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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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obviously not only about telegram, it is about all social networks, it is about the fact that ukraine should be protected from russian influence in social networks. we have a law on media, it regulates some social networks, such as, for example, youtube, but telegram, which you mentioned, and many other social networks remain outside its regulation. therefore , it is extremely important for us that all social networks should be able, that the state should be able to ensure that they are not used in... the russian federation, for this they it will be necessary to open representative offices in ukraine, in accordance with the european digital act, there too, if you want to work in europe, you must open representative offices, the law applies to those social networks that allow you to submit a news feed, this is possible, for example, in viber or in whatsapp or in the same telegram, this is not possible in a signal, and those who submit such a news feed must certainly be guided. rules, some of them are those that
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the state must have, must know who are the ultimate owners or beneficiaries of such networks, if they have a large coverage, society should be protected from broadcasting pornography, calls for the overthrow of the state system and other norms that apply, for example, to youtube already, of course, all this should also apply to other social networks, if any the social network is connected with russia, then it is definitely necessary to stop its use by... ukrainian state officials, as for private individuals, of course they can use it, because there is freedom of speech and we all respect freedom of speech, but in addition to freedom of speech, there is national security, if we talk about the same telegram and we know how many telegram channels there are of all these kiselov, sobchak, medvedev, who constantly pours mud on ukraine, obviously such information should not be distributed in ukraine, and should the national radospetenty would also be regulated...
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persuasion, as it does in relation to youtube, should be able to stop the dissemination of such information. very often these messengers or social networks are used as bots by the government institutions, and here too there is a problem, because if the servers are located on the territory of the russian federation, then obviously the russians can follow your every step through your phone. if you are in the same telegram, well, for example, give access to contacts and allow to show yours. location, and this is what most ukrainians do, then if these servers are in russia, the fsb will have full access in order to follow you, so all this definitely needs to be checked and regulated, protecting our state, not giving the russians additional weapons. well, by the way, i deleted telegram a few days ago, i hope, well, like yktok, and i don't want to be monitored somehow, it didn't get worse at all, i'll say briefly, about all the work, which is predictable. how much
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time can it take to submit it to the committee, first of all, and then to the session hall? well, i think that it will be registered either tomorrow or at the beginning of next week, colleagues will become co-authors, and then the committee will decide, i hope that all this will happen quickly, the support of the ukrainian state bodies, state institutions , there is a lot of speculation around this, where do these speculations come from, russian bots come in and start telling us that they are banning all telegram channels, they will all have to register with the national council, and we do not want to register, this our freedom, and when you later look at who writes it, it is very often written by people with blocked accounts, or not people, someone with a blocked account, and then other people pick up on it and start to believe it, the same telegram channels are sometimes wrong retell the essence of this draft law, without even getting acquainted with it, obviously for this there must... be explanatory work,
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because we will not restrict freedom of speech, but we must give the state the opportunity to always limit interference in our lives, the aggressor country, for that , in order to protect ourselves, in order to protect all of us, well, and one more thing, there were certain problems in the possibility or ability of the majority of the verkhovna rada of ukraine to work, and they started talking about the parliamentary crisis, as such, whether this issue is urgent now, does it actually make sense. it's not that the parliament will work, at least in the near future, and no, i can't talk about any crisis, well, it's not a crisis of the parliament, it's a crisis of the parliamentary majority, we actually have a majority, there were 250 of them, and now 170 are voting, and sometimes even fewer come, and apparently they have this crisis because they are dissatisfied with communication with the president's office, someone is dissatisfied with some other factors, someone is dissatisfied with the fact that they are not allowed abroad, for example, and someone does not see prospects for themselves in... activity because
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they went there in peacetime to distribute budget funds to themselves in the districts, and now there is no such possibility, and people simply lose motivation and understanding of what they are there for, it is very unfortunate, because... on the activities of state institutions during war is extremely important, but i hope that the office of the president will understand this, and the president himself, and will do everything to preserve the parliament, because it is impossible to hold the next elections, if there is no parliament, then to our democracy, which already has numerous restrictions in time of war, will our allies have many questions, and our support depends on this. and one more thing, i read and wrote about the fact that the committee, which is currently preparing this draft law on mobilization, was considering the issue of... the possibility of mobilization or voluntary enlistment of deputies of the verkhovna rada, well, i will not comment on anything here, just in case this, if there is such a thing, what do you think about it, in general, is it not just populism to a certain extent, and not an effective solution that has little
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effect on the polyba, i think, well , directly, and the second when possible to expect the completion of work on this draft law, which the country is really waiting for, is it meant to mobilize? voting? oh, well, i think it was a big mistake to throw all these quarrels about mobilization into the public space, the president or the government should have prepared an effective, wise law and submitted it, because the state really needs it, but without those distortions and restrictions on human rights, which were in the first version of the submitted bill, i hope that it will be passed quickly, as for the deputies, well listen, there are not even 450 deputies anymore, and less than 400, this will not change the situation... deputies are representatives of the government elected by the people, that is, imagine that there is no government in the country, but if all the deputies go to the front, in the country there will be no government, and this is, of course, exactly what russia wants, because who will communicate with whom in a country where there is no government, no one
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can appoint a cabinet of ministers, adopt a law, we have a parliamentary-presidential republic, instead, deputies and now have the opportunity to resign and leave to the front, and i, for example, have such thoughts. often arose, it's just that i am a majority from the district and i have certain obligations to the people, if i leave, my party will not count one of the votes, so i try to be effective in the parliament, but if i were a list officer, i would be very serious thought about it, because then the next person on the list comes in, and there is such a temptation, when the full-scale invasion began, all of us, at least from our faction , all men with european solidarity, a lot of women went to the units territorial... defense and were in kyiv throughout the offensive period with weapons in their hands, and then when the registration began, when the russians were rejected, it was a choice, because it is forbidden for a deputy to engage in any activity, or to work in the verkhovna rada, or to go to the army, and since elections cannot be held,
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it is very important to maintain the stability of the verkhovna rada, so to a large extent it is natural, it is natural populism. thank you very much, mr. mykola, for your comments, for joining, take care, have a nice evening. well, this question is really spreading here as for the hype, regarding the deputies in the trenches, we understand that it’s a little more than a company, there are two companies, and they definitely won’t determine anything, well, i say, then let’s put the national bank, the constitutional court, the government, everyone in the trenches and the authorities don’t there will be, there will be a republic of gulyaipil like this, my father, we need to increase the budget, we need the supreme council, and there are no more deputies, we are not increasing the budget, we are not increasing the budget, you need some expenses, treatment, and there is no one to make a decision, sorry, well, there is no money at all , go take it on... the bank in the trenches , everything is closed there, well, that is, it is populism, it populism, hype, which will not really change anything, but it can shake people's brains a little. yes, now serhiy zgorets , the director of the defense agency, the leader of the military summaries of the day column, will speak with us. sergey,
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congratulations. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our military column, we will talk about the nitty-gritty details of the night enemy missile attack on ukraine in addition to the official information. and already known information, and with an expert from poland we will try to find out at what stage the military and defense-industrial cooperation between kyiv and warsaw and how poland is preparing for war with the russian federation. more on that in a moment. so, today is the night of march 21. carried out another massive combined missile attack , in which 11 strategic bombers, then 95, launched 29 cruise missiles of the kh101 type, the main target of the attack was kyiv, and at the time of the approach of these
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cruise missiles to the capital around 5 am, the enemy launched two more air ballistic missiles iskander otrk launch missiles. as a result of actions. air defense, in general all enemy missiles were shot down and the previous one is somewhat similar the attack on the capital was on february 15, if we compare these two attacks, what can we say, then 12 guided missiles were used, half as many as today, but then there was more ballistics, and then, if we remember , the enemy is also using north korean missiles, which were launched from the voronezh region, and at the same time this hypersonic zircon missile was used for the first time, just then the enemy launched 26 missiles, and of them... managed to shoot down half of them, 13 units. now all 29 cruise
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missiles and two aeroballistic missiles from iskander, this is actually such a ground dagger , if you say, because the dagger is the same missile for the iskander trk, which is launched from the mig 31. so, all these missiles were shot down today, and this is an extremely high indicator, which indicates, first of all, a high the effectiveness of our anti-aircraft defense and that foreign media do not write there. we have enough to shoot down enemy missiles, and the meeting in ramstein shows that we will also have supplies to our arsenal, missiles that are used to shoot down enemy targets, because supplies have been promised means to those complexes that are at the disposal of the ukrainian army, but some of them, even a small part of enemy rockets were shot down within the limits of the capital itself, and according to the reports of the kyiv city... administration, there is damage to several high-rise buildings, in which
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the windows were blown out by the blast wave, there was the fire of a transformer substation there, which was later extinguished, several cars, and so on, however, from its own sources, the defense express agency learned certain details to supplement the information disseminated by the general staff. first, regarding the x101 missiles. debris of the show. that these missiles were manufactured in the third quarter of last year, the fourth quarter of last year and the first quarter of 24 . this once again confirms that now the enemy uses everything it has time to produce for strikes, and the missiles immediately leave the factories, relatively speaking, immediately go to the air bases, where they are loaded with flight tasks, which are then used for strikes on... in ukraine , but these a-101 missiles in use today did not have the
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versions that were in the attacks on february 15, when there were special heat traps and so on, these heat traps, this time there was no such thing in these a-101 missiles, standard versions of the g-101 were used. the second important detail is precisely about explosions, explosions and so on, so of all the downed missiles, and there were exactly 31 of them, only in... missiles did the combat part of the downed missile detonate, there are certain explanations here, why, why combatants parts usually don't detonate, why don't they explode, but today we saw a number of photos where there are actually ruptures that are a consequence of the detonation and explosion of combat parts, so there were actually five such cases, these are four kha-101 missiles and one ... rocket from iskander, but i will say that it is almost a miracle that all of them
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exploded near houses, there the minimum distance in one case was about 30 m to house, in another case 150 m, in the case of the detonation of a combat unit from iskander there, there was somewhere that exploded within the boundaries of the houses on the district, so there was somewhere 150 m to the house, and these... explosions are, well, significant, but the wonder is that none of these combat units hit the houses themselves, because, if there were such accidental hits, the consequences could be much more tragic, especially if the residents could ignore the alarms and not go down into the bomb shelters, so in any case we understand that ... this time on our side as there was always not only anti-aircraft defense, but also god himself, who actually covered
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the capital, so these are the main points that can be made about this enemy missile attack on the capital, and this time, by the way, this attack also affected the behavior of our neighbors this time, the aviation of poland, when the bombers went up there, there were 95, and immediately f-16s were raised in poland, which carried out in... the protection of the airspace of poland, in order to avoid those cases when russian missiles flew into russian territory and then fragments of these missiles were found on the territory of poland, this then caused the first political clarifications in the political and military leadership of our neighboring country, then we will talk about the components related to poland's preparation for -e new threats, about how
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a transformation is taking place in poland, and now a polish expert on international and security issues, head of the poland-ukraine research center, dariusz materniak, mr. dariusz, welcomes you to the sresa channel, i am very glad that you found the time for our viewers, good evening, congratulations, there are currently processes taking place that relate to the fact that the threats associated with the actions of the russian federation are growing and many polish politicians, many... polish military personnel, former military personnel are talking about the need to prepare for a clash with the russian federation, in particular general andrzejczak there , if it seems like he is the former chief of the general staff, literally the day before yesterday he spoke about the fact that in two years or earlier there or later, all the same combat clashes
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between the nato countries and poland with the russian federation are as follows there will be, but as against the background of such statements now... what changes are taking place in polish society and in the polish army itself in terms of countering such a threat and preparing for hostilities? well, first of all, it must be said that it is not just general andrzejczyk about this said, if i'm not mistaken, the head of the national security bureau was the first to express such an opinion, this is a structure that works within the administration of the president of poland.
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many people still do not understand this in poland, and this is the main task of the state, which is similar to the state, to make people understand that the defense capability of the country is a problem of the whole society, and not only of certain parts of it. mr. daryush, how can these new threats still be considered through the prism of ukrainian-polish relations, because now the situation with the blocking of farmers' borders came to the fore, and we with... we talked about the fact that military cooperation, defense and industrial cooperation between poland and ukraine actually continues and is developing quite dynamically, i would like you to appreciate these common points. projects, at what stage they are, are there things that, well, conditionally speaking, really confirm that military cooperation, military interaction between our
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countries remains, well, sufficiently powerful and promising, well, actually, actually yes, for the last few, actually months, you can to say, it would be quite difficult to hear something specific about what exactly this cooperation looks like...
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the security of poland also directly depends on the outcome of the war that is currently being fought in ukraine, that is, it is important for poland
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that ukraine becomes the winner in this war that is happening now, and i can't help but ask about the individual contracts that we are concerned about, that we are interested in, first of all we are talking about this powerful procurement contract. a significant number of crab howitzers from polish manufacturers, this contract, well, according to the previous ones according to the data, it should be completed this year , that is, in fact, all howitzers should be delivered by the end of the 24th year, is there any official information regarding the dynamics of the execution of this order, i have not seen such information yet, but it is necessary to keep in mind that there and if there's any of that out there...
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these are important things that you're talking about, and you mentioned ammunition, i'd like to ask about ammunition just in that broader european context, because the european commission has decided to allocate 500 million euros for so that european manufacturers increased the production of munitions there at the beginning to two million per year and each company in different countries received certain orders, but it so happened that for these 500... poland received for some reason only 2 million euros, and this caused, well, certain surprises in the expert opinion environment, even in the ukrainian environment, as i understand it, and in
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poland. there were surprises, why so little money is directed specifically to the polish defense industry, which should produce ammunition, do you have an explanation why this happened, will there be any changes? yes it happened simply because the polish companies were simply transferred at the moment when applications for this money were submitted, quite a few of these applications were submitted, except for two applications for...
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for important explanations that indicate that defense-industrial cooperation between between ukraine and poland continues and is at a fairly good level, and i will remind our viewers that it was dariusz materniak, the head of the poland-ukraine research center, and when we talk about cooperation with poland, i will remind you that we are purchasing, well, impact munitions wormyit, which are used to attack the enemy, we are actively using polish
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anti-aircraft guns... which are currently working for our artillery in conjunction with polish crab howitzers, which destroy the enemy, we received, and now we are just seeing bplly of polish production, we received a batch of beters from poland rosomak, we also use polish-made piorun manpads air defense systems, we received e-125 air defense systems, we received assistance related to the complex. in c-200, i.e. many directions that today between poland and ukraine are quite stable, and against the background these troubles on the border, connected with the actions of polish farmers, in fact, we should not forget that there are more reliable ties between our countries, which are extremely important in the conditions when we have a common enemy, the russian federation, which, apart from hostilities on the territory
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of ukraine, this also leads to an attack on nato countries. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news, later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i thank serhii zgorets, i thank his guest, these were the military results of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue with the second hour of the great ether ahead, a lot of interesting and important information awaits you world about ukraine with yuriy afizr, money during the war with oleksandr morchyvka, cultural news from lina shuchenina and weather from natalka didenko. well, now i want us to remember the heroes who, with their blood, their lives, their health, and their loyalty, protected kyiv two years ago on march 21, and drove the enemy away from the village.


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