns and grenades enough thank you, mr. olezh, oleg kalashnikov, head of the press service of the 26th separate artillery brigade named after general khorundzhy roman. was in direct contact with us from the bahamian direction, we will now go on a short break, after which
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approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svobolaya frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions, the premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, together stronger. the information day of the tv channel continues. thank you for waiting, so the chairman of the military committee rop bauer of the euro-atlantic community arrived in kyiv and warned against excessive pessimism regarding ukraine's chances in the war. yes, robbauer
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made a speech today at the kyiv security forum and... emphasized that pessimists do not win warriors, i am quoting now the head of the nato military committee, if the world may have been overly optimistic in 2023, we should not make the same mistake by becoming overly optimistic pessimistic this 24th year. rob bauer emphasized: if you look at the facts, there is every reason to be confident in ukraine's ability to achieve good luck, quoting rob bauer now, you see him. the only thing you need is our help. countries, members of nato and many other countries of the world provide unprecedented support to ukraine and this has really changed the situation for the better, but ukraine needs more and more support. and here the key story, of course, it does not depend on rob bauer, it depends on the united states, in particular on
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the congress, on the activity of the presidential administration of joseph biden and so on. well , let's do it. that they saw everything that was necessary, how the enemy was attacking kiev in threes dozens of missiles, yes, and thanks to the selfless work of our air defense, the missiles managed to be landed, neutralized and so on, but let them be activated as soon as possible, and by the way, if we are talking about the visits of high-ranking officials, then, as antin mentioned, in us these days really... a lot of senior officials and jake sullivan's briefing yesterday - i'll remind you of joseph biden's national security adviser , well yesterday he was asked by reporters about the atakams, he said i don't have anything for you today news, regarding aid to ukraine, is there a plan b in the biden administration, he also said
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that there is no plan b, they are counting on plan a, plan a still involves the position of everything. greece, that is, the house of representatives and the senate, which should actually vote for 60 billion, which they will be ready to allocate to ukraine. we will now add viktoria ptashnyk, a member of the kyiv city council, to our broadcast, and we will talk with her about the consequences of the massive attack on the capital. ms. victoria, glory to ukraine, ms. victoria, congratulations, glory, well that, we would like to ask you to sum up how the kyiv city council gives itself. kyiv city authorities in overcoming the consequences of massive shelling, we thank our air defense fighters who shot down russian missiles, well, everything else is up to the executive bodies of kyiv, here is the word for you, definitely absolute thanks, of course to the heroes of the armed forces of ukraine and the air defense forces, because i can't imagine, if
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it wasn't for them today, if it weren't for their participation, what would have ended... and some of our deputies of the kyiv city council, despite the fact that the session is currently underway, actually in some places of destruction , certain people are present there, well, they are probably fixing, they are helping to fix the evidence base, and they are actually working with the residents in order to fix what kind of help they need and respond accordingly, but instead, we have certain programs for... defense, where certain assistance may be allocated from the budget of the city of kyiv, there are also deputy funds, which are also, well, they are not huge from a point of view. to okeyan, yes, but nevertheless they are, so i think that i will advise those citizens who suffered on
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it is a pity, from this mass attack, to turn to the deputies, representatives of the respective district, well, at least for this, for receiving this financial aid as well. mrs. victoria, we would also like to talk with you about the scandal with the ex-chief of the kyiv metro, and... today we also received news that the director of kyivpass-trans, dmytro levchenko , has also resigned from his position, we do not know the reason for his dismissal, but the fact that he resigned after the scandal with the manager, already the ex-manager of kyivskyi metro, well, explain it, does it have some kind of interconnection, yes, or after all, these are two parallel tracks, and these releases are not related to each other, for yours, let's go, i will not talk about ... because i have no information about the reasons for his dismissal, who made the decision, what and so on, but i can definitely talk about the subway and the situation with
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the kyiv subway, because it was on our initiative of european solidarity that a commission on subway issues was created in the kyiv city council, and we we are currently investigating the causes the accident of the tunnel on the blue branch and some other issues, in particular regarding operation. and the state of other branches of the metro, and today we started our day in the kyiv city council by demanding a report from the public director of the transport department of the knda, and regarding the situation with the metro, and the ex-head of the kyiv metro, as well as viktor braginskyi. and why do we demand it? you know, the position of european solidarity is that no official, no official can leave his post without a public report. after those journalistic investigations that you and i have seen, it seems to me that it is simply unacceptable to resign and act as if nothing is happening, our
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temporary control commission, it has already held a number of meetings, requested separate documents from the kyiv metro to find out the causes of the accident , but we still haven't received answers to all the questions, in particular we still don't have an estimate. the impact of the construction of two objects, in particular around this section of the tunnel that was destroyed, and i mean the blue branch and this section between the subway lybetskaya and dymiivskaya. we also still have not received the contract for the construction of this section of the tunnel. we simply don't have records from the logs, and they have internal logs, the kyiv metro has internal logs where they record. the condition of the tunnel, because we want to see what dates were recorded by the relevant workers when such violations were first noticed in
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this tunnel, did it happen suddenly, or are they still the consequences of negligence, and therefore, since we were not provided with these documents at the tcc , we, as a faction of european solidarity, of course demand reporting and answers to this question at the session of the kyiv city council, because we believe that this question is extremely relevant. and the people of kyiv should know the truth about what is happening with the repair of the metro, and the second issue, of course, is the metro to vynodar, because we do not understand how it is that in 2019 , a contract was signed for the construction of a corresponding tunnel in order for the metro to vinohradar worked, and then it turns out that in the 23rd year we learn that the contractors were allegedly unscrupulous, there are some legal proceedings going on and the corresponding contract. ceases, yes, dissolves, then what to wait for four years? for four years you did not see that the contractor was unscrupulous
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, what was going on, well , you can’t fool the people of kyiv that you will have a subway here, and then after three years say: oops, the contractors are unscrupulous, well, we will now announce a new tender and to collect new contractors, this should not be the case, that is why we are definitely for transparency and for the answers to these questions to be given to the people of kyiv, as in... rather, yes, and there is also one extremely loud resonant case study: the oldest, one of the oldest ukrainian markets, the kyiv summer market at the foothills, yes, it was put up for auction, and we understand that the average citizens of kyiv would rather preserve this market, someone would like, perhaps, so to speak, to join his in his business projects, and discussions are still ongoing, the initial price of renting the building was 2.5%. hryvnias per month, i don't know if it's a lot or a little, well, but at least it's a message from the national electronic exchange, and here's the mayor of kyiv
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klitschko stated the following at the meeting of the kyiv city council , quoting klitschko: he emphasizes that the condition of the lease is the preservation of functionality and the continuation of the operation of the market in terms of requirements for the tenant, reconstruction of the covered building, in particular its roof, repair of engineering communications, this is a fresh, fresh statement, literally she appeared there an hour ago. mrs. viktoria, please tell me what is happening around this extremely resonant case for the people of kyiv, so it actually started with this, with this statement of mera klitschko. our meeting, ah, you know what worries me, 2.5 million, i'm also in i don't have an answer as to how adequate the price is, but i know for sure that when there is competition at the auction and when there are interested investors, they compete with their price offers, and for this object, and in this way they increase its value, when for holding for the provision of price proposals, offers
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are given only five days and... 5 days, yes, this means that there will not be adequate competition there, and the legislation, i want to inform you, gives us permission to conduct such auctions and, rather, to set a deadline to provide pricing offers for participation in the auction from 5 to 35 days, why the department of communal property took the shortest period of 5 days, no one knows, and in particular i submitted my parliamentary appeal to the department of communal property. to explain their motivation , because well, when 5 days are taken, it means that, well , at least you want to believe that it is not so, but it means that there is no need for competition there, that there is someone who is already ready to pay there, but hey, friends, let's be honest, maybe other companies will come in, maybe they will compete, maybe a bigger one the price will be offered, and secondly, today at the session of the kyiv city council, i
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put parliamentary questions and this instrument of parliamentary control to mayor klitschko and... i asked him to also look into this situation, and if the auction is stopped and a new one is started, and klitschko promised exactly yes, then the maximum deadline for submitting price offers is 35 days, which is currently stipulated by the cabinet of ministers' resolution, at least in this way we will be able to ensure that as many investors as possible will be involved in this auction and they will really compete with their price offers, look there about some... projects have already started talking, well, we understand, the story is quite loud, the key thing is to make the market look normal and be a market, that is, there is no need for additional art space, give it away, you know, that is, the main thing is to preserve the functionality and make a transparent competition , in your opinion, what are the prospects, we literally have a minute left, but let's see , you know, when any story becomes public, resonant, and it has
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prospects for success and... the fact that you and i are this we are discussing, this is already the beginning of that success, so i believe in the best, let's discuss it, let's cover it, and i think it will also be interesting to the citizens of ukraine, and all active citizens, please also join and follow this situation, and by the way , the antimonopoly committee also invites you to follow, because it is within their competence to monitor whether there is competition at the auctions and whether there are no signs of distortion of the auctions, and i will definitely address a separate appeal to them regarding this situation as well. thank you sir. victoria, victoria ptashnyk, a member of the kyiv city council, was on our airwaves, we are now moving on, but i would like to briefly note that today, as a result of a missile attack by the russians, three enterprises of the food industry in the ukrainian capital were affected, this is the capital mill, kyiv translogik, and actually they supply and carry out transportation to strategic production enterprises, including the leading supplier of bread in kyiv, kyiv hlib, but
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they assure that there will be no interruptions in the supply of bread as a result of these attacks, so it is important to understand this, as well as we we bring this information to your attention, but you will soon find out more information from the presentation of our colleagues, the news editor and anna yevamelnik are ready to share this information with you, congratulations and we will actually give you the word about what this issue will be about. thank you, colleagues, in this issue i will tell you how much more financial aid ukraine will receive from such a country. a friendly country like estonia, and of course i will tell you about the consequences of an enemy attack. a loud explosion rang out in mykolaiv, according to information from the mayor oleksandr.
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the russians hit with ballistics.


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