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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EET

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of economic news and sports news for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. 17:00 in ukraine news on espresso. ulyana penasiuk works in the studio. congratulations. russians killed two residents of krasnohorivka in donetsk region. another resident was injured. the enemy shelled the residential private sector of the city with artillery. a 73-year-old man who was in one of the houses died. him the injured 50-year-old daughter was taken to the hospital. on another street, in her own home,
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a 70-year-old woman was killed by russian shells, the regional prosecutor's office reported. residential buildings and farm buildings were damaged. a child was injured by russian shelling in the zaporizhzhia region. a 12-year-old boy received a concussion as a result of an artillery strike by the occupiers on the village of dolinka. he was taken to the regional hospital. at the moment , the boy's life is not in danger - said the head of the region, ivan fedorov. in kyiv oblast, in the city of bila tserkva there was an explosion in a residential building. my colleague yaroslav hopatsa is at the scene of the emergency. yaroslav, i congratulate you, is there already a reason for the explosion, is it known and are there any victims? greetings ulyana, indeed, we are at the scene of the incident in one of the belotserkiv streets. it's gas and my
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operator and i can smell it, it 's really a strong smell, there are rescuers, policemen, patrolmen, medics, all emergency services are on the scene, we even saw representatives of the authorities, if i'm not mistaken. they are also present here, and next to me is the head of the district department of the state emergency service, viktor spodin, he will tell in a little more detail what happened and the draw will be affected. we cannot say what caused this explosion, but this explosion took place, which means that our upper floor from the fourth floor to the second floor was destroyed, approximately three people, two women and one child, were saved at this time, and one dead person was found to get perished, so we need, we need the equipment that we are following now. here for emergency and rescue
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center, to raise these building blocks that have collapsed, this is all the information for now, further on, it means that now a collection point will be established for these people who will be destroyed, and the victims, those people who were left without housing, will be resettled, for the time being, gortozhytok is growing by strength. e territorial communities, thank you viktor , continue your work, thank you for your work, we hope that there will be no more casualties and deaths on the spot, we will continue to work on the spot from what i saw and as the kyiv police wrote region, the ignition happened on the third floor, i will ask the operator to show it closer and i will comment on it, and then the car overturned on the fifth floor, there are a lot of people standing nearby, including the residents of the building.
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medics who provided medical assistance to the injured. there is a lot of garbage, and of course , because there was an explosion and it was all blown away by the blast wave, if we can see, there is no balcony on the third floor, there are rescuers working inside , we are not allowed in for obvious reasons, so that we were not hurt, so that maybe something did not fall and the like. we will be there, monitoring the situation, that's all. which , unfortunately, is still known at the moment, because the only service that wanted to talk to us is the rescuers, the police are working around the perimeter, they said not to approach them, there is nothing in them, not to ask, the doctors also said that they will not provide any information about who it is, but we heard all the information from viktor spodin live, there is no fire, as we can see, people are standing, waiting, waiting, what will they say further. i'm sick. this information. thank you
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yaroslav. yaroslav khopatsa was in touch with us from the site of the explosion in the white church, there in the five-story building, where the explosion happened, he talked about the details. and one more piece of news from bila tserkva: mayor hennadiy dykiy announced that he is joining the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. according to him , he is an air defense officer, he says that he wants to defend ukraine along with millions of compatriots. i would like to remind you that in the higher anti-corruption court, the case against hennadiy dykyi regarding fraud continues with the purchase of real estate near tsnap in the center of bila tserkva. at the same time, according to the chairman, the city will not suffer. electricity, water supply from his decision. looking at the arch of the 23rd year, the city is in a strong position, business is developing, new jobs are being created, the infrastructure
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is prepared for any possible enemy attacks. in the south, ukrainian soldiers repulsed seven thieves. of assaults in the orichiv direction , the occupiers carried out four unsuccessful assaults on the left bank of the kherson region, the russians attempted three, but they were also unsuccessful. having suffered losses, the invaders retreated. the counter-battery struggle continues. the russians conduct aerial reconnaissance, press with artillery, carry out airstrikes and use a large number of attack drones of various types. during the last day, the enemy lost 137 occupiers and 30. three units of weapons and military equipment. for the first time, russia used the odap-1500 heavy volume detonating aerial bomb against ukraine. sumy region was attacked with it, reports bild. as
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expert yuliana ryobke notes, after the impact , a column of smoke rose 1 km into the sky. chamber of commerce 1500 is a thermobaric projectile from the time of the ussr, which releases a flammable liquid in the form of an aerosol and sets it on fire approximately 10 m before hitting the target. fortification works are ongoing. 11,000 concrete pyramids have already been installed in the zaporozhye direction. according to the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov, there will be even more of them. zaporizhia dragon's teeth, strong defense against the enemy, emphasized the head of the region. our zaporizhia anti-tank tetras. able to withstand both critical temperatures and any external aggression, high quality concrete is intended for various types of soil, all works are under the control of the ministry of defense and the military. and help arrived for the defenders
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of the kharkiv region. border guards and rescuers of the region received 21 cars. this is the first batch. soon, the defense forces will be replenished with 19 more vehicles - said the head of the kharkiv region. oleg sinigubov cars are received by military units of the armed forces of ukraine and the national guard. the fleet was replenished thanks to the cooperation of the military administration, communities, volunteers and partners from lithuania. shell hunger, money for the czech initiative from the purchase of ammunition for ukraine is still not enough. some countries have already made their contribution, but this is not enough - said estonian defense minister hanu pevkur. we need about... if we are talking about a million shells, the funds that are missing are trying to be found primarily in the countries of northern and central europe, so it is difficult to predict when the shells will reach the front. on the occasion of easter,
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german chancellor olaf scholz addressed the germans and called for further support for ukraine. he emphasized that support is also important for security of germany. the chancellor said that peace is... maintained for decades thanks to the principle that state borders can be changed with the help of force, but russian dictator vladimir putin violated it. let me remind you that scholz was recently criticized in the bundestag for his position regarding the supply of taurus long-range missiles to ukraine. a race in memory of the hero of ukraine. for the second year in a row , kremenchuk was killed by handguns. maxim kagala, his compatriots ran a half-marathon. during his life, maksym was an athlete and loved to run long distances himself. in march 2022 the boy died defending mariupol as part of azov. more than
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two hundred people gathered to honor his memory and ran from 5 to 21 km. for children, the organizers measured kilometers of freedom. funds collected during the race will go to support.
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and we ask for your help, we urgently need to repair a car for the 65th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which is destroying the enemy in the southern direction. a faulty car at the front can cost health, or even life. our goal is uah 55,000. we also ask you to join the collection. everyone who can do it to do, your help is very important, all the details you see on your screens. you can always find more news on the espresso tv website, my colleagues work there 24 hours a day, the most interesting is also on youtube espresso, the most important information in a brief summary on the telegram channel, facebook, on instagram, join the espresso community, be the world with a ukrainian point of view. and welcome my colleague, mykola veresnya.
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, until 19:00 we will communicate with you, not only we you, but we will also invite guests, we will definitely communicate. about ukraine, about russia, about poland, about france, about the united states, about serbia, about hungary and even a little bit about brazil. as strange as it may seem. and let's start with our enemies anyway, with russia, certainly with ukraine, with the russian-ukrainian war, and belarus's ears are also sticking out there somewhere. and we will talk about it with mykhailo prytula, a military expert, reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine, an expert on military intelligence. reports, good health, mr. mykhailo, thank you for finding time for us, glory to ukraine, mykola,
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glory to the heroes, i have such a mysterious question for the first time, here mr. lukashenko, who works as the president of belarus, said the following phrase, we, we, we, not at all, at least i didn’t suspect it, he said, putin and i didn’t sleep, i kind of think so, and we didn’t... we once hinted, at least, i never hinted at any sexual relationship between putin and lukashenko, well he actually said that about the fact that terrorists and businessmen fled to belarus, and they, therefore, among themselves called back, putin, lukashenko, and thus stayed awake, at least yes, yes, this is how it can be translated that it was in that sense, whether or not, i have a question, or what do you think, i understand that this is speculation. in its purest form, will the russian authorities manage to convince the russians that it was done by the ukrainians
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in that step of city hall, where about 150 residents of the russian federation were killed. why am i asking this question, mr. mykhailo, because i myself remember when i was very young, they still believed in communism, despite vremya program, already when i became such a teenager, they already believed less, already when i graduated from university... no one believed in him, so the russians, the russian authorities lie and lie and lie, and according to my observations, the moment must or must come , when the suspicion arises that they are lying not here, not in europe, not in civilized countries, in russia, you know, i have always been and remain lukashenka's lawyer, you won't believe it, i'm not his fan, but i am his lawyer , because when lukashenko is naked. but that's what it takes on the air and says that they were going to belarus,
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i.e. these terrorists, in this way he spoils the whole legend and the version of the russian special services, which they try to explain to russians that they were going to white reno as terrorists, as if terrorists were going to ukraine, well, of course from the point of view. well, okay, well, for example, budanov, well, theoretically could make them a window, but then i have another question, should the window be made? and from the other side of the border, that is, the fsb opened a window for them, so it turns out, that is, it is nonsense, which just scatters all versions at once , just like that, you know, into space, to the kobzon, however, to this day, russians believe, they firmly believe that behind everything that
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is happening in russia, there are agents of budanov, who ... they sit under every bush in russia, the ukrainian drg is everywhere there, and everyone who has a yellow-blue speck on their clothes or on their balcony or on their roof, then they are all budan agents, well, what can we do about it case to do, only to support this version that agents are behind everything in russia budanova and putin are also agent budanov, well , you can't do it any other way, because, well, it means that mr. budanov is doing a good job, you know. if, if he is so powerful , strong and there are ukrainian drgs everywhere, then this, well , this is a tribute to mr. budanov, one more question, mr. mykhailo, you said, sorry, that i grabbed your tongue, as if they were terrorists, as i analyzed , i am a small specialist in terrorism, but i have the impression that 8090 percent,
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it is obvious that this is idil, that this trail leads where... to afghanistan to idil boys, and which, which if putin insulted both in the caucasus and in syria, and wherever he did not do to them, they would stand up to him. to what extent do you think that it is possible that the fsb did it, because the fsb also has a lot of experience in undermining its own? well, in that case, i'd still be inclined to think that it was... it was a job and a job, uh, because they took responsibility, first of all, secondly, well, there's a lot of very bloopers here , which indicate the weakness of the russian special services, they wouldn't have set themselves up like that, uh, they wouldn't have stuck their ears out there, everything would somehow be arranged a little differently, well, or there
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is a problem with the drama altogether, but i do not consider the fsbshniks to be very stupid people, they are not subordinates of the shoigu , er... they are professionals, even if they are enemies, but they are professionals, they they did it in a different way, and now they somehow have to make up a version with the fact that it was a ukrainian trace, and it doesn’t work out very well for them, because it’s not there, they understand it, uh, in relation to moreover, if such an attack is planned, for example, a terrorist attack, then of course, terrorists, they will plan not only input, but also output. then they will plan a way out of the situation, this is a must, they may first plan to leave, and then it will be how they will act, if there is a possibility of leaving, then they will rule, that's one of the people we see , who cold-bloodedly kill citizens who hold weapons, and those who are detained, well, they are
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quite a bit different people, er, they behave differently, and as you can imagine, they just shot. there are more than a hundred people, and then they sit in the forest on a tree and tremble while they are detained by the fsb. these are the same the very people who do not shoot back, who allow themselves to be killed, captured? well, somehow it does not fit, there is no logic in this. that is, it is likely that, well, in my opinion, those who were the perpetrators of this terrorist attack, they went to themselves, and in their place they put some people who knew about it. i had no idea, well, or something similar, that is, this version is quite so bad that those people who were captured and who are considered terrorists there, that they are terrorists who shot people, that is, they are slightly different people, and in terms of their behavior , and by psychology, in everything, i think that there
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is a big problem there now, because putin is demanding from russia. to prove that they were budanov's agents, but somehow it doesn't work, because when budanov's agents do something in russia, no one catches them. throughout the history of the war, no matter how many budanov drgs were on the territory of russia, there was information about the destruction of only one ukrainian drg, and only one ukrainian drg, there were real heroes, guys, they did not leave this world by themselves, they shot back the latter, therefore in in this case, well, somehow... well , those who were detained as bud's agents are not similar. okay, one more question, look, i would add to your mysteries, not only yours, but human ones in general. it is that terrorists go to the police, well, it is recorded there, the person who sold this car that we just showed, he came to the police, i don't remember terrorists going to the police to turn themselves in, and
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i don't know neither in america, nor in france, nor in israel, nor in england, for a terrorist to blow something up, and then come to the police, say, i blew it up, it's mine machine, i am to blame for that terrorist act, i somehow did not see such a thing, but my question is a little different, look, we see some cyrons like those that flew to kyiv, we see new 1500 aerial bombs, eh, so much power, huh what does this mean, why did they suddenly start using the latest developments, the latest weapons, well , i'm not talking about civilians, they always attack civilians, so i think to myself, well, if they, that is, what else do they have , they have 1,500, and there are 200, 300 and there... already quite close to nuclear an attack of some kind, what do you say, what are zircons and why suddenly both they and these huge bombs,
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aerial bombs began to fall on ukrainian territory? well, i'd say so, putin was heartened and everything they had new in the stockpile, they decided to use it now to attack ukraine, besides, it ties in with... um , what, er, russia will plan, and our president actually said about it, that she will plan a major offensive in may, at the beginning of june, this is logical, we talked about it with you, and accordingly, they will now wind up situation on all fronts, informational, military, will apply everything they have and everything they don't have. i'm not sure that they have a lot of zirconium, because this kind of weapon, it requires certain technologies, which in russia , well... not so much, but, well, it's certain that now after this terrorist attack, they started
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going crazy there , to put it mildly, that is, they are trying to cause appropriate damage to ukraine there, to show all their people that they are taking revenge for them here, well, how likely is it that they will have a lot of this weapons, i don't think so. actually, with regard to russia's nuclear weapons, i am also not sure that they exist, that is, in view of all the events that have taken place, i think that there is a problem with the warheads, which have actually been stored there for 35 years, no one has tested them, and whether putin has nuclear weapons or not, in fact it is unknown, maybe it is just a big bluff, the last question is this, i will try to ask it carefully, you can answer, you can not answer, because it is so personal, mr. danilov
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was replaced by mr. lytvynenko and in networks it is spread that he actually studied at the academy of the federal security service, well, at the academy of the kgb, in moscow. on the other hand, i think of myself that i was also a yellow boy, a pioneer, a komsomol member, and i studied. in the soviet union and in the soviet higher educational institution and so on and so on, there are few people, of a certain age, who do not know themselves, who openly somehow studied at the sorbonne instead of studying at kyiv or moscow university, as somehow in hardly a person could get into the sorbonne, what do you say about mr lyuzinenko, in those days there were no other educational institutions of such a profile. and everyone who tried to learn something, especially about our enemies, they tried to learn, learn well from the enemies. well, this, this, well,
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there is no other way, but i will say this, now the sbu detains quite a lot of russian agents who did not study in the educational institutions of the kgb of the ussr , that's why. it means nothing, the death of people, it always makes a choice between truth and falsehood, thank you very much, thank you very much, i personally have no complaints, i i have known mr. oleksandr for quite some time, and he has never given me the impression of such a suspicious person. thank you, mykhailo prytuli, military expert reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine, an expert in military counterintelligence, was in touch with us, now we will have an advertisement, after the advertisement we will... talk about russia, we will have oleg magaletsky, researcher of regionalism in the russian federation, co-organizer of the free nations post russia forum. advertise now.
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oleg mygaletsky, researcher of regionalism in the russian federation, co-organizer of the free peoples of post-russia forum, will now appear, i hope, on our screens with you, and we will talk about that , what 's going on. good health, mr. oleg, thank you for finding time for us. and i just i just spoke with the military expert, i also asked this question, and i will ask you this question. a question from my own experience. i i just saw with my own eyes how trust in soviet ideas was falling, i remember myself there in the first grades of school, even before school, i remember how everyone believed, well, the majority believed in communism, that it was right, then i remembered when i was a teenager, i believed less, and then, when i was a student and after i graduated from the university, i saw that no one believed, at least in my environment, and it seems that no one at all.


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