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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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which cannot be transferred individually, yes, but they must be loaded, for example, and transferred, then yes, in this sense, the crimean bridge will not actually help them, because such loads are huge, they are already afraid to give and for good reason, because the structure of the bridge is damaged as a result of the impact of fire during a joint operation with the naval intelligence service, it is a fact that these systems that launch these missiles are mobile systems. systems, they are actually on a wheel base and they can move independently, and roughly speaking, if they go alone, well, such the freeway can withstand the load there, so even in this sense it is not necessary to accumulate what reserves he can, well, let 's be purely technical, he can drive over the same bridge, for example there is a battery of these launchers, there are several cars, work it out and so on leave crimea. we take only technical
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characteristics, for this you do not need to use large landing ships, nor railways, even under your own power, so the situation with this is complicated, so these installations are mobile, but we can note to his department that, for example, those missiles that are compatible with launchers on ships, they were not used like that, at least at the moment there are no such facts that have been precisely confirmed, mr. dmytro. well, as a joke, of course , and we are already conducting some negotiations with the dry cargo crew in baltimore, well , it was simply colossal, colossal to watch how the bridge was destroyed, unfortunately, and by the way, what is important, colleagues from defense express, in fact, this extraordinary event blocked almost a third of all possibilities.
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of the american army to transfer its troops across the atlantic in the event of any escalation in europe, can you comment on this in any way? well, i usually do not comment on such international events, i can only note that the construction of the so-called crimean bridge is a little different, if not completely different, so in principle, as you can see, even recently... they practically do not protect it from the water, there was an exit of one small ship there, you can even call it a boat of the coast guard of the fsbrf, if before they constantly kept a dozen or more there, now there is no such picture, the last person who went out there to check it was serhiy kotov, as you know, he was checked until he went to the bottom, and now they, as i understand it, have put more bets on that , the aviation observers. on other components that are less
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vulnerable to the same surface drones , of course, it is controlled, and it is not a fact that some similar situation can take the same so-called crimean bridge out of power, so it is actually difficult to predict such situations, sorry last time , in general a small drone just came under the bridge, blew up and... did not become part of the freeway , but one way or another, it seems that this is not the case as far as the logistics of the american army is concerned, you know, this country probably has the best military logistics in the world, and i am sure that they will manage somehow, even if a similar case happens there, because this is precisely one of those components of which they are always proud, which they have always been strong, these are logisticians. so it was really such
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a terrible video with this bridge, it turns out that in principle, the bridge is such a structure , it looked terrible, people died there, but the structure is also very vulnerable, i didn’t even know, but i want you, mr. dmytro, to clarify what the difference is, in that this bridge, it is not on concrete structures, yes , crimean, well, it is 10-20 times more there than there... its length is longer there, but what is the key difference, it is concrete there, it is so powerful, here it is metal, yes, well, you you probably saw a video of him falling, actually, uh, there, i, again, not my expert opinion, i don't structural engineer, but you can see that there is a structure, it was connected to each other, all the elements were connected, and we have already seen what... happens on the crimean
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bridge, when the so-called, when one section knocks out , well, the rest remains, as a rule, and these were related to each other, there were many on the internet among engineers. i have read complaints about this regarding the structure itself, i.e. the engineering decision regarding its construction, we have already seen in practice that if one, one of the spans of the so-called crimean bridge, such such a result does not happen here, so yes, they are constructively different, and mr. dmitry, i promise that we will finally return to the russian fleets a little, there they change... commanders quite often recently, after sokolov disappeared somewhere, they put pinchuk, and we received confirmation of this when shoigo arrived in sevastopol, and a certain moiseyev, who until 2019, if i am not mistaken, headed
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the black sea fleet of the russian federation, became the general commander of all naval forces of the russian federation, are we following a change in tactics the enemy in connection with the changes of leaders in the respective directions and fleets, well, we saw a submarine painted on the pier, why not, also tactics, in fact, here you have to understand that the school is one and the same, they all come from the same department, in fact, of course , the minister of attack and murder of the russian federation arrived on a reindeer with bells. told that it is necessary to deepen, expand, er, they began to deepen, expand, of course, some measures may look exclusively demonstrative, some measures will be real, er, maybe, maybe be an increase, for example , in the range of aviation, slow-moving, brought back into service, those
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that once they were already going to write off seaplanes, these be-12s, which are quite so slow, which are just watching for... likewise, the range of helicopters seems to have increased from the same quite old mi-8s, they were trained on the impact of surface targets, trained to work on a drone and, by the way, in the video that they posted themselves, they never hit it, it can be increased the number of radar observation points, well that is, in fact, they have regular facilities there, measures that they can strengthen there. what will be the result of this is a separate question. now the season of serious storms is ending, and accordingly, what, for example, was the problem of using the same drones, this is the weather, and even in bad, bad weather conditions during the season of storms, they were used and quite
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successfully, now the weather will be better, that's why that's why we actually don't see exits to the sea, maybe the new tactic is to simply hide behind the boom barriers. in the bays, that's it for us i like it, why not, they actually went out this morning, something, it seemed that they could still go to sea and immediately turn back, now there is not a single unit in the sea, so most likely, now they are still looking for a way to counter it, and in fact , it should be noted that they usually find a way to counter it, and that's the problem with using martial arts. on the part of the enemy, he actually draws conclusions, he actually learns, he actually tries to counteract, and therefore each time these operations are different, as the head of the security service of ukraine also said that they never happen again, all this is the way it is
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, that's why, and in fact, sometimes it's so difficult and it doesn't happen so often, because that's how they react in reality, mr. dmytro, thank you for your comment, spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third rank, joined the razom beraber project, they talked about the water area of ​​our seas, and of course, they even went a little out of bounds today, because it is important to understand what challenges are now facing the civilized world in connection with the aggressive russian federation and and in general extraordinary various events, now let's take a short break and return to the discussion, there are many more important topics ahead. with us, there are discounts on hepargin of 15% in the pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. turn on hbo's new satirical series
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people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited guests fact-based experts give their assessment. and the forecast of the development of events, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, susp and more feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with
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the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. we are continuing the beraber project together, it is a joint project of the tv channel and the tv channel atr, raiderzhda. and khrystyna yatskiv, together with you, and we are now adding to our conversation denys chisttikov, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea. congratulations denis, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. alaikum we began our program by announcing a collection for the needs of the 48th shab named after noman chilibijahan. and, unfortunately, we continued this topic. in particular, and... informative, an information campaign, which, in my opinion, is now very inappropriately unfolding, where are
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the crimean tatar battalions, why are they not fighting in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. we understand that a large number of the kremlin are involved in the defense forces, some of them are involved in the context of all other battalions, units, groups in the armed forces and not only, but there is also a separate battalion created precisely on its basis. people for whom crimea hurts and for whom crimea is important. mr. denys, is a discussion slowly maturing with us, and is it timely, on the topic of where the residents of occupied crimea are, and why they somehow involved in the defense of all of ukraine in one way or another. ayder and i tried to start a careful discussion about it. well, it should be noted that this topic has started. to move after a full-scale invasion, it has no permanent basis, but
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from time to time the latest appearance of this topic appears , i know it was in a discussion at one of the public events, but again this is the perception of an individual, not a general one opinion that exists in the community, it should be noted that what we see and understand that after a full-scale invasion of armed since then, a large number of crimean residents have joined the forces of ukraine. who left as internally displaced persons, a large number of them lived in the city of kyiv and took up defense, and among them there is a significant number, including representatives of the crimean tatar people, indigenous peoples of ukraine who lived in crimea. as for what was given from the information experts, in the ratio of the number of representatives of the indigenous people, it is much more than it is in the ratio of the indigenous people themselves. people in ukraine, that's why it is manipulative, and this is an attempt, conditionally, or
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a misunderstanding of those persons who raise the specified topic or an attempt to provoke, provocation, in addition, it should be noted that in these discussions there is an influence, and where are they, as you noted, as an example of nariman chilijihan, i.e. they want to see directly some crimean tatar battalions, but it should be noted that a large number of crimean tatars are fighting in the ranks of the armed forces and in others. divisions, as we know, in the units of the main directorate of intelligence is also active, the crimea unit, which also actively accepts participation, including participation in active events that took place on the territory. of the occupied crimea last year, so this is a periodicity, but you should not pay attention, you should pay attention, but it is not so relevant that we should worry about something for now, so we want to note that this is a completely artificial topic, baseless and very funny , but it is not funny that during
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the presentation of awards by the president to soldiers and officers. including a large number of orders of the 48th oshb named after namanov chelbejakhan, whose commander is lenur slyamov, yes, and at the same time, in two or three days there will be a video on public television, where the host, i don’t know, he is a military serviceman, well, he is just not aware , they probably say that where are the crimean tatars, and where are these battalions, and why are we them? we don’t see, and well, that is, the question and even such an opinion has been expressed that it is widespread, a widespread opinion that... these are not fighting, widespread in which circles i have a question, well, it’s not to you, but just like that to the wall, yes, in in which circles do people communicate, where the question of the participation of crimeans in our army is widespread? first of all, there are chiefs of staffs of brigades, commanders of separate assault units, there was actually talk, but where are the assault units, here is the assault unit, it was created
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more than six months ago, this is your ignorance. this is a fact , and i tell my colleagues there, but you should not pass off your opinions as facts, i do not know where this is widespread, among the people who fought in 48, whether there are crimeans, ukrainians, even foreigners, no such opinions are spread , because surely they know each other and are interested in life, unlike some editors there who pose these provocative questions, that this worries society, this is almost the main opinion about that. where are the crimeans, the crimeans among you, and do you know what, you know, what, friends, the hypocrisy of this case is, i just remember very well, and maybe someone there has a bad memory, remind me that immediately after the blockade crimea, it was the 16th year, the blockade began in the 15th, in the 16th year, lenur slyamov, together with mustafa dzhemilev, and proposed to create a crimean brigade, first
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a battalion, and then a brigade in the composition, or ngu, or from zsu, for defense in the chuntgar region direction and others , there were two roads there even before the blockade, and for some reason, neither in the 16th year nor in the following years , they gave us any concrete answer to this, they gave us only after a full-scale invasion, fortunately, but then nothing moved and we there they said straight to our face, that means yes, we don't need national units, although it was not about national matters, they also invented it, yes, such excuses, it was about removing...
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battalions, although it was not about them, it was manipulation conscious and on the part of journalists too, i remember very well, memory it works well for me, but now they say where are these battalions, well, for sure there would be more of them, if the state needed to know about it in time, yes, but, but, but, that is, let’s leave these artificial questions to artificial intelligence, our intelligence is not we will pollute with michna, which works only on xenophobia and on... to dismantle and benefit the occupier. mr. denis, we are just starting this topic, we are trying to approach it very carefully and thank you for your reflection, you are one of the first speakers with whom we talk about this at all. there are a few more important ones questions we can see how much islamophobia is growing in russia in general, in connection with recent events, they are trying
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to attract, well, actually working residents of central asia. in the russian federation, and it is scary to imagine what they can do to those who practice islam in the temporarily occupied territories of our country, in crimea, are we already observing the consequences of this growing islamophobia on the peninsula? well, it should be noted that the threat to ukrainian citizens living in crimea, including representatives of the indigenous people and the crimean and. it has never disappeared, it is constantly large and only gaining momentum, as we can see before the beginning of the so-called presidential elections of the russian federation, there were mass... and detentions and arrests in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, this is again for the purpose of intimidation, that they , this is an imperialist perception of the russian federation, the fear
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of the indigenous peoples, the crimean tatars in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, and again the element of intimidation, in addition, as we can see, for more than 10 years they have been actively and purposefully paying attention to and persecuting the residents of occupied crimea, in particular, today we know that more than 220, 210 political prisoners are being held, specifically residents of temporarily occupied crimea, of which more than 120 are precisely by the crimean tatars, as already noted recently, after the conclusion of the illegal and illegal elections, the president of the russian federation, the head of the menshelis, ryfat chubarov, that once again, targeted mobilization in the territory is temporarily expected of occupied crimea, that is, a large number of summonses will be issued precisely. in places of compact residence of residents from the crimean tatars, this practice was applied by them as early as september 2022, and it is used
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not only for the purpose of demonstrating and attracting the crimean tatars, since we will understand that they are trying to avoid involvement in the armed forces of the russian federation as much as possible federation, but precisely so that they leave the specified territory, that is, this is a hidden other video-altered deportation of indigenous peoples from territory temporarily. of crimea at the same time, it should be noted another feature, for which, as already noted, they are now actively using the pretext of a terrorist attack on the territory of the russian federation, this is precisely for the introduction of the death penalty, the restoration of the death penalty in the russian federation. and here again it is necessary to observe and talk about it with international partners, international organizations, in order to monitor the situation regarding both the current prisoners and the subsequent detainees and persecutions. of our citizens on the territory of the occupied crimea, as we know, russian federation, russian law enforcement officers are trying to form the appearance, the image
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of the residents of crimea, who are detained precisely as terrorists and prosecuted under article 205.5, and the creation or participation in a terrorist organization, and it is for this article that it is proposed to renew the death penalty in the russian federation, and this is already a big risk for our citizens who live on the territory. occupied crimea, can be detained at any time based on fabricated materials of russian law enforcement officers. in addition, it should be noted that although they say that russia is once again manipulating, that there was a decision of the constitutional court to suspend the execution of the death penalty, but now hot heads are actively discussing that the constitutional court can renew it, review the said decision and accept others. therefore, as i mentioned, as ukraine, as a state, as well as internationally, we must cooperate. to monitor the specified situation in order to protect our citizens, if possible, as we can, who are in crimea, as well as who are in prison. denis,
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thank you very much for this important comment. denis chistykov, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea was in touch with us. i would also like to remind you that on the website of the representative office of the president of ukraine , the vrk, a message appeared that the deadline for submitting applications for the training program for public managers for future work has already expired. crimea, and of course in the eastern regions of ukraine. the program is called the reintegration management program, it has been extended until the first of april, i.e. until the 1st april, if you see yourself among those people who will carry out, in particular, the state policy of ukraine in the currently occupied territories, you can apply and, i think, get some kind of answer. we put an end to this for now, at least in this program. thank you ayder. thank you. let's meet together, berabar, be with us, donate to the armed forces,
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congratulations, i'm asking for your help in finding this boy, his name is vanya gorbachevsky, he's 13 years old, and he disappeared in the temporarily occupied skadovsk, kherson region. all we have is this photo of him, apparently taken a few years ago, he looks a little older now, but please look closely at the boy's face, you might recognize him. and ivan disappeared on june 1, 2023, and since then there is no news about him. of course, it is possible that vanya could have been taken to russia, as unfortunately often happens with children in the occupied territories, but this is only an assumption and... in fact, the boy may still remain in the occupation, or we should not rule out the possibility that he ended up on territories controlled by ukraine, but for one reason or another, nothing about him.
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what is unknown, so i am asking absolutely everyone , especially residents of the occupied part of the kherson region, who can see this video on the internet, look carefully at the face of 13-year-old ivan, if you recognize him, do not delay, and please report immediately to the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free if it is inconvenient or we are not available. possibility to call, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. do not remain indifferent, and let's do everything possible together to find the missing boy. i really hope that everything is fine with vana, that he is alive and well, and with your help we will be able to find him. and by the way, it may well be that the boy, for example,
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together with someone from his family, fleeing from... war, ended up in one of the european countries, so please remember, or better write down this number 116.30 , is the only european missing children hotline that works in 28 european countries, and therefore, if you are in one of the european countries and suddenly see a boy who looks like vanya gorbachevskiy, immediately report to the short number 11630. i only told... about one of the many difficult stories of missing children, information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find, you can look at the website of the children's tracing service, there are pictures of children who have disappeared and need our help, so please do not be indifferent, look at the faces of these children, and if you do you know any information about any of them, please
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contact us immediately, hotline number: child tracing services 116/30. calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. it is clear that the vast majority of children we are trying to find have gone missing due to circumstances one way or another connected with the war, in the occupation, in front-line cities or villages, or during evacuation. but at the same time, as before a full-scale invasion, children often disappear due to running away from home. they resort to this. mostly boys and girls in adolescence, and the reasons here are very different: conflicts in the family are insufficient or, on the contrary , excessive attention of parents, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom. the children's search service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about the first things you should do to prevent a child from running away from home.
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one of these tips is... the weight of the parents towards the child. show respect for the child's personality, his personal space, and his belongings. often we do not notice how our children grow up and what was normal in behavior with a small child, it is completely unacceptable in behavior with a teenager, for example, and we cannot enter a teenager's room without knocking, moreover, we cannot enter the bathroom when he is there, we cannot dig into his personal belongings without permission , you can't read his correspondence, it breaks everything. his privacy, violates boundaries, makes him feel vulnerable and prompts him to run away, prompts him to seek safe places somewhere outside the home, do we need that? so, building a healthy relationship between parents and child. the child must have own space, where parents should not interfere without consent, and most importantly - respect in adolescence is extremely important.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians shelled kharkiv again in the evening, hitting a residential building in the shevchenkiv district of the city. damaged civilian premises and cars. so far, there are no victims, oleg synygubov, the head of the region, said. the type of weapons is currently being installed.


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