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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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and we live with our hearts, we thank you for everything you do, actually for risking and saving, volunteer kateryna andreyeva from sumy region was with us, and now it's news time and our colleague anna eva melnyk is ready to talk about the most important things for a moment annoyeva, congratulations, congratulations , colleagues, thank you for your work , the news editorial office will continue to work, we will tell you about the most important things, and in particular about the second anniversary of the liberation of the buch, how many war criminals of the russian federation managed to: identify. details further. be with espresso. the second anniversary of the release of buchi in kyiv region. the police identified more than a thousand russian invaders who invaded the city in february 2022. identified more than 100
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soldiers who directly killed and tortured people, their profile data, positions held, places of residence, telephone numbers and information of relatives are known, the national police said. law enforcement officers know every russian commander who gave criminal orders to destroy buchi and its inhabitants. police officers not only document the actions of the enemy, but also study his tactics and way of thinking. let me remind you that after the deoccupation in... buchi found 422 two killed persons, a total of 1,190 bodies were found in the district. they were not something unpredictable or special, for example, the excess of individual performers, but were the result of specific orders and instructions that were given by russian commanders to their personnel . we see a clear connection. between the
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commands given by the immediate commanders to the personnel and the number of those killed on the territory of the city of bucha. it's spring here, hell is in captivity. in the capital, near the pecherska metro station, a traditional sunday rally was held in support of prisoners of war and missing persons it was organized by the families of mariupol defenders. to remind ukrainians about russian prisoners, regardless of direction and battalion, as well as about civilians. several hundred kyivans came out, among them children of military personnel, similar actions were held in several other cities of ukraine, the answer is trivially simple, because they don’t think about it, that’s all, well, mostly these people got here, at least they are somehow affected this situation, and the people who were not affected by the war, they do not have loved ones who were captured, they do not pay attention to it, i don't mind, we have to continue. to live, because
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this is exactly what the military is fighting for, but it is also necessary to remind about the prisoners, fight for them, shout and tell. in kyiv , manual metal detectors will be used at the entrances and exits of the metro station, and video surveillance systems will be checked in the subway. at the capital's defense council, it was decided to strengthen security measures, limit mass events and more closely monitor places where people gather. in particular, shopping centers and public transport. they destroy, we rebuild. under such a slogan in toloka was organized at the boichuk metropolitan academy. on march 25 , fragments of a russian ballistic missile fell on one of the buildings and destroyed the congress hall, assembly hall, and sports hall. how was the cleaning? let's see. for zabaychuk academy, for ukraine.
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iryna collects the fragments of the walls of the native academy of decorative and applied arts and design. the girl, a first-year student, says that she could not calmly contemplate the state of the alma mater, so she came to help. we have to clean the territory, you know, manual work, and then they will be taken to the ranks already by cars, and after that the inspections will check whether it is possible to continue cleaning. the students of the academy were joined by volunteers and from other art schools. maria is trying to find at least the remains of her painting. on the day of the enemy attack , an exhibition, women in the flames of war, was held in the congress hall, where the artist's work was presented. i had a plow, and this is a kind of symbolism. if it had been, well, i don't know, a few days earlier, people could have died, the main thing is that no one was injured. work is like that, you can do it one more time, i can i don't know, rework it, it's not scary.
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there are still a lot of works under the rubble - says the rector of the academy, since the department of monumental and easel art was damaged. it was there that students' paintings were stored. there is hope that we... will save, when we dismantle the rubble with the help of equipment, we will still be able to partially extract the works, the works of graduate students who were still in these and are still under these rubbles, the foundation of our academy, these are diploma works of mainly decorative and applied arts, ceramics, embroidery, textiles, wood, metal, sacred works, monumental painting, so there is hope that some works will survive. in total, the tuloka from the boychuk academy gathered more than 200 people, we brought the number of people we asked for, organized, provided tools, and our professional builders are also watching, helping and looking after safety equipment. in addition to cleaning, the students of the academy decided
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to record the crime of the russian federation on canvas. they say that this is how they try to tame their emotions after the humiliation of the academy. to be honest, i have a condition now. destruction is very difficult for me to look at it all, the more to feel, the more to paint, art is very close to me, and it is my whole life. since the beginning of the great war , russia has destroyed or damaged more than 1,500 objects of cultural heritage. dmytro didora, oscar janson, espresso tv channel. the russian fleet has replenished its stock of cruise missiles-caliber, now it can use them for attacks on ukraine - said the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. kyrylo budanov on the air of the telethon. according to him , calibers were accumulating all this time period, they are absolutely ready for use. in the russian federation, it was decided to use kh101 cruise missiles instead of calibers, since they are more effective. in the near future, according to the intelligence officer
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, the russian federation will use the calibers again. because the number of kha-101 has decreased significantly. ukraine will receive military equipment from france, which is going out of use, the country's defense minister sebastien lecornu told about this in an interview with la tribune. hundreds of armored vehicles will be handed over this year and at the beginning of 2025. also, france will strengthen ukrainian air defense by a batch of aster-30 anti-aircraft missiles for sumpti complexes. a car exploded in the market of the syrian city of azas, at least seven people were killed. another three dozen were wounded, the explosion occurred during the peak of night shopping after the end of the fast of the muslim month of ramadan. no group has yet claimed responsibility for the blast. i should note that azas is a city near the syrian-turkish border, inhabited by arabs, controlled by syrian
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rebels who oppose president bashar al-assad. in an american state oklahoma, a barge crashed into a bridge across a river. arkansas, it became the second such incident in a week in the united states, the associated press writes about it. the police immediately blocked the southern highway. the bridge will remain closed until it can be inspected. so far , there have been no reports of casualties. it is also not yet known about the causes of the collision. i note that on march 26, due to a collision with a ship, it fell into a bridge in baltimore, engineers are still trying to raise the twisted steel section. at least six people died turkish president recep tayyip erdogan voted in the istanbul mayoral election. it was from this position that he began his political career 20 years ago.
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president erdogan's ruling justice and development party wants to win back the cities it lost in 2019. in the last local elections, the main opposition is the republican people's party. hammered erdogan, winning in istanbul and ankara. the main rival of the incumbent mayor ekrem imam glu is murat kurum, a former government minister. polls show a slight lead for imam glu christians of the western rite today celebrate the resurrection of christ. traditionally , they attend services and consecrate easter baskets. president viryan volodymyr zelensky congratulated. noted that this holiday reminds of the strength of the spirit, which will not allow the darkness to win, will not allow the will to be overshadowed and unites families, peoples and continents. this year , there is more than a month difference between easter of eastern and western christians, orthodox and greek catholics will celebrate
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the resurrection of christ on may 5. espresso volunteer kitchen continues to work on victory, for the second year in a row, we actually. we make vitamin mixtures for the armed forces by hand. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins , other goodies necessary for our defenders are appearing, such as dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry cloves and borsch, lard, canned meat, in short, everything that will feed ours at zero. we constantly have a lot of requests, which means that there is a need for our help at the front, so join and support our soldiers with a donation, you can see all the details on the screen. here are these business for the moment, news editor, back in eteriso, already at 5 p.m. and read more about important things on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels on social networks,
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stay close and meet my colleagues oksana vysychanska and roman chaika. 325 is already in the account with 2 million. the start is not bad, we need more, so please. you join the collection for drones for two brigades, here are the qr codes, details, everything you need, please donate, it will be easier and faster for our defenders to work with the enemy, and why is it important, because right now the minutes are going on battles, the people of azov simply say they climb and climb , it’s under thorns, in other areas near avdiyivka, for example, in one battle, at the very end yesterday, 36 tanks and 12 bmps advanced at once, so these... it was near the village of thinka on avdiyivskyi direction
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, that's why drones are needed there, because they actually make it possible to stop these assaults, we see that with a large amount of equipment, the ground becomes harder, they push, that's why fp drones are necessary, donat, well, we'll continue, because near avdiyivka, i i must also add that, in fact, it is written by foreign experts in particular, the german edition of bild. but our military also often agree that in this case, already very, very close to the nadiivskyi direction, the russian troops are reaching such a space where it will be very easy for them to advance, that is, in fact, two more populated areas, and they will go on the so-called operational space, when they will be able to launch a very rapid offensive and quickly advance through ukrainian land, which is what we want from you after this night, where once again. tried to hit the same energy facilities, because ukrainian since march 22, the energy system
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has been experiencing yet another wave of targeted russian attacks. all power units of the burshtyn and lodyzhyn thermal power plants suffered varying degrees of destruction, the equipment at the dniprovska hpp, zmiivska thermal power plant and kharkiv tets-5 suffered damage, we showed you these destructions. the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is once again on the verge of blackout due to the loss of one of the power lines, in total due to the shutdown of more than 10 units of the thermal power plant and thermal power plant ukrainian generation actually lost up to 50% of the installed capacity, that is about 2 megawatts. more about the change in the tactics of the russian attacks on our energy system and the ways out of the crisis situation in the next story of our colleagues. 60 shaheds, 25 cruise missiles. a dozen guided air missiles and three aeroballistic daggers
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, as well as ballistics: on the night of friday, the russians organized another mass attack on ukraine, launched about a hundred aerial weapons, as they did a week ago, targeting energy facilities, critical infrastructure was damaged in the dnipropetrovsk region, vinnytsia region, ivano-frankivsk region, lviv region, cherkasy region and bukovina, which led to accidents in a number of regions. outages, the impact was withstood, the power system is intact, but the situation is very difficult, there are problems with power supply in a number of regions, we are solving this issue, it is very important for all of us to reduce electricity consumption now, this applies especially to the evening hours. since mid-march, the russians have resumed massive attacks on our energy system. why not in winter, namely now, when ukraine ends the heating season early, you can only... let. among the versions, putin was waiting for the end of the so-called elections to further escalate
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the conflict. perhaps the goal of the russians is to systematically harm ukrainian industry in order to destabilize the already difficult economic situation. another version of the aggressor's attack is a response to strikes on russian refineries, due to which russia is already experiencing a fuel shortage. in the end, it may be about banal terror, because moscow has proven more than once that it does not need any pretexts to bomb peaceful cities and civilian objects. a week ago eight rockets flew over dniprovska hes. the facility stopped working, but the dam survived. this week, the russians attacked the kaniv and dniester hpps. president zelenskyy emphasized that the attacks pose a threat not only to ukraine, but also to its neighbors. russia wants a repeat of such a disaster, which they staged at the kokhov station. it must become
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a joint task. only ukrainian, so that such ecological disasters no longer occur in our europe, except for ukraine, under the direct threat of moldova. however, even if the dams survive, the ukrainian energy industry will still feel the consequences. its basis is nuclear plants, which, at least until the russians have the sense not to deliberately strike. hydrogen generation in our system is about 8%, but it plays a big role. for the so-called shunting, i.e. quick connection of additional capacities during peak hours of consumption. that is why the russians are purposefully trying to knock out these objects. damage from the hits is estimated at hundreds of millions. repairs can take months or even years. hope for international help - said the minister on the air of the telethon
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of energy of ukraine, herman galushchenko. we already have mechanisms from the beginning. of such great aggression, which are working, this is the fund, the energy support fund, of the energy industry of ukraine, we are in constant, constant communication, this is the united states, great britain, all eu countries, without exception, this is japan, which is also helping us quite a lot now in the energy sector. according to the minister, the goal of the first mass attack on the energy system in 2024 on march 22 was to arrange a total... blackout in ukraine, to reach its enemy succeeded, both thanks to the air defense forces and the physical protection of part of the energy facilities, which had time to be brought down before winter. the light went out only in some regions and cities. kharkiv was the most affected, where electricity is still provided hourly. the country has generally avoided blackouts thanks to large-scale
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emergency aid from europe, but each new blow will weaken its already vulnerable state. more and more, in which state the ukrainian energy sector will reach the next heating season, a question that causes great concern, both in ukraine and abroad the border we have lost more than 10% of the generation that was available to us back on march 20, and this is something that most likely will not be restored quickly, that is, this part will not ... be restored, i'm afraid, even until the next heating season, in most cases it will not be possible to restore. putin is using every minute available to his murderous agenda, while our congress refuses to act, he is not wavering, and neither should we. every day of delay is another day for which ukrainians must pay
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own blood this again demonstrates how important the need for a sequel is. providing ukraine with air defense systems, interceptor missiles and tools necessary for the protection of people and infrastructure. another cause for concern is the increasingly frequent strikes by the russians on gas facilities, in particular gas storage facilities in western ukraine. it is practically impossible to destroy them physically, because they are located deep underground, but it is possible to damage the ground infrastructure, and in winter, when fuel will be extremely necessary. it will be impossible quickly raise, and this may scare european gas traders, to whom ukraine has been offering its gas storage facilities in recent years. we are returning, you donat, the russian-fascist occupiers are shooting, there is an air alert in the south of ukraine now, and as
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reported by the southern defense forces, the enemy launched rockets in the direction 20 minutes ago. chornomorska is odesa. in fact, this anxiety is there all the time. we are now observing every day, today we have already announced several times about the threat, including ballistics for the south, for central regions, now to cherkasy region, from luhansk to cherkasy region and from the crimea, as well as to the central regions, everything has turned red, so do not ignore these signals. we will talk with our next guest, people's deputy of ukraine nina yuzhanina. mrs. nina, we welcome you. good day. i have a shakespearean question: did they demand it or not , i'm talking now about the eu, about their certain demands on us on the eve of joining the eu, actually. in the process, including negotiations and compliance with certain conditions, it is about increase excise taxes on fuel. a very detective
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story, it is obvious that they were not required, because to date the draft law has not been registered, in accordance with the initiative of the cabinet of ministers, which they approved already, i think, 10 days ago, regarding the increase in excise taxes. tax, excise tax rate on fuel. in order for all of us to understand clearly, back in 2017, the association agreement mentioned that ukraine should implement the directives of the european union, but absolutely obviously, now is not the time when it is necessary, and even more so, we are not required to implement the directive. eu96, regarding the minimum rates of excise tax on fuel, it’s just somehow strange that such a detective story has developed, that under the guise, well
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, let’s rather say that in reality there is not enough money in the budget, but instead of saving and spending less, it is not rational, they decided to get into the pockets of citizens, because fuel is one of the types of... goods that simply immediately affects the increase of all groups of goods for the final consumer, and it is quite obvious that the government has come to some conclusions that people seem to have enough money, so it is just the time to raise excise taxes on fuel before sowing, we are simply surprised by such an initiative, not only that, we have already explained civil society. so that you all understand that the goal of the increase is not to collect more money for the budget, if there was such a goal, then there are other sectors from which
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money can be collected for the budget, the goal is obviously to quickly implement this norm, and the fact that it directly harms the economy, no one even thought about it, and when today we are actually observing spring in its full extent and in abundance, and we understand that... in a few days the sowing will begin, we must be aware of the responsibility of everything that needs to be done in order to to support the business, and not to make it more difficult for it to continue operating. and the agrarian industry, which over the past year simply pulled us out in terms of export revenue, because 60% of export revenue to the country was from agricultural products, and in terms of support agricultural production already reaches more than 30% of the gross domestic product, and at that time it is for them, because they will be directly affected by the increase in fuel prices,
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so, of course, i answer directly, no one demanded it, they decided to simply cause harm to others, but perhaps we have come to our senses, because there is still no draft law, ms. nina, but the very logic itself, we are always interested in the birth of... such snarky ideas, we understand, the government is addicted to gossip, they have already given us proof of this more than once, that they initially do something then they measure sociology and then they say, no, then it's not us, then some marjana bezula did something to herself, and in this case , the law on the luxury tax, somehow they forgot about bugatti, lamborghini and ferrari, excise taxes on alcohol. and cigarettes somehow don't come to mind, but let's put it on fire right away, where is it, where is the starting point of this idiocy, who is she? it seems to me that
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the relevant structures in the ministries do not use the knowledge of those employees who have been working there for decades and know absolutely all approaches and requirements, and how planned it was a country to move towards the fulfillment of these requirements, everything happens on some emotional level, and what do we have in principle, and what do we still have money from people, and how can we additionally take this money from them? but because of the excise tax, and excise fuel is a kind of very effective tool, although, you know, you just have to watch what is happening in the fuel supply market, that is in... 35% of this business is in the shadows, so how can the state does not propose norms... considering
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that we do not know how to administer and attract to the responsibility of all those who take money from people, but put it exclusively in their own pockets without paying taxes, to propose further tax increases, that is, all this will shape the price of the product, and this price of the product will be pocketed by this entire black market, at the expense of whom at the expense of that white person who pays taxes, just somehow illogically completely, from where? such quick decisions are born, i am more concerned because, well, first of all, if we talk about the directive of the european union, with which, by the way, they are now untimely and wrongly scaring citizens, this is what the directive requires , the directive does not require anything, if we look at the directive, by the way, it is from 1990-2003, then those countries that were already members of the european union, even in the directive laid down a
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longer period of introduction excise tax of the minimum rate proposed by the directive, that is, being already members of the european union, some countries in the negotiation process reached an agreement that no, they will implement it within three or four years. ukraine does not even have the conditions and requirements that are foreseen directive. therefore, now to talk about the fact that... er, we, well, that is, we have to do it, it is wrong, there is no such requirement, it is only an initiative of some handful of people in the government. ms. nina, at first it rose sharply, to a maximum, in fact , there was no such historical maximum before, but now the dollar has been cheaper for several days in a row, and the national bank lowered the official rate of the dollar, yes, but that is no longer the case, because before that it was constantly up, up , up,
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up, er... please comment why this, how this happens, why this is happening now, in fact, and this growth, also in principle, seems to have a lot of such a significant reason, well, it has an influence, a direct influence, it is ukraine receiving aid, currency aid from our partners , from donor countries, i will just give you an example, in in the month of march, we, well, towards the end, in the third... in the third decade, we received the largest amounts of aid, if you take, in the month of march we received 9 billion dollars, in just three months 10.1, that is, it is absolutely obvious that january and february, it was a hungry, let's say such a month for currency, and central bank, our national bank of ukraine still had to go to
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the foreign exchange market with offers, i.e. add in order to at least slightly lower the exchange rate of the dollar against the hryvnia. it seems to me that if these balancing procedures were not there, the rate would be much higher. currently , we have a really slight decrease, but i would not think that this is such a trend before stabilization, now it will be every month. difficult in terms of assistance, every month we have new challenges, new needs, and we, well, why not it's strange, they didn't foresee all this in the state budget to have a reserve of cash, so let's hope that everything will turn out as best as possible, but with a rate of stability, while relative, we still have one minute, ms. nina, after,
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unique due to its stupidity, the draft law from the government about and and the office about the bureau of economic security was failed after the punitive actions suffered by the deputies who did not vote for it, there will be another attempt to drive the bep under tatarov again, or there will be no such attempts, he is still under tatarov of the bureau of economic security , there were no changes, there was just less information. why, because it seemed to me that those active entrepreneurs who then sought help, including the president's office, really began to visit less, but as far as i i know, investigative actions and other things are happening there, but in as quiet a mode as possible, without the impudence that was before, but here it is very important, we are now turning to all public organizations that...


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