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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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it will be even better with us, a special look at events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17 :10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football together stronger! dear friends, we are coming back, continuing our marathon, continuing to talk with our guests, vadym mazevich, the commander of the unit of unmanned aircraft complexes, the third separate assault brigade , joins us, in the meantime, while we are talking with vadym, mr. vadymo, you can join our hryvnias to our collection already.
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less than uah 20,000 is needed in order for us to have at least two cars, for two out of three, the collection is ongoing, so you can donate while we are talking, mr. vadim, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. vadim, you are in the avdiyiv direction, yes please tell me what is your situation now, british intelligence says that the russian offensive near avdiivka has slowed down, is it so... according to british intelligence, if you compare it with the previous days, with the previous weeks, then indeed its number uh, let's say that the attempts of assault attacks decreased, but they started to use precision strikes with the use of equipment, if before it was mainly infantry, now mostly a lot of fpv works, a lot of drones, scouts work, they... seem to have reduced pressure,
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however, constant reconnaissance and constant er, let's say, pestering from the enemy is felt, that is, we are still quite er, let's say, fully in combat readiness, but if we compare with the previous weeks, it really has become a little less, this reduction of this onslaught, with what is it related to, what do you think , it is difficult to give an estimate of this, because it is possible that they are regrouping, according to our data, according to the data of special intelligence, they have a rotation of other units, that is, they are tightening the reserves and their positions, which they unfortunately took they are also strengthening them, and we also observe such things as the appearance of other ammunition, other in... let's say, other tactics
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of the enemy, so it is possible that there is the use of other units that were in other places or in other areas of the front. what do you mean by different ammunition and different tactics? er, it is meant that there are units that are quite good, with fairly good ammunition, i mean new, new samples, but it is also visible from the... battle tactics and the number of people and their movement on the battlefield that these are slightly different troops, that is, there are and mobilized exclusively, and there is a sufficiently trained infantry, the russians, as everyone predicts, will announce a large mobilization, what will this mean for our front? it will mean to our front that we look forward to replenishment as well. er, we
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are waiting for normal legislation that would add us people that we could train, er, we can talk a lot about their mobilization, but well... we see how our mobilization is going, we see a very large amount of hate , comments, people who are far from the front, they do not understand what is here also people whose families are waiting at home, we hold, we fight, we motivate, we help commanders always to their people, but we talk about our mobilization, we must talk about ours, about our mistakes, as well as our possessions, in the main our assets are our fighters. we will be happy to train everyone in the third assault room, we will be happy to help them learn new skills, but we need people. mr. vadim, prime minister denys shmehal told foreign journalists this week that there is no need to mobilize 500,000 people into the armed forces. and
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this is not the first time we have heard this number, this is this number 500 00, it is being thrown around like this from one person to another, then one speaks, then the second, then the third, someone will say. what is necessary , someone objects that it is not necessary, then again what is necessary, then they do not know how to clothe and arm these 5,000, and you talk about the fact that there is a lack of people, as a matter of fact, well, and these same phrases voiced by a foreign to journalists, ukrainian people also hear, and they also draw some conclusions, they say, well, shmygal said that it is not necessary, so what that military man vadym mazevich says that it is necessary people to trust, ugh, good question, answer. the answer will consist of two parts: firstly, i am not in a position to comment on political figures, since i am a military serviceman, and i do not have the right to, let's say, statements from the point of view of her as a military serviceman from the point of view of criticizing the political leadership or anyone in general one of the politicians, because this is not my
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parish and not my level, secondly, the second part, we need people and this has always been voiced not only by our divisions, not only by our... let's say this, not only by our collective, you will understand that everything is equal , no matter what, we have the wounded, and we have people on the shield, and we constantly need new people who will enter the battle with new forces, we will help all this, we we will learn all this, and the attitude of people in various units to us has an indirect, let's say, relationship, and i am talking only about my unit, the bpak, and our third assault unit. there are vacancies, we are ready to accept people, we need them, you see in which places we fight, you see in which places we work and our results, so we need people, there is always a dilemma, our new commander said that the main value for him is the life of a serviceman, but
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at the same time we have constant criticism from our allies, in particular the united states, that in their opinion... ukraine for too long holds territories where it has no chance of successful defense, called bakhmud, called avdiivkuyu, and according to our partners, we pay a high price for holding these territories. what do you think about this, should the land or people's lives come first? the duty of any commander is to care about your personnel and provide it with both material and technical means and... means related to weapons and so on. as for the criticism of foreign experts, let's say, it is difficult for me to say what information they have, how they see the war against such an aggressor as russia.
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it's hard for me to say what kind of information they have in general about things like this. i see only one thing that the enemy sweeps away, simply sweeps off the ground regardless, it's a jelic. partava, these are industrial areas, you can watch our videos on our website battalion, which is constantly chasing , look at what the villages are turning into, what the cities are turning into, well, how can you pay for the animals, they, well, everyone saw what was happening, if everyone forgot what was happening in the same liberated territories , in which they were there literally a month or a month and a half near kyiv, this is... incomparable to anything, plus i would like to note that the defensive lines that are being built, which, they in these, let's say, take into account all these nuances related to defense and defense capabilities of the borders, eh, if we don't now, well, we won't
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to make decisions and take responsibility for these decisions, and we will only criticize those people who are currently fulfilling their duty, we will not get there, we must have unity and understanding of what we are doing. and this is my personal opinion, this is an understanding of how to have it, if we have more and more censorship and political and any other, less and less true information about what... is happening at the front, how society should turn out from a warm bath, if they are not further told everything that is really going on, i understood the question, look, i'm talking to you now live, and i have no problem telling, if it will not harm my unit and the defense capability of the part of the front that i am responsible for, censorship, well, i don't have it, no.. . a lot of time to, for example, tell all, all, all the details, if i'm on the battlefield, i can put on 10-15
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minutes there and give some kind of comprehensive answer that relates to certain regions and certain areas of defense, but, well, i don't feel this censorship, maybe, maybe, i do not argue in in some cases it's justified if it involves the military, ugh, in some cases if it involves a civilian, most likely not corrections. but again, i can’t give an assessment to this, i don’t follow it, finally i wanted to ask, the third stormtrooper spends a lot of time talking about things, i don’t know how it is now, quite successful recruiting and one of the first, you say that you have vacancies , what vacancies, what vacancies actually are there now and who are the people who are currently filling the ranks of the third assault unit coming to you, uh, thanks for the question, there are always vacancies attack aircraft, because these are trained people , physically, we prepare them tactically after that, we prepare work in the team, work in
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tactical groups and so on, we need half a dozen unmanned aircraft systems, this is always a need, since we are expanding and increasing, and in this there is a real urgent need, we need fivishniks, so-called strike drone operators, we need mechanics , drivers, we need drivers and... and the urgent need for them is quite significant, because despite the fact that we are constantly in combat, and there are three hundred, which are needed even for a while, let's say to replace on certain parts of the front, units and so on, so we always have a need for this, where possible, as far as that is concerned, yes, yes, if someone is watching us now and maybe he has a desire to... sign up for the third stormtrooper, how can he do it? he can do it quite
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simply, that is, register on the website of the third storm troop in the recruiting center, uh, even go through a trial week, see if it suits him, and i want to note that such an unprecedented case as the third storm troop does not exist anywhere, probably, probably only in england and in sas , there is also a trial option to try. and after that decide what you want to be. ugh. thank you, mr. vadim, for participating in our broadcast. thank you for the honest conversation. vadim mazevich, the commander of the unit of unmanned aircraft complexes of the third separate assault brigade of the zavdiyiv direction, joined us. we will take a short break, come back and continue, we will talk about sumy oblast, which the enemy is razing to the ground, a journalist from sumy will be in touch with us, we will ask which the situation is now in the border region, stay with us. what is bahmud? bahmud
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is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bakhmut is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. these are the boys who never cry, lemberk, mom, don't cry, a book by the writer olena cherninka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing on the streets. the expanses of donbass. in a fictional country,
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for espresso. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two o'clock. of time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to be informed economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the espresso channel and the ukrainian pen present the project in... their own names with myroslava barchuk, a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, the topics will definitely be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at
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espresso. we, the security service of ukraine. we fight to protect every ukrainian and repay the enemy for all the crimes and lives taken, every day we hit the invaders in the most painful places, sink the russian fleet and burn military facilities, destroy the occupiers and their equipment by the thousands at the front, eliminate war criminals, detain agents and traitors. and our blows will be even stronger until the time of victory comes. sbu the enemy is doomed, retribution is inevitable. dear friends, we are coming back and continuing our marathon. now we will talk about sumy region. less than uah 16,000 is left for us to have enough for
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two cars, so that we have uah 600,000. so while we're talking, you can join in with your hryvnia. meanwhile. alyona yatsyna, sumy journalist appears on your screens. mrs. alyona, we congratulate you. congratulations. sumyshchyna is just non-stop, shelled, cities and towns are being destroyed, and it's happening evacuation is now, it is scary to read these stories, how older people are taken away, who cling to their native land, to their native homes in every way, but it is clear that their relatives are begging for strength. i have already read the story about grabbing my mother by the arms and legs and taking me away, because i, i can't worry about her all the time, even if she refuses, but now describe what she looks like the situation in sumy oblast? look, now, if we talk about the situation that started
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to escalate last week, from the 11th of march there was a strong aggravation within the limits. of two communities in sumy oblast, these are the communities of velikopyseriv and bilopol, it is not directly said until the authorities and the military directly say so, but this is quite open information about the actions of paramilitary formations on the part of the russian federation in the villages of the russian federation, which are near our border, i.e. our communities, precisely during the work of the legion on the ... side of russia, suffered greatly from enemy shelling, what you can see on the screen now is the very place where the kab, one of the guided aerial bombs, arrived, this velikopyserivsk community , the russians dropped 203 guided air bombs on this community alone during the past week, these are the ones, that is, you can
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imagine the scale of the destruction that is happening there, border villages such as popivka, luhivka, oleksandrivka or the village of ryzhivka in the velikopesrivsk community now look like this as in this video, the enemy does not spare velika pyserivka itself, it was a large village before the start of a full-scale invasion, even as of the beginning of march, many people lived here, the village was working, everything was fine, but the russians are simply erasing it completely... there is not a single survivor left, not a single surviving administrative building, broken streets, evacuation continues. as long as it is at all possible, the police and local authorities are evacuating people from velika piserivka, the situation is a little worse in the bilopol community,
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there people had to be evacuated by volunteers, people left the villages on their own, so actually every day there are fewer and fewer people willing to leave, a lot of people come by their people and take away people, take away families. in cars, someone does not want to go and says: we will go alone when he will fly to our house and will definitely not return anywhere. we personally filmed one grandmother and talked to her, and two days later a controlled aerial bomb flew into the neighbor's house, and she finally agreed to leave only then, when her house was already maximally damaged and uninhabitable. we also know one story literally... yesterday they worked in velyka piserivka itself, and some people there have already returned home, because yesterday and today it was a more or less quiet night,
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the russians dropped several dozen guided air bombs, and two or three per community per night, these people believe that the shelling has decreased and return, they say, well, we have a house here, we have gardens here, it's time to plant, that is, the logic... that's how people think works, someone does not want, did not want to leave their animals, not to leave them at the border, well actually, that is , everyone has their own reservations about why not to leave, so many people left, there is no humanitarian crisis, we, as sumyshchyna, are grateful to everyone , who responded, came to us now, there are many volunteer funds here, they work, they help, i.e. people are resettled, they offer me... even to leave with livestock and move them to safer places, as far as possible, they even give people houses where they can live, that is, in this
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way, you are not the only journalist who travels with all those villages that the russians are currently destroying and razing to the ground, what is your motivation? i can't say that i'm the only one, yes, it was like that at the beginning, me and my colleagues for... the editorial office, we went there, because we, the media about sumy oblast, about the border areas of sumy oblast, have no other motivation than to work for ourselves at home and show, talk about sumy oblast to the whole world when it is necessary, talk to the whole country when it is necessary, about what is happening at home, we also called on other media people, other channels to come to us and work for us, in principle thank you to everyone who responded, who was not afraid to come here. now we have an air alert again, usually this means that planes fly to the border, and it is these planes that carry guided aerial bombs and drop them on our
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border villages. yesterday, yesterday and the day before yesterday, if earlier these bombs were dropped on exactly that along the border, we see that now they are working much deeper into the region, and in our country such communities suffer from this, to which these bombs did not reach before, then... we see in open sources that the russians have modernized their weapons, and we already see this result at home. alyona, are you safe now, because you say she is an air alarm, we don't want to put you in danger. i am safe. i'm on duty at home today, so i'm safe now. you say that you want ukraine and the world to hear about sumy region. in your opinion, whether ukraine and the world are enough. do they hear and talk about sumy oblast? you know, enough for now. recently, a wave of, i would say, panic swept through ukraine about what was being shouted about
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sumy region, in my opinion, it was just a real wave of panic from the fact that people lacked information not from the media, which they constantly hear, but from the authorities, that is, unfortunately, we can state, as fashionistas, that our government, the government of the region, is now quite closed in relation to. information, and when people need to know something, people either find out very late, when there is already panic started, or they don't know at all, fortunately there is a government in the communities that is open to the media, open to people, informs about what is happening, that is, information in the war, we know, it is as important as weapons, somewhere even , perhaps more important, especially for the civilian population, and why is this... the covertness of the regional authorities, you know, we have no understanding of why this is happening, that is, as far as we understand and see, from their
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behavior, they are doing it. only on the channels and on the air of the united marathon, they in general, chairman ova does not go to the local journalists, last week, or rather this week, we still got him to come to us, and only a few days ago, for the first time in six months, apparently, he held a briefing and told the local journalists what was going on, but again, his information was, these are just numbers about the number of people who leave... in the villages, and some information did not correspond to reality, for example, about a simple and easy evacuation that no one noticed from the border villages, although we filmed and recorded that this was all chaotically, people fled, they ran under shells, and they left all their belongings, there is a video of them leading dogs, cows behind them, leaving the village on foot, or just to save their lives, we also talked to
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all these people, then yes... there is the village of popivka, it is a village that is completely cut off from civilization, the first thing the russians did was to bomb the bridges, the bridges over the river that connected this village with bromada, and there is no way to get there anymore, we hear people's stories about the fact that not a single house survived there, that there are a lot of dead people, there is a story about how the woman hid her dead son in the garden and left the village on foot for 12 km. that is, as soon as we have a safe opportunity to get there, we will of course check all this, look and understand what is really happening there. these people who are evacuating, or who are trying, as you say, to save themselves, because they do not receive any necessary timely help, where they go next, where they are resettled, is
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basically an organized place. in vladivostok there are various centers where they will be offered to settle, thanks to ordinary citizens, who also call back and offer them some of their houses, especially again to those people who move from the villages and have a lot of livestock, we understand that there is simply no way for them to live in common rooms, somewhere in dormitories, and we are really grateful to those who are offering their homes to people in other communities of sumy region, in poltava region, now. people from sumy oblast began to be accepted in lviv and chernivtsi oblasts, that is , little by little, they are taken to the interior of the country, those who do not want or cannot stay further in sumy oblast, because we have the longest border with enemy, more than 500 km of the common border with russia, and will it be safe to be here , the authorities announced that a 5-km strip from the state border of ukraine back in july, this is
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a danger zone and for... they called on people to leave there, but no conditions for evacuation were not provided, now, fortunately , but already a little late we see that such conditions are being created for people, well, thank you very much for this conversation, ms. alyona, and for yours, thank you for your work, yes, because it it is very important to inform not only the world, but also ukraine, because again, we see that there is some single information for a single marathon, and which sounds from the eye'. mouth and there is information that you see with your own eyes, that you observe, and thank you for being you, that you work and bring this information, risking your life as well. alyona yatsyna, a journalist from sumy, was with us, we talked about the situation in sumy oblast, which is very difficult , to all those people who are involved in helping those people who are losing their homes due to russian shelling, we
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are grateful, and also grateful. and to all those people who are joining our collection, less than 15,000 already , we need to be able to buy at least two cars. dear friends, annayeva melnyk, the news is already appearing on your screens, we are watching and listening to a fresh selection of what happened there in ukraine and the world, anna, i have your word, congratulations. congratulations, colleagues, thank you, the russians do not calm down, and after a massive attack continue to terrorize kharkiv oblast with the situation there, i will begin. the occupiers killed a resident of the village of vovchanski khotori in the chogoiv district of the kharkiv region. in the morning , the russians shelled this settlement, informed the prosecutor's office of the region. a 72-year-old man died.


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