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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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before that, they talked about these three countries in the first place, well, they reveal more information that is unexpected, if, well, in the information field, which also applies to countries that are formally allies of the russian federation, this is an interesting example, because the approach, which we often strongly feel that nothing but business, well, in this case it suits us, we need shells, that someone is gathering allies there, that’s it, it’s even simpler and shows more that there is a lot of propaganda in such unions in russia with so the so-called allies, and it is fundamental that if they sell to us or provide it to our allies there, and then somehow or other the ammunition appears with us, that is the main thing, and so let the russians and their putler have a headache.
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thank you very much, ihor romanenko, retired lieutenant general, deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2006 to 2010, was on rfe/rl. thank you. thus, artillery remains one of the key components of modern warfare, but the role and importance of drones is growing. radio svoboda correspondents spent a day with operators drones in the direction of bakhmut and observed the work of night bombers. how do they work? soldiers, look in the report, this is the outskirts of bakhmut, and what is the road that gets here, which is here during the day here, it is more often here that works here , that is why it is not better here during the day at all, the name of your birds is the night bomber, because, well, he works most of the time at night, well and speaking of a bomber, does it carry a lot of explosives, or shells, what does it carry? we wear
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we carry aerial bombs, tems, mines, shrapnel, well , one sortie, if it's good, that's all, one sortie destroys one dugout, one dugout, yes, breaks through the fortifications, they call them baba and aha, they don't like them very much.
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ukrainian fighters attach ammunition to the drone, which is called a night bomber, it will fly on the southern outskirts of bakhmut, it is there that the ukrainian fighters discovered the target, which is the fortification of russian troops.
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not very much, but of course not very much , he burned his ass on the march, i know, today they tried to storm, but they did not succeed , they tried and fell there, that is, it was a trial of an assault, but we fortified ourselves well. ok guys ok hard of course, but we have strengthened ourselves well here, a little bit, yes, what are you talking about, yes, that's all, yes, where do you say, that's it. where did you throw, just that we will throw everything over the target now, guys , you don't have a veod , yes, ladies, well, then the smoke went like this, everything was normal
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, everything caught fire there, now another one is there, stupid, about the delays, the second one flew. the head of the main intelligence department, kyrylo budanov, considers the telegram social network problematic for the national security of ukraine, he stated this at the kyivstartcom forum. telegram is now the leading news channel platform in ukraine, millions of ukrainians receive information about the progress of the war precisely from telegram. this network also includes all ukrainian authorities, including the highest. kyrylo budanov himself admitted that telegram helps to influence people in
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the ukrainian territories temporarily occupied by russia. let me remind you that telegram was founded by the russian entrepreneur pavel durov. durov was also one of the... telegram is definitely a problem from the point of view of national security, it must be understood. i'm totally against suppression of freedom of speech, but this already too much that is, in our country, any person can create a channel, start writing whatever he wants on it, and when they start doing something, hide that it is freedom of the media. about the role of the telegram and the possible restrictions of this messenger on the territory of ukraine, we will talk further with... the people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, head of the committee on humanitarian and information policy, mykyta poturaev, is in touch with us. i congratulate you. good evening. mr. nikita, how do you comment on the statement of the head of gur kyril budanov that telegram can pose a threat national security of ukraine? i agree with mr.
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kirill in the first part of his statement, well known to everyone, and i do not agree in the second. well, really to... the messenger, or rather we should characterize telegram as a social network, a social platform, there are a lot of questions, and in particular, well, a lot of examples that can testify, and in my opinion, testify to the cooperation of telegram with the authorities of so-called russia and in particular with its special services, the last example is the protests in bashkiria. uh, well, maybe our viewers weren't all following, there there were protests in the so-called russia, and literally, you know, in a matter of minutes there, for some reason telegram blocked two local channels, which were just uniting the people who
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were coordinating their protest activities there, how it happened is not clear, why exactly, then these channels were blocked. moreover, these are local channels, in general there were already protests there in the hinterland, so-called, not in some big city, but in our country they operate absolutely calmly, the channels, obviously, which spread russian fsb propaganda, conduct information special operations, and no appeals from our authorized bodies, both the national council spitane television radio broadcasting and ... for example, they actually remain without any reaction, appeals, you mean to the telegram, to definitely, that's exactly what i i mean, i haven't used it myself for a long time, i'm not imposing this point of view on anyone, but i'm just calmly saying that i don't
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use and won't use an application that i personally suspect is controlled by... ... and how did it happen that telegram entered the leaderboards positions as a social network in terms of information and according to many social surveys. it has long overtaken some traditional mass media, television and so on, how did it happen, it is a convenient, undeniably convenient tool, well, in our time vkontakte was more popular than facebook, well, because you know these, darknet cells on the legal internet, there in telegram, this is known, so there are channels where drugs are sold, where other prohibited content is distributed, that is, it is a kind of ambassador of the darknet in
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the legal information space, i believe that this is a threat to any country where they operate, but the fact that our citizens, well, are not very aware of the dangers, well, this is such a problem, unfortunately, and the legislative steps that we are currently proposing, they, to things, not only about telegram, they are about any social platforms in general, as we call them in the law, in the draft law, that is, platforms for shared access to information, because well, the problem exists, the problem is, first of all, it, if we talk about the problem of all of these information sharing platforms is, in my opinion, the main problem there is anonymity, and here i absolutely agree with kirill budanov, who says that the distribution of anonymous, unverified
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information of any kind, absolutely slanderous, often and so on, has nothing to do with freedom of speech, neither with freedom of speech, nor with freedom of the media, therefore that freedom of speech is primarily the responsibility of the one who says the word , and not me . blogs, pages or channels are pasquilies on the fence, no more and no less, nothing to do with freedom of speech or freedom of the media, they don't have, and therefore in fact, so we took the main provisions of the european act, the european law, which is called the digital services act, it is a law of direct effect, that is, it is just directly... the law of all countries- members of the european union, it began to operate on january 1
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, 2024, well, it will come into effect gradually until the 27th year, it will definitely become part of our legislation literally, literally, because it is a law of direct effect, and since we are integrating into the european union, then we will definitely introduce such laws into our legislation verbatim, i i believe that in this way we are already doing part of this work about... proposing to implement the main provisions of this act into our legislation, and we have there, well, in my opinion, there is nothing that is not in this european law, because indeed , any civilized country is obliged to the platforms of shared access to information, is obliged to present certain requirements, if it cares about the information security of its citizens, mr. mykyto, well... considering that telegram users in ukraine simply well , you can't count them, there are millions of them, i am interested in one simple thing
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question: will there be restrictions on telegram and will it be banned, as was the case, for example, with vkontakte? look, we are currently protesting the law at public and expert discussions, this bill, we want to make sure that it will work, that it will not be a declarative act, there are difficulties, now i... understand that we do not have time, to discuss this in detail, which are related to the fact that we are still not members of the european union, so we do not yet have certain mechanisms that will be available in the european union will work if we see that he passes the stress tests, so to speak, at the discussions, then of course we already have him, mr. nikita, literally 10 seconds, thank you, we will officially advance the procedure, and i hope that in two months, maybe he will will appear in the hall. thank you very much for your comment, we were talking about a possible... armored telegram. mykyta poturaev, people's deputy of ukraine, was on radio liberty. on this, in this issue
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of svoboda live everything, subscribe to the social networks of radio svoboda, including on youtube, on youtube, on instagram, in the same telegram, on our pages, and the svoboda live program will return to the air tomorrow. a real dictatorship reigns in a fictional country, turn on hbo's new satirical series on soft mode. can her tyranny? lead to freedom, watch in ukrainian with a megogo subscription. the key to beauty is a healthy liver. karsil - gives the liver strength. there are discounts on cars of 15% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on lisobact, 10% in travel pharmacies and savings. try
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phlebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. plebodia 600 drugs. hemorrhoids without any oops. there are 10% discounts on parafast in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to find out. about the war right now and we will talk more about the war , serhiy zgurets with us and what the world is doing and what happened in the world now, talk more in detail yuriy fizar, yuriy good evening, please have a word, two hours to be up to date with economic news, time to talk about money in times of guilt, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, lina
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chechenna, for the information about culture news, presenters that have become familiar to many. to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast winters, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events.
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do you want to understand how our today will affect ours. tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. we, the security service of ukraine, fight to protect every ukrainian and repay the enemy for all crimes and taken lives. every day we hit the invaders in the most painful places. we sink the russian fleet and burn military facilities. we will destroy the occupiers and their equipment at the front by the thousands, eliminate war criminals, arrest agents and traitors, and our blows will be even stronger until the time of victory arrives. sbu, the enemy is doomed, retribution is inevitable.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are looking for 12-year-old maksym katunin from kherson. the boy lived in the central area of ​​the city, his search has been going on for almost a year and a half years we received information about the child's disappearance in november. year it was then that the regional center of the kherson region was liberated from the occupiers, and it was then that the child's disappearance became known. perhaps maxim was taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or even to russia, so now the most important thing is to find out the whereabouts of the child. i really hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will be
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found. look carefully at the photo. perhaps someone has seen maxim and knows at least something about him. every little thing is important, if suddenly anyone who has information about maksym katunin, or knows where he might be now, call us immediately at the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received... already several thousand applications for help in the search, fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown, especially this refers to a temporary areas where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems , anyone can help find missing children, take just a minute of your time and
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go to the website of the magnolia children's search service, here you can view all the photos of the missing, maybe you you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. look at the photo, this is 13-year-old dmytro horovy, about the fate of this boy already. for more than two years, nothing is known, unfortunately, and details about his disappearance are also scarce. i only know what when the war started, the child was in mariupol. and on the same day, the boy disappeared without a trace. perhaps he, like many children, was taken to russia, or is still being held somewhere in the temporarily occupied territories. therefore, i very much ask you to look carefully at the photo of dmytro gurovoy. he looks about 12 years old. he has light blond hair and dark eyes. if. if anyone suddenly saw the boy or knows where he might be now, do not delay and call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian
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mobile operator free. i also want to remind you that the search for 16-year-old ilya polishchuk continues. he is also from mariupol, and nothing is known about the fate of this boy since the beginning of the full-scale war. communication with ilya was lost. february 24, and where he is now, no one knows, so i am appealing to everyone who can see me now, and especially to the residents of mariupol, who may be watching this program on social networks. look closely at the boy's photo, he looks 14-15 years old, he has light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen willa or knows where he may be now, please don't hesitate to call us on the magnolia children's hotline at short. number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chat-bot of the child search service in telegram.
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any information is important. and i will ask for a moment of your attention. this is nine-year-old nikita nikolaev from the city of rubizhne in the luhansk region. this settlement was occupied in may 2022 . but nikita disappeared already in may. on the 23rd, and in fact, nothing is known about the fate of the child for almost a year. i hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will be found. please take a close look at the photo of nikita nikolaev. he has blue eyes and light blond hair, looks like a nine-year-old child. if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial from any mobile operator. magnolia children's tracing service number 11630. calls are free if suddenly there is no opportunity call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. we have created
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a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish criminals. stopcraim ua. the program of the ukrainian voice of america chaas taay is broadcast from washington. i am yulia yarmolenko. congratulations. our duty is to ensure that putin is not able to split the allies. "our duty is that ukraine won, and democracy and freedom flourished in europe. in particular, the president of lithuania gitanes neuseda made such an appeal today. at
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the ceremony dedicated to the 20th anniversary of his country joining nato. at a ceremony in latvia, which also marks the alliance's 20th anniversary, nato military committee chairman rob baurer stressed that allies must be more prepared to counter potential threats from russia, as well as threats from terrorist organizations around the world. there are no signs that that russia is going to attack any alliance country, so i don't think there is an immediate threat. that's not the point. the point is that russia will not stop at ukraine. we know that, and that's why the alliance as a whole needs to be more prepared, because we've agreed to see russia as a threat, just like terrorist organizations. and now everything. our job is to make sure we can contain and defend against these two threats . european countries are doing much more
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to help. while the united states is delaying, but efforts must be strengthened and to look for creative ways to help ukrainians. how , for example, did the czech republic do it? this is the opinion of the former us deputy assistant secretary of defense for europe and nato policy, jim townsend. in an interview with our colleagues from the georgian voice of america service, mr. townsen spoke about the future assistance to kyiv on both sides of the ocean. how do you see politics now? this is a difficult issue, and speaking specifically of countries, including the united states, our policies have brought us to a point where it is increasingly difficult to get the house house of representatives passed a supplemental funding bill that includes money to help ukraine buy the ammunition it needs to deter russia's
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continued offensive in the east. there is a pause in aid in ukraine, because the us used to give a lot to ukraine, and now , due to what is happening in the house of representatives, the aid has been cut three times. european countries understand that with the upcoming presidential elections in america, there may be an election of a president who may not want to to provide assistance to ukraine. so europeans are now trying to better organize themselves to provide as much as possible. as in the case of the czech republic, which did a fantastic job of finding a lot of ammunition. 155 mm, that is, ammunition used in artillery and other systems in ukraine. they use a lot of these shells, they need a lot of these shells. i take my hat off to the czech republic, which found in the countries of the former members of the warsaw pact, these ammunitions, which they used and still kept. this is the creativity we need to see in europe to fill the gaps left by the united states and hedge against
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what might happen in november. we hear a lot about what france is going to do, what germany is going to do, what other countries are doing and will continue to do. in my opinion, it often goes unnoticed because all eyes are on the us, but the europeans are doing much more than we thought, unfortunately they will have to do more. they know it, they know that ukraine cannot lose. you are now in paris, president macron recently did. statements that he does not rule out sending troops to ukraine, do you think this could happen, are they just political statements or something else? just think about what macron said. he left enough ambiguity that we don't know the answer to that question. i think this is the first time anything like that has been said publicly. in a sense, this drew putin's attention to the fact that countries, and not only france,
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but other allies, are also... considering the possibility of sending troops to ukraine, not for fight against the russians, but to help in the training of ukrainian forces, or to take over tasks from ukrainian troops in physical areas that they can perform. this would free the ukrainian troops to go to the front, and not to leave the shelter. i think that there are ways that will allow the forces of other countries not so much to fight with the russians, but to ease the task of ukraine and allow other soldiers to go to fight. so what macron said is important. this is what putin needed to hear. apparently it got on his nerves because putin is back, shaking a nuclear saber trying to scare everyone. it is a pity that there was an immediate reaction from many european countries, in particular germany and other countries, who immediately said that they would not do this. i think macron should have known this before making the announcements if he had held talks or discussed it with his allies, but he surprised them. and what is important, i think that putin and other
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european countries... they know that europe is serious about what is happening in ukraine. we need to tell the other allies to calm down, to leave reactions with themselves and worked on this issue. i hope that this will happen and that nato is quietly developing creative solutions for countries to purchase equipment that can then be sent to ukraine. russia's border with nato increased significantly after joining nato, finland and sweden, what does this mean for the security of europe? and what does this mean for russia? i think it is very symbolic, these two countries did not create problems for russia or anyone else, and occupied a very nice region in the north. now this has changed due to putin's miscalculations and his invasion. there are many things that led to these miscalculations in the plans to attack ukraine. and one of them is that these countries have become much closer to nato. changes in the alliance
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are taking place after the accession of the two countries. not only in terms of military potential.


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