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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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and invited fact-based experts give their assessment and forecast of developments. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. 2:00 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention , a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal has arrived on a visit to poland and has already met with the head of the polish government, donald tusk. according to shmehal, during the negotiations they plan to discuss weapons for ukraine, the situation on the border, as well as trade development. and infrastructure.
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the ukrainian prime minister added that together with tusk, they will coordinate the issue before the joint meeting of the governments. let me remind you that poland has announced negotiations with ukraine on unblocking the border, in which farmers will take part. the meeting was planned during a joint meeting of the governments of the two countries. meanwhile , polish farmers temporarily unblocked the traffic of trucks at the ugryny checkpoint in dolgobych. cars can pass without delays in both directions, the state border service of ukraine reported. currently on 120 trucks are waiting to cross the border at this checkpoint. the polish side noted that the rhythmic passage of trucks will approximately last until april 2. i would like to remind you that currently the blocking continues at two checkpoints in ravarusk and yagodyn. there, the protesters do not allow a single ukrainian truck to go to poland. ukraine needs quality information
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about the enemy's intentions. volodymyr zelenskyi introduced the new head of foreign intelligence oleg ivashchenko and announced new tasks for the department. according to the president, ukrainian intelligence officers have work anywhere in the world where our interests are. and where putin's system is trying to win something for itself, ukraine should win. oleg ivashchenko is a combat general. he replaced with these during the war there are things that are absolutely not public, which the service should provide promptly and qualitatively, precisely the potential of measures to influence agent work and actually the military activities of ukraine, i expect from you, and it was for this reason that the foreign intelligence service was headed by a combat general of nothing sacred in the capital. security service of ukraine detained
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a russian intelligence agent who tried to join the ukrainian paratroopers under the guise of a chaplain. he turned out to be an official of the kyiv regional military administration. the mole planned to enlist with one of the combat assault brigades to spy on its deployment. also, according to the task of the curators , the person involved had to establish trusting relations with the command. in order to pass himself off as a chaplain, the man made a false certificate. about independence to parishioners of one of the denominations, the informant was detained when he was passing by interviews for enlistment in the armed forces of ukraine. currently, the suspect has been notified of suspicion under the second part of article 111 of the criminal code of ukraine, which is treason committed under martial law. he was remanded in custody. the investigation is ongoing, the attacker is responsible for... 100,000 people left the kupyan
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district in kharkiv region, before the full-scale invasion, 135,000 locals lived there, now the villages and towns are almost devastated, said andrii, the head of the kupyan district military administration kanashevich according to him, there were insignificant destructions in kupyansk after de-occupation. today, the enemy is destroying the city, it is bombarded with air bombs and artillery every day. the authorities are trying to quickly restore electricity, water and heat to homes after the attacks, but are convincing civilians not to risk their lives and leave temporarily. electricity blackout schedules continue to operate only in kharkiv oblast, ukrenergo said. at the same time, they add that with the growth of light consumption , restrictions are possible in odesa and khmelnytskyi. on to one of the thermal... after the repair, the station
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put another power unit into operation, which should cover the current needs. let me remind you that on march 22, the russians carried out the largest attack with missiles and drones. to energy facilities. high-voltage substations, thermal generation were damaged, and dniproges was significantly affected. special attention to the peace formula. minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba arrived on a two-day official visit to india. this became known from his post on the ex social network. the head of the department emphasized that ukraine intends strengthen cooperation cooperation with india. this is kuleba's first visit to the country at the invitation of indian foreign minister subra manyam jai shankar. in new delhi, dmytro kuleba will hold several bilateral negotiations, as well as a meeting of the ukrainian-indian intergovernmental commission on trade, economic, industrial and
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cultural cooperation. ukrzaliznytsia and the czech operator launched a new route to prague. today. made the first flight, about 1700. a female compartment is available on the czech train, as well as an assortment of food and drinks. in lviv said goodbye to the co-author of the constitution of ukraine, ihor yukhnovsky. hundreds of people came to see the outstanding scientist and statesman on his last journey. ihor yukhnovsky was the author of the idea to conduct the referee. about the independence of our country. in 2005, he was declared a hero of ukraine. he died on march 26 at the age of 98. the scientist was buried in the family tomb at the lychakiv cemetery. a few years ago, he sat
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and worked on the constitution of ukraine, because he said that the constitution that was adopted then was adopted by the communists with major amendments, and he must write the real constitution , i hope he wrote, also he, sat, worked, translated his physical labor into english, this is four years ago, that is , he is a man who has always worked, what can i say about this man, he is a great man, he is a man, he is, as you say, the conscience of the nation , uh, even i was surprised by him, he is a very, you know, kind man, he was valued for... first of all, for his intelligence, for his knowledge, for his humanity, he is only eight, he is already a storyteller. timofey from vinnytsia wrote and published own collection of children's stories. the young volunteer donates all proceeds to the needs of the army,
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and is currently working on a second book: about small ukrainians who do great things. further in the plot of my vinnytsia colleagues. this will be a new k'. and that's what i'll call it, well, why not , adventures, i watched my teeth, we write everything, and timofey dictates the idea of ​​​​a new fairy tale to his mother: the eight-year-old boy is actively working on creating his own second collection of stories, the first book, which included five stories from colored illustrations, he wrote at six years old, then my grandmother wrote down sentences on paper under dictation, i wrote this book with my grandmother-in-law... she added different opinions , it happened that i knew what i wanted to say, because then i was still six, and i already now eight, then it happened that i know what i want to say about, but i don’t know how to formulate it correctly, so she helped me formulate sentences, now timofey
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is eight, he is actively working on the creation of the second collection, and although he writes stories , when there is inspiration, seeks to complete fairy tales as much as possible rather, to sell a new book and transfer the funds to the needs of the army. "if we lose , it will end our lives, secondly, there is no such thing as only soldiers fight wars, and we also fight for our rights, for our independence and so on, we either volunteer, or drink nets, or we will donate, or make them warm, protect, clothes. the second-grader has been volunteering for two years, at the beginning of the war the boy sold drawings and wove nets, now he trades his own collection of fairy tales for money . the first book is 100. the boy managed to sell 80 copies, i donated the proceeds, which are uah 5,000. fairy tales do not have a fixed price, the buyer himself decides how much he is willing to pay. a very daring girl who bragged that she could fly like no one else could, and then got caught during
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dinner, but fortunately she was saved. the parents support the boy's desire to create in every possible way, they enrolled the young man in literary classes, organize meetings, the sale and shipment of books, the circumstances are such that it is not creativity for the sake of creativity, but as if it is under these circumstances, in which we all we live, it took on a little bit of a different shape and... transformed, somehow it resulted in such a goal, he wanted, well, actually, at the beginning of the war, he wanted to help in some way. the young author plans to publish a new collection of works in the fall, which will include a thematic fairy tale about the war. timofey dreams that until then the word war will remain only on paper, and until that happens, he will continue to volunteer. anastasia holoshivets, oleg smakovsky from vinnytsia for the tv channel. and i have to add that we
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are asking for your help, it is urgently needed repair of cars for the 65th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, they destroy the enemy in the southern direction. a faulty car at the front can cost health, or even life. thanks to you, we have already paid for some spare parts and the collection is ongoing, so please join us, your help is very important, you can see all the details now. on the screen. that was the news at that time, you can read more on our website espresso tv. also follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. our team works so that you can see the updated news release already at 3 p.m., then meet my colleagues who will continue the broadcast of the espresso tv channel. it will be marta oliarnyk and vasyl zima.
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greetings to all viewers of espresso, today we will inform you about such a company, instead of antin borkovskyi, today the company will be created by me. and we will be happy to inform you about all the most important things, today there are quite a lot of events, here, for example, there are already the first results of the meeting between ukraine and poland, on march 28 , an important meeting was announced, and here is our the ministry of territorial development and infrastructure of ukraine informs that the negotiations lasted more than six hours. it was a difficult but frank conversation between the ministries and associations, it is important that the solution options that will be announced soon have already been discussed. and at the same time , the issue is difficult for all parties and requires additional time, the minister of agricultural policy of ukraine, mykola solskyi, said. but
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what? well, here i was reading this story, by the way, that why it was not possible to achieve certain results earlier, as the polish side, in particular donald tusk, dragged his side in these positions of macron, well, there are also certain problems there with farmers, and with all this, and well, ukraine found itself in a more difficult position, after that ms. stefanichna spoke about the fact that there is actually no dialogue between ukraine and poland . well, let's hope that it will be possible to find some kind of solution to this situation, well , i think that both sides will have to make some compromises in one way or another, if we want to reach some definite solution to this whole issue, which has been going on for months, then clearly the parties have to concede something, well, but now we will not talk about that, we will of course talk about polish-ukrainian relations during this broadcast, but now we are adding petro chernyk, a military expert and colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, to the broadcast. mr. peter, we welcome you to our airwaves, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. peter, look, the meduza publication, with
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reference to sources close to the kremlin , wrote that the russian so-called political elites do not rule out that russia and its ruler, putin, will try to seize kharkiv and gradually finish the so-called special operation, we would like your analysis, do you think that these are realistic enough plans of the enemy, or are they still not worth paying attention to? for sure not yet, is it necessary to pay attention in a mandatory manner, information is a weapon, no one has canceled information-psychotic operations, i assume that in this way another signal is given by kutin that he is ready for certain territorial moments in order to to freeze or come to any agreements on this conflict, purely with from a military point of view, in order for kharkiv to really, really become a real target, they need to concentrate at least a forty-strong corps, nothing like that is happening on the borders now. it is almost
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impossible to covertly move such a huge number of personnel and equipment, i must remind you that such a corps needs to provide 825 tanks, 2,500 armored vehicles and up to a thousand artillery barrels, if it is 100% provided. i have to remind you that around 470,000 personnel are concentrated along the demarcation line composition, they need up to 500 tanks, and there are barely 2800. at the same time, you can expect anything from the crazy, and if they... with those small forces and means, they have somewhere between 15 and 17 00 personnel there decide to do something, we understand that it will be suicide for them. from our side, everything is certified to the maximum, only. only roads, but how to move on roads, we learned at the beginning of this war, in terms of reserves 148, we are the second country in the world, well, i will quote oleg sinigubov, the head of the kharkiv oblast the head of the military administration in an interview with the newspaper, he will answer the question whether the evacuation of kharkiv is planned, well, in order not to go into details, i will say so, the authorities will consider a decision in the event of an aggravation
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of the situation and a threat of occupation of the city, there are no grounds for the evacuation of kharkiv yet , but the evacuation of kharkiv is taking place there ... as far as i understand, well, there are also certain territories there, but that’s what i understand, well, that ’s already the affairs of the military, obviously, who understand where, where it is necessary to prepare the territory for possible hostilities, well but regarding kharkiv, the official information is that yes, there is readiness, but there are no real threats. you just know, and i just know, people , they haven't forgotten the beginning of the full-scale invasion, when a lot of people ended up in the occupation pretty quickly without even realizing what happened, and i think that fear, it can remain... many people also have this mistrust that maybe this time they will say again, as one deputy said, staying at home is a safe place, the residents of bucha stayed at home and well, we know what will happen, what happened next, unfortunately, well that is, isn't there this fear among people of mistrust again, that yes, they know something, they will leave us again now, the fear is natural, but we will understand well that we are not in an information bubble for such serious
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things, we are not the only ones who are watching, but watching the entire civilized world, i'm more than sure that if there really was something really... breaking out like it was at the beginning of this war, we would definitely get information from multiple sources. i remain in my position fully in solidarity with the position of kharkiv administration for the moment, i will emphasize, this does not mean that nothing will change tomorrow, at the moment there are no signs that a truly serious group is concentrated there. i continued to read another interesting article, and it is written by james rubin, he is the head of the center for global interaction. of the us department, highlights the propaganda efforts of enemy states and other entities directed against america and its allies around the world, and he says the following: the ukrainian authorities must tell even the bitter truth about the course of the war, especially against the background of the intensification of hostilities russian successes in key areas and the weakening of international attention to ukraine, please tell me how to act in this situation, and what is it like to tell even
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the bitter truth about the course of the war or about the losses or what to talk about and what not, so please . it is very difficult for me to say what was meant by the formulation of such and such a situation, all the figures that were supposed to be announced for the dead were announced, everything related to the structure of the fortification line is also announced, i do not feel in our information space any reduction of threats from the russian federation, with precision to the novpack on all world platforms, where only young people, the developing side, especially in terms of the timidity of our european allies on a very... simple thesis: avoiding escalation inevitably leads to confrontation, well, in terms of cutting statements macron, this is something unprecedented, in general, for the war as such, since it began. well , marta has already prepared the last question, because it actually, to be honest, confuses a little, even journalists who seem to work with information, but they should understand why these or other things are voiced. a few days ago
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, on the air of marathon, my colleagues whom i trust heard that the head of the zakarpattia oblast vysk administration said the following phrase that... the russians will attack, i know when, but i won't say, well, that's the aspect, and you know, to say that , so that, well, it’s better not to speak, that is, either speak, speak further, or don’t speak, because in general, why are you saying this, if you are the head of the region that borders hungary there with slovakia, well, that is, how to explain it to people, because now, to be honest, i already receive a lot of messages and discussions from people who are far from information, they say, but what is there, well, they said, this is an offensive , and where is an offensive, and what an offensive, and where to flee , what things to comment? i am ready to talk with you about the sinking of a large landing ship and how much trotyl is better to destroy it and how to bypass defense systems with radio electronic warfare or including my favorite topic aviation here for me, well, in terms of how to express myself, i lead to that or you as a person who yes i just lead to what you like
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a person who deals with military topics, can you questioners ask these words about what is being prepared for us? here and there we know when, it is not for me to give an estimate, who said what, the only thing i can say very firmly and confidently is that in the summer part, when everything will significantly dry out and the ground will be hard, the russians will try to exert operational pressure on some sources here , and what's new, and by the way , what's new, well , we 've talked about their strategic concept a thousand times, 2 thousand, i've already lost count access to the administrative borders of donetsk region and luhansk region, donetsk region is currently occupied by... 57%, well, there are still 43 to go, it is still a lot, and nothing will change in their philosophy, putin seems to have untied himself in part prerequisites for great. mobilization, and we have said countless times about their mobilization resource from 15 million people to 3 million, kalashnikov assault rifles, and i don’t know how many times
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i will voice this now, about 100 million were made, where it is brought here in the part that there will be potential pressure, and he just now calmed down a little in connection with the fact that they took the audio girl, but their resources are not infinite, but nothing in the strategic sense has been canceled, the war is of an existential order, either we her... or not us, well, there will be no third, it seems to me , in the third year of this war , we should all have learned these basic truths long ago. mr. peter, by the way, there are still such versions that this year russia will in fact have the last chance to win some big victory for itself, because with the supply of modern fighter jets to ukraine, for the russians it will already be an unattainable goal. do you think that this spring-summer period of the russians really exists? the last period for them when they can advance seriously enough, and after we get modern weapons, modern fighters, for them it will already be a mission that they will not be able to handle, seriously enough, it is at
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least for the operational indicators of the division, operational indicators of the division in depth, it is within 10-15 km, 6-8 in width, depending on which division, how it fights, then this would really be something breakthrough for them, i must emphasize because in addition to the diameter of avdiivka, that ’s how it should be called, by and large they did not strategically advance further than 1.2 km, or whether f16s can really radically change the battlefield, yes, they can help solve the fundamental problem, which, by the way, does not allow for us to move forward, this is a colossal huge number of adjusted large-caliber air bombs fap-250, fap-500 and even up-1500, then shoot down the aircraft that drop these f-16 pressure bombs absolutely. under force, without even putting yourself in danger, six machines, not to mention 12, can radically change the position in the sky, that is, the so-called conquest of the air, and this accordingly changes
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the tactical solution directly on land, is it possible, absolutely possible, it is necessary that those machines finally fly to us and worked, well, the machines are very good, but we understand that they must have missiles, which will actually have on them, and how do you think, are there certain ... clarifications in terms of who and what number of missiles and which can provide us with up to f16, because the planes themselves well, they don’t represent anything if they don’t have missiles on them, which they actually work with, well, it’s not a serious conversation at all, to say that there is a plane, but there is no missile, it will arrive only when it is fully equipped and all logistics are under the service of itself aircraft, and weapons will be deployed, is there anything to shoot down, and you have no idea how many there are, aim 120 missile, sainder 20'. km , the target of damage is the most massive since the mid -50s, how was it made, it is very accurate, it came out even then, and it is still being produced, more than 200,000 missiles have been produced, let’s think about it in
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this figure, 270 confirmed downed planes by this particular missile, the aim seven sparrow missile , a medium radius of 70 km, has been manufactured within 70 thousand and is the most massive, give the most long-range, the newest, the best that exists in nature in ... americans 120 amram, a long-range mission strikes from 120 to 180 km, they were made in 20 00. in the hunting part , it will be closed with aim9er missiles, all three missiles of the class can take up to six f16 on board, well , more than enough to, well, i won’t say zero, it’s also not smart, but to bring the knockdown coefficient of cruise missiles to indicators of 98-99% do not pose any problem, again, a second time, you need a third, fourth time. i will say for the fifth time, it must finally arrive. yes, actually, this is what we are asking about, whether our partners are ready to provide us with these missiles and whether there are already certain commitments from our partners that as soon as we receive this
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aircraft, we immediately receive these missiles. and it can't be any other way, well, well, colleagues, it can't be any other way, the plane can't fly in and stand in the hangar. if it reaches the point of its operation, it will come packed all necessary weapons. my personal position is that the first modes in which it will work. then it will work as a fighter for cruise missiles and only then the algorithms will be calculated as a fighter, i.e. to shoot down the su-30th, 35th su-34, well , we need it most of all as a bomber, but this part of the bomber, it is objectively the most difficult. well, we hope that we might get some help from our other partners, which are sweden and france, well , there were talks, but again, unfortunately, these are only talks so far, but i will be very brief, but maybe you won't answer briefly then, i won't limit you. the question is about the timing of the enemy's offensive in that area, i read a lot about it, but you need to understand the general picture, how
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complicated the situation there is and... first of all, why this complexity is caused by the enemy's efforts and capabilities, and how it is managed there to have defensive, defensive positions ukrainian, ukrainian, no point along the line, no point of the battle line is idle, there is more operational pressure somewhere, there is less operational pressure somewhere, yar times is logical from the point of view, if we are looking at their main strategy to implement the administrative borders of donetsk region and luhansk region, but i am sure that there the urban development and everything... should have been strengthened, strengthened in fact, bakhmut pvk wagner passed for more than 10 months, losing 22 thousand killed, by the way, it was the best military unit that existed in russian nature at all, probably since the second world war, so will it be easy for the enemy and not overrun, but no, of course, we will fight for every centimeter of our land, and what will be the further logic of hostilities, well, they haven't even
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come close to the urban conglomeration to the... infantry rampart, thank you very much, mr. peter, for your comments, thank you for joining our broadcast, petro chernyk, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine , was in touch with us, but we briefly discussed important, key issues, now we have a short break, stay with us, come back, we will be waiting for you, we are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak tv, just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and. log burners, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, free delivery is possible, check with consultants, saw branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with the strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even thick branches, once
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about ukraine in the eu? how should we perceive statements european politicians and what our accession to the eu will look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sesttry au. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.


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