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tv   [untitled]    March 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EET

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the townspeople approach the situation in principle with understanding and understand that it is necessary to repair, restore, and if someone spends an extra hour without electricity, then it is not critical, there are medical facilities and they are requested from autonomous, they have autonomous energy supply, from generators, accordingly, we have emergency service points, everyone has resumed work, many thanks to the business, a new power outlet, you can go everywhere, recharge and so on, and in principle the city lives, works, everything, everything, everything functions as it should, well , but nevertheless, because of these blows in terms of energy generation facilities, in general , energy facilities, the energy infrastructure of kharkiv , the heating season ends there from tomorrow, the consequences of this and, well, this is a fact, it is obviously connected with these shellings, as... kharkiv
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is ready, no ready, how will life be with such a sudden, unexpected, or unscheduled end of the heating season? this is definitely outside the schedule for the end of the heating season, but everyone basically understands that the situation is war-like now, and therefore the early end heating season, i don't see any great inconvenience here for kharkiv residents, especially since the weather is now. more or less sunny, warm and so on, after the shelling we usually had a total blackout for almost a day, without heating, without light, but even our utilities began to restore the heat supply to our buildings, since yesterday, but we understand that early termination this heating season, it is dictated by completely objective requirements. well,
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today the enemy also attacked kharkiv oblast, in particular, there was an attack on a private person sector in dergachy, and in vovchansk a man died from an enemy attack, if you can sum up the attacks on kharkiv oblast, well, this is, unfortunately, commonplace for kharkiv oblast, shelling of the region, this is a daily absolute story, every day they shell various objects, let's say so, and accordingly... very often people of different ages , occupations, and genders are injured and killed in our country, so here, unfortunately, it is not even on the front pages of our news publications that such things are published, unfortunately, but what about the situation , so would say, with electricity and heating, it is improving compared to what happened on the first day, well, on the first night, on the first day, on the first day under... that massive rocket
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attack on the entire territory of ukraine, in particular the kharkiv region. well, the news that i read in the tape today, when i was preparing to talk with you about kharkiv oblast, is that the russian federation has destroyed almost all of kharkiv's energy facilities, is it possible to say that? well, what can i say: the police reported that 15 objects of our energy infrastructure were affected, the level, so to speak speak of destruction. the level of damage, the level of possibilities for the restoration of these objects, this information is accordingly not public, it is not announced, but the result, as all kharkiv residents can see, is that the situation is serious, but all relevant, i understand very well that all these energy objects of kharkiv, well, they are definitely not on the map, and obviously there are people who point to this, here it is important, of course, to understand effective work. the security service
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of ukraine, well, the local control there, who is doing this, is it still possible to think that the enemy somehow has its own sources, and it is not the gunners constantly walking around and pointing out the points on which no flights have yet arrived, well, some of these objects are affected, they are on the maps one hundred percent, these are our heat, well, heat, distribution stations and so on , of course, after the 22nd year. in the 23rd year, when there were massive strikes on our energy infrastructure, there was a partial dispersal and diversification of all these objects, so it is possible that some objects were targeted and there was an adjustment of fire in the area from some traitors, perhaps, but this should be done by our counterintelligence, the security service, which is celebrating its professional day today, so we can congratulate them in the most appropriate way, let me just join the greetings of the security service of ukraine to all those... soldiers who are part of the sbu
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, who beat the russians, and eternal honor and memory to those heroes who gave their lives in the struggle for the freedom and independence of our country, for all of us, therefore from... the question, sincere thanks and success in this important struggle. regarding demining, i would also like to report that today there was information that a demining machine blew up in kharkiv oblast, it is clear that this work is ongoing and not always everything goes smoothly, but in general, how effectively is it possible to continue this work, despite the fact that, as you say, shelling of the region is commonplace, and where it will fly, it is not necessary there must be a rocket there, it could be explosives, please, yes, of course, shelling of the region is commonplace, and our pyrotechnics. thanks to the sna, these are people who are actually at war every day, and, unfortunately, there are losses, as far as i know, more than 10 people, during a full-scale invasion from among our rescuers, pyrotechnicians, they
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died, blowing up on these in different, under different conditions, let's say, on what was mined by the russians, because eliminating the consequences of shelling and so on, so of course... this is also very difficult and dangerous work, which these brave people do every day. ugh. yes, well, if i have time for one, literal question, but i would like you to comment, here is the public information, they were informed by an employee of the press service of tets-5 natalya verbova that kharkiv is currently supplied with power from other regions, because kharkivska tets-5 has lost its main thermal and electrical energy generation capacities for kharkiv. just outline please how critical a power generating station this is, is it really? the city is completely dependent on tets-5, well, to at least understand, to understand the global nature of this problem, and please, this is a global problem, the city does not depend only on one tets, but this tets
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covered a significant, significant part of the city's needs, well at least before the full-scale invasion, as i said, there was a diversification of our generators capacities and distribution capacities. and on tets-5, well, as reported, as seen, in principle, by witnesses, there were two or three hits during the same night shelling, and therefore, of course, the problems there are obviously very serious, thank you very much, mr. serhiy, take care myself, serhii zhukov, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, the city is actually in a very difficult situation related to energy, so there should have been a connection to kyiv, unfortunately there are certain problems, i just want to say that ten shots, i will tell you more in the news about the situation in kyiv today. what happened there after such night and morning shelling, and now let's still collect for cars for our wars, so cars at the front are consumables, cars work in an extremely intensive mode and often come under enemy fire, so quickly break down, or completely, or
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need repair, so we invite you to join the important collection for three four-wheel drive vehicles: a powerful land cruiser for the air intelligence group, the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine, a pickup for 43 separate artillery brigades and a refrigerator for the removal and transportation of fallen heroes. our goal is uah 9,000. support the front to free ukraine from russian evil. this is important, and i will tell you a little later how much we have already collected , how much you have already collected, and our employees, who also join in, we, well, we have all collected together, and this will be motivation, because i know that you are very active and thank you very much for that. well, now the actual announcement, what kind of missile is this cerkon, where it flies, how many of them the russians have, and why is this missile flying along with... arenas, and we will talk about it, serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency, will talk about it, sergey, i congratulate you , vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today we will really talk about individual details of missile strikes on ukraine and the enemy's use of the zircon missile, and with our expert express we will talk about the consequences
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of the strike by the ukrainian air force on sevastopol, what exactly was destroyed, about that in a moment. so, for four days in a row, russia is now conducting missile attacks on various areas of ukraine, the enemy uses various types of drones, chemikaze missiles, if we summarize the official data of the air force command, then the enemy used about 98 cruise missiles and more than two dozen ballistic missiles, at least seven missiles. dagger and five kh-22 missiles, but today hypersonic zircon missiles were once again added to this arsenal, we analyzed the fragments of these missiles, contacting experts
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from various ministries, and there is indeed confirmation that the enemy this time used at least two rockets on the capital. zircon zircon actually exists the newest and most confidential missile in the arsenal of the russian federation, which the kremlin attributes to the character. but she was again intercepted by ukrainian snipers. why am i saying again? because this is at least the fifth case of using these zircons in ukraine. there were strikes on zaporizhzhia, then, if i'm not mistaken, on february 7 there were two strikes with zircons on kyiv, and now again the use of zircons on the capital of ukraine. why. we claim that it is zircon. much larger debris was found compared to
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the previous attack on the capital, all these debris have indices, these indices are related to the 3m22 rocket, so several fragments have indices 3b22, 3l2, which actually confirm the fact that these fragments belong to this missile. but now the question arises, what technical characteristics does this missile have, how does it affect our air defense system? in fact, the enemy says that this missile has a speed there, which is nine machs, that is, a hypersonic missile, which is at least twice as fast as the same dagger that he uses. for launches from aircraft, but the characteristics
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that have been recorded now, we can say that in the initial part of the flight trajectory, the missile has a speed within five speeds, then on the middle trajectory at an altitude of about seven speeds, and already in the zone where it was shot down by our air defense complexes within 4-4 swings, that is, it is actually in this area. is not hypersonic, which is actually one of the debunking of such excessive characteristics, about which russian propaganda speaks. we can also admit that, relatively speaking, the range of the missile according to various estimates, it ranges from 600 to 1000 km, so far these indicators still need to be checked for accuracy. there are doubts that it is a high-precision missile, rather, it probably resembles the kh-22, which hits an area rather
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than specific targets, because there are doubts about the effective control system of this missile, and the fact that this missile goes astray , this is extremely important because it tells us that the patriot complex, the american patriot complex is quite capable of this new development. russian federation. tempo production of these rockets. so far, we are trying to collect, analyze and evaluate these data. i think it is significantly less than the rate of production of the same daggers. let me remind you that the production rate of daggers is about four or six rockets per month. and actually launching these missiles. this missile was designed to be launched from launchers that are placed on or on a ship. or on submarines, the only video you have already seen, it
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is used during tests from the ship itself, which so far, let's say, well, do not have a raw state in the composition of the russian of the army, the missile itself, by the way, has also not been adopted, although the russian side says that the experimental period of use and application of this missile continues there, so if it was launched from... crimea, then rather it was launched from transport-launch containers that could be attached to some other launchers that could be there, in particular to the same launcher, or bastion or from oterkaki iskander, so far we cannot clearly say from which launcher this missile is launched, but in any - in any case we understand that the countermeasure strategy should include two components, the first is the fight against this missile. at the expense of air defense systems, at the expense of air defense systems, which actually demonstrate the capabilities
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of the patriot complex, which are at the disposal of the ukrainian air defense system, another component is the hunt for the launchers themselves . this work does not look simple, but given the fact that the enemy already has a significant number of different missiles that are used there, it is precisely the hunt for... operational-tactical missiles of the enemy on beasts on iskander using intelligence data and possibly long-range impression systems that we can get from partners. actually, this is another component in order to minimize the risks from zircons. the task is not easy, but we understand that countering these missiles should not only rely on how much of the patriot system we have. and then we have the second topic for our conversation, which is also related to
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the main topic, which is that on the night of march 24 , the force of in ukraine, they launched a missile strike against the russian occupiers in crimea, this strike was comprehensive, because it was applied to russian ships, control systems, and airfields, and now there are already certain satellite images that allow us to draw certain conclusions, what exactly was hit, what was not, what consequences this has for the enemy's defense system in the currently occupied crimea, and now we are joined by a military expert from our information and consulting company defense express, ivan kirchevskyi. mr. ivan, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, i am glad to be with you. the question is that yesterday there were reports, today satellite images have already appeared, which allow a more detailed assessment of the effectiveness of the strikes
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carried out by the ukrainian air forces on russian objects. what can be said now with... summarizing this complex missile strike by complex missile strike against the enemy? if we take the entire array of available information at the moment, then we can say that it was a complex strike even in terms of the use of means of destruction, because our struck drones could also work, although without detailing the types, because in addition to such good news, as the central communication hub of the black sea fleet of the russian federation was hit there, let's say... several russian ships were hit, we also have such a nice bonus as an oil depot was hit, for the guards, at least three of these were destroyed there large forces with fuel, and this is also possible, let's say, the result of the work of the same, our drones, which demonstrate the same accuracy when extracting from russian refineries. if we talk directly about the known results of the rocket
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strike, then we can say with certainty that the destruction of this central... communication hub of the black sea fleet of the russian federation was recorded, because satellite images show that in the building, that there is not just a hole in the buildings, that this building is simply destroyed from the inside, well , accordingly, how does the penetrating warhead of sturmshedov or scalp missiles work there. by the way, according to the wreckage that was found at the site of the impact, the russian occupiers claim that it was the scalp, as if they found some inscriptions in french, if we do not object or reject this version, we will simply take it into account. to understand which means of defeat could be used and who could help it. as for the ships, a very interesting story begins there, because as of yesterday , two satellites of the satellite appeared, on which it appeared that two ships of the project 775 ozi about the defeat of which they claimed that they were said to be simply damaged, but then it turned out , that on one of the germans, it is still just
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a critically affected yamal, which has a very large one there is a hole in the board, according to our... main intelligence department, and the second one is, unfortunately, our konstantin olshadskyi, a trophy, a ship that the russians captured in 2014, because the azov landing ship has a certain such pleasant intrigue, and by the way, if we take some more statements of official spokesmen, there is also intrigue regarding the medium reconnaissance ship ivan khurs, because the spokesman of the navy said today that this ship could also have been hit, and before that similar data was stated by one of the well, the critical russian soldiers, therefore, i... think that we will summarize all these data during this week, there will be new pleasant aspects. that is, in fact , we can say that at least three or even four ships could be hit there with varying degrees of damage to the enemy. well, roughly so, especially about the scale of the defeat that the russians received this
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sunday, which can be tangentially evidenced by the fact that the russians are suddenly at their naval base in novorossiysk. decided to urgently install a barrier barrier, well, that is a physical barrier against our naval drones, well, that is, maybe they either already guess something, what awaits them next, or maybe they are just so scared about the results of this attack. by the way, let 's emphasize separately why in this case it was very important to knock out the central communication node of the black sea fleet, because the russians, in addition to everything else, changed the fleet management system and it still seems from january 1, 2024, that if by this moment... the black sea fleet was subordinated only to the headquarters of the southern district in rostov, now he reports directly to moscow. well, the chief commander in the ministry of internal affairs, you can read here as there, well, you can. read in essence to the kremlin and putin, well, that is , for a certain time, it turns out that the russians in the black sea fleet lost communication not only horizontally, but also in general vertically, that is
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, up to moscow, and this after going there with the inspection minister of defense shoigo was coming in person, and what consequences could this have for the russian combat capability of the russian black sea fleet, just a blow to the communication hub that can be made evaluation forecasts, i think, first of all, this can affect even their, let's say this... morale of the personnel, well, because the fact that the russians had such great losses from our naval drones, well, this is primarily a story about their poor organization of countermeasures, well, because it would seem that they had technical solutions, which could have been effective, but they did not use them, our, let's say, masters of operational art found a way to hit this weak point of the enemy , it would seem that after the distribution of the highest orders, the name... that's right, well, they should have had a little bit of business, and they even changed the commander for this matter, but nevertheless, after the change of commander, they received an even more painful blow, so i think that if
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defense forces of ukraine, the planners set the task of paralyzing , first of all, the black sea fleet as an operational-strategic grouping in crimea, and secondly targeting the crimean bridge there, then this task is gradually being achieved, and in terms of paralyzing black sea fleet. sir, what about the strike on the airfield, is there any information about the destruction of russian military aircraft, about the number? at the moment , there have been no confirmations yet, so even from our side, because it was first of all recognized by the russian military, but here is exactly the case when it will be better to wait for satellite images and they will show even more vividly, well, because if until this moment, we could see there, you know, in public access, pictures from the dzhankoy airfield, where the russians have already preventive measures to... draw silhouettes of mi-28 attack helicopters, although it would seem for what, well, well, somewhere they feel that they have problems there with holes in air defense, accordingly, these very
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reports that as a result there or the downing of a drone, or the downing of one missile , debris could fall so successfully as to damage several su-27s, well, they can be confirmed. and regarding the analysis of the remains of these large landing ships, which remain at the disposal of the enemy, can we... say that these indicators are actually not allow the enemy to conduct amphibious operations if they suddenly decide to take such a step? well, it’s not that we won’t have to talk about amphibious operations, but there even about sustainable logistical support, maybe, well, because if you simply count from the data that is available, it turns out that the russians are intact and ready for use in the black sea seven amphibious ships remain, while the black sea fleet... the russian federation can be congratulated in quotation marks on the fact that it formally has only two amphibious ships of the old project 1171 tapir left, and all the other five of them belong to the northern
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or baltic fleets, by the way, let's remind you that the linyhorsk miner, hit on novosibirsk, also belongs to the northern fleet of the russian federation, so why is the question here not even about the landing on odessa, or even about logistics, there is already such interesting tangential news here, that is, russian resources. they admit that they have 2,500 railway tanks stuck at the entrance to the crimean bridge, and this is such a mess unseen on the railway, which has never been, well, never been seen, well, 200.5 tankers are there, well, the works will be removed in a few days, it turns out that some of the tankers have been there for six months, because the russians are now afraid for some reason to let tankers with fuel cross the crimean bridge, we have to wait until they are taken out by ferries, well, including obviously by amphibious ships, well, it can be seen after the effective... sunday of ferries, so to speak, even transporting fuel, so to speak, to the mainland for the russian military in crimea, the russians have now become less, accordingly, but after all, here we have to
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wait more, rather operations by destruction of the crimean bridge, rather than the realization of russian nonsense about the fact that one day they will be able to land on odesa, well, fortunately they wasted their chance, their window of opportunity in march 2022, and now they can not even mention it, sir, how can this be explained accumulations... of cisterns on krymskyi or near the krymskyi bridge, what is the reason for such clogging of this direction? well, something is possible, something interesting happened to the crimean bridge in october 2022, which we were all very happy about, when there was a very bright burning of railway tesseras, which were strengthened there the degree of destruction, made it difficult for the russians to restore the railway track, well, that is , they brought us a lot of joy, and accordingly, the russians after that, well , for some reason are afraid... to let echelons with combustible fuel and lubricant materials through the crimean bridge, and for some reason it turned out to be easier for them to simply create such subizers, corks from those cisterns, which
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the theory should have... they are needed with fuel in the temporarily occupied crimea, some cisterns stand there for six months, well, that is, it turns out like this, but the russians actually already are gradually preparing that , god forbid, suddenly they will lead a frenzy, to put it simply, across the crimean bridge , one or more of our sea babies will swim up there, that is , they are like that, that is, a certain paradox is already emerging, we need to destroy the crimean bridge in order to weaken to the russians, logistics on the temporarily occupied peninsula, primarily for their war machine, and the russians, expecting this... problems are already complicating the logistics of the crimean bridge for themselves, and the fact that just a few thousand tanks of these is just one of the signs that they, well, recognized there can still be some other more pleasant things for us, which they are not in a hurry to admit yet, and mr. ivan, you have already mentioned our naval strike drones twice, we are used to such noisy operations happening regularly, now it seems that the pause has been somewhat prolonged, is it possible to predict what this pause
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is connected with, or? that the enemy, conditionally speaking, is now not taking out ships in the zone, the zone where they can be attacked by our naval drones, or is it possible that there are other versions of the fact that such sea cotton is being postponed for now? i think all versions can be equally probable here, well, first of all, what really needs to be saved up, let’s call a certain bank whole, because this potential bank is whole, it prefers not to go to sea, and accordingly, how to get it to sea , and on the other hand, we can recall reports that were a few weeks ago, even from the main intelligence agency, that our naval drones might be equipped with additional airborne weapons systems, the necessity of which, our publication wrote somewhere else in december 2023 year, well, when some footage appeared about how the russians are trying to hunt down these sea drones, if we talk about it in more detail, then in theory the sbu already showed that
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there were rocket launchers on the sea babies... these jet flamethrowers in theory against russian anti-sabotage qataris, which can come at a relative face distance, this may be enough. the next step, which could and should be implemented in theory, again, is the installation of manpads or other improvised means of short-range air defense there, well, because the russians use either helicopters or old airplanes to patrol the waters of the black sea, well, to search for our kamikaze boats. 12 for, well, to detect the visual, they need to get close enough, just in case, why do the russians need planes, well, because during one of the recent attacks, when this serhiy kotov was sunk, well, the russians were able to confirm empirically that our naval drone it is possible to detect a radar at a maximum distance of 3 km, and this does not satisfy them, well , accordingly, some time may now pass before to install these additional airborne
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weapons systems on ee on ours. boats, especially since here we need to take an example from some leading countries, for example, turkey, which already has similar models of surface boats with remotely controlled weapons, and there may be a more prosaic option, for our naval drones, which there by the way , volunteers recently gathered, they just put an even more powerful combat unit, well, because when there was a 500 kg combat unit on sea drones, it turned out that more is needed, 850 kg, that is it turned out to be just enough to go again in the summer of this year... the crimean bridge, well, of course, there is no limit to perfection, there is no limit to the combat unit, well, the mass of the combat unit, which in theory can be placed on this boat, accordingly to arrange some such large-scale construction so, so that the russians would not even have anything to fix the losses, mr. ivan, thank you very much for all such optimistic explanations, i will remind our viewers that it was ivan kirchevsky, a military expert of the information and consulting company defense express, that's what they were like the main military results of this day, then
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more... international and economic news, then vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zgurtsev, thanks to his guest, these were the military results of the day. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, next, the second hour of great teru, a lot of interesting and important information is waiting for you. world about ukraine with yuri fizer. money during the war with oleksandr morchyvka. sports news today from yevhen pastukhov. in what condition is our national team preparing for the key one match for the qualification to euro-24 2024 with the national team of iceland. the match will take place, let me remind you , in wroclaw, poland, at the conventional home stadium of our national team. and weather news from natalka didenko. and now about the most important news.


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