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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EET

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10 + 14, well, and in kyiv +12, take care, thank you for being with us, then the verdict program, serhiy rudenko, stay with espress. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is. rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. kill them all. after the terrorist attack in moscow, the kremlin is thirsty for blood. who is the fsb's fable about ukraine's involvement in the action of islamists aimed at? the first step to dictatorship servants of the people propose life imprisonment for embezzlement . functions, who are trying
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to intimidate? cultural collaborators. people's artists of ukraine in the service of the kremlin. how russia uses ukrainian singers in the war with ukraine. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, yuriy lutsenko, yevhen magda, and igor kondratyuk. in the second part of our program , we will have people's deputies of ukraine, mykyta poturaev, rostyslav pavlenko and yaroslav zheleznyak as guests. however, before starting our long conversation, let's watch a video of how the volyn teroboronivtsi of the 100th separate territorial brigade of the armed forces of ukraine destroyed a russian t-80 tank with the help of an fpv drone. let's see.
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friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please take part in our vote, today we ask you this, do you see threats to democracy in ukraine today, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube if you sit and watch our telecast, pick up your smartphone. or
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phone and vote if you see that there is a threat to democracy in ukraine (0800-211-381, no), 0800 211 382. please vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce our first guest today, yuriy lutsenko, ukrainian politician, former prosecutor general of ukraine and former minister of internal affairs, and now captain of the armed forces of ukraine, yuriy vitaliyovych, i congratulate you and i am glad that you are with us today. good evening, greetings to all. since yuri vitaliyovych, today we are asking our viewers and tv viewers about the threat to democracy, is there a threat to democracy in ukraine now? let's take a blitz-survey format, i'll ask you, is there a threat to democracy in ukraine now? yes, there are two of them: one is external, because putin is fighting precisely against democratic ukraine, which poses a threat to the kremlin empire. and the second threat is internal, when authoritarian tendencies. e of president
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zelensky, even where it is not necessary, during martial law, is trying to establish a one-man rule. thank you, yuri vitaliyovych, let's start our conversation with personnel rotations. today, zelensky dismissed oleksiy danilov, secretary of the national security and defense council. in his place, he appointed oleksandr lytvynenko, who until now headed the foreign intelligence service, and oleg ivashchenko, who was the first deputy, was appointed the head of the foreign intelligence service. head of the ministry of defense of ukraine. how do you assess these personnel changes, are they fundamental in the power unit and what do they mean? this is the rare occasion when i i support president zelenskyi's decision. mr. danilov, as secretary of the national security council , was an absolute fifth wheel to the work of this very complex institution, well, actually, just like his predecessor danyliuk.
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and the fact that a professional person was appointed here, who was deputy secretary of the national security council from 14 to 19 years old, who is known in... the world of professionals with deep knowledge of the international situation, potential opportunities of ukraine , and her analytical work, is a good thing. mr. danilov will be remembered exclusively for his juniper position before the war, because he was the one who told the ukrainians that there was no threat of attack, he was the one who aggressively simply physically attacked poroshenko during meetings with the speaker, with the fact that funding of the armed forces of ukraine is not needed, this is all politics, they say, and the money should go on the asphalt, it was he who introduced absolutely deletant strategies, er, which ended in his fiasco after such primitive and collected
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statements towards the special representative of china to our country, it seems to me that this is... from an unprofessional, short-sighted person who wanted very to show his meekness, instead , only his groundless aggression remained in memory, and most importantly, his irresponsible policy before the start of the war. we have volodymyr zelenskyi's synchronicity about danilov, now we will listen to what the president of ukraine actually says about this scandal today. continued the reboot of the management system of our state, there are staff replacements, i am grateful to oleksiy danilov for his work as the secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine, he is being transferred to another direction, about this
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later, well, they are talking about the fact that he will be the ambassador of ukraine in norway, but there is no decree, and there is no decision on this, but these are personnel matters. i'm sorry, i was more interested in hearing from the president when a criminal assessment will be given to the actions of danilov, who continued the financing of missile programs from 19 to 24 , and then from 24 to 32, as a result from 19- from the 21st year until the 21st year , ukraine did not make a single neptune, a single divisional naval complex. not a single stugna anti-tank missile, not a single ukrainian-made long-range howitzer bohdana, he was the one who prepared all this documents that the money should be buried in the asphalt,
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and not given to the ukrainian missile and artillery program, think about it, in the last year before the war , they buried 13 billion dollars in the asphalt according to the documents that danilov slipped. now you understand why we met the enemy unprepared with old soviet rpgs, old soviet guns of revenge, old, with missing fortifications, with detached troops from chongar, think, oleksandr, on chongaria under poroshenko there was 2,100 troops with ready-made fortifications and minefields, replacement bridges, and before the war there was half a battalion left there, that 's 400 men and eight miners, so... this is danilov's work, and i don't care who brought him where, i'm interested in when investigators will work with him. yury vitalivych, well, you do understand that the question you are articulating is probably what zelensky should have asked himself, because danilov, the secretary of the national security and defense council, and the chairman of the national security and defense council, after all, is
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the president of ukraine, this is the first . certainly, it was zelensky who signed all the documents prepared by danilov. look, look, and there is a question. does the country need an independent general prosecutor who will work not after the change of power, but in parallel with the events? beyond any doubt, yuriy vitaliovich , look at the rotations that took place today, this is part of the large rotations that began on february 8, 2024, when zaluzhny was released, when 16 generals were sent, probably to retirement, not to reserve, because they were not assigned to positions, the main directions in the armed forces ukraine was led by other people, generals who went through a ten-year war with russia, were simply removed from power, how do you assess the personnel rotations that took place over the past two months, not only today, but in general. well, probably, it is not so
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important how i evaluate them, how to look at the result, and the result was told to us by president zelensky. that the situation in the armed forces of ukraine has never been so good as it has been recently after the removal of restrictions. i believe that this statement is inadequate to the situation at the front. because my four months in bakhmut and more there for eight months in other hot spots, gave me a lot of comrades, and i have a constant connection with them , unfortunately, there is no improvement in the situation, so the removal of zaluzhny was exclusively politically motivated, and president zelenskyi, who should have performed in first of all the duties of the supreme commander and to work for... the benefit of the army, here he worked for his own benefit, in the interests of his own
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political ambitions, removing a person who has a colossal level of trust and twice the presidential rating of the incumbent president , therefore, i consider the removal of osersky’s meritorious appointment exclusively from this political angle, but even worse, the removal of a large group of generals who are now simply hostages of political ambitions for... they are not released to the reserves, there is no such mechanism, they are simply in orders of the minister of defense, and they cannot, well, neither bring benefits to the motherland, nor engage in some kind of construction of a new life, i suspect that sooner or later they will find themselves in very serious positions abroad, sharing their simply colossal combat experience, to be scattered by such people, with such knowledge , with such... practice is absolutely unacceptable for any authority, unfortunately, in our country, shows and
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clips prevail in the thinking of the supreme, regarding what is next, and this is not the end, they are being filmed now brigade commanders, this whole process is going downhill, and now imagine for a second how much it takes for syrsky, with all due respect to him, because he is really a combat general who is fighting in the 14th year, and for his new commander to get up to speed, here syrskyi was also appointed because of... literally a few days ago, the super-offensive of the russians on avdiivka began, and general tsirskyi did not know anything, he did not know anything about avdiivka at the time, because he was busy in the operational direction of khortyts, that is, where bakhmut and others, shasov and so on, and he had to while getting acquainted with all this, his new commander of sohoputka is the same, his new commander of the sso is the same, that is, how useful for the army is the mass reassignment of generals, i think, i have to, the map shows
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the advance of the enemy deep into our territory, unfortunately. these personnel rotations in the power unit are taking place against the background of the russian leadership's accusations against ukraine of involvement in the terrorist attack in the suburbs of moscow, today there was a large collegium with the participation of leaders. of the main bloc of the russian federation, bortnikov, director of the russian fsb , insists on the kremlin's version that this terrorist attack was allegedly prepared by islamists with the assistance of ukraine. let's listen to a small fragment. bandits intended to go abroad to the territory of ukraine. according to our preliminary information, they were waiting there. now a lot is being done to be in the process further investigative action. of russia, and those abroad, which, strictly speaking, is
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being done. since they, excuse me, were doing their feet, it means that they still intended to run away, to run away, and i will reveal a little secret, on the other side they wanted to be met as heroes. well, typical delusions and lies performed by bortnikov, as well as putin and everyone else, but or? there is this attempt at lies and delusions, which they relay to the whole world, an attempt to justify their aggression against ukraine, to say that there are not only fascists there, but also terrorists who support the islamic state, well, it would be very useful to remind our esteemed viewers that the kremlin regularly and publicly welcomes the heads of other terrorist organizations, they hug. with the leaders of hamas, they embrace the leaders of the taliban, and
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actually russia itself is a terrorist state and the number one organization, because they commit bloody terrorist, war crimes on the territory of ukraine every day, and therefore this unity of terrorist states, well, there is nothing so strange, but on the other hand, in the terrorist world, there is often only one terrorist attacks another, and it happens regularly. blows up, kills, stabs, shoots, poisons their competitors in the terrorist environment, they fight hamas, they fight the taliban, they... even the russians in syria, they believe that putin is enslaving millions of muslims in the territory of the russian empire, respectively they commit terrorist attacks against their brothers in terrorist activities, including against russia, and there is nothing surprising here, and deal is very careful about his image, the number one psycho in the world, from
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the number one morons in the world, which we actually and saw why they do it to... you money flows that come to terrorist organizations from various fanatics or from states that sponsor terrorism, now what are these yes, but at the same time it is very important to understand, now everyone knows this, the american intelligence services informed russia in advance about this terrorist attack by fighters, and the fact is, as far as i understand, the americans have an agency inside the case, and they informed the russians not only about a very narrow period of time when it could... happen, but even said where, in one of the concerts halls, even in ukraine, even in peacetime, any such events such as a concert are always coordinated with law enforcement agencies, they are notified, they take appropriate measures, check fire extinguishing, emergency exits, set up patrols, you want to say that after such warning of the americans, the russians
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forgot to do this, no, they specifically missed this idyllic one. terrorist attack. for what? from my point of view, there are two reasons. and they just lie on the surface. the first reason: putin is the number one terrorist, he wants to present himself to the world as a victim of other terrorists. like, idol attacks you, gentlemen americans, gentlemen, french, gentlemen germans, gentlemen italians, attacks me. so, we are still in the same circle. here is his plan, to be his. began to regret, forgetting that he kills civilians in ukraine every day, from adults to babies, and the second goal is, of course, to accuse ukraine of having ties to the terrorist organization idol, so that the west, which often suffers from these terrorists , stopped, or at least slowed down the supply of weapons to ukraine in this
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crucial time, here are these, for these two tasks, changing the image and... slowing down the supply of ukrainian weapons, putin brought to the slaughter, he simply opened the door for terrorists to kill more than 100 of his fellow citizens, he never counted them, he will not count them, and the fsb officers they are already building their various drone versions, there is only one problem, even putin's ally lukashenko says that they went to the territory of belarus, how can this be connected with the windows on the ukrainian border, cholera knows them, in general. which tells about investigative and operational measures, because they say, if they were driving, then they wanted to escape, my goodness, what deductive logic does mr. bordnikov have, what strong specialists of the fsb, that is, a preemptive attack, they received information, they did not notice, and now they made a highly intellectual conclusion, since they were driving from
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the scene of the crime, where they calmly went on rampages and killed russians in that cinema or cinema hall. so they ran away, and if they ran away, it was probably to ukraine, that they are just sculpting, give the shit a candy that needs to be sold to the world, but the world is not so stupid anymore, we know for sure that this is another delusion, and we have to prepare for the fact that putin is preparing to go to abank, april, may, it will be vabank of putin's offensive on ukraine by military means. and it will be vabank undermining ukraine from the inside through political provocations to simply achieve putin's terrorist goals. well, the deputy head of the security council of the russian federation, putin's henchman dmitry medvedev, in his new post, praised the security forces who used torture during the detention of
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the tajiks suspected of the terrorist attack and called for revenge for the terrorist attack with mass murders. i quote medvedev. they were caught, well done, all those who caught, they must be killed, must be, and so it will be, but it is much more important to kill all those involved, all those who paid, who sympathized, who helped to kill them all. against this background, russia is already talking about the possibility of lifting the moratorium on the death penalty. what does this mean in the current conditions in the russian federation? this means that all opponents of putin can be officially executed . and those who kara murza there are sitting somewhere in prison, and all other opponents can simply be executed, because they will also be considered those who are undermining the foundations of the so -called statehood, the so-called state of the russian federation, putin, when such events took place in russia, if we remember the houses that blew up, and then nordost, and
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then beslan, each time with there have been some novellas and something new in his policy, or is he limited to pointing in the direction of ukraine and saying: there are terrorists, or there is russia, all around are terrorists, and now we will kill all terrorists. and this applies to tajikistan, and uzbekistan, and kyrgyzstan, that is, he can use, as a pretext for entering all those territories, simple information, they all support terrorists, that is, he invented a new formula for himself, that my two grandfathers met in 1945 under the walls of reistag, and i was brought up in that spirit, that our people and my family were involved in... the victory over fascism, i never thought that i would personally witness how before our eyes, literally in a very short time, a new fascist state will be created, the name of which is
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the russian federation . remember, under yeltsin, it was uh, so soft on the crumbling territory of the actually feredil principality. then putin comes, the country immediately, through various political, military, informational , uh, ... any other measures, becomes first chauvinistic, then imperialist, when it begins to seize the territory of its neighbors, then it becomes racist, and ee with an attack on ukraine, and especially with the appearance of wagner's pmc in the public russian and actually in the world space, it becomes a thoroughly fascist state, these ritualistic killings of enemies. uh russia with a hammer, when the skull was smashed with a hammer, these bloody tools, which became very fashionable among the russian political elite,
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finally cemented fascism. fascism is not only when all neighbors are inferior, they can be killed, robbed, tortured. this is when even their internal enemies, uh, stormtroopers can, uh... according to their decision , destroy medvedev is a complete fool, he fulfills the role that zhirynovsky used to fulfill. the only useful thing, when reading his marasmatic texts, he says that what putin thinks, but keeps quiet, they are really creating a fascist state in russia today, and not only are they a threat. neighboring countries according to their horde tradition, but they intend to completely destroy internal enemies, because in fact at least 20% of russians
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oppose this criminal war, and they want to touch those 20%, they understand that this can turn into the same process, which took place at the time in germany, after the victory over fascism, was built by those german 20%. the current normal civilized one the federal republic of germany, it was those 20% of germans who tried their fascists. therefore, putin directs these strikes not only against us , he uses all these acts of terrorism, and medvedev simply perfectly explains it to us, we will kill internal enemies as well, regardless of the constitution, regardless of the courts, regardless of any international obligations. sewing, we are fascist. the state and we will do what we want both inside and outside the country. this is what we are fighting against today, this is what we are actually
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fighting against today. yury vitaliyovych, and why on in your opinion, the measure does not clearly articulate the task of what will happen next with russia, but says that we will not allow ukraine to be defeated and does not say that the current russia should go through the process of denazification. fications, and the bet was made on the youth, they were brought up in a different spirit, because until the mid -70s among the older generation, hitler
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was still an authority, sociology says this, but... but the youth grew up and made a completely different germany, which is sometimes even, well, from my point of view, too pacifist. now about world, it is still too early to talk about the plans for victory over russia, its forced denazification, the creation of new educational programs, a new political culture, and new controls over their radical elements. unfortunately, today the whole world is dumbfounded. that we are, well, by historical analogy, not in 1944 on the eve of the victory over fascism, but in 1939, when the western world stood back and allowed the fascists to destroy the democratic spanish republic and the polish republic. to date, the world has not woken up and decided that this is its war. it still is
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to be 939, and now, when you see macron, a completely different macron than six months ago, when you see the british, who from the first day were absolutely adequate, when you see how the position of many american politicians is changing, we see that the world is beginning to understand , that we are inevitably ahead, 1941, when the fascists will already attack the whole world, when the war will already begin. in civilizations, and moscow will not be alone here, everyone now understands that we are talking about a club of dictatorial states that have challenged the entire built world after defeating hitler. no, putin destroyed the un, it means nothing now, putin destroyed the osce, putin destroyed international agreements on borders, etc., he destroyed
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the concept of the red cross. many, many other things, today he still cares, the fifth article of nato, today he is probably planning to attack one of the nato countries, and thereby finally destroy the entire world of the victors over hitler, and then the new fascism, this time as no wonder, moscow will triumph, that is why today our allies, starting with macron and ending... or others, well, not ending, together with other representatives of western countries, they are beginning to realize that the challenge is not only about ukraine, it is about the existence of a democratic world in general, and today poland is mobilizing its armed forces, and everything is arriving there more military contingents of nato countries. we need to work very well with our
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western allies in this situation. stop the mental attacks, stop the childish insults, stop pedaling certain points that divide us, we have a common enemy, and not far away the time when we will sit with our polish brothers and other western countries in the same trench, unfortunately, is coming before that, so the task of ukraine is very simple: fortification, restoration of ukrainian... national programs so that we do not depend on anyone, it's real , poroshenko did them in two years, why can't we now restore what has already been done, mobilization, because i'm sorry, the fourth month of sabotage on this issue has already passed and work with partners, these four directions can actually allow ukraine to withstand a huge attack from the outside and from the inside which
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is planning putin for the month of april-may. thanks to yuri vitaliyovych for inclusion. it was yuriy lutsenko, captain of the armed forces of ukraine, former prosecutor general of ukraine and ex-minister of internal affairs. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube. please vote in our poll. today we ask you about the following: do you see threats to democracy in ukraine today? yes, no, it's pretty simple, either yes or no, if... you have your opinion, please write in the comments below this video, if you want to vote by phone, sit in front of the tv, pick up the phone and vote, if you think there is a threat to democracy in ukraine, 0800 211 381, no 0.800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free,


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