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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EET

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against the fact that putin is illegitimate, and then who is legitimate in this country at all, since even according to the russian constitution it is a presidential republic, then all russian ambassadors should be immediately cut off from communication, they do not particularly communicate in the west anyway, but nevertheless , then it is necessary to question the voting of russia in international organizations, and in particular in the same council. security, and then this is raising the stakes, which, as you actually said, the west is not ready for today, because the west did, it condemned the elections on occupied territories, which is self -evident, but he did not actually extend this logic to all elections, one of the lines of how to explain this is related to the fact that in... the west
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, many people claim, well, yes, well, some numbers were drawn there , well, something was thrown out, something was played with in quotation marks, but nevertheless , putin still has a majority today in today's reality among the russian population, and he still won the election, or what is called an election. for putin, this is actually perceived as a weakness in the mentality that... exists in russia, there after condemnations must be actions, and if the west said, and if there are elections, then it will be 1-2-3, but it did not happen, not that the west said it before the election, not 1 2 3, well, actually, you you see, even the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the european union, which just happened at the beginning of this week, did not lead to...
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instant decisions, that is, as far as i know, various strategic options are considered, and they are not stretched over time, well and in modern politics, what is stretched in time, it is always not immediately connected with the cause, hmm, well, mr. pavle, let's switch to some interesting visits to ukraine, in particular , the national security adviser of the us president , jake sullivan, lynsey graham, an equally influential senator, visited our country, but about the latter, i think... that there is a little difference between words and actions, given that he did not vote, respectively, for aid to our country and other strategic partners of the united states during his time in the senate, but says: you will receive atakamse and definitely do what needs to be done to do, in particular with the kerch bridge, if i'm not mistaken. sullivan was more reserved, said that i can't please you with suitable long-range weaponry yet, and in general, how do you assess... these visits, were there
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any specifics in them for you? well, if you can call it a visit that jax allevan came, lynsey's visit is somehow a bit too much, i say this with respect, of course to him, i've known him for many years, and as far as i'm concerned, that lynsey who was, well, friends, or maybe friends, political partners of mccain, and i'm fine... as far as i 'm concerned, almost no one in today's republican party can afford to go against trump, as the chances of re-election fall many times over, and the fact that linsey largely... repeats trump's logic there with
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loans there for ukraine and so on and so forth, it doesn't really surprise me in today's reality, as for jake, well jake just never comes, he always comes to discuss strategy, approaches, and i'm sure his visit is generally about logic, what, how can to do together, which the administration is ... ready to do on the campaign trail, so that it wants to see from us what it can provide itself, so it's such a serious conversation, because sullivan is in some sense, i don't know whether it's right or left hand of biden , he enjoys his trust, and you know that sullivan, he is perceived by many of us almost as a politician, but in the american sense he is not a politician, he is a person appointed
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directly by the president and who works under the president, that is, a person who is responsible for coordination of all activities in the field. of national security, and the actual source of decisions in this area is president biden himself, this does not mean that sullivan's influence there is limited in any way, he is really crazy, that is, all these decisions converge on him, but nevertheless, he is not a politician in our sense, but tell me, mr. pavilo, what about the fact that there was a meeting of advisers on national security issues here in kyiv, to which no matter what... and mr. salev, and we still do not know who was at this meeting , for what it was held, why suddenly the previous meetings were covered in various capitals, in various cities, it was said that they were related to the preparation for the summit to be held in switzerland, which is currently being prepared by the ministry of foreign affairs
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of this country, but this meeting of advisers, it actually turned out to be so secret, which is not even in telegram channels, which can invent any news, you can order. even that, no information about what it was, and well, the question is definitely not for me, i think that if you write something in your telegram channel, then this blockade will be there, torn of course, well national security advisers, to be quite serious here, they can afford not to report what and how they are doing, because again they are not politicians, we are at war. we are used to a different logic, since we also have representatives of the armed forces, representatives of the special services, of course , have the opportunity to address society, but for western societies, this is not really such
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a classic approach, i do not particularly remember that in europe advisers from issues of national security went public the plane sullivan is, of course, an exception, and this is a different approach that is specific to the american system. and mr. pavle, this week we saw information from the financial times, in particular, that there are certain reservations among our american partners regarding the strategy of the defense forces of ukraine to strike oil refineries on the territory of the russian federation. that ukrainian officials and representatives of the president's office mostly deny this information, the us does not put pressure on us in this regard. what do the numbers tell us? ministry of defense of great britain in in its latest report says that
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at least 10% of russia's refinery capacity is actually affected, meaning frozen at least for some time. in your opinion, how thorny is the ... topic of oil prices in the world for the united states as of now and does it make sense, again , that the states have some reservations about us? i'm not sure that alya dykabrats's terminology is optimal here, but you are right that this is one of the most sensitive issues. super sensitive for europeans, but still. more for americans because for them the price at gas stations is a certain indicator of which way life is going, especially for those who live outside of big cities, have cars there with a large
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volume of engines, for them the gas station that happens there every other day, if the price increases tank there on... significant, that is , it affects everything, and as for the conversation about the strikes that we inflict on russian refineries, here, as they say, in odesa, there are two big differences, the conversation about this pressure, eh, it is difficult for me to comment on what financial writes times, i assume that such a conversation could take place, but this does not mean that someone will come to us there, call and say: yes, no, under any conditions it is impossible, because yes, yes and yes, and such a conversation, as a rule, takes place in logic, what can be, what is the logic of this, what can we achieve, what are the risks of escalation, what are other risks and so on,
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but no one will tell you about this, because the americans, europeans, all our friends, officially take the position that they are not interested ... they don't know about the strikes on russia, so basically no one will comment on this to you, and so on things, i do not rule out that something like... such a conversation, or a similar one, may arise after this event in the moscow region, since the actions there on russian territory may, in this reality, provoke a different response, in which it will raise rates, but this does not mean that the conversation turns into pressure, but was there... such a conversation, i cannot help but confirm or deny, as they say,
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thank you, mr. pavlo, pavlo klimkin, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-2019 , and now we will talk about energy by mykhailo gonchar, an expert on energy and security relations and the president of the center for global studies strategy 21. congratulations, mr. mykhailo, good evening, and let's start with an assessment of, i would say, those blows to ukrainian energy that were inflicted these days. more in ukraenergo say that these are more strategically dangerous actions than even attacks on ukrainian energy in the winter of 2022-2023? to some extent yes, although one thing should be noted if the most powerful blow in that off-season of 22-23 arrived on november 23, 2022, then the power system... fell into a blackout, so in a few hours it was possible to restore
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functioning, but nevertheless the fact took place. now the unified energy system of ukraine has withstood this blow, despite the fact that the damage is very serious. well, of course, it can be said that now was not the winter peak of consumption, january, a month when the consequences could be much more serious. but even in november of the 22nd year , there was not yet a peak of winter consumption, so in principle, i would say that there is an advantage in that the system survived. yes, we can see that kharkiv and kharkiv oblast have still not recovered to a large extent, energy consumption has not been restored, there are only local, well, generators are working and some local work is being done to restore it. and in the end, in the rest of the regions that were affected, where energy facilities were damaged
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, energy consumption was mostly restored, therefore , one way or another , the sufficiently high stability of the energy system of ukraine was again demonstrated, and this is an important point regarding the situation related to dniproges, then of course it is problematic because it is a powerful hessian. more powerful in the dnipro cascade, well, about 1.6 gvv, there are one and a half hundred nuclear power units of standard size, and this is maneuvering power, it fell out, it is precisely this maneuvering power that is important to us, such maneuvering power is thermal generation and hydrogeneration, and therefore, in principle, it just says that the strike was carried out systematically from the point of view of unbalancing the energy system as a whole, and ... in particular , strike which, according to the enemy's design, should
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turn off the power supply for our of the main industrial district, this is conventionally the dnipro district, where our main industrial centers are located, the same dnipro, zaporizhzhia, kryvyi rih, and so on, well, as we can see, it did not succeed, although the destruction was certainly serious. mr. mykhailo , but... we just somehow miss the fact that actually the night before our energy industry was attacked on such a large scale, there was also a very large-scale shelling, which was concentrated on the ukrainian capital, many who monitor the capabilities of the russian federation to stockpile missiles and reload them into strategic bombers, i was surprised they didn't pause. don't you think that the russians now, well, they will actually force... or they are trying to force us to cover, to force
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us to cover our energy facilities and distract us from some other important targets for them in order to realize that our air defense capabilities are absolutely infinite, well, we do it anyway, it’s just that it is not reported, so the anti-hail capacities are not standing still, they're always on the move because if they... stop they get destroyed let's remember the recent patriot incident so they're always on the move and that's the norm then if actually. and there is nothing surprising in the fact that on the 21st there was a massive strike on kyiv, and on the 22nd on other targets outside kyiv, if you recall, on october 10-11, in 22nd there was a somewhat similar situation , the 10th strike and the 11th strike in the same way, that's why it's basically, well, you can say that it's already such
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a proven tactic, that is... the first blow is concentrated, the second is dispersed, since the enemy, in this case we from the point of view of the attacking side, should, so to speak, again be focused on the fact that there will be a second strike on kyiv, and they did it in a completely different way, but this suggests that in fact, so to speak, there is an air of command on the table there. forces of russia, this scenario has been lying around for a long time, it's just that they obviously had other priorities, and then decided to strike at this time , given the fact that before that they had systematically and systematically struck the defense and industrial infrastructure of the same dnipro region. but the question arises
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as to how ready they are for some new ecological disasters, this is also a very important point, i think. well, for them, there is no question there, let's say, if there is some kind of ecological disaster on the territory of ukraine, well, they will not accept much about this, for example, kakhovska gest, what happened, but again, i have been focusing my attention recently on , that it is incorrect to compare what happened with the kokhovskaya hes dam and that shelling. which took place along the dniproges, and kakhovska, the kakhovska dam hes was blown up, destroyed, because of it, because of bringing there the appropriate amount of explosives, tons, if not tens of tons, and laying there, engineering
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mining was done there, taking into account what the dniproges dam is, first of all... the very scale of these, both hydrotechnical structures are completely different, ah, with the exception of the fact that the warhead of any missile, even the most powerful one, which is currently used by the kh22, is only 960 kg, so to speak, with the help of a rocket strike, to destroy a hydroelectric dam like the one in zaporizhzhia. progress, well it is impossible, you really need to control it, put dozens of tons of explosives there, at least, and then there will be the effect that happened twice in the history of dniproges in the 41st and 43rd years, because some such, well, of course , you can hypothetically to imagine that a few bombardment regiments of russian
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aviation with powerful bombs of the pab3 type will bombard this dam for a long time, but of course, our opposing defense will not give them such an opportunity, they will be destroyed much earlier, than they will come to the line of bombing, so if they started dispersing such information about a possible ecological disaster as a result of russian strikes, this is also an element. such accompanying information and propaganda operation, aimed at sowing panic and nervousness in ukrainian society, and, accordingly, corresponding moods. now let's talk a little about russian energy, another oil refinery was hit, this time kuibyshivskyi, and we are talking about
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today, before that there was a series, and already 10% of russia's... oil refining capacities are actually paralyzed due to the activities of the defense forces of ukraine. tell me, please, mr. mykhailo, whether this can, firstly, whether it has already led to the corresponding effect in russia itself, and whether it can somehow affect the prices of oil, oil in the world, the behavior of the relevant organizations, ala opec, and in general , could it be provoked by some suv? well , look, the fact that it destroys russia's critical energy infrastructure, in this case, oil refining, is true, and it is already recognized by everyone. and our friends and our enemies, but when it comes to the fact that the alleged ukrainian strikes on russian oil refining are screwing up
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the price of oil there on the world market, this is absolute manipulation, first of all, it is not the same and not at all the same market of crude oil and the market of petroleum products, the market gasoline and the diesel market are also not... the same thing, so in principle, well, no one pours crude oil into car tanks, and the users of crude oil, consumers are oil refineries, so when it comes to what the price of oil rose as a result of the ukrainian blows, well, it's just pulled by the ears, the price of oil, it really increased for some time, although by the way these days it is decreasing somewhat, eh, but this is ... a manifestation of the inability of the western coalition to curb the houthis, and the actual activity of the houthis themselves also contributes to the increase in oil prices, since the traditional
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oil traffic through the babel-mandeb, the red sea, suez is practically blocked, and the traffic is now bypassing the african continent, correspondingly, a more expensive, longer, more expensive route, and this is reflected in the price of oil, in addition, if we're... the american market , the petroleum market, again, there's seasonal refinery repairs, maybe, i guess, that's my hypothesis, because traditionally the oil magnates, the american ones, they're more republican than democrat, it is possible that someone puts these factories for repairs there earlier, so that there really would be some kind of local shortages there, not... due to the increase in the price of gasoline, but again, if you look at the increases that are taking place there, well, they are
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quite insignificant, i.e. you can't say there that the price of gasoline in the united states somehow suddenly shot up, moreover, the united states last year set a record for production and processing, for crude oil production and processing, respectively, they are number one in the world. in terms of oil production volumes, saudi arabia and russia still reach out to them and reach out to them, so if certain manipulations take place here, and accordingly, on the basis of these manipulations, if an appeal is allegedly made to the ukrainian side so that it does not do what it is doing, it must meaning, applying strikes on russian oil refining, nothing like that, just tonight's strike, it... confirms the correctness of the course, we have to act systematically and consistently, and in fact, this is the boomerang that came back to the russians, because if we remember what we were doing they are in
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the 22nd year, and when the kyiv ice blitz failed in three days, they began to systematically destroy our fuel infrastructure, oil depots, and oil refineries in kremenchug . reply, mr. mykhailo, thank you for this comment, mykhailo gonchar , expert on energy and security relations, president of the global studies center, strategy 21 joined our broadcast, in just a few moments vitaly portnikov and i will return to the topic of the incident and terrorist attack in krok city hall in the suburbs of moscow . it will lead within the russian federation itself and whether putin will use it for a war with ukraine, this will not be our only topic, but i think that mr.
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vitaly has many reflections regarding many events of the current week. be saturday political club. there are discounts on lyzak, 10% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are... books on kombigrib hotsip 20% in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. to keep up with the economic news, time to
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talk about money during the war alexander morchik with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenna, for the information about cultural news, presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of pride, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. in the evening for espresso. premium the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds.
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we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday, thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics. even more top ones guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. we continue the saturday polyclub on the
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espresso tv channel. yatskiv vitaly portnikov. and we are talking about the most important events. well, while vladimir putin was receiving congratulations from many actually leaders and the civilized world, which is important, and their close partners. something happened at crocus city hall that should have actually put a question to the russians, as far as i'm concerned, but i don't know them, you and i talked about it last time. and... why didn't you save our father? we voted for you, how is that possible? that is, we see that terrorism is raising its head, despite the fact that putin, a fighter against terrorism, one of the brightest in recent decades, has been re-elected as president. well, the question really arises here, to what extent the public's demand can be exactly this, or vice versa the population is shown instability so that they understand that putin has just been elected president for a reason, and now he will start
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to restore order, because, well, i want to remind you... of joseph stalin's famous thesis that the class struggle intensifies as socialism is built, and many people understood when stalin came up with this thesis what it even meant, then realized that it meant that you can shoot and repress anyone in any number, because people just hoped that we were building socialism, in we have less and less enemies, and it turns out more and more, that is, you cannot feel safe, i have to tell you that i... covered the most terrible terrorist attacks in russia in moscow, when i worked there as a correspondent, and i always it was absolutely obvious that this situation looks like some strange symbiosis of terrorists and special services, and that it was never possible to understand several things, as now, by the way, here is this terrorist attack, it is really organized by people who
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want to achieve something, or he. .. by special services, or yes, even more interestingly, and this terrorist attack, which was organized by these people who want to achieve something, it was generally known to the russian special services, they specifically allowed it to take place, or they did not know about something, or you can ask the question like this: maybe some part of the russian intelligence did not know something , and some part knew and decided that it could deliver this terrorist attack in this way. in the competence of its competitors, let's say how eternal this competition between the federal security service and the central intelligence agency is, and when there were terrorist attacks of the times of the chechen war, i always had to meet with some of my sources who explained to me that this could be a real terrorist attack, and this is part of...


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