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tv   [untitled]    March 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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it will be better for us, a special view of events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together, i congratulate you, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur, for the first time since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of kyiv. chairman of
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the nato military committee, rob bauer, came to visit. he stated that ukraine needs not only grenades, but also additional mobilization to replace the dead and wounded. how it was understood in kyiv, we will talk soon, but first we will show you the consequences of the missile attack on the ukrainian capital. let's start. last night, russian troops launched a massive missile attack on ukraine in the armed forces. declared that they shot down 31 missiles in kyiv and the kyiv region, 29 cruise missiles, two ballistic ones, as reported by the head of the kyiv military administration serhiy popko, this is the first shelling of kyiv in the last 44 days. buildings, multi-story apartment buildings, cars were damaged, fires broke out in the city, 13 people were injured, four of them are in the hospital. the russian ministry of defense explained the shelling of kyiv with strikes on the decision-making centers of the armed forces. it is so very.
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the kremlin's narrative about decision-making centers. in fact , civilians were injured. radio liberty journalists spoke with them and filmed the consequences of the attack. on thursday night, russia launched a missile attack on kyiv , more than 30 cruise missiles flew at the capital and the region and ballistic. the air force managed to shoot down all the targets, but... missiles fell in three districts of the capital. there was an alarm, i was in the corridor, there was a powerful bang and a powerful impact from the side of the kitchen, as if something had flown. i saw through the door that the fire had already started, i have dogs, i took them, they couldn't get out at first, because the entrance door to the street was already on fire, i took them in my arms, we jumped out the door, i took them to the fourth entrance , and ran home. i still have cats, i
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haven't found them yet, and it was already burning here, then it was already in everything was smoking, cars were on fire, there was an explosion, everyone was evacuated from the house, then she came in and was very happy, they came with the police, i had a microwave, it was so big, so metal, so, and i say, maybe it’s from the microwave, they they say, no , it was like that there...
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there was an explosion, a fire and that was it, nothing more, all the people jumped out, then they started to evacuate the whole house, where to sit on the bench now , sit there, okay, i heard an alarm at first, then explosions, unfortunately, we cannot go down into the storage, because my mother is already an old woman, 90 years old, i went into her room, the balcony opened, maybe there was the first explosive wave, and the balcony opened, i went to close it myself... at that time there was an arrival here and the balcony door fell on me, i was injured, took dry napkins because i was bleeding, i couldn't call anyone, my son called, i couldn't even explain to him what happened to us, he asks, mom, what's wrong with you, i say, but i can't say, the ambulance gave me first aid , they took me to the hospital, they sewed stitches, put them on my lip, and the main thing is that i'm alive, you see, leftovers frame, it's all an aluminum structure,
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it all flew from above, 80% of the windows, the frames are all knocked out, they are subject to full replacement to... the icons are large, everything, thank god, remained whole, there are several broken icons, there is a crack in the temple on the first equal, they often say, we are wounded, but not broken, the enemy wants to break our spirit, including through destruction, but we cannot be broken, because the truth is on our side, so we see that there is great damage, and it will be necessary put a lot of effort into rebuilding and again... well so that in this church, as before this attack , a prayer for our army, for our victory, for the just peace that we are waiting for, we will rebuild all this, the church will become even better, our prayer for ukraine will be even louder, people they came, they asked, they
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asked, they asked, maybe there is some help, for now we ask not to come dangerously, as soon as we can clean it all from above, and then we will clean up slowly. people are ready to help, and we thank them very much, alarm, air defense explosions began, and then a big one the explosion blew out the windows, thank god, i was in another room, i was in the bedroom facing the other side, that is, i was lucky, it's good that i'm not on the sofa, because i like to watch tv sometimes, my second birthday. everything is fine, there are no victims in our house, this is the most important thing, everything else will be restored, rebuilt, and we will live on. ihor romanenko, retired lieutenant general, deputy chief of the general staff from 2006 to 2010, has already joined our broadcast.
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good evening. good evening to you too. if he is good? well, yes, there is one. see, in the armed forces of ukraine announced today that they shot down all the missiles. a total of 31 missiles, allegedly 29 cruise missiles, two ballistic, but from the photos and videos we have seen, the impression is that this is either not the result of a fall, the result of a hit, or maybe it is some other missiles, fragments of which have much worse consequences , than before, because people say that they also heard explosions, and we see that there is a lot of destruction, buildings, cars, please tell me, do you admit that some part of the missiles was not shot down, or as you explain such great destruction by only fragments? i explain this by the rather large-scale use of various types of missiles,
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meaning both cruise and ballistic missiles, and the formation of an air strike, from the point of view of anti-aircraft missile defense specialists. which has the name star, it means that the routes of the missiles are built on the object in such a way that they come to the object simultaneously a-a from different sides, it is possible from the point of view that these routes can be programmed, and precisely today happened, well, for some time, in this regard, it is a very difficult... strike, because anti-aircraft defenses actually have to work from all sides at the same time, besides, most likely, successful targets were used, and here you have to try to distinguish at the same time, when this strike is repelled, combat
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and remote targets, i.e. do not shoot at remote ones, but shoot only at combat ones, i.e. it is the most difficult. uh, the kind of strike they used, and this is the first time, this is the first time they've used this tactic, well, to one degree or another, they're improving all the time, that's understandable, and this time, in my opinion, as an anti-missile defense expert, they 've got a lot going on this, and that's why we have this kind of fallout, you know why i'm asking this because... more literally the other day, the telegraph newspaper wrote that in the coming weeks, ukraine may face a critical shortage of missiles for air defense, and that, if now ukraine can shoot down four out of five missiles there, it may soon happen that only one out of five rockets will be shot down, and that allegedly
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the kremlin is very well aware of this, and there they are waiting for the moment when there will be no forces and missiles left for air defense in ukraine, and then such strikes as today will increase, at least for several days the telegraph wrote about it, well, we know this without a telegram, that is, we have more than... two years of a large-scale war there were several times such periods when - missiles, anti-aircraft projectiles for means of anti-missile defense were in obmmel, unfortunately, because the russians have enough means of attack, they produce them themselves, and we have a small amount of protective equipment, especially...
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and that is why we sometimes have to choose what to fire at, in what way, what possibilities and so on, although it is clear that the anti -aircraft anti-missile defense of the capital is the best in our country, and compared to the objects there in europe, it is the same, well.. . is not enough , it is clear that we definitely do not have enough means of defense in such conditions, if we pay attention to the decisions that took place at the 20th meeting of ramstein, then the question regarding ammunition, and ammunition not only for artillery, but also for anti-aircraft defense, means electronic warfare and so on, stood in the first place. well , in addition, in order to reduce such influence, it is necessary to engage
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in active defense, that is, first of all, it is necessary to strike pre-emptively, the americans do not issue long-range missiles in this regard, and if they do, other allies are also targeting them, such as the germans, and so on. in addition, it is well known that aviation is not provided. f-16, and now we are already fighting, probably for griping, when sweden became a nato country, this is an artificial political decision, which is postponed to the american in connection with their approaches in relation to not there was an intensification of hostilities, an escalation, firstly, secondly, that means an attitude so that the enemy does not use means. mass impression means primarily nuclear weapons, but in such conditions we
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have to perform difficult tasks of anti-missile defense. and you said, er, at the beginning of our conversation, that such tactics were used when several rockets move at one object from several directions at once. well, from a public source , it is reported that this object could be building. of the main directorate of intelligence, well , or several buildings, objects of the main directorate of intelligence, do you agree with this, that this is exactly how it could be? well, it could be, it is such a term that can be explained by anything, and therefore it is clear that in this war, kyiv, as such a square object, is no longer a goal, not a goal, taking into account the fact that... that were used, they are quite accurate, let's say,
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modern missiles, and therefore they can choose point targets on a square object, like kyiv, like our capital, and certainly, in this case focuses on, let's say, the objects of making the so-called decision, which means the military-political leadership, the leadership... commissioned by the main development department and so on of our main structures that organize the defense of our state. you know, we, all of us, well, many of us live in kyiv, and we hear these so-called attacks with our own ears, but many people remarked today, with whom i spoke, of course, these are people not related to the army, many of them , our colleagues, they noted that this night there was some other, other sounds of rockets, otherwise... they were banging , otherwise they were flying, someone mentioned some kind of noise, it is assumed that it might have been some other
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missiles that russia had not used before, did you notice something similar, this is what they sent to me, we discussed and placed the appropriate posts in the information environment, at this time, well, in this air strike, a new missile may have been used. that is , missiles, why attention is paid to hypersonic missiles, it means that the speed of the missile - these are ballistic missiles, has a speed. more than five speeds of sound or wave yes the so-called number due to the fact that, if they gain such speeds, they are actually very heavy targets and means of anti-aircraft defense, and well, the iskander missile does not have such a speed, and in order to increase
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them, they launch them, as you know, the mig-31 is destroyed dagger. and that means it's an iskander missile that's been upgraded to be launched from an aircraft, and then the speed of the aircraft is added to the speed of the missile, and the speed of such a target increases by more than five machs, and that's why the missile is called then, hypersonic, quasi with hypersonic, tobby, if, in fact, there is no such speed, but due to the launch from the plane, it gains it and becomes more difficult for the means of anti-missile, primarily anti-missile defense, are these russian, are these russian missiles, or could they be some imported ones? no, well, of course the russian iskander is an operational-tactical missile complex, and
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missiles can be launched both cruise and ballistic, ballistic we are talking about them... we believe, but if this iskander missile is launched from an airplane, then its name is, dagger, this missile, and the mig-31 plane, which means dagger, they are hers they are launched with a dagger, besides, they have already conducted exams, since the 22nd year there, putin has pompously taken part in setting the tasks of the ship, which went on full duty. in the north sea, so the zircon, that is, this missile itself, already has a speed of more than five machs, that is, five times the speed of sound, and it was already noted in previous strikes, perhaps this was precisely the use of this kind of missile, and
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since new means are applied in... then new sounds can occur and be recorded in those that we heard in this strike. thanks for comment. ihor romanenko, retired lieutenant general, deputy chief of the general staff, 2006-10, we talked about the weapons with which russian troops attacked ukraine today. thank you very much. nato considers it necessary for ukraine to fail, to demobilize, the head of nato's military committee, rob bauer, said today at the kyiv security forum. bauer emphasized that the nato military delegation visited ukraine for the first time since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. this shows that nato and ukraine have become closer, than ever before, he said. well, listen to his statement on mobilization. you
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now know for yourself that war affects everyone. like it or not, it's about people. about the people, not about new grenades, not about new bmps and new tanks, you need and we need new soldiers, soldiers die, soldiers are wounded, and then it is about conscription into the army, all aspects that are currently being discussed for nato as well, this an important and complex problem, it is not only about technical means, it is about people, about support from the whole society. it is not only about the words and actions of the chief of the general staff, this is a general responsibility. well, the meeting with bauer was also reported by the head of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi, and according to the commander-in-chief's facebook post, they discussed the situation on the battlefield and ukraine's needs in air defense systems and ammunition. well, returning to the mobilization, the prime minister
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of ukraine denys shmehal announced that the mobilization measures will be less large-scale than those. the numbers that the military previously announced were, let me remind you, about 500,000 people in an interview with bloomberg, shmygal said that the armed forces of ukraine allegedly have a reserve and that they have already started rotating servicemen, so there is no need to mobilize half a million people at the moment. let me remind you that ukrainian deputies and the government are currently working on a new bill on mobilization. at the beginning of february, the verkhovna rada approved it in the first reading, before the second reading more than 400 amendments were proposed. in particular, the offer to reduce. the age of those mobilized up to 25 years caused particular indignation of politicians, although the other day in kyiv was us senator lynsey graham. he also called on ukrainian legislators to quickly pass the law. draft on mobilization and even questioned the release of men under the age of 27 from the army. and roman lozynskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, voice and former
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serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, a participant in hostilities, joins our broadcast. roman, good evening. good evening. you, you heard the statement of the military chairman of the nato military committee. he said yes, and grenades are needed, but extra mobilization is also necessary to replace the dead and wounded. and that's pretty bold. a statement from a military foreigner, especially against the background of such soothing rhetoric of denys shmegal, what do you think about this statement, how do you think it should be understood or understood in kyiv? you know, i think there should be a certain hierarchy of those people who communicate the topic of mobilization, the need for mobilization, mobilization plans and motivational or informational appeals to citizens, and... at the top of this hierarchy is none other than the president of ukraine. yes, there are people's deputies there, because they are adopt a law, we have a committee on specific issues of security and defense, and this is all true, but
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we hear shmygal, it is very good, we hear what our international partners think about it, and it is also important for us to hear it, no matter how who did not perceive, more ethically, less ethically, their specific comments about people, about people's mobilization, not... people's ammunition, but unfortunately, the president of ukraine at this stage stepped down, he is responsible, according to the constitution, for mobilization, he stepped down , in my opinion, the president should have unite all the responsible persons in our country, the minister of defense, the chairman of the commander-in-chief, the chairman of the chief of staff, key people's deputies, including the opposition, to come out and tell the people that the topic of mobilization is not a topic of flight... speculation, it is not the topic of scoring political points, it's not a popular topic and we're never going to please people by talking about a real, real need, but we're talking about it
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together as a team, it should happen, and then it would be a lot easier, i'm sure and adopt the bill, and people to believe that this draft law is now needed and is really aimed at our victory, defense and liberation of the territories, this is not the case, and here we see that the snitch is included, it is very important, but what is the snitch for? well, the head of the government, i don’t know what he was talking about, the head of the government, the government bill, well, formally, i see a discussion inside, you know, first of all, a full-scale invasion, i spent more than a year in the combat zone, carrying out tasks with my unit, for my fellow citizens, this is a bill on demobilization, on honest, that's fair, just tell me when this right will be for rotation for... demobilization, and it really should be, let these terms not be the ones that different politicians want to voice there, because there were different trades, 12, 24,
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36, those for months they have been saying that, i don't know, it's pies in the bazaar, but it really needs to be evaluated and it's really important to people, my brothers, for example, because they went as volunteers, and while we're having discussions in warm kyiv, in warm rooms after a warm lunch, they are relieved from it. no longer becomes for my others comrades, who may not be 27 years old now , they say to me: roman, why, when there was still a diligent commander-in-chief, why doesn’t the president go out to the people and say: we need mobilization in this form, in this format, next to me, the commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi, minister umyerov is there with me, this did not happen, it happened, i will tell you that there is a military leadership, they want something, they voice something, but this is not necessary, said zelenskyi. we don't need 500 00, now a scumbag comes out and says: we don't 500,000 is needed, and it turns out that we have good public figures of the state, and there are bad ones,
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the bad ones are those who voice the needs, which are usually in military uniform, and the good ones are those who are politicians, they are eliminated and try to tell people , not everything is so terrible, don’t we need such a large number of mobilized people , there is no more trust, look, you said a lot of things, i have a reason literally for a sentence for... and to ask an additional question shmyhal, he said that the armed forces of ukraine supposedly have a reserve and what they are already they started mobilization, rotation, i apologize, and that is why there is no need to mobilize so many people, i now leave the number of 300-500 in parentheses, the very fact, as shmyhal says, that the rotation has started, is it true what your comrades tell you? first of all, we understand that a number of combat... units, which have the most combat experience, unfortunately for them and fortunately for our country, carry out their service almost without
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rotation. there are divisions in which the rotation took place from the beginning of 2023 in fact, there are also such, is this a full-scale phenomenon and is this a fair phenomenon, no , unfortunately, no, so i want to add here, when we talk about mobilization now, it is important, it is really important, we have three components now in the verkhovna rada, the first, as you rightly mentioned, this is a government bill on the mobilization of people and various related things, the second. this is the mobilization of resources. seven months ago, the special committee in the parliament, in which i work, approved a bill to legalize the support of the security and defense forces from local budgets. so, i think the vast majority of those who are listening to us now, they will be shocked by the fact that the local budget, that is, communities, there are local councils, when they allocate funds for drones, for pickups, they transfer them to the accounts of
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military units, this is illegal, to them is coming with inspections, instead of promoting and, on the contrary, motivating to do it. there is a bill that legalizes this support, it does not say that it will be possible to buy tanks, no, licenses are needed for this, only the state can take on such a function, but local councils, sorry, drones, pickups, thermal imagers, the other thing that is needed is the mobilization of resources, this is what will give confidence to our fellow citizens to go voluntarily or on the advice of the military and know that i will have a drone that will be above me... watch the situation , scout and save my life, i have an fpv drone or something that will storm the enemy landing, not me with a machine gun, and this is what is necessary, and the third component is motivation, primarily now financial and material, we are at this stage of a full-scale war and in general a war that russia started 10 years ago, they should to say: patriotism remains, faith in the country remains, but to this motivation
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we must add... payments for damaged enemy equipment, this is the initiative of my colleague roman kostenko, together with him, by the way, we submitted this to different factions, this must be added to the table discussion of mobilization, not only the first bill, by the way, also about the bill on mobilization, i will say that now there are many discussions around this idea of ​​mobilizing men under the age of 25, yes, i just want to remind you, because i do not understand anything here at all, look.. on may 30 last year, volodymyr zelenskyi the verkhovna rada has already adopted a bill that allows lowering the age of those who are mobilized to 25 instead of 27, and so far volodymyr zelenskyi has not signed this bill, now this proposal is appearing in a new bill on mobilization, and they are starting to discuss what is happening, you can you explain this is a very good question, i
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can't. explain what is happening because , for example, this is a specific fact that you mentioned, this is the signature of the president, he has 10 days to veto and say: i do not agree with these rules, change them, and then vote, i will sign, or sign, nothing else is given, ignore, pay no attention to it, pretend that nothing was voted on, the president has no such constitutional powers, he is the supreme commander, i let me remind you, he ... er is responsible for ensuring that er mobilization takes place constantly, continuously, and those topics that concern, for example, the age of 27, and now the verkhovna rada has voted 25, he is responsible for this and he must occupy position, do not sign, remove, this is not a position. today, in the verkhovna rada, we had a proposal to put on the agenda for consideration the legalization of support by local
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self-government. security and defense forces 219 out of the required 226, that is, do we really want to conduct mobilization or do we not want to conduct it, because in addition to mobilizing people and changing the age, we need to mobilize all possible resources for this, and we have such that one hand says: hey, hey, we will do something, and the other one either does not sign what has already been agreed, or keeps her deputies there under control, let's be honest, from the monomajority, so that they... do not support one or another bill for mobilizing resources, and there is a little, well, cognitive dissonance here. do you think that it is only a matter of politics, that some ukrainian politicians are simply afraid of becoming unpopular with the people, or are there other reasons? unfortunately, unfortunately, i have to say that it is very…


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