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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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during the war, there are absolutely non-public things that the service must provide promptly and qualitatively, this is the potential of measures to influence agent work and the actual military activity of ukraine that i expect from you, and it is for this purpose that the foreign intelligence service was headed by a combat general. we wish success in this position, in the interests of ukraine, first of all, a marathon of military vacancies and opportunities lviv border guards. are inviting motivated ukrainian men and women to serve, they told about their offers in the recruiting center of the ukrainian army, what are the advantages of voluntarily joining the army, how and to whom can you join? see further. from the driver to the inspector of the border service and control. military personnel of the seventh border-carpathian detachment are recruiting for various positions. the department says that they are looking for strong-willed and motivated people who are ready to stand guard over state borders.
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we have a whole series of specific positions, specific vacancies that require appropriate training from a person, if there are positions in the direction of communication, it is necessary accordingly, preparation, accordingly education in communication, there are specialties of cooks, there are specialties of medical direction, there are special ones. drone operators , pilots, there's also a whole other range of options that we can offer. a person can choose a position according to his experience. during the interview, the military warns the candidates that the service of a border guard involves not only guarding the border, but also possible participation in hostilities with the enemy. if a person turns to us, he completely controls the process and... well, if some situations arise, the position
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is not suitable , some additional questions arose during the interview, you can both pause the registration procedure, and the candidate has the full right at any time before signing the contract to say, sorry, your option does not suit me. you can join the armed forces of ukraine voluntarily at the recruiting center, where you can find up-to-date information about vacancies in the army, and you can chat in person. with fighters, recruiters accompany the candidate all the time, up to appointment to a relevant position, people come with very different requests, who do they see themselves as in the armed forces, after all, we provide such information and consulting services, personally , a candidate came to me, who is 20 years old, she is still a student, she says that she is familiar with work in the armed services. since
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her parents are in the military, although candidates who have not reached the age of 21, they need permission from their parents to enter the military service, and already when we started looking for some vacancies, we found out that her parents are not allow mykhailo is one of the volunteers who has already signed a contract with the seventh carpathian border detachment for the position of driver. the man came across this vacancy on a job search website, he says, he was ready for this a long time ago and will do what he is good at, because according to mykhailo, drivers are also needed in the army. basically, i asked where a person wants to go, what he is inclined to, where he has, well, a greater inclination, so that he brings some benefit, and not, well, i suggested a driver, i want to be a driver, there is such a position as well it is necessary, it is necessary to go, it is necessary to stop the enemy there until he comes here, and this every decision must be made by the citizen personally, the recruiting center. of the ukrainian
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army in lviv has been working since february 12 of this year, there they process more than 300 completed questionnaires every day, it is important that the recruiting center does not belong to the structures of the territorial recruitment center, and the recruiters themselves are not military personnel, so they do not serve summons here, but only provide consultations. natalya stare pravo, vitaly kulekha, espresso tv channel. yes, well, we are let's continue, and now it's time to talk about what happened in the world, yuliy fizer is next to me, the world is about... good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, today i will start with the country that is still called russia, i will finish with it, and in between there will be a lot of interesting things, my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine and i will start in a moment. and i start today with this: a pseudo-religious organization that still exists.
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continues to call itself the russian orthodox church, approved the holy war in ukraine and the enslavement of ours in ukraine and the enslavement our country and our people. this is stated in the order. of the so-called 25th universal russian people's council, the present and future of the russian vamir, the main russian bishop kirill issued this order the day before after the so-called orthodox meeting in moscow, the main thing in this order, the so-called svo is a new stage of the national liberation struggle of the russian people against of the criminal kyiv regime and the collective action, after its completion the entire territory of modern ukraine must enter the zone of exclusive influence russia, well... one of the main statements of russian priests. quote: the borders of the russian world as a spiritual and cultural-civilizational phenomenon are significantly wider than the state borders of both the current russian federation and the majestic great historical russia. you know, yuri, i generally think that, in principle, the whole world
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is too small for the great russian russia. but now we have to strain ourselves a lot in this whole world. yes, that is, there are not, well , all the borders of all countries, in general, ours is our sphere, it is too small. russia goes beyond its borders, tell me, it is also interesting that the day before the main russian pip kirilo also said that he would ask putin not to take away from the school curriculum a very important lesson on the basis of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of russia even before the federation. it is interesting that in this lesson they will teach how to morally and spiritually kill your neighbors, well, probably it is cynical and even comical against all this background you... the statement of the main criminal of the world , vladimir putin, looks like. russia has no aggressive intentions towards european countries. he said this the day before during a meeting with the military by pilots in the city of tarzhok, tver region. and statements by western leaders that russia has any plans to provoke
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a military conflict with nato member countries, putin generally called delusional. according to him, in general, the united states of america spends much more money on military expenses than russia, and the kremlin, according to his master, further quote: would never have done anything in ukraine if there had not been a coup there and then hostilities in donbas did not begin. another moment when the event really should to strain, because this was also the case for almost the entire 21st year, and it was especially intensified in the last months of the 21st year and for the first time. the month of january 22nd, when putin and his henchmen told each other during a break that no, they are not going to, have no plans to attack ukraine, how it all ended, the west sees, so we have to be ready. moving on, there is also russia, today there
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are quite a lot of them, another russian landing party in north korea, this time the head of foreign affairs went to byeongyang. our intelligence north-eastern still to the great regret of the neighbor sergey naryshkin. according to the central telegraph agency of north korea, naryshkin stayed in the most closed country in the world from march 25 to 27, and met with several people, including the minister of state security of the dprk, leechhande. but the press service of the svr of russia reported today that its chief discussed the prospects of deepening russian-north korean relations in pyongyang. interaction under conditions of increased pressure from external forces. after all, no matter what they say there, what in north korea, what in russia, we all know why naryshkin went to russia, just like shuigu before, just like lavrov before , well, of course, that's how
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putin himself met with kimchen, they ask for weapons, they want a lot of weapons, and no matter what kind of weapons they are, but north korea, unfortunately, can... give it to the russians. russia forced the leadership of nato to change its approach to interaction with it. the head of the military committee of the north atlantic alliance, admiral rob bauer, said this on latvian television. according to him, the bloc's security goals have changed a lot, but especially after the russian annexation of the ukrainian crimea in 2014 . the admiral says that before this , the nato leadership tried to cooperate with russia for 20 years, as with a partner, but the events of 2008 in georgia, the 14th in ukraine, and now a full-scale invasion, changed everything, he says. russia has begun to be seen as a threat, and nato is preparing to repel any aggression from this
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country, on land, at sea, in the air, in space and in cyberspace, says admiral rob bauer. well, then the statement. after which it remains, i personally have, and i think, u many other people, many questions. in some countries, the prospect of peace in ukraine is being discussed. about this. german chancellor olaf scholz said in an interview with the merkische algemeig newspaper. according to him, a number of states are currently discussing at the level of security advisers what could look like that could lead to a peace process. the head of the german government did not specify at what stage this discussion took place, but he added, in my opinion, extremely important words - a quote from the bundeschancellor. let me make one thing clear. peace is possible in... any time for this putin simply has to end hostilities and withdraw his troops from the territory
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of ukraine. well, there was information, of course , that advisers, military advisers from many countries of the world, and especially from our partners, apparently came to ukraine two weeks ago, when the adviser to president joe biden, jake sullivan, came here, and that they then could discuss it, but our government will not tell anything about it. well, maybe it was a secret meeting, maybe there is no need to tell, but are such negotiations ongoing, and it is also interesting that friendly relations another chancellor of germany, ex-chancellor gerhard schroeder, decided to use his with putin, he said in an interview with the newspaper frankfurter allgemeineg that the following quote: we have cooperated intelligently for many years, meaning with putin, maybe all this can help with. .. to make a decision based on negotiations, i don't see any other way, and gerhard schröder suggested that he can
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use these mutual friendships with putin in order to, say, convince him to stop this war, well, he has already said a lot. let's go further, it is quite unclear and in styles of russian propaganda statement from turkish. the terrorist attack in crocus city hall near moscow could not have been carried out without support. foreign intelligence, this was reported by the official representative of the ruling justice and development party in turkey, this is the party of recep tayyip erdogan, omer celik. according to him, similar, as he called it, actions have their own sponsors, and at the same time he added that in this particular case these sponsors may want to continue the war in ukraine. he didn't say what kind of sponsors they were, but other than that, punchy... he added that the special services of turkey and russia cooperate in matters related to countering terror.
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well, i was intrigued, but then what came of it is not known, because he did not say anything else, and by the way, if we continue to talk about what happened in the moscow region, last week the state department of the united states of america continues to deny the information , which uh... from all corners of russia now continues to receive reports that, well , this terrorist attack was committed by prominent citizens of tajikistan, but who is interested in this, most likely ukraine and the west, in particular the united states of america and great britain. well, the state department continues to deny this and say that it is just some stupid version of russia itself and the kremlin itself, but it is still very interesting. literally 5-10 minutes , well maybe 15 before the broadcast, i found one quote
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from white house security council strategic communications advisor john kirbin, i didn't find the video, but i did find a text version, and this is how he commented on what happened in russia in crocus hall this, he said, and deal bears full responsibility for this attack, it reminds to me the words of my uncle who had a small farm. and raised several head of large , rich cattle in the state of florida. uncle said that the best seller of manure often carries it in his mouth. russian officials seem to be pretty good sellers of manure. well, he said he cut it off, and it's true. well, that's the truth, vasyl, well, tell me, it's simple, it just might not fester, but something worse. it's true. but well said. the government in armenia does not recognize the government in exile. the so-called nagorno-karabakh republic, and any statements about the existence of such a structure
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pose a threat to state security, armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan said during a meeting of the cabinet of ministers. according to him, no other government can exist in the republic of armenia except the government of the republic of armenia, and if anyone in armenia identifies itself as a government, then it will be a very big security problem. and then a short quote from prime minister nikol pashinyan. this is not a simple statement, it is a clear message, and this message must be expressed in real life. that is, from karaskavsya, from moreover, from the mountains, the so-called nagorno-karabakh republic and from any support for it or anything there, or mention of it, and by the way, the government in armenia also banned russian border guards from guarding the international airport in yerevan, in russia, the week before last of course it
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was perceived, oh my god, how could the armenians do such a thing, it was almost a stab. in the back, and all these statements and actions, masha zakharova commented as follows: in the eyes of the whole world, armenia is being turned into a tool for the implementation of extremely dangerous plans of collective of the west, which are completely at variance with the fundamental interests of the armenian people, the most interesting thing for me is that they know the fundamental interests of the ukrainian people, now it turns out that they also know the fundamental interests of the armenian people, and they know that the west again wants to... go against the grain, to do everything against these indigenous interests of the armenian people, well, let's see, probably margo simonyan told about these indigenous interests, well, at least to masha zakharova, margo simonyan, as ethnically belongs to this people, i mean armenian, well, margo simonyan will say a lot, yellow-orange near the amur region, the amur region
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is still in russia, it is far east on... the curve is similar to a sand storm cyclone, meteorologists called it an atmospheric vortex with sand particles, because of this in many cities of the region , in particular in blahaveshchensk, the sky became similar to footage from the hollywood film catastrophe. the local hydrometeorological center reported that the cyclone brought sand from the territory of mongolia and china to the region. the whirlwind will bring rain with it. well, the local authorities have already warned residents that, since it is in the air a lot... up to the sand, the rains can be dirty, and they were asked if possible not to go out unnecessarily, well, if that were the case, there would still be saranuim, and a lot of other things, well, everything will take time, you know, i i'm here, this is a joke here, not for people
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, but just in general globally, i read it yesterday , i really liked it, why are there disaster films where new york and london are dying, to be treated like a const camera of some kind, i hope our partners understand this and that already at some stage people should help us not to destroy people, but to destroy this system that created modern russia, we really hope for it, and finally, when russia needs money very much... but some companies, then they decide to earn this money on advertising, that 's probably what russia thought, sorry lords, space and asked the state duma to adopt the corresponding law, the corresponding submission was made back in november of last year, and the day before the duma adopted in the first reading a bill that allows the state
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corporation razkosmos to place outdoor advertising on objects of the space infrastructure and also: allows roscosmos to conduct advertising campaigns, including the installation and operation of outdoor advertising on space infrastructure objects, as well as placement of advertising on space equipment. advertising of russian goods and services in outer space is certainly great. and also, you know, vasyl, what a picture comes to my mind, a russian rocket carrier taking off from baikanur or from this cosmodrome of theirs. the eastern one, which they built, an advertisement flies there, and the eastern one, there is an advertisement on a missile carrier of some bank, several fly by meters, advertising also explodes: russians, invest money in such and such a bank, reliability above all else, well, i would like it to be so. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more and
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there will be more in our next broadcast, so don't switch. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, authorized by the government of poland restoration of ukraine, by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what they say about ukraine in the eu. we need to perceive the statements of european politicians and what our accession to the eu will look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with se'. hello, this is
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svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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please welcome the audience, thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes we will talk about ukrainian-polish relations regarding agricultural products, exports, you will also learn about excise taxes, what new taxes the government is preparing for us, and we will talk about the current issue: the energy crisis, should we wait for ukraine, mass blackouts of electricity throughout ukraine, will you join us? expert on energy issues, everything in detail in a moment, i'm oleksandr
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morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. it seems to me that she is late a meeting was held today in warsaw of the heads of the government of poland and ukraine, but they say that they paid a lot of attention to complex topics. denis sh and donald tusk met today, talked about agricultural production, consulted on this problem, and also discussed the situation of the common border. according to denys shmyhal, the next steps are now clear, well , apparently we have already agreed on something, but let's listen to the direct speech, maybe we will hear the grain there, and then we will talk more. ukrainian grain does not reach the... market, our government introduced the verification procedure for four agricultural crops: corn, rapeseed, sunflower and wheat. without a license
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, the export of these categories does not take place, we do not issue such documents, such permits, we will issue them only upon joint agreement with the polish government, and accordingly, this is the first element of our cooperation, and this is the first step on our part, searches. the best solution for both parties regarding agrarian issues. here we took a step forward, since, as we agreed that in kyiv, poland started the diplomatic process in the matter of blocking of russian and belarusian grain and other agricultural products and had the effect of an embargo. as far as i understood, ukraine made concessions to vasyl and will agree to the export of certain agricultural products from poland. will our agrarian exporters receive certain permits, well, in particular, for soybeans and other products, and poland, for its part, will block agricultural exports from russia and
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belarus, well, we see such concessions to each other, as for me, but this conversation seems to me should have happened to vasyl earlier, well , it is, well, obviously, it should not have started with that, that president zelensky accused poland of the fact that they are almost working for russia there, it was not necessary to come to the border to stand there like... well, it is good that an understandable dialogue began, someone, someone stopped standing in a pose, someone stopped too , well, he does not understand and does not know what is happening , the conversation began, and any compromise, it must be, it must be mutual advances, but for now the issue of the transit of ukrainian grain through polish territory remains open, this issue is still pending. .. discussed, but i think that if such a dialogue has begun, then the transit issue will also be resolved. well, actually, in continuation of this topic, polish farmers temporarily blocked the movement of trucks
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at the checkpoint in the game. dolgobychiv, cars can pass without delays in both directions. well, currently 120 trucks are waiting to cross the border, they will try to pass them by april 2. i would like to remind you that the blockade continues at the ravaruska and yagodyn checkpoints. there, the protesters do not allow any of our cars to go to poland. well, here are all the blocks of burshtynska and ladyzhynska tes was damaged during the attack on march 22. the executive director of the company told about it. detek dmytro sakharuk. the degrees of destruction are different - he says, part of the equipment is completely destroyed. the top manager noted that the energy sector was hit by the largest attack since the beginning of the great war. current production was damaged, so our state lost about 50% of its power, and it also became known about the partial destruction of the zmiiv thermal power plant in kharkiv region. well , we will talk about this in detail with victoria vaitsitska, an expert on... critical issues,
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also ms. victoria was a people's deputy of the eighth convocation, was the secretary of the specialized committee of the fuel and energy complex. good evening, good evening. mrs. viktoria, well, i am already announcing that the power outage schedules will be 100% effective in kharkiv oblast, but odesa and several other regions of ours may be included, ukrenergo says, in particular. well, i am interested in a question that i would like to make possible. to begin with , to hear from you, an attack on the energy infrastructure was announced by the government, in particular, which was preparing for this in the winter, why they started to actively do this now in the spring, when ahead, well, firstly, it is warm, and secondly, the days are long, why does the enemy continue to do it now? well, this is actually the answer to this question only the enemy knows, yes, but i can make
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an assumption that... maybe this is an instrument of a kind of coercion for peace, you and i remember that soon there will be a summit in switzerland, which will be dedicated exactly the topic of peace, and perhaps the russians are trying to force our enemies to make the concessions they expect from us. showing his ability to inflict upon us quite serious damage and not only directly on the front line, but also in the body, so i think that this is a kind of strategy of forcing peace on the terms, well, in fact , of partial surrender, well, in the dtk, as i
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voiced, they say 50.. power lost due to attacks on thermal power plants, well, a large number, how much will ukraine be able to hold on to with the help of our international partners, who are currently providing the system with some support, but what is the way out? this is a very good question, probably the best solution would be to close our completely air air, well, that is... remember, no fly zone, close the sky, the closed sky, these are the initiatives that have been heard since the very first days of a full-scale invasion, which would involve the military use of the air forces of our neighbors, partners, countries nato, in fact, in order to protect our civil infrastructure objects,
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including and... energy critical infrastructure, of course, that this is such a desire at most, which is unlikely to be realized right here and now, but with on the other hand , we already see with you that we will receive help from in the form of modern air defense systems, patriots, arresters, nasamsya and all the rest, just that they are not enough for us to close everything. or at least close our space from attacks precisely on the energy infrastructure, that is, we need to ask for more, our partners should look for opportunities to produce more such systems, understanding that they will be able to help us, on the one hand, on the other hand, i i would now like to say that considering that ukraine is part of the european energy...


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