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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] americans poured their blessings on social networks. some openly rejoiced that ukraine would now definitely receive weapons, because robert is not just anyone, but an inspector who checks the observance of human rights. of course, no one will collect any evidence. propaganda does not need any evidence. amsterdam came to kyiv with a completely different purpose. he is a lawyer. maybe he wants to represent the russian church in international courts? no, because no international courts for the protection of the russian church in ukraine actually exist. the only one the purpose of his arrival was in another, it is the protection of the russian world, and the russian church in ukraine is precisely the pillar of the russian world in ukraine. so, as of now , we have a powerful octopus, in the center of which is vadym novinsky, the moscow patriarchate, onufry, next to him is a high-class international lawyer robert amsterdam and the star of trumpist propaganda takar carlson, as well as an influential lobbyist william burwhite, they are spreading disinformation and trying to influence senators and us congressmen, as well as on
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people's deputies. of ukraine. the ultimate goal is to preserve the structures of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. if mine the law was passed a year ago, at a time when there was huge public support, at a time when the security service of ukraine was actively countering the enemies in ryas, there would not have been too many troubles. there would be no interview between carlson and putin about the russian church, no speeches by pro-russian deputies in pairs, no visits to amsterdam, no swaying of public opinion. in europe, in the united states and in general everywhere in the world with slander against ukraine, which allegedly restricts religious freedoms. when our majority did not want to vote for my bill, i did my colleagues from the opposition factions decided to support uryadovy. he is toothless, he is nothing at all, he does not protect anyone, but still, this is a declarative, but a step to ban the russian church. that's why we voted for it and decided to finalize it in the committee. i am trying to implement in this draft law, at least a significant part of
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my points. of the project, which actually prohibit the activities of the russian church and turn the government bill into an effective one. and so, on march 5, the specialized committee of the parliament adopted some of my fundamental ones proposals, not all of them, but the most principled deputies worked on this draft law in working groups, persistently discussed each amendment, somewhere they agreed, somewhere not, but they found a compromise in order for the draft law to be effective: first, the activities of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, the activities of affiliated religious organizations from the russian orthodox church will be terminated if they do not sever ties with the church of patriarch kirill. such an algorithm would protect national security and at the same time would not encroach on freedom of religion. the procedure for establishing connections with the roc is written as transparently as possible, it will not be possible to cheat. and the main thing is that for the first time a legal definition of the term - russian peace is given. there will also be sanctions for his propaganda. colleagues,
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who is in favor of commenting on the supreme. i am glad to consider draft law number 8371 in the second reading as a whole, taking into account the amendments approved by the committee in the comparative table, please vote futraev for knyazhytskyi zabzulin zak zashkov for thank you nalyotov for thank you thank you yes colleagues who against who abstained thank you colleagues the decision has been made. unanimously, i congratulate you with adoption of this very important law in committee. can we now say that the mission of robert amsterdam has failed, it is too early. the final decision will be taken by the parliament, possibly this month. and it is certain that the lobbyists of the russian world and its church will do everything they can to make the draft law fail. our war is not only a matter of the armed forces of ukraine, although they are heroically defending our future, heroically reclaiming ukrainian territories and
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protecting everyone. of us our war and our victory is really everyone's business, first and foremost all authorities and society. society feels this, that is why it is at war with the russian church in ukraine. i feel enormous support in ukrainian society. and significantly less support in politics, especially in the pro-government one. and this is extremely bad. because if we do not ban the russian church in ukraine, it will be used by the russian federation to destroy the country from within. will be used and uses. now, why is the government inactive, why are these amsterdams, william berkuwhites, other lobbyists of the russian church, official lobbyists travel to ukraine and have not become persons of nangrat in ukraine. why isn't the government doing anything to stop it? i believe that when we adopt the government bill with my amendments, i believe that we will adopt it, although the fight against it is raging, we will be able to take a very important step
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to ban the russian church as an enemy. public organization that harms our national security. it is interesting that this church is activated precisely when the russian army is activated at the front. i talked about all this in the film church without christ. he is on this youtube channel, subscribe to his youtube channel and watch my movie, you will definitely find it interesting and useful to watch. there are discounts on pulmopriz of 20% in the psylansky, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on parafast in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. laughter, physical activity.
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urination under control, ask at pharmacies, there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3 max, 10% at pharmacies plantain, bam and save. there are discounts on lactial, 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations friends, on the air of politklub on the tv channel espresso, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right
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to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's survive. they help to understand the present and predict the future for the world. the hands of trump's presidency will be terrible, a project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours
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in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as respected guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart
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and caring people. espresso in the evening. see this week in the collaborators program. how a doctor from mariupol treated wounded ukrainian soldiers. during the hostilities , many ophthalmologists left... but which of the teachers in kherson worked for the russian fsb for years? each of us, to the extent of our strength and capabilities, brought this union, the union with russia, closer. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program about traitors who went to serve at the call of their hearts and wallets rashish occupiers. a large-scale war not only exposes the collaborators, who have been masquerading as decent citizens for years, but also forever frees the ukrainian land from putin's puppets. all these...politicians, doctors, teachers, artists, opinion leaders and security forces sat quietly and waited for the moment to betray insidiously and painfully. they were promised positions, status and money, but as a result , the blind fanatics of razka themselves became targets, and
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those who shouted the loudest: "glory to the liberators" are now buried the deepest. this release is a reminder and warning to all collaborators about what fate awaits them. life imprisonment. a doctor from mariupol was awarded for handing over seven wounded soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces to the russians. we are talking about chekhova valentina pavlivna, born in 1966 , a native of the village of rose luxemburg. now oleksandrivske, donetsk region. in peaceful life, she was an ophthalmologist in mariupol. she graduated from gorky donetsk medical university. since 1991 , she began to build a career in medicine. she worked as a doctor of the first category in the mariupol city hospital number 2 and in the regional hospital intensive treatment. when mariupol was under the russian flag, chekhova, instead of saving people, decided to destroy them. according to the information of law enforcement agencies. when the medical institution where the traitor worked came under the control of the enemy
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army, russian soldiers began to search the hospital to find our wounded soldiers, walked around the wards, interrogated doctors and nurses, and while some tried their best to protect and cover the soldiers, chekhov literally pointed a finger pointed to the ward where the wounded soldiers of the armed forces were lying. after that the rashists imprisoned seriously wounded ukrainian defenders and took them to a russian torture chamber. action at its best. ah kgb to surrender their own to serve and show obedience to the killers. of course, after that , chekhov was given a position in charge of the ophthalmology department at the intensive care medical facility in mariupol. during hostilities, many ophthalmologists left mariupol, but our department continued to work and provide emergency care to residents of mariupol. in the media field, this traitor does not shine often, but we managed to find a video where she reports on how the hospital works in the occupation and what kind of help she receives from razhka? the ministry
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of health decided to create field teams of surgeons to provide assistance. recently , yakut surgeons came to us, they brought with them 250 crystals free of charge. chekhova was suspected for her actions, and then the case went to court. and so on december 11, 2023 , the october district court in dnipro sentenced chekhova to life imprisonment. confiscation of property is still pending, but we really hope that when mariupol is liberated, this traitor will spend the next years of her life behind bars, by the 22nd year we received a generation of children and teachers, by the way, who did not remember their real history, especially children who mostly do not read, especially russian classics. before you is a valuable and faithful
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cadre of the russian system, which for decades sowed the culture of the red star in ukrainian educational institutions and collected information for the fsb. this is tetyana oleksandrivna kuzmich, 1968 year of birth. most of her life she worked in educational institutions. from 1988 to 2007, she worked as a teacher of russian language and literature in kherson. in 2003, she created and headed the russian national community. rusych, which was financed by the russian peace foundation. this geozhka was engaged in the promotion of russian values ​​through education. also, with the support of the russian world foundation, kozmich held the pushkinskaya beauty regional contest and the russian culture in the mediaptor competition project. since 2003 zaprodamka instead of to develop children's love for ukraine and our culture, began to sow russian seeds. even long before the events of the 22nd year, each of us to his own extent. forces and opportunities brought closer this
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union, union with russia, love, peace, formation and unity, this is what lies at the basis of russian peace. one can only imagine what thoughts kuzmich instilled in children all the time while she was working for russia. by the way, it became known about her work in razka in 2020, that's when the sbu counter-intelligence exposed her in the kherson region. a network of agents who worked for the fsb of russia among the agents, kuzmich was detained on suspicion of treason. she was recruited by an fsb employee during her stay in the temporarily occupied territory of crimea in 2015 based on information provided by the sbu. she was tasked with collecting intelligence on military facilities. as a result, kuzmich was arrested and tried. however, after some time, she left sizo on bail of half a uah. but this did not stop the progress of the case. in 2021, the preparatory meeting in
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the case of high treason began for kuzmich, and in a year she managed to avoid punishment due to the beginning a full-scale invasion. our president vladimir vladimirovich putin visited the kherson region for the first time since the beginning of the svo. this suggests that he personally controls the events that are taking place. putin is an experienced politician, a professional manager, he still is. on the orders of your spiritual person, adults and children are killed every day, cities and villages are destroyed, and the genocide of the ukrainian people is carried out. it is this spiritual person who seeks to de-fascistize everything that has at least a piece of ukrainian in it. of course, such a traitor, who has been faithful and true for many years served russia, could not remain without a position in fake ministries. so when the kherson region was temporarily occupied, kuzmich was first appointed as the so-called deputy minister
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of education of the kherson region, and then as the deputy of the fake governor for work with evacuated residents. if you call things your own. we, the traitor, were responsible for the deportation of ukrainian children and residents of the occupied territories to russia. children were sent to camps. these were children's and health camps in crimea. it was yevpatoria and the camps of the krasnodar territory. it was only up to evpatoria 1740 children were sent. after the de-occupation of part of the kherson region, kuzmich, of course , fled together with the russian army. on the left bank of the dnieper. this made it possible for the sbi to search kuzmich's residence in 2023. law enforcement officers discovered russian propaganda materials and symbols. guides for retraining and awards for actively supporting russia. the sbi investigators also established that kuzmich planted russian education in the region, persecuted teachers who
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did not side with the enemy, forced parents to send their children to new russian schools, and still actively campaigned for pseudo. a referendum, a real fanatic and a faithful executor of the tasks of war criminals. the case of kuzmich under the article collaborative activity is currently in court. we hope she gets a harsh sentence. putin's henchmen must understand that everyone will have to pay for the insidious betrayal of ukraine. and this is liliya pulyaeva, a gaullaitarka of the chaplin community. every resident must make his choice, this choice is for the future, the future of our country, russia, kherson region, i studied in kherson state agrarian university, after which she worked as a cashier in a bank. then polyaeva became a telecommunications operator at ukrtelecom. since 2017, she has been a
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project management specialist in the department of finance, accounting and reporting at the chaplin township council. but with the arrival of the occupiers in the kherson region. pulyaeva saw unprecedented career prospects for herself and became a traitor in order to get them. thinking for a long time, from 2022 she worked for a position. at first , she helped with the pseudo-referendum in kherson region. then there were various smaller tasks from the kremlin, which pulyaeva performed excellently. and already on october 18, 2023, she was finally installed in the chair of gaulaiter of the chaplin community. i am the head. the lynsk municipal district is grateful to president vladimir putin for his high assessment of the work of the municipalities. like a head without a head, she constantly worships putin's iconostasis, makes sure that the tricolor hangs at every step, so that as many local residents as possible get passports with a chicken, and before that
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she tries to sit firmly in such a desirable chairs we, in turn, offer her to change the chair to a bed. in prison you can not worry. that she will be removed, because gratipulaeva will obviously sit for a long time. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. 10 years ago, on march 16, 2014, the russian occupiers spent the the so-called referendum. the operation to seize
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the peninsula began on february 20. it was on this day that the armed forces of the russian federation first violated the procedure for crossing the state border of ukraine through kerchensk. since the same 2014, russia began to spread the narrative that the peninsula was taken allegedly peacefully with the consent of the crimeans, however, the participants of the protest action are a living refutation of this myth. very different people went out on the street, they were not even politically connected with politics in any way, well, until the 14th year, i don't know, they were kindergarten teachers kindergartens, they were some teachers, they were journalists, they were just people who did not work. pensioners, i also saw a lot of people, that is, they were just people who disagreed with the fact that russia is taking over their home, these voices were not shown to the general public there by some kind of television, because... at that time in crimea there were already radio and television transmitters were taken over, and only russian tv channels spoke there, and
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accordingly they broadcast only pro-russian rallies. voting during the so -called referendum took place with numerous people violations, this was recognized by the whole world, of course, except for russia. the main scheme for falsification was a simplified procedure of entering people into additional lists, right at the polling stations, so the number of people who... supposedly voted was abnormally large. in addition, in the ballots printed on ordinary white sheets of a4 format, there was no clause that would allow voting for crimea to remain part of ukraine. to say at the same time that crimea was taken, as it were, with the consent of all crimeans, and supposedly not by military means, but by peaceful means - this is simply not true, at least it is not true, at most it is just propaganda that... they are trying to deceive ukraine and the whole world. while all of ukraine was reeling from the shooting of unarmed protesters by the berkuts on
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the maidan in kyiv, the russian occupiers acted very quickly. they understood that, in order for the truth not to flow beyond the peninsula, it was necessary to silence all mass media. near the crimean television and radio broadcasting centers, russia landed machine gunners and machine gunners. the last time. we had ether right on the birthday of taras hryhorovych shevchenko, on my shift on march 9, she announced the program on 1020 for his birthday, somewhere she lost, maybe 5 minutes, maybe 6 minutes, if not less, and i heard that something else was playing on the air, not our program at all, when i went on the air, i heard that radio vesti russia was already playing there. to work to tell about what was really happening, but doing so was risky, because apart from
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threats, you could get in and play. i worked underground in crimea for two years years, from 14 to 2016, until the time when a spyware program was installed on my computer with the help of an isp on april 19, 2016. with a search with the purpose of finding on the computer all these materials that i sent the ukrainian mass media. kremlin policy has not undergone any significant changes since that time. today, as in 2014, repression and persecution continues in crimea. according to the data of the crimean law enforcement group, in 10 years the eye. at least 1,400 crimeans suffered from russian repression, at least 200 citizens
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are behind bars, do not receive medical care, and in most cases become victims of torture. during all 10 years of occupation , russia has created such an island in crimea, where laws really do not apply, where only some criminal principles of russian apply. for 10 years in crimea, the civil population of the peninsula has been exclusively lawless, the population is kept in fear. international organizations have long recognized the occupation of crimea as illegal. today, the entire world community knows that crimea is ukraine, and sooner or later it will return home. tatyana golonova, oskar janson, espresso tv channel. tired of heavy and bulky saws
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strong is what you need, call, the premium sponsor of the national team - inserts those united by football together stronger. we miss the informational morning in ukraine in eteriso news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the armed forces destroyed two large enemy amphibious ships yamal and azov. it happened during the night attack on the temporarily occupied sevastopol. our defenders also targeted the main communications center and other infrastructure facilities of the black sea fleet of the russian federation,


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