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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EET

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by means and strengthening of sanctions, to cut off bypasses there, that way, without this it is impossible to do anything, sorry, i would say so, enter the embargo completely on oil products for russia all over the world, which should have been done according to the sanctions, which were not applied embargo, that is, even then we can talk about something, and if that's all and not just refueling the tanks. or airplanes, and it also goes to earnings and further strengthens the possibilities of continuing the war, then this war will indeed be long, but if these possibilities are cut, then the terms of the war will also be shortened. ukraine is interested in not waging a war of attrition with russia, and not waging a war of attrition means doing the maximum that is possible now with the help of partners, they should wake up and understand that the time has come, if they do not do this, russia is really prepared . and then they will not see much, so
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now, let them just think better, how to strengthen the actions that ukraine is forced to carry out independently. by the way, the former commander of the forces of the united states of america in europe, ben hodges, advised to ignore possible ones calls for an end to strikes on russian oil refineries, and because they significantly affect russia's ability to wage war, and this is also quite revealing. a statement from ben hodges, the man to listen to. in addition, the eu summit ended today in brussels, the head of the european commission, ursula fonderen, based on the results of the brussels summit , called it possible to allocate to ukraine the first billion from the profits from frozen russian assets already in july, if the eu acts quickly to implement the necessary procedures. let's listen. what ursula said
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fondern. now there is strong support for the use of proceeds from frozen assets for military purposes for ukraine. i told the leaders that if we quickly agree to this proposal now, we will be able to allocate the first billion as early as july 1. so it's up to us, it's in our hands. if we are quick, there will be a concrete result in the summer. mr. valeriu, which slows the world down from. freezing of russian assets and using them to help ukraine, well you said about frozen assets, it is not about that yet, they are talking about profit from frozen assets, i went a little further, yes , in this respect, this is optimistic news, because knowing that, after all, the european union is a large number of countries that have to make decisions together, then this is already good news, which is so optimistic that it is possible already... the mechanisms
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are used in europe, because precisely the use of profit, there has always been such a position: it must be agreed between the seven countries, which include the usa, canada and include european participants, and japan, and now, if they have coordinated these actions, then it will be possible to say that it is already a matter of use profit, it is already being solved, this year it is, well, it is not 1 billion, it is more from only europe, but... then we have to go further, really frozen assets, and here there is a problem that we, well, people who know led by our official representatives, but i will simply say what the problem is, they, some countries say, we will keep this money frozen until russia begins to return reparations to ukraine, they say, although the nature of these compensations can be different, but russia does not will be given to ukraine after the war. er, that is, we
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will hold, but when russia gives it, we will be given to russia, and such things, by the way , must be looked at very carefully, i saw in one of our new security agreements, with one of the countries, our friends, who established in the agreement with us the impossibility of unfreezing these funds, that is, here we must be very attentive , because it is obvious that the further this all goes, they will try to use these funds for... their purposes of helping ukraine, yes, but they will not, you understand, they will take from these funds and if they were to help us with this money through purchase of weapons there or financial aid, i.e. here we have to be very careful in what plan, if it goes immediately quickly, it is important here where the money will go, i think the priority is still military-technical cooperation, the purchase of weapons really, and not...
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some recovery programs , which can stretch there for years, we are now in conditions of survival, not in conditions of planning, development of the country, we need to... finish this task first of all, i am not against strategic planning, and it is important to show that the country will live, the country will be to develop, the country will be in the european union in the future, but it is necessary for them to quickly decide on these profits, so that they go to the emirate, that is, to the most necessary purposes now, and our government must also form this for them, well, the government, i have mind you, in our case... it is the office of the president, and, therefore, we need to actively talk about the next way forward, the use of those assets that are russian, well, so-called frozen, in belgium, it seems, in luxembourg, somewhere in the amount of 26 billion , there
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is less in america, by the way, than in europe, yes that the ice has broken, but we need to move more dynamically, and the head of the nato military committee, rube bauer, who was at... at the kyiv security forum, warned against excessive pessimism about ukraine's ability to win the war and called for further support for kyiv. let's hear what rob bauer had to say. although the whole world was probably too optimistic in 2023. we should not make the same mistakes again and fall into excessive pessimism in the 24th year. pessimists nato allies and many other countries from
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around the world provide ukraine with an unprecedented support, and it brings real results, but ukraine needs even more support. well, it is clear that rob bauer is the head of the nato military committee, that is, an official of the north atlantic alliance, and obviously, regarding the future support, regarding the future of ukraine in the north atlantic alliance, this is a question that concerns the leaders of the countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance, but what do you think rob bauer's words mean, that ukraine should be given more support and that nato can do more. give these support, what kind of support can ukraine receive more? well, i think that after all, everything that is expressed, you say, there is an official, well, not exactly, admiral bauer, he has a prepared position, it is
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agreed, it is a political position, he stated it, by the way, there , the nato secretary general spoke online at the kyiv security forum. jen stoltenberg he said even more so confidently, so the statements are good, i spoke with admiral bauer, he is well and in his own right, you know, they are always military, he has successfully commanded ships, he he himself has gone through a lot of such a simple real involvement in a military operation, that's why these military people, they are more specific, but it's all politics, in politics. we need to implement what they say and turn it into real things. what can nato do? not much , actually. nato is the same nato forces that used to be called rapid reaction forces,
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it's only a few tens of thousands, and that's it. now they are training, there are spanish helicopters, there is the first polish tank brigade and there. it seems the british are still leading it and it 's only 7,500 just on the ground, plus aircraft, plus ships, it's not such a powerful force that will turn the tide of the war, so we're not talking about nato, nato can help us with the means they have yes, they have a partial influence on intelligence data from such reconnaissance aircraft, they have, for example, additional demining capabilities, there in such humanitarian and military directions, that is, these things can be strengthened, and it will be done, and we are talking about nato countries , nato countries are a different story, precisely nato countries, in the conditions attacks on nato combine their forces and jointly
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defend themselves, that is why we need, nato's position is important, but it is important that it turns into active actions, even more active each time. of nato members, and one more point, nato will never, if ever, introduce troops there, nato troops on the territory of ukraine, but i want to say one thing, at the same time... individual nato countries are not forbidden to take more actively participation in that kind of presence, so in this case i took it listening there directly to these performances as a feeling that it is necessary to take more active steps, and this is already understood in nato, and in washington, and in paris, and in berlin, it is just necessary... not to lose the pace to putin, because
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frankly, he was given, as it happened, this a separate story, i don’t even want to delve into it, but putin was de facto given six months to take offensive actions, and what we are seeing now is the result of sagging activity precisely because of ukraine’s aid, support, aid was provided, and the usa provided it, and 300 million package, but those... requirements that would change the oppositional war to a maneuverable one, to the fact that frees territories, de-occupation, there was no such thing, putin got his chance of superiority, i think it is ending, and i hope that the next swing, it will go so far that we will no longer have to discuss the issue of delaying aid, after all , it seems to me that the understanding that this year is still... it is coming, here i will tell you, just a few months ago it was called that the nato country
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may collide with russia, or that russia will make a provocation in 5-8 years, minister of defense pistorius germany, then there were 2-3 statements years, first 5 years, then two or three, now german intelligence is 2026, and i claim that it can be even earlier, if ukraine is not strengthened, and this understanding is coming to them, and is there, is this understanding not only in germany, forgive me... i interrupted, and also in the united states of america, which is currently unable to come to the aid of ukraine in the congress? well, in the us, unfortunately, this soap opera, which was supposed to be a saga, has heroically turned into a soap opera, they will pull more, and very importantly, there is no need to blame anyone else, there a separate group, republicans, democrats, this is a joint result, this is a joint result and... in this result there is actually even a ukrainian share, that we did not show
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the white house to our partners how lendlease can be put on the table and applied, how it can be played here jointly , having signed such bilateral agreements, well, it has already gone back and lendlease is offered again, loans are offered again, and time has already passed, so i think that we i think that it is already clear that it is still going to some kind of solution, one way or another will still pull a few weeks, already you... it looks like nothing will happen before april 9, and there are still two weeks, but the main thing in these conditions is, first, america can still help ukraine now, they compensated in many ways, denmark, norway, the netherlands , estonia, the baltic countries, have done, now we will see what france, president macron, who will bring specifically to kyiv, really wants olaf scholz, so that somehow his correct statements regarding the assessment of russia will turn into correct decisions after all. some important aspects, including such missiles, which we need very much, so i think that from
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this very moment, when everyone thought that it was all, ukraine could no longer stand, something must be done, putin will lose it here again, and unfortunately, now try to press again, try again in various ways , the so-called peacekeeping, there are mediators in... they are drawing some buffer zones on the map of ukraine, there are already shadow negotiations, i believe that all this will not escalate, and it is very important for us now in the near future months to prepare for the fall to achieve ours whole. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was valery chaly, diplomat, politician, ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, friends, we are working live on the tv channel. as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. throughout our broadcast, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you
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this question: should ukraine strike at russia's critical infrastructure? intermediate results of our tv poll, poll on tv. 96% - yes, 4% - no. on youtube in we are also doing well, the survey continues. 97% yes, 3% - no. hi! it's! morning freedom, an informational project of radio liberty. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. congratulations, friends, on the air of
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the espresso tv channel. the second part of the verdict program. my name. rudenko, literally before our eyes, history is unfolding in krasnohirsk near moscow, in the kroku city hol concert hall, there was a shooting this evening before the beginning of the performance of the band picnic. currently, it is known that 18 people died, however, there are different statistics regarding 40 people, and more than 50 were injured. let's see what happened in this. in the evening in the suburbs of crocus city hol. shooting from a machine gun, shooting at the crowd,
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some people are shooting. the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine has already reacted to this so-called terrorist attack and shooting in the suburbs of moscow, they in the department, budanov is meant , say that this is a deliberate provocation of the putin regime, which the international community warned about, we will talk about it all today, during our second part
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of the verdict program, but let me remind you that during this program we conduct a poll. we ask you about this, should ukraine strike at russia's critical infrastructure? yes no. everything is quite simple on youtube. if you have your opinion, please write it in the comments. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphones and vote. if you believe that ukraine should strike russia's critical infrastructure in response to strikes on ukraine's critical infrastructure. 0800 211 381 no. 0800 211-382. vote all calls. are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today in our journalism studio are my colleagues, journalist olga len, political observer, presenter of the espresso tv channel. olya, good evening. good evening. olga musafirova, correspondent of novaya gazeta europe in ukraine. olya, good evening. thank you for joining
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our broadcast. well, well, well, actually, i'm not going to ask you what you think, am i? should ukraine strike russia's critical infrastructure in response, because that's it seems like a rhetorical question, but since there is a lot of talk about the fact that in the international press, in particular, in the british financial times, there was a publication that ukrainians should not hit oil refineries, it seems to me that at least dvioli is right, i think that support here. they say that these blows should be, although let's exchange opinions in the format of blitz polls, olya. well, yes, i think it is necessary, because this is what supplies the russian army itself, the oil refinery, what is it, isn't it crude oil, it's gasoline, it's aviation fuel for those airplanes that fly, after all, it's fuel for their crops, they're there so that they
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don't think that it's all very nice, well, nothing, they'll buy it, let it dry. the money they should have spent just there on weapons will be spent on the purchase of recycled fuel in the world, well, isn't that bad, i think it's good. thank you, ulha musafirova. well, of course the question is rhetorical, so you have to strike, i hope that these strikes, they will continue, because these are legitimate goals, here not even you know, it's about revenge, and... you violated our energy facilities, and we will violate you for that, this is a kindergarten, we have a war for survival in ukraine. and here, you know, either we or us, but i would prefer that we, and if we, everything that causes great harm to russia is positive
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for ukraine. beyond any doubt. colleagues, when we were preparing for the broadcast, we wanted to talk about the results of putin's so-called elections, but right before our eyes a so-called terrorist attack or a terrorist attack is unfolding. is not known for sure, russian means the mass media cannot be trusted with what is really happening there, but in krasnohirsk near moscow, literally an hour ago , a shooting took place in the kroku city hall concert hall before the performance of the band picnic, and at the moment we know about 18 people who have died and those who are injured, there are more than 50, our gur says that this is a deliberate provocation of putin's regime. and it must be said that at one time western special services warned that there would be a mass terrorist attack in moscow, and we know that the destruction of one's own civilians is
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putin's favorite political technology, he himself coming to big politics was engaged in this, we remember the terrorist attacks that took place in the late 90s in russian cities, we see what happened in nordosta, this story, when there... it is not clear who was smoked with this gas, with poison gas and poisoned those who came to a concert or a performance there, and it is clear that both fear and terror are what vladimir putin usually uses in his arsenal. of course, there is still very little information about this, but john kirby, on behalf of the white house, has already said that ... before this terrorist attack for sure ukrainians and ukraine are not involved, warning the fsb that they can twist or speculate on this. olga, i am turning
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to olga musaferova, how do you assess what is happening there, it was predicted, putin continues his terrorist activities and he needs it for something now after already. it would seem, such percentages, which he drew 87, what, what is happening, how is it to perceive what is happening in the moscow region? well, first of all, i will say that putin is terribly unoriginal, he came to power with a terrorist attack, if you remember, in 2002 there was a terrorist attack in dubrovka, and the current coming to power is also marked by a terrorist attack, er,... what i think, with this, he wants to consolidate russian society, that is
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fear is one of the best consolidators for russians, and in order to mobilize 300-400 million, it doesn't matter how many... soldiers, soldiers for the war in ukraine, this is a great opportunity, russia is surrounded by terrorists, that is , nonsense, well, fantastic, the country- terrorist, shouts, keep the terrorists, those who did something like what happened in crocus, i 'm more than sure there's no one alive there, i mean, you who shot them, they won't be found, they'll find some charred bodies that can come up with any kind of biography in retrospect, and it will be just the push,
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er, which actually the cradles always use, if we do not destroy them, and this means global enemies, because they say that not only ukraine is already fighting against russia, but as he says.. . with sand, this event, what a collective event that helps ukraine, although we know very well how they help us, that is, it is purely a solution to our own militaristic problems in this term of the presidential election. thank you ulya, ulya , i'm turning to olga len, today there are two olgas again, and what's nice to me, and... in this story with the fact that four or five days after the seemingly sky-high number that painted for putin in the russian center.
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where is this terrorist attack taking place, or the shooting of people, let's talk, referring to the russian propaganda or telegram channels, or the media, because the information is probably there too is being filtered, but what is it for putin now, if he seems to have received 87%, well, did they draw 87% for him, he can say: russia is united and we are united with the people, the people support us in the war about... russia, against the whole world, why did he arrange this whole story with the shooting near moscow? well, this is really interesting, because you said that we should not talk about the elections, yes, but it turns out that this is a continuation of this story, because if it was necessary to arrange such a thing, literally right after the elections, then there is the impression that probably after all, it was not, the elections did not show such
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support. and they did not show exactly the support for the war , as the authorities in the kremlin would like, that is, there is support for something there, but it may not be of the same volume, secondly, most likely, it is not exactly militaristic support, well, that is, you understand , yes, and then look another interesting thing, well , first of all, the suburbs of moscow were affected again, let's remember that houses were blown up by the fsb also near muscovy. and in moscow, too, on the kashirsky, highway, volgadonsky, in many cities, but well, it's somehow without moscow suburbs, literally nothing is spared, but here it is not even interesting, but it is interesting that, well, i just think that there the production should be full-fledged, if, and we will see it, they, they can still show someone, something like that, well, there must be something like that, because i can already see how
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they unfold it. all the tv news has been turned upside down, they have removed all the programs , it is already happening now, that is, all the broadcasts will now be about it, putin’s headquarters in the kremlin is working at night, putin is working, so in the morning we will see the full production, i already hope that is, they already say that they have detained someone, that is, it will be a full-fledged theater, absolutely full-fledged, but you have to understand, well , you can imagine, literally packed... the russian guard, the fsb, all of moscow and the moscow region, and there some people suddenly run with weapons , well, it’s not funny to you, and they run away somewhere unknown , and they are not found, they leave and no one detains them right there at the exit, well, it’s funny, because any mass event in russia, any concert, not a concert, we saw it on other news when concerts of other artists took place, and for example these concerts
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broke down... there came some kind of russian people, all mad racists, disrupted concerts, the police were drawn there even before anything happened, because there is an absolutely clear protocol that any mass gatherings where, to put it bluntly, more three people, the fsb and the police should be there , they weren't here, yes, well, tell someone, but don't tell us, because we know that they are always there... if any mass gathers even to watch a film, they definitely have the fsb and rosgvardiya there, that's for sure just a protocol, it’s like in the soviet union , excuse me, there it was all restored in full, it wasn’t here and they escaped these, like these, it’s all a complete lie, then one more point, which i consider also very important in this whole history, pay attention, it took exactly this type of terrorist attack, what does this
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say? well, first of all, this whole story, this terrorist attack immediately pushed to the background, and the fact that bilgarot is being bombed and all these conversations, moreover, well, the bombing of bilgorod, no one changed there, you know, entertaining programs, no one filmed it, this means that when military operations take place on the territory of russia, in belgarad kursk, when their infrastructure is destroyed, it does not arouse the russian people. it does not unite any righteous anger, because the russian people clearly understand what is for what, this is just a normal retaliatory blow within the framework of military operations, and all these people are telling you some delusion about what is there they will strengthen, they will finally say no, it does not unite everything, from the point of view of military operations, it is possible do whatever you want, no russian people will unite there for anything and will not
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answer any questions. in effect, the answer is such and such.


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