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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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defense of ukraine, only in these facilities, in these concrete and not only concrete, underground, including facilities and storage facilities, such air defense systems and missiles for them can and should be placed in order to stop the enemy's missile terrorism, this is question number one now for the survival of ukraine, our energy industry and our million-strong cities throughout the territory, well , volodymyr zelenskyi also spoke about additional air defense complexes in an interview with the cbs news channel, he says that it is additional air defense systems that will allow protecting industrial centers and weakening putin let's listen to what zelensky said. the weapons i told you about will protect 5-7 patriot air defense systems from the united states of america today. industry, industrial
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platforms in ukraine, so that we have jobs, there are schools, so that we have the opportunity to work, and for children to go to school, and the sky will be unlocked, believe me, there will be steps forward, and this will be a relaxation for him, a relaxation for him inside the state, mr. valentin, it is obvious that this is an interview, and what zelensky said was directed at the west, why does the west not hear ukraine and pleas for air defense? i don't think i don't hear, in fact, they both hear and know, and we don't sleep, i mean those deputies who, like me, work with our western partners, although i don't even go online enough, or they come to kyiv , but that's not what we're talking about right now, they hear, but you have to understand that, for example, those patriot air defense systems, only the third generation, i emphasize. with such
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state-of-the-art capabilities, because we need to shoot down not just missiles, but russian ones, which are actually very large, very heavy, but at the same time enough, you know, so fast in spite of everything, we need these systems, and, for example, those that are the patriot systems in ukraine, they were handed over to us by germany, so i sometimes think it is very unfair to criticize germany too much, if we did not have germany there would not be such modern systems, because they had to be developed and installed at one time. to master and so on, so now the main issue is still unlocking american aid so that the american manufacturer of patriot systems of the third and more advanced generations is anti-aircraft system patriot, more of them were produced and supplied to ukraine, and moreover, we already need not only systems, but also radars, guidance systems and the missiles themselves, that is, the same consumables. which are,
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believe me, very expensive, so that our tv viewers understand, one missile is 5-7 million dollars, depending on the guidance head and other characteristics, this is a very, very not a cheap weapon, but now the question is not about the price, ukraine is about the price does not stand, because we need to protect our citizens and our cities, the question is now the allocation of funding and timely ordering and very rhythmic production of additional systems, for example, poland, even under president duda, agreed on patrio systems for itself for a billion 400 million 8 years ago in order to receive them only this year. this is a serious period of time, but we have to go a different way. we still need additional funding to appear, to be voted on by congress and signed by the us president, and this funding to be directed to already manufactured systems, so that those partners who could, not only... germany
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was transferred to ukraine, and i i confirm the main thing is that for us, we have the infrastructure where to place them, and there are primary needs, odesa, kharkiv and other cities. in the same interview that the ukrainian president gave to the cbs news television company, he also mentioned the possibility of negotiations with putin, this is probably not the first time, during the last two years, when the president, not even two, probably one and a half years, when president zelenskyi ... says that it is not necessary for ukraine to liberate all the territories captured by russia by military means, it is only necessary to go to the border of the 22nd year in order to push the president putin to the negotiations. let's hear what zelensky said. we will not need to de-occupy all our territories exclusively by military means. i am sure when he will lose what he has captured. captured, starting from the 22nd year, he... will completely lose the confidence, even
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of those countries that still doubt whether to support ukraine or not, and he will also lose power within his state, as soon as this happens, he will be ready for dialogue, he does not want any dialogue, and when he is ready for dialogue, it will certainly be international the conditions should be the liberation of our territories, the territorial physicality of ukraine. mr. valentin, how do you assess the possibility or impossibility of negotiations with putin and whether putin will ever be ready for dialogue, or has he simply already crossed that line. according to which there is actually no negotiation element, it must be understood that aggression is always the crossing of any, you know, borders and the refusal of any negotiations, and it was putin and russia who did it on february 24
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, 2022, so here you know how to think about the past - is to buy tickets for a train that has already passed will never leave any platform, you have to think about the now, the here and now and the present. and we have another task than to support the armed forces of ukraine, to protect our skies with anti-aircraft systems and to get universal fighters as soon as possible, we should not forget about them, on the contrary, we need to get 16 into the ukrainian skies as soon as possible, we need to work on what we are doing now with french and other partners, to receive more of those systems that are not only anti-aircraft, but which will be able to zni. vata just launch systems, i launch such russian rockets, missiles and bombs from the territory of the occupied crimea, and from those territories of the donetsk and luhansk regions, from where these latter are now being launched, especially the modifications of fabs, kabs for 300, that is, this is
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a serious bomb, albeit a soviet one, but a serious bomb, which is a serious threat, pose a serious threat to our armed forces, to our defenders. so it is necessary to destroy these carriers in the sky, and the carriers, well , this is not a fantasy, these are still old soviet tu-22s, well, here 22 is, you know, any system, a modern air defense system destroys distance, and we need such systems, the armed forces of ukraine simply do not have enough of them, or almost none, there are closer to the front line, so they should appear there, we are deciding now, and this is my main opinion, specific issues of the country's defense. the destruction of aggressor terrorist missiles and bombs and the preservation of a maximum of our defenders, the question of sentencing opportunities or lost opportunities, these questions are more theoretical, well , i, for example, do not deal with them, so i think that discussing them is a waste of time, but
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look, one more the statement came out of his mouth the former federal chancellor of the federal republic of germany, herhard schroeder, who, by the way, was involved... in gazprom, he seems to have been the chairman of the supervisory board there, and was involved with gazprom, what does he say? he says that he could negotiate peace with putin, he said in an interview with the german news agency dpa, that what he says, we have cooperated well for many years, he means with putin, maybe it still can help find a solution at the negotiating table, i see no other way, france and germany must take the initiative in this matter, it is obvious that the war cannot end completely. the defeat of either side - said schroeder, what schroeder says obviously plays into the hands of vladimir putin, but on the other hand, well, considering the terrorist nature of the regime headed by vladimir putin, should we even
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talk about the fact that we we will negotiate with him, maybe he wants peace, but he is not understood, and we cannot let him lose, so we will negotiate with him, why does the world not talk about putin as the number one terrorist in the world? and my first comment regarding the words or statements of mr. schroeder, everything is much more serious, but also simple: putin introduced, prepared and will wage war as long as the world will allow him to earn from energy carriers. as long as they buy russian oil, as long as they buy other energy from russia, putin has money for war, and he will use it for war. and shjodr knows this very well. look now, as soon as gazprom, russian, remember, there was such a gas super-super monopoly with huge revenues of billions, and that the europeans, our partners became less to buy russian gas and many sanctions were imposed and so on and so forth, and for a week,
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for a week, the russian gazprom now loses 5.6 billion rubles a week, does not earn, loses, acts, acts, that's what they have to do with... and for oil, and believe me, then it’s not just negotiations, then there will be a white flag in moscow and they will ask for everything, just to buy at least something again, because in fact putin’s entire regime, like his... the terrorist army is based on oil dollars, on gas dollars, that is, on the fact that including large ones western countries buying energy carriers from the russian federation, and there is no need to look for some big conspiracy, war is always a war of resources, russia has the only resource left, it is trade in energy carriers in the world. thank you, mr. valentin, it was valentin nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service. ukraine, friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us
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on tv and on youtube. we spend survey today and we ask you this: are you satisfied with danilov's work as secretary of the national security and defense council, yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your personal opinion or a special opinion, please write a comment under this video, if you watch us on tv, please vote for the number. the phone itself, if you are satisfied with danilov's work as the secretary of the nsdc 0800-211-381 or 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will summarize this voting. volodymyr tsybulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, will be in touch with us next. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. volodymyr. let's start with volodymyr zelenskyi's statement, which sounded in an interview with the cbs news channel, that
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the ukrainian president says that the ukrainian military managed to restrain the offensive of the russian invaders in the winter, while at the same time he admitted that the armed forces of ukraine are not ready for a major russian offensive that may take place or in may, or in june, what does this statement of zelenskyi mean, and this statement of the ski... is it for the west or for the domestic consumer as well, in your opinion? well, strangely enough, this is a certain admission of, i would say, the dysfunctionality of the government, because when the government begins to admit that it is not ready to resist the enemy, it means that it is not finalizing, let's see today, well, the result was made public the other day. the work of the accounting chamber on the ministry of defense of 60 billion uah
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of non-targeted expenditures, this is evidence that the authorities are not finalizing. it is obvious that zelensky was counting on such a confession, after all, to persuade his western partners to take pity on his team and not to pressure the authorities on the subject of anti-corruption. activities, and silently helping with weapons, unfortunately for the western partners, since they answer to their voters, transferring any resources to the authorities, which are not too eager to fight corruption, is a risky business, because sooner or later the voter will ask, and to whom you give our money and resources, by the way, experts of the american... institute for the study of war say that since the beginning of offensive operations in october 23, the russian army captured 505 km
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of the territory of ukraine, in particular, in the period from january 1 to march 28, 24, the troops captured almost 100 km of territory more than in the last 3 months of 23. such rates of advancement may be related to a combination of the lack of equipment in ukraine and more favorable ones. weather conditions, analysts note, well, it is clear that in this situation there are a lot of questions for the congress of the united states of america and the help that we have been waiting for four months, that is, 61 billion dollars for kona, and actually the americans cannot decide to open up this funding to us, the lack of this money, or this help, let's say this, not even money. what does this mean and how much does it affect the mood of the russians to go on the offensive in
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may-june this year. well, look, let's start with the resignation, first of general zaluzhnyi, and then another 16 generals. isn't this an encouragement to the russians that ukraine is weakening? serious problems have appeared in ukraine, and at the moment when the rotation of the management forces is taking place, it is precisely the time for let's look at the next step with the united states, it's a strange story because , for example, more than 50%, even 60% of americans, supporters of both main american parties, support ukraine's struggle. let's see, the latest survey shows that ukraine, the americans call ukraine their second ally in the world in case of an attack on the united states, they
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believe that it is ukraine that will stand next to the united states, this means. that the politicians in the white house, or rather, not in the white house, in the congress, know the mood very well americans in support of ukraine, but when they do not vote and when they organize such maneuvers, not everything can be attributed only to the pre-election struggle, they still demonstrate a certain, certain skepticism about the managerial qualities of the ukrainian authorities, haven't we observed... how before the new year of its time, the verkhovna rada dispatched a campaign landing party to the united states, precisely at the moment when there were no american politicians in the constituencies, and to be honest, the selection of characters who were supposed to convince its american politicians that that ukraine should be supported, he caused,
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well, some skepticism and surprise, so no... everything can be blamed, not all the blame can be blamed on the american congress, which is delaying aid, because along with the delaying of aid by the american congress, european countries now they have increased aid to ukraine so much that we should try, well, not to deceive at least our european partners, to work honestly, but when we look, for example, at the draft laws introduced by some representatives of the authorities, it simply causes, well surprise, because these legislative initiatives create the image of ukraine as somewhat of such a, well, i would say too young democracy, mr. volodymyr, and actually you mentioned zaluzhnyi, for the first time in the last one and a half months
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, the syrian general gave an interview to the ukrainian media. syrskyi in an interview with ukrinform, he said that the 500,000 people who were going to be mobilized in 2024, that such a number of people are not needed, that he cannot name the exact figure, but he literally says the following, i will quote: after reviewing our internal resources and clarification of combat of the armed forces, this number was significantly... reduced, we expect that we will have enough people capable of defending the homeland, it is not only about the mobilized, but also about volunteers. in the same interview, syrskyi said that he and zulzhuk were and remain, or were part of the team, and he does not discuss zelensky's decision, because he is a military man,
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the supreme commander made the decision to release zulzhuk, and he accepted it. but this is a story about... er, the mobilization of 5,000 ukrainians, well, zaluzhny also has that figure never mentioned, that is, this figure was mentioned publicly by zelenskyi, he said that the military wants 500,000 ukrainians to be mobilized, but i am against it, given the history that is currently taking place around the mobilization law, why do you think zelensky does not assume the decisive role. role, because his words, his position, his speech before the verkhovna rada would probably be enough for the verkhovna rada to make the right and timely decisions, and they would not drag out, with this draft law, four months as the congress of the united states of america. well, in general, the story is very strange, because
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the behavior itself is, well, er, i would say fronderian on the part of the servant of the people party. fronderska to the address of the bank, further, such an active self-removal from contact with the verkhovna rada on the part of zelenskyi, creates a strange situation when neither the servant of the people party nor zelenskyi count on each other, in the event of the end of the war and a new election campaign. the impression is that zelensky does not see. to this party support for himself, if he and is going to be elected for a second term, it is unlikely
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that he will build headquarters on the basis of this party ... to give an opinion about through the level of trust, avoiding a direct electoral rating, because it is impossible to establish it in essence now, but eh... the game is being played to, well, at the finish line, after all, who will be more important, because now occurs the issue with this, the case of may 20, er, further, er, the council itself, which due to the fact that it cannot be held before re-election, the council suddenly removed itself, and it looks very strange, because... basically , stay, well , it's already the fifth and a half year of the supreme ninth convocation, it projects the same
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low functional capacity of the bank, the bank is also closed, and the impression is that we have an administrative collapse, especially since in the situation, when we really need western help, after all, western partners would like to see. with which you can negotiate, with which we can say, here, when the ukrainian authorities swear to their face that they will fulfill everything that was agreed upon, then turn around and act at their own discretion, and there is no extreme under these circumstances, this is very, very bad, that is, in essence, in our such managerial dysfunction is total both in the council and in the cabinet of ministers, and the cabinet of ministers simply gives less voice. he, he is in the shadow of the bank, but this is also evidence that the constitutional model
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of state management has been destroyed in the country, and unfortunately, to restore the constitutional system, under the current composition of the verkhovna rada, under the current president is unlikely to succeed. against this background, mr. volodymyr, there was a rotation in the power unit, another rotation. only on february 8 or february 7 did this rotation begin, well actually it continued, the secretary of the national security and defense council danilov left for another job, that is, he was fired, oleksandr lytvynenko came in his place, and now zelenskyi says that the work of the renewed national security and defense council begins, and he named five tasks of the nsdc. the first is the strengthening of ukraine's ability to predict and influence the processes on which it depends national security of the state. the second is the continuation of the implementation of all current... tasks and it is especially important regarding the sanctions policy, the third is the doctoral work, the clarity of national inter-orientators and the systematicness of their implementation, then
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cyber security and information , more needs to be done to protect against hostile destabilization operations and the coordination of all state institutions in this area, and the work of the rate, projects of decisions, control over the implementation of decisions, the priority is the defense of the state and the protection of society, well , let's hear what about this... he said himself volodymyr zelenskyi. the national security service has all the opportunities to combine the analytical potential of ukrainian intelligence and other bodies that function in the field of national security. we need to strengthen ukraine's ability to predict and influence the processes on which the national security of our state depends. well, actually, mr. volodymyr, the nsdc, as a center... of control , probably the largest control center was probably under president kuchma, that is, when the nsdc was headed by volodymyr horbuli, and probably
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the nsdc during turchynov's time under poroshenko, that is, whether these are all the tasks that zelensky is now articulating, are they the same as what the national security council should be doing. of defense, moreover, the secretary of the nsdc is the secretary of the chairman of the nsdc, and the chairman of the nsdc is president zelenskyi, so it is worth reminding that the head of the nsdc is the president, yes, secondly, the secretary is engaged in a technical function, he is an organizer, by the way , in the system of government hierarchy is somewhat higher than the head of the office, but it seems to me that this replacement, it was made so that the head of the office remains the vice president. secondly as for lytvynenko himself, let me remind you that lytvynenko, he has been working at the nsdc since its creation, when academician horbulin brought him along with
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some... his assistant, let me remind you that litvinenko is the co-author of many of horbulin's books, and there was also general bilov, in my opinion , the three of them created one of the books of horbulin lytvynenko bilov, so we can say that lytvynenko, first of all, is not a new person, he was even turchynov's deputy for a while, he has been there for a long time, but during this time he is an academician. to its current state, the nsdc has lost several specialized institutes of security, which dealt with problems, for example, external, external security, well, that is, these institutes were reduced, in the end, all this security work was reduced to only a residual principle , the national institute of strategic
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studies, which was also headed by litvenem, remained. what a time, and in fact he always prepares notes and an annual message for the president, well, that is, we can say that in the plan of such an analytical bureaucracy, lytvynenko will really make the nsdc a quiet advisory body according to the model, well, they really could maybe academician. to horbulin, only litvyanenko is not the same format, i.e. he, he himself is not, not a visionary like horbulin, and secondly, it seems to me that danilov is still tied up with sanctions devices, because some sanctions games of the national security service of ukraine, they were rather by raiding, rather than protection of national interests, when western partners were surprised
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to discover that... that a set of sanctions against certain characters, which were adopted in the united states, in europe, were suddenly ignored in ukraine, that is, ukraine does not reach the level of western partners in terms of sanctions pressure on russia in first of all, well, we recall that it was danilov who was actually one of the actual implementers of pressure on medvedchuk, sanctioned. but at the same time, for example, there were, there were, with the participation of the nsdc , redistribution of markets took place, in particular the game industry became, in essence, reformatted thanks to the nsdc, and i want to remind you that the game industry did not pay uah 23 billion in taxes to the budget, but the nsdc
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did not get their hands on this one. industry, it turns out, is precisely because of it that a large part of the stolen money, including that of the ministry of defense, was laundered. mr. volodymyr, what do you think? prospects for the diplomatic future of mr. danilov, today there was information that he may be the ambassador of ukraine to moldova, i don't know how true this is, because a few days ago they said that he would fly to norway, well, in general, the practice of announcing envoys , when eh... not even received an agriman, it is essentially, well, so to speak, disrespect for the country that has to receive the ambassador recommended by ukraine, well, moldova can eat, so to speak, this insult, in general, kyiv from the first days the election of zelensky several times is very rude took place with moldova, although i will remind you that after the election, maya sandu visited the first capital
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in... she visited kyiv, so moldova is very important for us now, because it is a transit country for us, and we, participants in fact, of such a safe scenario for moldova, because blocking the border with transnistria, plus now successful actions at sea, we have actually created circumstances under which moldova will be able to bring its stormy regions to national legal standards. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, it was volodymyr tsibulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, you can participate.


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