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tv   [untitled]    March 24, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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problems of international relations, it's about politics, about the world from the kyiv studio maria gurska, journalist of the ukrainian tv channel and editor-in-chief of the online magazine, from warsaw the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, professor of history pavel koval is in touch with me from warsaw, congratulations, good day . as usual, we will sum up the information week and start with the following news: polish president andrzej duda in an interview with cnbc said that russia could attack nato countries as early as 2026, which indicates exactly such a date, what is the plan opposition to this scenario, in particular from poland and europe? i think that today every politician can name any date and it will be difficult to verify this date, one thing can be said, for sure russia... is really determined to go further,
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and fortunately it is more about mobilization, because on the one hand such statements can frighten, and on the other hand they should mobilize. that is, it is about everyone finally getting together, i spent almost the entire last week traveling, visited berlin, london, paris, everywhere i met different politicians from different political parties, from different walks of life, and one conclusion that i have drawn is that the west has already realized that putin is dangerous to it, so i ... who told me so clearly, the threat is now serious. if a french politician says: i met german politicians for the first time in my life, "paul, we have to act now, otherwise putin will be on our streets in paris." so i think it's time to accept this...
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so that then if he loses support, to say we have to start a new war, over and over again, yes, it's closed around putin, proving to those around him that the people support him so that he is not removed from power, and then organizing a war to mobilize his supporters and rally the russians, and to tell his closest associates... we can't change anything because we are at war. this is putin's working method. the problem is that today putin is a leader who seems to perceive this situation as one that he has no choice. that is, he must wage war. i think that putin two-three-5 years ago, even putin after 2014, that is after the occupation of crimea, i could think, well, for a while we will have bad relations with the west, but then i can start.
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details, it is formally known that there are no elections in russia in the sense that it is understood in the west, because there are neither real opponents nor the opportunity to conduct election campaigns, the holding of elections is accompanied by the pressure of the security forces, that is, in fact... therefore, it is difficult to talk about any the transfer of power, because no one except putin can receive it, that is, instead of elections, we essentially have an imitation of the process, there is no campaign, but only the element of so-called voting, i.e. theater, and then the demonstrative transfer of power. i emphasize that there are no elements of democratic elections in russia, so there is nothing to talk about. as for the rest, different countries have their own. other countries that are trying to win putin's favor, or, for example, expect to play the role of mediators in the war between russia and ukraine, and are there any? they actually welcome or recognize these elections, but in fact
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everything looks like putin actually rules russia today, even if they do not recognize him west, and putin's main emotion, his main obsession is not to be silomitically eliminated in his environment. russia's membership in the un security council? to deprive her of the opportunity to use the right of veto. there are such concepts as the solidarity of large countries, that is, large countries are more likely to maintain such a position or such an approach. that putin de facto rules russia at the same time as the united states, and perhaps the united states will be in the next position, so he is not a legally elected president, his mandate does not come from the voters. but his mandate is legitimate de facto, because he actually rules russia, has
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power ministries under his control, and so on. so i think that when it comes to the un, nothing will change. this week , the summit of the leaders of the european union took place, and the main topic of these meetings was the transfer of the eu economy to military rails? in your opinion, what does this mean for the eu countries, for their spending, defense and other areas, what is this transfer of military power about? there are two elements: the first is to stimulate the military industry to expand production production of more weapons and ammunition. the idea is to aim for build-up. production, what you and i talked about earlier, the point is that there should be maximum mobilization, that raw weapons be sold, given on credit or in various forms go to ukraine, and at the same time, that we finally create our own reserves, because today the key is deterrence, this is the most important word in relations with putin,
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that is, putin must understand that any attack will lead to a response, for him to understand this, he must receive a credible information that the european union has switched to an unrealistic large production of ammunition and weapons. it is clear, we are talking about it now. i had the impression that i was in this office, because today we are talking from a slightly different place. in general, this is a unique program, because maria gurska is in kyiv, i am in warsaw, but not where we usually write these conversations, in our office. and just three days ago , the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrielus lansberix, visited me in this office. a sincere, long conversation, we talked all evening, but then i had a thought that i would like to share. produced, what weapons are most needed , how much they cost, what are the possibilities, our conversations are reminiscent of pre-war, today, when any of the leaders say that we live in
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pre-war times, it is criticized, but i think it is justified, and this is the second element , mobilization, everyone must understand , including the citizens, that we need to partially switch to a war economy. quickly produce more weapons and ammunition, and this is a task for of the eu as a whole, especially with what is happening in the united states, there is a big risk that we will not have the same support from the united states as before. a study conducted by ibris sociologists at the end of last year in the eu shows that in estonia, 34% of citizens expressed readiness to defend their country, in lithuania - 30%, in germany and poland 17 and 16% responded.
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years people lived and believed that the world would be better without warriors, without this type of tension, there is no point in reading public opinion polls, scaring each other, it is time to act, today, when european politicians say two more years left, we still have three years left, i say, people, do what needs to be done now, that is, help ukraine now, act now before you all have to go to the front. this morning i had a meeting with a large number of polish-ukrainian business representatives in one place in warsaw, i told them, instead of posting on facebook that you were on vacation in mauritius, let everyone write on facebook. to the politicians that the ammunition must be sent today, that it must be sent today to help where the front is actually, and not
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to worry about what will happen in three years, when putin invades western europe, because then it will no longer make sense. i think that before we start thinking about sending young belgians to the front, we need to explain it to young belgians, to make them think a little bit, to put pressure on them on social networks, to explain to young americans, for example, polish origin, ukrainian origin , put pressure on your politicians, on your senators. it is possible today, when people start thinking about war, even in the information sphere , people think, they start to think that maybe they will be forced to fight, then their consciousness changes, it will take two or three years, but i think that today the most important thing, i am absolutely sure of this, is to mobilize people to fight in internet. i see how russian trolls have become more active in poland, how many there are today, i keep thinking about it for several weeks, which i didn't notice before. i see how it affects public opinion, i meet a lady on the street who says that
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a lot of people come to poland from ukraine poisonous grain, and i say, how do you know about it, that it is poisonous, do you have a laboratory at home, let's talk calmly, she says that she read about it somewhere, here we have it and so on, everyone is surrounded by such a question today a separate information war, and that's why i'm convinced that right now we should send everyone to an information war, it's not a threat, you can do it for fun and worry later. by the way, if we talk about grain, this week the report of the institute of state finance was published, which proves that ukrainian grain has very little impact on polish agriculture . these are the facts. meanwhile, for the last eight weeks we have had a blockade on the border, public tension, protests in warsaw. don't you think that the polish government succumbed to the blackmail of the poles. no, i don't feel that way, i feel that this is what we
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talk about every program, i will say that we have nothing to reproach ourselves with today, because we said from the beginning, everything depends on how to calculate the proportions correctly , that is, poland must protect the market, and the ukrainian one the government will do it too, but at the same time we have to keep the proportions, so i have the impression that in the end those who kept will win. calm, that is, the media who weren't sensationalizing and the politicians who weren't making nervous tweets, just seeing pictures they didn't like, but just trying to determine what the state of affairs was, and what 's coming out today is already great, it's helps us a lot, because it shows the correct processes, in fact, i always say in ukraine that farmers' protests are not all polish-ukrainian relations, but only their a small part, i explain why this is happening in poland, also in every speech i say, good for the polish market, actually. these are difficult times, but they are not within the eu. due to the fact that ukrainians add grain to the polish or european market.
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on the other hand, if they put the grain on the market, the prices, it doesn't matter if it comes through portugal or spain, because it still affects the prices in the whole european union, in fact, that's the most important fact, it's just about cheap production at the end i would add one lesson in all schools about what is the common market? the common market means that it is not so important where someone adds cheap grain in the eu, and how much they add, it means that it may turn out that there are problems, because they are, but their content is hidden, because a lot of cheap grain has arrived grain, for example, from south america or from russia, unfortunately, only now there will be an embargo finally, but for example, from belarus or from other parts of the world, this is how it works, so facts, facts, and again facts, only a few percent .
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in various areas where it will be under a threat, because there is no other way, because if you are inside the eu, you have higher standards, some are for, some are against, but objectively it is true, production is more expensive. on march 28, negotiations
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between the prime ministers of poland and ukraine will take place in warsaw. tusk claims that the deal will be optimal for farmers, but also. reiterates that, if necessary, poland will block the transit of ukrainian products to the eu. however, on what basis can poland make a decision to suspend transit, is poland ready to give up the funds it receives for this transit, and what it means for the economy. it is always important for the polish government to consider all possible consequences and really agree with all arguments, i explain this in poland and in ukraine, by the way, we also have to protect our market, for example. wheat production , but we also have to protect pork producers or cattle producers, because they supply milk, milk is made into cheese that goes to ukraine, and taxes are paid from that in poland, jobs are created for polish workers, that's why the thing is, why am i saying this, because this is not exactly an answer to your question, but at the same time it is still an answer, because it means
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that there will definitely be no radical steps in our relations, there are no radical scenarios to consider. we have talked about this many times in this program and they will protest, if not the farmers, then another group, if not today, then next year, if not at this border, because this is the only problem, the border that needs to be protected, they will protest somewhere else, it cannot be otherwise, because yet once again, agricultural production in the european union is more expensive and will become more expensive, because...
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i would very much like the issue of ukraine, and therefore the security of poland itself, to be subordinated to the current political games. of course, in a sense, we have to take into account the fact that the elections are coming up, and it is normal in a democracy that everyone wants to look as good as possible in the elections, and therefore political parties try to look after the interests of different political groups, there is nothing unusual about this. these are real actions, we really stand up for farmers, it 's not just for the election, of course we want to show that we care about them, but we also show it to other industries because we're already in a different situation than, say, three months ago,
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everybody's already learned, everyone sees export analytics, people cite these export data, they see that polish products go to... sometimes these voters, this electorate, find a specific party for themselves, sometimes they join a larger party and try to influence it, and today this group of voters is definitely part of the electorate of law and justice, which is clearly fighting for a good result in the elections,
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that's why they are pressing, the government is under pressure and is trying to react, somehow mitigate the social situation. explain, show data, publish data, publish research, there is no better way to fight fake news and russian propaganda than the truth, and you only need to provide real data, show, for example, that poland. ukrainian relations are a great opportunity, not a threat, and paradoxically, often during expansion of the european union, the first to win are always those countries that are already part of the eu. when poland
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joined the eu, germany won for a long time, because a new big market and great opportunities opened up. eventually , the country that becomes part of the eu also wins. it's a win-win game. and poland will definitely not lose here. i explain it in poland. i can confidently say that, as of today, the highest support for the idea of ​​eu enlargement is in poland, this has not changed, i think that now we can also take into account the main data the attitude of poles towards ukrainians and ukraine, as you can see for yourself, some things fortunately do not change, fortunately, because we already know that support for ukraine has not changed, poles support military aid to ukraine and support eu enlargement, these are really the two most important things , and we should be happy about it.
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it's the espresso marathon, it's ongoing, and now we are we want to tell you about how ukraine bleeds the enemy far behind the front line, despite the fact that against the background of a reduction in the supply of weapons from partners, we still manage to destroy russian capabilities, and this is how we unnerve not only the aggressor country, but also the partners of our state . more on all this later . the taste of the first asymmetric victory. the country has already felt while at sea, where relatively cheap ukrainian drones destroyed a quarter of the black sea fleet, drove its remnants to novorossiysk and guaranteed the safety of the ukrainian maritime corridor without mediation of turkey. it is much more difficult to implement this strategy on land. on the eve of the so-called elections of vladimir putin,
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russian volunteers, assisted by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, launched a raid to the belgorod and kurdistan regions. he transferred to large-scale combat operations. the russian army at least has to divert its forces in this direction and turn it into bakhmud and avdiivka, i.e. raze its settlements to the ground. the minimum task of transferring the war to russian territory, the maximum task was completed - shake up the situation inside the russian federation, sow pessimism about putin's capabilities. to protect their own territory, both among the russian population and among the local elites. as far as we know, they are not going to finish anytime soon and will do whatever they can, and as we can see, they have plenty of energy lately. kyrylo budanov, head of the gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine. after the start of the raid, the aggressor intensified terrorist attacks on sumy oblast during.


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