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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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in terms of european integration, in addition to a huge number of friends, we have opponents , and the most striking of them is hungary in the person of orbán, every such mistake, even if it was not, i do not believe in conspiracy here, that it was a whale specifically to protest society, guys from the president's office, to put it mildly , does not have a very high emotional intelligence, but it seems to me that it would not be right... this, but in any case, this mistake gives a pass to our opponents to talk about the problems of democracy, and combining it's with real problems, eh starting from the resolution of the european parliament on the ban on the departure of deputies, and on the limitation of parliamentary diplomacy, starting with fairly fair complaints about freedom of speech, starting with other issues that are already often heard through public channels. yes, it has already
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become impossible to talk about this openly to our european colleagues, we , as a country, with such a bill, why am i not talking there, maryana and others, but we as a country, threw in another argument, which, accordingly, these opponents of ours must will definitely take it into their own report or letter or news and necessarily represent ukraine as such, as in which practices such. the same collapse of democracy as in the country of the aggressor , well, i completely agree with my colleague, a completely totalitarian regime, we do not need that, so once again today i saw a good opinion from a colleague yuriy gaidai from the center for economic strategy, i really liked it, that's all history, when our domestic policy was interesting only to us and affected only us, it ended, we all... started
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negotiations on joining the european union, now, at least, our every action or inaction is part of european politics, whether we like it or not, and every mistake, unfortunately, is also a mistake of european politics, which has a strong enough impact. let me remind you that for the next six months , hungary will, unfortunately, once again preside over europe. and well, we already have problems, yes, we had them. colleagues here, especially from the humanitarian committee, i think that they can directly tell in their roles what these problems were, especially with hungary, well, we definitely do not need additional flights from them, even if someone from colleagues, i am saying that i consumed some mushrooms there, which greatly affected their law-making potential, which , unfortunately, resulted in what we saw, thank god, today they withdrew it, well, i don't know, to be honest, sergey demchenko, who last week declared
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that ukraine needs a dictatorship, and this also looks, well, to say the least, strange, because the deputy from the servant of the people says that during the war, yes, i i believe that there is a concentration of power, that we need a dictatorship, i understand that this threatens democracy, but when it is all consists of some puzzles, starting with closing or turning off three tv channels, including espresso, on which we are now talking, with t2, and ending with all these... public statements, which are also monitored by the world community, as yaroslav zheleznyak rightly said , well, we should join the european union, we should contact the western countries that are currently helping us, when they hear this, well, obviously they have some kind of reaction, you, mr. nikita, certainly communicate with them a lot, including how vice-president of the osce, of the osce parliamentary assembly, what do they tell you?
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come on, friends, i don't argue with what rostislav and yaroslav said now, because they also said, well, part of the objective situation, but i want to emphasize, colleagues, that our problems are not exactly there, they are not in maryana, no in sergia, they, in particular, in the law on religious organizations, what will we abandon it, colleagues? maybe not, and this is our main problem in the west right now, because we are being attacked there, no, yaroslav, i know what i'm talking about, i know about what i'm saying, because sergey and i have been talking about this for the last few weeks, yes, sergey, i'm not lying, it means that our problems have started again along the lines of the law on national minorities, there are already signals that despite the fact that the law is included... but there are already new
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claims regarding education, and regarding the status of national minorities there, and regarding the percentages there, how many there should be in the settlement. people, so that the settlement is recognized where national minorities live compactly, there everything is not at all is over moreover, from time to time claims are made against the media law, specifically about the part dedicated to blocking those media that spread russian propaganda, then we, friends, have problems there , where we passed laws that are really aimed at protecting the national security and defense. our national interests , they are being attacked, and you and i know why, because it is precisely these laws that prevent russia from defeating and occupying us, that is the problem, and yes, friends, you are right, that these are such shameful stories that we
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now we're talking, they're not improving our situation, but our main problems, so to speak, are not in these initiatives, they're just... in our indigenous initiatives, that's what, and that's just what i've listed as far as my committee is concerned, but there are also your committees, and you know very well that even in your committees there are directions where the russians and their henchmen are attacking,
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so yes, you are right, friends, this cannot be allowed, well, you can condemn it, but i don't i say that i support it, and our party, maybe even a faction, i... the first that from it loses, because whoever loses, well, we lose, of course, ukraine is losing, mr. mykyto, ukraine is losing, you understand, you are right, ukraine, the parliament as a whole, but first of all our faction and party, well, we understand that, yes, but these are, you know, such additional troubles, because the main problems are not in this, thank you, yaroslav wanted to say something, mr. yaroslav, yes, look, well... colleagues, we are, you know, we are with you, i am here i'll give you an allegory, what does it mean, we say that you need to either give up your roots or eat fast food at night, no, it's correct the answer is that both must be done, and unfortunately , the passes that we give, well, they do not improve the situation, what specifically about this, well
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, i will say frankly that this, again, nikita is neither the head of the faction nor the head of the party, but the only correct way that was - an immediate normal reaction is simple. it can be dry enough from the factions or the party that we do not support this initiative there, it would remove all the issues, i think it would quickly, well , it would extinguish the negativity regarding those issues, nikita, about which you said, yes , well here i think that there are no opponents inside, and not always our opponents, unfortunately, are located only in the east, because of what we are... flying about european integration from hungary, it is very unpleasant, but again , i here then to another topic, okay, we have a movement on religious topics in the united states, but where are our people 's deputies who went to the districts of the united states and talk to the religious
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church there, and they are not there, i will explain to you why, because with the us embassy just recently organized such a trip with its own money and completely hacked in the president's office. because someone is afraid that some people 's deputy, and the majority of your colleagues there , not even the opposition, one or two people from the faction there from the opposition, will come and say something bad about some representatives of the government who took itself an american track and safely it was lowered very much, let's put it this way, that's where our deputies are now in the european parliament, we don't have a meeting now, in fact, let them... explain it, okay, not deputies, i don't know, ministers, not ministers , who do we have deputies, advisers of the president's office, or the commandant of the president's office, i don't know, let's send them, well, that is, people, well, this is the parliament, this is the diplomacy that we need to do again, and this
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is important, but here we are back to the curfew, oops, we have again come across a stupid thing that was invented, well, not this one, thank god, not in... the parliament building, but the whole country is suffering because of it, therefore, once again, colleagues, there are various problems here, they are all there, me i'm grateful that everyone admits all this, but once again... there we have to give up our roots and not eat fast food at night, no, we don't choose to do some stupid thing there now, which thank you mr. yaroslavek short reply, i just wanted to say that i am absolutely ready to give any of my business trips abroad and even five so that people who can represent our point of view in the states go, but not the president's office, so you have nothing to do with it, speaker of the parliament and delegations must have been rosyslav pavlenko. which how one of the best lawyers can be our policy in this sense, i didn't know that
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, yaroslav, and well, it's a shame, it's a shame for me to hear, but once again i say that although i am one of the authors of the law and the head of the committee, i i am ready, i am saying to give up many of my people advocated, i apologize. this law and other laws in europe and in the united states, i will hope that the office of the president of ukraine will definitely monitor our broadcast and will definitely look if they have a t-2 and they suddenly don't see us. well, they turned it off, they just don't see us, so i think that our conversation will definitely come up in the monitoring, and they will read about it, as well as what you think, gentlemen, about the latest personnel rotations in the power unit, today oleksiy danilov , who now... will obviously be engaged in diplomacy, they write that he will be, perhaps, the ambassador to norway from ukraine, well
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, at least oleksiy honcharenko wrote about it, zelenskyi said that danilov will have a different line of work, but he will work for ukraine, exchanged for oleksandr lytvynenko on oleksiy danilov, and instead of oleksandr, oleksandr, forgive me, already already from these. rotations, to be honest, even in the head of a butterfly, yes, lytvynenko oleksandr litvinenko will come as budanov's deputy, who will lead the new service, or the old foreign intelligence service, but obviously all these rotations also mean something. let's explain to our tv viewers what exactly is changing in this situation and whether this is the big end of these big personnel disturbances that started on february 8. when almost the entire power unit was simply reassigned and reassigned, mr.
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rostyslav, you know, i think that in this context not much will change, i think that there might just be a little less interview from the position of the secretary of the national security council and a little less generation of such unexpected insults, yes, who wore what shirt before the full-scale invasion, due to the assessment of international figures, representatives of asian countries or china or others, that is , i think that what our citizens will see will rather result in even greater media coverage of this position, and with regard to everything else, i think that everything will remain as it is, here you show the meeting of this national security council in a video series, i think that simply the influence of the office of the president, his leadership, de facto will only increase, i.e. it seems to me that this... it will be limited, but literally with your permission, literally to two sentences, because the previous topic was also very important, and unfortunately,
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these personnel changes will not affect it in any way, but in vain, because in order to overcome the attacks that are coming, which are obvious will be in the course of our european euro-atlantic integration, we should not create problems ourselves, and which problems are very clearly described for us in the assessment, in the report of the european commission where... by the way, and about the disconnection of channels, and about the need for pluralism in the parliament, and about the need to hear the voice of the opposition, we were also told this in the recent resolution of the european parliament, which directly stated exactly what both nikita recognized and yaroslav razlyo described, when deputies from the opposition are not allowed in first of all, and we, and about this we already the european parliament writes that we must use all our forces, and the european council, when... it made the decision to start negotiations, spoke about the fact that parliamentary democracy, in general, democracy in ukraine is very important,
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precisely from this point of view we would still expect personnel decisions, we have not seen them yet, thank you, mr. yaroslav, how do you assess these personnel changes, because in principle , apparently, oleksiy danilov was one of the few in zelenskyi's circle, who was close to him for 4.5 years. starting from october 2019 year, and this is one of those high-ranking officials who was in the power bloc, and who did not change. starting from february 24, 2022, you remember, he still talked about the fact that at first there would be no war, and then he told that he was wearing black, and this indicated that there would be an attack, that is, that these the people who were at the beginning of the war are no longer around, almost no longer around zelenskyi, what does this indicate? well,
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first of all, he will remain in the circle, as far as i remember, he appoints ambassadors to us. the president, one way or another, that's why danilov wanted to say far, but nevertheless there, norway is a little far from us, but he will remain in the presidential vertical, this is one time, secondly, i will honestly tell you, i consider danilo to be an absolutely destructive element, and if you recall his statements, starting from... what do you remember there were sanctions against smugglers, we were supposed to get 300 billion from the budget, well, i saw the sanctions, i saw that they would steal another 100 billion. and ending this story with the oligarchs, we have a very simple question, the first of which was when i heard the news about his release, still money, which we wrote off to create a register
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of oligarchs, we already held a tender for them, wrote them off, yes, someone mastered them, what will happen to them? well, someone will return it to the budget , i am interested in this, i am interested in how it happened that the nsdc employees did not go on a business trip for 1 million hryvnias in 2023, even an incomplete year, at the beginning of the war the amount was ten times smaller, i am interested , how he as an ambassador will now interpret this phrase about tourists, not tourists, yes, just about... the continuation of that draft law, he is there, one might say, the founding father of this approach, who can to represent ukraine or not , therefore, frankly speaking, i believe that mr. danilo fulfilled his hype role at a certain time with stories about sanctions, which even started not so badly,
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because the first sanctions, and the approach was just according to medvydchuk and the channels, and we then everyone supported this story, but then, well, honestly, something carried him, his last public speech or performance, i remember, it was on february 24 of this year, there was an eu conference, yes, dedicated to two years since the start of a full-scale war, well, excuse me, he carried some nonsense, what for me as a representative of the state that... there were many foreign guests there, well, it was frankly shameful, well, i wouldn't give diplomatic posts to such people, i would, well, probably put a wall newspaper of some village council in the yard, so it's good that was fired, i am in no way connected with past personnel rotations, it is connected there, let's say with
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problems, including in certain decisions of the national security council. or yes there preparation of certain grenboo decisions. and i don’t think that the country will lose anything, honestly, i feel sorry for the norwegians a little, well , they will have their scandinavian life not like that boring, the appointment of the ambassador, if they give him an agromant on his. thank you, mr. yaslav , mr. nikita, but danilov left, but the problem remained with the tv channel, and the fifth channel, and... who, and no one took responsibility for the fact that someone simply turned off the circuit breaker there, and we are gone in t2, and danilov will still go to norway, they will say, yes, in general , they were there when danilov was there, figure out for yourself how it all went, whether we can expect that the new secretary of the national security service oleksandr lytvynenko will restore justice after all and we will be seen in
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t2, it is difficult for me to give sergey an answer to this. the question regarding the rotation itself, well, again, it is difficult to evaluate, because i know oleksiy danilov personally and oleksandr litvinenko personally, i do not know the gentleman who was appointed to the foreign intelligence service, but i know that kirill budanov has a very strong team and am convinced that this officer will strengthen this very important direction, maybe. will provide him with new and effective vectors, and actually i do not agree with yaroslav that there was a stellar... time at oleksiy danilov, then everything went like this, well, down, i would say that, along a trajectory, along such
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a downward path, because there were mistakes, well, everyone has mistakes, friends, but there were also powerful statements and there were powerful, good, in-depth interviews, well, everything is different, you know, well, that is, you cannot draw a conclusion about the whole career there based on one episode, and i am convinced that... in norway, which, by the way, by the way, is unfortunately underrated in our country, because in terms of the amount of aid, not only weapons, but also money, norway is one of the leaders of the entire western aid coalition ukraine is an important, strategically important country, i am convinced that mr. oleksiy will represent ukraine well there, because it is a country, well, it should be, well, simple. in the focus, the daily focus of our national interests. as for broadcasting, i will say
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that we see that now there are obvious problems with the marathon proven by sociological research, they need to be corrected, well, i have never hidden my point of view, that i believe that one of the possible solutions... -e improvement of e-e audience interest, increase of audience interest in the marathon, ah, was would be the mixing of all broadcasters capable of producing content for it. i believe that espresso is one of those broadcasters, by the way, and never again considered it, and no one ever made any remarks to me from a bank building or any other building, no, well, that would not be true, uh - regarding well, what was the situation when the marathon was created, well , we talked about it several times, i will remind you that it was very difficult to squeeze into 24 hours
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as many broadcasters as were able to produce informational content at that time, er, well, such decisions have already been made, which were made, again, in accordance with the negotiations that were conducted between the broadcasters, now i think that maybe, just the time, maybe i do not insist, to look at those decisions with a new perspective, i would said, but again , because our goal, i believe, for all of us, is for the ukrainian citizen to receive, no matter through which channel, through marathon, through youtube, through satellite cable networks, it does not matter that he receives verified, verified , reliable, true information every minute when it he, they will turn on the tv, i absolutely
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agree with you, mr. nikita, we have time, everyone, i believe that all ukrainian news broadcasters, both those that are in t2 and those that are not yet in t2, this function with honor perform, that's what i think, yes, especially when we have one enemy, this is the russian federation, the director of the fsb, oleksandr bortnikov. to directly accuse the ukrainian, ukrainian special services of being involved in the terrorist attack in the suburbs of moscow, today, let's listen to a small fragment. we believe that the action was prepared by the radical islamists themselves, and they also contributed to it western special services, and the special services of ukraine are directly related to this. i believe it is. gentlemen, literally 30 seconds each, what to expect after such a statement, how to react? in ukraine, mr. rostislav , the russian aggressor is actually doing the worst that he can do, these massive missile attacks in recent days, obviously they
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will try to launch some kind of reinforced offensive there, reinforced by reserves, so do not ignore the alarms, support the armed forces of ukraine and do everything for our victory, that's all we can do, i think that rosnya they will not do anything more than what they are doing now, so, unfortunately, even among my... friends, acquaintances there, there is now a certain, well, i wouldn't say panic, but some rumors are spreading there, what is it now there will be an answer, well, let's be honest, in the third year of a full-scale war, it 's strange enough, so there will be nothing that unfortunately we did not see, thank you, thank you, mr. nikita, very briefly, sorry. i have my regulations, you have yours in the verkhovna rada, i have mine. the answer, in my opinion, i support colleagues, the answer must be very simple, that the strength of each of us to work for... so
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that our armed forces kill as many katsepny as possible every day. thank you, nikita potura, well, if the national council bans us, you will be to blame. nikita poturaev, yaroslav zheleznyak and rostislav pavlenko were guests of our program today. thank you for participating in the program. during the program, we conducted surveys. we asked you about the following: do you see threats to democracy in ukraine today? 96% yes, 4% no. it was a verdict program, conducted it. to date, what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud
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is the adventure that... children born in the era of independence, who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are boys who never cry. lemberg, mommy, don't cry, a book by the writer olena cherniyka, a book by a mother about... her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing on the the expanses of donbas. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminist uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro , it helps to restore control over
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united by football, stronger together. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. the most idiosyncratic offending judges. how to keep a job while in a pre-trial detention center. they continue to be judges and receive a considerable salary. but why does vrp kvolo consider complaints against the servants of themis? the supreme council of justice. and is there to preserve the status quo, not to clean up and renew the judiciary. on thursday, march 28, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to be keep abreast of economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters,
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presenters who have become like-for-like to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. in the morning, the enemy attacked the center of kherson. the occupiers aimed at the office building. the blast wave damaged the windows of houses nearby. fortunately, no one was injured, said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the russians also hit a residential building in the berislav district with mortars.


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