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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EET

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will remain, you will drive around the village and the organic nature of this architecture will remain, because they are very economical there, they are balanced, they are made to live there, there are no extra rooms, there are no x number of meters that you never have, there are not there are guest rooms for a child who has not been born there yet, or for guests who never come, well , like, they are just rooms for living, you sleep, eat, live, work, everything, and they are very... small 60 m , there are 50 m, 40 m, they are awesome, if there are houses on the policy and in the dnipro region were sculpted mainly from clay, then in the severshchyna they gave preference to wood, they not only built from wood, but also created special decorations for houses, wooden lace. oh, this is a unique thing, not just to build a house. it's not
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just a matter of putting log to log somewhere, smearing it, making it white, here every element of this carving has its own interpretation, and it is connected with a person's life, a talisman in the first place, a talisman that helps this manor stand for more than one century. you and i are now near a house that is not only a street decoration kosyubynskyi, the entire city of chernigov. this is where we are now at... 16 stusa street, it is known that the house was built at the end of the 19th century, but the exact date is unfortunately unknown. now we are near the house of vasyl spinovsky, this is a unique building for chernihiv, because it is often called the house with two addresses. now his modern address is kyivska 14b, but his old address nemyrovych da... 15
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meant a whole street, i.e. nemyrovych danchenko street, built up with such beautiful wooden houses, but in the 80s years of the last century, they decided to demolish these houses, because it was necessary to build huge panel high-rise buildings for the proletariat and settle them, and such houses of a very bourgeois type were for the soviet union. and they were demolished, only this house remained, in 1989 it was granted protection status, it is an architectural monument, and thanks to this it was preserved, it is not known for sure who is the owner of this house, but still local historians came to the opinion that it after all, the house belongs to mykhailo oleksandrovych, he is such a cossack of the cossack family from dvoryansky in the 17th century, their family goes, and yet according to the records that... it is written that
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he was the owner of this house, it is known that the house was built for franz josef, sikorsky, he was a doctor when he was old, he began to receive patients in this building, that is, in his own home, and he was divided, as it usually happened in those times, into the reception room, the operating room, it seems, and the actual one. the volume was separate, and currently three families live in it. wooden lace is the popular name for such a decorative wooden decoration of houses. before such patterns were used to decorate housing in the territory of severshchyna and northern slobozhanshchyna. the more lavishly decorated the house was, the more the owners paid the carpenter, which means the richer they were. amazing specimens that have survived to this day are slowly decaying. century, any
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house had several entrances, you and i were on the main entrance, that is, it is for guests and for the owners, there was also such an understanding as the black entrance, you see, the household entrance, in other words, and you see how it was destroyed, too blast wave, destroyed the door, here it is there used to be a front entrance to the house, also a nice wooden door with a nice porch, but it was... everything was destroyed when the soviet union came, the former owners, of course, the bourgeois could no longer live here, the house was divided between several families, in the 2000s, the building was transferred to a religious organization, they subordinated it to it, they followed it a little, but due to the fact that it is a religious organization, it is not commercial, it has no profits, it cannot keep it in proper condition and appearance, tim
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there is no proper heating in the house anymore, that is, it is quite difficult to live, stay, well, in this house now, and it was accepted. the decision to sell it, due to the fact that it is an architectural monument, it was handled by the local government, it was sold at an auction, the monument was purchased in private ownership by a legal organization that at first planned to restore the house, but then froze the project, and now it stands empty, the house, it is not heated, it is very dilapidated inside, now it needs a lot of attention. both volunteers and local authorities, we, as volunteers in general, are happy took it upon themselves, took up its restoration, because it is a pity for us to look at it, it is such a rudiment of old chernigov, that is, it is
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a disappearing chernigov, it was like that, and what is around is what made its scoop. however, there are also old houses in chernihiv that still managed to... this was done by the participants of the unique volunteer project chernihiv wooden lace. we are a volunteer team that works, let's say, on these volunteer initiatives. and today we are working with you on vasylenko street, we are working for it here the eighth project today, a house that we have already physically restored. it all started with the fact that one dedicated web designer named stanislav ivashchenko, who is now defending the country on the front lines, set out to save it. chernihiv wooden lace and gathered like-minded people around him. together, they started by photographing and documenting the architectural heritage of their city, collecting the stories of buildings and putting it all on a site that eventually turned into an online museum.
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at the same time, they began to look for resources and sponsors for the restoration. there is a wooden one here architecture, which is not found practically anywhere in ukraine, it is only in the north of sumy oblast, that is, it is a region that uses wood, and it is clear that from the 19th century practically people began not only to build houses, but to decorate them, well, on unfortunately, now the situation has developed that most of the owners believe that it is no longer necessary, and begin to sheathe them, dress them in the uniform of the seding and so on, the wagon, and therefore the project is aimed at saving as many projects and houses as possible. and then the manual work began. the team started to return houses for life. stanislav independently modeled the lost details, which were then reproduced by the chernihiv polytechnic using digital samples. using these facilities that were in the university. in our opinion, this is
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one of the most difficult projects of our community, because it is very tall, wide, and in general. the condition was quite bad, many of the networks had to be restored, and some had to be redone, with the help of the chernihiv polytechnic, volunteers approach each element of the building individually, some are simply painted, some have to be removed and restored, there are also parts that have to be created from scratch, there are small houses in good condition. wood, which is very easily painted, there is little to restore, and well, you need less people, less time, less painting, here you first of all understand how much attention it attracts during work, because a detail that seems to be painted in 5 minutes, is painted in 20 minutes , somewhere like that, old wood, old paint is cracked,
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to paint all the gaps, well, it’s just half a can of paint and it takes a few hours to here is a small one. which, you see, the houses are divided into such slats, it will take four people all day to paint this slat completely with the woods. the restoration of one such house can last for years. the fact is that, since volunteers work for free, they can do restoration only in their free time from their main work. in addition, they depend on finances. paint and wood for one house usually cost several dozen. thousand hryvnias, and someone should give them? it is interesting that in addition to restoration, the team also started an order to create lace from scratch appears. even before the wooden lace, my children also wanted to restore the house, and it just coincided when i found on
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facebook purely by chance that such a wonderful team was working on the restoration of wooden houses, i joined when they were working on the house... a postusa was gradually born these or other elements, i.e. stavini, which, let's say, or windows, as they are called, they were not there, i also wanted an age. i looked on the internet, just like that, there are folding shutters, in chernihiv, as far as i know, there are few, if any, complicated shutters that will not be repaired by hire, complex ones such as an accordion, i turned to the master, said what i want, the master made it, and accordingly, let’s say, this is how lace is gradually born in us on this building, the initiative of the wooden lace of chernihiv was not stopped even by the war, at the first opportunity, when the intensity of shelling... well, you want to do something with your own hands, and if you take
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chernihiv, here we have whole blocks of old houses that, well essentially launched, and well on unfortunately, our city government and the owners, well , it's mainly our city government, i think, don't pay attention to this, if entire blocks in the stusa area, pyaatnitsko and others were to be restored, it was simply unique. i think, even for tourists, let's say, if it were my government, i would classify these houses as architectural monuments of local significance, and then, accordingly, all work on these houses would be possible only with the approval of the city authorities, but for today, unfortunately, we have what we have, they are demolished, dismantled, high-rise buildings are built, for today a high-rise building is beautiful, but... in 10-20 years, no one will admire it, and wooden houses have been standing for more than 100 years,
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we still admire them and even then with a calm soul, everything, the project is completed, it is already our pleasant history, pleasant memories, plus one nice house in chernihiv, i came here to my husband, this is his house, and i am his wife, so i came in 1987, and i live in this house in 1987, because... . i like it very much, so god bless you, all the best to you, bye, thank you, goodbye, in addition to wooden houses, old wooden churches have also been preserved on the territory of modern polissya, the church was always open to people, if you are not feeling well, it is a chapel by the road, you see, you wanted to, you went in, prayed, here and left, put a candle and left, this... should be open to people, the temple was opened, the occupiers approached the temple, they did not
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enter the temple, they stood, the patrol stood, visited and left, that is, the mongols did not even defile , no muscovites, our church is not here entered, they must have felt something, this is the wooden st. george's church, or st. george's church, one of the most unique and beautiful monuments. of the ukrainian folk architecture of polissia and the main decoration of the ancient cossack town of sedniv. in the spring of last year, sedniv survived the russian occupation, but the church survived. however, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the russian occupiers have destroyed about 200 ukrainian churches and temples in ukraine and continue to destroy them. the first mention is 1600, it seems to be somewhere in the forties. i believe, that this is probably one of the christian firsts. churches on the left bank of ukraine, the church was built by the cossack families of sednyava, but they collected funds
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and built it. the temple itself is built of pine, oak crowns, frames, oak doors and windows, also oak frames. the church was built in a rare style for wooden structures, monumental ukrainian, or, as it is also called, cossack baroque, assembled, as they say, in the village, without a single nail, not because there was no opportunity. because, well, metal has corrosion, if it starts to rot, then it is this metal one is starting to rot, and so on these so-called oak churches, it was connected so tightly that water did not even get between these beams, the church in the village, it was, well, not only a monument, and it was also a public place where people gathered, where people discussed. before the war, the cossacks in ukrainian churches, such as in sedniev, in st. george's church, had the right
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to enter with weapons, to pray, to be inspired so that, as they say, the goddess would protect them. it was in these churches, in these large and small buildings that their schools appeared parties, the activist taught letters and numbers, it is also interesting, the church was a place. where charity, one might say patronage, was born during the cossack era, there was a hospital at the church and people from the village already. they brought holidays, or so they brought some kind of support, something, maybe honey, something pie, something fresh. st. george's church has seen a lot over the hundreds of years of its history, and the cossacks of the sedniv hundred, who consecrated their weapons here before the campaign, and the second world war, which greatly damaged the church, and
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the soviet period, when the church simply stood wasteland, he was already like a pisan woman. the tower is tilted, so it was supported by pillars on the tracks, well, that is, winds and everything else, rain, the temple, well, it was not in a very good condition, something was asked to be done there in the 70s and 80s, they made a dome, because it was not there , and it was abandoned there in the woods, several times during the soviet period the church was still opened, but not for religious services, but for shooting soviet films, different films were shot here, the newest one was ... that was shot from the 33rd year, the temple did not operate until 2010, when we they handed it over, i.e. for 77 years the temple did not function at all, it just stood there and that was all, with the advent of independence, the temple could not resume work immediately either, because it needed serious restoration, but even after achieving reconstruction with state money, it was not possible to do
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the restoration properly, here it is was held from 2004 to 2008, we came to the temple in a very terrible condition, it was falling, i told you, it was very tilted, so we urged the society that it should be saved, because it is an extremely valuable building for the history of ukraine, a historical and spiritual, it is very valuable, they built exclusively from a project that they thought was good, beautiful, but which did not quite justify itself, that is, the temple, you see, it has become a little barrel-shaped now, it should be a little conical. water from the attic should fall to the ground, but it falls on the walls of the temple, and there is none, there is no vestibule, what is the vestige for, you go in, close the door, then enter the temple, that is, it is such a corridor, well, how warm is it in the entrances hold on, these winds are north now, if you open the door, all the icons fly in the wind, towels around the temple, i.e. nothing is provided here at all, it is done from the outside, as if it is so
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beautiful, but in everyday life for service here it is very... that many things are unfinished, incorrectly done, well, no one communicated with us then, did not consult, that's why , that's why they did it. the church still needs competent restoration, but despite everything, its doors are always open. they were not closed even during the russian occupation, because in the ukrainian tradition, the church was always perceived as a second home, as one's own house, where towels were always carried, carpets, flags and even simple folk paintings, which are still hanging... here, along with the cossack paintings, we did not hide anything, everything depended on god, i was in sedniav, services were held every sunday, well, people did not come, of course only our family, because there were patrols all the time on the streets, they didn't let people into the center here, we have many different paths, here the blue is such a partisan town, you can enter here from
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any point and get to a completely different one, there are a few people there. those who are more devoted, who were not afraid to come, came, she very much namulena, well, what if from the time of prince yaroslav the wise, there are very old trees here, but at that time, apparently, people prayed, a tree is like water, it absorbs energy into itself, something for centuries people prayed, prayed, how much she has experienced, this is the feeling of the energy that accumulates in the temple for... times, well, it is very well, you can feel it all, because it is an old temple, that my parents and grandmothers used to come here, you know, this is a parental house, in general, it is a more pleasant feeling , the new house is great, everything is a good house, and the parental house with rude to all, it's completely different, it's more for the soul, somehow it was a trip through the architecture
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of the north of ukraine, and also a trip through ukrainian history, which is still preserved... clay and stone, wood and ash. for each of us, an old wooden church is not just an architectural monument, and every ukrainian house is not just four walls and a roof. for us, these are memories of our childhood and our past, it is the annals of our parents' growing up and a small museum that preserves the stories of every ukrainian family. to us, it is ours, and it is priceless. so this is a connection with ancestors, you have to know one's history, one's culture, one's troubles, grief, happiness, joy. just really, this is science, this is the world, that's why there are therapies in such old huts, you know, we live in a unique period when we have
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the opportunity to create the future during war. there are discounts on vitamin d3, d3 max, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, you and save, there are discounts on maridos - 15% in pharmacies, plantain, you and save, there are discounts on otrivin spray, 15% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against
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united by football, stronger together. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, project, both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format, every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who... interpret and comment on the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday,
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clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special , proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. congratulations, if... c the kremlin thought that they would frighten the russians with terror, and of course it succeeded after the terrorist attack in this crocus hall, but what also definitely succeeded and what the kremlin is absolutely not happy with is the fact that literally all the networks are spreading some theories from language, well, the biggest conspiracy theory - is that it was the fsb or the foreign intelligence service or some other intelligence that organized all of this.
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and indeed, our fools happily picked it up and carried it. a cult was formed. well, let's talk a little about this cult and see what kind of cult it is. yes, this is such a cult of blue people in blue sweaters and jeans. the fact is that a whole bunch of these people were filmed. in this very small corner of the school, they are all sitting in the hall, some are sitting, some are standing, then they start saying together, let's close the door, then
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they start there... they are all filming something together, and they are all wearing blue sweaters and blue jeans, in addition, a very interesting story emerged when they started looking at each of these people, photos appeared where these people, one, for example, he is there receiving some awards in that hall, which is not far from addresses of the foreign intelligence service, here is this person, so he is standing there in the hall, then there is also... another photo, where he will receive the award a little further, and well, they are also trying to connect this, apparently, they say, this is this is probably what the foreign intelligence service is saying, this is one type, another type is even more interesting, because they are trying to see a man sitting there, eating something or drinking something on the way, and then they show him very similar to he is a person who
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participates. in detention as if they were terrorists these are somewhere in bryansk, and they say, look, it’s the same face, and finally they pulled out footage from the 22nd year, where the russians held training in the same krogusikhol, imitating its capture by ukrainian soldiers who were taking hostages there , here are these beautiful shots, it all happens in this hall, all these trainings were unexpected. she was also taken hostage there and shot right in the hall, and the russians said: oh, look, they conducted training there, and then all this shooting already took place there, apparently it’s not just a coincidence, well in order to fully understand the scale of all this hysteria, tas found in her pages, that is, the man who, as they said, sat in the hall, took, captured later. these terrorists, as
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if somewhere, and an interview was conducted with him, where he says that no, he has nothing to do with it. i want to make an important point, that is, just imagine the scale of how much it got out of control, if they were forced to post it somewhere, well, in some unknown public there, no, they were forced to write it simply on the main agency, on the tats agency. to i have nothing to do with the fsb, as well as with other law enforcement agencies, i work in a construction company, a completely different direction. as for our stay, we went with my daughter to a concert on the third floor, on the balcony of our place, the fact that now all kinds of pictures are being drawn about me on the internet is vile, insolent, and i don't even
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see the point of commenting on it. but he had to comment because he was also dragged to the solovyov tv channel and not only there, now he is simply dragged from channel to channel, and he is really there, that's all comments oleksiy, how did you find out that you became a figure in a loud story, here are these completely mischievous screenshots. who told you about it?
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no, you know, i think it's inappropriate to joke here, just to inform you, this is not the topic to joke about. well , the last screenshot, as you just saw, is compared there, here he is sitting and literally as if the same person took part in the detention of the same tajik, who is now being tried to present that he is the organizer of this entire terrorist attack. uh, well, this too it is absolutely not funny, but it is very fun for the propagandist, by the way , it is not funny for the propagandists' customers either, because the population still does not believe all this, all this is still spreading, no one pays attention, they continue to tell, they pile on new, new ones there are screenshots, details.


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