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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EET

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handles even thick branches, once done, and unlike standard saws , it is so convenient to use in hard -to-reach places, comes with a powerful battery, wrench and screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only 1499 hryvnias with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: a powerful strong saw is what you need, call! gasoline trimmers are so heavy, noisy and uncomfortable, and as always untimely... run out of fuel, and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, the solution is: garden trimmer kors from rozpakuy tv, buy it in time at a special price, only 999 uah. rimer corse is a light, compact and incredibly powerful tool. it will cope with bushes and lawn even in the most difficult to reach places. near fences, along paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees. unlike gasoline ones, trimmer corse is incredibly light, it can even be used. women, but that's not
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all, see how powerful the kors trimmer is, how it cuts carrots in a flash, which means that our trimmer copes with even the thickest weeds, no more heavy, bulky lawn mowers, oil or gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a well-kept plot, order a light and reliable garden trimmer kors for only uah 999. trimmer kors, call, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saw from unbox tv. just for you, you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also reliable battery included , just call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement with a strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even thick
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branches , once ready, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places, a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver are included, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient a tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: a powerful strong saw is what you need, call! the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, on the information day of the tv channel in rospol, the enemy hit novogorodivka with two rockets. a woman was killed and injured in donetsk region. the administrative building and hangar were destroyed. the war continues. and yes,
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well, the good positive moment that arrived in relation to the hostile fleet and its minus in the crimean direction, so it is already official, the armed forces of ukraine struck the ship kostyantyn olshansky with a neptune missile, which , i remind you, was stolen by the russians during the occupation of crimea back in the 14th year, dmytro pletenchuk, the spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, officially announced this. this is important news, minuses and minuses, although we understand that air alarms will be increasingly harsh, yes, by the way, about pletanchuk's statements, i will add, he also stated that at the beginning of a full-scale war, ukraine managed to destroy four large airborne ships of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, there are already only five such ships left on the course of the occupiers, and he says that if you take the big...
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amphibious ships, then five units out of 13 remain in service, which they had at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , according to him, four of this number were destroyed, four more were under repair, among them azov and yamal, which, by the way, which by the way were damaged the day before yesterday, and here, so, well, an interesting situation , i already spoke with one of our experts yesterday about whether it is worth it generally call now the black sea fleet russian. codification, because the fleet as such no longer exists, there are some scraps of this fleet left , well, while there are, so to speak, multi-purpose missiles, we will not take them lightly, so to speak, although the rights, that is, in the strategic plan, the russians have lost, not gained , but information has already appeared, sad statistics about yesterday's attack on odessa, so as a result of a rocket attack on the recreation area of ​​odessa, i will turn to doctors for medical help... at least nine
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people, houses and infrastructure object, this was reported by the head of the press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, colonel nataliya humenyuk, i quote humenyuk. they hit right in the city , in the recreation area, people were injured , at least nine people sought medical help, someone had a reaction to stress, someone had injuries from broken glass, a lot of glass flew, the shock wave affected the surrounding houses, and the lady colonel stressed, the attack was directed at the recreational area of ​​the city, and the enemy once again used a double strike tactic. first one missile hit, and a few minutes later, taking into account the arrival of the operational services , they hit the next one with a missile. the enemy chooses this tactic in response to the fact that there are no advantages along the line of battle - stressed nataliya humenyuk, and as the correspondent of ukrinform reports, the palace of sports was damaged as a result of the attack and adjacent high-rise buildings. anatoliy khrabchinskyi is already in
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touch with us, the deputy general director of the company engaged in radar combat aviation experts. mr. anatoly, congratulations you on our air. congratulations. let's talk about cerkon. yesterday the russians used missiles that they have used only a few times before, there is a danger that they may now intensify their use of such missiles. what does it threaten, actually for ukrainians and how do we need to be prepared for it? well, as for the use of zircons, anyway, let 's start with the fact that we currently have a larger fragment of this rocket, so we can do a more thorough study and confirm or deny. tactical and technical the characteristics mentioned by russian propaganda, again, this is a ballistic missile , and they launch it, can launch it from the crimean side, so it should be calculated and understood that, for example, the approach time there is very short, and of course all
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security measures must be taken for to avoid, for example, even as it was in kyiv, regarding the fall of ulanka, again, russia began to actively use such remnants of heavy weapons, we see. this, i would call it with a certain degree of desperate, as they say, because in they have no victories, for example, on the front line, and they do not manage to help there, for example, the past mass shelling did not give certain results, and we see that the tactics of shelling in general are changing, because , for example, they began to actively shit in one place due to one shelling, for example, the last three shellings that we had, we saw that the first shelling was used directly. for shelling kyiv, the second dnipro-hesbol, and the third western ukraine, namely lviv region. therefore, in fact , vorok wants to inflict as much as possible damage, that's why he gets such rare missiles there. again, it should be noted here that zirconium is mostly all
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foreign elements, so i'm not sure that they can produce it in large quantities, or at the same level as industrial syrin. but then again, i think, here we need to pay attention to the fact that we need to strengthen our air defense, anti-ballistic countermeasures, because the latest massive shelling shows that the number of ballistic tractor missiles is increasing many times, and again, this can be done at the expense of receiving , the desired receipt of the patriot systems, the strengthening of the systems, well, it would be very good if our partners would provide us with the othad system, which we have been talking about and asking for more. to the provision of the patriots, because this system can shoot down ballistic missiles at an altitude of more than 100 km above the ground, so there is room to move, there are, for example, questions about the destruction of the same bastion system, which is located in crimea, it is a launcher in a single, if i'm not mistaken, the model that can launch these
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rockets can also launch zircon and rockets onyx, with which they beat in odessa. mr. anatoly, you outlined extremely important things, i just wanted you to elaborate. just some moments for our tv viewers , we understand that, on the one hand, the enemy is raising, significantly raising the level of ballistic missile attacks on our civilian objects, and this applies to various cities of ukraine, on the other hand, we understand that we have a seemingly powerful air defense system , but we understand that it needs to be improved, improved and improved, in particular we understand that there are conditionally front-line cities, odesa, mykolaiv, zaporizhzhia, yes... the enemy is attacking from the south of our country, in particular from the temporarily occupied territories, well , the approach time is a matter of seconds, well, there are minutes, that is, it is very difficult for the warning systems to work, well, in general, the anti-aircraft systems defense, perhaps there are some
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additional points that should be paid attention to, well, we have as many patriots as there are, so we hope that our american friends. allies, friends, i don't know how to call them correctly, they will wake up, and instead of a vacation after all will vote, but, but, but , there are more questions than answers, let's start with what we have... in fact, the enemy is actively changing the tactics of shelling, and this change has been happening since the end of august last year at the expense of what? due to the fact that he was able to use tactical aviation with kh-59, kh69 missiles, which are actively hitting the front-line zone and the border area, this allowed him to use daily shelling, that is, we see that there is shelling with short-medium-range missiles on a daily basis from tactical aviation, we see daily the use of shaheeds and the daily use of ballistics, this... allowed the russians to accumulate cruise missiles in order to do a massive bombardment, because we can see that
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certain time intervals have already appeared and they have significantly increased, for example, by 44 days, as we now we see, it allowed, for example , to use, now you see the tu95 with the h555 missile, and it also allowed the use of such aircraft and such missiles in order to make massive strikes with a large number of missiles, we see that, for example, the approach is being made in a short time, massive shelling is taking place. again, at the expense of what is this happening? due to the fact that the enemy cannot accumulate or cannot produce missiles so quickly, he has to accumulate them, further directly the resources of gliders are still limited, and here it is necessary to do certain works on the aircraft in order to be able to exploit them in the future , because the planes of the 50s, of course, they will build there in the 80s. but still there is a conditionally limited time of use, so, for example, on the 95th mc, which you are now
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you see on your screens, there are nk-12 engines, which provide for 33,00 hours of operation, that is, after 3,300 hours , the engine must be changed. currently, we see that the russians are actively trying to extend the life of these engines due to the usual small works there, that is, without overhaul, this significantly affects their capabilities, so here ... we see such a decrease in the use of strategic aviation in the direction of tactical aviation, but here it should be noted that, for example, we see that our air force is actively dealing with the x59, x69 missiles, which are launched from tactical aviation, but then again there is a need to strengthen our air defense, we have a fairly well-built and sophisticated air defense system, we have implemented electronic warfare systems, air defense, but there are problems with ballistics, and about these problems do not pick up to our diplomats regarding the fact that our western partners provide us with systems that could shoot down missiles
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so that in the future these missiles do not fly into the territory of poland even for 39 seconds, mr. anatolia, we have literally three minutes, we would like to have time to discuss why we are currently observing such frequent use of strategic aviation and, relatively speaking, how quickly one and the same strategic aircraft can be redeployed. and how often can air alarms happen in us now? again, if we are talking about equipping the aircraft there, for example, here in the 95th with new x-55, x555 or x101 missiles, in fact, it does not take a lot of time, the only question here is the availability of missiles and the configuration of these missiles, because for understanding the to95 aircraft uses missiles that are not adjusted from the aircraft, i.e.... the aircraft needs to fly to a certain point and from there only throw and drop the missile and then it will
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perform the mission for which it is placed, i.e. all flight data are placed in the missile, so only the approach of this missile to a certain launch point is involved, therefore , in fact, it does not take much time to equip the aircraft, it is only a matter of pre-flight preparation of the missiles themselves. again, here it already depends, as i said, on the ability of the russian... to fire these missiles, because we see, for example, that missiles of the 23rd year of production are already appearing, so the actual question is for the russian military industry , well, let's go back to the fact that those factories located in the moscow region that manufacture these missiles , they are basically available for our bupola drums. thank you, mr. anatoliy, anatolii grabchynskyi, deputy general director of the rep company, an aviation expert was on our airwaves, important urgent news arrived, so president zelenskyi from... fired oleksiy danilov from the position of secretary of the national security and defense
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council, the relevant decree of the head of state dated march 26 testifies to this, there is currently no more detailed information, but i will note here that oleksiy danilov was the 13th secretary of the national security council, he held this position from october 3, 2019 year, that is, he stayed in this position for almost 5 years. to send danilov to resign , they are not informing at the moment, there is only the actual decree of zelensky himself, we will inform you during the broadcast, we are now going to... for a short break, after it we will return to our studio, literally in four minutes let's continue again, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so
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convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden a. .. the price is only from uah 1499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement, with a strong saw, only see how fast it can handle even thick branches once it's ready, and unlike standard saws, it's so convenient to use in hard-to- reach places. a powerful battery, a key are included. and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: a powerful strong saw is what you need, call, gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and as always ran out of fuel in time, and yes you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot,
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the solution is the garden trimmer kors from rozpakuy tv, buy it in time for a special price... from uah 999. the corse trimmer is a light, compact and incredibly powerful tool. it will cope with bushes and lawn, even in the most difficult to reach places. near fences, along paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, unlike gasoline ones. the corse trimmer is incredibly light, even women can use it, but that's not all. see how powerful trimmer kors is. how it cuts carrots in a flash, which means that our trimmer can handle even the thickest weeds. no more heavy , bulky lawn mowers, oil or gasoline for refueling, only convenience, comfort and a well-kept plot, order a light and reliable garden trimmer kors for only uah 999. trimmer kors, call, there are discounts on microlax 20% in psyllanyk, pam, and savedno pharmacies. riv is a leading manufacturer of windowsills and
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materials for windows. rive: for more than 20 years we have been creating quality at... an affordable price. is discounts on mebicar ic tablets. 10% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into... few russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga lake. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even
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more important topics, even more top ones guests foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine. world front, society, and feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, the information day of the tv channel continues. yes, marta is now filling up, gathering air in her chest and will announce the difficult news, which she has already announced, regarding the resignation of oleksiy danilov from positions of secretary of councils, chairman, no, secretary
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of the council of national security and defense of ukraine, yes, who takes his place, therefore marto, therefore. by decree, zelensky appointed the head of the foreign intelligence service oleksandr lytvynenko to this position, for now this is all the information, and it is known that before that he dismissed litvinenko from his previous position, now he will be the secretary of the nsdc, and by the way, i will note that oleksiy danilov not being the longest time in the position of the secretary of the national security and defense council, almost 5 years, it is quite a long and long time, but today we we also celebrate the day of... the national guard, this is an important holiday, yesterday we celebrated the day of the security service, today is the day of the national guard, since 2014 the national guardsmen as part of the ministry of internal affairs a. defending the country on the front line, our film crew saw how it prepares for hostilities, so i suggest you watch it together. instructors of the national guard
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of ukraine overcome an obstacle course. during the so -called stress test, the participants move around in skirmishes, hide from enemy drops and provide medical aid, grenade explosions and smoke grenades simulate conditions close to combat operations. it's an imitation of when the guys are tired, when there are some explosions on the side. physical exertion, some obstacles that they overcome, the cries of the wounded, for example, yes, and, at this moment, we try to knock them out of the rut as much as possible, from some kind of normal environment, calm, yes, so that they understand which can be even worse in combat conditions. instructors conduct a tactical medicine course for military personnel according to nato standards. future fighters first master the theory, then to automatism is worked out by the practical. skills during the evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield, national guard trainers advise to follow the commander's orders, take care of your own safety first and foremost , and communicate with your injured comrade.
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jane, can you hear me? yes, i can help myself, can i? no, i can't, can you move? can not! can you shoot can not! i am moving towards you from the side of your right hand! if a wounded soldier has massive bleeding, a tourniquet is applied to the injured limb. tactical medicine instructor explains, stas. we twist the turnstile as tightly as possible, two more times. you see, if he is alive, if he screams, then he is alive. and everything is going well with us. that is, pain is the main indicator that the right tourniquet is applied correctly. each soldier must carry four tourniquets, one for each leg and arm. from the time of overlay, we have two hours when we can. our defenders apply the skills of tactical medicine on the battlefield every day - says military instructor taras.
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this knowledge literally saves lives. then it happens a little differently, why? here, there are normal conditions that you can relax a little bit, a little bit. it doesn't work out that way, why? because there you always don't expect where something might come from. the sooner you do it. the faster you can save your friend's life and your own. for ordinary fighters, an introductory course in tactical medicine is taught in three days. but the instructors intensively train future combat medics for three weeks. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. we thank our colleagues kateryna oliynyk andrii polikovsky for this plot. well , once again we congratulate our valiant national guardsmen with theirs. you , dear tv viewers, also congratulate all the soldiers of the national guard you know, so what, we are now adding to our marathon bohdana levytska, a member of the board of the public council under
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the ministry of veterans affairs of ukraine , the charitable foundation of the vesta volunteer association, glory to ukraine, ms. bohdana , we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, good day, well, when we talk about the adaptation of our fighters, we understand that it is not only about physical moments, but also about moments of psychology. well, when i have to communicate with our soldiers, well, they often complain that they feel a little uninterested in our state structures, i am putting it so gently, and everything falls on friends or families, yes, i wish that there should be programs, not point programs, but systemic programs , well-thought-out programs, i don't know, there with planning not for a couple of months, there when we... are talking about getting a person out of a certain crisis situation, but about planning and social adaptation and support somewhere medium-term prospects, there six months, a year. your word, mrs. bohdan.
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thank you very much, what you are talking about is a systematic approach, unfortunately we do not have it. of course, they say, the media is already talking about the state-veteran policy, but we have to understand that veterans were military before that. as long as the ministry does not finalize. of defense, the ministry of veterans affairs will have to improve so much, however, despite the fact that our system is absent in some moments, imperfect in some, or it tries to reach a certain level, there is a public sector that always comes forward, and this is first and foremost, priority support, support for veterans, military. their families, and our vesta organization has now launched support groups for the families of the dead, missing persons, families of prisoners and directly for
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the former e. prisoners of war themselves, these groups are held online with us, that is , a person can from anywhere in the country connect, or even abroad, if we are talking about families, and spend time in a circle yours, where you will be understood, where you will communicate in the same language, and you will feel supported, and there will be no such misunderstanding, depreciation or any such moments that arise in communication. just with a civilian who does not understand at all what experience you have. ms. bohdano, what are the needs and problems most often faced by prisoners of war themselves and also by their relatives, and what are their main requests? there are two points here: first, the families of prisoners of war, they are always in a state of limbo, because nothing intensively affects the exchange, that is, the country.
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the aggressor has his own rules, she does not follow the agreement, and you never know when your loved one will be returned, and with the way russia behaves, at any moment a prisoner of war can unfortunately become a dead person, because tortured, and this is an emotional state, so difficult, because you do not know, tomorrow you will wake up, well, with the fact that your relative is still in captivity, or your relative has already died, huh? of course, you want to wake up with the fact that today exchange and everything will get better in life, and this is one of those aspects, for former prisoners of war also plays a role an emotional component, because those cases that we met in communication, when our side already meets prisoners of war and a psychologist works with them, it is not always an ethical approach on the ground, and there is a certain negative experience.
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the perception of psychologists as specialists, and it is very difficult to break through to prisoners of war, explaining that not all people are like that, start with support groups, please, you will be there among your own, first of all, and you will be able to share this or that , let's say so, even with information, it does not necessarily have to be about experiences, psychological, this experience that you lived in captivity, it can be just as difficult... to form some kind of reference, how you are tortured by the bureaucratic state, and you share your experience, but on the basis of this, you don't just keep everything inside yourself there this is a misunderstanding, an undermining to a certain extent, why the bureaucratic system behaves like this, and cannot completely take over all this legal support, therefore, of course, from the legal aspects there is a burden on what for the families of prisoners, what
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for... former prisoners of war, this is the registration different statuses, references, someone can take the entire package of documents the first time, and there will be no comments, someone will start telling you that there should be not two, three copies, or vice versa, and this is of course morally oppressive, thank you, ms. bohdana, well, in any case do we know that there is an opportunity to become a volunteer and help the relatives of those who died? you, you, those who are in polonia, that's why you need to register on the website of the west volunteer association, dear tv viewers, if you want to help and join, ms. bohdana, you just saw, then search via google for the west charitable and volunteer association, we were contacted by bohdana levytska, a member of the board of the public council under the ministry of veterans affairs of ukraine, the charitable foundation, the west volunteer association, well, we are running short now.
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march break, yes, we are going to the news, we are going to the news, now our colleagues are working tirelessly to inform us about the most important things, so we give the floor to iryna koval and our news editor, who is ready to share everything in the most important way, we as always, we ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, well, literally in a moment about the scandal that broke out in hungary, what farmers from france are demanding and not only. and a lot more information will be in this issue, so stay tuned.


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