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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sister au. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world. front society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. well, we continue to inform and analyze together with you everything that is happening today, and not only, we will now add to our ater ivan shevtsov, the head of the press service of the 15th mobile border detachment, the state border service , the storm brigade of the steel border offensive guard from the kupyan direction is already with us mr. ivan is on the line, we see him, we welcome you to our broadcast slava ukraine. congratulations, glory to the heroes. well, you know, now various media are trying to appear in info-dumps, i don't know who is throwing them there, it is obvious that there is also a russian trace, probably in some of those messages that appear, but we will communicate with you, so we will find out what is actually happening there, and not believe what they write, because there are certain rumors that... they will try to go to
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kharkiv, and actually, we would like to understand how the situation there is now threatening or it is not threatening what is happening there, mr. ivan, please share, if we talk about the lymano-kupinsky direction, then as before, the situation there remains quite dynamic, tense, the enemy continues to make attempts to storm the positions of the defense forces, now he is more active on lyman direction, during the past day he carried out five s... attacks, all of which were successfully repulsed by the defense forces. if we talk about the kupinsky direction, then until march 15 , the enemy conducted more active, assault actions, was more active in this direction, now the enemy weakened his forces, during the past day , there were no assault actions in this area, and during, if we take the analysis of the last two weeks, then... almost every day,
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after two, the enemy rests in this area, tries to storm senkivka, yes, ivanivka, but everything is unsuccessful, at the moment the enemy does not have enough forces and means to achieve any success in the direction of kharkiv, well, i just talked about it with mr. chernyk, but you are physically closer to the situation purely in the kharkiv region. is about, i want you to react to the explanation given by the head of the kharkiv regional village administration , oleg senigubov, regarding whether the residents of kharkiv will be evacuated, he said that, well, he answered it more broadly, i will say briefly, the authorities will consider a decision in the event of an aggravation of the situation and a threat of occupation of the city, and what do you think the situation should have been, because i read, let's say, recently kyril sezonov, who was also there in the kopyansk direction, he said that there are objectively no such threats about an invasion in kharkiv, but... mr. chernyk
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said that at least it should have been formed 40,000 full-fledged troops, equipped with everything to launch an offensive. in your opinion, this is a sufficient number for a millionaire of the level of kharkiv to enter the city? no, 4,000 is a rather small number, now there are about 100,000 troops in the lemano-kupinsky direction, but even this is not enough to conduct an active, active offensive on kharkiv, to speak directly. about kharkiv, so it is close to the state border, from the russian federation to kharkiv is 40 km, but in order to let the enemy there, the enemy must pass through several already well-equipped fortification echelons, fortifications, we had enough time to dig in deep, and at the moment
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there are no such prerequisites that the enemy can... carry out offensive actions in the direction of kharkov, if we see that the enemy is conducting some kind of training, building hospitals, gathering a large number of personnel . for this, in order to capture kharkiv, he needs to accumulate at least 400-500 thousand ee on his site, now we do not see such a thing, and there is not a large amount equipment, so there is no need to worry now , but the enemy may have such a plan, and there is no need to reject them, it is necessary to prepare for any developments, but 40 00, if we even talk about this number, it is probably only that... group , which would try to break the defensive order, well, this is how it was after the offensive on kyiv, that is, when a certain group is launched, which must be followed by those who must come to the place where it is already prepared, as the bridgeheads say, well, but definitely not more than that, well, about kharkov, and i also wanted
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to ask, here was information about what there is an evacuation of the kharkiv district, i cannot say geographically where it is, well , it is closer and clearer to you, if we talk about the evacuation, without revealing some secrets, it may be connected with... the fact that areas may be prepared where there may be either prepared frontiers, or in the perspective of hostilities, so it is better to resettle people from there, is it justified now, well, there is the kharkiv district and certain other districts, it seems, if i am not mistaken, justified, because the enemy is conducting very active shelling precisely and border settlements on the state border with the russian federation, kupyansk, vovchansk, dvorichna, they are constantly under fire. and in order to ensure the safety of the local residents, yes indeed, the local self-government bodies, the military administration, they are taking all measures to get people out of there, just to keep them alive, that's normal, that's right, i think so and it must be carried out, and the more
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there will be, the less local residents will be in the combat zone, the easier and simpler it will be for the defense forces to work. mr. ivan, by the way, yes... yesterday we even had the opportunity to talk with kharkiv, and actually there is now a lot of talk about what they have activated, they first started to actively use kabi from sumy region , they also started evacuating from the border areas, and now this tactic of the enemy was based on kharkiv oblast as well, accordingly, this is actually connected with the use of drones, and what about drones on the front line, is the enemy now very actively using tactical aviation, and actually guided aerial bombs, yes. yes, of course, the enemy actively uses his aviation in the kharkiv region, and in recent days we even see that cabs are already flying to kharkiv, constantly kupyansk and vovchansk are such large settlements that are located directly near the combat zone, they
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are constantly under shelling, three or four shellings per days of kabama are happening there, the enemy is also actively using shahedi, if it was usual before. he used shaheds deep into our country in order to hit some rear settlements there, now he does not neglect to hit some objects directly on the defensive line. and by the way, i wanted to clarify with you about armored vehicles and mechanized brigades, because there are already certain warnings that the warmer it gets, the more likely it is that the russians will start using tougher weapons. any actions on the front, and now with the change of weather, do you observe that the enemy is still trying to use not only infantry, but also some mechanized units? currently, in principle, the tactics of the enemy's actions here do not change, as he used his
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equipment both in the winter and during the thaw, then and now in warm weather he uses it in the same way, in principle nothing changes. the equipment does not come close to the contact line, the enemy still tries to protect it, and usually those units of equipment that come closer to the contact line, they remain there on the contact line, the defense forces are actively working to destroy the enemy and enemy equipment. but you know, in the second world war, let's say fascist, well, nazi germany bombarded britain, well, then these fao missiles were also used there, besides aviation, well, what... british aviation arrived, and this bombing had an effect primarily on the population, well , primarily on the population, so the germans did not cross the channel, did not land on the island, but here is the thing now the russians are doing it in kharkiv, well, in fact, these are all air bombs , what didn’t arrive, what exploded, it’s very
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difficult there, and also ballistic missiles, korean ones were also there, it’s very difficult to shoot it down, and that’s why this is what the goal is, destruction thermal power plant-5, it is energetically to bleed kharkiv somehow, it is people. to scare, that, that's why, that's possible talk about preparation for some offensive actions, such an emotional and psychological attack, how do you explain this activation of sick people? from this, from russia, i will only say my own opinion, this is to intimidate the local population, to destabilize the situation, so that ukrainians are dissatisfied with the actions of our authorities, but we are strong, we understand everything that is happening here, the majority of ukrainian citizens, they understand the current situation, we expect any development from the enemy. action, we understand that he disregards all the rules of waging war,
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so all the measures he takes are primarily for destabilization. thank you, mr. ivan, for finding the opportunity to tune in to our airwaves. ivan shevtsov , head of the press service of the 15th mobile border detachment of the state border service, assault brigade of the steel border offensive guard from kupyan oblast, was with us on the air, and by the way, we would like to emphasize and remind you , our tv viewers, that ... and not only our tv viewers, and our youtube viewers, of course, we also remember you and are grateful to you for your activity, we are currently collecting funds, so we try to remind you all the time, and actually, if you have the opportunity to join our meetings, now we need your help in order to collect uah 900 to buy cars , which are consumables at the front, and now we need to buy three four-wheel drive cars, so if you have the opportunity, please donate to... our collection qr code and card you see, the card number you see now on yours screens, now vasyl and i will take
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a short break, maybe just during this break you will be able to make your donation, literally four minutes, and we will return to what bakhmut is, bakhmud is a place of fear, a place of bravery, whatever no... said, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is an adventure that will stay with us until the end of our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberg, mom, they don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherniyka, a book by a mother about her son,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. big broadcast of vasyl zima, project. for smart and caring people in the evening with espresso. we, the security service of ukraine, are fighting to protect every ukrainian and pay back for all the crimes and lives taken, every day we hit the invaders in the most painful places, sink the russian fleet and burn military facilities, destroy the occupiers and their equipment at the front, we are eliminating military personnel criminals, arresting agents and traitors, and
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our strikes will be even stronger until... the time of victory will come. sbu the enemy is doomed. retribution is inevitable. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. well, we come back to you in order to analyze and inform you about the most important things together with you. the kyiv defense council held an urgent meeting regarding security in the city, the reason for which was the statements of the russian authorities regarding the intention to increase the number of missile attacks, and in addition , there are fears of sabotage and intelligence groups we will try to understand why the kyiv defense council decided to hold this meeting, what they decided there, in fact,
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we will figure it out. leonid yemets, deputy of the kyiv city council, is already in direct contact with us, mr. leonid, welcome. what actually, let's start, you don't even know about the shelling, because this is a story that lasts for a long time, they can intensify, be weaker, but here is this information that the enemy can activate the sleeping drg there, some other things to do in the city, destabilize the situation, possibly carry out some terrorist attacks there, especially, we know, we have many state authorities in kyiv, we have complex communications, both communal and underground, well... in principle, again, these drgs can be applied anywhere, what is the threat now from that , what can be said , has it increased, and what will be the countermeasures in this, so that people understand, perhaps, what restrictions will be certain in them, when moving, there will be a document check, some other things, were there such spoken moments, look, all of them are specific measures that will be implemented by authorities, both central and local
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they will be reported separately, this is about restrictions, about some additional ... roadblocks or some other solutions that will be directed to the implementation of these tasks, for now , the attention of all citizens, residents of kyiv, is drawn to the fact that you need to be vigilant, this information is reported precisely on the basis of the fact that there have been terrorist attacks in russia, in which the russian authorities, due to the fact that they are not able to ensure the safety of their own citizens, want to blame... and although igil is already poor there, in my opinion, applies for some kind of copyright , because we say it, and there they say no, no, it is ukraine, but let's still take seriously the fact that the enemy, having appointed ukraine to blame for all its troubles, accordingly does not neglect
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terrorist tools, let's remember in... they inflicted yes, i apologize, here, yes, many people are interested in this issue today, actually in odessa they inflicted a second blow, when the emergency services of the ministry of emergency situations arrived, absolutely terrorist strategies and tactics, therefore, taking this into account, we must warn the people of kyiv about vigilance, that mass gatherings of people, they will ... cause, accordingly, an additional desire to strike a terrorist attack right there, because the task of terrorists is as much blood as possible, as much death as possible, as much horror as possible, so in addition to the fact that public and communal services are working, everyone should also take care of their own safety and the safety of others, and i would like to congratulate
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the radisson blue hotel and others like it, who believe they have the right not to let anyone in... here's to the shelters, leonid , here you are very, very well you remembered, i just wanted to talk about this, because this story, you know, the war has been going on for the third year, and it would seem, well, everything should be clear to everyone by now, that is, some kind of privileged attitude that in a certain shelter , they let someone in there separately, and they don't let other people in, it seems to me that it should have been exhausted a long, long time ago, well, no, we have such... situations, will there be any specific measures against those who are not allowed people in the shelter, can the authorities come up with some kind of punishment for them, because it is serious history. we have lost contact, but now i apologize, we are coming back, yes, how much is it through the phone, then there is someone from time to time, yes, what is it, it is a live broadcast, everything
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is fine, now, yes, i apologize, look, it was invented a long time ago the punishment, it is written in the criminal code, article 135, everyone can open, look, this is leaving a person in danger, and exactly what redison blue hotel did. more precisely, not the hotel itself, but the persons who first did not allow, secondly, those persons who gave instructions, thirdly, persons who did not conduct educational work, and the persons who have the functional duty to carry out this educational work among the staff, they are responsible under article 135 of the criminal code of ukraine, i, as a deputy, have already sent a corresponding request to the hotel to provide relevant information, what they were guided by and who should be responsible for what? there is already an open criminal proceeding on this matter, i want to appeal to everyone, regardless of whether the shelter is yours, it is a state shelter,
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it is a communal shelter, or it is a private home, where there is shelter, and you are obliged to provide shelter to everyone who needs it, regardless of any priorities there, listen, they just plainly wrote about what they have. some priorities, so the legislation does not provide for any priorities in the provision of safe shelter, but criminal liability is provided for, so of course we are engaged in this explanatory work to the best of our abilities, i would like the central government to pay sufficient attention to it there, i do not i say the president or the prime minister, but the minister of justice could make a speech or record on this occasion. with an appeal for clarification of the norms of the criminal code of ukraine and responsibility for preventing access to shelters,
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unfortunately, such cases happen all the time, and the persons who allowed it will be held responsible, there, well, to make it clear, in the event that everything is normal and nothing happened to the person who was not let in, there is a restriction of freedom, in case, god forbid, something happens to this person, then... there is up to eight years in prison, and it is very strict and specific article, so i recommend to everyone who is involved in hiding places not to neglect the criminal code and the safety of neighbors, you know, just the same, well, god forbid that this should not happen, but if, for example, there were street battles in kyiv and units of the armed forces of ukraine or the national guard or whoever participated there said yes, we are protecting here, but we are not protecting this hotel, well, we are just doing it selectively, well, there... the enemies come and do whatever they want, we will protect some other premises there along the yaroslavl val people, here we have it it's just priorities, priorities, that's all , well, that's a mirror answer, but here
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for some reason it's about this, and it's actually very lucky for him that no one died, because it would have been a very, very complicated story, i'm not safe here anymore, and according to the communal situation in the capital today , the heating season is over, well, it's still a little cool, but in any case... how is it going, yes , it's gone, everything is fine, i hear you, how is the city getting out of this, a little faster than it was expected, that's all i understand, are there any problems worth talking about, well yes, problems, problems as always in money, expenses became more, because, well, simply without related works, but, well, it was spent to buy and restore the houses that were destroyed last year. from the city budget , this year there is a destruction, how much will be unknown, the income has decreased, on the contrary, because there are benefits for business, there is an understanding that
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part of the business has stopped its work, that is, a decrease in the income part, an increase in the expenditure part, plus the central government i took personal income tax there, well, if it's easier, 8 billion uah it was about 12-14% of the city. was taken to the central budget, so there is definitely no more money, but the issue needs to be resolved, the houses need to be restored, and here you can only turn to the central government, you know, if you cannot help or fulfill what is your duty language in part of these works, then at least change the legislation, well, simplify the procedures, tenders. for these destroyed houses, well, in fact, in order to buy a window there, to exchange it for a broken window in the houses, you have to go through the whole general procedure, in general it takes six months,
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well... i will tell you from my experience that people who live in, well, have apartments with missing windows, well, they are not very interested, it is the central government , it is the local government, it is such a budget code, they are the government , this is the local government, this is such a budget code, they are freezing and they want to return to their apartments, but the legislation does not allow this to be done quickly, and there is already a repeated request from us, as from the deputies of the city council , to provide for a simplified procedure specifically for these cases, there is nothing complicated about it, that's where the line of the budget code needs to be corrected, unfortunately, so far the verkhovna rada has demonstrated that they are able to gather for one meeting in two months, where they will consider one issue, an appeal somewhere, specifically those issues that could make life easier for our citizens, well they don't have time. mr. leonid, look, we would still like
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to discuss the situation with you. with metro stations, which are currently closed due to repairs, here is information that the temporary special commission of the verkhovna rada on monitoring issues met and assessment of the effectiveness of local self-government bodies and local executive bodies in the city of kyiv, and at it , kyiv mayor vitaliy klychko said that metro traffic between the demiivska and lybitska stations could be restored by the end of summer this year, and repairs would require up to ... uah 300 million, is there money for it , yes, because we understand that the people of kyiv are waiting for the full operation of the metro to resume, but here i understand that the question is also about possibilities, yes, for sure, is there enough funding for it , well, look, there is money, they are are definitely not superfluous, it is clear that this money will simply be transferred from other directions, plus, well, a billion has already been sent
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to... without the armed forces of ukraine, and we plan to increase this figure to at least 5 billion, but for the repair of the metro, of course there will be money , although, well, i repeat once again, it is not the money that lies above other needs and can be used, this means that these funds will go to other needs that are simply not of such priority, so maybe the people of kyiv will have to suffer lack of road repairs, then... what, but well, we have more important needs today that need to be financed. and i would also like, if possible, just about responsibility, because, well, we still don't know who was ultimately to blame for the fact that the situation came to this, yes, and at the moment it looks like, well, we won't find out soon, or do you know something, we have a minute, yes, ask this question to the law enforcement agencies, there is
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a secret investigation and... the information that is available, tkk, we do not have the right to make it public, but well, i hope it was right to the guilty were punished so that no one in in the future, it would be nice to do it again, thank you very much, leonid yamets was with us, a member of the kyiv city council, thank you for your comments, i would still like to talk to see if it led to any possible changes. a year after the scandal that arose with the head of the subway, there after the investigation of our colleagues, journalists, they are very grateful for this, by the way, i am grateful that they are doing this, because if you shake it, there is a bug, but i think that such things are necessary, because many people get scared and where they thought, they might do something wrong, as oleg valerychko said, if you're doing something wrong, then maybe he won't do it, well, but now our colleagues will tell you more news, so vasyl and i are passing the baton to our colleagues in the news editorial office, which has already prepared fresh and relevant
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information, now... iryna koval will appear, yes, to whom we actually give the floor. iro, please tell us what this issue will be about. thank you marta, well, in just a moment i will tell you about how kharkiv is recovering after the russian attacks, and where else in the donetsk region, where they are not working banks, you can get, for example, a pension or pay utilities. wait. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. a 57-year-old resident of the village died as a result of shelling in kupinsky district, another victim of russian terror in kharkiv oblast.


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