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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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with kharkov, well, how long are you fighting there, tell me, well, kirill wrote such a rather detailed text and said that in principle, to speak now, well, that is, as of now, based on the information that the armed forces of the soviet union has, there is intelligence, the enemy does not have accumulated sufficient capabilities , to go with a wide front, as they say, to kharkiv , but if the situation changes, well, we will let you know, and what do people say, because here is this information that the enemy will go to odesa, to sumy, to zaporozhye, to kharkiv, to kherson , will be taken back there and so on, it spreads. and this influence can influence, people can evacuate , leave, leave, some other things can happen, well, plus this constant injection, these blows, blows, blows, destruction of tec-5, now you say that there is light, there is no light, zv there is no connection, the sirens are not working , it is clear that this is very, very, very difficult, what do they say about it, how, what is the expectation here and the mood of the people is the most important thing, well, look, yesterday, well, since i was a volunteer in the hospital yesterday, i am on duty there on the breezeways, and i was getting there, but now the electric transport is not...
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working, there are no trams, there are no trolleybuses, in the subway runs very rarely , there are many people in the subway, well, i went back by minibus, well, that is, the route is new, and i listened to what people were saying, people exchanged the schedule of bus routes, what hours it runs, people are interested in where, who bought what, where there is an atm , who works to withdraw cash, at what time they turn off the lights in which area, these are people's conversations, i don't hear any panic. that's how russia is pushing, but the fact is that currently there are only those people left in kharkiv who have already endured a lot, endured a lot and are gradually adapting, and i also want to say separately, a big thank you to the kharkiv rescuers, utility workers, all the security services, they just keep us all afloat, they are like those bees, endlessly helping and working, helping and working, and this creates such an effect that kharkiv is alive... and
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everything is fine. thank you very much, take care, mrs. galina. halyna kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, about the consequences of today's enemy attack with an aerial bomb, the design is not clear yet, and also about these blackouts and the situation of infrastructure, well, it is a humanitarian one, and probably, in the city, it is very difficult. well, now we are adding volodymyr tsibulek to the conversation. he is a political scientist and also a deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine of the fourth convocation. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, let me be brief then, since we were talking about kharkiv now and the enemy is pushing, what with well medusa wrote there the day before yesterday when information came from the kremlin that the enemy, putin says so, will take kharkiv and then the negotiations, well, i'm sorry, i won't be in russian, because it's not possible here, we have everything there to be, well, no, well, we have rules, and that's how these posts are pumped up, in your opinion, why is this done, if you look at it from the point of view of political vi'. of necessity, because even fighting
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in a city like kharkiv, where there is a subway, underground communications, thousands of houses that you won't wipe off the face of the earth in a few months, these can be fights for years, well, in fact, well, in fact, there are still angry kharkivites, who will stand behind their city as a wall, i would say very angry people of kharkiv, very angry people of kharkiv, there are very angry people of kharkiv, i want to remind you that... this is such especially the economically active class, and when they are not prevented from earning their peaceable penny, then they take up arms and make a fool of anyone who wants to harm them, so putin can of course trump, but putin rested on a dead end, he does not have any positive scenario for exiting his wars, firstly, an incredible number of people died on...
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now as a result of a terrorist attack, which was clearly staged with the participation of the fsb, because the ideal was created at one time by yevgeny primakov, the head of the russian foreign intelligence service, precisely for the sake of that these trained officers of saddam hussein did not run away and could serve russian interests, but under these circumstances, russia is pushing for another one. the elbow about which everyone is silent, because there was a mass accusation against the tajiks, now it is breaking out from moscow, well , an incredible number of wage earners from central asia is breaking out from all over the territory of russia, central asian countries are trying to somehow save their people, well, how can they, because the same tajikistan part of its such active citizens were pushed out of the territory countries. now, when the russian society simply,
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well, begins to reorient all its hatred towards foreigners, it begins in essence. to develop an internal russian conflict with elements of a civil war, i have such a suspicion that when this part of the wage-earners leaves the territory of russia, the economic crisis will simply collapse, that is, putin has no way to end this crisis, his economically active population has either been eliminated or has fled abroad countries. we now now, well, in any case , we wish them the fastest collapse, and now about our realities, perhaps today it became more clear and known, regarding the resignation of the unexpected, well , the unexpected dismissal from the post of the secretary of security and defense oleksiy myacheslavovich danilov and the
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appointment of another gentleman in his place, who learned about his appointment on the day he was appointed, that is, it was some kind of sudden action, explain if nothing so strange happened here, just... one was removed, another was installed, and that's it. well, the fact is that lytvynenko is from the nsdc. however, he recently worked as the director of the institute of strategic research, but in general he came to the nsdc with gorbulin, an academician, and spent his entire career in the nsdc. therefore, he is well oriented inside renbo. well, it seems to me that i was just with danilov. the raiding function of the nsdc is related, because the nsdc cleaned the ranks of ukrainian business led by danilov very well, well, that is, the nsdc led by danilov, and the business eventually united out of fear, we remember
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this memorandum of 42 entrepreneurs who united to protect ourselves, we recall the last scandal with igor mazepa, when the business united and... became a big strike for the bank, so it seems to me that even at the request of the western partners, they got rid of danilov, especially since he himself signaled in every possible way that he was tired of this position, and even westerners , please, please, i’m just going to say it, so that we’re done already, we literally have two minutes there, but for you to answer this question already then, but the western partners talked not only about, well, maybe i don't know if it's about danilov and other people in the president's office, and i won't name their names, we i perfectly understand about whom... yes, yes, yes, yes, simple, why about danilov, because , i remember, it was the decision of the nsdc that, well, businesses from the ukrainian business environment were eliminated, these entire companies were eliminated, but regarding, well, of this
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floodplain list of enemies of business, the western partners have been signaling to zelensky for a long time, well , it seems that under the foundations of the banking... there are all kinds of desires to engage in major personnel reshuffles in april, we, we already hear signals that the government will be reformatted, or it will calm you down partners and restore trust between western partners and the current ukrainian government? i hope not, because we have a catastrophe in the parliament, the most important thing is that the current government is still trying to return to the constitutional norms, to the parliamentary-presidential republic, which is why the bank is resisting with all its might. and by the way, the parliamentary crisis, yes, it is obvious, and it can only intensify, if
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it is impossible to talk about the fact that it can weaken, well, and a plus, as one of the apgeians, well, on a certain at the stage of this parliamentary crisis, there are draft laws of the bezugola and tertikovy, about the fact that let's imprison for life those who... think that those who usurp state functions will represent ukraine there on behalf of ukraine, although no one authorized them, although, for example, deputies the people's representative authorized the people to represent the legislation of ukraine, first of all the law on the verkhovna rada of ukraine. please what is this? that is, even in the eu , viola von kramon reacted, they said that this bill is for the sake of provocation, and that it is can you are you serious people, or are we adults talking? mr. vasyl, this is a mockery of ukrainian law, this, well, this is characteristic of a servant of the people and the current government. " when bezugla and together with trettyakov come up with a similar law, they think in absolutely such, well , zelensky-centric categories, in order for a person to represent any interests abroad, it is necessary for the foreign country to perceive this
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person as capable of representing interests, that's what is important, in their their law does not take into account if they are impostors and in them the culture of impersonation, then if this law is directed against petro poroshenko, then poroshenko has never distinguished himself by the desire to act as an impostor from the authorities, you know, and it is only us here, i can say that even bohdan yaremenko, a people's deputy of ukraine, who in his at the time, he got into a bit of a scandal there with certain correspondence, but less so, he was still a diplomat and worked as a consul of ukraine both in the united states of america and in the republic of turkey, and not even, as a professional person, he wrote that galya, call back to god, i’ll say it like this, i didn’t invent this law, that is, they understand it even in the service of the people, that well... my god, this, it’s just some stupid thing, but, well, but, that is,
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on your opinion, some will still try to hand in their tickets and become free from obligations in the session hall. in general, this type of behavior, very much, is a kind of italian strike, that is, in fact, the final, so to speak, well, those who eat shit with spoons will be... bank from such legislation, that is, it is a kind of revenge of the bank's deputy corps for the fact that, well , all the power is concentrated on the bank, and the deputies are starting to invent absolutely idiotic laws that worsen our reputation in international relations, and most importantly, now there is a threat of such a perfect storm, when somewhere in the middle of may and the question. zelenskyi's activity will be so shaky and the council will not work, and even if there is a rotation in
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the cabinet of ministers, the cabinet will also be half-powered , and in addition to the lack of ammunition in the volume of troops, we can in may simply receive there is a big but there is but there is time to act actively now there would be a desire and an understanding of what to do thank you very much mr. volodymyrulko the political scientist was in touch with us now serhii zgurets, the director, is joining us in the conversation. defense express, leading column military summaries of the day. sergey, congratulations, please. i congratulate our viewers, today we will talk less about the fronts and more about weapons, about the enemy's weapons and about our developments, which are needed on the front line. more on that in a moment. today, for the first time since the 22nd year, the rashists attacked kharkiv, we bombed although actually this is a new munition, if earlier
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they were forced to enter the airspace of our country and came under the control of our air defense systems, now this munition called umpd30sn has certain advantages, in fact, it is a combination of the customs of the fav-250 navigation boba, the guidance module with... with wings, and they added a rocket engine, so this ammunition can operate from a distance of 90 km, and this is quite such an unpleasant situation, because we also need to look for ways to fight this ammunition, but here again, it is necessary to focus primarily on the destruction of the carriers, rather than these new bombs, which are now used against kharkiv, here you can use, of course, in the future, the f-16, well, of course... the patriot complex, which knocks down everything, both daggers and zircons, and then a little about
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zircon, because new details have become known based on the analysis of the fragments of this hypersonic missile, which was used in kyiv, in particular on march 25. this missile, as we know, is presented by the enemy as hypersonic, has a speed of, say, nine beats, a range 1000 km and combat weight. parts of 400 kg, so, relatively speaking, now the wreckage has been analyzed, and there is a lot of interesting related, primarily with the analysis of the warhead, of this missile, it turned out to be inadequately small compared to this missile, because if we know that there the kh22 missile has a warhead weight of 1 ton, the kh101 cruise missile weighs 400 kg, the ballistic dagger weighs 150 kg, and
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now the analysis of the fragments of the zircoln warhead has shown that it weighs within 100 kg. why so few? disproportionately few, and here there is several explanations, we analyzed it on the website, on the defense express website, one of the explanations is that in order to ensure a range of 1000 km, the designers were forced to... significantly reduce the weight of the warhead, this is one explanation, but another the explanation is even more alarming, because relatively speaking, with such a small combat unit it is impossible ... to fight the main goals for which this zircon was created, in particular , with the same aircraft carriers, because such a combat unit simply does not have enough power, so there is an assumption that is essential the use of zircon is considered with a special warhead, a special warhead is actually a nuclear warhead and
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the russians have remnants of these nuclear tactical ammunition for artillery, which ... just have a mass within the range of 100 kg, this is such a certain assumption, but only it can explain why the design of this missile has such a small warhead, so that so far it can be stated that all these launches of zircons in ukraine, in zaporizhzhia, twice in kiev, are those that are rather related to the attempts of the developers to check those... or others capabilities of a still rather raw sample of weapons, and the most expensive of all that are manufactured in russia, and from a practical point of view, we can say that these weapons used against ukraine are rather weapons of terrorist attacks, because to ensure accuracy, even if they could aim for some military purposes on
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the territory of ukraine, so far it is actually impossible with this weapon, so we are talking about the fact that this type of weapon... everything is a weapon of terror, in fact, like everything that russia does, using those or other types of weapons against our peaceful cities, so that in any case we understand that the enemy is treacherous and unpredictable, and therefore we need to have more of our own weapons of various purposes, in order to give more weapons to the enemy and speed up our victory, how to ensure this, first of all at the expense of ... the activities of our defense enterprises, and there are nuances here, because there are a number of publications in the foreign press, which say that our defense industry is developing, but there are a number of problems that sometimes act as such a burden in the manufacture of weapons and the creation of new ones samples, why, what problems exist, we will talk about this now with our next guest, kateryna mikhalko joins us,
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this is the executive director of the association of technological forces of ukraine, this... association combines, well, in my opinion, the most powerful private enterprises that make really cool technological samples of weapons. mr. kateryna, greetings, mrs. kateryna, greetings, glad to see and hear you on the espresso channel. good evening, thank you for the invitation. i would like you to explain to our e-e viewers exactly which businesses are currently included in yours. association, what do they produce, what are the main areas of their activity? today , we have almost 30 enterprises in the association, they are leading suppliers of the ministry of defense, other departments of the security and defense forces, mainly we have companies that manufacture unmanned systems, that is, drones, ground,
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flying, and we also have companies that manufacture other military technologies. for example, software products, means of communication, optical systems and ammunition including. ms. kateryna, but regarding the predictability of purchases, because in the ministry of defense has undergone such significant and personnel changes and structural changes , a defense procurement agency has been created, new procedures have been created, how has this affected the predictability of orders for your enterprises, do they have contracts there that , in particular, go beyond one year, as does the situation look like this? unfortunately, there is still no predictability of orders for the purchase of weapons and drones on the ukrainian market, because our purchases are tied to the annual redistribution of the budget, and this is also the responsibility of not only the cabinet of ministers,
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and the parliament, to ensure that we have special defense budgets, which are not formed in december, but which are sufficient. thought out for several years ahead , so that military technologies could be manufactured, and ukrainian enterprises knew that their product would be needed by our army, our state, because you rightly said that the industry is growing now, but there is a reverse effect of this growth, and it consists in the fact that larger budgets are now needed to purchase and use these weapons, here, including, it is important to open exports, because... inside ukraine such budgets for the purchase of all weapons from all companies, unfortunately, they simply do not exist. if we are talking about the possibility of opening exports, it is now. it depends on who, because there seems to be a feeling around the minister of defense that exports need to be opened, but they are not the ones who cannot solve this
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political paradigm, how can we ask for weapons from our foreign partners, or buy foreign ones and at the same time sell our own, or does your company or the management of your association have something like that a proposal that can really be such a platform for... or a solution for enabling exports? my main message will be that export is not at all equal to a decrease in the number of weapons in ukraine, export is equal to an increase in the number of weapons, because the more currency enters the enterprises, the more currency enters the country, the greater our ability to manufacture various types of weapons. in addition, of course, we are asking for certain samples of weapons still abroad, for example, systems. it is quite difficult to manufacture and it takes a certain number of years to localize such systems and manufacture them in ukraine, so we are still asking for them, but in such fields as, for example, uavs, drones, we already
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have about 200, maybe even 300 companies in the country that can to manufacture various drones , and some of them are really not so necessary at the front, and they can be exported, and the fact that they are not needed at the front proves, for example, the absence of a need from the general staff , that is, those types of weapons that are not needed by our army, they should be free for to be sold abroad in our friendly countries, in the countries of western democracies, regarding, by the way, drones, here i am reading one of the telegram channels, where it is written that the french company deler will deliver 400 reconnaissance uavs to ukraine, i look on the appearance of these uavs, i look at the characteristics and inside. i feel that the samples that we have, well, to put it mildly, will not be worse than the french samples that did not work in the conditions of the rep. the question arises,
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how is this situation with external suppliers, because the impression is that we still have to fight not only with the enemy on the battlefield, but sometimes the question of the adequacy of approaches to our manufacturers in comparison is extremely important for our defense of industry. with the supply of apparently similar products from foreign partners, what problems exist here, what about them, how can they be solved? unfortunately, the historical situation was such that regulation was always much easier and more comfortable for imported weapons than for local ukrainian manufacturers, this is changing little by little, but this the road is long enough, i believe that we will all go through it together. regarding the samples of weapons that are purchased abroad, they are really... always better than ukrainian analogues, ukrainian analogues work really more efficiently at the front, because the enterprises, our local ones, receive feedback
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from the military very quickly and adapt to the realities of war , but very often there is also such a situation that simply, when other countries give us technical assistance, they direct these funds to their local companies, because they are interested in the development of their own economies, so there may be such a situation that if purchases are made on... indeed, it may be with the funds of our partners, it is not necessarily ukrainian, the ukrainian authorities are sponsoring, do you agree with that, or there are positive examples of cooperation between your enterprises and foreign companies in the creation or improvement of certain products through joint efforts, i am inspired by the fact that ukrainian enterprises. are admired by american companies and european companies, again, because ukrainian entrepreneurs quickly receive feedback from the front line and can
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make such weapons that really work from the war where the intensity is high, there are several examples of partnerships, even companies that are part of the technological forces with american companies, with french enterprises, but i rather, i will not say more details there, because this is... closed information, and when we talk about expanding the capabilities of enterprises, one way or another, the question arises related to the security of the location, but i know there, well, for example, the athlon avia company, it for a long time i was looking for an enterprise, not even an area where you can deploy production in conditions that you can work even under enemy attacks, how common is this problem for others? enterprises, does the state help organizationally or financially to locate or move enterprises to areas where there will be greater security for them, huh. yes, i completely
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agree with you, this is a pressing problem for manufacturers, unfortunately, it is a pressing problem for all ukrainians, we are all targets for russian shelling, but military defense enterprises are the most important targets for our enemy, that is why these shellings take place every day, and there, of course, it is quite dangerous to carry out this production, therefore it is critical to move the maximum amount of power underground, sim... certain challenges, because the underground areas that fit the parameters are not so much, in principle, but i see the cooperation of the state in this direction, certain programs are being prepared and are already being implemented, so there is a certain movement here, i am grateful to the ministry of strategy and industry, the state service of special communications and other departments for cooperation you analyzed the problems of private enterprises, and during the last conversation we
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bypassed a number of areas that... are problematic, in particular, it is the intellectual property of those developments, because in fact, it seems that the ministry of defense finances, buys the sample, and if it finances the dkr , and one way or another it claims, well, in a certain way , control over the entire product, which probably limits the ability of the enterprises themselves to freely dispose of the know-how that was created specifically for this sample, are there any ways to... solve this problem? in my opinion, the system of r&d, research and design works, that is, when the state orders development and pays for it, is not uncomfortable for the private sector, that is , this regulation should either be rethought, and it should be more adapted to private companies, or what, in my opinion, is a better way - is to allow market terms of contracts, i.e.
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to allow. manufacturers to monetize their products to a greater extent in order to reinvest these funds in rent, that is, if there is simply a deregulation of cost and costing in contracts, it will help manufacturers to have more working capital to invest in the latest developments, this will be a more comfortable model for the private sector, that is, it will require contract revisions or work-in-progress. a new format of contracts for the purchase of certain samples , yes, that is, there must be a different logic of costing materials, because now they rely more on the logic of the soviet union, when we had a planned economy, when we had profit restrictions, this is an absolutely uncomfortable model for private sector, there must be a free market, there must be market economy, and if such conditions exist, the private sector will indeed be able
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to invest more funds and resources. in the latest developments, and we will all move faster in technical advantages on the front line. and we literally have one minute, but i can't ask: the relationship of manufacturers with our law enforcement agencies, with various inspection bodies, which sometimes create problems out of nowhere, like this, what is the history of your enterprises' communication with our control bodies? a difficult question, because... we cooperate with them and we supply them with samples of weapons and drones very often, but of course, when it comes to contract inspections, this can create certain risks for the private sector, but it seems to me that this is not only a matter for the law enforcement agencies, in principle for state regulation, for the cabinet of ministers , how to build a control system in such a way that it does not prevent honest private business from working and producing weapons quickly. mrs. kateryna, very... thank you for
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the inclusion, for the tremendous work that all your enterprises do for ours of the armed forces and defense forces, it is about the unification of the technological forces of ukraine, i will remind our viewers that it was kateryna mikhalko, the executive director of the unification of the technological forces of ukraine. these were the main military results of this day, then more international and economic news, then vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you to serhiy zggorets, thank you to his guests, these were the military results of the day, now i will tell you in detail about the most important news as of now. as a result of the russian terror, the number increased to 19 wounded in kharkiv, among them four children, the youngest victims were 3 months old, one more man, unfortunately, died. at least 14 were damaged in the attack


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