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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EET

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propaganda is working very well and he believes that the russian authorities will convince the citizens of russia that the majority of russian citizens are behind it, if they keep repeating it, if it succeeds in doing it, what can it do influence how russia can then use, use this history for itself, within russia? the dehumanization of ukraine and ukrainians has begun. not after the terrorist attack in croc city hol, it started much earlier and it has a systemic nature, so here is a report on 32 ukrainian prisoners who were executed by the russians of this land, this is very revealing, let's talk about him now, yes, yes , after, after the capture of avdiyivka, it simply began to have a more massive character, this, if it does not sound cynical, is an element in not only in... murders of defenseless people, but
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an element of destabilization of the situation inside ukraine. remember the crucified boy, this is also a factor back in july 2014, what a fake that simply mobilized strongly enough, including russian society and residents captured by militants, respectively, cities in donetsk and luhansk regions. so i think we should not talk like that. how will it affect russia, russia is already fighting, it doesn't need a reason to kill us, that's the point, and it 's not even looking for some kind of legitimization to kill ukrainians, it will just be consistent enough in this sense, unfortunately. thank you for your comment, yevhen magda, candidate of political sciences and director of the institute of world politics, we talked about the consequences of the terrorist attack in russia, and then we will talk about the report you mentioned, yevhen. un report. thank you
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very. russia continues to torture and punish ukrainian prisoners of war. this is stated in the already mentioned report of the un human rights monitoring mission in ukraine. and, in particular, in the report of the un high commissioner. the report covers the period from december 1 , 2023 to february 29, 2024. well, actually 3 months. experts interviewed 60 ukrainian military personnel who recently returned from russian captivity, according to the head of the un human rights mission in ukraine , daniel bel, in almost every interview , the respondents said that the russian military and officials torture prisoners, including beatings, electric shocks, forcing them to remain in an uncomfortable position for long periods of time, threatening to shoot them or simulating them, more than half of the prisoners experienced sexual violence. in addition, between december 23 and february 24
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, the mission documented credible reports of the execution of 32 ukrainian prisoners of war after they surrendered their weapons or during interrogations. this is significantly more than for any period, the previous period. ministry of defense of russia or reject or do not comment on such accusations. the killing of prisoners of war, i remind you, is considered a war crime by international law, and it is prohibited by the legislation of both russia and ukraine. andrii yakovlev, attorney, managing partner of the umbrella bar association, expert of the media initiative for human rights on international law, joins our broadcast. good evening, good evening. andrii, what exactly does the increase in the number of executions indicate, as stated in the un report? i think there are natural causes, but there are also, you know, evolutionary natural reasons - it
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seems to me that the transparency of the front is increasing , that is, the front is saturated with unmanned aircraft, and accordingly you can see more information, not only of military significance, but hello, i can be heard, so you can be heard and seen, i’m sorry, i think the fleet is saturated unmanned aircraft, accordingly, it becomes transparent and you can see not only information there of military, tactical significance, but also other information. in this case we see a fixation, an increase in the number of losses, it saw everything ukrainian society, and accordingly we can talk about the fact that as a result of the increase in the number of unmanned aircraft, it shows that we can also see the number of executions, that is, it does not mean that these executions did not happen before and it does not mean that only now have we finally seen them these executions, it's just that it's become so obvious that it can be recorded with high confidence, and... got you, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah
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, go on, go on, plus, plus, plus we can see that misbehavior, or even simply we can even say that… the rounds used by the russian troops , in relation to civilians, in relation to prisoners of war, they are already highlighted in these reports, and accordingly, it can no longer be ignored, and the amount of information is increasing, well, that is, it is already becoming such a topic that one cannot help but talk, even if we assume that before this information was not provided there from various sources, then, nevertheless , now such a cumulative effect has already been created, which shows that this is a whole systemic problem, and since we see a large number of such ... we can say that this can have many consequences, you know , large-scale politics, because at least i saw somewhere in some video that it even says a command, a command from the commander, that is, the person in charge, he says, kill there, do not leave alive,
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that is a large number of such recorded cases indicates that, and in different periods of time, indicates that this is a large-scale practice, and we can even say that it is... mocked, and this already speaks of responsibility and the expansion of responsibility not only executors, their commanders, and also commanders of a higher rank, it is precisely necessary to draw attention to all these commanders where it all happens and investigate the crime not only against the executors, but also their commanders, and you can rise to the highest level, and dividing cases that we can investigate ourselves at the national level, where there is a high-level one, for example, the minister of defense or the president, since the president is a civilian boss, he is also responsible for the military, plus he also has according to the constitution, they have military management functions, then accordingly we can say that we
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have to investigate a large part of the cases ourselves, and where we cannot, due to international immunities, turn to the international criminal court, well, i hope that this will happen, that's actually what i wanted to ask, so that people will understand... who are not related to the legal sphere there or to the sphere of human rights, from the practice of lawyers, as far as we know, for example, in the last three months, at least 32, 32 ukrainian prisoners were executed , how realistically attract to responsibility of the guilty in these executions, how long can it take, is there any general practice? no one will say how long it may take, because the cases are under investigation. it's been a long time, first of all, we haven't caught these commanders yet, we need to catch them, identify them all correctly, at least identify them, yes, but that doesn't mean it's unreal, it's absolutely real, and the examples of other countries, they show that such cases
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are quite real, i even know, i know the case of one ukrainian who was persecuted for crimes committed in 1991 on the territory of the baltic states. as a war crime indictment, it has been 30 years, and accordingly, if there are cases, and they can be, if it is properly recorded, confirmation by international authorities, and as this report says that this is already a serious problem, and it is not just our cry, our message as victims, and yet it has been properly verified by a third party, a respected party who is empowered to do so, it says that this will not be forgotten and... it's only a matter of time before it becomes case in the criminal court against high officials, and we, we, when we can, i hope, uh, well , when, when, when we, when we can do it, i hope that we will create such an infrastructure, execution of sentences
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abroad, so that our sentences are also carried out abroad , that is, we need such an infrastructure that we do not just negotiate with each country on a case-by-case basis, but i hope that... we will create such a system where our sentences for such people will lead to their detention, this is very important , as then these people will know what they could potentially fall under investigation and they will be found and detained, this will be able to reduce their aggression, and at least create a cooling effect. i have one last question, the un experts in the same report also interviewed 44 russian... prisoners of war held in ukraine, and they did not talk about torture in these places of detention, but stated that they were tortured during transportation, or immediately how were they captured, how many cases does ukraine investigate, we literally have two minutes, if we can be brief, we have 128 thousand
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cases, at least they should be prioritized, so it's very difficult for us to say that we can investigate these cases, just like any country, it's in... it wouldn't work, i hope that we're actually doing an investigation, and even if it hasn't been done somewhere, it's still after all, it will be carried out later, because we have to complete the first... we have to collect all this, record it, and in the future it is already a matter of developing this case, but it will start only with documentation, so our task is minimal, to record it all, i would said, thank you very much for your comment, andrii yakovlev, lawyer and managing partner of the umbrella bar association, we talked about the un mission's report that three in particular at least 32 ukrainian prisoners were executed. russian military. thank you very much. well, in continuation
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of the topic of torture of ukrainian prisoners of war, oleksiy anulya, a former prisoner of war. he stayed in captivity for 10 months and returned to ukraine during the exchange on december 22. the russian soldiers mocked the prisoners, including oleksiy. he told us about this in an interview. they even tried to strangle him, starved him, beat him, mocked but more than a year after the capture, the boy is still being treated mentally and physically, he has undergone a number of operations and continues treatment even today, a fragment of this interview, i suggest you listen further. a kamaz arrived, three of us were loaded into this kamaz, behind us were empty boxes of ammunition, corpses, these and potatoes, and we, and we were all in this kamaz. we drove for four hours, and when they brought us, it was already active, and the first hell had already begun there, this is the village of vyshneve
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in the rybkyan district, it was there, they started us drop behind the kamaz, with tied hands, the kamaz is tall, they dragged us into the barracks, this is where their reception began, yes, yes, well , the territory of ukraine, the officers did not even get confused, they just shot and that was it, they immediately began to check the shoulders, fingers, i just worked with weapons all the way up to... the period of time even before the war, then i had characteristic, well , scars from handling, well, with weapons, they began to look at the powder gases under the nails with ultraviolet light, well, i rubbed them, i how much traffic, well, it didn't help, and neither did they they started blabbing, here they find a medal of an atoshnik, so you are an atoshnik, so you are a child of donbass, this medal on the forehead, they started nailing it with shoes, i changed the bulb, a patch of the flag of ukraine. removed from the corpse, i will say, well, you love ukraine, so chew the patch, put it in your mouth, and they, one of them directly
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followed me to chew it, i can’t, my mouth is full of blood, and it’s so dry the blood dried up on my lips, and i chewed him for several hours, the commander said, all of a sudden, take care of him, and he left, there were two left, one caucasian and one russian, and so then he says what are you? and my legs don’t allow me to move anywhere, i ask myself, i start to do as much as possible
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right away, i say yes no, yes i walked in the field and washed myself with leaves there, yes you are there, i say, you are there against the cheetahs, against this , she says, give me parades, putin says everything, i want it, and then i realized that it was not covered up, they tried to swallow you, it’s nothing, well , this is the maximum that he did, he took my hand by the fifth point and... that's already the end, but when they hung up, that was it hell, and i hung
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on a hook on this stretcher, and it was like that for six days, six days you sat on it, yes, they came, beat, the next day they killed two people in this room, two ukrainian prisoners of war, two ukrainian prisoners of war, i know who it is, i already gave this information to the guru , that's all we have for today. you can watch more materials on the radio liberty or radio liberty ukraine channels on youtube, and liberty live will return to the air tomorrow. there are 10% discounts on lisobact in travel pharmacies for you and savings. real bulgarian valeriana calms our nerves for years. there are
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sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much. natalka dyadenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. premium sponsor of the national team represents those united by football together are stronger , see this week in the program judicial control with tetyana shustrova. the most outrageous judges-offenders, how to keep their position while in pre-trial detention center. they continue
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to be judges and receive a considerable salary. but why is grp kvolo considering. the complaints of the servants of themis. the supreme council of justice operates to preserve the status quo, not to clean up judicial renewal. on thursday, march 28, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the football atmosphere every monday at 10:00 p.m. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. the project is for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football,
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stronger together. we are looking for 12-year-old maksym katunin from kherson. the boy lived in the central district of the city. his search has been going on for almost a year and a half. we received information about the child's disappearance in november 2022. it was then that the regional center of the kherson region was liberated from the occupiers, and it was then that the child's disappearance became known. perhaps maxim was taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or even to russia, so now the most important thing is to find out the whereabouts of the child. i really hope so thanks to your care, the boy will be found. look carefully at the photo. perhaps someone has seen maxim and knows at least something about him. every little thing is important. if suddenly
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someone has information about maksym katunin, or knows where he might be now, call immediately. contact the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in general, from the beginning war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave, and there are problems with communication, anyone can help find missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone
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in the end you will help to find. look at the photo. this is 13-year-old dmytro horovy. nothing is known about the fate of this boy for more than two years. unfortunately, details about his disappearance are also scarce. i only know that when the war started, the child was in mariupol. and in this one. day the boy disappeared without a trace, perhaps he, like many children, was taken to russia, or is still being held somewhere in the temporarily occupied territories. therefore, i very much ask you to look carefully at the photo of dmytro gurovoy. he looks about 12 years old, with light blond hair and dark eyes. if has anyone seen the guy or know where he might be now. don't delay and call us on the magnolia child tracking hotline at the short number. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. i also want to remind you that the search for 16-year-old ilya
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polishchuk continues. he is also from mariupol, and nothing is known about the fate of this boy since the beginning of the full-scale war. the connection was lost with the potion on february 24, and no one knows where he is now. therefore, i appeal to everyone who sees me now, and especially to residents of mariupol, may be watching this program on social networks. look carefully at the boy's photo. he looks 14-15 years old, he has light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen vilyukh or knows where he may be now, do not hesitate and call us on the magnolia children's search hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is not possible to call, write to chatbots. child tracing services in telegram, any information is important. and i will ask again moment of your attention, this is nine-year-old nikita
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nikolaev from the city of rubizhne in the luhansk region. this settlement was occupied in may 2022, but nikita disappeared already on may 23, and in fact, nothing is known about the fate of the child for almost a year. i hope that thanks to your care, the boy will be found... please take a close look at the photo of nikita nikolaev. he has blue eyes and light blond hair. the child looks nine years old. if suddenly someone has seen the boy or at least knows something about him, it is possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial the short number of the magnolia children's search service 11630 from any mobile operator . calls are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the botslu chat. search for children in telegram. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child.
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anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. congratulations, the voice of america is on the air in ukrainian and our program time time. my name is ostap yarysh. strengthening the air defense of ukraine and speeding up the supply of f-16 are vitally necessary and there is no rational explanation why the patriots still do not cover the skies of kharkiv and other ukrainian cities? these are the words of volodymyr zelenskyi. reacted to another russian attack on kharkiv and mykolaiv. white house national security communications adviser john kirvyi is convinced that if the request for additional funding for ukraine is put
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before congress, he will gather enough of voices but it should have been done a long time ago. john kirby said this in an interview with voice of america journalist mykhailo komadovsky. the official recalled that the pentagon recently found an additional 300 million for weapons for the armed forces, but these funds were only enough for one military package. aid, so the decision of congress is decisive. at this time, i am not aware of any other support packages being developed or moving toward adoption. we will continue to do our best to try to find ways to support ukraine, but so far there is no alternative, and even its current assistance is not even close to enough for ukraine. the only way to support ukraine. now that spring is here, and soon summer will soon be, when the fighting will soon become more intense, it is to approve the request for additional funding that
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the president has submitted. john kirby also added that the kremlin's new statements that the united states, britain and ukraine were behind the terrorist attack in moscow are nonsense, and the united states, for its part, warned russia about the threat of an attack. the official stressed that responsibility for the terrorist attack carried by the terrorist organization idol. we provided useful, and we believe, valuable information about what we believe was an imminent terrorist attack, and we also warned americans to... stay away from public places like concert halls. therefore, we were very direct with our russian colleagues, so that they had as much useful information as possible. what they did or did not do with this information, they themselves should say. in turn , the experts interviewed by the voice of america claim the fact that the moscow authorities do not was able to identify the threat, indicates a significant failure in russian national security.
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in particular, the american colonel says this. rater robert hamilton and analysts of the institute for the study of war george barros. we are deeply concerned about the kremlin's false implication of ukraine's involvement in this attack. we have no evidence to suggest that ukraine carried out this attack, or that it is interested in carrying out this attack. and we're concerned that the kremlin could use the intended and the manufactured and the forged ties with ukraine in order to justify its own escalation against. this is a relatively sophisticated and sophisticated terrorist attack, and the fact that the moscow authorities were unable to detect and prevent it before it happened is a significant failure of russian national security. but putin is so fixated on the supposed threat from the west that he has found a way to twist it into some western or american attempt to undermine russia, or undermine its stability and security.
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this is partly explained by the fact that the intelligence agencies in russia are more focused on internal affairs repressions and are better trained in them than in gathering intelligence and preventing terrorist attacks. a connection with ukraine is as unlikely as it is convenient for the kremlin, as it justifies further intensification of russian brutality in ukraine. gur spokesman andriy yusov, who is in washington this week, agrees with the fact that russia's power model proved unable not only to protect its citizens from a terrorist attack, but also to respond properly to... warnings from western special services. he believes that putin's vulnerability has become apparent, particularly to his inner circle. tetyana voroshko spoke with andrii yusif in more detail about this and other things. thank you very much for coming to us. let's start the conversation with the crocshool attack. ah, putin, his subordinates are trying to somehow connect it with ukraine. immediately there was a statement from you,
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that it, well,... that it is not a senitnitsa, that it is not justified by anything, cannot be explained by anything, and now there is new information, some new arguments, that's what you could say on this time, putin's regime of murderers and warlords criminals, no new arguments have appeared, lavov's reaction and his refusal to help interpol in the investigation of this crime are very eloquent, i think that this is the full stop and we can't continue any further, and of course any attempt to use any... in the war against ukraine and even such a tragedy, where peaceful citizens, civilian residents of the aggressor state, died, yes, but these are peaceful residents, well, in fact, they very much characterize putin's regime as a whole. ukraine unequivocally announced its reaction and declared: ukraine frees its own territory from invaders and fights with the military, even if they are war criminals. we are not at war with civilians and peaceful
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residents. full stop, everything else, whether the putin regime is involved, to what extent it is involved in this terrorist attack, or only because it did not take the necessary measures, despite being warned, or whether there are other more compelling reasons to blame it, these are matters of separate investigations, and they will definitely be conducted, and we are not talking about the investigation of putin's criminals, because neither justice nor an independent investigation in russia no one in the world believes for a long time. you said earlier that this was a deliberate provocation. on the part of the special services, the special services of russia, that is, as you said, did they simply ignore the warnings, did not want to do anything, or did they somehow consciously take part in this, that is, at this time, what else does it indicate? the whole history of putin's stay in power is a history including similar provocations and terrorist attacks against his own population, he started his political career with this...


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