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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EET

10:30 am
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in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m., velikiy lviv speaks in the project on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to find out. about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become languages ​​for many relatives, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, espresso in the evening. premium sponsor collection. represents
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united by football, stronger together. we are back, as promised in our studio by ivan tymochko, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine and the head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces. glory to ukraine, mr. ivan. glory, glad to see. we talked about our northern borders a few minutes ago, and about the fact that the drgs are entering sumy oblast somewhere there. chernihiv oblast, kharkiv oblast, it's already like weekdays. but when we hear about not only the threat of new missile attacks on kyiv, but also the drg, the penetration of the drg into the capital, it is a little alarming. how serious is it all? this is extremely serious. the fact is that if we take into account sumy region and kharkiv region, for example, and the entrances of the drg, the task of these sabotage and intelligence groups there is mainly the study of our military. units,
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finding their study, researching bases, say, places, locations, then kyiv region in order to effectively carry out strikes, must by the russians on the territory of kyiv and the kyiv region, taking into account the fact that there is a highly developed air defense system, the task of sabotage and reconnaissance groups or reconnaissance groups that will enter kyiv is mainly... fixing the location of air defense systems during missile strikes, this is the search for these very air defense systems, this is the determination of the degree of protection ability, for example, we take the government quarter there, so we take into account life support stations, structures, facilities, who are responsible for this in kyiv, institutions, structures that will be directly responsible for this in... in addition
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, a lot of people returned to kyiv, taking into account the period when the beginning of a large-scale invasion was widespread and there was an exit, that is, this now gives an opportunity and sabotage intelligence groups somewhere and get lost in this mass of the population, especially since kyiv region , as well as most of the regions that are not directly adjacent to the front line, are also saturated with immigrants, so we understand that anyone can actually be there under any kind of hide or even provide an explanation, for example, in a separate category of people, why they do not have an existing package of documents? eh, why are they there, let’s say, walking around the city, but not orienting themselves in it, that is, they are those who can be visually calculated that they are not local, but this may simply be a justification that we, we immigrants, have lost everything, and here of course, we understand that sabotage is subversive, these subversive groups, they
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are basically formed or recruited actually from former citizens of ukraine, from former ukrainians, because they cannot be named ukrainians, if they serve. in favor of russia, but that is, they either speak the ukrainian language, or they speak the dialects of specific territories, where they can tie themselves territorially, that is, they understand the local flavor, local specificity, and they are extremely dangerous, but we also already know that literally yesterday and a meeting of the security committee of kyiv took place, where these issues were discussed, that is , we understand that there is already some kind of intelligence. data and directly in ours, in our bodies responsible for this direction, what if not were leaked, about the training of such subversive groups, because in any case they must first undergo training in schools either in the occupied territories or in
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the territory of russia, because the subversive intelligence group itself can work autonomously, but in fact its task then is very narrowly targeted, very narrowly profile. but the actual task of these subversive and reconnaissance groups is the quick detection and immediate notification of the same air defense systems or the movement of troops, so we can say that it is a network with communicators, with those who collect information, those to whom they transmit, those who will relay, transmit in other directions, that is, we understand that this is a danger of the network, and after all, it is multi-echeloned, especially, well.. .. but on the other hand , well, again, at this stage, thank god, we see that at least the air defense system of the kyiv region or the kyiv region, at the moment , the russians are not able to break through, this is also a fact. and if we return to this recruitment and drg, it was activated precisely in the youth
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environment, as the mustachioed shmilm says, in piskov, we turned to comrade durov to monitor the telegram. so we know these channels, how they work, if you walk through peaceful ukrainian cities, you can pay attention to how wise schoolchildren watch russian content on their smartphones after the screams of our father bandera, so in principle verbovka’s path is clear, but drg is all there is a certain procedure, what to do with the agents who are sitting in different places, but look, i will just read you a recent show from volyn news, our colleagues from volyn. they write, they form there, how they are shaking up the personnel policy everywhere now, this is the vertical of the supreme commander and the president, it is called the regional military administration, that’s right, they want to put a deputy who lives on 6600 hryvnias as a candidate, well, all the rest
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was copied to my mother, taras shkiter , you probably never heard of such a thing, but as the great patriot of ukraine and traitor medvedchuk would say, the ukrainian election is forbidden. on the organization in which he worked, it does not mean that now it is necessary to put him in charge of the military administration, what to do with it, what to do with it, when in fact from the drg they are dispersed and pushed into the military administration, well , let's hope that he was a great intelligence officer in what kind of election medvedchuk is there, and actually leaked information , i’m joking, but i didn’t leak, i worked for... i’m saying , that is, yes, the problem is actually that in the early detection and tracking of people who belonged to the former pro-russian or russian-style structures there, but they bright, you can see them, but what now the special inspection is not working or not, because
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the journalists are investigating, and there is a feeling that the special inspection is not working, they do not pose the main threat, those who have not come to light anywhere, who... are difficult to detect, this is much more dangerous, oh this, for that's what we have, and it's not for nothing that journalists say, one of the branches of power, the media, and also control. this is probably the main thing that is actually carried out by the media in our time, control over the actual and that not only the drg, but over information as such, and the detection of such people is also a kind of information, a tarnished reputation is also information, that is, they are dangerous , but they are not as dangerous as those who are integrated into our ukrainian environment there, let's say some pseudo-liberals there or very with good or... this is a danger, you see, petliura is still relevant, isn't it terrible
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moscow blocs, both ukrainian and nits, and this one, well, it will always cause such failures to american intelligence, this young boy, what secret documents he just presented to himself, because he is young and stupid, he wanted to show himself somewhere that he is a pro, well if we go back to the history of russian-ukrainian soldiers, historians have already told us 100 times, for the first time in the russian-ukrainian war. upr fell because the yermaks of that time failed to mobilize. now the situation is absolutely similar in a spiral, only with bigger scandals and more media coverage, well, as if they are finishing this long-suffering law on making changes to the law on mobilization, only now, fresh in the non-working parliament , it turns out that there are not enough votes, well, not only them. we know that in essence vegovsky's mobilization was thwarted by sirko, when vegovsky helped, defeated
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the russian army at gunpoint, sirko went on the offensive against the allies of the tatars, and the tatars left vygovsky and we got the result of 300 years of ruin, this is unfortunately always the case in ukraine when the enemy us the navy cannot be defeated at the front, but unfortunately, there are political challenges from within, which we cannot somehow learn how to overcome them after... so much time, this is one side of the coin, the other side of the coin is well understood that in our time law about mobilization processes, it is very important to divide here, because the law on mobilization, it is in effect , yes, it is problematic, it has many challenges in order to actually make amendments to it, and such points are accepted, because the law on mobilization, demobilization, it performs its functions as it is, a classic example, that's what it's looking for again. of the president on the demobilization of conscripts, he actually relies on the law on mobilization and demobilization, but the law on mobilization
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processes, when it will be collective, is not even that what is collective, and individual responsibility of each structure, because collective responsibility always leads to individual irresponsibility, but when there is individual responsibility, it will not give the opportunity to transfer duties and tasks according to mobilization processes, it is not only that. the call of people, this is the control over movement, this is training, and preparation, and the use of financial resources, and the priority of expenditures, budgets, the priority of even the same one for hiring, dismissal from work, this the priority of the duties of local self-government bodies, executive power , and law enforcement agencies, this is the entire basis of mobilization processes, and it is very important that it be accepted whether there will be votes. , i think, somewhere on some nuances
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they agreed, why, because if there were these 400 edits and it looked like it would be in time and space to infinity, then as far as i know, today essentially all the edits have been considered or rejected in one way or another, that is, the law goes to the second reading, but we still read behind the brackets different factions, different contradictions removed, different, let's say, each political force. it is also true, she got something that she wanted, or at least everyone reached a consensus, it will be accepted, and that is good, the question is in another, the question is in the consciousness of its implementation, in the speed of preparation of orders and in the speed of implementation of these changes and challenges, that will be written in it, this is important, any law that is not enforced, even if perfectly written, is no more than just about written paper. it must be confirmed by actions, this is important, but unfortunately, we will see if it will work as quickly as
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we can see that it can be accepted somewhere, and there are a lot of points in it that are extremely important. actually, details about this new mobilization bill, about the fact that basic military training should be mandatory in higher educational institutions, and about the fact that from the age of 18, already from adulthood, you can choose the time when to undergo this basic military training. we hear that at the front we need young people, because young people are mainly ... faster people and they can learn faster, well , this is nature, and this is physiology, and the americans also said: take the younger ones, take the younger ones, how to find a golden mean here, on the one hand, they have to and learn, on the other hand, they are also needed at the front, regarding the americans, i will answer your question regarding the americans, well, here is a banal transfer of responsibility from one structure that did not justify itself,
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that is, their congress and the tasks that were entrusted to them, but they they do not admit that absolutely because of them the attitude stopped. weapons, because an artilleryman who fires from a self-propelled artillery installation, whether he weighs 50 kg is a gunner, or he weighs 150 kg, well , the gun fires, and for this there are soldiers there who are responsible for the tray of this projectile, that is, his age category means little and weight, his task is more intelligence and the ability to aim well, and the projectile that flies to the enemy side, he can destroy 50. of those perfectly prepared and trained special forces, meanwhile, this is already a repeated precedent, we saw when the russian special forces, who had been training for 15 years, the same kharkiv, at one time the donetsk airport, were destroyed in one moment and the maximum losses, which are still not recoverable, this is one moment, about whether young people are needed, young people needed for separate military specialties, these are usually those
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that require a lot of physical exertion, there are special operations forces, the same. separate types even in assault troops, separate military posts, again here it is worth dividing very strongly, and of course, younger brains, or people who have modern scientific degrees, levels, are not modernly educated to be able to work on the same technologies or devices that are modern or compatible with what can be used, because for example, if a person. .. works in an it system, then of course it will work well with a computer, with programming, it will rather work with the same systems of radio-electronic combat against drones, and so many nuances, regarding again the call for 25 years and actually up to 60 and higher the general staff of up to 65 teams, here
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is the classic model, which is in the majority when we take the gradation of reserves, i.e.... those who can be called up and mobilized, we know this, it was doctrinal for a long time, the first operational reserve of the first line, i.e. people with combat experience and reservists and those persons who had a reserve contract, then the operational reserve of the second line, then the so-called human reserve, or in general all those who fall under it, and that is where the age categories are already determined in relation to the fact that it necessary, but it worked and worked and will work until the time when we... let's say we had some pool of conscripts and or we had conscript training and we had reservists from fighters trained since the time of the anti-terrorist operation. we understand, we saw that during these 10 years from the ato to a large-scale invasion, a long period passed, a certain category of people who were prepared, they were enough for those challenges, but they
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are not enough for a mobi large-scale invasion, we understand that even this widely... staff invasion over time and will end, and i'm not talking about a freeze , there will be no freeze, if only because putin's age category is here again, 70 -something years old, he will by no means agree to a freeze, wait another 10 years, he still wants to enjoy the laurels of some kind of victory, to demonstrate that he captured ukraine, so about freezing, this is not for putin for sure, and this is where we understand that the war will end, but potentially there may be... to replace them, another one will come, even the same one navalny, which is also about sandwiches and crimea can speak, and then russia will face challenges, it is worth attacking, not attacking, first, it is not worth it, what will they evaluate, our mobilization potential and ability to resist, as well as even the continuation of the war in time on a large scale, which
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is now , it will also directly depend on how much we mobilize. the resource will be effective and how mobile it can quickly flow into the army, because mobilization is good, but it also has a number of challenges, first of all, it is from people who are taken, so there, relatively speaking, by virtue of the legislation, training centers were called up and sent, and in fact, the load on the army for 3-4 months is training this person, this is a huge load that requires the involvement of instructors and specialists. preservation and protection of the same test sites, training centers, this is moving them abroad, that is, it is a huge financial burden, many risks, and the army, in addition to conducting hostilities. is engaged in training and actually mobilized, this is good, but it has so far shown itself as something that is very a heavy load, so when the training
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will be now according to this current legislation, as you said, the law of the draft law, from 18 to 25 on the basis of military educational institutions, we must understand that there will be training of officers and certain military specialties, not all, because the training of people , what is said there... well, we don't say by choice, first of all, to prepare the soldier sergeant corps, it must, they must receive at least a primary military specialty. mr. ivan, you will be interested, it's just fresh information from our neighbors in poland, the espionage scandal, and the commander of the eurocorps was fired there, he trained the armed forces of ukraine, but you just talked about the reservists, the polish ministry of defense says that the decision was made in connection. with the receipt of new information about this officer, in particular , it is about the protection of classified information, so that's it, that's it, we have two more minutes and we ask you to comment on it, very simply,
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we take into account that in poland it is considered absenteeism, even for training sessions five years in prison, everything was just decided there, we have 40 thousand of them they are looking for only frankish, frankish, until now they are debating whether the dodgers deserve at least some criminal responsibility in addition to administrative, actually, but that's normal. it's like, it's a normal war of intelligence, here we see the result, that after all, what's good , what was seen, discovered, pushed aside, and a criminal case is being conducted there on it, yes, that is, there is no competition, hiding, i'm not surprised , which is now possible, after this incident the polish farmers will suddenly stop blocking, so we'll see, because we don't know, there are such farmers out there that even it is scary to look at them, but the field is not plowed, it is probably standing. mr. ivan, for a snack , i just wanted to ask you, if, for example, it happens that even after agreeing on all the wishes for pr, well, well, well, this law will not be voted, and the russians are now
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mobilizing 300 thousand, that is, this in them, according to a new decree, the procedure is that then, then , we will fight with the available forces and means, and the mobilization will be the same, which now has its own problems, its own problems, and its own unanswered questions. can we block the required number of recruiting people or not? everything is a complex, only a complex. recruiting is a very smart prospect, but i think there are 10-20,000 figures for now, it will work, but this is a prospect in time, because there are a lot of nuances, which are currently not covered by the actual law, so there is there is recruiting, but again, the recruiter who is called up, who even gets into the training center, at this stage there are risks that... he may even get into other pods there, well, there are many nuances, their ministry of defense by a separate decree, we know , it regulated, but well, this is a by-law
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, in fact, it is an excuse, unfortunately, we need a clear law, mr. ivan, thank you, the head of the council of reservists, ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, was with us, ivan tymochko, we are now going on a short break, but you stay with spress, the first thing is to give, and the second is yes, follow the information for just a few minutes and... parubiy will tell you about the most important things at the moment, about everything you need to know, stay with us! there are 15% discounts on phyto broncholithin in podorozhnyk pharmacies, bam and save! there are discounts on otrivin spray 15% in pharmacies podorozhnyk, bam and savings! tired of heavy and bulky saws? then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you... you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, and it is also
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11:00 am
football together are stronger 11 on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. in kyiv , security measures are being strengthened against the background of the missile threat. attacks and possible infiltration of enemy derg. this decision was made by the city defense council. during the meeting, they discussed the holding of mass events, the operation of transport and disinformation in social networks. the law enforcement agencies were instructed to patrol places of gatherings of people more thoroughly, and also ordered ensure constant access to shelters and points of invincibility.


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