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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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attention, the hysteria of diplomats in moscow. they all said that there will be terrorist acts in russia soon. patrushev did not invent new tricks, how they came to power, blowing up houses in ryazan, and they are going to do the same now. on the eve of the elections, the fsb allegedly exposed some islamic group in kaluga, which was preparing an explosion from a synagogue in moscow. at a meeting at the fsb, putin warned that a terrorist act was being prepared, and they should expose it. i'm sure. that there will be revelations and putin will use them to introduce martial law in the country, conducting a new wave of mobilization, a harsh crackdown on any critics, by the way, not only opponents of the war, but also those who will ask him preschool questions, why france, which declared war on us, has not yet been destroyed. finally , andrii andriovich, i wanted to ask you about the prospects of the so-called geneva swiss format, so we understand that a big summit is going to be held at...
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the peace formula will be discussed, yes, and the chinese are sending their emissaries there as observers, and the behavior of the chinese very important the prospect of the summit depends on one thing, on the political will of the west, the political will of europe, which macron is currently demonstrating, and the revival of the political will of washington, for which yesterday's visit by sullivan gives us hope, but the hope must be backed up by deeds, because china is watching closely. we discussed everything with you when after october 7 biden gave a wonderful speech that the forces of terror have declared war on the free world, putin wants to destroy ukraine, iran wants to destroy israel, but we will not allow it, and backed it up with deeds, directed two aircraft carrier groups, introduced the bill that has been thrashing around in congress for six months. china understood, saw the determination and wavered. after that, xi rushed to san francisco and declared that he sees in the historical perspective.
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unification with taiwan only by peaceful means and asked the americans to return american investments and american technology, without which china's economy has been collapsing in the past two years, but the hesitation that began after that, the indecision of the biden administration prompted the next six months china to think again, then china, confident that it has received a signal of us determination, has somewhat backed off its support behind the backs of iran and russia, and now, if the west continues to demonstrate... china will again return to an aggressive policy. now it depends on the political will of the west. it all depends on whether biden and his administration will be able to resist trump's treasonous activities that block the law, how successfully and consistently macron's initiative will develop. peace, the only real solution is the victory of the european of the united army, the core of which is the ukrainian armed forces over russia on the battlefield in ukraine. thank you andrii andriyovych
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for this extremely interesting conversation, i wish you good health, i want to remind our tv viewers that andrii piontkovskyi, a famous political expert, was working for them in washington. thank you, see you next time. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. we are looking for 12-year-old maksym katunin from kherson. the boy lived in the central district of the city. his search has been going on for almost a year and a half. we received information about the child's disappearance in november 2022. it was then that the regional center of the kherson region was liberated from the occupiers and it was then. it became known about
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the disappearance of the child. perhaps maxim was taken to the temporarily occupied territories, or even to russia, so now the most important thing is to find out the whereabouts of the child. i really hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will succeed to find look carefully at the photo. perhaps someone has seen maxim and knows at least something about him. every little thing is important. if suddenly someone has information about maksym katunin, or knows where... he might be now, call us immediately at the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chat bot of the child tracing service in telegram. this is just one story of a missing child. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several thousand appeals about help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but... and
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the fate of many remains unknown, especially in the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems. anyone can help find missing children, take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service. here you can view all the photos of the missing, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. look at photo: this is 13-year-old dmytro horovy. nothing has been known about the fate of this boy for more than two years. unfortunately, details about his disappearance are also scarce. i only know that when i started. war, the child was in mariupol, and on the same day the boy disappeared without a trace. perhaps he, like many children, was taken to russia, or is still being held somewhere in the temporarily occupied territories. therefore, i very much ask you to look carefully at the photo of dmytro horovoy. he looks about 12 years old, with
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light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen the guy, or knows where he is may be in now, do not delay and call our hotline. magnolia child tracing services by short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. i also want to remind you that the search for 16-year-old ilya polishchuk continues. he is also from mariupol, and nothing is known about the fate of this boy since the beginning of the full-scale war. contact with ilya was lost on february 24, and no one knows where he is now. therefore, i appeal to everyone who sees me... now, and especially to the residents mariupol, who may be watching this program on social networks. look carefully at the boy's photo. he looks 14-15 years old, he has light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen willa, or knows where he may be now, do not hesitate and
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call us on the magnolia children's hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, unless possible. guests call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, any information is important. and i will ask again a moment of your attention. this is nine-year-old nikita nikolaev from the city of rubizhne in the luhansk region. this settlement was occupied in may 2022, but nikita disappeared already on may 23, and in fact nothing is known about the fate of the child for almost a year . i hope that with... thanks to your concern, the boy will be found. please take a close look at the photo of nikita nikolaev. he has blue eyes and light blond hair. he looks like a 9-year-old child. if suddenly someone has seen the boy or at least knows something about him, it is possible
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place of residence, do not delay and dial the short number of the magnolia child search service from any mobile operator 1163. calls are free if suddenly there is no possibility. call, write to the chat bot of the child tracing service in telegram. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcaym ua. in a fictional country, a real dictatorship reigns, turn on the new hbo satirical series on mekogo, the regime, can its tyranny lead to freedom, watch in ukrainian with
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a megogo subscription, there are discounts on motilium 20% in pharmacies plantain, pam and oskad, there are discounts on spasmal tablets 15% in pharmacies. vasyl zima's guide and saver vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets with us and what does the world live on? now yuriy fizar will talk more about what... happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news. a review of sports events from yevgeny poushoch for two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for
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the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko already ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy. in ukraine , he was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and... invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of development events if you want to understand how our today
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will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. les foi is!
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if the kremlin thought that they would frighten the russians with terror, then of course it succeeded after the terrorist attack in this crocus hall, but what also definitely succeeded and what the kremlin is absolutely not happy with is the fact that some conspiracy theories are literally spreading all over the networks, well, the biggest the conspiracy theory is that it was the fsb, or the foreign intelligence service, or some other intelligence agency that organized the whole thing.
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and indeed, our fools happily picked up on it carried a cult was formed. well, let's talk a little about this cult and see what kind of cult it is. yes, this is a cult of blue people in blue sweaters and jeans. the fact is that a whole bunch of these people are asleep. in this very small corner of the school, they are all sitting in the hall, some are sitting, some are standing, then they start
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saying together, let's close the door, then they start filming something there, all together, and they are all wearing blue sweaters and blue jeans, in addition, a very interesting story emerged when they began to look at each of the of these people, there were photos of these people, one, for example, he will receive there. some awards in that hall, which is not far from the address of the foreign intelligence service: here is this person, so he is standing there in the hall, then there is another photo where he receives an award a little further, and well, they are also trying to connect this, apparently, they say this, this , that, apparently, this is what they say, an employee of the foreign intelligence service, this is one such type, another type is even more interesting, because they are trying him, there is such a man sitting there, and something
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he eats there, or drinks there, and then they show him a person who looks very much like him, who takes part in the arrest, as if of these terrorists somewhere in bryansk, and they say, look, it's the same face, well, in the end pulled out the footage for the 22nd year, where the russians were trained in the same. imitating his admiration for the ukrainian soldiers who take hostages there, here are these beautiful shots, it all happens in this hall, all these trainings were not'. divanni and there, too, they take hostages right in the hall and shoot them the russians said: oh, look, they conducted training there, and then all this shooting already took place there, it’s probably not just a coincidence, and in order to completely understand the scale of all this hysteria, tas found in its pages, that is, the man who was there as if
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they said that he, as he was sitting in the hall, was taking, capturing... then these terrorists, as if somewhere, and they did an interview with him, where he says that no, he has nothing to do with it , i want to turn yours, that is, just imagine the scale of how much it broke out from under control, if they were forced to post it somewhere else, well, in some unknown public there, no, they were forced to write it simply on the main agency, on the tats agency, huh? i have nothing to do with the fsb, as well as with other law enforcement agencies, i work in a construction company, a completely different direction. as for our stay, we went with my daughter to a concert, on the third floor, on the balcony of our place. the fact that
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all sorts of pictures are being drawn about me on the internet. it is vile, impudent, and even to comment on this sense. but he had to comment because he was also dragged to the solovyov tv channel and not only there, now he is simply dragged from channel to channel and he really comments on everything there. oleksiy, how did you find out that you became a figure in a loud story, here are these absolutely mischievous skinshots, who told you about it.
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no, you know, i think it's inappropriate to joke here, just to inform, this is not the topic to joke about. well, the last screenshot, just as you saw, is where they compare, here he is sitting and literally as if the same person took part in the arrest of the same tajik, who is now being tried to present that he is the organizer of this entire terrorist attack. well, this is absolutely not funny, but it is very fun for the propagandist, by the way, it is not funny for the propagandists' customers either, because the population still does not believe all this, all this is still spreading, no one pays attention, they continue to tell, they pile on new, new there are some screenshots, details, someone
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is compared with someone, and why is this happening, and why that everyone remembers well. so at one time margarita simonyan interviewed those two so-called tourists who poisoned the skrepals in saltsbury, and then there was the same story that they were not agents at all, they were like peaceful tourists who came to watch spiers, well let's remember them, you even now, when you talk about it, why what... you honestly look very stressed, so that you do not get scared, life turned upside down just one day and broke what you there you go, friends, we have been advised to visit this beautiful city for a long time, this whole situation in general is just some fantastically fatal coincidence, and everything
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is our fault, we just wanted to be left alone... at least for now, there really is no strength, you see , such a fatal coincidence that these blue sweaters here too, well, well, what do you say, and after that try to prove to the russians that this is not all one office, moreover, well, after they showed these, but then they ran around for years and told how they could repeat in saltsbury, well... first they told how always that it is not them, and then they told how they can repeat it, so the russians will not be very surprised if in some time they start telling them how they can repeat it in kiroku school, it is so... that is an absolutely possible option, well and already against this, you know, background, russians continue to be surprised by the fact that no
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services arrived there in time, although, for example, to detain an aunt who had expressed something there on social networks, well , literally a few hours were enough, and then they detained one such zlipetska blogger, or as you can say, she is simple goes on the air and blurts out whatever happened, but people watch it, so she will be detained. for the fact that she didn't express herself that way, and it happened, well , literally half a day after she posted her video. do you know what question we came from? i know what the issue was, i drank, i drank a lot, and i lost my energy, aggression, yes, i regret it, in no case do i want to... kill people, do you admit your guilt? yes, i admit that i said it out of anger, because, well, because, because, well, because,
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because, because, really, the point is that what she said, well , it spread so much and resonated so much in russian society that even she didn't really, let's put it bluntly, somehow denies what was said, and let's see what it was. and why did it suddenly turn out to be such that the fsb, which for so long could not catch up and find out, in general, could not prevent a terrorist attack, could not come in time during that terrorist attack, but very quickly reached this aunts, let's take a look, it's purple there that i have a son there is dying, and i feel purple that they are dying there, they killed a few of them, what is 113 in... all 2130 would have to be killed, then we would be satisfied on the periphery, in general, the semi-axes would have to be cut out, then we would be
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satisfied, and you tell me, three days have passed, and i still turn on the tv, and they still tell me about city hall, about cecil. but you go with your city hall, let's talk with you about belgorod, let's talk with you in the morning. which is also now practically a criminal case, because it must be said that... well, anyway suffers, it is enough to look there, for example, at this night that took place there.
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oh-my, there in general, and the residents, directly, let's say, russia, they have a little bit of this, you know, cognitive dissonance, why, for example, did they close the mortgage of those who died in the crocuses hall. everyone there canceled loans to the dead and those who suffered, the wounded, to everyone, to those who suffer in belgorod, well, nothing, even, well,
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they cannot rent housing in other cities of russia, because they simply refuse them there, there are some very strange things, moreover, the nightingales come out and begin to tell them that you, residents of belgorod, stop creating panic, and all of you ukrainian spies, since you are creating panic... well, look, a large number of different beings pretending to be bloggers have left, who said, the federal government has forgotten belgrade, help the people, in there are no people, it's terrible, people feel abandoned, as you can, while moscow is celebrating, belgorod is dying, that's all the disgusting hysteria, which immediately, by the way, grabs nazi dreams, here i am. it was an opportunity, i will tell you, well, such a sight is impressive, and over a city, a peaceful city of belarus, the siren sounded, so to all those who
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are trying... to say that the federals have left, shut up, you scoundrels, well, that's what he says to these women from the lipetsk region, shut up, all scoundrels, the residents of the belgorod region, let's say directly, did not appreciate it, because they literally fell asleep all the broadcasts there that were, uh, well, all around comments, with such advice that you come to belgorod yourself, conduct here... your broadcasts, that you will move to live in belgorod, and not just run around there somewhere, went by quickly and ran away, and so on, and there go to work to the sound of sirens, well , that is, the residents of belgrade poured everything they thought about solovyov so very specifically into him, solovyov was forced to close his vkontakte comments, and somehow he continues to rant a little to this day, but you know,
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this whole story is very resonates with the fact that... in general , he offers solo in such cases, with such people, and he offers to shoot them, and against the background of all this , there is a huge campaign for the restoration of the death penalty, there is a whole series of some politicians and propagandists are called to restore the death penalty, meanwhile, it has not been abolished in russia, and also it now actually looks like some kind of... a completely separate political campaign, with an attempt to hold a referendum in order to, in principle , remove all responsibility from the authorities and even for that, because as speaker volodin explained in his recent speech in the state duma , he says that there is no need to hold a referendum, because simply a decision of the constitutional court is enough, but the decision of the constitutional court - he considers it straightforward putin's decision, and here the question is whether
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putin wants to accept such a decision. for now , it's up in the air because it's unclear. in fact, if you look so broadly, putin does not need the abolition of the death penalty, because if the death penalty is introduced, then it will also apply to a bunch of pedophiles, murderers, well, that is, the people they are sending now to the svo, that is, it is such a golden fund of the svo, you know , and why abolish the death penalty if all of them are sent to ieds, well, that is, a question that, in principle, is not yet for the russian authorities the end is decided. they are thinking whether to do it or not to do it, whether it is necessary, well, go and raise this hysteria and show: here we have introduced the death penalty again, is it better to quietly send all these murderers, gluttons to the svo, so we follow by this event, but the trend itself is more or less clear, as you know, a very clear trend in general that in... and
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you know, a new stage of conversations about how to actually destroy ukraine has begun, so what, i will tell you, are these problems of belgorod, which solovyov does not want to see there and tells what all of you here, alarmists, ukrainian spies, are actually directly related to what happens when russia bombs, for example, kharkiv, but don't shoot from the belgorod region to kharkiv, well, not... gives an answer, but this no one wants to hear such a simple idea, moreover, it is somehow unpopular on russian airwaves, on the contrary, on russian airwaves the popular idea is to kill everyone in kharkiv, and this despite the fact that there are a lot of russian-speaking people there, as if it were the population, and you know, it is very in such a case, the approach to war in general changes greatly, because one it's one thing to say that we are freeing some russian people there, and another thing is that we are killing
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everyone who we... just live in ukrainian cities, and now it already sounds like that, no one is freeing anyone anymore, it's simple, russian propagandists say , we will kill, they must be put in their place, i think, kharkiv must be cut off to such an extent that it becomes unfit for life, so that these 800 thousand people who remained there got into cars, went on foot, with bales on carts and on west, wipe kharkiv off the face of the earth, probably after all so to speak, it needs very very very very much so...


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