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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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what happened, but what was emphasized was that the united states had warned russia that terrorist attacks were being prepared and were about to take place, and on march 7, the united states embassy in moscow asked us citizens in russia to leave immediately, or at least not to appear in public places, especially at such international events as concerts, performances and so on, and... the official reports of the american states precisely that this is the same terrorist attack that was warned about, and it is reported that the united states through the appropriate channels , the russian special services warned and warned russia at the diplomatic level that terrorist attacks were being prepared, but again it is emphasized that russia did not perceive all this, or at least pretended not to perceive it.
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literally two days ago, putin, speaking somewhere in the fsb at the fsb collegium, so he, he just literally gloated over these american warnings that these were injections to destabilize russia, well, as we can see, they were not injections, but this is such a reality, well personally, my opinion is as follows to a totalitarian country like russia... such things cannot happen, i mean, they cannot be unknown to the intelligence services, they are either prepared by the intelligence services, or the intelligence services are just faking it, or they do not see that someone is preparing such terrorist attacks, here i think , that simply nothing else comes to mind, well, i would argue with you, because there is such a beautiful russian word mess, and i sometimes have the impression that we, as it were... give the russians
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more than they deserve, we think , that 's right, america, america warned, you see, american official representatives say that there is an international agreement on warnings about possible terrorist attacks between countries, through the appropriate channels, which are there, and i specifically appear there about the fact that such a thing is being prepared, well... you are a russian mess, he is a russian mess, it can also be. mr. professor, one more question, the ministry of foreign affairs of russia loudly said, or even, i would said, screamed that all normal countries should now disclose all information about what they knew or know about this act of terrorism, and this is definitely speculation, i'm not in the white house, and you're not... no not in the white house
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we are not at home and not even in the state department, but as you feel it on the level of sensations, some help can be provided, well, because everyone in the world understands that if intelligence agents transmit some information, then from this information it is possible to understand how and where you found this information and no one ever shares this information, yes, but how likely is it that it is possible, maybe help will come from the special services. states to the russian special services? i do not think that at such a level help can come to reveal the sources of the american special services, i think that this is absolutely impossible today, but the fact that the american special services warned their russian colleagues that terrorist attacks were being prepared is a fact, and in the official message to the american , it is precisely said that this is the same terrorist attack that was warned about, that is, it means...
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i think that they did not share sources, of course, secret services were given their intelligence, they and i did not share the details, but they warned about the further investigation, i do not think that there can be much cooperation at the moment between the american, in general, western and russian special services, but of course, what will be taken care of by the american and any western special services that if this is true... the terrorist attack was carried out by the islamic state, so that such things could not spread to western countries. yes, well, it is geographically similar, yes, tajikistan, which border borders afghanistan, in afghanistan the terrorists themselves they feel quite free, the border there is like that , it is not known whether it is there or not, although russian troops are stationed there, the 101st russian division is stationed there, just in tajikistan, well, here it is. organically it
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should get from afghanistan through tajikistan, through central central asia, to moscow and further, further. now to american, to american affairs. here, regarding mr. speaker of the house of representatives, who seems to want to be removed from office, somehow i would not say that i am very worried about the fate of mr. johnson, but somehow i am lost, because as if it was the trumpists who took the initiative, and if i wasn't, i'm confused here, i am, i would understand if such anti-trumpist republicans said, let's eliminate him and finally vote for ukrainian weapons and ukrainian money, which one? it happens there, how much is it, well, can you understand? well, anti-trumpists are republican , well, of course they are, but if they are among the members of the house of representatives, then they sit so quietly, they don’t say anything, or as
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one of these anti-trumpists, a congressman, already former buck, did just two days ago. he simply left the house of representatives. he simply resigned, well, in principle , as a sign of protest against what his party is doing today, and why did the far-right put forward such a proposal, well , everyone knows marjorie taylor about the removal of speaker johnson, because he passed the budget, finally, look, march is ending, finally the united states will have a budget on the 24th. a year after several temporary budgets, and the fact is that it is absolutely impossible to pass any law in the american congress in force, unless it is a bipartisan bill, because there simply
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isn't a one-party majority that could pass anything in the us congress, because there is a small majority of republicans in the senate in the house of representatives. tiny majority of the democrats, and in the senate you need 60 votes to pass anything, and the democrats have 51 votes, that is, laws, bills can only become laws if they are bipartisan, this budget is a compromise, this is a bipartisan document, moderate forces with of both parties, they achieved compromise and voted, and it is interesting that... and in the house of representatives, er, er, 112 republicans, that is, the majority of the republican, the majority of the republican faction voted against this budget, only 22 democrats voted against, such left,
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left, the most left-oriented democrats , they didn't like this budget, but the ultra-right republicans and just very right -wing trump-oriented republicans didn't like it either, and that's why... due to the fact that johnson negotiated with the democrats, passed such a bipartisan bill on the budget, she put forward, therefore, a resolution to remove johnson from office, and it must be said that several democrats have already openly said that they support johnson, that is, they will help him stay if he puts the bill on the agenda of the house of representatives. on aid to ukraine, which was passed by the senate , but now the house of representatives has gone on another vacation, johnson likes to dissolve the people's elected officials to rest for 2.5 weeks, that is, they now have an excuse for
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vacation, the easter holidays, so they will return to work on april 9, and within two days it must be considered, must be considered. then this resolution that was offered by margery taylor green, and speaker johnson will have to choose if he wants the democrats to support him, then he will have to put the aid bill for ukraine on the agenda. we apologize that we have placed this lady next to you, who, this is exactly what she was saying, how she is, this is the footage of her speech to journalists just yesterday. how did she present this resolution? professor, last time about a week ago, we talked with you, you said that you have such a wall-eating attitude regarding the sub-resolution on aid to ukraine, that is, you think that it
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is unlikely, then you are inspired that it is more likely, then less likely again, before these holidays next of kin, if mr. johnson hinted like that... that he would put aid to ukraine to the vote, how much can we believe this hint and did he decipher it correctly as a hint, what is your mood today about... are you an optimist or a pessimist? i think that was his hint, he he still has quite complex political positions, because it is clear that it is possible, personally, i think he understands that ukraine needs to be helped. on the other hand, he focuses entirely on trump, who believes that aid to ukraine should be stopped. orbán talked about this after the meeting with trump, and on the other hand, here he is... squeezed by his faction, you see, the far-right wants
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to remove him because he passed the budget through the house of representatives, because the far-right did not want the adoption of any budget, they believed that let there be a shutdown, let there be no budget, it will cause an economic crisis, it will help trump in the elections, and johnson will have to decide, because the democrats used to... , that if he puts a bill on aid to ukraine on the agenda, then they will not vote for his resignation, that is, then he will definitely remain in office, but johnson will then have to choose if this, this margery taylor green resolution to remove him is voted on, so whether he will rely on the votes of the democrats, whether he wants it or not. and there is another pressure on johnson, there is a petition that is signed,
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unfortunately, very slowly by deputies, if there are 218 signatures on the consideration of this bill bypassing the speaker, then he will be obliged to put the bill on the agenda, currently there are 191 signature, 190 democrats signed, and one republican, this congressman who left congress, but his signature remains, so... even though he left, before he left, he signed this petition, and his signature is valid, it remains, that is, if another 20 , 27 deputies sign this petition, then johnson will be in a very, very bad, very bad situation, because it will mean that he simply does not manage the situation in the chamber, thank you , mr. igor, thank you very much, sorry. thanks to mr. ihor eisenberg, professor of new york university, he was in touch with us.
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of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland. ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with eu sisters. we are the security service of ukraine. we are fighting to protect every ukrainian and repay the enemy for all crimes and taken lives. every day we hit the invaders in the most painful places. we sink the russian fleet
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and burn military facilities. we destroy the occupiers by the thousands. and their equipment at the front, eliminate war criminals, arrest traitor agents, and our strikes will be even stronger until the time of victory comes. sbu, the enemy is doomed, retribution is inevitable. watch at 21: news, summaries of the week. asymmetric war against the background of a reduction in the supply of weapons from. partners ukraine is more actively trying to destroy russian military capabilities, strikes with drones, arranges sabotage and cyber attacks in the russian federation, and such tactics unnerved not only our enemies, but also our allies. terrorist attacks of the russian federation. for more than nine months, the south of ukraine has been suffering from the attack of the russians on the kakhovsky gest. then the water flooded more than 60,000
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buildings. some of them are still waiting for repair. an attack at a concert in the suburbs of moscow, the death toll is increasing, the russians are looking for a trace of ukraine, about this and much more already at 21:00 on espresso. good luck once again health, continues, our broadcast continues and the marathon continues. vadim denysenko will appear now, i hope, in front of us, a journalist, historian, political scientist, we will talk, just about the events he has already appeared, thank you, mr. vadim, about the events in russia, i would... ask which you have a theory in the first place after what happened yesterday in moscow, because i want to say right away that it is not in the first place for me, that this is a provocation by the fsb, because it was obviously not prepared, that is, if it was really prepared, then because in 15 seconds, rtr, ort would have been called, and everyone would have left scene and would begin to tell that
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what they would have come up with there, i don't know, probably a ukrainian trace, but they were, it seems to me, confused, they said, yes, there is a ukrainian trace, but there is yehil, but there is the north caucasus, but there is something else, there is something else, if it was obvious that i tried to understand what was happening there until 3 o'clock yesterday, i did not see such, you know, choral singing, in russia everything starts with a chorus, if it is prepared, what do you say, well, in principle, there are two versions, i think that the others do not exist at the moment, cannot exist at all, the first version is what... the fsb did and it's kashirska 62, the second is really an idol, and in principle yesterday i still leaned towards the first version, now i understand that there is probably still a high probability that it could be a real deal, and indeed the russian authorities were quite confused in
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the first hour after what was happening, although it must be said that in principle from the first minutes they started talking about the ukrainian world. from the very first minutes they began to talk about the fact that it was allegedly prepared by one person from the russian volunteer battalions, and strictly speaking, this version, despite everything, despite all the miscommunication, despite all the nonsense, starting from the fact that people in the same car, unchanged cars drove from moscow to the bryansk region, in fact to the border, i so i understand with belarus, then there was the next miscommunication, when the ambassador of belarus... declared that it was the belarusians who helped to detain these tajiks, then they discovered that they did not detain the belarusians, but the alleged ukrainians, that is, they still reduced everything to ukrainian trail, that is, under any circumstances, they all led to the ukrainian trail, but now yes, now i'm starting to lean more towards the fact that
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it really was an idol campaign, and this is the response of the idols for everything that russia was doing from the idol point of view in of syria and in many other parts of the world, and what can this mean in general, this terrorist attack is in the middle, well, not in the middle, but still in moscow, i was there trying to understand where it is happening, they say that it is krasnogorovsk, but it is moscow, obviously, it is there there is no forest between this town and it's simple moscow, great moscow, let's say this , what does it mean when this, you understand, what 's going on in my head, mr. vadim, is... this famous phrase: first it's a tragedy, and the second time it's a farce, because, if you remember, putin came to power against the background of some explosions, others and an underwater choke. not that you are kashirskaya shosse, and we all sympathized, and the whole world sympathized, then such people appeared: oh no, maybe it's them, or maybe it's them, or maybe, maybe, maybe, and now it's happening again
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repeats, putin's fifth term, or whatever it is, i've already gone astray, so has he it begins precisely with such events, which means that, how is it, how is it, what is it doing to russia, well, in principle, first, in relation to the internal russian situation, that is, whatever they... say now, well, they have already announced the exact , that this is a ukrainian trail and now all russian propaganda will work in this direction, and therefore for the russian domestic consumer, this gestalt can be said to be closed. if we talk about the outside world, there are two important aspects here, the first aspect showed everyone how incompetent the fsb is, it was visible how much the fsb in in principle, well, you missed this terrorist attack, that is, these are such things that... can happen in any country in the world, but how incompetently they caught these tajiks, then we saw a video of these tajiks who barely speak russian
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, which were bought for $500, that is, that is, their price , the price for this tract was paid to them for $500 each, that is, this indicates that these are unprofessional people, and these people were able to escape from moscow cells more than in any point of the world, ended up in the bryansk region, barely escaped through belarus, that is, this... speaks of the absolute inability of the fsb to solve many issues, point number two is, unfortunately, what the russians will do now, what they will do very actively for the outside world, they will try to call empathy, i.e. many representatives of different countries, including the european union, have already expressed their condolences, flowers are already starting to be laid near the embassies, now in vedma. who will appear near the embassy, ​​and from my point of view now putin will try to evoke empathy on the one hand, with on the other hand, i think that their main
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current information campaign will be concentrated in the united states of america, where they will try to sell the idea of ​​ukraine's cooperation with the idol, well, what a complete delusion, but they will try to combine the american version of evil and the russian version of ukrainians who allegedly... organized this terrorist attack and will try to put pressure on congress, that is, from my point of view, now the information field of the war is being transferred first of all to the united states of america, or rather to the place washington and direct pressure on the congress of the united states of america. therefore, from this point of view, it is for us, well, my point of view, that this is the most important diplomatic, informational challenge in general, which is facing us, in the coming weeks, for sure. yes, well , we just spoke with mr. igor eisenberg. a professor at new york university, he says that he does not believe, at least that is how i understood him, that somehow some signals from moscow will reach the americans, the americans,
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as i understood, are a little offended, because they and warned, and this warning was ignored by putin, and therefore, well, why should i be friends with you again when we told you that you have problems, but my question is different, mr. vadim, you slandered it, and already many people, not all of them, maybe even a minority of me... it can be lying down, because we are constantly trying to understand when the russians will stop believing their leader putin 100%, will the russians believe once again when they are told that they are such ukrainians, well because somehow i already, well, well, somehow it's such white threads, well, that's what they are this white color sparkles, it is already, it is already simple. recent some kind of white color , moreover, i even have a suspicion that if they are cunning, which i do not believe, that they stopped being so active in the ukrainian direction, because
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everyone would have understood that it was a lie, well, it just happened and the ukrainians immediately , no one has been caught yet, and everyone knows that the ukrainians, as they are called, are ukrainian spies, they all know the tajik language, it is obvious, who is hired to work for budanov, as he does not know tajik. languages, i think that even i do and i didn’t go, if i had known, i would have worked there too, but all jokes are jokes, as much as possible, as much as you feel russian society, which is ready, i am not saying to support ukraine and oppose putin, but to cast some micro-doubt on the words of putin’s officers and his henchmen and means of the so-called mass information? well, i think that in principle, if we speak in terms of percentage, then approximately. now the situation will be somewhere between 60-2020 60 will believe 100% and won't even doubt, that's what they were told, that's what they believe, about 20%. sincerely believe, well
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even a little more, somewhere around 25% sincerely believe that this is absolute nonsense, and they live in a paradigm, either the russians did it themselves, or the gill did it, and there are 15 or 20% - these are people who doubt already understand that these are white threads, but at the same time they are afraid to admit to themselves that these are white threads, that they are being lied to so much, that's why the situation is somewhere like this, when this situation will be at least 50 to 50, well, i can't say yet very hard just now, in addition to everything else, we must understand that uh, if we are talking about the russian government, then after the elections, they received some incredible euphoria, well, now the leadership of the russian federation is real, but what glenin called dizziness from success, in principle, and they tolerate internal success with the fact that they so easily managed to break his position, get this almost 90% is for putin, that they are trying to transfer it to the outside world, i hope it is ... to the fact
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that they will make a number of mistakes, but nevertheless, for the domestic audience, the situation is sufficiently cemented. mr. vadim, one more thing tricky question, former, not former, former and future ukrainian territories, crimea, donbas, how is the society there, how do you feel, they still lived in ukraine, they had various opinions, pluralism of opinions, they had freedom of speech, freedom of the press , as far as crimea... it’s the same there, it’s the same 60-2020 there, well conditionally, is there somehow more sobriety there, or vice versa, maybe less sobriety, because it seems to me, sometimes, that they just want to convince themselves, seeing even lies , that they made the right choice, well, those who welcomed putin there, at least, well, me i think that the situation there is somewhat softer in
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the sense that, after all, the number of people there who believe in... think maybe a little more, although we must understand that the demographic situation there has changed dramatically and they were brought there with different estimates range from 300 to 400 thousand russians, therefore, in principle, it is the same with the fact that before the annexation , approximately a little less than 3 million people lived in crimea, that is , more than 10% of them were brought there by russians, so from this point of view, so to speak about the fact that there are some differences, well, they are global... no, that is, it is difficult for me to appeal to crimean figures, because i never did sociology there, but many people had a legend, lived in a legend that moscow thinks differently or st. petersburg thinks differently, but if you compare moscow and st. petersburg , here it is easier for me to simply operate between the numbers, then the difference between a resident of moscow and a resident of any er-er central black winter honor of russia is on
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average. 7-8% in the direction of democratization, no more, that is, simply so that we understand what it is there are no differences even there in 15-20%, it is 7-8% in the direction of more democratic, more critical ways of thinking. the last question , we literally have half a minute , and i can roughly imagine your answer, but all this will not affect ukraine in any way, as far as i understand, as pavlo techyna said, we have to do our own thing, and what happens there is their internal affairs for us. only be happy if there really will be more such events, well, absolutely true, that is, in principle, everything that was, will be, that is, if they planned to do mobilization, they will do it, whether there was this tract or not, they would have done it anyway, the only question is, would they have done it there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, thank you very much, thank you very much, vadym denysenko, journalist, historian , political scientist, was in touch with us, thank you very much, and now we will have news with anna
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yavymelnyk, thank you for watching, and now all the attention is on annueva, the latest news, good evening, thank you for your work, news team works further, in this issue, in particular, i will tell about a very suspicious couple on the border, and of course, i will start with the situation in zaporizhzhia. in zaporizhzhia, emergency rescue operations are ongoing at the sites of rocket hits. rescuers are dismantling the destroyed building structures and helping utility workers, the state emergency service said . psychologists of the state emergency service provided assistance to more than three dozen residents of damaged buildings and relatives of the victims. i will remind


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