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tv   [untitled]    March 22, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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the intelligence of sumyshchyna is in touch with us, ms. andriana, we welcome you, congratulations, glory to ukraine, sumyshchyna is constantly under fire again recently, today, did the russian missiles pass by, the region and the city? well, like the whole of ukraine, a full-scale air alert has been going on since last night, and in the morning several explosions were heard, which were also heard in the regional center, well, in general, with... i will say that there is a certain escalation in our region, in particular, over the past day, about more than 10 territorial communities were affected, and if during the entire period in mainly such small villages that were located in the immediate vicinity of the border with the terrorist country suffered, but today they are starting to suffer deeper and deeper. communities, well, in particular, this
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is the mykolaiv community, which, before that, well, there were no cases of such, such destruction, of course, enemy shells hit the bilopol, vorozbyan communities, the velikopyseriv community in general, one can say it is being erased from the earth, and today the majority of the population leaves this community, leaves. well, only those who physically cannot to leave the territorial community, and they are usually bombarded with kamikaze drones, mortar attacks, artillery, but the last thing is that, in recent cases , explosive devices are being dropped behind drones, which simply scatter in different parts, so it is very dangerous today to move around... them points
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, especially in those where there were, there was information that the movements of drones were actually recorded, whether many people had already been evacuated from those communities that are constantly under fire, well, in order for us to understand the volume of evacuation, it was only in the last week a week from one territorial community from belykopyserivska, it is a small territorial community, more than 200 people left, and the actual evacuation continues, people do not want to leave, they hope that they can still return, usually they leave within their own district, of the okhtyr district, are moving to the city of okhtyrka, some of them are moving to the regional center, now we are observing an increase in the number of internally displaced persons who came precisely from the border settlements, that is, the evacuation continues,
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now it has been announced that in some communities the mandatory evacuation of the children's population is constantly being driven by volunteers, policemen, people working in humanitarian organizations, and they still convince the local population, at least temporarily , to leave dangerous dangerous settlements . again, if we talk about velika pyserivka, in fact, every second residential building is destroyed, and every day, again, enemy, enemy shells destroy civilian, civilian infrastructure, destroy private, private homes of people. how many people lived in velika pytsarivka before russia launched a full-scale invasion? i may be wrong with the exact number, well it is...
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about 20 thousand population, maybe i can't say the exact number right now, the russian telegram channels are spreading another fake that when there is an attack on the sums, young partisans will be sent from kyiv, young guys, now they are being recruited, they say, and now they will go to defend sums, do people believe such fakes that they say among themselves, or discuss some possible offensive, whether it is protected. rumors about possible danger regarding the offensive on sumy, on the sumy region , directly in the city of sumy, began to spread even before the new year, and there were even such, well, i would say psychological attacks, so some part of the people succumbed to these attitudes.
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in a panicked mood, periodically people tried to leave, then came back, it was even very interesting to watch these informational throws, which were for specific dates. under some specific, significant, perhaps dates, they announced that this offensive from the side would begin tomorrow countries of the terrorist, of course people, a large part of people read these fakes, and in principle such a certain panic mood spreads, on the other hand, we see that, well, the active or... part of society, as well as volunteers, and those who directly work for the protection of our region of ukraine as a whole, they are trying to debunk myths, the border is being strengthened, systematic help is being given,
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the population is helping territorial defense, people are going to defend their country, well , that is, we will see, we will have to... in in principle, it will take a very long time to cope with this hybrid war, which, along with physical destruction, also includes informational spills. ms. andriana, we wish sumy oblast a peaceful day, thank you for finding the opportunity to tell us about what is happening today in sumy and sumy oblast. andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, head of the social research center, member of the board of the public organization intellect of sumy region was with us, now we will move to vinnytsia region, there... there is a hit to critical infrastructure, olena verlan kulshenko, deputy of the vinnytsia city council , we are in touch, ms. olena, good morning to you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, actually, what is this morning like in vinnytsia region, where did the russians hit, and
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was it loud, was it loud, heard in quite a few territories , it must be said that today, we are talking about this almost... all over ukraine, orcs actively hit critical infrastructure objects, we have several hits and it is quite difficult for the object infrastructure and it is quite difficult for the residents of that communities experiencing no only the process of hitting itself, but also the current lack of water, electricity, internet, but it should be noted that the majority of communities, and especially those institutions that require emergency assistance. providing, say , social services, all these institutions have switched to the generator and are functioning, the orcs will not be able to defeat us, because we practically all understand that their goal is only one: to destroy the nation and break our faith in victory and in our strength. i must say that
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there is no panic, people are working, and we see how the morning begins in vinnytsia, we all we are going back to work and we will all continue to work, absolutely, you know today, when i went to work, we went to this tr'. that we will probably leave the shelter as soon as possible, the news was coming out of the shelter, actually at this moment, as we had already entered, it was already possible to work freely in the studio, and we greeted the guard, our beautiful, he said that he did not know , is this morning good, in response to such a standard greeting, but here lesya started with the fact that, in principle, every morning is good when we are alive, every morning is good, because ukraine is alive... every morning is good, because the ukrainian language is heard in ukraine from the carpathians to the donetsk steppes, every morning is good, because democracy is still alive in this country, and we are a witness to it and participants in it, and therefore yes, this is good morning, good morning for all of
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ukraine, good morning for vinnytsia, and now a little bit about the bad news, so we learned it from the edition of our money, that vinnytsia is building. large defense structures on the border with moldova, more than 300 million hryvnias have been allocated for this. to be honest, i don't understand anything, maybe we we don't know anything about my sanda, maybe she 's cooking, we looked at medvedev's map, where he showed that all of vinnytsia will go to romania, and they've already started, so to speak, to prepare. i think it is not. but actually it must be said that vinnytsia, well, frankly speaking, is good for this. the region is territorially a good region, fertile, beautiful with beautiful people, we will not give absolutely no money to anyone, nor to other representatives, because our task is one, to preserve ukraine and stay in it. no, but none the less, they seriously write about what, what fortifications, including in
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therefore, in that direction, almost 300 million have been allocated for this. and i don't know if you have heard about it, prozoro is being bypassed, yuriy nikolov writes about it, here. i note that this became more active with the arrival in the ministry of adviser kyril tymoshenko, a well-known curator of large-scale construction, uh , we, we... also if we had discussed this topic, because at the moment the funds are needed by the front, and use even for fortifications, which at one time were talked about and petro oleksiyovych poroshenko called that they should be done, but they should be done there, where there is a critically real threat, and not just another big construction, which is done as usual, so this topic is not only painful for us, but it is not clear why all these moments are happening in our region at the moment. cool, i
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just understand that everyone was given a little bit, kharkiv was given 4 billion, and vinnytsia was given half a billion, well, but where they conditionally say that now there are hostilities in the kharkiv region, maybe, maybe this is a manifestation of what you said, that of some kind local democracy, which some are trying to introduce to us with a handout of this world, not always correctly and not always on topic, it seems to me. well, this is not so much a manifestation of democracy as a manifestation of clan justice, like , well, we don’t have a war, we have to steal, well , we all need something, yes, we need to share, yes, yes, okay, ma’am olena, thank you very much for the conversation, from vinnytsia, olena verlan kuchenko, a deputy of the vinnytsia city council, joined us, we talked about the fact that , unfortunately, an infrastructure facility in vinnytsia region has been hit, by the way, in energetic and in lviv oblast, even they report that a forest near zolochiv is on fire , maybe it is the debris of a downed rocket, but this
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is only an assumption, now we will move to the zaporizhia region, because there is a hit, unfortunately, in zaporizhzhia, the russians tried to hit the dnipropetrovsk gesture, we will talk about it now with serhii lyshenko, volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council. mr. serhiy, good morning, good morning, this morning is loud in zaporizhzhia. tell me, please, what are the consequences of this massive russian attack? well, the morning is not just loud, but very loud, with on the 22nd of the year, there were no such shellings in zaporizhzhia, there were 15 explosions in total , the attack lasted almost two hours, that is, the first shots were fired at 5:00 a.m., the last shots were fired 10 minutes after 7:00 a.m., and all shots, all blows were aimed at the energy infrastructure, the network was already ... there is a photo of the hits on the dniproges dam,
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well, there are certain destructions, which, unfortunately , today it is impossible, at the moment, it is impossible to predict when traffic will be restored, and how it will be restored, to what extent, to what extent and the damage is significant the dam itself, it is standing, there are no significant water leaks, that is, it is not the destruction of the dam, as in the case of the hakhov dam. that is , you can be calm here, but the energy part of the dam has been hit and this can cause serious power outages, certain areas of the city are already disconnected from the power supply, but at the moment these are technical outages related to the redistribution of electricity supply routes. actually, it's even, well , i want to understand more what it is. will eventually determine 750 kw, and shut down the dniprovsk high-voltage line, and
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accordingly, accordingly, this is a serious problem, and there are interruptions corresponding to the light, we will also look at all this more carefully, what news is there, is there any news, mr. sergey, about the victims of this attack? at the moment, there is no information about the dead, there are wounded , their number is being established, because the relevant information has just begun to be established, firefighting forces were involved, there are hits in the private sector, there are hits near a multi-story building, and there are serious hunts, but like me said, without casualties, and this, and this at the moment council, there are shots from dniproges. that a russian missile hit a trolleybus with people traveling through the dump, is it true, and a car
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missile hit a bus or a trolleybus, it is not clear enough in the photo, but at such an hour when it was hit, and not yet travels a lot and she didn't hit the bus directly, the hit was near platina itself, and the bus just... caught fire from the explosion, according to the available information, people managed to get out, and these photos are already when the bus caught fire, and people got out, their even already taken to a safe distance, let's hope that all is well with these people. and what is happening in the occupied territories of the zaporizhzhia region? well, the consequences, political, let's say, consequences of the elections, are reflected in the occupied territories. according to the available information, they began to check the lists of those who did not go to the polling stations, to find out why they did not go, what were the reasons, especially considering that the election process lasted for a considerable
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period and they had the opportunity to vote not directly on the election day, but also for several days, before that, so they begin to find out who did not come, why they did not come, and if there was a team, if there were lists, lists, etc., plus the so-called housing inspection began to work , which began an inventory of all houses, all apartments to establish that which houses are free, which are not occupied, let's say so, and which can be removed in favor of nationalization, let's say so, by the russian federation, and... the only thing is that at the moment, while the documents are being checked, and those who keep in touch with local, let's say, residents, have the opportunity to submit their documents in electronic form there in order to show that they intend to return there, so what, but whether they will be able to keep the property is not yet clear, thank you, thank you for this conversation,
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serhiy lyshenko, a volunteer, was with us, deputy of the zaporizhzhia regional council, we are going for a short break and will visit further. in the kharkiv region, well, there were also explosions, we will talk about this with halyna kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, stay with us, we will tell you in more detail later, we are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then pylka strong unpack the tv just for you , you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or... and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included in the set, call just order now, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement, with a strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even thick branches,
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of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, authorized by the government of poland for the restoration of ukraine, pavel. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska on sundays at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sesttry au. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more more. top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. so,
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dear friends, now we will talk about what is happening in kharkiv and the kharkiv region, after the shelling, the city went into blackout mode, they say that the rescue service lines are temporarily not working there 101 and 112, but in an emergency... you can use the reserve phone numbers to call the emergency services, and they actually advise people how to call an ambulance, for example, currently, our editor suggests that halyna kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council with whom we were supposed to talk and ask her what is happening there in kharkiv, she does not get in touch, maybe this is also a consequence of these shellings and maybe because of this there is no communication with mrs. alena. mayor of kharkiv, as well as the legation of the head of kharkiv state of the regional administration, now the last messages in their telegram channels are at
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5:14 and 5:08. oleg sinygubov wrote that the occupiers have carried out more than 15 attacks on energy facilities, the city is actually completely without electricity, all emergency services are already working, follow the update of the information, there is not much information for you. we now have from kharkiv, of course we clarify the scale, the scale of energy failures, that these failures are large-scale, the ministry of energy confirms, energy minister herman galushchenko said that the attack was targeted energy industry has become the largest in recent times, and the goal is not just to damage it, but to try again, like last year, to cause a large-scale disruption in work. the nervous system of the country, you see, they could not strike like that while it was really cold, they were obviously collecting missiles, but nevertheless they were able
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to do it already at the end of the actually cold time, the cold season. there is an interesting point that everyone asked a lot of people yesterday, of course, they asked different people, the military, experts who say who explained what this attack was like, i know that some of the experts, for example, said that the russians barely managed to ... 30 missiles in such a long time, but there were also other experts who said that this was reconnaissance by combat, in particular vadym hetman, for example, said so, it is simply important, i for myself, i also mark who, which of the experts, was right yesterday, vadym hekman said that this is reconnaissance by battle, and in fact the russians are preparing for very serious attacks, it seems that they will take place in the near future, you see, vadym gedman, major , veteran and oleksiy, i said vadim gatman, but you said vadim gatman, it was a banker, there is already galina kuts, and there is a phone, and the connection is very bad, but we will try to talk to her, a deputy
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of the kharkiv regional council is in touch with us , ms. galina, good morning, congratulations, ms. galina, what news from kharkiv after this shelling, they say that the city lights are out, the traffic lights are not working, it is difficult to call any emergency services, please tell me about this morning in kharkiv, today... 4:32 i woke up, very powerful explosions began, i counted about 22 explosions, such a number on the 22nd of it is a day of mourning, because in kharkiv today it is declared grass day, everything has disappeared, light, water, heating has already disappeared, people with empty eggplants are now walking the streets en masse, looking for water, and it is nice that some find that some shops have already opened and are selling. people have water, there are very big problems with communication , i found such a point near the window, so that the only point where there is a network, there is no internet either, well, in
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general, people, there are a lot of people on the street now with dogs, in general, people behave normally, the only thing , which, as far as i understand, numbers of rescue services, i.e. if someone is injured somewhere, it is not clear how to report, the internet sometimes. catches even then to find out the news, and it is written that if people need some kind of electricity, then you can go to the nearest police station and charge it there, of course the subway is no longer working in our country, all electric transport is not working, even the trains have stopped in our country, the intercity is not are being sent, waiting for the diplomatic transport to send it, that is, this time they hit on a very large scale and they must have been preparing. because yes, to disconnect all of kharkiv from of electricity, it is necessary to try very, very hard, in addition, there were in the region, because there are, we exchange text messages here, since
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there is no internet. and in the region , well, we write to our relatives, we have big problems in the volozivsky district, there is simply no electricity there, that is , we prepared quite hard and hit quite well, but i will tell you that there is no panic, and you know that there is also kharkiv , but kharkiv is still working, cleaning according to the schedule, but 22 explosions took place and a car went to collect garbage and make it clean, and you know, it turned out that way... it's nice that kharkiv still lives and works and will certainly endure, we have no doubt about this and we wish that somehow the residents of kharkiv will survive all these troubles and that the work of all the necessary infrastructures of the city will be restored as soon as possible , we are trying, we will try to find out how serious the damage to the infrastructure is , it is obvious that
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20... two explosions, this, this, this, this is a very serious attack, the russians have seriously prepared, ms. galina, can you see bilhorod from the window there, you know, as they say, the otvetochka flew and will fly, let's say so , because it won't be that easy , it will be visible, belgorod will be visible, well , you know, we have such air, i open the window periodically, it's very like that... if even at 6 in the morning there is smoke from all sides, it's difficult now to breathe a lot , it is saturated with some kind of chemical substances, well, i think that ukraine will clear up a little and it will be easier, god forbid that these clouds and this smoke will disperse and that our orizhenka will die like dew in the sun, i will watch a little, i decided to watch the telegram - kharkiv channels just to get...
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some information that is there in kharkiv, and that's it there are actually many reports from belgorod about how restless it is and how it is exploding there, how the russians are in a panic there, what is this happening and when will it end, and what is it for them, it is strange that people are asking how this happened, if they have already gone to war, well, the war sometimes works in two directions, not in one, they said when everything started in the 22nd year, we even know from which villages they started us. to shoot at the border of their village zhuravlovka, and russia immediately evicted everyone there by order, and from there they fired at the village on the hill, and they called all their relatives , there are many of their relatives here and said: wait a little bit, be patient, we will release you soon, that is, they did not express any sympathy to us then, but now they got boomerangs, well, what did they want, life is like that, but now they don't call, they don't say, listen, stop, please
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, they say, they don't understand, they don't compare the situation, what this, what this, it's hard, we tell them, you see, you finally saw that it's hard , and they do not understand what they are for, well , what are they for, really, like, they are of no use here, they have absolutely no empathy, well , no sympathy, ms. galina, they don't have it and it is not known whether it will appear, and we wish kharkiv, the people of kharkiv, the kharkiv region, that everything that the russians have done today will be over as soon as possible. .. mend it and people had communication, because we understand that without communication , without information, what is happening, against the background of the fact that it is already the third year of a full-scale invasion, and the muscovites are so close to kharkiv, geographically, that well information is important, and people should have access to it, dear friends, and actually access to information her about the latest news, anna eva melnyk
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already has a fresh one. tag and knows what happened there in ukraine, what are the consequences of this attack, annoyeva, congratulations, you have the word, congratulations, colleagues, thank you, the news team has gathered operational information about the consequences of the attacks of brain-attacks, unfortunately, there are dead and wounded, all the details, more , be with us. the mayor of khmelnytsk, oleksandr semchyshyn, reported the dead and wounded as a result of the collapse. the russians hit the region with mortars and rockets. damaged object of critical infrastructure. in the morning under the enemy the blow was hit, ivano-frankivsk was hit. the russians attacked the area with mortars and rockets in the middle.


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