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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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to our people, and that if he does not help ukraine stand now, then his children , unfortunately, will have a great chance, or at best they will be in receptions all over the world, or, or in bykovna, as has already happened many times, and as shown by our occupied territories, where a lot of our former, our citizens, not former, but active citizens, disappear, some active citizens disappear, you know the story that a month ago a priest from the uapc was shot from the ukrainian patriarchate, a person, what a sin it was that he was leading the service in the ukrainian language, and the russian special services came to warn him several times to stop and go to the moscow patriarchate, well, before that, of course , the priests of the moscow patriarchate threatened him, because there in the uapc there are only priests... of the moscow
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patriarchate, and they are the same as in the unoccupied on our territory, and we still do not understand why this situation with the moscow patriarchate is not resolved in the legal field, when the law already allows for stricter treatment of these things, because they the representatives in the occupied territory surrender our citizens just because they speak ukrainian, ms. oksano, i have another question... i congratulate you, because we are collecting for a car, which will be on a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of the fallen heroes, it seems so not obvious, because it seems that we have to help the front, actually, to make life easier for the military, but this is also a necessary thing that will be able to deliver the body to relatives, and relatives and relatives will be able to say goodbye to their relatives. that defender who, unfortunately, on
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sorry, died? we have this problem, we also had the same problems on our front, we stopped a year ago, solved these problems, then we did a whole project, doctor of science viktor oshovskyi helped us find these refrigerators then, because we also put for the purpose that our boys are worthy of being transported in humane conditions, and we solved this problem, and then we have sevens working most days. of the front, well, in general, there are seven working in all precincts of the front, this is precisely the service of military personnel who are responsible for cooperation with civilians, including for the removal of our fallen heroes, and we have refrigerators working, they arrive, they this, they, that is, we are in constant contact with those and those military personnel who are responsible for this, so it is a shame, if so what else , if there are still brigades, especially newly created brigades, this issue... has not been resolved, because
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these brigades, which have been at the front for two years, of course, in most of them this issue has been resolved, and our guys who died, leave in decent conditions, that's why for us it's just out of place like me nevertheless, i take care of medicine and the evacuation of the wounded, of course, the main problems for us are to get the wounded out and give them a chance for life, because now there are districts where it is extremely difficult to do this and under the conditions i mentioned, because there are not enough atvs, there are not enough bugs, not enough. it is fundamentally important for us now, and of course there are not enough people, i will not lie, and i am already a certain recruiter there, because i work constantly with our tactical medicine training centers, and yesterday one of the best commanders of our volunteer units specifically for the training of tactical medicine, i hope... that we will be able
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to have the army give him a proper assessment and despite the fact that he is a soldier, he led one of the best centers in ukraine for practical medicine , so that, accordingly, it was his knowledge, his skills, because he was in a large center, so that they were correctly directed, and i went to the commanding forces, because such personalities, when mobilized, are people who can organize new centers or ... improve the work of the existing centers, which, unfortunately , prepare combat medics imperfectly and poorly, and they, their training is extremely necessary, we are having a bit of a difficult discussion with the general staff, regarding the number of hours of training for an ordinary soldier, because, for example, for special forces we all try to follow, train them as fighters, rescuers, because as our experience shows, all special forces fighters who work and... in special operations must know
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more than the initial ims level there, that is, self-help, and this is a minimum of 5 days training such a fighter, they are worth it. so that a special agent could save, but the general training of fighters is also very extremely important, and there, unfortunately, now we record that the 10 hours that are in the training program at the training grounds do not give the opportunity, at least what our medical instructors ask for , this, well, the instructor, excuse me, of tactical medicine, increase it by at least three hours, give each fighter at least 13 hours. preparation of tactical medicine, it will give an opportunity to study an important element of conducting there panades and and conversions, the so-called when replacing the tourniquet or or loosening in the case of working tamponade, this is because it will save
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the limbs, because now we have recorded in recent months an extremely difficult situation when a fighter who, in principle, is possible and did not need then e ... already evacuated on the turnstiles, but he lies on the turnstile for 7-8 hours and then there are no options left for his life, his limbs are amputated, and this only led to the fact that there was no competent combat medic or competently trained combat in general, and of course now , as always, i am addressing the entire population of ukraine, dear citizens of ukraine, the war is going on widely... on a large scale for more than two years, 10 years in general, please take elementary courses in tactical medicine, this is one day of training , and every ukrainian home should have a first-aid kit, because of course, it is very acute and painful for us, and for front-line volunteers and combat medics, because combat
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medics are not doctors by education, they are people who are trained in tactical medicine, seeing a situation when the country is being shelled and we see that the population is not ready to... give themselves help, they simply do not have a tourniquet, tampanade, bandages, some absolutely elementary things in their homes, which, well , all our fighters know that they are saving lives, and every time ukrainians think that it is not about them, no, the war has been going on for two years, the enemy is vile and kills the civilian population, kills children, and it depends on you, on each of you, whether you can save your life, because until it reaches yours... it's time, and you can save your life and to your own, to your loved ones, simply by having a first aid kit in every apartment, in every house, and being able to go through training for at least one day, or go to the same internet and look at
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the march recommendations there, you will understand what you need to understand, although of course classes are better, because it gives practical skills, and a person understands how in a critical situation after shelling or in case of... injury, even in the event of a traffic accident or an accident, this is extremely important, so ukrainians must know tactical medicine, i saw in my time in israel, that most israelis take these courses, and this is normal, and it makes it possible to survive on the population of this country for many decades, ukrainians should do the same, this is their life and our security, thank you very much ms. oksana, oksana korchynska was with us, a frontline volunteer, they talked about the situation... at the front, about the situation with tactical medicine, about what is lacking and what needs to be prepared for, gentlemen, in the meantime , i wanted to say that there are already 80 two, and it seems, the number of dead as a result of
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the terrorist attack in moscow, in the step of the city hall and about 200 victims, in that including children, so... this is the story , let me remind you that these four terrorists, currently men, who may be involved in this terrorist attack, are named and identified, they are mahamad rasul, nasridinov, rivvodin, ismonov and shikhonijon, safolzoda and rustam nazarov, i apologize, of course, if it's bad. i pronounce it in a word, as if all four are citizens of tajikistan. meanwhile, tajikistan officially declared before saturday that this was a provocation and declared that tajikistan was not involved in this bloody terrorist attack. meanwhile in the united states
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are worried that russia will try to shift responsibility to the ukrainians. ukrainian intelligence has already declared that this terrorist attack is a provocation by the russian special services at the behest of putin, said andriy yusov, the spokesman for the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, this is the situation, but in the meantime we already have 62... to our account added, dear friends, we are going for a short break, we will be back, and next we will have andrii ryzhenko, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, stay with us, you have 20 more minutes to finish, well, or when we come back at 2 p.m. on tuesday, you will also report, i hope so, at least that is what our wise viewers are calling for under our youtube broadcast, talking to him. uh, we 'll be back very soon, stay tuned. there are
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united by football, stronger together. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what they say about ukraine in the eu, like us accept the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project. close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska, every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sesttry au. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today... not our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko,
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from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics , even more top guests, foreign experts , inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day by means of a telephone survey in. minutes into our first part, because i remind you that today we are working all day
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on the espresso tv channel, we will be back on the 14th, and now we will have a conversation with andrii ryzhenko, captain of the first rank of the navy reserve forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the senate company, deputy chief of staff of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine in 2004-2020, mr. andriy, glad to see you, good morning, mr. andriy, unexpected. yesterday evening ee brought new news from russia, and events are unfolding there now, the russians are trying to understand who is behind that terrorist attack, although, wise people in the world say that russia itself is actually behind that terrorist attack, er, who is it after all - after all, he is the organizer of these shootings in the shopping center, what about you? that's a good question, and i think that at some point we will
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we will find out exactly who is behind these terrorist attacks, who was behind the terrorist attacks of the late 90s, early 2000s, because when, well, now we are looking at these footage, well, they are not the same as hacking, but in many ways they resemble, for example , the same terrorist attack during that nor show, whatever it was called, when many died as well, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. dubrovnik, not dubrovnik, there is the word ta-ta-ta, have we even forgotten that already? basically, it reminds me a lot. and we remember what was before , what was after, what is the goal, now we see such a rather interesting moment, in the russian federation, the elections took place, supposedly
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the maximum percentage was received there without without without... i don’t know if it is objectionable there , the permanent president is for life and maybe someone thought that some new step should be taken, well, in principle, well the fact is that all these steps are obtained, they are readable, they are standard, there is nothing new, that is, i am sure, yesterday there were many of the same assumptions that this step was taken in order to have a basis. on the basis of some such emotional upheavals of the population to do there is some next step, again in relation to ukraine, well, the fact is that, well, i would say that in ukraine , we see the second thinking, which gives the enemy
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a direct military advantage on the battlefield, and therefore our ... they are directed there , here, in principle, except for such , let's say, psychological influence on the population, or rather, there is nothing here, so here again, personally, when i saw it, it was like one on one of what was there more than 20 years ago, here... with nord-ost and in in principle, the reason may be the same, in order to prepare the population and motivate some next step in the escalation of something, for example, there is a war or there are offensive actions or something like that, that’s how it is for me, but i think that really, well, it is as if some the number
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of people in russia knows about the real reasons for all these... events, let's put it this way, and at one point they will become a state, well, in general, they are known to the russians themselves and, of course, to all mankind, so here is my vision, listen, i in the meantime, i look at what, for example, is famous yulia latynina, who is a russian human rights defender and journalist, is a good, good russian, and, for example, has already rushed to blame ukraine. that she is behind this terrorist attack and, after the statement of the white house that there is no ukrainian trace here, she said that she was spouting bullshit in effect. well, this is very important, by the way, and for any person who, let's say, talks about strategic things, you shouldn't
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talk about such nonsense, especially in the effect, because, well, many people listen and... sort of form their vision , but again, when something like this happens, really emotional, it is necessary well, somehow make such a very, well, maybe a thorough analysis, why it is needed, and here we see that basically there is a need for such emotional and psychological, let's say, shocks for your local, your population and maybe well... let's say for of the world, that is , this is a picture, this is the dead, well, it is clear that this is arteritis, that it is very bad, well , you understand, we can also show, for example, well, without reference to ukraine in this regard, well, we we can also show the consequences of, for example, precisely proven missile strikes
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of the russian federation, there are houses in our houses, in different places with... of course, these are completely different things, and the russians are making these strikes for a completely different reason, but somehow the end result is the same, so in this case, again i say that this is actually a copycat of the nordost, and secondly, it was done in order to prepare the russian population in order to make some kind of next... step in the direction there , i don't know who will become the next enemy russian federation, i have such a vision, well again, i'm sure that...sooner or later we 'll know, well, the real picture, what it was, and we 'll see, i think it's done again,
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maybe with the same purpose as it was 20 years ago back, and it can mobilize the russians, well, it can't mobilize them, because you understand, the russians have a soviet principle of mobilization, that is, it is forced, mobilization was carried out there. on the basis of such serious pressure, people left because they simply had no other choice, but that is, well, they see what it is the negative, of course, is this, well, this is a tragedy, this is the death of dozens of people, and these people , well, in fact, let's say, well, they did nothing like that, why did they have such a fate, that's it. a real murder, and they are emotionally like this, this is such a mood, and it is shown on television, and of course it
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is multiplied a thousand, a thousand, tens of thousands of times, and people see that such and such a tragedy has occurred and they are looking for the culprit, but if there is no clear position, so maybe he achieved... very different effects, we remember how the chechen war started there in 90, well after these series of explosions of buildings in the russian federation, we remember other events there, well, maybe, maybe, again, as for me, this event somehow reminds us of the events of 20 years ago, it is interesting that the americans. .. so to speak, they warned absolutely openly at the beginning of march about the possible terrorist attacks in moscow, it is also
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interesting that the isil, er, unrecognized state and terrorist organization, islamic jihad, took responsibility. yes, yes, by the way, i remember it was quite, ah, let's say, wide a warning, by the way, for... i was a little surprised, i think, what is this, what kind of warning is this, but you see, the fact is that the united states is also very seriously following this direction, and i think that they probably had some information about this, why did idil take responsibility directly, well, that should be asked. he has, i think they have some reasons for this, but the fact that there was a warning is 100 percent, and i understand that there was a reason for it, also
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i will ask myself, the famous austrian military analyst tom cooper actually wrote, as he himself put it, very unpleasant questions about ukraine's military strategy. and i will also try to address them to you, and he says that he has many questions here, the main question, he cannot yet understand how ukraine is going to stop the russian offensive now, when, well, when the russians have air superiority and can continuously bombard. actually ukrainian positions, forcing ukrainians to either retreat or die, literally, and actually he wonders what the ukrainians can
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do to prevent the russians from achieving their goals, and in addition, he has questions about our president zelensky personally, because according to the austrian... analyst, as he says, a president who needs to be learned something that many western chancellors and presidents have to learn, namely to superimpose military realities on his in-quote battle for hearts and minds. the president must understand that the fight against an imposed barbaric war of extermination also requires quotation marks unpopular decisions, and not constant maneuvering to gain popularity in society and in future elections. and then he says that i do not see that ukraine is in a very good position to repel russian offensive actions for a whole year, well
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, there is a lot of... you will understand how many people, so many opinions, let's put it this way, what is happening now on the russian-ukrainian front is a long way off. war, perhaps it is not very clear, and we have seen this in general, what were the moods of, for example, individual politicians when they were in their own countries, and when they, for example, later came to ukraine and visited the same bucha or irpin, they looked at ruins, ruins, and so on, that is, their worldview, it was changing, that is. perhaps, well
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, it is necessary to make some reference to reality for this researcher, well, in general, he is right in that russia has dominance in the air, and in principle, in avdiivka, well, this was a serious, let's say, negative factor , which had an effect on our troops, and the russians used a lot of these ... connected with the defense of the same avdiyivka itself, here, well, as it were, well, well, here, what can be said, well, russia is the second country in the world, and, in terms of the number, in terms of the capacity of its
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armed forces. the country number is now said to be 15, but we have to think about how to compensate for this difference, but we will not do it at our own expense, because that's what i think the regime corrective security, and it is better , many people are already thinking about it, by the way , whatever this well-known mr. cooper has to say about it, and... it would be interesting to listen, especially since austria is a neutral country, how do they think to ensure their security, but , that's why there are also many such points that can be discussed, well, that's why here, well, but in any case, it's interesting, because it generates such new ideas and necessity.
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to answer some non-standard questions, and well, to the extent that we can do it, we have to do it, and this is a point of view from the outside, sometimes it is quite a rational recommendation, sometimes not, so i think that in any case you should read it, listen to it, and if you need to discuss it, but... but draw conclusions, that, well, we really need, let's say , to go to war with the russian federation in a different way, well, maybe not in the same way as them, they are actually now breaking the front line in all directions, i mobilized, their numbers are now increased, in fact, well, almost three to four times, if compare with the beginning of the war. sir, mr.
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andriy. thank you, we must finish, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the senate company and deputy chief of staff of the navy of the ukrainian armed forces in 2004/2020, andriy ryzhenko was with us, dear friends, andriy saichuk and i are not saying goodbye to you, because we will return to ether at 2 p.m., well, ether spressu continues, there will be more news. ten in the morning in ukraine, news on espresso, ulyana panasiuk works in the studio. congratulations. four people were injured as a result of shelling in kharkiv this night. among them is a rescuer and a policeman.


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